山岡 傳一郎 伊藤 隆 浅間 宏志 佐橋 佳郎 三谷 和男 姜 東孝 安井 廣迪 渡辺 均
一般社団法人 日本東洋医学会
日本東洋医学雑誌 (ISSN:02874857)
vol.68, no.3, pp.270-280, 2017 (Released:2017-12-26)
1 6

間 宏

本間 宏也
日本ゴム協会誌 (ISSN:0029022X)
vol.86, no.12, pp.373-377, 2013 (Released:2014-02-06)

Polymeric materials have the advantage of light weight, ease of manufacturing and feasibility for various shapes, compared with porcelain one. Application of the polymeric materials to outdoor electrical insulating apparatuses has achieved to reduce the size, weight of the equipments, and maintenance cost of the electrical power lines. Especially, silicone rubber can show good weatherability and hydrophobicity, so that it has been widely applied to polymeric insulators for outdoor use. Polymeric insulators are gaining market share as a result of improved tolerance to pollution, ease of handling and installation. In this article, the state of research and development of the polymeric insulators and their application for the electrical power lines are provided.
佐藤 太一朗 松下 章 山下 康範 亀澤 祐一 宇野 克久 風間 宏志.
電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. MW, マイクロ波 (ISSN:09135685)
vol.102, no.244, pp.47-52, 2002-07-19

松本 昭憲 篠原 一彰 中川 雅之 佐久間 宏規 熊田 芳文 田勢 長一郎 小林 国男
Japanese Association for Acute Medicine
日本救急医学会雑誌 (ISSN:0915924X)
vol.12, no.9, pp.455-458, 2001-09-15 (Released:2009-03-27)

Iodoformgauze topical applications are often used to wound infections. We report a postoperative epidural abscess with delirium due to iodoformgauze topical application in an open wound. We had inserted an epidural catheter in 79-year-old man with an epidural abscess. After proper drainage, iodoformgauze was used to cover for the abscess. He suffered consciousness disturbance for 12 days postoperatively. Suspecting iodoform toxicity, we checked protein binding iodine (PBI) and total serum iodine. PBI was 14.5μg/dl and total serum iodine 152μg/dl. We stopped iodoformgauze use, and the man's consciousness cleared, indicating the importance of watching for side effects such as consciousness disturbance when using iodoformgauze.
三高 裕 島袋 盛洋 松隈 憲吾 髙木 俊輔 外間 宏人 三原 一雄 近藤 毅
九州神経精神医学 (ISSN:00236144)
vol.63, no.2, pp.83-87, 2017-08-15 (Released:2020-03-26)

CADASIL(cerebral autosomal dominant arteriopathy with subcortical infarcts and leukoencephalopathy)とは皮質下梗塞と白質脳症を伴う常染色体優性遺伝性脳動脈症であり,随伴症状として,抑うつなどの精神症状を来たすことも多い。そのため,精神科受診当初はうつ病や双極性障害などの疾患と誤って診断される可能性も高いため,片頭痛や脳卒中の家族歴など,精神症状以外にCADASILを疑わせる症状や病歴があれば,速やかに頭部MRIを撮影すべきである。その結果,多発性脳梗塞や白質脳症を認めれば,CADASILを積極的に疑い,Notch3変異に関する遺伝子解析や,皮膚/筋生検を行って確定診断に繋げることが望ましい。
宅間 宏
一般社団法人 レーザー学会
レーザー研究 (ISSN:03870200)
vol.38, no.1, pp.13-15, 2010-01-15 (Released:2015-08-08)

The lasers appeared in the human culture as light sources based on the quantum mechanical properties of
本間 宏 焼山 誠
一般社団法人 日本建築学会
日本建築学会計画系論文報告集 (ISSN:09108017)
vol.375, pp.39-48, 1987-05-30 (Released:2017-12-25)
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About 35 % of heat generated by a human body is dissipated by convection in a normal room condition. This convective heat dissipation causes upward air stream around the body. The characteristics of free convection around human bodies were surveyed through infrared thermograms, smoke wire photographs and hot wire anemometry in this study. Male students of a normal height and weight were chosen for the experimental objectives. Experiments were carried out under standing and seated postures, and also under naked and clothed conditions. A heated rectangular model of a height of 1.6 m and a total surface of 1.6 m^2 was also included in the objectives. The results of the three methods indicated that stable free convection existed already at the ankle level. Laminar air flow enclosed the lower parts of the subjects to the height of the thighs. The range of peak air velocities was 5 to 15 cm/s in this part. The range of boundary layer thicknesses was 1 to 3 cm here. The upper parts of the subjects were enclosed by the turbulent flow, the average air velocity of which was about 20 cm/s, and the boundary layer thicknesses of which ranged between 5 and 10 cm. The measured velocities of the clothed condition concentrated in the slower part, and the measured velocities of the naked condition concentrated in the faster part of each of the ranges. The velocity of the free convection corresponds to the allowable maximum air movement for comfort in an air conditioned room.
間 宏
経営史学 (ISSN:03869113)
vol.25, no.2, pp.1-32, 1990-07-30 (Released:2009-11-06)

The study of management creeds must be one of the most advanced field of business history in Japan, and perhaps compared with that in other highly industrialized countries. Since the era of the feudal big merchant families, many large companies have drawn up management creeds and philosophies and regard them as important. Today, at a time when businessmen and scholars show great interest in them, we should promote the comparative study of management creeds. The establishment of an analytical framework or conceptual scheme which is essential for deeper insight.This paper seeks to form a conceptual framework for the comparative study of management creeds in the East and the West.The basic value system of the East and the West are characterized by collectivism (groupism) and individualism respectively. However, the concept of collectivism (groupism) and that of individualism are vague as scientific terms. For this reason, these two terms are made clear by using crossing two axes. The vertical axis shows the purpose or goal of social action, and the horizontal axis shows the means of social action to attain the purpose or goal. The former axis has two poles representing collectivity-centeredness and self-centeredness, and the latter axis has two poles representing self-help and mutual-help.According to the four quadrants formed by the two axes, management creeds are separated into four types. Management creeds in the early stage of industrialization in Japan are illustrated using this framework.
間 宏
経営史学 (ISSN:03869113)
vol.10, no.1, pp.5-28, 1975-08-25 (Released:2009-11-06)

The tenth annual meeting of the Business History Society of Japan was held at the University of Tokyo on the 5 th and 6 th of October 1974. On the first day we had a free-topic session as usual and twelve papers were reported. All of the five papers in this special issue were read at the common-topic session on the second day of the meeting.In the opening address, professor Keiichiro Nakagawa of the University of Tokyo, who was one of the organizers of the latter session, emphasized the significance of the study on “Cultural Structure and Entrepreneurship” for us, Japanese business historians. Professor Nakagawa stated that after the Vietnam War American business historians have lost interest in this kind of study, but, he continued, we should actively continue to pursue it.Professor Hiroshi Hazama of Tokyo Kyoiku University explained some sociological and psychological approaches to the relationship between entrepreneurship and cultural factors, specifically entrepreneurial or managerial ideologies and cultural values, following Max Weber's thesis. He also examined the applicability of these approaches, which were arguments founded on facts of Western societies, to the Japanese society.Professor Johannes Hirschmeier of Nanzan University and professor Tsunehiko Yui of Meiji University clarified the relationship between the traditional value system and businesses in the process of industrialization in Japan. Professor Yui expressed a noteworthy hypothesis on the traditional value system in the Tokugawa era and referred to impacts of the system on business activities after the Meiji era. Professor Hirschmeier explained the characteristics of the “spirit of capitalism” in Japan compared with that in Western countries.Professor Kazuo Sugiyama of Seikei University presented the result of his close investigation concerning financial and investment behaviors of cotton-spinning and railway companies in the Meiji era. These behaviors were considered not separately but as a complete process from the decision-making on investment by top management to the setting of equipments they are related to different stages of development of companies and to their cultural background.The final speaker, professor Shigeaki Yasuoka of Doshisha University, pointed out the conditions of business control of the Zaibatu by monopolistic ownership before World War II in Japan with historical and cultural views. He especially made clear the reason why the Zaibatu, which had grown up in the Tokugawa era or in early Meiji, limited the investors of their head companies to their families and why they could control many modern companies though they had kept premodern traits.The panel discussion on the common topic was presided by professor Kin-ichiro Toba of Waseda University and professor Hidemasa Morikawa of Hosei University.

1 0 0 0 OA コメント2

間 宏
経営史学 (ISSN:03869113)
vol.9, no.1, pp.55-59, 1974-07-25 (Released:2009-10-19)
間 宏
経営史学 (ISSN:03869113)
vol.5, no.1, pp.73-90, 1970-10-25 (Released:2009-11-06)

森 明子 山田 直子 吉田 知加子 高尾 恭一 小池 文彦 風間 宏美 須賀 比奈子 高尾 哲也 Akiko MORI Naoko YAMADA Chikako YOSHIDA Kyoichi TAKAO Fumihiko KOIKE Hiromi KAZAMA Hinako SUGA Tetsuya TAKAO
学苑 (ISSN:13480103)
no.782, pp.57-63, 2005-12

RT-PCR法を用いて,葉状乳頭における味覚受容体の発現を検討した。すなわち葉状乳頭部から擦過法により取得した組織を使用し,味覚受容体候補であるTHTRファミリー(THTRs)およびT2Rファミリー(T2Rs)の発現をRT-PCR後,マイクロキャピラリー電気泳動により測定した。40歳以上の健常者ではTHTRs,T2Rsの受容体において,多数を発現していることが認められた。これに対し30歳以下の被験者ではいくつかのTHTRsおよびT2Rsで発現を認めたが,典型的な発現パターンはなかった。さらに薬服用者や高齢の味覚異常者においては,健常者に比べてTHTRs, T2Rsともに発現していない受容体が多かった。これらのことから,まず青年期では味覚受容体が成長段階にあり,20歳の成人になっても味覚の成長は十分ではないことが考えられた。壮年期になると味覚受容体が十分発達し,高齢者になってもその味覚受容体の発現数は減少しないことが示唆された。また薬剤の服用者や味覚異常者も,味覚受容体の欠落の可能性が示唆された。
大東 延久 清地 正人 綱脇 恵章 藤田 雅之 今崎 一夫 中井 貞雄 三間 圀興 車 信一郎 後藤 道夫 小久保 正之 中尾 直也 山中 千代衛 加瀬 貞二 青山 誠 赤羽 温 中野 文彦 松岡 伸一 山川 考一 大前 吾一 八木 隆志 伊藤 紳二 文 雅司 和泉田 真司 小野 晋吾 劉 振林 大竹 秀幸 猿倉 信彦 耿 紀宏 和田 智之 浦田 佳治 田代 英夫 南畑 亮 児玉 英範 田上 潤一 河仲 準二 窪寺 昌一 佐々木 亘 黒澤 宏 寺嶋 克知 田中 宏和 久保 博一 鈴木 徹 太田 毅 榎波 龍姫 若林 理 溝口 計 大部 彩子 渡邊 隆之 中野 真生 堀 司 西坂 敏博 伊藤 貴志 小島 哲夫 今野 進 藤川 周一 安井 公治 吉澤 憲治 森 勇介 佐々木 孝友 田中 光弘 岡田 幸勝 島村 清史 Namujilatu 福田 承生 松原 健祐 田中 歌子 今城 秀司 早坂 和弘 大向 隆三 占部 伸二 渡邊 昌良 大場 正規 加藤 政明 丸山 庸一郎 小矢田 康晴 山本 修平 平野 嘉仁 Pavel Nicolaie 佐藤 聡長 伊藤 篤史 大島 広明 吉田 弘樹 阪上 幸男 挾間 寿文 西岡 一 鬼澤 敦子 上原 昇 植田 憲一 西村 昭彦 宅間 宏 常包 正樹 田口 昇 稲場 文男 関田 仁志 RUTHERFORD Todd TULLOCHI Bill 笠松 直史 BYER Robert 松井 宏記 江口 武芳 川田 安男 金辺 忠 山中 正宣 中塚 正大 井澤 靖和 神崎 武司 宮島 博文 宮本 昌浩 川嶋 利幸 岡田 康光 菅 博文 秋山 靖裕 高瀬 智裕 高田 淳 湯浅 広士 小野 明 吉田 史朗 中山 通雄 佐藤 雅夫 内藤 真哉 町田 久忠 家久 信明 軽部 規夫 西畑 実 鈴木 伸孝 太田 忠喜 藤原 弘康 市位 友一 木村 信二 木村 美紀雄 庄司 康浩 今城 正雄 柳澤 隆行 内野 修 永井 智広 長澤 親生 住吉 哲実 荒井 恒憲 佐藤 俊一 石原 美弥 菊地 眞 バサ ニレシ 岡田 龍雄 前田 三男 水波 徹 松岡 直哉 岡崎 豊 菊池 健 山口 滋 南里 憲三 藤岡 知夫 森 啓 鈴木 薫 中田 順治 嘉成 和孝 小平 裕司 内藤 靖博 永野 宏 蓮池 透 谷脇 学 清水 幸喜 熊谷 幹郎 高島 洋一 遠藤 雅守 川上 政孝 武田 修三郎
The Laser Society of Japan
レーザー研究 (ISSN:03870200)
vol.27, pp.23-24,27, 1999
篠原 一彰 佐久間 宏規 岡崎 美智弥 松本 昭憲 熊田 芳文 野崎 洋文
Japanese Association for Acute Medicine
日本救急医学会雑誌 (ISSN:0915924X)
vol.10, no.11, pp.692-696, 1999-11-15 (Released:2009-03-27)

Severe pulmonary thromboembolism (PE) during pregnancy occurred in 2 young patients. One patient died from PE recurrence without placement of an inferior vena cava (IVC) filter, but the other survived with emergent filter placement before cesarean section. A 31-year-old woman presented with sudden dyspnea at 34 weeks of pregnancy. On examination, she was cyanotic and echocardiography revealed marked right heart dilatation and pulmonary hypertension. An emergent cesarean section was performed, but soon after the delivery, she fell into circulatory arrest. PE recurrence was suggested as cause, and t-PA was administered into the pulmonary artery. She was resuscitated but she died from another PE recurrence 4 days later. A 25-year-old woman, 35 weeks pregnant was admitted because of threatened abortion. She felt sudden dyspnea 3 days after admission and was diagnosed with severe PE by echocardiography and pulmonary catheterization. A Vena-Tech IVC filter™ was inserted at the suprarenal position to prevent PE relapse. Emergent cesarean section was then carried out uneventfully. Heparin and urokinase were administered postoperatively, and her pulmonary arterial pressure decreased. She was extubated 7 days later, and is now doing well 10 months later. Once severe PE has occurred, its relapse may be lethal. The IVC filter is effective in preventing recurrence. Even if the patient is young, emergent IVC filter placement to avoid fatal PE relapse is essential.
植田 憲一 萩原 真一 北谷 文人 宅間 宏
一般社団法人 レーザー学会
レーザー研究 (ISSN:03870200)
vol.15, no.1, pp.22-31, 1987-01-28 (Released:2010-02-26)
3 3

Photo-acoustic (PA) signals induced by Kr F laser irradiations on to the optical thin layers have been measured to detect the small absorptions and the damage thresholds of dielectric coatings. Extremely low absorption with the extinction coefficient of 10-4 is detectable for the single-layer coatings with optical thickness of 1.5 wavelength at 248nm. The pre-damage detections have been studied with the assistance of laser scattering damage detection techniques. Thechanges of the slope and the variation of the PA signals have been observed at the irradiation of Kr F laser of lower fluence compared with the damage thresholdsby microscopic measurements. The pre-damage thresholds detected by the PA signaldetection agreed well with the laser scattering method for low index fluoridecoatings. Typical features of the laser induced damages related to the linear absorption and the refractive index will be discussed about the coating materials forshort wavelength lasers.