小林 弘美 小松 順子
藥學雜誌 (ISSN:00316903)
vol.103, no.5, pp.508-511, 1983-05-25

Two glucosides were isolated from the whole plant of Cistanche salsa (C.A. MZY.) G. BECK and their structures were established as 8-hydroxygeraniol-1-β-D-glucopyranoside, a new monoterpene glucoside, and 8-epiloganic acid on the basis of chemical and spectral data.
油井 聡 三上 正彰 三巻 祥浩 指田 豊 山崎 正利
藥學雜誌 (ISSN:00316903)
vol.121, no.2, pp.167-171, 2001-02-01

We previously demonstrated that Amaryllidaceae alkaloids, lycorine and lycoricidinol, inhibit induction of apoptosis by calprotectin derived from neutrophils, and that the latter alkaloid showed suppression in rat adjuvant-induced arthritis model. These findings suggest that the alkaloids have a modulating activity against inflammatory reaction. To explore further the mechanism of the suppression for inflammation, we studied the effect of the alkaloids on macrophage tumor necrosis factor(TNF-α) production in vitro, since TNF-α is recognized as a pivotal cytokine to regulate inflammation. As a result of this study, lycorine and lycoricidinol inhibited TNF-α production of murine macrophages stimulated with lipopolysaccharide(ID_<50> were 0.2μg/ml and 0.002μg/ml, respectively). The inhibition was also observed in macrophages treated by Gram-positive bacteria, Enterococcus faecalis. Both lycorine and lycoricidinol reportedly have inhibitory activity for protein biosynthesis. Although the inhibition of TNF-α production by lycoricidinol was mainly due to the inhibition of protein biosynthesis, lycorine showed inhibition against TNF-α prodictuon at lower concentrations than the case that they inhibited ^<35>S-Cysteine/^<35>S-Methionine incorporation into macrophages. These facts sugges that the inhibition of TNF-α production is not due to the inhibitory activity against protein translation at least at lower concentrations. From these results, it was concluded that these alkaloids exert inhibitory effects not only on neutrophil apoptosis-inducing protein, calprotectin, but also on macrophage TNF-α production.
二改 俊章 小森 由美子 杉原 久義
藥學雜誌 (ISSN:00316903)
vol.120, no.4, pp.315-327, 2000-04-01

Venom samples were corrected from several poisonous snakes, such as Bungarus multicinctus, Trimeresurus mucrosquamatus, T. gramineus, T. flavoviridis, and Agkistrodon acutus, and stored in a desiccator at room temperature for 25 to 31 years. Then they were compared with fresh venoms as to their biological activities. The characteristic local symptoms produced by the bite of venomous snakes of Crotalidae and Viperidae are hemorrhage, necrosis and muscular degeneration. Hemorrhagic toxins were purified from Trimeresurus mucrosquamatus, Crotalus ruber ruber, Vipera aspis aspis, and Agkistrodon acutus venoms and their biological, biochemical, and pathological properties were investigated. Arginine ester hydrolases are present in the venoms of Crotalidae and Viperidae, but are not found in the venoms of Elapidae and Hydrophiidae. In this paper we describe the enzymatic and biological activities of arginine ester hydrolases from a Trimeresurus mucrosquamatus venom.
松田 秀秋 久保 道徳
薬学雑誌 (ISSN:00316903)
vol.103, no.12, pp.p1269-1277, 1983-12

The antithrombic activities of 70% methanol extract (I) obtained from Korean red ginseng (root of Panax ginseng C.A. MEYER) were evaluated in the models of experimental disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) induced by endotoxin or thrombin in rats, and in the in vitro models of blood platelet aggregation, agglutination of fibrinogen and activation of fibrinolytic system. In the coagulative system, I prevented the exchanges of values of clinical examination (blood platelet, fibrinogen and prothrombin time) at a dose of 500 mg/kg in rats on DIC induced by endotoxin or thrombin. I also inhibited the formation of fibrin thrombi in the renal glomeruli on the thrombin-induced DIC in rats. In the fibrinolytic system, I was found to show fibrinolytic activity in rats as determined by the euglobulin lysis time (ELT) assay. In the in vitro experiments, incubation of I in the plasminogen-containing fibrin plate promoted activation of urokinase action.
成橋 和正 野村 政明 亀井 浩行 小野 俊介 松下 良 清水 栄 横川 弘一 山田 清文 鈴木 永雄 宮本 謙一 木村 和子
藥學雜誌 (ISSN:00316903)
vol.123, no.11, pp.973-980, 2003-11-01
13 16

従来の薬学教育における臨床教育の不足から,多くの薬学系大学院博士前期課程(修士課程)に薬剤師免許取得後の大学院生を対象とした臨床系の専攻やコースが設立されてきている.金沢大学でも,薬学研究科(現:自然科学研究科)に臨床薬学教育を主眼に置いた医療薬学専攻が平成8年に設立され,国立大学としては早期であった.本学医療薬学専攻では,薬剤師免許取得者を対象とし,臨床現場で指導的役割を果たす高度な薬剤師の養成および次世代の医療薬学教育研究に携わる人材の育成を教育理念としている.このため,医療薬学専攻の学生に対して医療現場の実習を通じて医療を担うものとしての自覚を深めさせるとともに,自然科学の素養を身に付けることを求めている.具体的な教育目標は,医療人としての倫理観の醸成,医療の専門家として健康と疾病に関する知識獲得,薬物治療に起因する問題の同定・評価・解決,ならびに,コミュニケーションに関する知識・技術の習得,さらには,関連分野における高い研究・開発能力を発展させることである.このため,発足当初は,入学初期の集中講義,1か月の市内保険薬局での薬局実習,6か月の本学医学部附属病院薬剤部での実務実習を行い,1年間を課題研究期間としていた.講義は学部教育に引き続き,基礎自然科学系科目が大半であり,臨床現場での実習との非関連性が学生からも指摘されていた.また,半年間の実習後に修士の学位論文の一部として病院実務実習篇の作成や口頭発表が要求されていたために,実質的な実務実習は,時間的に極めて限られていた.実務実習を終えたあとの課題研究は,医療薬学専攻ならびに生命薬学専攻に属する各研究室で行っていたことから,必ずしも臨床に近いものではなかった.さらに,学生が就職するのは実習終了後1年を経過した後であり,就職直前の学生から実務に対する不安がでたり,就職直後に修了生や雇用者から実習経験が薬剤師として十分に活かせていないとの声が聞かれた.このような問題点を踏まえて,平成13年度に医療薬学専攻のカリキュラムの改善を図った.医療薬学に対する幅広い知識を深めさせるため,臨床系講義科目を充実させた.この変更では,薬物治療の科学的基礎とともに,看護,倫理,心理,国際など,医療に関連する人文・社会系分野も開講し,受講する学生の講義科目数が増加した.また,実習に関しては,継続性や充実性を考慮し,実務実習期間を1年に延長した.最初の2か月間は薬剤師業務全般の集中的な導入実習として,6人ずつ4グループに分かれ,調剤部門(一般調剤・注射薬調剤,2週間),製剤部門(一般製剤・無菌調剤,1週間),薬剤管理指導部門(医薬品情報・医薬品管理・TDM,1週間:病棟業務,4週間)を行う.その後は学生1人に対し指導薬剤師1人というマンツーマン形式の個別指導とし,薬剤師職能の病棟の薬剤管理指導を中心の実習としている.これに対し,医療薬学専攻の各教官も3名程度の学生を担当し,面接などにより実習の進捗状況を把握するとともに,専門分野に応じた指導も担当している.しかしながら,実習(実務)の大部分は指導薬剤師により行われており,個別指導であるため学生全体としての質の評価や,問題点の抽出は行いにくい.そこで,この新カリキュラムによる講義の理解度や実習の達成度について,visual analog scale(VAS)を用いて,学生と指導薬剤師による評価を試みた.また,この評価結果から,新カリキュラムの問題点などについて考察することとした.
小磯 邦子 中島 修 松村 大輔 藤本 康之 橋本 祐一
藥學雜誌 = Journal of the Pharmaceutical Society of Japan (ISSN:00316903)
vol.120, no.1, pp.104-112, 2000-01-01

Human myeloid leukemia K562 cells can be induced to differentiate to mature cells bidirectionary, i.e., hemin induces erythroid differentiation, while 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol 13-acetate (TPA) induces differentiation to monocytes. The differentiation-inducing activity of various hemin-related compounds suggested certain structural requirements for the activity : 1) the iron moiety of hemin is not essential, and 2) the propionic acid side chains of hemin play an important role in the differntiation and induction. In addition, we have examined the influence of some bioresponsemodifying factors on hemin/protoporphyrin IX-induced differentiation of K562 cell line. Retinoids and tubulindisruptors, themselves did not induce differentiation, enhanced hemin/protoporphyrin IX-induced differentiation of K562 cells. We also examined the possible involvement of peripheral-type benzodiazepine receptor (PBR) in hemin/protoporphyrin IX-induced differentiation on K562 cell lines. The PBR specific ligands modified hemin-induced differentiation. These results suggest a requirement for retinoids (or retinoids-like cofactors) for hemin/protoporphyrin IX-induced differentiation of K562 cells and the involvement of PBR in erythroid differentiation of K562 cell line. Further we showed that TPA suppresses hemin-induduced erythroid differentiation of K562 cells, while retinoids augment it. TPA is a potent inducer of heme oxygenase (HO), which catabolizes heme to biliverdin. An HO inhibitor, tin protoporphyrin (SnPP), suppresses TPA-induced K562 cell differentiation to monocytes. It was also found that cotreatment of K562 cells with SnPP and TPA induces erythroid differentiation of K562 cells, though SnPP alone or TPA alone does not induce erythroid differentiation, suggesting a role of HO in the directional switch of differentiation.
杉浦 衛 小木 曾太郎 陳 方祥 岩田 忠彦
藥學雜誌 (ISSN:00316903)
vol.89, no.10, pp.1440-1445, 1969-10-25

Separative determination of α-chymotrypsin and Bromelain, frequently used as an anti -inflammatory enzyme preparation, was examined. p-Chloromercuribenzoic acid (PCMB) was used as the inhibitor of Bromelain. Since Bromelain activity in preparations was completely inhibited by 10^<-4>_M of PCMB in the reaction system, remaining α-chymotrypsin activity was determined with good accuracy. The difference between their total activity and α-chymotrypsin activity agreed with Bromelain activity.
藥學雜誌 (ISSN:00316903)
no.238, pp.1248-1249, 1901-12-26
藥學雜誌 (ISSN:00316903)
no.158, 1895-04-26
的場 勝英 浜島 健二 山崎 高応
藥學雜誌 (ISSN:00316903)
vol.94, no.11, pp.1459-1467, 1974-11-25

2-Ethoxy-3-methoxy-2-cyclohexenone (II) and 2,3,5-trimethoxy-2-cyclohexenone (III) were prepared from pyrogallol in a satisfactory yield. II was reduced with lithium aluminium hydride to 2-ethoxy-3-methoxy-2-cyclohexenol (XXV), which was not so stable. III was reduced under the same condition to 2,5-dimethoxy-2-cyclohexenol (XXIX) and 2,3,5-trimethoxy-2-cyclohexenol (XXX). XXX was relatively stable but was not so stable as the reduced product of acutumine (I).
嵜山 陽二郎 小宮山 靖 塚田 秀夫
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.127, no.12, pp.2079-2084, 2007-09-18 (Released:2007-12-01)

Animal pain testing is essential for the development of new analgesic drugs, where appropriate data analyses as well as appropriate multi-factorial design of experiments are necessary to obtain meaningful results in an efficient fashion. The tail withdrawal experiment is one of the pain tests in which a rhesus monkey is restrained in a chair from which its tail hangs free by so it can be immersed in warm water. The monkeys consistently kept their tails in 38-40°C water for an extended period of time, and thus, the data were censored at 120 sec. The effect of temperature on the tail withdrawal latency was evaluated using three monkeys with a randomized block design. The effect of morphine on the thermal sensitivity was also evaluated. A Friedman-type two-way analysis of variance (Mack-Skillings test) demonstrated that the effects of both temperature and the animals were significant. The effect of repeated measurement in one animal was not significant using the Friedman test, indicating that the significance of the effect of animals could be attributed to the difference in the intrinsic thermal sensitivity between animals. This method, together with a graphical approach, may prove to be valuable for assessing the sensitivity and reproducibility of an experimental condition, as well as the pharmacological effects of analgesic drugs.
和田 浩二
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.122, no.11, pp.929-956, 2002 (Released:2003-02-18)
5 13

The chemical constituents of Aconitum yesoense var. macroyesoense and Aconitum japonicum were examined using high-resolution spectral analysis. Twelve novel alkaloids were isolated from A. yesoense var. macroyesoense together with 20 known alkaloids. Eight novel alkaloids were isolated from A. japonicum together with 15 known alkaloids. An HPLC-atmospheric pressure chemical ionization-mass spectrometry (HPLC-APCI-MS) method was useful for the simultaneous determination of 21 Aconitum alkaloids found in A. yesoense var. macroyesoense and A. japonicum. These compounds were fairly stable under the conditions used, and the protonated molecules or fragment ions characteristic of the molecule appeared as base peaks in the mass spectra and were used for selected ion monitoring. HPLC-APCI-MS is a very promising approach for structural investigations of positional isomers and stereoisomers. This method was applied successfully to stereoisomeric Aconitum alkaloids differing in configuration at C-1, -6, or -12. Comparison of the APCI spectra showed that the abundance of fragment ions was significantly higher for the C-1, -6, or -12 β-form alkaloid than for C-1, -6, or -12 α-form alkaloid. The main alkaloid constituents in the root of A. yesoense var. macroyesoense, Aconitum alkaloids of the C20-diterpenoid type, kobusine and pseudokobusine, and their acyl derivatives were examined for their peripheral vasoactivities by measuring laser-flowmetrically the cutaneous blood flow in the hind foot of mice after intravenous administration. It is thought that the hydroxyl groups of alkaloids, especially a free OH group of pseudokobusine at C-6, were important for action on the peripheral vasculature leading to dilatation, and the results indicated that esterification of the hydroxyl group at C-15 with either anisoate, veratroate, or p-nitrobenzoate may contribute to enhancement of the activity of the parent alkaloids.
藥學雜誌 (ISSN:00316903)
no.260, pp.1052-1053, 1903-10-26
大谷 道輝 中井 達郎 大沢 幸嗣 金 素安 松元 美香 江藤 隆史 假家 悟 加野 象次郎 内野 克喜
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.122, no.12, pp.1153-1158, 2002-12-01 (Released:2003-02-18)
10 12

Twenty percent of dermatologists have experienced a separation of water or deterioration of topical corticosteroids mixed with commercially available ointments and/or creams. However, few investigations of this deterioration of admixtures have been reported. To assess the effects of preservatives in preventing microbial contamination of these admixtures, we attempted to investigate the concentration of preservative agents in admixtures and the microbial contamination of these admixtures with a topical corticosteroid ointment (Antebate®). The concentration of parabens was reduced by half using an admixture of corticosteroid ointment with four types of moisturizing creams, Urepearl, Pastaronsoft, Hirudoid, and Hirudoidsoft. After a further 3 months, no decrease in parabens was seen. No microbial contamination was found in any admixture stored at room temperature for 1 week and touched two times daily with a finger. The concentration and ratio of the parabens in the aqueous phase and oil phase were entirely different in the admixtures before being centrifuged. The aqueous phase of the admixtures of the oil/water (O/W)-type emulsions of Urepearl and Hirudoid was not found to have microbial contamination immediately after being centrifuged. All aqueous phases stored at room temperature or in a refrigerator for 1 week and touched with a finger twice daily exhibited microbial contamination. These experiments demonstrated that O/W-type emulsions, in which the water easily separates from the bases, should be thoroughly mixed to prevent microbial contamination.
新井 賢 藤本 憲二 橋本 竹二郎 滝島 常雄 小屋 佐久次
藥學雜誌 (ISSN:00316903)
vol.107, no.4, pp.279-286, 1987-04-25

In order to identify the constituents of ethanol-extractable amino acids from Pinus densiflora SIEB. et ZUCC. leaves, high performance liquid chromatography (JASCO TWINCLE amino acids analyzer system) was used. According to the results obtained, ethanol-extractable amino acids confirmed to be such 19 different kinds, as Asp, Thr, Ser, Asn, Glu, Gln, Pro, Gly, Ala, Val, Met, Ile, Leu, Tyr, Phe, Lys, His, Arg and γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA). There was a seasonal fluctuation in the amount of free amino acids constituent, and three different patterns of changing in the amount were noticed. The major constituents of free amino acids were found to be GABA and Ala. There were similarities in the patterns of free amino acids contents among new buds, one year leaves and two year leaves. However few amount of Met and His were detected from the stage of the new buds than any other. Basic amino acids were found more in the one year leaves and the two year leaves than in the new buds. The contents of Gln, Lys and Arg increased in the germination stage of the new buds, and the contents of GABA, Pro, Ala and Asn decreased in the growing stage of the new shoots. The above facts lead to the conjecture of that these free amino acids were involved deeply in the growth of Pinus densiflora SIEB. et ZUCC. leaves.
上尾 庄次郎 上田 寛一 山本 義公
薬学雑誌 (ISSN:00316903)
vol.86, no.12, pp.1172-1184, 1966-12

The structure of anhydrotaxininol, C_<20>H_<28>O_4,obtained by treatment of taxinine, a constituent of Taxus cuspidata SIEB. et ZUCC., with alcoholic sodium hydroxide, has been briefly reported in a preliminary communication.^<8)> In this paper, details of experimental results and the discussion which led to the assignment of structure III to anhydrotaxininol are presented.
山田 智也
藥學雜誌 (ISSN:00316903)
vol.127, no.3, pp.481-490, 2007-03-01

The potential carcinogenic hazard of chemical agents to humans is presently based primarily on the results of long-term animal bioassays. The validity of this toxicologic approach to human risk assessment depends on two fundamental assumptions. First, the results of an animal bioassay are directly applicable to humans (interspecies extrapolation). Second, the doses used in an animal bioassay are relevant for estimating risk at known or expected human exposure levels (dose extrapolation). Although progress has been made over the past four decades in understanding the mode of action of chemical carcinogens, it is increasingly important to determine mechanistically the relevance of these modes of action in humans. There is now evidence that M6P/IGF2R functions as a novel tumor-suppressor gene in a variety of human and rodent cancers. M6p/Igf2r is imprinted in rodents and expressed only from the maternal allele after embryonic implantation. In contrast, both alleles are functional in humans. This marked species difference in M6P/IGF2R imprinting has important implications for human carcinogen risk assessment since only one rather than two alleles needs to be mutated in rodents to completely inactivate the function of this tumor suppressor gene. This striking species difference in the imprint status of M6P/IGF2R clearly demonstrates that we need to understand better variations in epigenetic mechanisms of gene regulation between rodents and humans to perform accurately chemical safety assessments.
石川 治 橋本 勉 中嶋 暉躬 田中 治 糸川 秀治
藥學雜誌 (ISSN:00316903)
vol.98, no.7, pp.976-979, 1978-07-25

For the analysis of Coptidis Rhizoma, high-speed liquid chromatography was examined, not only for its major alkaloid, berberine, but also for its minor alkaloids. It was found that under an appropriate condition [on starch gel (LS-170), eluted with the solvent system of H_2O : MeCN : AcOH : Et_3N=80 : 20 : 0.3 : 0.745,pH 8.5], sufficient separation of berberine, magnoflorine, jatrorrhizine, palmatine, coptisine, and some other unidentified alkaloids was obtained. By means of the present procedure, content of berberine and relative content of palmatine and coptisine to berberine in some of wild and commercial coptis rhizomes were determined. Since the solvent system does not contain any nonvolatile salt, the present technique also offers the possibility of application to rapidpreparative separation of alkaloids of this type by liquid chromatography. The application to analysis of alkaloids of phellodendron-cortex is also described.
白井 宏樹 小堀 正人
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.127, no.1, pp.103-112, 2007-01-01 (Released:2007-01-01)
1 1

We describe the prospects of bioinformatics for drug discovery and discuss the current status, problems, and future direction of the interface between bioinformatics and docking studies. We also describe our recent work on sequence and structure analysis using the guanidino-modifying enzymes superfamily as a good example.