宮西 智久 森本 吉謙
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.52, no.4, pp.361-381, 2007
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A three-dimensional (3D) videography study was performed to clarify the mechanical effects of a change of pitching motion from an overhand throw (OH style) to a three-quarter throw (TQ style). Two collegiate pitchers (subjects A and B) who normally used the OH style participated. They were requested to change their original OH style into the TQ style. To do this, they were subjected to a one-year skill training program based on biomechanical principles and on knowledge such as the stretch-shortening cycle theory, muscle force-velocity relationship, and the motions of skilled pitchers (e.g., shoulder positioning at 90 degrees of abduction-adduction during the acceleration phase). Four pitches for subject A (two in pre-training, one during training and one in post-training), and three for subject B (one each in pre-training, training and post-training) were videotaped with the 3D DLT procedure using two high-speed cameras, and then analyzed. We then examined the mechanical differences between pre- and post-training. The speed of the ball at release increased progressively with every successive pitch for both subjects (Subject A : 1<SUP>st</SUP> : 130.3km/h ; 2<SUP>nd</SUP> : 133.2km/h ; 3<SUP>rd</SUP> : 135.7km/h ; 4<SUP>th</SUP> : 142.2km/h. Subject B : 1<SUP>st</SUP> : 131.0km/h ; 2<SUP>nd</SUP> : 135.0km/h ; 3<SUP>rd</SUP> : 139.3km/h). The pitching styles of both subjects changed from their original OH style to the TQ style, both qualitatively and quantitatively. The time-dependent patterns and peak values of the angular velocities of shoulder internal-external rotation and elbow flexion-extension of the throwing arm did not change very much. However, the peak value of the angular velocity of shoulder internal rotation occurred immediately after ball release for the OH style, while for the TQ style it occurred at ball release. As a result, the angular velocity of elbow extension at ball release was larger in the OH style than in the TQ style. On the other hand, the angular velocity of shoulder internal rotation at ball release was larger in the TQ style than in the OH style. These findings suggest that the increase in the speed of the ball is dominated by elbow extension in the OH style, and by shoulder internal rotation in the TQ style.
石垣 尚男
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.33, no.3, pp.185-192, 1988
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The purpose of this study was to investigate whether visual acuity improves or deteriorates by the exercise. Exercise was cycle ergometer pedaling for 15 minutes under the load; 20%, 50%, 80% of Maxmum Oxygen Intake of each subject with equal relative load among subjects. Accommodation function,Refraction and CFF (Critical Fusion Frequency) were measured for the investigation of the change of visual acuity. The subjects were 10 males (18-20 yrs) without eye diseases. 1. Visual acuity was deteriorated in all the cases of 20%, 50%, 80% Vo_2 max exercise load. The heavier the load, the more visual acuity deteriorated. Visual acuity recovered gradually after exercise in 20-30 minutes. 2. The heavier the load, the longer the near-point was extended, and recovered in about 20 minutes. 3. Deterioration of visual acuity and recovery process of visual acuity after exercise were similar to the changes of near-point. There was a significant correlation of 0.414 (p&lt0.05) between deterioration of visual acuity and extension of near-point immediately after exercise. 4. The frequency of accommodation fluctuation of crystalline lens was hardly changed. 5. Refraction (Sphere, Cylinder) was hardly changed. 6. CFF rose with every level of load. The heavier the load became, the higher CFF rose. Based on these reuslts, the main cause of the deterioration of visual acuity was assumed to be deterioration of accommodation function.
狩野 豊 高橋 英幸 森丘 保典 秋間 広 宮下 憲 久野 譜也 勝田 茂
体育學研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.41, no.5, pp.352-359, 1997-01-10

The relationship between the thigh muscle composition and the sprinting performance was investigated in 11 male adult sprinters (age/20.8±0.9 yrs, 100 m sprint time/11.20±0.33 sec). Axial images of the thigh muscle were taken by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) at upper (70%) and middle (50%) position in femur. From these images, cross-sectional areas (CSA) of the quadriceps femoris, the hamstring and the adductor muscles were measured. The results of the regression analysis showed significant correlations between 100 m sprint time and both CSA of adductor and hamstring muscles at 70% position (r=-0.72 and r=-0.67, respectively). There were no significant correlations between 100 m sprint time and CSA of adductor or hamstring muscles at 50% position, and neither quadriceps femoris mudcles at 70 nor 50% positions. These results suggest that greater muscle volume of hamstring and adductor at upper position affect sprinting performance.
平嶋 裕輔 中山 雅雄 内藤 清志 浅井 武
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
pp.13106, (Released:2014-09-20)

The purpose of this study was to clarify the principal factors related to shot situations that affect the outcome of goalkeeping saves in soccer and to build a regression formula that would predict the difficulty of saving a shot. The samples were 551 shots at goal in the 2010 FIFA World Cup in South Africa. The shots data were collected using game performance analysis. For statistical processing, the principal factors affecting the outcome of a save in soccer were revealed using logistic regression analysis. The principal factors that influenced the results of a save attempt were: the duration between initiation of the shot and when the ball reached the goal, the presence or absence of a defender in front of the shooter, the presence or absence of a defender located lateral or posterior to the shooter, the part of the body used to perform the shot, i.e. the head or the leg, the type of shot, i.e., a liner, a lob, or a grounder, the shot course in a mediolateral direction, the shot course in a vertical direction, the presence or absence of a change in the direction of the shot by other players, the shooter's position angle in relation to the goal line and the line from the goal post to the shooter, and the distance from the center of the goal to the ball when the ball reached the goal line. In addition, a regression formula was constructed to predict the difficulty of the save by combining the odds ratios of the main factors. It was verified that the difficulty in making a save could be accurately predicted using the regression formula (84.8%). As a future task, using our regression formula, it would be practically important to develop predictors for evaluating the ability of a goalkeeper.
高倉 実
体育學研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.36, no.4, pp.349-357, 1992-03-01

The purpose of this study was to investigate the physiological demands on the referees and their movement patterns during rugby games. With this knowledge, training programmes for referees can be more scientifically prepared to meet the physiological demands of the game. Initially seven Japanese regional referees performed a treadmill running test to determine the maximal oxygen uptake (V^^.O_2 max), heart rate (HR) versus V^^.O_2 max regression line to estimate oxygen uptake (V^^.O_2) during rugby games. Referees were investigated for HR via PE3000 heart rate monitor and were filmed with a video tape recorder to estimate the distance covered on the field according to the type of activity performed during rugby games. The results were as follows; 1) The mean V^^.O_2 max of referees was 3.19 l/min (45.3 ml/kg/min). 2) The mean HR of referees during rugby games was 157.4 beats/min, which corresponded to 82.9% of the maximal HR and 77.2% of V^^.O_2 max. As referees performed approximately 50% of actual playing time at an intensity above 8O% of V^^.O_2 max. 3) The mean HR of referees during the second halves were significantly greater than those during the first halves. As for the same referees, the mean HR when refereeing at the semifinal or final game was significantly greater than that when refereeing at the first round. 4) The mean total distance covered in a 60 minute game for a referee was 4315.4 metres.There was no significant difference in distance covered by the referee comparing the first and second halves of a game. 5) Jogging shared the highest percentage of 43.0% of the total distance covered, followed by walking (28.3%) and running (12.5%). There was a considerable amount of backwards movement required by referees (9.9%). A relatively small percentage of distance covered in a game was by sprinting (2.1%) and sidestep (4.2%). From these results, it was suggested that the aerobic work predominated in refereeing and backwards movement was an important action for referees.
木内 敦詞 荒井 弘和 浦井 良太郎 中村 友浩
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.54, no.1, pp.145-159, 2009
1 4

身体活動増強は他の健康行動改善へのきっかけとしての役割が示唆されているものの,大学生の身体活動レベルは低い.Sallis et al.(1999)によるProject Graduate Ready for Activity Daily(GRAD)は,行動科学に基づいてプログラムされた,卒業直前の大学生のための身体活動増強コースである.大学新入生に対しても,GRADと同様の視点に立った身体活動介入を行う必要がある.本研究の目的は,行動科学に基づく宿題を併用した体育プログラムが大学新入生の心理的・行動的・生理的な身体活動関連変数に正の効果を持つかどうかを検討することであった.本プロジェクトは,First-Year Physical Education(FYPE)と名づけられた.近畿圏にある工科系大学の新入生が本研究に参加した(N=993;介入群,N=497;非介入群,N=496).全授業の共通プログラムは以下のとおり(数字はその順序に対応);1:ガイダンス,2:健康関連体力テスト,3-6:実技,7:講義,8-12:実技,13:健康関連体力テスト,14:まとめ.介入群にのみ,行動科学に基づく身体活動増強プログラムが追加された.そのプログラムは,ワークシートによる行動変容技法教育(意思決定バランス分析,セルフトークの修正,逆戻り防止,社会的支援,シェイピングなど)と,授業時間外演習課題のアクティブ・ホームワーク(身体活動に関するセルフモニタリング,目標設定)から構成された.週1回のプログラムの期間は3.5ヵ月であった.心理的変数(運動セルフ・エフィカシー,運動に関する意思決定のバランス[恩恵-負担]),行動的変数(強度別の身体活動量,区分された身体活動の実施頻度),生理的変数(健康関連体力:心肺持久力,柔軟性,筋持久力,体脂肪率)を測定した.これら変数を授業期間の前と後に測定し,介入群と非介入群を比較した.2要因分散分析とその後の下位検定により,心理的変数の運動セルフ・エフィカシーと運動実践の恩恵知覚への有意な介入効果が認められた.行動的変数については,「運動・スポーツ」「日常活動性」といった幅広い強度の身体活動量および区分された身体活動の実施頻度(日常身体活動と健康関連のエクササイズ[有酸素運動・柔軟運動・筋運動])への有意な介入効果が示された.生理的変数としての健康関連体力に関しては,筋持久力への介入効果が認められた.これらの結果は,行動科学に基づく宿題を併用した体育授業が,大学新入生の身体活動関連の心理・行動・生理的変数への包括的な正の効果を持つことを示唆している.
小林 啓介 下門 洋文 高木 英樹 椿本 昇三 仙石 泰雄
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.61, no.1, pp.185-195, 2016 (Released:2016-06-17)

The purpose of this study was to clarify the pattern of muscular activity in the trunk, thigh and lower leg during the underwater dolphin kick in elite female competitive swimmers. The participants were 9 national-level competitive female swimmers who performed underwater dolphin kick swimming for 15 m at maximum effort. Sagittal movement was recorded for 2-D motion analysis, and surface electromyographic (EMG) data were recorded from 6 muscles: rectus abdominis (RA), elector spinae (ES), rectus femoris (RF), biceps femoris (BF), tibialis anterior (TA), and gastrocnemius (GAS). The EMG data were used to investigate the active phase during one kick cycle. Furthermore, the co-active phases between the agonist and the antagonist in the trunk, thigh and lower leg were evaluated in terms of estimated muscular coordination. The kinematic results indicated that the average swimming velocity and the strouhal number for these swimmers were similar to those for Olympic swimmers in a previous study. Furthermore, a whiplash-like action was observed in their underwater dolphin kick movement. The EMG results indicated that the active phases of all subjective muscles during one kick cycle were approximately 60%. Co-active phases were observed in all pairs (RA-ES: 24.1±10.1%, RF-BF: 23.2±5.5%, TA-GAS: 45.5±20.2%), and the co-active phase of TA-GAS was significantly larger than for the other pairs (p<0.05). From these results, two main findings emerged with regard to the muscular activity pattern during the underwater dolphin kick in elite female competitive swimmers: (1) the muscular activity patterns in the trunk and thigh muscles were reciprocal; (2) the co-active phase for the lower leg muscles was larger than for the other parts and occurred during the first half of the upward kick phase.
篠原 康男 前田 正登
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
pp.13007, (Released:2013-10-11)

The forces applied to the starting blocks are an important aspect of a sprint start. For achieving the most effective start, however, the relationship between these forces and block clearance has not been clarified. In this study, an experiment was conducted with collegiate sprinters in order to elucidate this relationship. The 19 male participants performed a start dash from the blocks as in a typical sprint race, and the forces applied to the front and rear starting blocks, as well as to the ground during the first step, were measured with force plates. The following results were obtained. Based on the impulses applied to the starting blocks, the horizontal impulse component had a greater effect than the vertical impulse component at block clearance. Furthermore, at block clearance, the horizontal component of the impulse applied to the front block accounted for a large proportion of the total horizontal impulse applied to the starting blocks. However, there was a significant correlation between the horizontal component of the impulse applied to the rear block and the total horizontal impulse applied to the starting blocks. The horizontal component of the impulse was affected by the duration of force application to the blocks. Moreover, the horizontal component of the impulse applied to the starting blocks was unrelated to block placement. This indicates that the component was affected by the position of the sprinter relative to the front and rear blocks. Lastly, the horizontal impulse component at block clearance affected the sprint start until grounding of the first step, after which this relationship differed according to the starting strategy and grounding skill of individual participants.
星野 公夫
体育學研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.42, no.4, pp.205-214, 1997-11-10

Psychological factors cannot be the sole determinants of good performance in sports, since motor performance of athletes is actualized through their bodily movements. Similarly, physical factors alone cannot meet all the requirements of good performance, since bodily movement ususually initiated and executed by an athlete's will. Therefore, athletes must solve the dual tasks of mind and body when attempting to improve their own motor skills and demonstrate their own motor abilities. Accordingly, DOUSA-HOU would be useful as a basis for the training of athletes. The purpose of DOUSA-HOU is to improve one's capability of controlling DOUSA, and thus to improve the way of experience. In this review, the aims and theory of DOUSA-HOU are outlined, and the possibility of applying DOUSA-HOU to athletes is discussed with reference to several examples. It is concluded that DOUSA-HOU is effective for improvement of both motor control and psychological modification in athletes. In addition, this review shows that the method is useful for both the mental and physical health of non-athletes, since the psychological condition is modified by changes of the way of DOUSA experience by improving the ability of JIKO control of DOUSA.
服部 恒明 大槻 文夫
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.19, no.3, pp.133-136, 1974

手掌部平面相は, 把持動作等における接触域の指標として, 身体活動の遂行において考慮すべき形質と考えられるが, 従来殆んど言及されていない. そのため,成人男女合計139名について面積測定し, きき手別の集団で検討した. その結果, 平均値は男14Ocm^2, 女12Ocm^2前後を示し, 男女共優勢側の値が, 非優勢側に比して大きかった. スポーツマンの結果と比較すると, 一般成人では両側とも小さいことが知れた. 非優位側の優位側に対する割合は97〜99%を示し, Verchuerの平均百分率偏差を求めた結果, 男女間や左右優勢群間に特定の傾向は認められなかった. 平均値で示される一般的傾向に従がわないもの, すなわち非優位側が優位側よりも大きい例は, 男の右優勢群で12(21.4%), 左優勢群7(23.3%), 女の右優勢群で6(15.8%), 左優勢群6(40.0%) となり, 比較的高い頻度で出現することが明瞭となった.
林 陵平 苅山 靖 吉田 拓矢 図子 浩二
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
pp.15101, (Released:2016-08-19)

The purpose of this study was to identify the ground reaction force and joint kinetics in the lower extremity during the catch phase of the clean exercise through comparison with the pull phase. Eleven male track and field athletes performed the power clean from the floor with loads of 30%, 60%, and 90% of 1RM (One Repetition Maximum). Kinetic data were collected from data recorded using a Vicon motion system (250 Hz) and force platforms (1,000 Hz). The results of the analyses were as follows:  1) In the catch phase, force development was similar to that of the pull phase because the peak ground reaction force was not significant during the two phases.  2) The joint kinetics in the ankle and knee joints were larger during the catch phase than during the pull phase.  3) During the power clean, force development was achieved mainly by concentric muscle contraction during the pull phase and by eccentric muscle contraction during the catch phase.  4) The ground reaction force and joint kinetics were significantly different during the catch phase.  These results show the differences in load characteristics in the lower extremity between the pull and catch phases during clean exercise. Therefore, not only the pull phase but also the catch phase should be considered when performing the clean exercise in weight training.
岡田 桂
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)

This study analyzed the momentum of the (hetero) sexualization of masculinity through physical culture magazines published during the 1930s-1980s in the United States, and also examined the social conditions caused by the corresponding changes. Since Foucault suggested the "repressive hypothesis" of sexuality, it has been widely recognized that, at some moment in modern history, same sex desire was identified as an inevitable identity, rather than just a deviant act, as considered previously.  However, several recent studies have questioned this hypothesis as being oversimplified. By reviewing previous research, this study examined the momentum of segregation between hetero/homosexual desire, which was observed in the 1950s, i.e. much more recently than generally recognized, and the obvious hetero-sexualization of the masculine ideal, which occurred after the 1970s.  The method employed was to compare two major physical culture magazines. To provide a contrasting perspective with regard to different sexuality, the first (famous) physique magazine, which began to be published in 1951 for potentially homosexual customers, was adopted to comparatively and diachronically examine the representation of male figures on the cover pages. This analysis revealed the following results:  1. During the 1930s-1950s, the ideal of masculinity was not yet hetero-sexualized and exemplified a broad range of desire which was not yet segregated as hetero/homosexual.  2. During the 1950s-1960s, physical culture magazines started to exclude non-heterosexual elements from their representations because of the risk that they could be potentially interpreted as homosexual.  3. The rise of the sexual minority rights movement in and after the 1970s, and the 1980s AIDS panic promoted homosexual visibility and expedited homophobia as a form of counter-action. This advance caused rapid and obvious hetero-sexualization of mainstream physical culture media.  In conclusion, the reason for the hetero-sexualization of physical culture magazines was a reaction to the increasing presence of homosexuals. It could be said that the rise of heterosexual self-consciousness itself was, to some extent, a counter to, and paradoxically caused by the creation and increasing awareness of homosexual identity. Moreover, these changes in the masculine ideal, and especially the examples before the 1950s, suggest the possibility of an ideal masculinity shared by hetero/homosexual males, which Sedgwick (2001) suggests is a homosocial continuum—namely, homosociality without discontinuity between homosocial and homosexual desire.
大峰 光博
Japan Society of Physical Education, Health and Sport Sciences
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.60, no.2, pp.489-495, 2015

This study investigated trash talk among soccer players, focusing on whether it actually disturbed playing performance and whether the ability to ignore such trash talk was an asset to the game. The "Laws of the Game" of soccer stipulate that any player who uses "offensive, insulting or abusive language and/or gestures" should be dismissed from the field. Therefore, any penalty imposed on players for such behavior can be interpreted as sanctions for prohibited act.<br>   Furthermore, any game in which offensive or insulting remark are used was considered by reference to Kawatani's opinion about excellence and "failed athletic contest". When a referee penalizes a player appropriately for such behavior, it is suggested that the game has not "failed". On the other hand, as such behavior is often difficult for a referee to notice, an appropriate penalty is sometimes not administered. Therefore, it is suggested that an offensive or insulting remark is an act that indirectly destroys the ethos of a game. I conclude that the ability to ignore trash talk is not an asset to the game in principle, but that such ability is practically necessary.<br>
大垣 亮 竹村 雅裕 岩井 浩一 宮川 俊平
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.60, no.2, pp.807-814, 2015 (Released:2015-12-18)

This prospective cohort study examined the associations of shoulder dislocations, instability or rotator cuff injuries in collegiate rugby union players with potential risk factors recognized in preseason medical screening examinations. The study subjects were 69 elite rugby players from one university rugby club. Basic demographics, injury experience and current physical findings were assessed, and shoulder injuries sustained during 2 playing seasons were recorded. Risk factors for shoulder injuries were determined using a logistic regression model. Fifteen players sustained shoulder injuries during the 2 seasons. A history of injury (OR, 6.56; 95%CI, 2.04—20.98; p=0.00), a positive result in the load and shift (LAS) test (OR, 2.55; 95%CI, 0.92—7.06; p=0.07) and the internal/external rotational (IR/ER) muscle strength ratio (OR, 1.39; 95%CI, 1.08—1.77; p=0.00) were associated with shoulder injuries. A history of injury, a positive LAS test result, and the IR/ER muscle strength ratio are important risk factors for injury in collegiate rugby players.
小谷 究
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.59, no.2, pp.497-511, 2014 (Released:2014-12-20)

This study focused on the defensive strategies employed in Japanese competitive basketball in the 1920s and 1930s with the intention of clarifying the process through which the “five-man two-line defense”, a type of man-to-man defense, became a mainstream tactic after first examining the factors behind the decline in the number of teams employing the “3-2 zone defense”, a defensive strategy first introduced by Waseda University.   The study results can be summarized as follows. 1.  The 3-2 zone defense was introduced in Japan in 1924 and proved highly effective at the time; however it gradually fell from favor. The reasons for its decline included the use of high post play, an offensive strategy that proved effective against a 3-2 zone defense, an increase in the size of the court, and the fact that there were fewer leaders who could teach team members the difficult-to-learn 3-2 zone defense. 2.  Teams employing a five-man two-line defense man-to-man variation as a substitute for the 3-2 zone defense began to emerge in Japan from around 1926. However, this latter tactic had drawbacks due to the role of each position. For this reason, many teams adopted a five-man two-line defense zone defense formation, which is essentially the same as the nearest man-to-man defense, as it was able to eliminate the drawbacks of the five-man two-line defense man-to-man variation. The five-man two-line defense zone defense formation was a defensive strategy that was not significantly affected by high post play or the expanded court size, and that could be learned easily even when few leaders were available to provide complex tactical directions. As a result, the five-man two-line defense zone defense formation overcame the factors that rendered the 3-2 zone defense ineffective, and was widely adopted by domestic teams.
中澤 篤史
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.56, no.2, pp.373-390, 2011

In Japan, teachers not only teach students inside the classroom, but also manage extracurricular sports activities outside the classroom. This system of extracurricular sports activities is a distinctive feature of school education in Japan, and is totally dependent on the voluntary attitude of teachers. Although extracurricular sports activities are not included in the Course of Study, teachers are positively willing to manage them as school educational activities. Why should this be so? Furthermore, the contents of extracurricular sport activities seem to have no relationship with school education. Then, how do teachers identify sports as school educational activities? In order to examine these questions, this study focused on teachers' interpretations of difficulties in combining sports with education, as these difficulties ultimately determine whether teachers are positively willing to manage extracurricular sports activities. In managing school educational activities, teachers inevitably encounter certain difficulties (e.g. coping with diversity among students). How, then, do teachers interpret these difficulties?<br> The purpose of this study was to clarify the reasons why teachers are positively willing to manage extracurricular sport activities in Japan by analyzing their interpretations of difficulties with combining sports and education. The data were gathered by fieldwork at a public junior high school in the Kanto area. At this school, 12 teachers who managed extracurricular sport activities were observed and interviewed. Among them, a male teacher managing the rugby club was the most positive. This study focused on this individual as a case example to examine the reasons for his positive attitude.<br> This teacher divided the students into a high-skill and a low-skill groups in order to coach them efficiently. However, that division caused high-skill students to bully those with a low skill level, which obviously was not desirable in educational terms. However, the teacher interpreted the presence of a bully as a good opportunity to educate his students. Therefore, this difficulty was &ldquo;solved&rdquo; by the interpretation of this particular teacher.<br> In conclusion, various individual teachers' interpretations can &ldquo;solve&rdquo; certain difficulties and allow them to combine sports with education, allowing them to positively manage extracurricular sports activities as school educational activities without any conflict.<br>
李 燦雨
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.56, no.2, pp.343-357, 2011 (Released:2011-12-28)

In Korean traditional archery clubs, there are unique cultures and old customs that are not found anywhere else. This paper tries to trace the origin of these cultures and customs by focusing on Sage (Archery Fraternity), especially the Deokyuge fraternity that existed as the central operating body of Deokyu archery clubs. The purpose of this study was to investigate the true nature and social functions of Sage, through a historical consideration of the organization of Deokyuge. The findings were as follows: 1.  Deokyuge was established to maintain Deokyu archery clubs through financial support. 2.  The operation of Deokyuge showed repeated break-up and resumption owing to lack of funds. 3.  Through money-lending businesses they obtained funds. The profits were used to repair archery facilities, hold regular archery competitions and for mutual aid. 4.  To sustain the fraternity perpetually, they formulated detailed regulations and established a strict mutual aid system. 5.  To enter the club, members had to pay an entrance fee after being judged for their personality, job and wealth. 6.  Rights and duties are defined by regulation and position. Executive members enjoyed splendor and privileges. 7.  The most important function of the fraternity was to support social success by passing the national officer certification examination. The exam comprised several kinds of archery and horseback riding. 8.  The fraternity also promptly met the needs of the times. The main function also changed periodically. After abolition of the traditional officer certification examination, the main function of the fraternity was changed to finance and administration within the village. 9.  After the prevalence of modern banking and the development of modern society, Sage declined for a while. However, through conversion of traditional archery into a competitive sport and modernization of the Sage, the fraternity was again invigorated. 10.  Most of the old customs and culture of current Korean archery originated from the fraternity.
高橋 健夫 岡沢 祥訓 中井 隆司 芳本 真
体育學研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.36, no.3, pp.193-208, 1991-12-01

The purposes of this study were to make clear the structure of teacher behaviors in physical education class and to examine the effect of those behaviors on the student evaluation to physical education class. The subjects were the 66 physical education classes instructed by 27 teachers in elementary schools. The teacher behaviors in those classes were observed by the systematic observation instrumentation, that was modified with ALT-PE-TB and ORRPETB observation to physical education class. Main findings were as follows. Major teacher behaviors in physical education class were "management", "instruction","monitoring", and "interaction". Though Siedentop) reported 3 behaviors excluding interaction as major behaviors, we could recognize that interaction behavior took the same rating as other behaviors. 2) There was no big difference among behaviors between skilled teachers and general teachers. 3) Some specific behaviors of teacher had significant relationship with student evaluation to physical education class. Especially, the amount of time spent for manegement and instruction (lecture) had a significant negative relationship with student evaluntion. On the other hand, interaction (question, acceptance, positive and corrective feedback for skill learning) had a significant positive relationship with it. 4) Supposed that monitoring would have effect on the learning activities, we could not find a clear relationship because of the limitation with the instrumentation. 5) These results suggest that the indirect teaching style has more effect than the direct one at least in order to increase the student attitude to physical education class.
三沢 光男
体育學研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.19, no.4, pp.217-227, 1974-12-25

陸上競技の記録向上の一因に, 施設・用器具の開発が考えられ, 日本で刊行された文献を資料に, 技術史的な視点から研究を進め, 次の結果を得た. 施設のうちトラックの(1)形と大きさは, 大正中期に2心円から単心円, 300メートルから400メートルへと変わってきた. (2)直走路および曲走路の長さと幅は, 明治後期にも現行に近かった. (3)構造ではシンダー・アンツーカーに代わって, 昭和43年にタータン・トラックが登場した. 用器具の例として(1)ハードルでは昭和20年代前半に金属製で, しかも逆T字型からL字型となった. (2)棒高跳では昭和初年代前半に木箱がおかれ, 同30年代後半にグラスファイバー・ポールが出現した. このように施設・用器具の開発は, 雨・風など自然の悪条件による影響の軽減と競技者が試技しやすいことを目標に絶えまなく行なわれ, 大正中期から昭和初期(1920年代)にかけ, 発達の1つのピークがあったといえよう.