新矢 博美 芳田 哲也 高橋 英一 常岡 秀行 中井 誠一
体力科學 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.52, no.1, pp.75-88, 2003-02-01
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The effects of fencing uniforms (U) on thermoregulatory responses were analyzed in both practical field investigation (PFI) and laboratory experiment (LE). In PFI, six fencers (college-aged) performed regular fencing practice wearing U and wearing a short-sleeved shirt and pants (T) in summer. Rectal temperature (Tr), chest skin temperature (Tch), mask temperature (Tmk), heart rate (HR) and sweat rate (SR) were measured during fencing practice. In LE, seven male college-aged subjects performed three sessions of 20-min cycling at light intensity (250 W/m^2) in a room temperature maintained at 28 WBGT (wet bulb globe temperature). Esophageal temperature (Tes), mean skin temperature (Tsk), mean body temperature (Tb), HR, and SR were measured during exercise wearing U and in a semi-nude condition (N). In both PFI and LE, increases in Tch, Tsk, Tb, Tes, Tr and SR were significantly (p<0.001) greater when wearing U than when wearing T and N. In PFI, the maximal value of Tr correlated significantly with the maximal values of Tch (r=0.513, p<0.001) and SR (r=0.635, p<0.001) during practice wearing U and T. In LE, positive correlations between Tsk and Tes (r=0.797, p<0.001), and between Tb and SR (r=0.658, p<0.02) were found at the end of exercise wearing U and N. In PFI, although the Tsk decreased within a few minutes of a decrease in Tmk, a significant relationship between the decrease in Tmk and Tsk or Tr was not observed during fencing practice. These results demonstrate that when wearing U, a higher skin temperature induces core temperature elevation, and higher skin and core temperatures are associated with increases in SR and HR during exercise in a hot environment. Thus, wearing light clothing during exercise, and taking off the fencing jacket and mask during rest periods would be recommended to reduce the heat stress during fencing practice in hot environments.
川合 悟 生田 香明 山本 高司
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.50, no.4, pp.513-520, 2001-08-01 (Released:2010-09-30)

拇指および指示指で小物体を摘み上げる運動において, 視覚から得られる物体の大きさ情報が摘み力および持ち上げ力の発揮プログラムにおよぼす影響について検討した.(1) 視覚から得られる物体の大きさに応じて, 持ち上げ時に発揮されるGrip ForceおよびLoad Forceはスケールされた.このことは力発揮プログラムの予測的制御変数として物体の大きさ情報が利用されていると推察された.(2) 大きさ情報が遮断されると, いずれの大きさの箱に対しても発揮される力は大きな箱を持ち上げる際に発揮される力の方へ変化した.このことは大きさ情報が, 最も大きな箱に対して発揮される力を基準として, それより小さな箱に対してより小さな力を発揮するように作用した結果と推察された.本研究の一部は, 帝塚山学術研究助成金および文部省科学研究費 (基礎研究 (C) 11680067) により行われた.
長谷 弘記 中村 良一 海老根 東雄 赤池 真 露木 和夫 米田 一平
体力科學 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.39, no.5, pp.341-349, 1990-10-01

A study was performed to evaluate the physical exsrcise characterristics of 29 Japanese elite judo athletes by treadmill exercise test. Functional aerobic impairment (FAI), heat rate impairment (HRI) and peripheral circulatory impairment (PCI) in the judo athletes were not significantly different from those of normal sendntary subjects. Howevar, myocardaial aerobic impairment (MAI) was lower than in normal sedentary subjects. %V^O_2max at the anaerobic threahold (AT) was 57.5±3.3% in male, and 57.0±4.3% in female judo athletes. %HRmax at AT was 72.4±3.8% in males, and 75.2±5.3% in females. These findings suggest that functional aerobic capacity and peripheral circulatory function in Japanese elite judo athletes are not significantly different from those of normal sedentary subject, but that judo athletes have high left ventricular function. The blood biochemical profile and urinalysis date revealed that values of muscle injury enzymes plasma uric acid and cholesterol were increased with relatively high freqency in elite judo athletes. Similar data were also obtained in individuals with suspected diabetic nephropathy and rhabdomyolysis.
恒吉 玲代 永山 寛 涌井 佐和子 浜岡 隆文 齋藤 和人 前田 明 図子 浩二 井上 尚武 和田 智仁 隅野 美砂輝 荻田 太 吉武 裕
体力科學 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.57, no.4, pp.433-442, 2008-08-01
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There have so far been no studies examining the physical fitness and physical activity (PA), measured using objective measures, in homebound elderly people. The purpose of this study was to examine physical fitness levels and PA patterns and evaluate their relationships in homebound elderly people. In 2004, a total of 3964 community-dwelling elderly aged 65 years and over participated in a base line survey. The subject data were directly collected by in-home interviewer. Subjects were defined as being homebound if they went outdoors less than once a week. However, the subjects who could not go out without assistance due to sickness and/or disability were excluded from the analysis. In 2005, 38 homebound (22 men, 16 women) and 70 non-homebound (33 men, 37 women) older adults who participated in the base line survey were selected. Measurements of physical fitness levels and PA patterns measured using an accelerometer, were taken in 2005. The total steps per day did not significantly differ between homebound and non-homebound men and women. The time spent in 1.8 METs activity (corresponding to activity level 1 of the accelerometer) was significantly higher in women than in men for non-homebound and homebound, respectively. The time spent in lower-, moderate-, and high-intensity PA did not significantly differ between homebound and non-homebound men and women, respectively. Handgrip strength, knee extensor strength, leg extensor power, stepping and maximum walking speed were significantly higher in non-homebound than in homebound men and women. These results suggest that the physical fitness levels of homebound were lower than those of non-homebound, but no difference was observed in the PA levels between homebound and non-homebound.
石川 友衛 近藤 陽一 大竹 朗 川上 順子
体力科學 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.42, no.6, 1993-12-01
琉子 友男 福永 哲夫
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.35, no.3, pp.168-174, 1986
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トレーニング経験のない16名の健康成人男子を用いて, 脚伸展筋の等尺性最大筋力に対する筋断面積の影響, および, 筋断面積あたりの等尺性最大筋力に対する外側広筋の筋線維組成の影響について検討し, 次の結果を得た.<BR>1.等尺性最大筋力と筋断面積との間には, 先行研究と同様, 有意な正の相関係数 (r=0.61, p<0.05) が得られた.<BR>2.筋断面積あたりの等尺性最大筋力と外側広筋の筋線維組成との間には, 統計的に有意な相関係数は得られなかった.<BR>以上の結果から, 静的な最大筋力を発揮することに対しては, 筋線維組成よりも筋断面積の方がより重要な影響を及ぼしていること, さらに, 筋断面積あたりの等尺性最大筋力の大きな個人差の生ずる原因は, 筋線維組成以外の要因に依るものであることが示唆された.