佐々木 直亮
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.45, no.5, pp.954-963, 1990

Prospective epidemiological studies of blood pressure in a high-salt population in northeastern Japan were investigated along with dietary habits such as miso soup, rice, apple, fish, milk and sake consumption as well as smoking habits.<br>Blood pressures of the populations in 3 villages were determined once or twice a year by mass surveys from 1954, 1957 or 1958 through 1975. The means and transitions of the personal blood pressure were calculated by regression analysis of the data obtained during each entire period.<br>The number of persons was 1127 males and 1369 females and the response rate was 98.7 percent. The average number of times of determination of blood pressure for a person was 12.9.<br>Stepwise multiple regression analyses were run with the means and transitions of systolic and diastolic blood pressure as the dependent variables and the life styles of the population in 1958 as an independent variable based on data of persons whose blood pressures were determined 5 or more times during the entire period. According to the backward stepwise method this study confirmed the positive relationship of age and sake drinking and the negative relationship of apple eating habits to blood pressure.
青島 恵子
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.67, no.4, pp.455-463, 2012 (Released:2012-10-25)
14 39

Cadmium (Cd) is one of the most toxic elements to which humans could be exposed at work or in the environment. The outbreak of itai-itai disease, which is the most severe stage of chronic Cd poisoning, occurred in the Cd-polluted Jinzu River basin in Toyama. In this area, the river was contaminated by slag from a mine upstream; as a consequence, the soil in rice paddies was polluted with heavy metals including Cd through irrigation water from around 1910 to the 1960s. The government of Toyama prefecture carried out an extensive survey on Cd concentration in rice and soil of the paddy fields and declared that the upper layer of a total of 1500 ha of paddy fields should be replaced by nonpolluted soil. Then, an intervention program of soil replacement in the polluted paddy fields was continually carried out from 1980 to 2011. As a result, Cd concentration in rice markedly decreased. The kidney is the organ critically affected after long-term exposure to Cd. Proximal tubular dysfunction (RTD) has been found among the inhabitants of the Jinzu River basin. The very recent report by the Environmental Agency in Japan in 2009 has disclosed that b2-microglobulinuria with RTD is still found at a high prevalence among the inhabitants of the Jinzu River basin of both sexes. Twenty patients with itai-itai disease (1 male and 19 females), who attended our hospital and received medical examination during 2000 to 2008, had applied for recognition as itai-itai disease patients to the government of Toyama prefecture. In this paper, the recent epidemiological and clinical features of itai-itai disease are discussed on the basis of a review of the cases of these 19 female patients.
福岡 秀興 佐田 文宏
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.71, no.3, pp.185-187, 2016 (Released:2016-09-30)

Epigenetic modification takes place in many types of environment. Undesirable epigenetic changes for the postnatal life at the developmental stage are induced in utero by exposure to harsh environment such as endocrine disruptors, severe psychological stress and insufficient or excessive nutrition. Some of these changes continues even for a long time after birth from womb to tomb. Under these circumstances with an unhealthy life style, such as higher caloric intake, insufficient exercise, or stress, there is a higher risk of developing various illnesses including lifestyle-related diseases, such as essential hypertension, type 2 diabetes mellitus, dyslipidemia, psychological disorders and cancers. An illness goes through these two steps, first having origins in the early stage of life and secondary exposure of unhealthy life. In addition, some of these modifications have a tendency to be transmitted to the next generations, (transgenerational effect). This is the concept of Developmental Origins of Health and Disease theory (DOHaD). The incidence of noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) have been markedly increasing, especially in developing countries, and the prevention of these diseases is a high-profile objective for world economic growth. In addition to birth weight, specific epigenetic modifications are expected to be good marks for developing illness in later life. With analysis of these makers, even for the individuals with a higher risk, the illness development will be expected to be effectively controlled through intervention in the early stage. Research on predicting markers, and intervention supplements, and pharmacological materials for higher risk individuals has been progressing considerably. This DOHaD theory is expected to be highly beneficial for the prevention of many illnesses.
小池 重夫 久野 由基一 森田 博行
The Japanese Society for Hygiene
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.37, no.2, pp.510-515, 1982-06-30 (Released:2009-02-17)
3 3

本実験では, シリカがウサギの肺マクロファージと腹腔内の多形核白血球の過酸化脂質の生成, 乳酸脱水素酵素の細胞外放出, ニトロブルーテトラゾリウム (NBT) の還元能に及ぼす影響を調べた。対照にはマクロファージ単独, あるいはコランダム (Al2O3) を選んだ。3mg/107cells のシリカを1時間, 肺マクロファージに捕食させると過酸化脂質-酸化された不飽和脂肪酸の分解産物であるマロニルジアルデヒドであらわす-が増量した。また, マクロファージ外に放出した乳酸脱水素酵素の活性は著明に亢進し, シリカが細胞膜を傷害したことを示している。シリカはコランダムに比べて顕著なNBTの還元能を示したが, これはシリカを捕食したマクロファージにスーパーオキシドの産生が亢進したことを示すものである。以上の結果はシリカは肺マクロファージに捕食されて, 過酸化脂質の生成を促進すると同時にスーパーオキシドの生成を亢進し, 細胞膜を傷害することを示している。
堀口 兵剛
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.67, no.4, pp.447-454, 2012 (Released:2012-10-25)
9 13

Because the staple food in Japan is rice, which absorbs cadmium (Cd) from the soil efficiently, rice is the main source of exposure to Cd in the Japanese population. In addition, there have been many Cd-contaminated farming areas in Japan. Therefore, a safety standard for the Cd concentration in rice was set as 0.4 ppm by the Japanese government. This safety standard has been followed for decades without any appropriate scientific or legal basis. However, recent epidemiological studies of female Japanese farmers exposed to Cd through self-grown rice, that is, a series of Japanese Multi-centered Environmental Toxicant Study (JMETS), showed evidence that the safety standard is appropriate. Therefore, general Japanese consumers are unlikely exposed to Cd excessively with the application of this safety standard, considering the trend of decreasing amount of rice consumed among the Japanese population. On the other hand, Japanese farmers were found to be at risk of Cd exposure through the consumption of self-grown rice with a high Cd concentration. Actually, the JMETS showed that female farmers at 70 years of age or older had a decreased proximal renal tubular function due to the high renal accumulation of Cd. On the basis of these findings, “medical examinations for Cd exposure” have recently been implemented for farmers residing in Cd-polluted areas in northern Japan. Because it has been estimated that such Cd-polluted areas are actually larger, it is necessary to implement medical examinations of more farmers there, particularly the elderly.
酒井 敏行
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.66, no.1, pp.3-12, 2011 (Released:2011-02-25)
1 1

In previous prevention studies, molecular targets were not intended. We then proposed the concept termed “molecular-targeting prevention” and applied it to cancer prevention. In most malignant tumors, tumor-suppressor genes, the retinoblastoma gene (RB) and/or the p53 gene are considered to be inactivated. We therefore hypothesized that RB and/or p53 might be good candidates for the molecular-targeting prevention of cancer. Interestingly, many cancer-preventive food factors were found to reactivate the lost functions of RB and/or p53 by a “gene-regulating chemoprevention” strategy. We next proposed the concept termed “combination-oriented molecular-targeting prevention”, in which only the preventive effects are synergistically enhanced. We then investigated the TNF-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL)-death receptor 5 (DR5) pathway as a candidate of the target, and found that many cancer-preventive food factors could enhance the pathway resulting in the synergistic apoptosis of various cancer cells. We hope that these strategies will contribute to the prevention of cancer.
堀江 早喜 竹内 真純 山岡 和枝 野原 理子 蓮沼 直子 冲永 寛子 野村 恭子
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.70, no.3, pp.264-270, 2015 (Released:2015-09-26)
2 3

Objectives: This study aims to develop a scale of “women-doctor-friendly working conditions in a hospital setting”. Methods: A task team consisting of relevant people including a medical doctor and a hospital personnel identified 36 items related to women-doctor-friendly working conditions. From December in 2012 to January in 2013, we sent a self-administered questionnaire to 807 full-time employees including faculty members and medical doctors who worked for a university-affiliated hospital. We asked them to score the extent to which they think it is necessary for women doctors to balance between work and gender role responsibilities on the basis of the Likert scale. We carried out a factor analysis and computed Cronbach’s alpha to develop a scale and investigated its construct validity and reliability. Results: Of the 807 employees, 291 returned the questionnaires (response rate, 36.1%). The item-total correlation (between an individual item score and the total score) coefficient was in the range from 0.44 to 0.68. In factor analysis, we deleted six items, and five factors were extracted on the basis of the least likelihood method with the oblique Promax rotation. The factors were termed “gender equality action in an organization”, “the compliance of care leave in both sexes and parental leave in men”, “balance between life events and work”, “childcare support at the workplace”, and “flexible employment status”. The Cronbach’s alpha values of all the factors and the total items were 0.82–0.89 and 0.93, respectively, suggesting that the scale we developed has high reliability. Conclusions: The result indicated that the scale of women-doctor-friendly working conditions consisting of five factors with 30 items is highly validated and reliable.
辻 達彦 永田 稔 伊藤 洋子 今村 晋 松井 寿夫 芦沢 義郎
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.28, no.2, pp.294-301, 1973

亜鉛製錬所全従業員1398人のCd特殊健診第2次健診として,第1次健診成績をもとに抽出した214人(男181女33)の尿中Cd量の,測定を行ない,成績の検討をした。その主なる所見は以下のごとくであった。<br>1)対象集団の尿Cd量の中央値は男4.7μg/<i>l</i>,女4.1μg/<i>l</i>であった。10μg/<i>l</i>以上のCd量を示すものは男29人(16%),女5人(15.2%)であった。<br>2) 職場環境としての気中Cd濃度は昭和46年では高濃度職場でも0.024mg/m<sup>3</sup>と許容濃度以下であるが, 44年時の測定では最高0.73mg/m<sup>3</sup>で許容濃度を超えている職場が多くあった。<br>3) 職域群別分類で尿中Cd量を比較するとき製錬2課(群V)と,その下請作業者(群VI)および退職者(Cd作業経歴者)は他群に比し高値を示す傾向にある。<br>4) Cd作業者の作業従事年数と尿中Cd量間には, <i>r</i>=0.330と低度ながら有意の相関々係を認めた(<i>P</i><0.01) 10μg/<i>l</i>以上のCd量を示すものは勤続2年の女1例を除いてはいずれも3年以上の勤続者である。また, Cd作業者について10μg/<i>l</i>以上の排泄者をみるとき,従事期間5年を境に出現率は有意に高率となる(<i>P</i><0.01)。<br>5) 10μg/<i>l</i>以上のCd量を示すものは,それ以下の群に比して自覚的愁訴が全般的に多い。両者間で統計的に有意差を認める愁訴としては「よく手足がつる」「下痢をし易い」「耳鳴りがする」「腰痛」の, 4項目がある。<br>6) 内科精密検診対象者としてCd 1日排泄量20μg以上の9人を選定した。これらは,いずれも何らかの所見を有するが,そのうち3例については慢性Cd中毒の検討対象としては,除外できることが検討会で承認された。不受診者1例を除いた残り5例は継続観察が必要である。なお,これら9例は全てCd作業者またはその経歴者である。<br>内科精検所見の一部引用を,こころよく御了承下さった,本学第一内科学教室主任,小林節雄教授に深謝します。
大和 浩 姜 英 太田 雅規
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.70, no.1, pp.3-14, 2015 (Released:2015-01-29)

It is necessary to implement 100% smoke-free environments in all indoor workplaces and indoor public places in order to protect people from exposure to second-hand tobacco smoke (SHS). Forty-four countries have already implemented comprehensive smoke-free legislations according to the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) Guidelines on protection from exposure to tobacco smoke. The Occupational Safety and Health Law (OSHL) was partially revised to strengthen the countermeasures against SHS in Japan in 2014. However, the revision was only minimal. Firstly, it is necessary to make efforts to implement countermeasures against SHS (their implementations are not obligatory, as required in Article 8). Secondly, the revised OSHL allowed the implementation of designated smoking rooms inside workplaces (Article 8 requires 100% smoke-free environments). Thirdly, revised OSHL does not effectively cover the small-scale entertainment industry so that workers in restaurants and pubs will not be protected from occupational SHS. We explain the importance of implementation of 100% smoke-free environments by law, using the data on leakage of smoke from designated smoking rooms, and occupational exposure to SHS among service industry workers. The decrease in the incidence of smoking-related diseases in people where a comprehensive smoke-free law is implemented is also introduced. These data and information should be widely disseminated to policy makers, media, owners of service industries, and Japanese people.
大平 昌彦 青山 英康
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.27, no.6, pp.500-531, 1972-02-28 (Released:2009-02-17)
14 19

In 1955, many babies who had drunk arsenic-tainted milk produced at the Tokushima Plant of the Morinaga Milk-Industry Company Ltd., suffered from serious poisoning. The number of victims ascertained in February, 1956 covering 27 prefectures in the western part of Japan was 12, 159, of whom 131 died.The disaster was caused by the process of manufacturing the powdered milk. Disodium phosphate was added as a stabilizer to make the milk easily soluble. This disodium phosphate was poorly purified, intended for non-food industrial use, and contained a toxic dose of arsenic, sodium arsenite and vanadium compounds etc.Shortly after the disaster, numerous medical reports were published. A committee organized by the Society for Child Health (the chairman was Prof. Nishizawa of Osaka University; so it was called the Nishizawa Committee), determined criteria for the diagnosis of the poisoning; but these criteria were inadequate and erroneous from several points of view. Strange to say, debates and publications about the disaster disappeared quickly after the report was published by the Health Department of Okayama Prefecture stating that the victims had recovered completely according to the criteria established by the Nishizawa Committee only one year after the disaster.Until 1969, when Prof. Maruyama et al., of Osaka University reported on victims whom they had visited, no study had been made to ascertain whether or not there were any after-effects of the poisoning. Much fault must be found with the Ministry of Health and Welfare, with the attitude of the Morinaga Company, and with the doctors concerned, for this neglect to follow-up such an unprecedented and large-scale disaster.In 1969, the authors managed to organize an epidemiological study group with several departments of Hiroshima University and the Department of Hygiene of Okayama University cooperating and have developed joint research on this disaster as follows:1. A follow-up survey was made among victims in Okayama Prefecture between December 1969 and April 1970. 214 people answered the questionnaire and 74 were given a medical examination.2. A prospective study was made on the basis of a questionnaire on clnical complaints collected at the time of the disaster in 1955.3. A comparative study was performed between the victims and their brothers and sisters.4. A comparative study was performed among handicapped children in institutions in Okayama Prefecture, who were born between January 1st, 1953 and December 31st, 1955. The children were divided into three groups, namely those who had consumed the arsenic-tainted milk, those who were brought up on different brands of powdered milk from different companies, and those fed only maternal milk.5. A comparative study was performed among all children born between January 1st, 1954 and December 31st, 1955 and brought up in Seno district in Hiroshima Prefecture which has a relatively stationary population and where good records had been kept of the physical growth and mental development of the children in the nursery, primary and junior high schools. The children were divided into the same three groups as mentioned above. This study was performed as a joint research project by the Departments of Public Health (Director: Prof. M. Tanaka), Orthopedics (Director: Prof. K. Tsuge), Ophthalmology (Director: Prof. T. Dodo) and Psychiatry and Neurology (Director: Prof. K. Sarai) of Hiroshima University Medical School and Deparment of Conservative Dentistry (Director: Prof. T. Inoue) of Hiroshima University Dental School, and Department of Hygiene (Director: Prof. M. Ohira) of Okayama University Medical School. All clinical examinations were conducted separately under the double blind method.6. The 124 cases of the children examined in the district of Senogawa town were discussed individually by the six medical doctors and five dentists who did the examinations.
吉川 一輝 大橋 拓実 小嶌 健仁 本多 悠真 石尾 広武 高田 真澄 大森 正子 宮尾 克
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.71, no.1, pp.12-18, 2016 (Released:2016-01-30)

Objectives: Recent advances in three-dimensional (3D) display technology have contributed significantly to society, particularly in the increasing use of stereoscopic characters. For example, 3D text information is utilized in digital signage. However, research on 3D characters is limited and discussion on the safety and comfort of 3D technology is lacking. According to the 3D Consortium Safety Guidelines in Japan, a comfortable visual parallax with 3D images is less than ±1.0°. However, 3D text must be shown in front of its associated content in order for it to be displayed simultaneously with that content. Methods: We carried out an experiments to verify the permissive limits of cognition in subjects regarding the parallax of 3D images. In the experiment, 94 subjects aged 18 to 81 viewed a 3D flat Maltess cross image having no depth and projected outward from a screen at a large parallax of 1.0° to 6.0°. Results: Eighty-six percent of the subjects recognized the 3D flat image even when it protruded at a 2.0° parallax. These subjects viewed the image comfortably and without visual problems. Conclusions: This study concludes that people can cognitively recognize a 3D telop at a 2.0° parallax without feeling fatigued.
森重 敏子 石西 伸 長 哲二
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.32, no.3, pp.434-441, 1977-08-30 (Released:2009-02-17)

The contamination and the pollution of foodstuffs by radioactive fallout have been investigated since 1961 in Fukuoka city and its suburban area. The results obtained were as follows.1) Recently, the degree of the contamination of greens by radioactive fallout which fell on the leaves decreased to one thousandth in the early stage of the investigation (1961-1962). In the period of the investigation, the remarkable increase of the radioactivity of fallout was observed within a week after the Chinese nuclear bomb explosion in the atmosphere (1st, 2nd, 5th, 12th, 13th, and 15th). The radioactivity was 2 to 300 times higher than the usual level.2) The radioactivity was not remarkable in vegetables which were washed with soap, but it decreased gradually year by year. The increase of the radioactivity was also observed a few days after the atmospheric nuclear explosion.3) In milk, there were no remarkable yearly decreases of the radioactivity from the beginning of the investigation, but the seasonal variations of the radioactivity, such as higher in April and May, were observed.4) The radioactivity in diets based on the standard food production in Japan was the highest in 1967. It decreased gradually from 1967 to 1971 and after that the remarkable variation of the activity was not observed.5) 137Cs contamination of foodstuffs has been observed quantitatively by the method of gamma spectrometry, while sometimes 95Zr-95Nb, 103Ru, and 131I were also detected from the specimens obtained immediately after the nuclear explosions.
宮本 教雄 青木 貴子 武藤 紀久 井奈波 良一 岩田 弘敏
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.49, no.6, pp.1004-1012, 1995-02-15 (Released:2009-02-17)
8 14

In winter, many people have trouble with chilliness in their arms and legs. Many women are especially sensitive to cold, and for them the chilliness of the hands and the feet is difficult to ease even after entering a warm room, or taking a bath. They even feel pain owing to coldness of their limbs in daily life. This symptom has been called “hiesho” in Japanese.The problem of this chilliness is difficult to study because this symptom, in general, can be cured when spring comes. Coldness of the limbs has been considered to be one of the symptoms of the climacteric disturbance among middle-aged females.Recently, however, it was reported that many young females also feel pain owing to coldness of the hands and legs in their daily life during winter.This study investigates the problems of chilliness in the limbs of young females in their daily life. By means of a questionnaire, 642 female college students aged from 18 to 20 years answered questions concerning: (1) physical characteristics, (2) physical conditions in their daily life, (3) physical conditions in winter, and (4) physical conditions in summer. The replies to the questionnaires were tested using the χ2 test.The major results were as follows:1. Half of the subjects were sensitive to cold, and had difficulty sleeping owing to chilliness of their limbs in winter even in a warm environment.For the following results the subjects who were sensitive to cold had significant differences (p<0.05) compared to non-sensitive subjects to cold.2. Those subjects who were aware of chilliness in their limbs had high prevalence rates for irregularities in circadian body rhythm, as well as some symptoms such as white fingers phenomenon, numbness of their limbs, and stiffness in their hands.3. The subjects who were aware of chilliness in their limbs were very sensitive to cold in winter, and had female family members who had the same troubles with chilliness in the arms and the legs, too.4. The subjects who were aware of chilliness in their limbs were sensitive to cold even in summer, and had difficulty sleeping owing to chilliness of the limbs.
清水 英佑 永山 和之 鈴木 孝之 竹村 望
The Japanese Society for Hygiene
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.35, no.5, pp.774-781, 1980-12-30 (Released:2009-02-17)
4 4

Mutagenicity tests were performed using Ames' Salmonella typhimurium, strains TA98 and TA100, on the pyrolysis products of 4 fresh vegetables, boiled rice, seaweed, soy sauce, as well as three amino acids (alliin, methyiin and S-methyl-L-cysteine) and tetrafractane which are contained in garlic.Pyrolysis products of garlic, onion and seaweed were mutagenic to TA98 and TA100 only with S-9 Mix which consists of rat liver microsomes and some metabolic enzymes.Pyrolysates of the three amino acids contained in garlic were mutagenic, and this was especially strong for the pyrolysate of S-methyl-L-cysteine.Differences in mutagenicity of soy sauce pyrolysates as dependent on the duration of heating and temperature were investigated: Strongest mutagenicity was observed when soy sauce was heated for 30min. at 400°C.Checking the production of Soy sauce mutagens when heated in a frying pan, it was found that the longer the frying pan was preheated, the stronger was the production of mutagens.All of the pyrolysates tested revealed mutagenicity by metabolic activation in the presence of S-9 Mix.
小林 果 永吉 真子 金森 悟 徳増 一樹 中部 貴央 桑原 恵介
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.78, pp.23005, 2023 (Released:2023-12-08)

The recruitment and training of early-career researchers are important for the development of science, especially in countries with low birth rates, such as Japan. In several academic societies for social medicine, early-career researchers have formed associations for the purposes of networking and career development. However, to date, little information about the activities of these associations has been shared. Therefore, we organized a symposium at the 93rd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Hygiene (March 4, 2023) to introduce the early-career researcher associations that have been formed within five academic societies namely the Japanese Society for Hygiene, Japan Epidemiological Association, Japan Society for Occupational Health, Japan Society for Medical Education, and Japan Society for Healthcare Administration. In this paper, we summarize the activities, challenges, and future prospects of each association and their strategies for future development and collaboration on the basis of presentations and discussions at the symposium.
中迫 勝 矢島 信子
The Japanese Society for Hygiene
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.25, no.3, pp.289-298, 1970-08-30 (Released:2009-02-17)

交通事故発生要因の一つである運転行動とその背景の生活条件である運転労働時間との関係を, 質問紙法を用いて, 調査した。その調査対象は交通事故体験者180名, ハイタク運転者44名, トラック運輪運転者83名であった。調査結果は次の通りである。1) 一日当たりの運転労働時間すなわち0∼3.0hr/day, 3.1∼8.0hr/day, 8.1∼hr/dayには, 運転操作 (ハンドル, ブレーキ, アクセル, クラッチ, チェンジ・レバー) の差は認められないが0∼3.0hr/dayは他の条件に比較し, 足による運転操作に「欠点」のある傾向を示した。2) 長時間運転労働者には「運転疲労」と「交通事故発生回数」との間に高い相関を認め, 一方, 短時間運転者には, 「眠気」と「交通事故発生回数」との間に相関のある傾向を認めた。3) しかし, 8∼10, 10∼12時では疲労感は比較的少ないが (運転行為の影響が大きく) 事故が多い。2-4, 4-6時の深夜早朝時には疲労感は大きいが (交通量が少ないため) 事故は比較的少ない。4) 12∼14, 14∼16時の時間帯では, 疲労の訴え, 事故回数ともに, 運転労働時間と関係なく大きい。5) 実数の事故回数より運転単位時間当たりの事故回数を指標とする方が, 運転労働時間と運転行動との関連特性を明確にしている。
田鎖 順太 松井 利仁
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.76, pp.19014, 2021 (Released:2021-02-25)
5 5

Objectives: Traffic noise exposure is associated with adverse health effects such as environmental sleep disorder, ischaemic heart disease (IHD), stroke and diabetes. The health risks posed by traffic noise were estimated to be quite high in European countries. However, in Japan, no estimation has ever been conducted. In the present study, we estimated the health risk posed by road traffic noise in Japan.Methods: We estimated the risks of environmental sleep disorder (high sleep disturbance) and IHD caused by road traffic noise in Japan as of 2015 on the basis of existing noise-exposure estimates, vital statistics of deaths, and patient survey with exposure–response relationships proposed by the Environmental Noise Guidelines for the European Region issued in 2018. We employed old information on noise exposure in 1994 because it is the only information currently available in Japan. We also estimated the health risks of noise exposure levels that were equivalent to the Japanese environmental quality standards.Results: The estimated numbers of patients with environmental sleep disorder and IHD caused by road traffic noise were approximately 1,200,000 and 9,000, respectively. The estimated number of mortalities from IHD was approximately 1,700. The noise exposure level equivalent to the Japanese noise standards caused a lifetime mortality rate of more than 10−2, which was extremely high as an environmental health risk.Conclusions: As in European countries, road traffic noise was one of the most important environmental risk factors in Japan. However, the current Japanese noise standards are insufficient for the protection of public health.
紺野 信弘
The Japanese Society for Hygiene
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.57, no.4, pp.645-654, 2003-01-15 (Released:2009-02-17)
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The neurotoxicity of organophosphorus compounds (OPs) including leptophos, TOCP and triphenyl phosphite and dithiocarbamate compounds were reviewed in this study. The major neurotoxicities of OPs were acute toxicity produced by the acetylcholine esterase (AChE) inhibiting action of OPs and delayed neurotoxicity produced by such OPs as leptophos and TOCP. The direct action of OP on the muscarinic and/or nicotinic acethylcholine receptors in the synaptic membranes have lately attracted attention in relation to acute toxicity. Delayed neurotoxicity is a delayed onset of prolonged locomotor ataxia resulting from a single or repeated exposure to an OP. Although neurotoxic esterase (NTE) inhibition might be related to the onset of organophosphate-induced delayed neurotoxicity (OPIDN), the precise mode of action is not yet clear.The effect of dithiocarbamates on the nervous system is also mentioned, because the compounds are currently suspected not only for neurotoxicity, but also as endocrine-disrupting chemicals. Although dithiocarbamates showed weak neurotoxicity in adult animals, we need to pay more attention to developmental neurotoxicity.