西川 博美 中川 理
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.79, no.699, pp.1265-1272, 2014-05-30 (Released:2014-07-15)

This study clarifies how a Din-a-ka (a roofed walkway), a remarkable characteristic of historical city landscaping in Taiwan, led to problems of control and correspondence in their administration. A Din-a-ka was formed in 1900 by the “Taiwan Building Regulation”. It was put in place in the scope of the City improvement project that was carried out throughout Taiwan, starting in 1905. A Din-a-ka had two aspects: while being private property, it was also public space. This is because a Din-a-ka was the walk way connecting the private properties along commercial streets. A Din-a-ka would often lose its function as a walkway, due to the fact that the owners of the occupied the space with goods and empty boxes and their children rode their bicycles along it. In 1918, the Street control regulation was promulgated. By giving the police a legal basis for managing a Din-a-ka, the consolidation of a Din-a-ka gradually continued. In the street control regulation, a Din-a-ka was recognized as private property but was officially given the status of a public walk way.On the other hand, the aligned perspective of a Din-a-ka itself was considered to be a form of beauty. According to this view, the urban beauty of Taiwan was an extension of the Japanese urban beauty campaign.
西川 博昭 冨安 洋史 青木 一浩 水野 修 末田 欣子 チャウ チーオン 宇津 圭祐 石井 啓之
電子情報通信学会論文誌. B, 通信 (ISSN:13444697)
vol.92, no.7, pp.1003-1014, 2009-07-01

西川 博美 中川 理
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.78, no.685, pp.725-733, 2013-03-30 (Released:2013-06-03)

In Taiwan the townscape of shop houses with the arcade (Din-a-ka) is called Lao-jie. Recently, a preservation project for the townscape of Lao-jie has become active. Notably mentioned, the projects developed not in the cultural properties protection system but in the program of Community Based Development Project which began in 1994 aiming in habitant participation. Accordingly, it has appeared more that the aspect of local development in Lao-jie conservation projects. Furthermore, as a result of the work inspection of the concrete content of the preservation projects in five Lao-jie, we understood that the content of the projects shared several characteristics. In all cases, not only buildings and Din-a-ka, the core nucleus element of the townscapes of Lao-jie, are restored, but also the subsidiary facilities such as sideboard and sidewalk are maintained at the same time.
西川 博嘉
一般社団法人 日本内科学会
日本内科学会雑誌 (ISSN:00215384)
vol.108, no.3, pp.430-437, 2019-03-10 (Released:2020-03-10)
西川 博美 中川 理
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.79, no.700, pp.1459-1468, 2014-06-30 (Released:2014-07-15)

This study clarifies the establishing processes by focusing on local towns. The roofed walkways were called Din-a-ka were established in 1900 by the Taiwan Building Regulation, which was an architectural regulation implemented under Japanese control. This regulation caused the spread of shop-houses with Din-a-ka. The townscapes were then constructed in the inner cities, one after another. On the other hand, Din-a-ka become widespread in local towns, following which the city planning committee was organized by the Government-General of Taiwan. City improvement projects were carried out across the entire island from 1910 onward. There was the change in a process of a spread. The project of city improvement on the early stage limited to establishing and extending of specific streets. But after around 1931, the planning of city improvement was required a plan and a system of sustained urban planning. Then the series of shop-houses constructed by the brick structure took place the reinforced concrete. According to morphological research of some representative examples, there were instances of voluntary town development by the administration and the inhabitants. Initially there were improvements in the construction of main streets within the city improvement projects, and the reconstruction of shop-houses along these streets. As time passed, projects were developed throughout the region. At that time, a mutual support organization was formed due to the necessity for backup reconstruction expenses. The characteristics of the town development were strengthened.
田中 周平 高見 航 田淵 智弥 大西 広華 辻 直亨 松岡 知宏 西川 博章 藤井 滋穂
公益社団法人 日本水環境学会
水環境学会誌 (ISSN:09168958)
vol.43, no.1, pp.9-15, 2020 (Released:2020-01-10)

2015年に琵琶湖岸の132の抽水植物群落を対象に, 単独測位携帯型GPSを用いたオオバナミズキンバイの植生分布調査を実施した。琵琶湖岸12か所の観測所における風速, 風向および有効吹送距離を元に群落ごとの有義波高を算出し, オオバナミズキンバイの生育地盤高との関係を検討した。その結果, 1) 有義波高18 cm以上の群落ではオオバナミズキンバイは確認されなかった。2) オオバナミズキンバイは55群落で確認され, 地盤高別の生育分布を整理すると, 琵琶湖標準水位B.S.L. -150 cm~-50 cmに分布する群落 (沖型) , B.S.L. -90 cm~-30 cmに概ね均等に生育する群落 (準沖型) , B.S.L. -50 cm~-30 cmに集中して生育する群落 (準陸型) , B.S.L. -30 cm~-10 cmに集中して生育する群落 (陸型) の4タイプに分類することができた。3) 平均有義波高は沖型, 準沖型, 準陸型の順に5.5 cm, 9.4 cm, 13.2 cmであり, 有義波高によりオオバナミズキンバイの生育地盤高をある程度説明することができた。
水川 葉月 前原 美咲 横山 望 市居 修 滝口 満喜 野見山 桂 西川 博之 池中 良徳 中山 翔太 高口 倖暉 田辺 信介 石塚 真由美
vol.43, pp.P-6, 2016

ポリ塩化ビフェニル(PCBs)の水酸化代謝物であるOH-PCBsは、肝臓内で薬物代謝酵素より生成され、その後体外へ排泄される。しかしながら、一部の水酸化代謝物は甲状腺ホルモン(TH)と類似の構造をもつため、THの恒常性を撹乱することが危惧されている。これまでに、多様な陸棲哺乳類の血中OH-PCBsを分析したところ、種間でOH-PCBsの組成に差異が認められ、中でも、ネコのOH-PCBs残留パターンは他種と大きく異なることから、本種は特異な代謝機能を有することが示唆された。しかし、ネコの異物代謝能の研究は僅かであり、化学物質暴露による毒性影響も不明な点が多い。本研究では、ネコにおけるPCBs <i>in vivo</i>暴露試験を実施し、体内動態および代謝に関与する酵素活性や遺伝子を解析するとともに、化学物質の暴露評価に繋がる基盤的情報の収集を目的とした。<br>コーン油に溶解した12異性体のPCBsを腹腔内投与し、経時採血した血清中PCBsおよびOH-PCBs濃度について同条件で実施したイヌの<i>in vivo</i>試験と比較した結果、異性体の残留パターンや体内動態にイヌとネコで種差が観察された。とくにネコでは低塩素化体の残留が顕著であった。また、代謝酵素活性および遺伝子解析の結果、PCBs暴露によりEROD、MROD、PROD活性は上昇するものの、第2相抱合酵素(UGTやSULT)活性は変化せず、PCBs暴露による抱合酵素活性への影響もみられなかった。また、<i>CYP1A1</i>および<i>CYP1A2</i>遺伝子の発現量の上昇も認められた。<br> 本研究により、ネコのPCBs吸収・代謝・排泄能はイヌと異なることが示唆され、とくに低塩素化OH-PCBsの毒性リスクは高いことが予想された。低塩素化OH-PCBsは血中でTH輸送タンパクとの競合結合や、THの硫酸抱合排泄の阻害、TH起因性遺伝子の転写抑制などが報告されており、ネコの甲状腺機能障害が懸念される。
山本 裕也 大川 博永 西川 博幸 森尾 誠人 大川 弘美 増田 尚毅 住友 敬子 赤木 有希 髙本 かおり 辻 純子
一般社団法人 日本透析医学会
日本透析医学会雑誌 (ISSN:13403451)
vol.55, no.4, pp.243-247, 2022 (Released:2022-04-28)

西川 博美 中川 理
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.85, no.767, pp.171-181, 2020 (Released:2020-01-30)
1 1

This paper discusses the historical perspectives and social significance of the Butokuden martial arts halls that were built and managed by the official branches of the Dai Nippon Butoku Kai (Greater Japan Martial Virtue Society) in Taiwan under the Japanese colonial rule. The Butokuden halls were constructed in Kyoto in 1895 by the Dai Nihon Butoku Kai for the purpose of endorsing martial arts which had fallen into disuse after the Meiji Restoration, and construction spread throughout Japan. In Taiwan, a great many Butokuden halls were constructed. From the 1930s, there more splendid Butokuden buildings being built in Taiwan than in Japan. This paper analyzes 26 Butokuden halls that were built in various places up until that point. The Taiwan branch of the Dai Nihon Butoku Kai was established in 1906. Branch offices were situated within the prefectures of the branch, and further chapters were established within the districts of the branch offices that organized the Dai Nippon Butoku Kai throughout the country. However, there were established committees within various parts of Taiwan before, and activities began early. As a result, several martial arts practice halls were built in various places featuring architecture that had the appearance of a temple that was built in Kyoto in 1899, but were smaller in scale. From 1913, the construction of full-scale Butokuden halls began within large prefectures such as Taichung, Tainan, Hsinchu, Taipei, Kaohsiung, and so on. They featured varying external appearances, all of which referred to the Kyoto Butokuden hall. From 1925, the construction of the Butokuden halls began to spread among the branches of countries within the districts of the prefectures. They were generally small in scale, however, the Butokudens within the Lengko district (Taichung Prefecture), Zhongli district (Hsinchu Prefecture), and Taikah district (Taichung Prefecture) were large in scale and it can be noted that they shared a common external feature of a large wooden Irimoya-style roof and a Irimoya-style driveway. The activities of the Dai Nihon Butoku Kai were covered by a membership fund on which the construction of the Butokuden halls was reliant upon at first. However, as larger scale and grander Butokuden halls were built, the construction cost was paid via collected donations. Large amounts of donations were collected from volunteers in the area where the Butokuden halls were built, and from companies that had emerged from the industrial promotion policy of the government-general of Taiwan. The fact that such construction funds were donated suggests that the Butokuden halls were recognized as meaningful facilities for the public. In some cases, the planning of the facility was led by local administrations, economic organizations, or autonomous organizations as organized by the government-general of Taiwan. Further, the Butokuden halls were not only facilities for martial arts demonstration but also used as community centers. The Butokuden hall, which encourages martial arts and has a temple style design, is understood to be responsible for the assimilation policies within colonial rule. The government-general of Taiwan and local governments provided support for their construction, such as free land rental. However, the study within this paper revealed that the facilities of the Butokuden halls began to find a role and value as a public facility within the local regions.
西川 博美 中川 理
Architectural Institute of Japan
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.78, no.685, pp.725-733, 2013

In Taiwan the townscape of shop houses with the arcade (Din-a-ka) is called Lao-jie. Recently, a preservation project for the townscape of Lao-jie has become active. Notably mentioned, the projects developed not in the cultural properties protection system but in the program of Community Based Development Project which began in 1994 aiming in habitant participation. Accordingly, it has appeared more that the aspect of local development in Lao-jie conservation projects.<br> Furthermore, as a result of the work inspection of the concrete content of the preservation projects in five Lao-jie, we understood that the content of the projects shared several characteristics. In all cases, not only buildings and Din-a-ka, the core nucleus element of the townscapes of Lao-jie, are restored, but also the subsidiary facilities such as sideboard and sidewalk are maintained at the same time.
菅 守隆 西川 博 安藤 正幸 田中 不二穂 赤池 孝章 坂田 哲宣 河野 修 伊藤 清隆 中嶋 博徳 荒木 淑郎
The Japanese Respiratory Society
日本胸部疾患学会雑誌 (ISSN:03011542)
vol.27, no.4, pp.461-466, 1989-04-25 (Released:2010-02-23)

マイコプラズマ肺炎の診断は, 発症初期には困難なことが多く, 決め手となる補助診断法はない. 我々は, マイコプラズマ肺炎が細菌性肺炎と異なった免疫応答をすることに注目し, 血清中 Adenosine deaminase 活性値 (ADA) が発症初期の細菌性肺炎とマイコプラズマ肺炎の鑑別に有用か否かについて検討した. その結果, マイコプラズマに対する抗体価が上昇する以前の早期 (発症3~10日目) に, マイコプラズマ肺炎患者11名の血清中ADAは, 32.1±12.0U/l (63.9~18.7U/l) であり, 正常対照者の平均値±2SDである20.8U/l以上の活性値を示す患者は11例中10例であった. 一方, 細菌性肺炎患者20名では12.5±3.3U/l (4.6~18.6U/l) であり, 全例20.8U/l以下であった. マイコプラズマ肺炎患者のADAは, 細菌性肺炎患者および正常対照者に比べて有意に高く (p<0.001), 発症初期の細菌性肺炎とマイコプラズマ肺炎の鑑別に極めて有用であると考えられた.
坪田 浩乃 小守 伸史 高田 英裕 田村 俊之 浅井 文康 徳田 健 山崎 哲男 嶋 憲司 西川 博昭 寺田 浩詔
vol.38, pp.1410-1411, 1989-03-15

馬場 昌之 西川 博文 加藤 嘉明
情報処理学会研究報告オーディオビジュアル複合情報処理(AVM) (ISSN:09196072)
vol.2007, no.125, pp.71-76, 2007-12-14

インターネットの普及と高速化に伴い,ビデオやオーディオなどのメディアデータをリアルタイムに IP 伝送するようになってきた.しかしながら利用するネットワーク環境により TCP しか使用できないこともある.本稿では,TCP を使用したリアルタイム伝送方法を提案する.既存の TCP を用いて,無線環境での使用にも耐えうるように,バーストパケットロスに対応できるようにパケット伝送方法を制御する.本提案方法では,複数の TCP コネクションを用意し,1パケットずつ異なるコネクションで送信する.これによりパケットロスが発生しても他のパケットに遅延を与えず,バーストロス時にもフロー制御によるレートの低下が発生しない.Real-time multimedia communication over UDP/IP has been put into practical use because of the popularization of the high-speed Internet. However there are some communication environments that can be used only TCP/IP. In this report, we propose a new real-time transmission method using general TCP/IP and dealing with some consecutive packet losses occurred in wireless communication environment. Our proposed method uses multiple TCP connections, and sends packets over different TCP connections. This method can recover some consecutive packet losses quickly and keep the throughput performance at a high level.