川村 晃右 中井 あい 山田 和子 森岡 郁晴
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.76, pp.21007, 2021 (Released:2021-11-05)

Objective: In this study, we aimed to clarify the transition to the implementation of smoking prohibition at eating and drinking establishments one year before and after April 2020, the time when they became “nonsmoking” in principle following the implementation of the amendment bill for the Health Promotion Act of Japan.Methods: The total number of nonsmoking/smoking eating and drinking establishments by industry were obtained using the data from “Tabelog®.” The number of people who tested positive for COVID-19 by the polymerase chain reaction test on the day of the survey nationwide and the bankruptcy status of the companies (eating and drinking establishments, etc.) for each month were ascertained.Results: In 2020, a state of emergency was declared owing to the increase in the number of people positive for COVID-19, and many eating and drinking establishments went bankrupt. Despite these circumstances, the number of nonsmoking eating and drinking establishments exceeded that of smoking establishments in March 2020 and continued to increase thereafter. Additionally, the number of nonsmoking “restaurants” increased and exceeded that of smoking restaurants in June 2020. The number of nonsmoking “cafes” already exceeded that of smoking “cafes” at the beginning of this survey and continued to increase. The number of nonsmoking “bars” increased, but that of smoking “bars” remained high.Conclusion: It is necessary to promote measures against passive smoking while paying attention to the trends for different types of eating and drinking establishments, rather than considering all establishments together.
高井 英司 青柳 隆大 市川 敬太 松浦 康之 木下 史也 高田 宗樹
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.77, pp.20012, 2022 (Released:2022-03-18)

Objectives: Olfactory stimulation elicits various physiological responses. However, few reports exist on the changes in gastric motility during olfactory stimulation in humans. In this regard, we carried out electrogastrography (EGG) to non-invasively measure the gastric myoelectrical activity, which regulates gastric motility. Moreover, subjective sensory evaluation was performed to determine which characteristics of vanilla odor at two different concentrations affect the myoelectrical activity.Methods: The participants consisted of eight healthy young males. EGG and electrocardiography (ECG) recordings were obtained approximately 20 min prior to and during olfactory stimulation. Autonomic nervous system activity was evaluated in terms of heart rate variability (HRV) and mean heart rate (HR) from ECG signals. EGG signals were analyzed by spectral analysis. In addition, the translation error was estimated by the Wayland algorithm. Sensory evaluation was performed using the Visual Analog Scale (VAS).Results: There were no significant differences in HRV and HR values and results of spectral analyses of EGG signals in all sample presentations. The translation error of EGG signals and the rating of perceived odor intensity significantly increased in a concentration-dependent manner. There was a strong positive correlation between translation error and odor intensity.Conclusions: The correlation found between translation error and odor intensity suggests that the higher the vanilla odor intensity was perceived, the greater the randomness of EGG signals was. Our results suggest that the application of the Wayland algorithm to EGG signals can be used as an objective indicator in odor evaluation.
熊谷 幸恵 森岡 郁晴 吉益 光一 冨田 容枝 宮井 信行 宮下 和久
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.63, no.3, pp.636-641, 2008 (Released:2008-06-13)
4 4

Objective: To investigate the relationships of self-reported physical health, social and spiritual satisfactions with subjective mental health according to gender and life stage. Methods: Self-reported questionnaires with questions regarding subjective health status and lifestyles were sent to 1905 community residents aged 20 years or older selected by random sampling in Wakayama Prefecture, Japan. Subjective mental health, physical health, social and spiritual satisfactions as measures of subjective health status were assessed using a visual analogue scale. Multiple logistic regression analysis was used to evaluate the relationships between the subjective mental health and the other three components of the subjective health status with adjustment for life style factors related to the subjective mental health in the subjects without missing values of relevant factors (n=1,752). The subjects were divided into three life stages depending on their ages: young (20–39), middle (40–59), and old (60 or more). Results: Overall, the poor statuses of the three components, namely, physical health, social and spiritual satisfactions, were significantly associated with poor mental health in both genders at any life stage. However, detailed analysis revealed some interesting characteristics. In young men, social dissatisfaction was strongly associated with poor mental health whereas spiritual dissatisfaction in addition to social dissatisfaction was strongly associated with poor mental health in young women. In the middle aged group, both social and spiritual dissatisfactions were strongly associated with poor mental health in both genders. On the other hand, poor physical health status was strongly associated with poor mental health in the old aged group. Conclusions: These results suggest the importance of the mental health interventions under consideration for each life stage and gender.
川村 晃右 山田 和子 森岡 郁晴
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.73, no.3, pp.379-387, 2018 (Released:2018-09-29)
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Objectives: The purposes of this research were to investigate the hazardous effects of heat-not-burn tobacco and to clarify the health effects accompanying the transition from cigarettes to heat-not-burn tobacco.Methods: The concentrations of carbon monoxide, ammonia, formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, and dust (hazardous substances) were measured in the smoke of heat-not-burn tobacco. Twenty-nine smokers were used as the subjects. The concentrations of hazardous substances were measured in exhalation of heat-not-burn tobacco. The concentration of cotinine in saliva was also measured after the transition. A questionnaire survey was performed before and after the transition to evaluate nicotine dependence, nicotine withdrawal symptoms, and smoking behaviors.Results: In the mainstream smoke, all hazardous substances investigated were detected. Carbon monoxide and dust were detected in the exhalation of heat-not-burn tobacco. The concentration of cotinine in the saliva of heat-not-burn tobacco users corresponded to that of cigarette smokers. Cigarette smoking was significantly positively related to the score of Fagerström Test for Nicotine Dependence (FTND). Heat-not-burn tobacco was significantly positively related to FTND and Minnesota Nicotine Withdrawal Scale (MNWS) scores. The group in which the number of heat-not-burn tobacco sticks consumed increased after transition showed a smaller number of cigarettes consumed and a higher MNWS score before transition than the group in which it decreased after transition. These two factors were significantly related to the difference between the numbers of cigarettes and heat-not-burn tobacco sticks in multiple linear regression analysis.Conclusions: The mainstream smoke of heat-not-burn tobacco contains harmful substances. There were the possibilities that nicotine dependence and nicotine withdrawal symptoms appear after transition and that the number of heat-not-burn tobacco sticks consumed increases.
吉葉 繁雄
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.39, no.2, pp.565-572, 1984

<i>Conus</i>-sting, 55 cases, including 21 fatalities caused by about 20 species of <i>Conus</i> as of Aug. 1982. Among the 21 fatalities, 18 cases were caused by <i>C. geographus</i>. The fatality rate associated with this species has reached 55.3% in Japan and 66.7% in the world. <i>C. geographus</i> is therefore considered to be the most dangerous snail belonging to the genus <i>Conus</i>. This fact is also proven experimentally by comparison of the lethal dose within 1 hour (LD<sub>1h</sub>) of the venom of this species (CGV) in various animals. Results show the values of LD<sub>1h</sub> of crude CGV are 1.3mg/kg in mice, 4mg/kg in chickens and 0.09mg/kg in goldfishes. These values represent the lowest value of venoms in various species of <i>Conus</i> examined by the author.<br>However, it is impossible to estimate the lethal dose (even not LD<sub>1h</sub>) in humans directly by means of experiment. Therefore the lethal dose for humans was estimated by means of 1) examination of the records of <i>Conus</i>-stings in the world and 2) measurement of the quantity of CGV thought to be injected into a victim by the snail.<br>1) From an analysis of the record of <i>Conus</i>-stings collected by Shirai (June 1982) and 3 cases investigated by the author (Sep. 1982) it can be concluded that <i>C. geographus</i> injects in one attack crude CGV in ammount corresponding to LD<sub>70</sub> in humans. Consequently, it was fatal in the cases of small men or children stung by large snails and death came within 40 minutes to 5 hours after the sting but larger men stung by smaller snails were saved.<br>2) It has already been proven by the author that <i>C. geographus</i> injects its venom only in the amount charged within a single radular tooth into the victim according to its predatory behavior. As a result of the measurement of the volume of capacity of a single radular tooth from <i>C. geographus</i> in several sizes, the amount of raw crude CGV which would be injected into a human was converted into 0.06 to 0.2mg in dry weight.<br>Thus the lethal dose of CGV in humans was estimated to be 1 to 3&mu;g/kg. However in 2 cases of <i>geographus</i> cone-stings which occured in Okinawa on Jul. 22 and Aug. 17 in 1982, both doses of CGV are presumed to be only 0.2 and 0.5&mu;g/kg respectively according to the estimation in this report. Yet the patients fell into severe paralysis of voluntary movement accompanied by disturbance of speech and dyspnea. They subsequently recovered in a hospital aided by medical treatment.

1 0 0 0 OA 活性酸素

佐藤 英介 井上 正康
The Japanese Society for Hygiene
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.56, no.4, pp.606-614, 2002-01-15 (Released:2009-02-17)

Mammalian tissues have large amounts of available ATP which are generated by oxidative phosphorylation in mitochondria. To maintain the body, large amounts of oxygen are required to regenerate the ATP molecules. A small fraction of the inspired oxygen is converted to superoxide radicals and related metabolites even under physiological conditions. Most reactive oxygen species react rapidly with a variety of molecules, thereby interfering with cellular functions and various diseases.
平工 雄介
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.73, no.2, pp.105-109, 2018 (Released:2018-05-31)

In Japan, the prevalence of low birth weight (< 2,500 g) has been increasing, probably owing to leanness, exposure to toxic chemicals and smoking. Epidemiological studies revealed that low birth weight poses risks of hypertension, coronary heart diseases and diabetes. Although the precise mechanism has not been understood, there is an urgent need for appropriate public health interventions. MicroRNA (miRNA) is a small RNA consisting of approximately 22 nucleotides and distributed in a wide variety of organs and body fluids. miRNAs are involved in the pathogenesis of various human diseases and expected to be their potential biomarkers. The interest on the study on miRNA in the research field of developmental origins of health and disease (DOHaD) has been growing, and the number of related papers has been increasing. There are several molecular epidemiological studies on the relationship between maternal miRNA and fetal development. The effects of smoking and dietary factors on miRNA expression and fetal development have been investigated in epidemiological and experimental studies. However, the role of maternal miRNA in fetal development has not been well understood so far. In this review, the current status of studies on miRNA expression in DOHaD research is described and future perspectives are discussed.
青山 英康 大平 昌彦 太田 武夫 吉岡 信一 吉田 健男 大原 啓志 和気 健三 柳楽 翼 五島 正規 小野 昭雄 藤田 征男 合田 節子 深見 郁子 板野 猛虎
The Japanese Society for Hygiene
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.25, no.5, pp.468-471, 1970-12-30 (Released:2009-02-17)

The authors have already reported the results of epidemiological studies of SMON in the town of Yubara, Japan.Recently, the Ministry of Health and Welfare ordered pharmaceutical companies to stop production and sale of all drugs containing chinoform, since it was revealed by the Committee on SMON that attack rates of SMON could be related to ingestion of chinoform.The authors compared the attack rate of persons who had taken chinoform with that of persons who had not.It was noted that the morbidity of gastrointestinal diseases and allergic diseases among SMON patients was higher than that of the control group.Results are as follows:1. SMON patients had not taken chinoform at home.2. SMON patients usually had taken less medication for their gastrointestinal diseases than the control group, in spite of a higher morbidity of gastrointestinal diseases among them than that of the control group.3. Accordingly, the increased attack rate of SMON might be related to administration of chinoform while in the hospital and not related to ingestion at home.4. Chinoform is a very popular drug. For this reason careful attention must be given to dosage and method of administration as well as indications to determine relationship in the etiology of SMON.5. Careful attention should also be given to the physical conditions of patients being treated with chinoform.6. If persons in the control group were subjected to a detailed investigation there is some possibility many may be found to be using chinoform contained medications.
吉田 勝美 松田 弘史 武藤 孝司 桜井 治彦 近藤 東郎
The Japanese Society for Hygiene
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.45, no.4, pp.935-940, 1990-10-15 (Released:2009-02-17)

長期の体重変動が,肥満の健康影響を評価する上で,関心を呼んでいる。体重の増加量が及ぼす健康影響は知られるものの,体重増加の時間的経緯による健康影響については,ほとんど知られていない。本研究の目的は,体重増加の時間的経緯として,増加速度がもたらす健康影響を評価することである。某企業の1,627名男子従業員の中から,次の基準により,解析対象を選択した。選択基準は,以下のごとくである。1)対象者は,少なくとも20回以上の健康診断を受診している。2)対象者は,青年期より7kg以上の体重増加を認める。上記の基準により,437名が選択された。対象者の年齢は,46.2±5.1歳(M±S.D.)であった。体重の増加速度により,対象者を以下の3群に分けた。急速体重増加群は,5年間に5kg以上の増加を認めた者であり,167名が分類された。緩徐体重増加群は,5年間に5kg未満の体重増加を認めた者であり,212名が分類された。観察期間中に,一時的な体重減少を認めた残りの58名は,その他の群として,以下の解析から除外した。現時点の比体重を補正したMantel-Haenszel odds比は,空腹時血糖の有所見(110mg/dl以上)に関して,急速体重増加群で有意に高かった。また,体重増加速度以外の要因を含めたロジスティック解析の結果では,空腹時血糖の有所見に関するロジスティック式に,年齢とともに体重増加速度が取り込まれ,体重増加速度のodds比は,2.86(95%C.I.:1.35-6.06)であった。血圧,総コレステロール,中性脂肪,尿酸の有所見の発現に関して,体重増加の有意な関係は認めなかった。以上より,青年期から7kg以上の体重増加を認めた者において,体重増加速度が糖代謝異常の発現に関連していることが示され,体重増加速度が有する健康危険指標の意義が確認された。
松浦 康之 高田 宗樹
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.71, no.1, pp.2-11, 2016

The use of stereoscopic images has been spreading rapidly. Nowadays, stereoscopic movies are nothing new to people. Stereoscopic systems date back to 280 A.D. when Euclid first recognized the concept of depth perception by humans. Despite the increase in the production of three-dimensional (3D) display products and many studies on stereoscopic vision, the effect of stereoscopic vision on the human body has been insufficiently understood. However, symptoms such as eye fatigue and 3D sickness have been the concerns when viewing 3D films for a prolonged period of time; therefore, it is important to consider the safety of viewing virtual 3D contents as a contribution to society. It is generally explained to the public that accommodation and convergence are mismatched during stereoscopic vision and that this is the main reason for the visual fatigue and visually induced motion sickness (VIMS) during 3D viewing. We have devised a method to simultaneously measure lens accommodation and convergence. We used this simultaneous measurement device to characterize 3D vision. Fixation distance was compared between accommodation and convergence during the viewing of 3D films with repeated measurements. Time courses of these fixation distances and their distributions were compared in subjects who viewed 2D and 3D video clips. The results indicated that after 90 s of continuously viewing 3D images, the accommodative power does not correspond to the distance of convergence. In this paper, remarks on methods to measure the severity of motion sickness induced by viewing 3D films are also given. From the epidemiological viewpoint, it is useful to obtain novel knowledge for reduction and/or prevention of VIMS. We should accumulate empirical data on motion sickness, which may contribute to the development of relevant fields in science and technology.
早川 清子
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.26, no.6, pp.526-535, 1972

第1編で報告した分析法を用いて, 3ML, 3EL, 4ML, 4ELを投与したラッテ, マウスにおける臓器中の4AL, 3ALの生体内動態を検討した。<br>4ML投与ではラッテの3ML臓器分布はマウスに比べて著しく低く, 4ELではラッテ, マウスではその差はあまり大きくなかった。ラッテでは臓器からの3ALの減少がマウスに比べておそい。これは4ALが一たん3ALになって臓器にたくわえられるとそれはなかなか減少しがたいことを示した。<br>またマウスに4ML, 4ELを投与した場合, 体内においてこれらが3ML, 3ELへ分解する速度の割合を検討した。4MLは2日後に体内の3ML量が最高に達して投与量のほぼ50%が3MLに変化した。一方4ELは3日後に約30%が3ELに変化した。この場合, 投与溶媒により体内への吸収速度が異なるので体内量が最高に達する時間も異なる。4MLはマウスに毒性が強いのに対して, ラッテは弱く, 4ELはマウスとラッテであまり差がみとめられなかったが, わずかにラッテに強い傾向を示した。<br>加鉛ガソリン使用作業者はその接触度に応じて尿中のアルキル鉛が検出される。このことから尿中のアルキル鉛の測定を行なうことにより4ALによる暴露度を知り, 健康管理の一指標とすることができる。
李 卿 川田 智之
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.69, no.2, pp.117-121, 2014

Since 2004, we have conducted a series of studies of the effect of forest therapy on human health and established forest therapy as a new preventive strategy. We have found that forest therapy has many beneficial effects on human health. However, there is almost no study dealing with the possibility of clinical applications of forest therapy. In this review, we discuss the possibility of clinical applications of forest therapy from the following viewpoints: 1. Forest therapy can decrease blood pressure, heart rate, sympathetic nerve activity, and levels of stress hormones, such as urinary adrenaline and noradrenaline, and can increase parasympathetic nerve activity, suggesting its preventive effect on hypertension. 2. Forest therapy can also decreace the scores for anxiety, depression, anger, fatigue, and confusion and increase the score for vigor in the Profile of Mood States (POMS) test, suggesting its preventive effect on mental depression. 3. Forest therapy can increase the activity and number of human natural killer (NK) cells and the intracellular levels of anticancer proteins, suggesting its preventive effect on cancers. 4. These findings suggest that forest therapy may have preventive effects on lifestyle-related diseases. However, the above preventive effects of forest therapy should be confirmed in clinical research.
平良 昌彦
The Japanese Society for Hygiene
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.30, no.4, pp.461-489, 1975-10-28 (Released:2009-02-17)
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水俣病の原因物質は熊大の研究でメチル水銀と断定された。その後の日本全土にわたる水銀汚染調査の過程でこのメチル水銀は, 水銀の人為的汚染のない一般魚類や一般人毛髪中にも見出された。とくに外洋のマグロに含まれる水銀の60∼70%がメチル水銀であり, またスエーデンでは, 魚類の水銀含量が異常に高いことも報告され, このような自然界に見出されるメチル水銀の由来と人類への影響を公衆衛生学的な見地より解明する目的で微生物による無機水銀の有機化の機序と生物濃縮の過程を微生物学的, 生態学的両面から検討した。すなわち, 水銀耐性の Psedomonas 属の菌を下水より分離し, この細菌による有機水銀の生合成, 分解について検討し, ついで水銀鉱床地帯, 土壌, 河川, 海水中の微生物, ある種の真菌類も有機水銀の生合成能を有することをみつけ自然界における無機水銀の有機化の可能性を肯定した。さらに有機水銀の生成度の検討と生合成メチル水銀がどの程度生物濃縮の過程を介して魚類に蓄積するのか生態学的手段を導入して検討し, 生合成メチル水銀が, 食物連鎖により濃縮が行われ, 魚類に高い水銀値を示すことはあるが, 水俣病の場合のように異常量のメチル水銀の持続的流出のないかぎり中毒 (水俣病) を起こすほどのメチル水銀が魚類に蓄積することはない。だから異常に高い水銀を魚介類から検出したときはなんらかの人工的汚染を疑い対策を講じる必要がある。
豊嶋 英明 林 千治 宮西 邦夫 若井 静子 榎 佐和子 熊谷 秀子 上村 桂
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.44, no.2, pp.659-666, 1989
1 5

Serum retinol and tocopherol concentrations in 419 males and 478 females, aged 10 to 49 years, were determined by an HPLC method. Then their relationships to serum lipid concentrations and smoking and drinking habits were examined. Retinol levels were higher in males than in females but tocopherol showed little difference by sex. The sex differences in age-related serum levels of retinol and triglyceride (TG) were similar to those of tocopherol and total cholesterol (TC), respectively.<BR>Retinol had a significant correlation with TC and TG, with coefficients of 0.20-0.29 (p<0.001). These were smaller than those of tocopherol (R=0.32-0.52, p<0.001) both in males and females, suggesting that it had a higher susceptibility to factors other than serum lipids than tocopherol did.<BR>Both the retinol and tocopherol levels were significantly higher in the groups with smoking and drinking habits than in the groups without them among the males aged 30 years and over. Furthermore, the retinol level was positively dependent on the daily consumption of both cigarettes and alcohol, whereas tocopherol was dependent on the consumption of alcohol. Multiple regression analysis showed that smoking and drinking habits had statistically significant effects on the serum retinol level independent of other factors and that their effects were greater than those of TC and TG. Tocopherol was affected most by TC and TG and then by drinking habit. Less significant but similar results were obtained for the females of the same age group.<BR>Since smoking and drinking habits, known to be carcinogenic, was related to increases in the serum levels of retinol and tocopherol, it would appear to be necessary to study the relationship of these serum levels with tissue levels of vitamins A and E to examine their protective effects against carcino- and atherogenesis.
武藤 剛 横山 和仁 遠藤 源樹
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.73, no.2, pp.200-209, 2018 (Released:2018-05-31)
5 8

Japan is currently facing serious social problems related to low birth rates and aging. We propose two possible solutions from the perspective of occupational health. First, companies should establish support systems to help working women with pregnancy and childbirth. Such systems would require the cooperation and understanding of coworkers, including men, and the introduction of flexible work schedules that are also designed to allow workers to care for family members with disabilities. Additionally, with regard to the protection and promotion of the fertility of working women, occupational health staff members should provide education to working women regarding appropriate lifestyle choices in areas such as diet, prevention of work-related health problems, and mental health before and after childbirth. Moreover, workers undergoing assisted reproductive technology procedures should be supported as they experience physical, mental, and economic burdens associated with this process. Second, companies should guarantee the right of workers to take a sick leave and then return to work so they can balance work and the need to treat chronic conditions. Occupational staff members should follow up employees who return to work, by offering, for example, mental health care to cancer survivors. They should also play important roles in preventing the exacerbation of disease and empowering workers to continue their visits to medical institutions. Collaborative study bridges between companies and medical institutions are necessary for the promotion of these harmonization schemes.
中川 武夫 小野 雄一郎 久永 直見 岩田 全充 柴田 英治 金田 誠一 小林 章雄 鷲見 勝博 森谷 光夫 森 正樹
The Japanese Society for Hygiene
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.43, no.3, pp.724-735, 1988-08-15 (Released:2009-02-17)
1 1

We examined the relationship between muscle injection of drugs into the quadriceps and its contracture.Subjects were children who had received medication at a clinic during the period from January 1967 to December 1970. Among the patients of the clinic, a high incidence of quadriceps contracture had been observed during the period.As basic data, we took the results of interviews with the subjects, the results of clinical examinations for quadriceps contracture, and medical records of the subjects which had been kept in the clinic.The following results were obtained.1) There were no abnormalities among the subjects who had never been injected in the quadriceps muscle. The incidence and the severity of quadriceps contracture were closely related to the total amount of the drugs injected into the muscles.2) The total numbers of injections of the following drugs were significantly larger in subjects with symptoms of contracture than in subjects without any symptoms.The drugs were Terramycin (Ox-tetracycline), Obelon (Sulpyrin, Aminopropyrin, Theoclate diphenyl pyralin), Chloromycetinsol (Chloramphenicol), Atarax-P (Hydroxyzin hydrochloride), Gammavenin (immuno-Globlin), Panvitan (Vitamin A-D), 10%-Pantocin (Pantethine) and Phenobarbital (Phenobarbital natrium).3) It was revealed by means of quantification theory type II analysis that the main attributable factors of muscle contracture might be the age when the subjects had been injected for the first time, the total number of Terramycin+Obelon injections, and the experience of injection of 10% Pantocin or Phenobarbital, but sex and the year of the beginning of injection might be ignored.Discrimination based on these results between the two groups, a normal group and a moderate or more severe symptomatic group showed reasonable sensitivity and specificity.
中村 健一 高田 勗 鈴木 永子 杉浦 由美子 小林 てるみ
The Japanese Society for Hygiene
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.35, no.6, pp.851-857, 1981-02-28 (Released:2009-02-17)

An experiment using rats was carried out to evaluate the effects of calcium deficiency on the interaction of cadmium (Cd) and zinc (Zn) in vivo.Eighty-four female rats were divided into two groups. One group was fed a calcium-sufficient diet (normal Ca group), and a second group was fed a calcium-deficient diet (low Ca group). These two groups were divided into 4 subgroups. The diet of subgroup I was supplemented with 50μg/g of Cd, that of subgroup II with 50μg/g of Zn, and that of subgroup III with 50μg/g of Cd and Zn, Subgroup IV served as the control group.After 5 months on this regimen, the rats were killed and metal levels in the liver, the right kidney, the blood and the femur were analyzed. The left kidneys were examined histopathologically.The results were as follows:1) Growth retardation was observed in the low Ca group especially in subgroups I and III.2) Whereas renal Cd concentrations in subgroup I were higher than those in subgroup III for the normal Ca group, the reverse was found in the low Ca group. Similar findings were also observed in the cases of renal Zn and Cu.3) Zn in the liver increased with the administration of Cd in the low Ca group. Zn levels in the blood of the low Ca group were higher than those in the normal Ca group.4) Ca in the femur decreased with the administration of Cd in the normal Ca group. For the low Ca group, Ca concentrations in each subgroup were lower than those of each corresponding subgroup of the normal Ca group. Ca/P ratios of the low Ca group and of the metal administered subgroups in the normal Ca group were lower than those of subgroup IV in the normal Ca group.5) No significant histopathologic changes in the kidney were found in the normal Ca group but slight changes were observed in some animals of the low Ca group regardless of which metal was administered.From these results, the interaction of Cd and Zn on renal accumulations of Cd has been shown to be disturbed by a Ca deficient condition.
岩崎 秀哉 井奈波 良一 岩田 弘敏
The Japanese Society for Hygiene
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.49, no.3, pp.654-659, 1994-08-15 (Released:2009-02-17)
10 4

The maxium biting force in 82 male athletes and 12 male subjects without any particular athletic activity (nonathletes) were measured in order to evaluate the relationship between biting force and physical fitness in athletes.The results obtained were as follows.1. The maximum biting force in athletes (50.8±17.4kg) was significantly (p<0.01) higher than that in the nonathletes (28.1±9.1kg). The maximum biting forces in the men who belonged to the rugby or judo clubs were predominantly higher than in other subjects.2. In men who masticated on the left side of the mouth, the habitual (i. e., left) biting force was significantly higher than the nonhabitual (i. e., right) biting force.In men who masticated on the right side of the mouth, the habitual (i. e., right) biting force was also higher than the nonhabitual (i. e., left) biting force, but was not significantly so.3. There was a significant positive correlation between the biting force and grip strength and back strength in athletes. In athletes, there was a significant correlation between biting force and the numbers of chin-ups, the numbers for the side-step tests and the time for 50m running.