河野 公一
The Japanese Society for Hygiene
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.49, no.5, pp.852-860, 1994-12-15 (Released:2009-02-17)
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Fluoride, the ionic form of fluorine, is a natural component of the biosphere and 13th most abundant element in the crust of the earth. It is, therefore, found in a wide range of concentrations in virtually all inanimate and living things. Many trace elements perform a definite function in human metabolism and the question of the value of fluoride, always found in the body, has been raised. Much evidence suggesting that the inclusion of fluoride in drinking water has beneficial as well as adverse effects on human health was obtained. Either alone or in combination with calcium and/or vitamin D, it is used in high daily doses for the treatment of osteoporosis. Although organic fluorine compounds are used in medicine and commerce, the inorganic fluorine compounds are of greater importance toxicologically because they are more readily available. The major pathway of fluoride elimination from the human body is via the kidney. When renal function deteriorates, the ability to excrete fluoride markedly decreases, possibly resulting in greater retention of fluoride in the body. At this point, more research is needed to evaluate the effects of physiological variables on the fluoride metabolism in humans.
加藤 貴彦
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.74, pp.19018, 2019 (Released:2019-12-25)
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The term behavioral science was coined in 1946 by a research group at the University of Chicago led by Miller. It is defined as “science that systematically reveals the rules of human behavior”. To elucidate human behavior, they proposed combining biological science and social science. In Japan, achievements in behavioral science research have accumulated and have been applied in health education and health policy. In this paper, we describe the current status and future approaches in social medicine through an overview of behavioral science research in Japan with regard to the following five points: 1) representative theories and techniques in health behavior, 2) differences in health awareness, 3) a new approach of behavioral science based on the dual process theory, behavioral economics, and zero-order prevention, 4) diversity in behavioral changes and 5) experimental research in behavioral science.
松本 明子
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.71, no.1, pp.55-68, 2016 (Released:2016-01-30)
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Human aldehyde dehydrogenase 2 (ALDH2) is a 56 kDa mitochondrial protein that forms homodimers through hydrogen bonding interactions between the Glu487 and Arg475 residues of two ALDH2 proteins. Two ALDH2 homodimers can interact to form an ALDH2 tetramer. ALDH2 is widely distributed throughout the organs of the body. In addition to its dehydrogenase activity, ALDH2 also exhibits esterase and reductase activities, with the main substrates for these three activities being aldehydes, 4-nitrophenyl acetate and nitroglycerin, respectively. ALDH2 can be readily inhibited by a wide variety of endogenous and exogenous chemicals, but the induction or activation of this enzyme remains unlikely. The polymorphism of ALDH2 to the corresponding ALDH2*2 variant results in a severe deficiency in ALDH2 activity, and this particular polymorphism is prevalent among people of Mongoloid descent. It seems reasonable to expect that people with the ALDH2*2 variant would be more vulnerable to stress and diseases because ALDH2 defends the human body against toxic aldehydes. However, it has been suggested that people with the ALDH2*2 variant are protected by alternative stress-defending systems. The ALDH2*2 variant has been reported to be associated with many different kinds of diseases, although the mechanisms underlying these associations have not yet been elucidated. ALDH2 polymorphism has a significant impact on human health; further studies are therefore required to determine the practical implications of this polymorphism in the fields of preventive and clinical medicine.
吉葉 繁雄
The Japanese Society for Hygiene
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.39, no.2, pp.565-572, 1984-06-30 (Released:2009-02-17)
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Conus-sting, 55 cases, including 21 fatalities caused by about 20 species of Conus as of Aug. 1982. Among the 21 fatalities, 18 cases were caused by C. geographus. The fatality rate associated with this species has reached 55.3% in Japan and 66.7% in the world. C. geographus is therefore considered to be the most dangerous snail belonging to the genus Conus. This fact is also proven experimentally by comparison of the lethal dose within 1 hour (LD1h) of the venom of this species (CGV) in various animals. Results show the values of LD1h of crude CGV are 1.3mg/kg in mice, 4mg/kg in chickens and 0.09mg/kg in goldfishes. These values represent the lowest value of venoms in various species of Conus examined by the author.However, it is impossible to estimate the lethal dose (even not LD1h) in humans directly by means of experiment. Therefore the lethal dose for humans was estimated by means of 1) examination of the records of Conus-stings in the world and 2) measurement of the quantity of CGV thought to be injected into a victim by the snail.1) From an analysis of the record of Conus-stings collected by Shirai (June 1982) and 3 cases investigated by the author (Sep. 1982) it can be concluded that C. geographus injects in one attack crude CGV in ammount corresponding to LD70 in humans. Consequently, it was fatal in the cases of small men or children stung by large snails and death came within 40 minutes to 5 hours after the sting but larger men stung by smaller snails were saved.2) It has already been proven by the author that C. geographus injects its venom only in the amount charged within a single radular tooth into the victim according to its predatory behavior. As a result of the measurement of the volume of capacity of a single radular tooth from C. geographus in several sizes, the amount of raw crude CGV which would be injected into a human was converted into 0.06 to 0.2mg in dry weight.Thus the lethal dose of CGV in humans was estimated to be 1 to 3μg/kg. However in 2 cases of geographus cone-stings which occured in Okinawa on Jul. 22 and Aug. 17 in 1982, both doses of CGV are presumed to be only 0.2 and 0.5μg/kg respectively according to the estimation in this report. Yet the patients fell into severe paralysis of voluntary movement accompanied by disturbance of speech and dyspnea. They subsequently recovered in a hospital aided by medical treatment.
上島 通浩
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.73, no.3, pp.330-337, 2018 (Released:2018-09-29)

Research into reproductive toxicology may lead to one of the countermeasures to the declining birth rate observed in industrialized countries. Some chemicals can pose risks to human reproduction that is a multistage process starting from the development of male and female germ cells to childbirth and the subsequent growth and development of the child. In Japan, the government has amended law enforcement, i.e., the Regulations on Labor Standards for Women, recently to improve protection for pregnant women against reproductive chemical hazards in workplaces. Male workers may also be protected against such hazards if appropriate risk assessment and the following management are performed as required by the Industrial Safety and Health Law. However, it remains a concern that an unexpected adverse outcome due to an unknown reproduction hazard may occur owing to the use of chemicals not listed in the regulations. This is because the toxicity of a large number of chemicals has not been entirely revealed. Moreover, it is often difficult to determine from a Safety Data Sheet for a product of interest whether the chemicals contained in the product do not have reproductive toxicity or the toxicity data are just not available because of lack of pertinent studies. Thus, researchers in the field of occupational and environmental health need to make effort to fill in such data gaps and to raise the awareness among the public the importance of experimental and epidemiological studies. Study designs for investigating subclinical effects, mechanisms of reproductive toxicity, exposure levels, and dose-response relationships to determine environmental standards are also required.
山下 節義 土居 真 西尾 雅七 北條 博厚 田中 昌人
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.27, no.4, pp.364-399, 1972-10-28 (Released:2009-02-17)
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In the summer of 1955, 12, 131 children in western Japan were poisoned as a result of the consumpting “Morinaga Dry Milk” (according to 1956 survey conducted by the Welfare Ministry). 130 of children actually died as a result of this poisoning. The arsenic contained in the milk resulted from the poorly purified “Secondary Sodium Phosphate” used as a stabilizer in the manufacturing process of powdered milk.The afflicted infants were those for whom the powdered milk served as a main food and who were physically and mentally in the developing process. Such mass-poisoning had heretofore never been reported in the world.As the symptoms of poisoning disappeared, these children were thought to have been cured. The issue was closed medically and administrationally in 1956 as the conclusion had been reached that there would be no longlasting effects.In 1969, Dr. Maruyama et al. (J.J.P.H. Vol. 16, No. 3, p. 170, 1969) reported continuing effects of this arsenic poisoning, once more reviving the medical and social problem. From that time, surveys of these patients were carried out in several places in western Japan.In Kyoto, from December 1970 to July 1971, inclusive checks were done as follows: Epidemiological Survey (415 Subjects), Clinical Survey (291 Subjects) and Clinical Psychological Survey (261 Subjects).The Kyoto victims presented the following:1. In Kyoto, many victims had a much higher rate of physical and mental complaints than the control group.2. Average height was less than that of the same age group.3. Rate of victims who showed proteinuria (male 14%, female 12%) was higher than that of the same age group.4. Abnormal and borderline brain waves were found to be much higher rate in victims (abnormal 14%, borderline 17%) than average.5. The younger the age of milk consumption, the higher were the rates of abnormal brain waves.6. Central nervous system disorders eq. epilepsy, minimal brain damage syndrome, mental retardation etc. were found to be higher rate than average.7. Numbers of the patients with hardness of hearing (18%) were above average.8. Numbers of the patients with anomaly of refraction (48%) were above average.9. Many victims (64%) had symptoms of skin that characterized pigmentation and depigmentation rashes etc..10. Tooth enamel dysplasia was found in higher rates among victims.11. Numbers of victims (21%) with an IQ of less than 85 exceeded average numbers, according to Educational Ministry Statistics.12. In psychological tests, eq. Uchida-Kraepelin methods, atypical group in victims was found to be higher rate than average.13. Many had irregular and painful menstruation.14. Many complaints of victims continued from infancy.15. The result of this follow-up study is not inconsistent with the result of pathological and clinical report in 1955.16. Clinical findings and diagnostic reports of this survey are just the same as those in Osaka and Okayama etc.As mentioned above, it can be concluded that the physical and mental defects of these victims are the result of consumption of arsenic tainted “Morinaga Dry Milk” and that these persons have received no therapy for 16 years.These victims are now in physical and mental adolescent changes. As they have had no follow-up medical care, a prediction of their health in adult hood is impossible.For these reasons, a continuation of the surveys is most necessary, and, counterplans-social care, health consultations, psychological counselling including educational problems etc.-should be carried out by medical and psychological specialists.
蓮沼 英樹 市瀬 孝道 上田 佳代 小田嶋 博 金谷 久美子 清水 厚 高見 昭憲 竹内 文乃 西脇 祐司 渡部 仁成 橋爪 真弘
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.74, pp.19010, 2019 (Released:2019-12-25)

Asian dust is a phenomenon involving the long-range transport of atmospheric pollutants originating from the desert areas of China and Mongolia. In recent years, the health effects of Asian dust have raised public concerns. Numerous studies on the health effects of Asian dust have been published since the last review in 2010. Thus, a literature review was conducted to shed light on the latest epidemiologic findings. PubMed and Science Direct databases were used for the review of epidemiologic studies published between June 2009 and April 2018. We identified 53 epidemiologic studies. Mortality, ambulance transportation, hospitalization/medical examination, changes in symptomatic, functional, and examination findings, as well as birth outcomes have been reported as outcomes. When the outcomes were categorized by disease, the effects of Asian dust on respiratory, cardiovascular, and allergic diseases raised concerns. The common evidences of causation between Asian dust and these diseases were the consistency of findings and temporal sequence of association. As results of research on dose-response relationships have become available, and the possibility that the health effects of Asian dust may vary depending on its chemical composition has been pointed out, further research using the exposure level indicators of Asian dust or its chemical composition should be conducted. Furthermore, with focus on the crucial issue of reducing exposure, research related to prevention and raising awareness should be further promoted.
宮田 裕章 大久保 豪 吉江 悟 甲斐 一郎
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.66, no.1, pp.83-94, 2011 (Released:2011-02-25)
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Debate about the relationship between quantitative and qualitative paradigms is often muddled and confusing and the clutter of terms and arguments has resulted in the concepts becoming obscure and unrecognizable. In this study we conducted content analysis regarding evaluation methods of qualitative healthcare research. We extracted descriptions on four types of evaluation paradigm (validity/credibility, reliability/credibility, objectivity/confirmability, and generalizability/transferability), and classified them into subcategories. In quantitative research, there has been many evaluation methods based on qualitative paradigms, and vice versa. Thus, it might not be useful to consider evaluation methods of qualitative paradigm are isolated from those of quantitative methods. Choosing practical evaluation methods based on the situation and prior conditions of each study is an important approach for researchers.
横尾 能範 瀬林 伝
The Japanese Society for Hygiene
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.35, no.6, pp.841-850, 1981-02-28 (Released:2009-02-17)

Although the harmful effects of noise may be reduced by a person's becoming accustomed to it the authors have analyzed the relation between the thinking process and chronic exposure to noise. The experimental results show that school children who are used to noise are more affected by the noise on their thinking process than the other children.Eleven year old children were given thinking problems in which a female feacher read 3 digit numbers at a constant level, after which the subjects had to write down each number in reverse order. Some of the problems were given with a background of railway noise at various levels and the results obtained were analyzed to determine the effects of the presence of noise, noise levels and of chronic exposure to noise.Based on the results, it is suggested that some habituation to suppress studying activities such as “suspention of thinking” or “abandoning work” are formad on the children who always do their thinking in a noisy environment.
田中 誠二 杉田 聡 丸井 英二
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.64, no.1, pp.3-13, 2009 (Released:2009-02-26)
2 3

Objectives: The objective of this study was to elucidate the condition of malaria epidemics during the postwar Occupation period in Japan. Methods: The statistical records listed in the appendices of the “Weekly Bulletin”, an official document of the General Headquarters, Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers (GHQ/SCAP) that is currently kept in the National Diet Library Modern Japanese Political History Materials Room, were converted into electronic files. On the basis of these records, the monthly prevalence of malaria was plotted in graphs to analyze the course of epidemics with respect to time and place. Results: The prevalence was high in all regions in the summer of 1946, when the present records were initiated. As a general trend, the prevalence was high in western Japan and low in eastern Japan. In all regions except the Kinki region, the prevalence decreased with time thereafter and virtually no epidemics occurred after 1948. In the Kinki region, epidemics with a prevalence of over 70 cases per 100,000 individuals repeatedly occurred until 1949, but the prevalence rapidly decreased in 1950. By prefecture, Saga Prefecture showed the highest prevalence in the nation in July 1946. While the prevalence in most prefectures decreased with time, Shiga Prefecture was the only prefecture with recurring epidemics with a prevalence of over 800 cases per 100,000 individuals until 1949. Conclusions: Malaria epidemics during the Occupation were classified into epidemics caused by “imported malaria”, which was observed in many prefectures, and those caused by “indigenous malaria”, which was observed only in Shiga Prefecture.
阪本 州弘 大和田 国夫 庄司 博延 田中 平三
The Japanese Society for Hygiene
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.25, no.5, pp.446-452, 1970-12-30 (Released:2009-02-17)

A study was made on the relationship between birth order and menarche age of 1715 females students of high school and college in Osaka Prefecture in 1968. Results are as follows:1) The median of menarche age for birth order was 13 years and 1 month in the groups of one or two siblings with no relation of birth order. In 3 or over 4 sibling groups, however, the median of menarche age increased with an increase of birth order as follows; the median was 13 years, 13 years and 1 month, and 13 years and 4 months for the group of first, second and third birth order respectively.2) The distribution of the menarche age was analysed by the model in which was composed of 3 parameters of m, σ and λ; m was mean age in the complete stage of the preparation for menarche, σ was variance of the age and λ was the force of effect of external stimulation for menarche appearance.In a single sibling m was 12 years and 8 months, in two siblings group m was 12 years and 6 months, and 12 years and 10 months for first and second birth order respectively, therefore, the latter was 4 months later than the former. In the 3 siblings group, m became later with an increase of birth order as follows; 12 years and 7 months, 12 years and 6 months, 12 years and 9 months for the fiirst, second and third birth order respectively. λ was remarkably high in one sibling group and in the youngest for over two siblings groups.
田中 佳世子 森岡 郁晴
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.78, pp.22004, 2023 (Released:2023-02-17)

Objectives: The Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (MHLW) states that it is an important issue to realize a work environment where people find their job worth doing, and the MHLW utilizes work engagement as the concept of a job worth doing. In this study, we aimed to clarify the factors related to work engagement in occupational health nurses from both aspects of work environmental and individual factors.Methods: An anonymous self-administered questionnaire was mailed to 2,172 occupational health nurses who belonged to the Japan Society for Occupational Health and were in charge of practical work. Among them, 720 responded and their responses were analyzed (valid response rate: 33.1%). The Japanese version of the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES-J) was used to measure their feelings on whether their job is worth doing. Question items at three levels, namely, work level, department level, and workplace level, were selected from the new brief job stress questionnaire as the work environmental factors. Three scales, namely, professional identity, self-management skills, and out-of-work resources, were used as the individual factors. Multiple linear regression analysis was performed to examine the factors related to work engagement.Results: The mean total score of UWES-J was 57.0 points, and the mean item score was 3.4 points. Among attributes, age, having children, and the position of chief or above were positively correlated to the total score, but the number of occupational health nurses in the workplace was negatively correlated to the total score. Among work environmental factors, work-self balance (positive), which is a subscale at the workplace level, and suitable jobs and opportunities to grow up, which are the subscales at the work level, were positively correlated to the total score. Among individual factors, self-esteem as a professional and self-improvement to be professional, which are the subscales of the professional identity, and problem resolution, which is a subscale of self-management skills, were positively correlated to the total score.Conclusions: In order for occupational health nurses to find their job worth doing, it is desirable that they will have options to choose diverse and flexible work styles, and that their employers will establish a work-life balance for the entire organization. It is preferable that the occupational health nurses can self-improve, and that their employers will provide opportunities for them to develop professionally. The employers should also establish a personnel evaluation system that allows for promotion. Results also suggest that the occupational health nurses need to improve their self-management skills, and that the employers should assign them to positions suitable to their abilities.
戸田 雅裕 西尾 信宏 竹下 達也
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.70, no.3, pp.259-263, 2015 (Released:2015-09-26)
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Objectives: We designed a scale to gauge smartphone dependence and assessed its reliability and validity. Methods: A prototype self-rating smartphone-dependence scale was tested on 133 medical students who use smartphones more frequently than other devices to access web pages. Each response was scored on a Likert scale (0, 1, 2, 3), with higher scores indicating greater dependence. To select items for the final scale, exploratory factor analysis was conducted. Results: On the basis of factor analysis results, we designed the Wakayama Smartphone-Dependence Scale (WSDS) comprising 21 items with 3 subscales: immersion in Internet communication; using a smartphone for extended periods of time and neglecting social obligations and other tasks; using a smartphone while doing something else and neglect of etiquette. Our analysis confirmed the validity of the different elements of the WSDS: the reliability coefficient (Cronbach’s alpha) values of all subscales and total WSDS were from 0.79 to 0.83 and 0.88, respectively. Conclusions: These findings suggest that the WSDS is a useful tool for rating smartphone dependence.
村上 道夫
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.72, no.1, pp.32-37, 2017 (Released:2017-02-02)

Although public interest on safety standards is increasing, the evidence and protocols associated with the standards are not known well to the public and even experts. Discussing the evidence of standards is essential for risk communication, and interdisciplinary and systematical understanding on how to establish standards are also beneficial for considering the set-up of new standards. In this article, on the basis of examples in environmental science, industrial health and safety, and radiological protection, I overview and systemize the establishment of the standards from the perspectives of three principles of risk management: 1) “zero-risk-like” standards, 2) “acceptable-risk-based” standards, and 3) “cost-balanced” standards. In this view, I point out the differences in uncertainty factors or acceptable-risk levels among individual standards and demonstrate the role of the “as low as reasonably achievable (ALARA)” concept. Then, on the basis of the problem on lack of environmental standards in nonstationary states such as disasters, I summarize elements necessary for establishing the standards. As perspectives for further study, I suggest the needs for risk assessment of chemicals having a threshold, full considerations of risk trade-offs and ethical aspects, and applications of processes to the establishment of standards through stakeholder consensus.
野上 絵理子 宮井 信行 張 岩 阪口 将登 早川 博子 服部 園美 内海 みよ子 上松 右二 有田 幹雄
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.76, pp.21003, 2021 (Released:2021-07-10)

Objectives: Recently, attention has been paid to the impact of cigarette smoking on skeletal muscles, as its underlying pathophysiological mechanism has been gradually elucidated. In this study, we aimed to examine whether cigarette smoking is associated with muscle mass reduction and low muscle strength in elderly men.Methods: The study participants comprised 417 community-dwelling elderly men (aged 73±6 years) without severe glucose intolerance, chronic kidney disease, or liver disease. Bioelectrical impedance analysis was performed to estimate appendicular skeletal muscle mass (ASM), which was normalized for height (ASM index, kg/m2). Handgrip strength (HGS) was measured using a Smedley grip dynamometer. Cumulative smoking exposure level during a lifetime was expressed in pack-years, which is a product of the average number of packs of cigarettes smoked per day and smoking duration in years.Results: When the participants were stratified on the basis of cumulative smoking exposure (<10 pack-years, 10–39 pack-years, ≥40 pack-years), the ASM index and HGS progressively decreased with increasing exposure level (P for trend <0.01). In multiple regression analysis, heavy smoking (defined as ≥40 pack-years) was found to be a significant determinant of the ASM index and HGS, independent of potential confounding factors. Among former smokers, the subgroup that quit smoking for ≥20 years had a significantly higher ASM index and HGS than the subgroup that quit smoking for <10 years. The duration of smoking cessation was significantly associated with the ASM index and HGS, even after adjusting for cumulative smoking exposure.Conclusions: These findings suggest that cigarette smoking contributes to the loss of muscle mass and function in elderly men and that smoking cessation could reverse the impact of cigarette smoking on skeletal muscles.
村嶋 恵 菊池 有利子 野見山 哲生 熊谷 奈美 大前 和幸 渡邊 昌 赤倉スタディグループ
The Japanese Society for Hygiene
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.59, no.1, pp.31-37, 2004-01-15 (Released:2009-02-17)
1 2

Objective: Absorption of cadmium is increased by deficiency of iron in animals, but it is uncertain that the same phenomenon occurs in humans. The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between cadmium and iron in the body and to evaluate the influence of dietary habits.Methods: Twenty-five healthy women, aged 20-23 years, were selected by excluding those with renal disease and habitual constipation. They participated in the dietary intervention study to estimate tolerable weekly intake of Cd for 3 weeks in the same dormitory. At 3 months before, at 0 Day, at the 12th Day of the study and 9 months after the study, health check-ups were performed, and Cd in the blood and urine, hemoglobin (Hb), serum iron (iron) and serum ferritin (ferritin) were measured.Results: Cd concentration in the blood (B-Cd) showed a significant correlation with Cd concentration in the urine (U-Cd), and inverse correlation with the body iron storage, such as Hb, iron and ferritin. A food frequency questionnaire showed that no subject showed insufficient dietary intake of iron. Subjects who had eaten grain, millet and brown rice showed higher levels of B-Cd and U-Cd and low levels of Hb, iron and ferritin.Conclusion: Absorption of Cd tended to increase according to a low level of body iron storage among healthy young women.
大和田 国夫 田中 平三 伊東 正明 政田 喜代子
The Japanese Society for Hygiene
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.27, no.2, pp.243-247, 1972-06-28 (Released:2009-02-17)
10 5

This paper is concerned with studying the developmental changes which occur in sensitivity to the 4 primary taste qualities viz. sweet (sucrose), sour (citric acid), bitter (quinine sulfate) and salty (sodium chloride).Results are as follows:1. Taste threshold values and difference threshold values for the 4 taste qualities increased with age and showed a peak at the age of 60. These values slightly decreased at the age of 70.2. An increase of salty taste threshold values with aging were more marked than other taste threshold values.3. Either sex failed to reveal significant differences for taste sensitivity.4. Significant differences in taste threshold, especially bitter taste, were observed between smokers and non-smokers.5. False dentures (complete) appeared to influence slightly taste threshold values.
上村 浩一
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.67, no.3, pp.363-374, 2012 (Released:2012-06-26)
8 10

Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) are a group of chemical substances that have the common properties of resistance to biodegradation, wide-range transportation, high lipophilicity, bioaccumulation in fat, and biomagnification in the food chain. POPs are persistent in the environment worldwide and have potential adverse impacts on human health and the environment. Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs), polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs), and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) are well known chemicals that are considered as POPs. The association between high-level exposure to dioxins and type 2 diabetes among U.S. Air Force veterans who had been exposed to Agent Orange contaminated with 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) during the Vietnam War was reported in the late 1990s. This association has been supported by similar epidemiologic studies, whose subjects were exposed to high doses of dioxins in their places of work involving phenoxyacid herbicide production and spraying, and in the industrial accident in Seveso, Italy. Recently, low-level exposure to dioxins and PCBs has been reported to be linked to type 2 diabetes. Cross-sectional studies in the U.S. general population and Japanese general population showed that body burden levels of some dioxins and PCBs were strongly associated with the prevalence of type 2 diabetes. Very recently, following these cross-sectional studies, several prospective studies have suggested that low-level exposure to some PCBs predicted the future risk of type 2 diabetes in the general population. Environmental exposure to some dioxins and PCBs, which mainly accumulate in adipose tissue, may play a role in the development of type 2 diabetes.
飯島 佐知子 横山 和仁
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.73, no.3, pp.305-312, 2018 (Released:2018-09-29)
1 6

The factors contributing to the declining birthrate in Japan include the declining marriage rate, an increase in the average age of those getting married, economic burden, childcare burden, later child-bearing, and infertility. There is a gender difference in role division, with 70% of unmarried people live with their parents and continue to work while leaving the household chores to their mothers. The loss of these housekeeping services and the increase in the number of irregular workers are factors contributing to the declining marriage rate and the increase in the average age of those getting married. The expansion of the family support policy in Japan from the male breadwinner model to the earner-career model may have been delayed, but it is expected to provide economic benefits as well as actual childcare service benefits in order to reduce the economic and physical burden of childcare for married couples. It is also necessary to provide education in reproductive health to both men and women in schools and workplaces regarding late child-bearing and infertility. Furthermore, it is necessary to evaluate the cost-effectiveness analysis of improvements in fertility and disclose the relevant information in addition to sharing information on medical technology related to pregnancy/childbirth and treatment of diseases. It is urgent to prepare society for natural and healthy pregnancies/childbirths during optimal child-bearing years.