/ 岩本 真承 青木 俊二 田中 直美 田嶋 清子 山原 條二 高石 喜久 吉田 雅昭 富松 利明 玉井 洋進 Yoshin TAMAI
The Pharmaceutical Society of Japan
Chemical and Pharmaceutical Bulletin (ISSN:00092363)
vol.39, no.2, pp.397-399, 1991-02-25 (Released:2008-03-31)
40 73

It has been reported that an acetone extract of ginger and its fractions have anti-5-HT (5-hydroxytryptamine; serotonin) effects. In the present study, guinea pig ileum, rat stomach fundus and rabbit aortic strips are used in order to determined the constituents of fraction 2 which are responsible for anti-5-HT effect and to examine their pharmacological properties.The analysis of fraction 2-3 indicated that galanolactone, a diterpenoid, is one of the active constituents. In guinea pig ileum, galanolactone inhibited contractile responses to 5-HT with a pIC50 value 4.93. pIC50 value of galanolactone against the response to 2-methyl-5-HT, a selective 5-HT3 agonist, in the presence of methysergide at 1×10-5M was 5.10. pIC50 values of ICS 205-930, a selective 5-HT3 antagonist, were 5.30 and 7.49, respectively. The concentration-response curve of 5-HT was shown as a biphasic curve and galanolactone caused a selective shift to the right of the second phase.In the same preparations, the pIC50 value of galanolactone and ICS 205-930 against the response to carbamylcholine (CCh) was 4.45 and 4.46.The inhibitory effect of galanolactone on the 5-HT response in the stomach fundus and aortic strips was less than that in the ileum.In addition, in the thoracic aorta precontracted with 50 mM K+, the relaxing effect of galanolactone was about 1/10 of that of papaverine.These results suggest that the anti-5-HT effect of galanolactone, a diterpenoid isolated from ginger, is related to antagonism of 5-HT3 receptors.
吉村 祐一 / 上田 享 松田 彰 Akira MATSUDA
The Pharmaceutical Society of Japan
Chemical and Pharmaceutical Bulletin (ISSN:00092363)
vol.40, no.7, pp.1761-1769, 1992-07-25 (Released:2008-03-31)
20 28

6, 1'-Propanouridine (10), a carbon-bridged cyclouridine fixed in the syn-conformation, was synthesized from D-fructose. Two additional carbon-units were introduced at the 1'-position of 1'-hydroxymethyl-O2, 2'-anhydrouridine 13 and inversion of the 2' hydroxyl group was achieved by sequential oxidation-reduction reactions. Finally, the spiro-carbon bridge was constructed by radical cyclization of the 1'-iodopropyl derivative of 5-chlorouridine. Dehydrochlorination followed by deprotection gave the desired 10. The circular dichroism (CD) spectrum of 10 showed a negative Cotton effect ([θ]=-6100) at the main absorption region, whereas 5'-O-tert-butyldimethylsilyl-2', 3'-O-isopropylidene-6, 1'-propanouridine (30) showed almost no Cotton band at the same absorption region. These results suggest that the critical region in which the CD Cotton effect changes from negative to positive is present in the syn region where 10 is located. Correlation of the magnitude and the direction of the sign of the CD Cotton effect and the torsion angle (χ) is also discussed.
荒川 政彦 和田 浩二 はやぶさ2 SCI/DCAM3 チーム
日本惑星科学会誌遊星人 (ISSN:0918273X)
vol.22, no.3, pp.152-158, 2013

はやぶさ2には小型の衝突装置(SCI)が搭載されており,これは秒速2kmで小惑星表面に衝突してクレーターを形成する.このクレーターは小惑星内部を覗くための小窓であり,リモートセンシング観測やサンプル回収から,小惑星表面の宇宙風化や浅内部構造に関する知見を得る.一方, SCIが衝突する様子は分離カメラ(DCAM3)により撮影され,イジェクタカーテンの拡大する様子や小惑星周囲を飛び交うダストを観察する. SCIによる小惑星への衝突は宇宙衝突実験ともいえる.我々はこの世界で最初の小惑星における宇宙衝突実験の機会を利用して,微小重力下における「本物の小惑星物質」のクレーター形成過程を明らかにする.
小平 桂一/渡辺 鉄哉/山口 朝三/中桐 正夫/渡部 潤一/田中 済/尾中 敬
宇宙科学研究所報告 (ISSN:02852853)
vol.57, pp.2-15, 1988-09

乙女座銀河団の中心領域の遠紫外撮像観測を絶対較正された2機の望遠鏡と紫外域二次元検出器を用いて行ない, 今までに遠紫外(波長1500A)輻射量の測られていなかった9個を含む15個の銀河の絶対測光を行なった。また観測中に視野に入った紫外天体の同定と測光を行なった。
広瀬 孝文/ボーチェック ボレスラフ A. Takafumi/Boczek Boleslaw A. Hirose
聖徳学園岐阜教育大学紀要 = Bulletin of Gifu College of Education (ISSN:09160175)
vol.3, pp.28-56, 1976-07-20

This is a study of the relationship between the status of permanent neutrality and the modern system of collective security. The point in question is whether or not the status of permanent. Neutrality is compatible with the system of collective security which requires its members to participate in coercive measures against a common enemy. Based on a number of scholastic arguments presented in the past this is a comparative study of two different arguments : one by Switzerland which is not a member of the United Nations, and the other by Austria which has been a member of the U. N. since 1955. First, it examines these arguments in order to determine why Switzerland and Austria chose different, courses. Then, actual practices of these states in relation to the U. N. are examined in order to probe the possibility or impossibility of the existence of permanent neutrality in the United Nations. It is, then, concluded that, from a legal point of view, there remain many conditions that must be met before a permanently neutral state can become a member of the U. N. without any anxiety. But Austria became a member for her own politicalreasons, and the stability of her status in the U. N. largely depends on the political atmosphere of the organization. Whether a member of the U. N. or not, a permanently neutral state can contribute a great deal to the world peace in its own way.
八幡 祥子/河野 英司/広瀬 弥奈/浅香 めぐみ/松本 大輔/坂口 也子/丹下 貴司/時安 喜彦/渡部 茂/五十嵐 清治/広瀬 公治/三浦 宏子/水谷 博幸/上田 五男 ヤハタ ショウコ/カワノ エイジ/ヒロセ ミナ/アサカ メグミ/マツモト ダイスケ/サカグチ ナリコ/タンゲ タカシ/トキヤス ヨシヒコ/ワタナベ シゲル/イガラシ セイジ/ヒロセ コウジ/ミウラ ヒロコ/ミズガイ ヒロユキ/ウエダ イツオ YAHATA Syouko/KAWANO Eiji/HIROSE Mina/ASAKA Megumi/MATSUMOTO Daisuke/SAKAGUCHI Nariko/TANGE Takashi/TOKIYASU Yoshihiko/WATANABE Shigeru/IGARASHI Seiji/HIROSE Kouji/MIURA Hiroko/MIZUGAI Hiroyuki/UEDA Itsuo
vol.14, no.2, pp.207-212, 1995-12-31

The collective dental examinations of nursery school children aged 3 to 5 in Shinshinotsu village in Hokkaido have been conducted for several years by our departments in cooperation with the administrative organs of Shinshinotsu village. The data of dental examinations in 1994 were analyzed and compared with the data for 1988 as well as with the data of the Survey of Dental Diseases by the Health Policy Bureau Ministry of Health and Welfare, Japan in 1993 and 1987. The results were as follows; (1) The rate of persons with carious teeth and the mean number of carious teeth per person in Shinshinotsu village were higher than those of the National Survey by the Ministry of Health and Welfare at all ages. (2) The rate of persons with carious teeth and the mean number of carious teeth per person decreased. The rate of persons with dental treatment increased from 1988 to 1994 in 4 year-old children in Shinshinotsu village in the same manner as the results of the National Survey by the Ministry of Health and Welfare, while dental caries showed no decrease in the 3 and 5 year-old children.
三重野 雅/村瀬 博文/深瀬 秀郷/福栄 克浩/土岐 光伸/永山 裕/笠原 邦明/玄間 美健/小田 浩範/大森 一幸/前田 静一/加藤 元康/磯貝 治喜/原田 尚也/平 博彦/有末 眞 ミエノ タダシ/ムラセ ヒロフミ/フカセ シュウゴウ/フクエイ カツヒロ/トキ ミツノブ/ナガヤマ ヒロシ/カサハラ クニアキ/ゲンマ ヨシタケ/オダ ヒロノリ/オオモリ カズユキ/マエダ セイイチ/カトウ モトヤス/イソガイ ハルキ/ハラダ ナオヤ/タイラ ヒロヒコ/アリスエ マコト MIENO Tadashi/MURASE Hirofumi/FUKASE Shugoh/FUKUEI Katsuhiro/TOKI Mitsunobu/NAGAYAMA Hiroshi/KASAHARA Kuniaki/GENMA Yoshitake/ODA Hironori/OOMORI Kazuyuki/MAEDA Seiichi/KATO Motoyasu/ISOGAI Haruki/HARADA Naoya/TAIRA Hirohiko/ARISUE Makoto
vol.12, no.2, pp.227-232, 1993-12-31

Generally, the repositioning and fixation of fragments in the treatment of jaw fractures is performed based on proper occlusion conditions of the upper and lower jaws. However, the treatment of fractures of the mentally and physically handicapped pose a number of problems caused by lack of patient comprehension and cooperation. In this paper, we present two cases of mandibular fracture of handicapped patients, whose closed reduction and fixation was impossible. In these cases, open reduction and ridged fixation of fragments was carried out with screw and plate without intermaxillary fixation. Problems of the treatment of jaw fracture of mentally and physically handicapped patients were discussed.
野田 晃宏/荊木 裕司/原口 克博/川上 智史/宮田 武彦/横内 厚雄/大沼 修一/尾立 達治/長岡 央/小出 賢治/舛潟 尚樹/飯岡 淳子/笹渕 博子/川嶋 利明/松田 浩一 ノダ アキヒロ/イバラキ ユウジ/ハラグチ カツヒロ/カワカミ トモフミ/ミヤタ タケヒコ/ヨコウチ アツオ/オオヌマ シュイチ/オダチ タツジ/ナガオカ ヒロシ/コイデ ケンジ/マスガタ ナオキ/イイオカ アツコ/ササブチ ヒロコ/カワシマ トシアキ/マツダ コウイチ NODA Akihiro/IBARAKI Yuji/HARAGUCHI Katsuhiro/KAWAKAMI Tomofumi/MIYATA Takehiko/YOKOUCHI Atsuo/OHNUMA Syuichi/ODACHI Tatsuji/NAGAOKA Hiroshi/KOIDE Kenji/MASUGATA Naoki/IIOKA Atsuko/SASABUCHI Hiroko/KAWASIMA Tosiaki/MATSUDA Koichi
vol.11, no.2, pp.217-223, 1992-12-31

Clinical practice has been assigned as a final and very important aspect of study and practice in dental education. In our university, the students are exposed to clinical practice from the latter term of the fifth year. This report investigated the protocols of clinical cases by a mutual practice system of dental treatment from the seventh to the tenth class of graduates. The mutual practice of dental treatment is a system where students act as docter and patient mutually. The results obtained were as follows: 1) The seventh class graduates averaged 1.45 clinical cases of mutual practice system. The eighth, ninth and tenth classes averaged 2.3, 2.9, and 1.7. 2) 65 percents of all cases on restorations were cast restorations. Composite resin restorations increased and comprised 35 percents of all cases. However amalgam fillings did not take place.
藤田 ひとみ / 鈴木 貞夫
日本福祉大学健康科学部, 日本福祉大学健康科学研究所
日本福祉大学健康科学論集 = The Journal of Health Sciences
vol.21, pp.37-43, 2018-03-30

We summarized the relationship between physical activity and the amount of exercise according to the responses to a self-evaluation questionnaire by local residents (both men and women) in a cross-sectional study. The 65-79-year age group exercised more compared with the 35-64-year age group. The 35-64-year age group also felt the lack of exercise in their daily lives. Self-evaluation was positively corrected to the actual amount of physical activity. These correlations were found both in men and women.
/ 藤井 澄三 斎藤 徹 TOHRU SAITO
The Pharmaceutical Society of Japan
Chemical and Pharmaceutical Bulletin (ISSN:00092363)
vol.34, no.5, pp.2037-2043, 1986-05-25 (Released:2008-03-31)
9 14

A detailed account is given of the final step of the general 7-alkalation procedure for adenine (1), which consists of the preferential benzylation at the 3-position of 1, regioselective alkylation of the resulting 3-benzyladenine (2) to give 7-alkyl-3-benzyladenine salts (3a-c), and debenzylation of 3a-c leading to 7-alkyladenines (4a-c). Debenzylation of 3a-c (X=Cl or ClO4) has been achieved by hydrogenolysis using hydrogen and Pd-C catalyst at atmospheric pressure, producing 7-alkyladenines (4a-c) in 38-74% yields. The use of the allyl or γ, γ-dimethylallyl group at the 3-position instead of the benzyl group for the synthesis of 7-methyladenine (4a) by this procedure has no practical value. Alternatively, the salts 3a-c (X=Br, ClO4, or I) have been debenzylated efficiently by treatment with conc. H2SO4 in the presence of toluene at room temperature for 3-6h or at 60°C for 0.5-2h, giving 4a-c in 73-93% yields.
福山 正和/石田 易司 石田 易司
桃山学院大学総合研究所紀要 (ISSN:1346048X)
vol.39, no.1, pp.79-90, 2013-08-30

Senior residents of public housing in Japan-the fastest aging society in the world-experience different life challenges from those of private housing. What are the living conditions and characteristics of such seniors in public housing ? This study compares the lives of senior citizens in public housing built 40 years ago and those in private housing in a district of Osaka. We conducted surveys, sponsored by the municipal district, with seniors living there between October 2010 and June 2011. For this paper, we analyzed the data from marginal and semi-marginal villages there: the totals of 178 responses from seniors in public housing and of 413 responses in private housing. Compared with seniors in private housing, seniors living in public housing show significantly 1) poorer health conditions and 2) less frequent communication with their family. In addition, significantly fewer of them 3) participate in community activities such as festivals and senior clubs, 4) have daily recreational activities like hobbies and learning activity programs, and 5) feel satisfied with their everyday life. The results 3), 4), and 5) are due to the large number of senior males living alone in older public housing; these are shared characteristics of solitary senior males in the entire district. To conclude, the findings suggest that it is important to encourage seniors to engage in community networking and participate in social activities. A more active social life may help mitigate suffering caused by accidents, disease, and natural disasters.