宮崎 義憲
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.56, no.4, pp.401-408, 2007-08-01 (Released:2007-09-14)

The purpose of this study was to investigate the landing impacts of falls from short heights with body weight increment. Eight male college students participated as subjects. The body weight increments were gradually increased by 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 kg by attaching 500 gram iron bars in the pocket of vests that students wore. The subjects performed the landing by falling from a height of 2.7 m above and they landed on the surface of a force plate as softly as possible. The landing impacts, muscular activities, and joint movements of lower limbs during landing were analyzed by a force plate using EMG and VTR programs.The results indicated that there were no significant increments found in maximal landing impact even though the body weight was increased from 2 to 10 kg. The flexion of ankle, knee and hip joints started immediately before landing and increased after landing with the body weight increments. The activity of plantar and dorsi flexor muscles after landing were increased intensively with the body weight increments. Although the body weight increased from 2 to 10 kg gradually, landing impact at fall did not increase. It may be controlled by fast and deep flexing movements of lower limb joints during landing.
栗山 進一 辻 一郎
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.52, no.2, pp.199-205, 2003-04-01 (Released:2010-09-30)
角田 聡 増原 光彦
体力科學 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.35, no.2, pp.76-82, 1986-04-01

安静時の経口糖負荷試験において, 正常とみなされた日常定期的な運動を実施していない健康な男子学生4名を被検者とした.各被検者に運動負荷時間が異なる3種類の中等度運動を実施し, 運動後に糖を経口負荷した際の糖代謝について検討した.結果は以下に示すごとくである.<BR>1) 糖負荷後の血糖は運動負荷時間が60分間の場合において糖負荷後60, 90, 120, 180分にOGTTよりも高値を示し, 安静値水準への回復に遅延傾向が認められた.<BR>2) 糖負荷後の血清インスリンは20分間, 40分間運動がOGTTに比べ低値を示し, 60分間運動は糖負荷後30分値を除きOGTTと同様な値であった.また, 血清C-ペプチドも各運動とも血清インスリンを反映する変動であった.<BR>3) 安静値に対する血清FFAの増加量は, 各運動とも運動開始に伴い増加し, 運動後20分の糖負荷前においても増加傾向を示した.<BR>4) 血漿cAMPは運動終了直後で60分間運動が最も高値を示し, その後各運動とも糖負荷前まで低下傾向を認めたが, 安静値水準には至らなかった.糖負荷前値においても60分間運動が若干高値を示した.<BR>これらのことから, 中等度運動後に糖を経口負荷した時の糖代謝は, 運動負荷時間が20分間, 40分間の場合にはOGTTとほとんど差が認められなかったが, 60分間の場合には血糖の安静値への回復に遅延傾向が認められた.このような運動後に糖を負荷した場合, 運動による血清FFAの増加が糖の取り込みを抑制することが示唆される.本研究は文部省科学研究費, 奨励研究 (A) No.58780128により行われた.
額田 年 椿 恒城
体力科學 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.13, no.3, pp.119-122, 1964-09-01

(1) 体型的にみた場合海女の中でも大磯人は他の海女群及び非海女よりも比胸囲・比体重がすぐれている。潜水のための上体の発達から筋肉労働者としての体力作業に耐えうる体型であり他の職業婦人とは有意の差をみた。<BR>(2) 体力, 握力は左右が稍平行している。肺活量は他の海女群に比較して大きく, 止息時間と肺活量の相関は低いが潜水作業者として息こらえが長く出来るためには肺活量が大きい方がよく, 血圧は作業直後 (1~2分) にはさしたる変化はしないが30分後には95%が低下した。又, 年令が進むと共に血圧低下の度が大きい。体力的にすぐれた海女は漁獲高も多い。<BR>(3) 障害: 潜水による水圧との関係から30才以上に57.1%の耳鼻咽喉科的疾患がみられ, 聴力は年令と共に難聴者を増し8, 000cycleの高い音がきこえにくくなる。これ海女の職業病と云つてよい。<BR>(4) 疲労: 客難的主観的な検査からは作業後に疲労の徴こうがあらわれているが翌日には解消している所から正常疲労とみた。好酸球数は5.79%の減少率を示したが自覚疲労がなくとも海女の疲労はないとは云えない。毎日の作業であるから「なれ」が出来作業に苦痛は感じないが潜水そのものには疲労をともなつていると思われる。疲労部位は伊豆・志摩海女の作業形式には特色があるため前者は下肢に後者は上肢にその疲労感をみとめた。<BR>以上の事から海女作業は海女自体から云つた場合には苦痛にたえる様な職業とは云えないが海女作業の健康障害については充分に考慮してその改善をはかるべきである。
重松 良祐 田中 喜代次 大島 秀武 三村 寛一
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.45, no.1, pp.179-187, 1996-02-01 (Released:2010-09-30)
5 1

This study was conducted to determine the effect of exercise training in water (water exercise) in sedentary obese women. Twenty-three women, aged 23-58 years (mean±SD 41.7±11.7), partici pated in this study. Any volunteer with diagnosed disease or taking prescribed medication that might influence the outcome of this study was excluded from participation. The women were allocated either to the exercise group (n =15, weight =65.2±12.3 kg, %body fat=39.2±7.0%) or the control group (n = 8, 62.4±8.3 kg, 34.0±2.4%), respectively. The exercise program consisted of dynamic movements for 60 minutes per session, three days per week for 16 weeks. The exercise intensity was set at approximately 65% of the age-related maximal heart rate. The attendance rate on the program was 89.2±3.0%. The body mass and %body fat of the exercise group decreased significantly by 4.7±1.9 kg (P<0.05) and 3.6±2.4% (P<0.01), respectively, compared with the preexercise values. Significant improvements in their aerobic capacity, trunk flexibility and vertical jump (P<0.05) were also observed. Their energy intake and the amount of other daily physical activity remained essentially unchanged throughout the study. No significant changes in any of the parameters measured occurred, in the control group. These findings indicate that water exercise improved the body composition and physical fitness of obese women.
内野 欽司 佐藤 誠治 小倉 貢 岩下 玲 饒村 清司 中村 靖
体力科學 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.23, no.2, pp.53-59, 1974-06-01
2 2

1) 運動選手の瞬発握力発揮時の張力を名取の方法により分析し,非鍛錬者のそれと比較し,年令別運動種目別に検討し,さらに測定方法に検討を加えた. 2) 被倹者は17才から26才までの運動選手71名,および対照群として運動選手ではない17才から26才までの健康な男子54名が無作為に選ばれた.運動選手のうち高校生は,相撲,柔道,剣道,野球部員であり,大学生は,ハンドボール,ラグビー,体操部員であった. 3)運動選手の加令にともなうPmax.の変化は,ほぼ20才になるとplateauに達するのを認めた.対照群では20才以降も漸増の経過を示した.4)運動選手のtanψ,tanθはいづれも,対照群より大きく,瞬発筋力発揮時の実行が大であることを認めた. 5)瞬発筋力時の実効を必要とする運動種目は,剣道.柔道で,瞬発筋力の実効を必要としない種目は,体操であろう.またハンドボールは,Pmax.が大きいことは必要であるが,瞬発筋力の実効は,剣道,柔道ほど必要でない種目であるように推定された.6)非鍛錬者および高校生の運動選手郡では,Pmax.の大きいとき,tanψ,tanθも大きい傾向を示したが,大学生,一般成人の運動部員では,このような傾向はみられず,運動種目によりPmax.の増加のしかた,tanψの増加のしかたが異なるように推定された.
崔 鳥淵 高橋 英幸 板井 悠二 高松 薫
体力科學 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.47, no.1, pp.119-129, 1998-02-01
2 8

本研究では, 筋力トレーニングにおける一般的な手段であるパワーアップ型手段とバルクアップ型手段の筋の形態および機能の面からみたトレーニング効果の相違を, 膝伸展運動による週2回, 8週間のトレーニング実験を通して比較検討した.被検者には, 健常な一般成人男子11名を用いた.パワーアップ型群 (5名) には, 1RMの90%の負荷で5セット行わせた.セット間には3分間の休息をとらせた (レペティション法) .一方, バルクアップ型群 (6名) には, 1RMの80~40%の負荷で9セット行わせた.セット間には30秒~3分間の休息をとらせた (インターバル法・マルチパウンデツジ法) .<BR>おもな結果は次の通りである.<BR>1.大腿四頭筋全体および大腿四頭筋を構成する各筋の筋断面積の増加率は, いずれもバルクアップ型群がパワーアップ型群より有意に高い値を示した.<BR>2.1RM, 等尺性最大膝伸展力および等速性最大膝伸展力 (角速度, 60・180・300deg/sec) の増加率は, 実測値および筋断面積あたりの相対値ともに, パワーアップ型群がバルクアップ型群より高い値を示した.このうち, 1RMの実測値, 60deg/secの角速度による等速性最大膝伸展力の実測値を除くすべての項目に有意差が認められた.<BR>3.等速性平均膝伸展力 (角速度, 180deg/sec; 試行回数, 50回) の増加率は, 実測値および筋断面積あたりの相対値ともに, バルクアップ型群がパワーアップ型群より有意に高い値を示した.また, 連続50回にわたる等速性膝伸展力の低下率は, トレーニングが進むにつれてバルクアップ型群では小さくなるのに対して, パワーアップ型群では顕著な変化は認められなかった.<BR>上述の結果は, パワーアップ型手段はおもに筋力・無気的パワーの増大に, バルクアップ型手段はおもに筋肥大および無気的持久力の増大にそれぞれ有効であることを示すものである.これらの結果は, 筋力トレーニングでは, 特性の異なるパワーアップ型手段とバルクアップ型手段を, 各人の目的に即して適切に使い分けることが重要であることを示唆するものである.
秋坂 真史 尾尻 義彦 高倉 実
体力科學 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.46, no.4, pp.375-381, 1997-08-01
8 1

In order to obtain the basic data for the relationship between factors related to sports and bone density of high school girls, bone densities of a heel were measured, and physical characteristics and living backgrounds on exercises were surveyed.The subjects were one-hundred and forty two girls (15〜18years, mean±SD=16.5±0.84years)of a high school in Nagano prefecture, accepted our visiting bone health check.Bone density was measured by ultrasound bone-densitometer 'Achilles'(Lunar).As for the data, we obtained the stiffness index(Stiffness)with a self-registered questionnaire for the items of physical and exercise factors for the girls in puberty.High school girls who belong to a sport club have significantly higher bone density than other girls.In detail, those who do the sports which consist of mainly running or jumpping, have significantly higher bone density than others who do no sports.There also were significants on the kinds of sports, on the frequency of sports and on the duration of sports.Moreover, those who had the regular sports history have higher bone density than those who had no regular sports history, and the mean Stiffness of the group that care to do physical exersises daily was higher than those who do not care to do exercises.These results suggest that there are many kinds of factors related to sports which favourably contribute to obtain sufficient bone mass of high school girls who are in a developmental stage.
山口(渡辺) 彩子 綾部 誠也 千葉 仁志 小林 範子 佐久間 一郎 石井 好二郎
The Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.63, no.3, pp.305-312, 2014

The purpose of the present investigation was to examine the relationships between the exercise history and the bone mineral density (BMD) and bone mineral content (BMC) in female Japanese young adults using dual X-ray absorptiometry (DXA). One-hundred twenty females, aged between 18 to 28 years, participated in the present investigation. The BMD at the lumbar spine (L-BMD), whole body BMD and BMC (WB-BMD and WB-BMC), lean body mass (LBM) and fat mass (FM) were measured by DXA. Using a self-administrered questionnaire, the exercise habits during preschool (4-6 years), primary school (7-12 years), junior high school (13-15 years), high school (16-18 years), and the current habits (>18 years) were eveluated. The L-BMD, WB-BMD and WB-BMC were significantly higher in the subjects with exercise habits during both the period of <18 years and >18 years compared with those in the subjects without an exercise history during all periods (p<0.05). In a separate analysis with the data stratified by the school age, the subjects with an exercise history during primary school, junior high school, or high school had significantly higher BMD and BMC values compared with the non-exercisers (each, p<0.05). In contrast, the BMD and BMC did not differ significantly according to either the exercise history during pre-school nor the current exercise status. A multiple stepwise regression analysis revealed that the body weight, LBM, FM, age of menarche, and exercise habits during high school were significant determinants of the L-BMD, WB-BMD and WB-BMC (p<0.001). The results of the present investigation show that both the exercise history during school age and the current exercise habits affect the BMD and BMC in young adults. In particular, high school females should be encouraged to participate in the regular exercise to increase their bone health. Future studies will be needed to confirm the targeted age-group(s) for participation in sports/exercise for the improvement of bone health, including an analysis of the type and intensity of exercise/sports.
北浜 章 勝村 龍一
体力科學 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.2, no.4, 1952-10-01
沢田 芳男
体力科學 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.8, no.4, pp.193-194, 1959-03-10
中塘 二三生 田中 喜代次 羽間 鋭男 前田 如矢
体力科學 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.39, no.3, pp.164-172, 1990-06-01
11 7

Recently, bioelectrical impedance analysis systems(BIA)have become available for determination of human body composition, The validity of BIA has been found to be sufficiently in the American population. However, more work is needed to assess the validity and applicability of BIA to the Japanese population. The purposes of this study were (1) to test the validity of body composition measured by BIA in comparison with the underwater weighing criterion method, and (2) to develop a convenient equation that would reliably predict body composition using BIA and anthropometric measurements in Japanese females. The subjects were 226 Japanese womn and girls aged 11 to 55 years (23.9±8.3). Body impedance was measured using a tetrapolar electrode method, with a localized 800-μA and 50-kHz current injection(Selco SIF-881. The percentage of body fat (%fat) estunated by BIA was significantly correlated with densitometrically determined %fat (r=0.793, Lukaski et al.method;and r=0.800, Segal et al.method). The magnitude of these correlations was substantially higher when compared with r=0.615 found between the skinfold thickness method and the criterion method. Absolute %fat values estimated by BIA were, however, significantly lower than those determined by the criterion method, thereby indicating the need for a more accurate method of assessing Japanese body composition. For this, we propose the use of D=1.1303-0.0726(Wt/2), where D=body density in g/ml, Wt=body weight in kg, R=(R^2+Xc^2)<0.5> in ohms, and Ht=body height in cm. Lean body mass (LBM) and %fat predicted from this equation were correlated significantly (r=0.924 and r=0.799, respedtively) with values determined by densitometry. The standard error of estimates of LBM and %fat resulted in figures of 1.9kg and 3.7%, respectively. Thus we suggest that BIA is valid, convenient, and inexpensive, and that the prediction equation proposed in this study is useful for assessment of body composition in Japanese adult females.
久野 譜也 村上 晴香 馬場 紫乃 金 俊東 上岡 方士
体力科學 = Japanese Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.52, pp.17-29, 2003-08-01

The ability to walk is just as important for the elderly as it is for young people. In fact, in the elderly, decreased mobility limits function in daily life and can lead to more serious situations (e.g., becoming bedridden). The elderly population has increased over the last decade, and many researchers have studied the mobility of the elderly. However, the focus of most studies has been to facilitate recovery of bedridden individuals and prevent the elderly from becoming bedridden, and particularly to prevent fall-induced fractures, which often cause the elderly to become bedridden. However, about 70-80% of the elderly population do not require care, and it is necessary to conduct research on the maintenance of activities of daily living to make it possible for the elderly to work or volunteer. From this perspective, mobility is an important physical factor. Mobility is dependent on muscle activity and it has long been known that aging reduces muscle mass. Therefore, it is feasible to assume that reduced muscle mass leads to decreased ability to walk, and we have proven that there is a close correlation between the two. When presenting the idea of strength training to the elderly, it is appropriate to focus on the maintenance and improvement of mobility, not on the training itself. The results of our research can be summarized as follows : Muscle mass decreases with age, with the legs being affected to a greater degree than the arms. Moreover, muscle atrophy is dependent on weakening of muscle fibers, especially fast-twitch (Type II) fibers. Reduced lower limb muscle mass increases the risk of falling and can decrease walking ability to a degree that can affect daily living activities. In order to improve reduced muscle mass in aging, it is important to use an exercise program that is designed to strengthen fast-twitch fibers, which can be followed even by the elderly. Since walking therapy mostly mobilizes slow twitch fibers, it is not effective in preventing and improving muscle atrophy. It is important to have an exercise program that is designed to mobilize fast-twitch fibers.