初宿 成彦 安井 通宏 市川 顕彦 桂 孝次郎 河合 正人 中谷 憲一 山崎 一夫 大阪市立自然史博物館「都市の自然」調査グループ甲虫班
自然史研究 = SHIZENSHI-KENKYU, Occasional Papers from the Osaka Museum of Natural History (ISSN:00786683)
vol.4, no.3, pp.41-104, 2020-02-28

大阪市内の甲虫類 867 種を、市民による野外調査、標本検視、文献引用により記録した。そのう ちの 195 種がレッドリスト掲載に相当すると考えられた。これらには 1950 年代および 80 年代に消滅し たものが多い。現在、甲虫の種数は2つの大河川周辺で最も多く、ここに限定して存続しているもの、ま たかつて市街地周辺にも見られたものもある。また外来種のように新しく分布するようになったものもあ る。このような変遷の記録と概観は、稀少種のみならず、普通種を含めた多数の標本が保管されること により可能である。
谷 憲一
文化人類学 (ISSN:13490648)
vol.79, no.4, pp.417-428, 2015-03-31 (Released:2017-04-03)

The aim of this paper is to shed light on a new approach to examining the Islamic revival in modern societies. This approach is often articulated by means of what I identify as the "critiques of secularism," insofar as it encompasses a wide range of criticism for secular societies. The Islamic revival has attracted the attention of many social scientists, since it contradicts the idea that modernization is accompanied by secularization. Some scholars make sense of the Islamic revival by studying the rise and growth of certain elements of modernity in Islamic societies. In the process, they tend to engage in the 'objectification of Islam' and thereupon establish some kind of relationship between the simultaneous historical processes of modernity and Islamic revival. Their approaches open a line of inquiry for comparative research, often pursued as a form of "multiple modernities." In contrast, the "critiques of secularism" approach reveals the problems of the "multiple modernities" theory, and inquires other aspects of Islamic revival through the West/Islam binary. Asad and his followers inquire into the problem of why we tend to see Islamic revival as a strange political development. Asad argued that in trying to define religion and its difference with other realms of religious societies, one is not only engaging in a theoretical question, but also simultaneously grappling with the political agenda of 'secularism,' eventually marking out a conceptual distinction between politics and religion. Secularism as an ideal concept often determines an anthropologist's work, so we must conspicuously describe how Islam is a mix of religion and otherwise related sociopolitical realms. In an interesting way, therefore, they problematize the asymmetry inherent in the binary of the West (as liberal secularism) and Islam, and by juxtaposing the West and Islam, criticize Western assumptions about liberalism and secularism. As a remedy to the incongruent binary, they use two distinct concepts for comparing Islam with the West symmetrically: Islamic discursive traditions and their practices of self-cultivation are contrasted with the beliefs and practices of secularism. Thus, their conceptual apparatus, which is inclusive of diverse beliefs and practices, urges us to rethink our assumptions about modern liberal secularism as well as about Islam. Mahmood and Hirschkind also admit that modern developments of Islamic revival in Cairo can be comprehended only by ethnographically describing specific aspects of pious Muslims' everyday activities. The critiques of secularism proffer a novel approach to exploring the phenomenon of modern Islamic revival movements. That is a major contribution to the disciplines of anthropology and Islamic studies, which we must appreciate appropriately to harness deep insights into modern societies. At the same time, one must not disregard how such ethnographies may be criticized by other intellectual perspectives. In other words, we must recognize what may become invisible in the wake of new insights, while committing coherently to various critiques of secularism and the attendant binary.
谷 憲一
くにたち人類学研究 (ISSN:18809375)
vol.10, pp.24-40, 2015

長谷 憲一郎
映像学 (ISSN:02860279)
vol.104, pp.51-72, 2020-07-25 (Released:2020-08-25)

若林 大志 稲木 杏吏 廣正 智 森 博史 渡辺 悟 山瀬 喬史 赤谷 憲一 萱野 大樹 絹谷 清剛
日本内分泌・甲状腺外科学会雑誌 (ISSN:21869545)
vol.35, no.4, pp.255-258, 2018 (Released:2019-02-15)

手術不可能あるいは遠隔転移や局所再発を繰り返す悪性褐色細胞腫の治療として,131I-metaiodobenzylguanidine (MIBG)による内照射療法が行われる。131I-MIBGの腫瘍集積は極めて選択的かつ特異的であり,欧米では30年近い治療経験が蓄積されている。一方で,国内では放射線管理にかかる諸問題があり利用は限られていた。近年,悪性褐色細胞腫・パラガングリオーマに対する低用量131I-MIBG治療の多施設共同研究が先進医療Bとして実施され,2017年度には131I-MIBG治療の薬事承認取得を目的とした企業治験が国内で開始されるなど,131I-MIBG治療が我が国でも広がりつつある。本稿では131I-MIBG治療の現況と展望を紹介し,内照射療法の普及がよりいっそう進むことを期待する。
吉田 裕 糟谷 憲一 池 享 渡辺 治 加藤 哲郎 李 成市 中村 政則

長谷 憲一郎
映像学 (ISSN:02860279)
vol.104, pp.51-72, 2020

萱野 大樹 稲木 杏吏 若林 大志 赤谷 憲一 山瀬 喬史 國田 優志 絹谷 清剛
日本内分泌・甲状腺外科学会雑誌 (ISSN:21869545)
vol.32, no.1, pp.39-43, 2014 (Released:2015-05-01)

生間昇一郎 本宮 善〓 常深 邦彦 平田 直也 妻谷 憲一 森田 昇 植村 天受 金子 佳照 守屋 昭 吉田 克法 貴宝院 邦彦 平尾 佳彦 岡島 英五郎
日泌尿会誌 (ISSN:00215287)
vol.79, no.5, pp.903-909, 1988

electroconductivity detectorを用いた高速液体クロマトグラフィー法による新しい尿中蓚酸測定法を開発し,この測定法はディスポタイプカラムを用いることによって前処置を簡便化し,さらに発色剤と反応させることなく直接蓚酸イオンをelectroconductivity detectorで検出できる.本法での測定範囲は1〜100mg/lで,再現性はtriplicate assayで,変動係数2.0±3.9%であり,健康成人10人の24時間尿中蓚酸排泄量の平均は25.6±4.7 mg/dayであった.
谷 憲一
文化人類学 (ISSN:13490648)
vol.84, no.1, pp.094-096, 2019 (Released:2019-09-04)
糟谷 憲一
東洋史研究 (ISSN:03869059)
vol.70, no.1, pp.100-126, 2011-06

The aim of this article is to elucidate the changes in the power structure in Joseon during the period from the Kabo Reform (July, 1894) to eve of the Russo-Japanese War (February, 1904). The author has previously examined the power structure of the Taeweongun 大院君 regime and the Min clan 閔氏 regime. The method of analysis involved a survey of those appointed to bureaucratic offices in the upper levels of the regime, clarifying to which of Four Sects (Sasek Tangp'a 四色黨派) and clans they belonged and calculating the ratios. As a result, the author made clear that within the Taeweongun regime, the ascendancy of Noron 老論, the largest faction, was unshaken, and that in the second half of the Min clan regime (December 1884 to July 1894) the ascendancy of the Noron faction became even stronger, and the power of the Yeohung Min 驪興閔 clan, which was a part of the Noron faction and was associated with the matrilineal side of the royal house, increased dramatically. In this article I survey appointees to the central government posts of Minister, Vice-Minister, and to the Department of the Imperial Household and analyze their affiliation with factions and clans. As this period was one of major political change, my analysis is based on distinguishing four periods: 1) that of the Kabo Reform, 2) that when the King resided in the Russian legation (February, 1896 to February, 1897), 3) that of the unfolding of the Independent Club's push for reform (February, 1897 to January, 1899), and 4) that of imperial despotism (January 1899 to February 1904). As a result, I have been able to clarify the following points. First, in regard to the Noron, the power of the Noron and influential clans, such as the Yeohung Min, declined within the upper levels of the government following the Kabo Reforms, but they maintained great influence in upper ranks of the Department of the Imperial Household. The power of the Noron in the upper levels of government was restored to the level of the latter half of the Min clan regime after the Independent Club began promoting reform. During that period, the Noron continued to occupy positions of power in the upper levels of the Department of the Imperial Household, and the power of the influential clans in the Noron faction was completely restored. Second, during the period of imperial despotism, the power of the Noron, from which ministerial appointments were made, increased, and the strength of the Noron in the upper levels of the Department of the Imperial Household grew to 50 percent. I believe this is an important factor in considering the foundation that supported imperial despotism.
糟谷 憲一
東洋史研究 (ISSN:03869059)
vol.70, no.1, pp.100-126, 2011-06

The aim of this article is to elucidate the changes in the power structure in Joseon during the period from the Kabo Reform (July, 1894) to eve of the Russo-Japanese War (February, 1904). The author has previously examined the power structure of the Taeweongun 大院君 regime and the Min clan 閔氏 regime. The method of analysis involved a survey of those appointed to bureaucratic offices in the upper levels of the regime, clarifying to which of Four Sects (Sasek Tangp'a 四色黨派) and clans they belonged and calculating the ratios. As a result, the author made clear that within the Taeweongun regime, the ascendancy of Noron 老論, the largest faction, was unshaken, and that in the second half of the Min clan regime (December 1884 to July 1894) the ascendancy of the Noron faction became even stronger, and the power of the Yeohung Min 驪興閔 clan, which was a part of the Noron faction and was associated with the matrilineal side of the royal house, increased dramatically. In this article I survey appointees to the central government posts of Minister, Vice-Minister, and to the Department of the Imperial Household and analyze their affiliation with factions and clans. As this period was one of major political change, my analysis is based on distinguishing four periods: 1) that of the Kabo Reform, 2) that when the King resided in the Russian legation (February, 1896 to February, 1897), 3) that of the unfolding of the Independent Club's push for reform (February, 1897 to January, 1899), and 4) that of imperial despotism (January 1899 to February 1904). As a result, I have been able to clarify the following points. First, in regard to the Noron, the power of the Noron and influential clans, such as the Yeohung Min, declined within the upper levels of the government following the Kabo Reforms, but they maintained great influence in upper ranks of the Department of the Imperial Household. The power of the Noron in the upper levels of government was restored to the level of the latter half of the Min clan regime after the Independent Club began promoting reform. During that period, the Noron continued to occupy positions of power in the upper levels of the Department of the Imperial Household, and the power of the influential clans in the Noron faction was completely restored. Second, during the period of imperial despotism, the power of the Noron, from which ministerial appointments were made, increased, and the strength of the Noron in the upper levels of the Department of the Imperial Household grew to 50 percent. I believe this is an important factor in considering the foundation that supported imperial despotism.
有吉 範高 布谷 憲一 高橋 由紀 宮本 昌美 醍醐 聡 梅津 有理 横井 毅 木村 寛三 Philippe BEAUNE 鎌滝 哲也
The Japanese Society for the Study of Xenobiotics
薬物動態 (ISSN:09161139)
vol.15, no.1, pp.57-61, 2000 (Released:2007-03-29)

CYP2A6 has been characterized as a coumarin 7-hydroxylase in humans. A large interindividual difference in the activity of coumarin 7-hydroxylation suggested an existence of genetic polymorphism of this enzyme. In fact, CYP2A6*2 variant allele which has T→A substitution, leading to amino acid change from Leu160 to His160, has been found in Caucasian population as the most frequent mutation in poor metabolizers (PM) of coumarin. Although several drugs used clinically or under development such as fadrozole, losigamone and methoxyflurane are recognized at present to be good substrates of CYP2A6, no specific substrate of this CYP isoform has been known until we found a drug, SM-12502. In the phase I trial, 3 out of 28 Japanese subjects were classified as PM of the drug. In vitro studies demonstrated that CYP2A6 played a major role on the metabolism of the drug. Genomic analysis revealed that the PM phenotype was caused by the presence of a novel CYP2A6 gene variant which lacks the entire region of open reading frame encoding the enzyme in the PM. Thus, we designated the variant as “deletion-type” allele. We examined the frequency of individuals carrying homozygous deletion by a genotyping method established in our laboratory. Thus, the frequency was estimated to be 3-4% in Japanese. We found another CYP2A6 gene variant whose 60 bp in the 3'-untranslated region was substituted by the corresponding region of the CYP2A7 pseudogene. This variant was designated as “conversion-type” allele. We found that the allele frequency of the conversiontype was comparable to that of wild-type, CYP2A6*1 allele in Japanese. We also compared the frequency of the CYP2A6*2 allele as well as the deletion and the conversion alleles between Japanese and Caucasian. Consequently, a marked interracial difference in the frequency of the genetic variants of the CYP2A6 gene was observed. These results give an interesting insight into racial difference in response to drugs and evolution of the CYP2A gene subfamily in humans.
糟谷 憲一
史海 (ISSN:02886731)
no.64, pp.58-69, 2017-05