稲葉 洋平 大久保 忠利 内山 茂久 欅田 尚樹
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.69, no.3, pp.205-210, 2014 (Released:2014-09-24)
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Objective: The tobacco tax in Japan was increased in October, 2010. Subsequently, the quantity of sales of domestic cigarette products decreased temporarily. However, smokers could import cigarettes directly through the internet. Because of the high value of the yen and the low price of foreign cigarettes, an individual could import cigarettes easily; however, the contents and emissions from privately imported cigarettes have not been investigated yet. In this study, we carried out a comparative analysis of domestic and privately imported cigarettes. Methods: Privately imported cigarettes from five brands and domestic cigarettes from the brand “Mild Seven” were selected for the study. For the fillers of the cigarettes, the levels of nicotine and tobacco-specific nitrosamines (TSNAs) were determined by methods that are usually used for cigarette products. For the mainstream smoke, the levels of tar, nicotine, carbon monoxide, and TSNAs were also determined by the methods used for cigarettes. Results: The average nicotine and TSNA levels in the fillers of the domestic cigarettes were 15.1±0.19 mg/g and 1,920±85.1 ng/g, respectively. The amounts of nicotine and tar in the mainstream smoke from the privately imported cigarettes were lower than those from the domestic cigarettes. However, the levels of TSNAs in the mainstream smoke from the privately imported cigarettes were higher than those from the domestic cigarettes. Conclusions: The amounts of TSNAs in the fillers of and mainstream smoke from the privately imported cigarettes were higher than those from the domestic cigarettes. Japanese smokers should be careful about consuming privately imported cigarettes because there is a variation in the amount of hazardous constituents in these cigarettes, even when they are from the same brand.
藤本 薫喜 渡辺 孟 坂本 淳 湯川 幸一 森本 和枝
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.23, no.5, pp.443-450, 1968
12 105 89

Various calculation formulas of body surface area are designed by the measured values of body surface area and other physical measurements, e.g. height, weight, chest circumference etc, of 201 Japanese of both sexes from neonatal to old age.<br>Statistically comparing the formulas, the following three may be used for all ages of Japanese with the slightest possibility of error.<br>1. Newborn (under 1 year) <i>S</i>=W<sup>0.473</sup>×H<sup>0.655</sup>×95.68<br>2. Young child (1-5 years) <i>S</i>=W<sup>0.423</sup>×H<sup>0.362</sup>×381.89<br>3. Over 6 years to old age (for general use) <i>S</i>=W<sup>0.444</sup>×H<sup>0.663</sup>×88.83<br>(<i>S</i>: Surface area in cm<sup>2</sup>, W: Body weight in kg, H: Height in cm)
宮崎 良文 池井 晴美 宋 チョロン
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.69, no.2, pp.122-135, 2014 (Released:2014-05-24)
4 23

There has been growing attention on the effects of forest on physiological relaxation and immune recovery, particularly in forest medicine research, from a perspective of preventive medicine. Japan is a world leader in the accumulation of scientific data on forest medicine research. In this review, we summarize the research that has been conducted in this area since 1992. We conducted field experiment, involving 420 subjects at 35 different forests throughout Japan. After sitting in natural surroundings, these subjects showed decrease in the following physiological parameters compared with those in an urban control group: 12.4% decrease in the cortisol level, 7.0% decrease in sympathetic nervous activity, 1.4% decrease in systolic blood pressure, and 5.8% decrease in heart rate. This demonstrates that stressful states can be relieved by forest therapy. In addition, it should be noted that parasympathetic nervous activity was enhanced by 55.0%, indicating a relaxed state. The results of walking experiments provided similar results. Li et al. demonstrated that immune function was enhanced by forest therapy in middle-aged employees who volunteered to participate in these experiments. Natural killer cell activity, an indicator of immune function, was enhanced by 56% on the second day and returned to normal levels. A significant increase of 23% was maintained for 1 month even after returning to urban life, clearly illustrating the preventive benefits of forest therapy. In an indoor room experiment, we conducted tests with the following: 1) olfactory stimulation using wood smell, 2) tactile stimulation using wood, and 3) auditory stimulation using forest sounds. These indoor stimulations also decreased the blood pressure and pulse rate, and induced a physiological relaxation effect. We anticipate that forest medicine will play an increasingly important role in preventive medicine in the future.
吉田 佳督 吉田 康子 元吉 忠寛 齋藤 充生 齋藤 明子 早瀬 隆司
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.68, no.2, pp.126-137, 2013 (Released:2013-05-29)
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Objectives: The purpose of this study was to clarify the gaps in the recognition of medical terms mainly related to medicines between laypeople and medical practitioners in order to contribute to improving risk communication in the medical care field. Method: A total of 315 laypeople and 211 doctors were surveyed. To examine the gaps between them, we adopted 57 medical terms from the National Institute for Japanese Language and further added 33 medical terms. In total, 90 medical terms were used. Results: For the medical terms group into the “Expressed in other words of vernacular speech”, the recognition by the laypeople was low and that estimated by the practitioners was high. For the newly added medical terms groups into the clinical-trial-related terms and medical terms related to side effects, the recognition by the laypeople was lower than that estimated by the practitioners. Moreover, the recognition values for above two groups were smaller than the other groups. Conclusions: The gaps between the basic recognition of the medical terms by laypeople and that estimated by the practitioners suggest that the possibility that patients cannot recognize much more difficult terms should be considered.
加藤 勝雄 菅原 正敏 対馬 清造
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.16, no.5, pp.398-402, 1961

仙台市北警察署においてとり扱った約1ヵ年間の自殺未,既遂者ならびに岩手県における月別自殺数について,自殺未,既遂・性・年令・企図時刻ならびに気象要素との関係を検討した。<br>1) 自殺未遂・既遂を比較すると,男に比し女に未遂の割合が多い傾向が見られる。<br>2) 自殺企図は20∼24才層に最も多く,続いて25∼29才,15∼19才層に多い。而して性別には一般に男に多いが,15∼19才層では男に比し女が非常に多い。<br>3) 自殺企図の時刻は1昼夜を4時限に分けて見ると,第1・2時限よりも第3・4時限に次第に多く,また午前よりも午後に,昼よりも夜に多い傾向が見られる。<br>4) 自殺企図は気圧の高い時よりも比較的低い時に多く,しかも気圧の上向時や停滞時よりも下向時に多い。<br>5) 岩手県における月別自殺者について見ると,4・5・6月に特に多く,気温・日照時夫々の月平均とは大体平行関係に,気圧とは逆行関係に在り,気湿とは一定の関係が見られない。従って自殺は気温・日照時とは正相関,気圧とは負の相関を示し,気湿とは明らかな相関を見ない。また月較差については気温のみ正相関を示すが,気圧・気湿・日照時では明らかな相関は見られない。
森岡 郁晴 和泉 有里奈 井上 雅 岡田 佳奈子 坂口 佳穂 宮井 那津季
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.69, no.2, pp.146-152, 2014 (Released:2014-05-24)

Objectives: The purpose of this study was to clarify the effect of stone spa bathing (Ganban-yoku) and hot-spring bathing on brachial-ankle pulse wave velocity (baPWV) in healthy, late middle-aged females. Methods: The subjects were 13 females (mean age, 47.3 years). The skin and tympanic temperatures, blood pressure, and baPWV were measured before and after stone spa bathing and hot-spring bathing. For the stone spa bathing, the subjects lay down three times for approximately 10 min each time over warm stone beds. Results: Although body weight showed no change after the hot-spring bathing, it significantly increased after the stone spa bathing. The increase was significantly related to the amount of water intake. The skin and tympanic temperatures increased to a smaller degree after the stone spa bathing than after the hot-spring bathing. The diastolic blood pressure decreased to a smaller degree after the stone spa bathing. BaPWV showed no significant change after bathing both in the stone spa and in the hot-spring. The results of multiple regression analysis showed that the factors significantly related to the change in baPWV after the stone spa bathing were the changes in skin and tympanic temperatures and habit of smoking, and that after the hot-spring bathing was the change in skin temperature. Conclusions: The results suggest that, compared with the hot-spring bathing, stone spa bathing causes less strain on the body. The stone spa bathing and hot-spring bathing showed no marked effect on baPWV. However, there is a possibility that the stone spa bathing may be used as a load for investigating arterial stiffness.
曷川 元 小川 洋二郎 青木 健 柳田 亮 岩崎 賢一
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.67, no.4, pp.508-513, 2012 (Released:2012-10-25)

Objectives: Acute hypoxia may impair dynamic cerebral autoregulation. However, previous studies have been controversial. The difference in methods of estimation of dynamic cerebral autoregulation is reported to be responsible for conflicting reports. We, therefore, conducted this study using two representative methods of estimation of dynamic cerebral autoregulation to test our hypothesis that dynamic cerebral autoregulation is impaired during acute exposure to mild hypoxia. Methods: Eleven healthy men were exposed to 15% oxygen concentration for two hours. They were examined under normoxia (21% O2) and hypoxia (15% O2). The mean arterial pressure (MAP) in the radial artery was measured by tonometry, and cerebral blood flow velocity (CBFv) in the middle cerebral artery was measured by transcranial Doppler ultrasonography. Dynamic cerebral autoregulation was assessed by spectral and transfer function analyses of beat-by-beat changes in MAP and CBFv. Moreover, the dynamic rate of regulation and percentage restoration of CBFv were estimated when a temporal decrease in arterial pressure was induced by thigh-cuff deflation. Results: Arterial oxygen saturation decreased significantly during hypoxia (97±0% to 88±1%), whereas respiratory rate was unchanged, as was steady-state CBFv. With 15% O2, the very-low-frequency power of CBFv variability increased significantly. Transfer function coherence (0.40±0.02 to 0.53±0.05) and gain (0.51±0.07 cm/s/mmHg to 0.79±0.11 cm/s/mmHg) in the very-low-frequency range increased significantly. Moreover, the percentage restoration of CBF velocity determined by thigh-cuff deflation decreased significantly during hypoxia (125±25% to 65±8%). Conclusions: Taken together, these results obtained using two representative methods consistently indicate that mild hypoxia impairs dynamic cerebral autoregulation.
笠巻 純一
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.68, no.1, pp.33-45, 2013 (Released:2013-01-25)
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Objectives: This study was conducted to elucidate the correlation among dietary intake, dietary preferences, and social-psychological factors in the youth and to examine the factors that affect such dietary behaviors as snacking, skipping breakfast, and taking a biased nutrition. Methods: A survey was carried out using a questionnaire with closed questions on multiple items such as dietary behaviors, psychosocial stress, dietary externalization, information and consciousness about health. The survey was conducted on 1,056 high school students and 1,323 university students in Japan. Results: As a result of the factor analysis among the groups of male/female and high school/university students, relationships were found between the items of “preferences for snacking” and “snack food intakes” among all these groups. Those who like sweets and snacks tended to snack between lunch and dinner or after dinner by themselves more often than those who do not. In contrast to men, intermediate correlations were found between the item of “a meal as a diversion” and each of the items of “snack food intake,” “preferences for fried foods/sautéed foods/meat dishes,” and “preferences for snacking,” among women who do not live alone, regardless of their being high school or university students. The item of “stress over human relationships/academic performance” was shown to have similarly weak correlations with the items of “reasons for skipping breakfast” and “nutrition intake” in the groups of male and female high school students. The less they value nutrition intake, the more they tend to be conscious of stress over human relationships/academic performance.
杉浦 春雄 前野 浩子 植屋 悦男 井奈波 良一 岩田 弘敏 西田 弘之
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.49, no.5, pp.914-923, 1994-12-15 (Released:2009-03-31)
3 3 1

A study was carried out to examine the effects of ingestion of “BON-NARINE” (BN) on mice immune functions. Mice aged 12 weeks were divided into 4 groups. The first group was given BN at 30mg/kg (BN-30 group), the second group was given BN at 90mg/kg (BN-90 group), the third group was given zymosan at 50mg/kg (Zy group) and the fourth group was a control receiving no treatment. The mice of groups BN-30 and BN-90 were given BN p. o. at doses of 30mg/kg and 90mg/kg per day for 20 consecutive days, respectively. The mice of group Zy were given zymosan i. p. at a dose of 50mg/kg per day for 2 consecutive days.The results obtained were as follows:1) Potentiation of phagocytic function of the reticuloendothelial system, examined by the carbon clearance method, was seen in the BN-30, BN-90 and Zy groups.2) The glucose consumption of peritoneal macrophages (Mφ) increased significantly in the BN-30 and Zy groups, but not in the BN-90 group.3) Superoxide anion (O2-) production of peritoneal Mφ significantly increased in the BN-30 and Zy groups compared with the control group, but an increasing tendency was observed in the BN-90 group.4) The acid phosphatase (APH), β-glucuronidase (GLU) and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) activities of peritoneal Mφ increased significantly in the BN-30, BN-90 and Zy groups.5) The proliferation of splenocytes induced by Con A in the BN-30, BN-90 and Zy groups significantly increased compared with the control group.These results demonstrated that the ingestion of “BON-NARINE” promotes phagocytic activity in the reticuloendothelial system in mice and has a stimulatory effect on Mφ because of increases in glucose consumption, O2- prodction, APH, GLU and LDH activities in the peritoneal Mφ of mice. BN also intensified the T-cell function represented by Con A-induced splenocyte proliferation.
高桑 栄松 大中 吉人 斉藤 和雄 井守 輝一 小峰 妙子
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.24, no.3, pp.386-390, 1969-08-30 (Released:2009-08-24)

In the previous paper the authors reported that a muscular work load resulted in the lowering of the function of concentration maintenance (TAF), the grade of which significantly correlated with the volume of oxygen consumed for the work.The present experiment has been carried out to discuss about the lowering of TAF due to muscular work from the viewpoint of excitability level of spinal motoneurone, the final common path of motor nerve system, in relation to the physiological function as one of the factors of the change of TAF.Eighteen healthy male students were loaded with bicycle ergometric work of oxygen consumption of 710ml/min. for 90 minutes. Before and after the work load, they were administered the TAF test, measurement of eye-hand reaction time and recording of H-wave recovery curve from the right lower extremity.The results obtained were as follows:1. The function of concentration maintenance tended to lower with muscular work.2. Comparing the reflexes appeared in H-wave at time intervals of 50 to 900 msec between the conditioning shock and the test shock, the suppression in H-wave recovery curve with ergometric work was noticeable at both 100 and 400 msec against the pre-work values.3. Lowering of the excitability of spinal motoneurone corresponding to muscular fatigue was revealed by a significant correlation between the inhibition rate in H-wave (post-to-pre value) at 400 msec of shock interval and the time of appearance of irregular Piper's rhythm as myographical fatigue.It is reasonable that the excitability of spinal motoneurone lowers at 100 msec in the process of after-hyper-polarization, while the fact that even beyond the rage of the process, at 400 msec, a significant suppression in H-wave recovery curve was observed may suggest also a lowering of its excitability without regard to the relative refractory period of after-hyper-polarization.These results lead us to recognize that the lowering of TAF due to a physical load may be caused by the central depressive action in relation to muscular fatigue.
松本 久男
The Japanese Society for Hygiene
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.34, no.4, pp.589-597, 1979-10-30 (Released:2009-02-17)
1 1

Adsorption of HgCl2 and CH3HgCl in aqueous solutions by the hair was measured at 20°C and 30 °C. The concentration of adsorbed Hg was higher at 30°C than 20°C; both isotherms adapted well to Freundrich equation.An increased mercury concentration on the hair was clear even in extremely dilute mercury solutions.Desorption of HgCl2 adsorbed by the hair was poor when hair was washed with HCl solutions. But the CH3HgCl on the hair was eluted very well with 1N HCl solution. A washing with 1mM of L-cysteine did not elute the mercury on the hair much.Thus, desorption of only the outer-adsorbed mercury on head hair is considered impossible. Measurement of methylmercury is recomended as a sign of internal organic mercury absorption.
戸田 雅裕 門田 和之 久保 和毅 森本 兼曩
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.59, no.4, pp.383-386, 2004-11-15 (Released:2009-02-17)
18 57

Objective: To assess the reliability and validity of a cellular phone dependence questionnaire (CPDQ) we designed.Methods: The CPDQ, a 20-item self-rated scale, was given to 168 healthy female university students (mean age, 21.7 years). Each question uses a 0 to 3 response scale; a higher score indicates greater dependence. The reliability and validity of the CPDQ were assessed by an internal consistency estimate and a factor analysis, respectively. Question scores were then summed to provide a cellular phone dependence score ranging from 0 to 60.Results: The reliability coefficient (Cronbach's alpha) for the CPDQ was 0.86. In addition, six significant factors were extracted by factor analysis for the 20 items of the CPDQ. The cellular phone dependence score showed a normal distribution (Kolmogorov-Smirnov's test), and the average (±SD) was 33.2±8.7.Conclusion: These findings suggest that the CPDQ is a useful scale for rating cellular phone dependence.
龍田 希 仲井 邦彦 鈴木 恵太 黒川 修行 島田 美幸 柳沼 梢 佐藤 洋 細川 徹
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.65, no.4, pp.516-523, 2010 (Released:2010-09-25)

Objectives: To evaluate child development, social competence, like intellectual ability, is an important aspect. The social competence of a child is prescribed by behaviors suitable for the society (adaptive behaviors) and behaviors not suitable for the society (maladaptive behaviors). The Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales (VABS) have been widely administered to children in a semi-structural interview to evaluate social competence. The Social Competence test (S-M test) widely used in Japan is a translated version of the Vineland Social Maturity Scale for adaptive behaviors. Since only the region of adaptive behaviors was translated into Japanese, we attempted to develop a Maladaptive Behavior Scale in Japanese based on the VABS to evaluate the social competence of children. Methods: The Maladaptive Behavior Scale of the VABS was translated into Japanese and back-translated to ensure appropriate translation. It was administered to children belonging to the birth cohort of the Tohoku Study of Child Development at the age of 66 months. The subjects for analysis in this study were 451 children (230 boys, 221 girls). Results: To assess internal consistency, we used the standardized Cronbach alpha coefficient and the result was 0.81. The correlation coefficient between the scores of the S-M test and those of the Maladaptive Behavior Scale was −0.15. The correlation coefficient between the scores of the Child Behavior Checklist at 30 months and those of the Maladaptive Behavior Scale was 0.44. Conclusion: These results suggest that the Maladaptive Behavior Scale may be a reliable instrument for assessing maladaptive behavior in Japanese children.
大槻 剛巳 中野 孝司 長谷川 誠紀 岡田 守人 辻村 亨 関戸 好孝 豊國 伸哉 西本 寛 福岡 和也 田中 文啓 熊谷 直子 前田 恵 松崎 秀紀 李 順姫 西村 泰光
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.66, no.3, pp.543-552, 2011 (Released:2011-06-24)

The research project entitled “Comprehensive approach on asbestos-related diseases” supported by the “Special Coordination Funds for Promoting Science and Technology (H18-1-3-3-1)” began in 2006 and was completed at the end of the Japanese fiscal year of 2010. This project included four parts; (1) malignant mesothelioma (MM) cases and specimen registration, (2) development of procedures for the early diagnosis of MM, (3) commencement of clinical investigations including multimodal approaches, and (4) basic research comprising three components; (i) cellular and molecular characterization of mesothelioma cells, (ii) immunological effects of asbestos, and (iii) elucidation of asbestos-induced carcinogenesis using animal models. In this special issue of the Japanese Journal of Hygiene, we briefly introduce the achievements of our project. The second and third parts and the third component of the fourth part are described in other manuscripts written by Professors Fukuoka, Hasegawa, and Toyokuni. In this manuscript, we introduce a brief summary of the first part “MM cases and specimen registration”, the first component of the fourth part “Cellular and molecular characterization of mesothelioma cells” and the second component of the fourth part “Immunological effects of asbestos”. In addition, a previous special issue presented by the Study Group of Fibrous and Particulate Substances (SGFPS) (chaired by Professor Otsuki, Kawasaki Medical School, Japan) for the Japanese Society of Hygiene and published in Environmental Health and Preventive Medicine Volume 13, 2008, included reviews of the aforementioned first component of the fourth part of the project. Taken together, our project led medical investigations regarding asbestos and MM progress and contributed towards the care and examination of patients with asbestos-related diseases during these five years. Further investigations are required to facilitate the development of preventive measures and the cure of asbestos-related diseases, particularly in Japan, where asbestos-related diseases are predicted to increase in the next 10 to 20 years.
車谷 典男
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.67, no.1, pp.5-20, 2012 (Released:2012-03-07)

This author comprehensively reviewed the literature on asbestos carcinogenicity up to the Report and Recommendations by Union Internationale Contra Cancrum (UICC) Working Group on asbestos and cancer in 1964. The first cases of mesothelioma and lung cancer in necropsied patients with asbestosis were reported in 1933 and 1934, respectively. After that, various studies examining the association between each of the diseases and asbestos exposure had been carried out until the meeting of the UICC Working Group: case report studies, case series studies, prevalence studies, historical cohort studies, and case-control studies. Newly reported studies including experimental studies in that meeting all supported the association. These findings on asbestos and cancer correspond well with Hill’s criteria, which were just then advocated for evaluating causality epidemiologically. The Report and Recommendations by the Working Group concluded, “There is evidence of an association between exposure to asbestos and malignant neoplasia.” and “The types of tumors ... are ... (1) carcinoma of the lungs, and (2) diffuse mesothelioma of the pleura and peritoneum.” This author considers that the causal association between lung cancer or mesothelioma and asbestos was established at the meeting of UICC Working Group in 1964, not by the report on asbestos carcinogenicity in ILO (International Labour Organization) or IARC (International Agency for Research on Cancer) expert meetings in 1972, as the Japanese government announced. The amount of asbestos import in Japan doubled from 130,000 to 280,000 tons annually from 1964 to 1972. The government should have recognized the global knowledge on asbestos carcinogenicity in 1964; the amount of asbestos import could have been reduced greatly.
恒次 祐子 朴 範鎭 李 宙営 香川 隆英 宮崎 良文
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.66, no.4, pp.670-676, 2011 (Released:2011-10-12)
11 23

Objectives: In the present study, we aimed to clarify the psychological effects of shinrin-yoku (taking in the atmosphere of the forest) by conducting field experiments. Methods: The experiments were conducted in 19 forested and urban areas in Japan during the 2007–2010 period. Twelve male students participated at each of the 19 areas (a total of 228 persons). Subjective ratings of “comfortable-uncomfortable”, “soothing-stimulating”, and “natural-artificial” feelings were conducted after each of the participants had viewed the scenery for 15 min in the forested and urban areas. A postviewing questionnaire on “stressed-refreshed” feelings was also administered and the Profile of Mood State (POMS) questionnaire was employed to assess six aspects of mood before and after viewing the sceneries. Results: The forest environments were perceived as significantly more “comfortable”, “soothing”, and “natural” than the urban environments after viewing the sceneries. The score for “refreshed feeling” was also significantly higher in the forested areas. The score for the “vigor” subscale of POMS was significantly higher after viewing the scenery in the forested areas, whereas the scores for negative feelings such as “tension-anxiety”, “depression-dejection”, “anger-hostility”, “fatigue”, and “confusion” significantly decreased. Conclusion: Collectively, these results suggest that the forest environments have significant beneficial and relaxing effects on human’s moods compared with the urban environments.
渡久山 朝裕 松井 利仁 平松 幸三 宮北 隆志 伊藤 昭好 山本 剛夫
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.64, no.1, pp.14-25, 2009 (Released:2009-02-26)
1 1

Objectives: To investigate the association between aircraft noise exposure as expressed by Weighted Equivalent Continuous Perceived Noise Level (WECPNL) and preschool children’s misbehaviours around the Kadena and Futenma airfields in Okinawa. Methods: A questionnaire survey on children’s misbehaviour was conducted in nursery schools and kindergartens around the Kadena and Futenma airfields. The children living around the Kadena airfield were divided into four groups according to WECPNL at their residences and those around the Futenma airfield into three groups according to WECPNL. The subjects were 1,888 male and female preschool children, 3 to 6 years of age, whose parents, caregivers, and teachers answered the questions. The answers used for the analysis were limited to those of respondents fulfilling the following conditions: parents living with their children, fathers with a daytime job, and mothers with a daytime job or no job. Thus, the number of valid answers was 1,213. The responses were analysed using logistic regression models taking the number of misbehaviours related to the items of Biological Function, Social Standard, Physical Constitution, Movement Habit, or Character as the dependent variables, and WECPNL, age, sex, size of family, birth order, mother’s age at birth, mother’s job, caregiver’s career, and category of subject as the independent variables. Results: A significant dose-response relationship was found between the odds ratio and WECPNL for the outcomes of Physical Constitution around the Kadena and Futenma airfields. Conclusions: It would be reasonable to conclude that the aircraft noise exposure is a factor that increases the number of preschool children’s misbehaviours.
真鍋 龍治 欅田 尚樹 加藤 貴彦 黒田 嘉紀 秋山 幸雄 山野 優子 内山 巌雄 嵐谷 奎一
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.63, no.4, pp.717-723, 2008 (Released:2008-09-30)
3 5

Objectives: The purpose of this study was to investigate the incidence of multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) and effectiveness of the Quick Environment Exposure and Sensitivity Inventory (QEESI) in Japanese workers in specific buildings. Methods: The survey was performed in 2004–2006 in Japan. QEESI (Japanese version) and a checklist on accumulation of fatigue developed by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare were used in the examination of 410 workers in specific buildings. Three criteria of QEESI’s “symptom severity”, “chemical intolerance”, and “other intolerance” were evaluated in this study. Clinical histories were also surveyed. Result: Responses were obtained from 368 (89.8%) workers. The results showed that 132 (35.9%) individuals have been diagnosed as having allergy. Only two (0.5%) individuals were found to be MCS patients. There was no sick building syndrome patient. Applying the “high” criteria with QEESI to the standard of Miller and Ashford, we determined that only four (1.1%) individuals met all the three criteria, and 17 (4.6%) individuals met two of the three criteria. The QEESI score of allergy persons was higher than that of nonallergy persons. Among nonallergy persons, those who have a high score on accumulation of fatigue in the checklist showed a high score in QESSI. Conclusions: These findings indicated that the QEESI score tended to increase with workload and be high in individuals with allergy. Therefore, careful consideration is required, when QEESI is applied for screening MCS patients in Japan.