杉本 弘子
The Japanese Society for Hygiene
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.46, no.2, pp.709-714, 1991-06-15 (Released:2009-02-17)
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The urinary excretions of norepinephrine (NE) and epinephrine (EP) were measured to investigate the physiological effects of girdles worn by women to look attractive.1) The urinary excretion of NE was remarkably increased by the wearing of a girdle in all the subjects examined, whether living conditions and stimulations were changed or remained unchanged.2) The urinary excretion of NE was increased by wearing a girdle, regardless of the type of girdle or its intensity of compression.3) The urinary excretion of NE tended to increase more by the wearing of a bodysuit having a large area of body compression than by the wearing of a girdle having a narrow area of compression.4) The urinary excretion of NE showed no specific pattern of change, even when the subjects were accustomed to the use of a girdle.These findings may indicate that a girdle of even the best-fitting size exerts a kind of stress on the human body.
上野 陽里
The Japanese Society for Hygiene
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.26, no.3, pp.337-343, 1971-08-28 (Released:2009-02-17)

The concept of a permissible dose is one appearing at a contactpoint of natural and social sciences. The permissible dose in radiation protection was adopted as a model in the present paper, reason being to analyze the concept historically and to realize and understand the process of development, as this concept has been discussed extensively in radiation protection. It is emphasized here that not only somatic but also genetic changes are included in biological responses where permissible doses are concerned. The permissible dose is being considered separately for the individual and for workmen in shops where they may contact agents concerned with the permissible dose. A decision has been reached utilizing ecological knowledge including mechanisms of dilution and concentration on a global scale. In general, the permissible dose has been estimated conceptually pivoting on the balance of benefit and injury for humans. It is extremely necessary to know for whom it is beneficial and for whom it is injurious. When discussing a permissible dose, medical staff should arrive at decisions from purely medical and biological viewpoints rather than from the viewpoint of balance.
神戸 大朋
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.68, no.2, pp.92-102, 2013 (Released:2013-05-29)
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In recent years, a number of mammalian zinc transporters have been molecularly characterized. This has brought about major advances in our understanding of the tight regulation of cellular zinc homeostasis and the pivotal roles zinc transporters play in a variety of biological events. Mammalian zinc transporters are classified into two families: the ZRT, IRT-like protein (ZIP) family and the Zn transporter (ZnT) family. The ZIP family consists of 14 members and facilitates zinc influx into the cytosol from the extracellular and intracellular compartments. The ZnT family consists of 9 members and facilitates zinc efflux from the cytosol to the extracellular and intracellular compartments. Coordinated zinc mobilization across the cellular membrane by both transporter families is indispensable for diverse physiological functions. In this review, the features of the ZIP and ZnT families are briefly reviewed from the perspective of zinc physiology, with emphasis on recent progress.
二塚 信 衛藤 光明 内野 誠
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.78, pp.23002, 2023 (Released:2023-07-14)

Even today, more than 60 years after the discovery of Minamata disease, many controversies continue to arise from various viewpoints. Recently, Dr. Shigeru Takaoka has published a book entitled “Minamata Disease and the Responsibility of Medical authorities” as a summary of his and colleagues’ previous works in which he presented their objections to past academic theories. We, who were also engaged in this research at Kumamoto University, would like to address some substantial viewpoints. Drs. Nishimura and Okamoto clarified why a series of cases that were clearly Minamata disease were found only in the Minamata plant from late 1950 to 1975, even though many acetaldehyde plants have been operating in Japan for many years. Dr. Takaoka ignored this very important issue and we point out the lack of reliability of his data from their health examination of “10,000” people. From the pathology perspective, Dr. Takaoka mis­understood the location and plasticity of neurons. From a clinical viewpoint, he mentioned the poor evidence for the characteristics and courses of the patients’ clinical symptoms.
白井 文雄
The Japanese Society for Hygiene
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.43, no.4, pp.923-933, 1988-10-15 (Released:2009-02-17)
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In order to assess the degree of mercury poisoning in the case of occupational and environmental mercury exposure, we commonly used to measure urinary mercury concentration as an indicator. However, it was known that the normal mercury concentrations in the urine of persons who have not been exposed to mercury show a wide range of differences between individuals. The author recently conducted a study to establish the baseline inorganic mercury levels in urine by testing 48 married couples from Niigata, Japan, and investigated the relationship between daily intake of foodstuffs and the variations in urinary mercury levels.The results were as follows:1) Urinary mercury concentration averaged 2.70μg/l for the husband, 2.33μg/l for the wife and 2.51μg/l overall.2) The amount of mercury intake from daily food consumption was similar for husband and wife pairs. It was found that fish and shellfish contributed 50% of the dietary mercury (20.4μg/day a person).3) Urinary mercury concentration was highly correlated for husband and wife pairs (p<0.01). In the case of married couple samples, there was a significant correlation between urinary mercury concentration and the amount of mercury intake from fish and shellfish (p<0.05).4) Considering that (a) intake amounts of mercury from fish and shellfish formed the greater part of dietary mercury as compared with that from other food items and that (b) the form of mercury in fish and shellfish was mainly methylmercury, which has a high affinity in vivo, it cannot be denied that the primary factor in the variations in urinary mercury concentration is related to the amount of fish and shellfish consumed.
今井 秀樹 水野 佑紀 Cindy Rahman AISYAH 増田 桃佳 小西 祥子
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.78, pp.22009, 2023 (Released:2023-06-08)

There are several basic prerequisites for the risk assessment of combined exposures to pesticides and dioxins using human health effects as the endpoint. First, all the target chemical substances exert the same toxicity to humans through the same mechanisms. Second, there is a linear dose–response relationship between the toxicity and effects of individual chemicals. With these two prerequisites, the effects of combined exposures are estimated as the sum of the toxicities of individual chemicals. For example, the toxicities of dioxins are calculated using their toxic equivalent quantities (TEQ) by considering the assigned toxic equivalent factor (TEF) of 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (2,3,7,8-TCDD) set individually from their isomers and homologs. In conventional epidemiological studies, when the impact of each of multiple chemical substances is examined, methods such as multiple regression analysis or using a generalized linear model (GLM) have been used on the basis of the same prerequisites. However, in practice, some of the chemicals exhibit collinearity in their effects or do not show a linear dose–response relationship. In recent years, there have been several methods developed in the field of machine learning being applied to epidemiological research. Typical examples were methods using Bayesian kernel machine regression (BKMR) and weighted quantile sum (WQS), and the shrinkage method, i.e., using the least absolute shrinkage and selection operator (Lasso) and elastic network model (ENM). In the future, while taking into account the findings of experimental studies in biology, epidemiology, and other fields, it is expected that various methods will be applied and selected.
藤本 薫喜 渡辺 孟 湯川 幸一 坂本 淳
The Japanese Society for Hygiene
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.23, no.5, pp.437-442, 1968-12-31 (Released:2009-02-17)
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Surface area of 201 Japanese (both sexes) from infancy to old age selected statistically according to sex, age and body shape were measured and the regional rates calculated and discussed.The results are as follows:1. There was no difference between either side of the body for any age or sex.2. The rate of head, face and neck decreased while that of the lower extremities increased with aging.3. After adolescence regional rates could be differentiated between the sexes. The rates of the thigh of the female were considerably higher than that of the male.4. Body shape, rate of the head, face and neck the tendency waslowest toward obesity and highest toward slenderness. The rates of the limbs, upper and lower extremities revealed the opposite tendency to the former.5. These results vary little as compared to other studies done on Japanese. However, compared to a German oran American revealed a higher rate for limbs. The rate was definitely lower for the Westerner.6. Judging statistically the sublects and methods in this study, the regional rates of body surface described in this paper according to sex, age and body shape are acceptable to be used asastandand for the Japanese people for the study and review of all physical parts.
垂水 公男 萩原 明人
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.68, no.2, pp.67-71, 2013 (Released:2013-05-29)
1 1

In order to examine the cost-benefit of mental health care activities in the workplace, the total costs of the fiscal year 2005, during which the old-type mental health care was conducted, and those of the fiscal years from 2006 to 2008, during which the new-type mental health care was conducted according to the governmental guidelines of each year, were compared using about 3,000 workers in a particular workplace in 2005. The total cost comprised the sum of the medical fees, the payment compensation for sick absences, and expenditures for health care activities of mentally ill health workers. The total costs from 2006 to 2008 were not markedly different from those in 2005, and the benefit due to new-type activity was not shown. However, the following was found: payment compensation for sick absences accounted for 60% of the total cost; personnel expenses which were a large part of the expenditure of health care activities largely changed over the years because of the age structure of the staff in charge. The results show that a cost-benefit analysis may be a useful tool for examining health care activities in the workplace for various members in the workplace although health care issues usually tend to be solved by specialists.
金子 信也
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.69, no.3, pp.199-204, 2014 (Released:2014-09-24)

Objectives: The health management of truck drivers has long been considered extremely important from the perspective of prevention of diseases and traffic accidents. Today, truck drivers may have various underlying health problems, including psychological burden caused by deregulation with the enforcement of the Trucking Business Act, rising fuel costs, and even economic stagnation. In this study, we investigated the mental health of individuals working in transportation and logistics sectors, which ensures the secure supply and sound development of safe and high-quality transportation services. Methods: To ascertain the mental health status in this population, we used the General Health Questionnaire (GHQ30), an assessment of mental health and currently the general health questionnaire most widely used by the department of psychosomatic medicine and other clinical departments. Results: Although the mean GHQ30 score of all the subjects in this study was below the cutoff point of 6–7, which separates individuals with mental health problems from those who without 30% of the subjects were classified as having mental health problems, revealing the need for routine screening of the mental health status and severity of symptoms of truck drivers. Conclusions: There is growing recognition of the importance of establishing mental healthcare services in the workplace because of the sharply increasing number of applications for workers’ compensation due to suicides from overwork. In this study, 16.7% of truck drivers expressed suicidal thoughts, indicating that it is necessary to conduct follow-up surveys of the mental conditions of truck drivers in order to put in place appropriate mental health measures.
眞野 喜洋
The Japanese Society for Hygiene
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.41, no.6, pp.938-944, 1987-02-28 (Released:2009-02-17)

Decompression sickness (bends) is generally considered to be due to the effects of bubbles which originate from supersaturated gas dissolved in the blood and other tissues.The bubbles in the tissues are formed from pre-exisiting gas nuclei. The gas initially diffused into the gas nuclei in the tissue and is then forced out by decompression, depending on the difference between the inside tension of the gas nuclei and the surrounding tension of the tissue.Mammalian gelatin samples were first used according to this theory by LeMessurier in 1972 as a model in the etiology of bends, and further careful research has been carried out by Beckman, Yount, Mano and their co-workers. Mano et al. have evaluated the relative effectiveness of standard decompression tables in reducing bubble formation using the agarose gel bubble technique under rigorously controlled conditions.Bubble formation is mainly due to the decompression ratio, accompanied by hyperbaric exposure; however, the variation of exposure temperatures also influences the formed bubbles even though there are no decompression steps.Therefore, to understand the relation between the temperature and bubble formation, research was undertaken. This bubble work is composed of two groups of experiments. One involved saturation experiments, and the relation between the number of bubbles and different saturation pressures was obtained as a regression line. The temperature was controlled at 20.0±1.0°C.In the other experiments, the environmental temperature was changed between 5 and 30°C. Agarose gel samples, with 15 cells in a set, were exposed to the same bottom pressure but the environmental temperature was varied in each set of conditions.The number of bubbles was counted in each sample and the cells were heated to 30°C for 30min and bubble counting was then done. The exposure time at the bottom pressure was 30, 60, or 120min in the non-saturation experiments and 6 hours in the saturation experiments. The phenomena of bubble formation according to the variations of the temperature were investigated in detail, and, eventually, significant regression equations could be obtained with good relations in all defferent conditions of hyperbaric exposure.This result gives us much information on bubble formation phenomena, which can aid us in carrying out our basic research on decompression sickness, especially as concerns the influence of environmenal temperature, although there are differences between in vitro and in vivo phenomena. Moreover, the standard decompression table by the Ministry of Labour could be evaluated by this bubble counting technique. The safety of the table was questionable, and it was recognized that the table was not necessarily correct. This research will be applied to various fields of diving or compressed air work in the future.
柳田 亮 小川 洋二郎 水落 文夫 鈴木 典 高橋 正則 岩崎 賢一
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.67, no.3, pp.417-422, 2012 (Released:2012-06-26)

Objective: Altitude training is frequently used for athletes requiring competitive endurance in an attempt to improve their sea-level performance. However, there has been no study in which the mechanisms by which spontaneous arterial-cardiac baroreflex function changes was examined in responders or nonresponders of altitude training. The purpose of this study was to clarify the different effects of altitude training on baroreflex function between responders and nonresponders. Methods: Twelve university student cross-country skiers (6 men, 6 women; age, 19±1 years) participated in the altitude training in a camp for 3 weeks, which was carried out in accordance with the method of Living High-Training Low. Baroreflex function was estimated by transfer function analysis before and after the training. Results: The responders of the training were 3 men and 2 women, and the nonresponders were 3 men and 4 women. In the responders, the transfer function gain in the high-frequency range significantly increased after the training (28.9→46.5 ms/mmHg p=0.021). On the other hand, no significant change in this index was observed in the nonresponders (25.9→21.2 ms/mmHg p=0.405). Conclusion: As indicated by the results of transfer function gain in the high-frequency range, the baroreflex function in the responders increased significantly after the altitude training, whereas no significant change was observed in the nonresponders.
安藤 満
The Japanese Society for Hygiene
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.45, no.5, pp.947-953, 1990-12-15 (Released:2009-02-17)

Chlorofluorocarbon-11 (CFC11) lasts for an average of 74 years in the atmosphere, CFC12 for an average of 111 years, and CFC113 for an average of 90 years. Every CFC molecule destroys thousands of molecules of stratospheric ozone.Recently, the extent of the Antarctic ozone hole has been recognized. The depletion of stratospheric ozone may lead to increase ultraviolet-B (UV-B) radiation.UV-B radiation has many damaging effects on human health, such as snow blindness, cataract and skin cancer. UV-B radiation also suppresses the immune defenses against certain infections.While it is difficult to estimate the numerical effect on the basis of epidemiologic data in the U. S. A., UNEP and WHO estimate that for every 1% decrease in stratospheric ozone, there will be between a 0.3 to 0.6% increase in cataract. They also estimate that for every 1% depletion of ozone, the incidences of basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma and malignant melanoma will increase 2.7, 4.6 and 0.6%, respectively. There is also concern that increased UV-B radiation might lead to an increase of the incidence and severity of infectious diseases due to suppression of the immune system.Since the data on UV-B exposure are extremely limited, it is necessary to confirm the incidence rate of skin cancer in various countries in relation to UV-B exposure.
工藤 陽子 庄本 正男 武田 真太郎 横尾 能範 佐守 信男
The Japanese Society for Hygiene
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.31, no.2, pp.378-385, 1976-06-28 (Released:2009-02-17)
11 5

In Japan a nationwide survey of school children's physical growth has been carried out by the Ministry of Education every year since 1900 except the years of World War II. An attempt was made to elucidate the growth acceleration in height by making use of the statistical date of the above-mentioned survey. The maximum growth age (MGA) in height was taken as an indicator of the growth acceleration. The results were as follows:1. MGA in height was found to be gradually going down since before the war. The growth acceleration in the prewar years was found to fit a straight line. In the postwar years, the growth acceleration of boys born in the 1950's proceeded along the regression line based on the prewar acceleration rate.2. Lowering of MGA in height of boys and girls born after the war was found to fit Gompertz and logistic curves. The postwar growth acceleration with its point of reference at the end of the war was remarkable: MGA in height went down by 2.0 years for boys and 1.5 years for girls in 25 years. This period, however, should be regarded as a convalescent stage after the repression of growth due to the war.3. If the postwar growth acceleration was to be taken as a part of the whole phenomenon in gradual progress since before the war, as it actually was, the rate of acceleration for boys was 0.2 year per 10 years.4. In the case of girls, the growth acceleration in the prewar years was slower than that of boys, and the progress in the postwar years surpassed the regression line based on the prewar rate. The prewar slower rate for girls as compared to boys can be attributed to a situation peculiar to Japanese social background. In the prewar days, girls' place was lower than boys' in both social and home life and this fact may have affected repressively on the physical growth of girls.5. The growth acceleration is likely to proceed for some time to come but a prediction on the phenomenon must wait for further investigation.
坂本 峰至 板井 啓明 村田 勝敬
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.72, no.3, pp.140-148, 2017 (Released:2017-09-21)
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Methylmercury, the causative agent of Minamata disease, can easily penetrate the brain, and adult-type Minamata disease patients showed neurological symptoms according to the brain regions where the neurons, mainly in the cerebrum and cerebellum, were damaged. In addition, fetuses are exposed to methylmercury via the placenta from maternal fish consumption, and high-level exposure to methylmercury causes damage to the brains of infants. Typical patients with fetal-type Minamata disease (i.e., serious poisoning caused by in utero exposure to methylmercury) were born during the period of severe methylmercury pollution in 1955–1959, although they showed no abnormality during gestation nor at delivery. However, they showed difficulties in head control, sitting, and walking, and showed disturbances in mental development, these symptoms that are similar to those of cerebral palsy, during the growth periods after birth. The impaired development of fetal-type Minamata disease patients was one of the most tragic and characteristic feature of Minamata disease. In this review, we first summarize 1) the effects of prenatal methylmercury exposure in Minamata disease. Then, we introduce the studies that were conducted mainly by Sakamoto et al. as follows: 2) a retrospective study on temporal and regional variations of methylmercury pollution in Minamata area using preserved umbilical cord methylmercury, 3) decline in male sex ratio observed in Minamata area, 4) characteristics of hand tremor and postural sway in fetal-type Minamata disease patients, 5) methylmercury transfer from mothers to infants during gestation and lactation (the role of placenta), 6) extrapolation studies using rat models on the effects of prenatal methylmercury exposure on the human brain, and 7) risks and benefits of fish consumption.
古瀬 民生 若菜 茂晴
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.73, no.2, pp.97-100, 2018 (Released:2018-05-31)

Objectives: The developmental origins of health and disease paradigm (DOHaD) is a concept that fetal environmental factors affect adult phenotypes. We performed experiments to evaluate the DOHaD theory in developmental disorders using mouse models.Methods: In vitro fertilization and embryo transfer techniques were used for mouse production. The AIN93G-control diet, which contains 20% protein (CD), 5% protein-restricted diet (PR), and PR with supplemental folic acid (FA) were provided as experimental diets to mothers. The body weights (BWs) of mothers and offspring, and the blood-clinical biochemistry results of mothers were examined. In addition, gene expression and genomic methylation in the brain of adult offspring and behavioral phenotypes of adult offspring were examined.Results: Pregnant mothers that consumed the protein-restricted diets, namely, PR and FA, exhibited reduction in BW. The values of protein-related parameters determined by blood-clinical biochemistry decreased in the PR fed groups. The BWs of neonates and adult offspring did not change. The offspring exposed to maternal hyponutrition exhibited increased activity in the home cage and enhanced fear and anxiety-like behavior. The adult offspring of the PR-fed group and FA-fed groups exhibited different patterns of mRNA expression and genomic methylation in the brain.Conclusions: The maternal PR diet affected the progenies’ behavioral phenotypes and epigenetic outcomes in the brain. However, the behavioral changes induced by maternal protein restriction were very slight. Hence, interactions between several genetic factors and environmental exposures such as maternal malnutrition may cause developmental and psychiatric disorders.
吉田 宗弘
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.67, no.4, pp.485-491, 2012 (Released:2012-10-25)
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It has been recognized that chromium is an essential trace element associated with carbohydrate metabolism, and chromium deficiency causes an impaired glucose tolerance. Recently, however, Vincent et al. have reported that chromium is not an essential trace element. In the present report, the author evaluated the nutritional essentiality of chromium by reviewing several previous reports. In almost all previous reports, the chromium concentration in the animal feed used was higher than 0.1 μg/g, and it is difficult to consider that the experimental animals were in a low-chromium state. In addition, the amount of chromium administered to the animals for the improvement of glucose tolerance was at a pharmacological level, and corresponded to a level that far exceeded the human daily chromium intake (20 to 80 μg/day). On the other hand, recent research has clearly shown that feeding with a severely low-chromium diet (0.016 μg/g) does not impair glucose tolerance. The amount of chromium absorbed in humans estimated from chromium intake (20 to 80 μg/day), chromium absorption rate (1%), and urinary chromium excretion (<1 μg/day) is less than 1 μg/day, which is much lower than those of other essential trace elements. In addition, because there is an inconsistency between the chromium concentration in food and chromium intake, chromium intake seems to be dependent on chromium contamination during food processing and cooking. It is concluded that there is a high possibility that chromium is not an essential trace element.
溝田 友里 山本 精一郎
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.67, no.1, pp.84-89, 2012 (Released:2012-03-07)
1 1

Objectives: This study sought to determine the implications of smoking cessation/prevention policy in college students. Methods: We conducted an internet survey to investigate the attitude of recruitment officers in a company concerning acceptance evaluation and smoking of applicants. Results: Among 838 respondents, more than one-half had unfavorable impressions when they saw new employees or college students smoking. Among the respondents, 3.7% answered that their companies had already introduced the policy of considering smoking status during acceptance evaluation to be acceptance policies, and 14.3% answered that this introduction is under consideration. Among the remaining 687 respondents, 7.6% answered that it can be included in the acceptance policies in the future and 45.7% answered it will not be included in the policies but can be considered during acceptance evaluation itself. Regarding their personal impression, 30% have experienced the case in which smoking status might have affected acceptance and 48.7% answered that it might affect acceptance in the future. Conclusions: Our study clarified that smoking status affected acceptance evaluation by recruitment officers in not a little cases although smoking status is not included in formal acceptance policies. Considering that there are only a few countermeasures for smoking among college students, job hunting activities can be a good opportunity for smoking cessation/prevention among them in collaboration with companies, colleges, and policy makers.
森河 裕子 中川 秀昭 田畑 正司 西条 旨子 千間 正美 北川 由美子 河野 俊一 寺西 秀豊 城戸 照彦
The Japanese Society for Hygiene
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.46, no.6, pp.1057-1062, 1992-02-15 (Released:2009-02-17)
3 2

We studied an outbreak of itai-itai disease in the Jinzu River basin, in Toyama, Japan. One hundred and fifty females recognized as itai-itai disease patients till by 1990 were studied for the ages and years of onset and residence in the cadmium-polluted area.1. Cases were recognized from as early as 1929, increased gradually to the peak of 1955-1959 and rapidly decreased up to the 1970s.2. It was found that the later the patients was born, the younger the age of onset, though there was no difference of ages of onset between the cases born in the 1910s and the cases born from 1920.3. The onset of itai-itai disease was most frequently seen at 50-59 years of residence in the cadmium-polluted area. It was found that the later a person started to inhabit the cadmium-polluted area, the shorter the period of residence in the cadmium-polluted area up to onset of itai-itai disease.4. Comparing the patients who inhabited the cadmium-polluted area from birth and those who had moved there from non-polluted areas, the age of onset was higher in the latter, but there were no significant differences in the period of residence up to onset.From these findings, it appeared that itai-itai disease was not caused by aging, but by cadmium exposure starting from the 1910s.