Hiroki TABATA Hyeon-ki KIM Masayuki KONISHI Naoya ENDO Shizuo SAKAMOTO
Japanese Society of Clinical Physiology
日本臨床生理学会雑誌 (ISSN:02867052)
vol.49, no.5, pp.191-200, 2019-12-01 (Released:2020-03-06)

Objectives: This study aimed to investigate the substrate metabolism response to moderateand high-intensity equicaloric exercises in endurance-trained men. Methods: Ten male endurance-trained runners (mean ± standard error: age, 22 ± 1 years; body mass index, 19.3 ± 0.7 kg/m2; ⩒O2max, 64.1 ± 2.1 mL/kg/min) performed a graded exercise test on a treadmill to determine the exercise intensity at which elicits maximal fat oxidation (Fatmax) and subsequently completed two equicaloric exercises (53 min at Fatmax and 30 min at 65%⩒O2max). Substrate oxidation rates during exercise and 2-h post-exercise recovery period were determined using indirect calorimetry. Blood samples were collected before exercise; immediately post-exercise; and at 30 min, 1 h, and 2 h post-exercise to determine plasma noradrenaline, serum growth hormone (GH), and free fatty acid (FFA) concentrations. Results: Mean Fatmax was observed at 37.3 ± 4.6 %⩒O2max. Fat oxidation volume during exercise was significantly higher in the Fatmax trial than in the 65%⩒O2max trial (15.2 ± 1.5 g vs 8.5 ± 0.7 g, P < 0.01). No significant difference in fat oxidation occurred in the post-exercise recovery period. Serum GH and plasma noradrenaline concentrations were higher at 65%⩒O2max than at Fatmax immediately post-exercise (P < 0.05). However, there was no difference in serum FFA levels between exercise intensities. Conclusions: Exercise at Fatmax oxidized more fat than exercise at 65%⩒O2max when matched for energy expenditure during exercise in endurance-trained men.
北村 泰彦 寺西 憲一 辰巳 昭治 Yasuhiko Kitamura Ken-ichi Teranishi Shoji Tatsumi
人工知能学会誌 = Journal of Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence (ISSN:09128085)
vol.11, no.3, pp.470-477, 1996-05-01

Real-Time A^*(RTA^*) is an on-line search scheme in which look-ahead searches and moves are interleaved. It does not guarantee to find an optimal solution but it finds a semi-optimal solution with less search effort. To improve the quality of solution, Knight has proposed Multi-Agent Real Time A^*(MARTA^*), in which multiple agents concurrently and autonomously execute RTA^* for a given problem. In this scheme, agents do not coordinate their moves, but each agent just randomly chooses its move when the candidates look equally good. In this paper, we have interest in how agents should coordinate their moves to find a better solution faster. We propose two organizational approaches based on scattering and gathering. Each agent measures the distances from other agents and chooses its move in the direction of departing or approaching. These two approaches strengthen the discovery effect to find more undiscovered solutions and the learning effect to find more good solutions of MARTA^* respectively. We evaluate them through simulation experiments on maze and 15-puzzle problems and analyze why they work well or not from a point of heuristic depression, which is a local hollow of heuristic state evaluation values on paths to goal states. Once an agent falls into a depression, it cannot escape without filling in the depression, namely updating the state evaluation values. In a maze problem, in which deep depressions are scattered in its state space, scattered agents show better performance than gathered agents because less agents fall into depressions. On the other hand, in a 15-puzzle problem, in which shallow depressions are ubiquitous, gathered agents show better performance because they are better at cooperating to fill in the depressions. As a result, it is shown that we can get better search performance in MARTA^* by using an appropriate organization of agents depending on the characteristic of heuristic depressions of the given problem.
Journal of Veterinary Medical Science (ISSN:09167250)
vol.83, no.8, pp.1229-1233, 2021 (Released:2021-08-06)

Felis catus papillomavirus (FcaPV), especially type 2 (FcaPV2) is considered as one of the causative agents in squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) in cats. However, our previous study detected FcaPV3 and FcaPV4, but not FcaPV2 in feline SCCs collected in Japan, suggesting that the prevalence of FcaPV2 in SCC may vary depending on geographic locations. To evaluate this hypothesis, two conventional PCR reactions targeting E1 and E7 genes were performed to detect FcaPV2 in feline SCC samples collected in Taiwan and Japan. While 46.9% (23/49) of feline SCC cases from Taiwan were PCR positive for FcaPV2, only 8.6% (3/35) cases from Japan were positive. Our result suggests that the prevalence of FcaPV2 in feline SCCs may depend on the region.
神田 聖子 今井 亜湖 藤倉 純子 尾崎 友美 Choi Jiyu 吉本 優子 Chung Sang-Jin 中山 洋 武藤 志真子
一般社団法人 日本食育学会
日本食育学会誌 (ISSN:18824773)
vol.9, no.1, pp.81-91, 2015

We implemented a <i>Shokuiku</i> (Eating education) program in "foreign language activities" classes that incorporate international exchange, for the purpose of studying the learning effects on Japanese elementary school students. We conducted three surveys : a baseline survey, a post-survey, and a follow-up survey. We compared changes in responses to questionnaires from the three surveys about intercultural acceptance in terms of dietary culture and foreign language. Thirty-five students in the exchange group and 64 students in the non-exchange group were analyzed. Both groups received <i>Shokuiku</i> three times between the baseline survey and post-survey, using sushi rolls (Norimaki), snacks, and school lunches as teaching material.<BR>The results were as follows in the follow-up survey:<BR>1)The exchange group increased in their desire to eat the foods and maintained interest in foreign language.<BR>2)The desire to eat the sampled Korean snacks was significantly established in both the exchange and non-exchange groups. Also, <i>Shokuiku</i> including sample tastings led to greater confidence in using taste and textural vocabulary in English.<BR>3)Both groups accepted Korean dietary culture.<BR>These results indicate that the <i>Shokuiku</i> program in "foreign language activities" classes promote intercultural acceptance even without international exchange by using foreign food as teaching material. International exchange promoted a maintained interest in not only foreign language but foreign dietary culture.
Ahmed Al-Ajili
no.7, pp.125-133, 2017-09-25

イラクの核開発計画の始まりは1950年代であったが、統合された核開発計画が実際に開始されたのは1980年代である。イラクは当初、フランスやイタリアなどの海外企業に依存した核開発を進めていた。海外に技術スタッフおよび科学者を送ることを通して核開発に従事する人材の育成を目指し、その人数は約8000人に達した。その結果、米国を中心とする国際社会は、イラクの核開発の目標や意図、そして中東地域における安全と安定に対する脅威を懸念し始めた。まずイスラエルが1981 年にフランス製ORISAK 原子炉(イラク名「TAMOZ」)を破壊し、核開発計画を阻止しようとした。また、Iraqi Nuclear Program(INP)で働いていたイラク人やとアラブ人科学者の暗殺を行った。湾岸戦争時の1991年4には、イラクの核兵器施設撲滅を監視するために国際連合大量破壊兵器廃棄特別委員会(United Nation Special Commission (UNSCOM))が形成された(安保理決議第687 号)。この決議文には、イラクの核兵器施設を取り除くために国際原子力機関と協同し、化学、生物、およびミサイル兵器施設の撲滅を進めることが記載されている。本稿では、1950年代のはじめから1991年の湾岸戦争の勃発までのイラクの核開発計画の歴史的展開を分析することを通して、サダム政権がINP を平和目的から軍事目的に変えていった要因を明らかにする。結論は以下の通りとなる。軍事目的に移行した要因は、イラクに対する近隣諸国からの脅威といえるだろう。1980 年、イスラエル航空機によるフランス製原子炉ORISAK に対する爆撃により、イラク政府は核を所有する軍隊と核を所有しない軍隊との力の不均衡を考慮し始めた。そして1980 年のイラン・イラク戦争の勃発により、イラク政府は突然の攻撃を予期した核兵器の保有を考慮するに至った。特にこの戦争の期間イスラエルとイランの両国が核能力を有していたため、イラク政府は核兵器保有の可能性を追求した。同時にイラク政府は、世界の先進国の立場を考慮して、原子力の必要性と軍事および産業開発を通じたアラブ諸国間の統一の重要性を強調した。
高 偉建 長坂 水晶 Wei-jian GAO Miaki NAGASAKA
日本語国際センタ-紀要 (ISSN:09172939)
no.10, pp.51-67, 2000

タイ中等学校日本語教師研修では、アシスタントを導入したプロジェクトワークを取り入れてきた。一般 にプロジェクトワークは運用力の安定し始めた中級以上の学習者に効果的であるとされるが、プロジェクトの一つ「食生活:タイ料理」に関するアンケート結果 から、初級から中級前半の段階にある学習者を対象にした場合でも、学習者は自由に楽しく話せると感じ、プロジェクトワークを日本語の実際使用場面 を獲得する機会として評価していることが分かった。ただし、必ずしも発話量 が普段の教室での授業より増えるという自覚を持つわけではなく、プロジェクトワークは日本語運用力以外の個人の様々な能力を発揮できる異文化接触の機会として評価されたと見ることができる。 また、多くの学習者がプロジェクトワークを自分の授業にも取り入れたいと感じており、教授活動への参考になっていることがわかった。更に、学習者のアシスタントに対する期待が多様であるという結果 も得られた。
Masato Okada Koji Tanaka Yasuharu Matsunaga-Lee Yuichi Ninomiya Yuko Hirao Takafumi Oka Nobuaki Tanaka Hiroyuki Inoue Katsuomi Iwakura Kenshi Fujii Koichi Inoue
International Heart Journal Association
International Heart Journal (ISSN:13492365)
vol.60, no.3, pp.761-767, 2019-05-30 (Released:2019-05-30)
1 2

A 70-year-old woman was admitted for treatment of supraventricular tachycardia. Ventriculoatrial conduction was revealed through programmed ventricular stimulation; the coronary sinus ostium (CSos) was the earliest atrial activation site. The fast-slow forms of atrioventricular nodal reentrant tachycardia (AVNRT) were induced by ventricular extra-stimuli. During tachycardia, the earliest atrial activation site was located at the bottom of CSos. Radiofrequency (RF) energy application to this site resulted in the delay of local electrical potential, prolongation of tachycardia cycle length, and a shift of the earliest retrograde activation site to the roof of CSos. Subsequent ablation induced a similar shift to the inferior tricuspid annulus and to the right posterior septum. Finally, RF energy application to the right posterior septum resulted in the termination of tachycardia, which was not induced afterward. Multiple shifts in the earliest retrograde atrial activation site along the tricuspid annulus after each slow pathway ablation suggested that annular tissue plays a substantial role as a substrate for AVNRT.
Nobutaka Funaki Kazuki Maruta Chang-Jun Ahn
The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
IEICE Communications Express (ISSN:21870136)
vol.10, no.6, pp.324-330, 2021-06-01 (Released:2021-06-01)

This letter proposes adaptive null-space expansion (NSE) for multiuser massive MIMO according to users’ mobility. NSE can improve the robustness of multi-user spatial multiplexing in a time-varying channel by expanding null-steering to multiple past channels. Its superiority was verified under the unified moving speed among users. In a realistic environment, users with different speeds coexist. Null-space dimension, which is the number of nullified channels per user terminal, should be optimized in accordance with users’ mobility so as to maximize the beamforming gain and nullification capability. In our proposal, we first show that user mobility can be classified by observing the singular value of time-varying channels. Computer simulation then clarifies that output SINR can be improved by assigning null space dimensions respective to user moving speeds.
Dalia Seleem Veronica Santana Freitas-Blanco Juliana Noguti Bruna Raquel Zancope Vanessa Pardi Ramiro Mendonça Murata
The Pharmaceutical Society of Japan
Biological and Pharmaceutical Bulletin (ISSN:09186158)
vol.41, no.8, pp.1299-1302, 2018-08-01 (Released:2018-08-01)
1 6

Monolaurin is a natural compound that has been known for its broad antimicrobial activities. We evaluate the antifungal activity of monolaurin against Candida albicans biofilms in vivo using a novel bioluminescent model to longitudinally monitor oral fungal infection. Oral fungal infection in vivo was performed using bioluminescent engineered C. albicans (SKCa23-ActgLUC) biofilms on Balb/c mice. The antifungal activity of monolaurin was determined by comparing three groups of mice (n=5/group): monolaurin, vehicle control, and positive control (nystatin). All mice were immunosuppressed with cortisone acetate and oral topical treatments were applied for 5 d. In vivo imaging system (IVIS) imaging was used to monitor the progression of infection over a 5-d period. Total photon flux and ex vivo microbiological analysis of the excised tongues were used to determine the overall fungal burden. Oral topical treatments of monolaurin have resulted in a significant decrease (p<0.05) in the total photon flux over 4 and 5 d post-infection in comparison to the vehicle control group. Furthermore, monolaurin treated group had a significant decrease in colony formation unit of tongue tissue compared to the vehicle control. Our findings support monolaurin as a promising antifungal compound in vivo, which may translate to its future use in the treatment of oral candidiasis.
Young-Bum SON Yeon Ik JEONG Mohammad Shamim HOSSEIN Per Olof OLSSON Gyeongmin KIM Yeon Woo JEONG Woo Suk HWANG
Journal of Veterinary Medical Science (ISSN:09167250)
pp.21-0154, (Released:2021-08-06)

Several studies have reported methods to estimate the parturition date of dogs using ultrasonographic measurements. However, these prediction models were mainly determined using ultrasonographic measurements of naturally pregnant small- and medium-sized dogs, and no such studies have been performed using dogs carrying cloned fetuses produced via somatic cell nuclear transfer. The present study evaluated the abilities of three reference formulas (Luvoni and Grioni, Milani et al., and Groppetti et al.), all of which were developed using data from naturally occurring pregnancies, to accurately predict the parturition date in surrogates carrying cloned German Shepherd (GS) fetuses. All three formulas were based on the use of inner chorionic cavity diameter (ICC) measurements, obtained via ultrasonography. For evaluation, a total of 54 ICC measurements were collected from 14 pregnant bitches carrying cloned GS fetuses. We found that the clinical accuracy of the breed-specific Groppetti et al. formula was highest among those of the three formulas tested, with 87% and 100% of the estimated parturition dates (calculated based on the ICC measurements) being within 1 and 2 days, respectively, of the actual delivery date. By contrast, the Luvoni and Grioni formula showed relatively low accuracy, and the Milani et al. formula showed higher accuracy than that reported previously for natural pregnancies.
杉江 栄一 Ei-ichi SUGIE
中京法学 (ISSN:02862654)
vol.29, no.2, pp.p1-35, 1995-03
Yu-Feng Hu Wen-Han Cheng Yuan Hung Wen-Yu Lin Tze-Fan Chao Jo-Nan Liao Yenn-Jiang Lin Wei-Shiang Lin Yi-Jen Chen Shih-Ann Chen
The Japanese Circulation Society
Circulation Journal (ISSN:13469843)
vol.84, no.10, pp.1679-1685, 2020-09-25 (Released:2020-09-25)
3 17

The health crisis due to coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has shocked the world, with more than 1 million infections and casualties. COVID-19 can present from mild illness to multi-organ involvement, but especially acute respiratory distress syndrome. Cardiac injury and arrhythmias, including atrial fibrillation (AF), are not uncommon in COVID-19. COVID-19 is highly contagious, and therapy against the virus remains premature and largely unknown, which makes the management of AF patients during the pandemic particularly challenging. We describe a possible pathophysiological link between COVID-19 and AF, and therapeutic considerations for AF patients during this pandemic.
Kenji NARUSE Yan-Shi QUAN Su-Min CHOI Chang-Sik PARK Dong-Il JIN
The Society for Reproduction and Development
Journal of Reproduction and Development (ISSN:09168818)
vol.53, no.3, pp.679-684, 2007 (Released:2007-07-07)
8 8

This study was carried out to investigate the effects of minimum essential medium (MEM) vitamins during in vitro maturation (IVM)/in vitro culture (IVC) of porcine nuclear transfer (NT) embryos on subsequent developmental capacity in vitro. Porcine cumulus-oocyte complexes (COCs) were divided into five groups, matured for 44 h in maturation medium with various concentrations of MEM vitamins (0, 0.05, 0.1, 0.2 and 0.4%), and observed for maturation rate. Also, COCs were matured in NUSU-23 media without MEM vitamins for 44 h and cultured in PZM-3 media with various concentrations of MEM vitamins (0, 0.05, 0.4 and 1.0%) for 6 days following nuclear transfer. Factorial (IVM/IVC) experiments were also performed in NCSU-23 medium with or without 0.05% MEM vitamins and PZM-3 medium with or without 0.4% MEM vitamins. They were then tested by examining in vitro development of the porcine reconstructed embryos. The maturation rates of the COCs treated with the MEM vitamins did not differ significantly among the MEM vitamin-treated groups. Addition of vitamins to culture medium did not affect development of porcine reconstructed embryos in vitro. However, addition of low concentrations of MEM vitamins only to maturation medium increased (P<0.05) the proportion of NT embryos developing into blastocysts compared with the control group. Addition of MEM vitamins to IVC medium did not enhance the developmental rate compared with the control group. Thus, addition of MEM vitamins to IVM medium could improve subsequent blastocyst development of porcine NT embryos.
Chiho Oba-Yamamoto Hiraku Kameda Hideaki Miyoshi Tomonori Sekizaki Takahiro Takase Tsuyoshi Yanagimachi Yukihiro Fujita Hiroshi Nomoto Kyu Yong Cho Akinobu Nakamura So Nagai Tatsuya Atsumi
The Japanese Society of Internal Medicine
Internal Medicine (ISSN:09182918)
vol.60, no.15, pp.2375-2383, 2021-08-01 (Released:2021-08-01)

Objective Glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide (GIP) is speculated to worsen growth hormone (GH) hypersecretion in acromegaly and to be a cause of paradoxical increases in GH (PI-GH) during 75-g oral glucose tolerance testing (75-g OGTT). Dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitors (DPP4is), which increase the circulating concentration of active GIP, are frequently administered to diabetic patients, including those with acromegaly. We aimed to determine whether or not the administration of a DPP4i increases GH concentration, especially in patients demonstrating PI-GH during a DPP4i-OGTT, in which a DPP4i was administered immediately before 75-g OGTT. Methods This prospective cross-sectional study was carried out on acromegalic patients admitted to Hokkaido University hospital between June 2011 and May 2018. The participants underwent both 75-g OGTT and DPP4i-OGTT. For those who underwent surgery, immunohistochemical staining and quantitative polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for the GIP receptor (GIPR) were performed on the resected pituitary adenomas. Results Twenty-five percent of the participants had PI-GH confirmed (3 of 12 cases). Two of the three participants who demonstrated PI-GH exhibited higher circulating GH concentrations during DPP4i-OGTT than during OGTT. The increase in plasma glucose was reduced during DPP4i-OGTT compared to during 75-g OGTT, suggesting that the increase in GH during DPP4i-OGTT was due not to high glucose concentrations but instead increased GIP caused by the administration of DPP4i. The adenoma from one participant with PI-GH displayed positive immunostaining for GIPR and a higher GIPR messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) expression than the others. Conclusion DPP4i may enhance the GH secretion response during glucose loading, especially in individuals with PI-GH.
種村 利春 末松 俊二 佐藤 直樹 HSFDフェーズ1 NAL/NASDA実験隊 NAL/NASDA HOPE研究共同チーム Tanemura Toshiharu Suematsu Shunji Sato Naoki NAL/NASDA HSFD-Phase 1 Experiment Team NAL/NASDA HOPE Team
航空宇宙技術研究所資料 = Technical Memorandum of National Aerospace Laboratory (ISSN:1347460X)
vol.780, 2003-08

PIEN Li-Chung CHEN Duan-Rung CHEN Chiou-Jong Liang Kuei-Min Cheng Yawen
公益社団法人 日本産業衛生学会
journal of Occupational Health (ISSN:13419145)
vol.57, no.6, pp.555-564, 2015

<b>Objective:</b> Workplace violence is known to pose mental health risks. However, whether or not workplace violence in a surrounding area might further increase the risk of mental distress in workers has rarely been examined. <b>Methods:</b> The study subjects were 9,393 male and 7,716 female employees who participated in a nationwide survey in 2010. Their personal experiences of workplace violence over the past 1 year were ascertained by a standardized questionnaire. Also assessed were their psychosocial work characteristics and mental distress problems. Neighborhood-level workplace violence was computed based on aggregated data at the county level and was categorized into low-, medium-, and high-level categories. Multilevel logistic regression models were constructed to examine the associations between neighborhood-level workplace violence and individual-level mental distress problems, with adjustment of individual-level experience of workplace violence. <b>Findings:</b> The neighborhood-level prevalence of workplace violence ranged from 4.7 to 14.7% in men and from 6.4 to 14.8% in women across 22 counties. As compared with those who live in counties of the lowest tertile of workplace violence, female workers who lived in counties of the highest tertile of workplace violence had a 1.72-fold increased risk for mental distress problems after controlling for individual experience of workplace violence and other psychosocial work characteristics. <b>Conclusion:</b> Neighborhood-level workplace violence was associated with poor mental health in female workers. Preventative strategies targeting workplace violence should pay attention to neighborhood factors and gender-specific effects that might influence societal tolerance of abusive work practices and workers' vulnerability to mental health impacts of workplace violence.(J Occup Health 2015; 57: 555–564)
Tsai Shu-Ling 鹿又 伸夫
理論と方法 (ISSN:09131442)
vol.26, no.1, pp.179-195, 2011

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;This paper examines whether and how educational expansion affects inequality of educational opportunity, focusing on the two hypotheses which argue that educational expansion transforms class inequality through saturation of education. Under the condition that a level of education approaches nearly saturation, the MMI hypothesis claims class inequality in attaining the level of education begins to decrease and the EMI hypothesis maintains class inequality over types within the level of education emerges. Taiwan and Japan showed similarity in educational system, but education in Taiwan has expanded more drastically than that in Japan. To test the hypotheses, utilizing their different time point in appearance of saturation caused by the respective pace of expansion, we present the expectations on changes in class inequality for the two countries. The result of analysis using survey data collected in each country is more consistent with the MMI rather than the EMI. Class inequality in attaining levels of education persisted until approaching saturation, but reduced in attaining senior high school education in Japan when this level of education reached saturation. Class inequality in attaining university education rather than junior college over types of higher education emerged clearly corresponding to approaching saturation in Taiwan but appeared in Japan before saturation. The result also indicates that educational expansion urges the transformation of class inequality and gender inequality through respective process. Educational expansion leads to reduction of gender inequality in attaining levels of education irrespective of rapidity and saturation of expansion and without interaction by class and gender in both countries, but hardly erodes gender-specific educational paths institutionalized by gender norm or preference preserved in Japan.
ドメネク=ベルダ カロリーナ 阿部 俊大 Carolina Doménech-Belda Toshihiro Abe
人文学 (ISSN:04477340)
no.206, pp.110-79, 2020-11
