宮崎 航 盧 渓 小田 政子 黒田 嘉紀 青木 一雄 三渕 浩 大場 隆 加藤 貴彦
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.71, no.2, pp.138-148, 2016 (Released:2016-05-27)

Objectives: The incidence of infant allergic diseases have increased recently, and it may be caused by multiple influences of both genetic and environmental factors from the fetal stage through infancy. In this study, we analyzed a data subset from the South Kyushu and Okinawa (SKO) Study Area of Japan Environment and Children’s Study (JECS) to determine the relationship of allergic diseases in infants with mothers’ characteristics and/or infants’ life habits, especially sleeping. Methods: A total of 3873 mother-infant pairs from the SKO Regional Center of JECS were included. The mothers responded to questionnaires in the first trimester of their pregnancy and the self-reported questionnaire when their infants were 1 year old. Student’s t-test, chi-square test, trend test, and logistic regression analysis were carried out to analyze the associations between the infants’ allergic diseases and the mothers’ genetic characteristics and/or sleeping habits of infants. Results: Maternal allergic diseases were significantly associated with increased infant allergy risk (OR: 1.93, 95% CI: 1.63–2.27). The number of allergic diseases of mothers was also significantly associated with infant allergy, and the trend test showed an increasing risk of infant allergy (p<0.001). Regarding infants’ life habits, the infants who sleep in the prone position had a higher allergic disease risk than those who sleep in other positions (OR: 1.46, 95% CI: 1.17–1.83). These significant associations were observed regardless of the presence of allergy in mothers. Conclusions: This study suggests that the development of allergic diseases in infants may be caused by the multiple participation of both genetic and environmental factors.
北村 栄美子 萩原 隆子
The Japanese Society for Hygiene
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.24, no.5-6, pp.472-476, 1970-02-28 (Released:2009-08-24)
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Different theories have been proposed as to the original causes of Myopia. These include heavy literary work, heredity, eye strain as well as some kinds of illumination and the habits of sleeping. Other theories have proven negative. Since the end of World War II the percentage of myopic students has increased with a present percentage of 15%. This includes the upper class student of primary schools, 28% and over for all junior high school students, 39% and over for all senior high school students, 50% and over for all college and university students.Recently physical examination data has been obtained which had been continued all through the war. This data contrasted with nation wide statistical data of physical examinations collected by the Dept. of Education enabled examination of each raw regression coefficient and the standard regression coefficient of the transition of Myopia. This was divided into the three periods of Prewar-Wartime and Postwar. The result was a mutual relationship between an annual change and occurrence in Prewar days as well as Wartime. It showed from -0.37 to -1.00 standard regression coefficient except for primary school students in agricultural districts. This tendency was especially remarkable regarding junior high school students upwards.On the contrary, in Postwar days the mutual relation reveals from 0.74 to 0.99 in remore locations the occurrence rate is decreasing in recent years.In view of these findings it has been concluded that Myopia conditions can be attributed to reading and studying habits rather than a nourishment or illumination situation.
宮崎 良文 李 宙営 朴 範鎭 恒次 祐子 松永 慶子
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.66, no.4, pp.651-656, 2011 (Released:2011-10-12)
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Five million years has passed since a subset of primates recognizably became human. Because we have already spent more than 99.99% of our evolutionary history in natural environments, it is thought that we are essentially adaptive to nature. However, we live in a society characterized by urbanization and artificiality, despite our physiological functions still being adapted to nature. We conducted experiments involving 420 subjects at 35 different forests throughout Japan. As a result, these subjects sitting in natural surroundings showed decreases in the following physiological indices compared with the urban control group: 12.4% decrease in cortisol level, 7.0% decrease in sympathetic nervous activity, 1.4% decrease in systolic blood pressure, and 5.8% decrease in heart rate. This shows that stressful states can be relieved by forest therapy. It should also be noted that parasympathetic nerve activity increased by 55.0%, indicating a relaxed state. The results of walking experiments were also similar. Li et al. demonstrated that immune functions are enhanced by forest therapy. Middle-aged employees volunteered to participate in these experiments. NK (natural killer cells) activity, as an indicator of immune function, increased by 56% on the second day and returned to normal levels. A significant increase of 23% was maintained for 1 month even after these subjects returned to urban life, clearly illustrating the preventive medical effects of nature therapy. We expect nature therapy to play an increasingly important role in preventive medicine in the future.
中山 祥嗣 磯部 友彦 岩井 美幸 小林 弥生 小栗 朋子 竹内 文乃
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.73, no.2, pp.156-163, 2018 (Released:2018-05-31)
1 1

In this review, we present an initial plan for exposure assessment in the Japan Environment and Children’s Study (JECS) by focusing on a biomonitoring technique and discuss the challenges encountered when using the biomonitoring technique for exposure measurements. JECS registered 103,099 pregnant mothers and has been following children born to them. Various biological samples were collected from mothers during pregnancy (blood and urine), at birth (blood and hair) and at check-up one month after birth (breast milk). Samples were also collected from children at birth (cord blood) and at check-up one month after birth (hair and blood spot). Those samples will be used to assess maternal and foetal exposures to chemical substances. Measurement reliability, i.e., intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC), and attenuation bias related to low ICCs should be taken into consideration when using the biomonitoring results. Along with the biomonitoring technique, simulation models, pharmacokinetic (PK) models and exposomics techniques are under development in JECS. New analytical techniques include deciduous teeth measurements and -omics analyses. In particular, PK models and sensor technologies are one of the most important methodologies for future JECS exposure analyses. Statistical methods for examining the effects of intercorrelated multiple exposures as well as nondetection data should also be explored.
張 瑞軍 鹿島 勇治 松井 三明 岡部 とし子 土井 陸雄
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.56, no.2, pp.492-499, 2001-07-15 (Released:2009-02-17)

Total mercury in the muscles of three fish species was analyzed in fish caught in Tokyo Bay and the surrounding sea areas, Sagami Bay and Choshi. Tokyo Bay is a semi-closed sea area surrounded by Tokyo, Kanagawa and Chiba prefectures. Sagami Bay and Choshi are open to the Pacific Ocean. A total of 412 fish consisting of northern whiting (Sillago japonica), flatfish (Limanda yokohamae) and sardine (Sardinops melanosticta) were caught in these areas over a 6 months period from November 1998 to April 1999.Total mercury concentration ranged from 0.008-0.092μg/g (wet wt.) in northern whiting, 0.006-0.065μg/g in flatfish and 0.001-0.045μg/g in sardine. All concentrations were below the restriction limit of fish mercury in Japan, 0.4μg/g of total mercury concentration. A significant correlation was found between mercury concentrations and body length or body weight in northern whiting and flatfish, irrespective of the sea area. A correlation was also found between mercury concentration in fish and their feeding habits: among the 3 species caught in the same area, crustacean feeding northern whiting had the highest, polychaete feeding flatfish moderate, and plankton feeding sardine had the lowest mercury concentration.In a comparison of mercury concentration in the same species caught in different sea areas, a higher concentration was noted in fish caught in the semi-closed sea area of Tokyo Bay, than in fish caught in the open sea areas of Sagami Bay and Choshi. This difference was most marked in fish caught at the bottom of Tokyo Bay and we considered that the mercury concentration of seawater and sediment in these areas was the cause of mercury accumulation in fish. These findings suggest that improved water quality control and environmental monitoring is necessary in semi-closed sea areas such as Tokyo Bay.
津田 敏秀 馬場園 明 三野 善央 山本 英二 宮井 正彌 茂見 潤
The Japanese Society for Hygiene
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.55, no.2, pp.462-473, 2000-07-15 (Released:2009-02-17)

As a condition to achieving an agreement of recognition on the causal relationship in medicine, we firstly explained Hume's problem and counterfactual model. We, however, emphasized that we believe in the existence of causality on medical issues in our daily lives. Therefore, we illustrated conditions when we usually believe in causality. On the other hand, we criticized two well-known key phrases, “lack of mechanism in epidemiology” and “black box in epidemiology”, which have often been used in Japan for skeptic viewpoints against epidemiologic methods even if epidemiology is often used to elucidate a causal effect in medicine in the world. We emphasized that a priori determinations of levels for inference of mechanism is necessary. And, the level and feature of mechanism should be defined in concrete expressions. After explanation of these basic concepts, we mentioned a classic view on specific diseases and non-specific diseases which have not been sufficiently discussed enough yet in Japan. As an example, we used the statements in the Japanese Compensation Law for the Health Effect by Environmental Pollution. In Japan, the classification of these diseases has been confused with that between manifestational criteria of diseases and causal criteria of them. We described the basic concepts to illustrate the causal relationship between non-specific disease and its exposure by using attached figures. Actually, we cannot recognize disease occurrence as a specific disease for several reasons. We indicated that we can recognize the magnitude of effect by causal relationships in medicine as a quantitative continuous variable.
牧上 久仁子 大滝 倫子 佐藤 康仁 山口 直人
The Japanese Society for Hygiene
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.60, no.4, pp.450-460, 2005-11-15 (Released:2009-02-17)
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Objectives: To evaluate the effectiveness of mass treatment with ivermectin of scabies outbreak in institutional settings. To determine the factors, such as host susceptibility and scabetic exposure level associated with the onset of scabies.Methods: The authors investigated a nosocomial scabies outbreak in a close psychiatric ward. The index case was a man with steroid-induced localized crusted scabies. Twenty-six patients were diagnosed with scabies, 4 of them had relapse of scabies, while no staff was infested. Despite frequent surveillance and treatment of symptomatic patients with 1% gamma-benzenehexachloride (γ-BHC: Lindane), new cases were observed. Thus, all 69 patients in the ward were treated with ivermectin (200μg/kg) simultaneously on day 105 of the outbreak (the mass treatment). Patients who had scabies were compared with patients who had no scabies in terms of age, body weight, diabetes, physical functions, topical administration of corticosteroid, proximity to the index patient, and problematic behavior.Results: The mass treatment was implemented without a significant adverse event. Although two patients developed symptoms of scabies after the mass treatment, no patient in the ward had been diagnosed with scabies since the 98th day of the treatment. Regarding factors associated with the scabies onset, the only statistically significant factor was proximity to the index patient with crusted scabies.Conclusions: Oral ivermectin was safe and effective for controlling scabies in institutional settings. The exposure level to scabetic mites was more important than host susceptibility in determining the risk of scabies onset.
安藤 皓章 清水 英佑 高橋 善一 福本 正勝 小此木 英男 門倉 真人
The Japanese Society for Hygiene
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.48, no.3, pp.692-697, 1993-08-15 (Released:2009-02-17)
1 1

Criminal cases involving stimulant abuse have increased since 1970 but have now leveled off. Some of the offenders claimed to have used the Vicks Inhaler containing a stimulant (1-methamphetamine) which is used for the treatment of nasal obstruction.The aim of this experiment was to measure the amount of 1-methamphetamine contained in the Vicks Inhaler by stimulating the human respiratory system. The results are as follows:1) The data from the stimulation experiment showed that the inhalation level of 1-methamphetamine was estimated to be 320.4ng. From this value, the level of 1-methamphetamine absorbed per one respiration was calculated to be 21ng.2) The data from quantitative and qualitative analysis by gaschromatography showed that menthol interfered with the methamphetamine.3) A qualitative test for the stimulant in urine was negative when the subject inhaled the Vicks Inhaler only once. However, this test turned positive when the subject inhaled it more than 17 times.
岩本 美江子 百々 栄徳 米田 純子 石居 房子 後藤 博 上田 洋一 森江 堯子
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.43, no.6, pp.1116-1123, 1989-02-15 (Released:2009-04-21)
7 17 2

これまで著者らは生体に対する騒音ストレス作因の生理的影響に関する研究を行うなかで,生理的のみならず心理的な影響をも把握することの必要性を感じた。物理的ストレスが心理的,情動的ストレスとなって不安を生ずる事は,Aiken1)の不安とストレスは[異体同形]であるとの提言からも考えられることである。従来不安の問題は,Kierkegaard2)に代表されるように,主として哲学ことに宗教と倫理学の課題であった。それを心理学の領域で,はじめて病態心理との関連において概念づけたのは精神分析学を樹立したFreud3)であり,彼は神経症的状態の治療においても不安を中心的な問題として重視した。一般に用いられるようになった最初の不安検査は,Taylor4)によって開発され公表された顕在性不安尺度(Manifest Anxiety Scale: MAS)である。その後一連の不安研究の後,Cattell and Scheier5)やLazarusら6)は不安をその特質から一過性にみられる気分としての不安状態と不安への陥りやすさとして捕えられる性格傾向としての不安特性の二つに分けることを提案した。この二つの不安についてSpielberger7)が明確に定義づけをした。すなわち不安には,ある状況下で大きく変動するような状態としての不安(state-anxiety以下A-Stateと略記)と,ある個人において比較的一定していると言われる性格特性としての不安(trait-anxiety以下A-Traitと略記)の二つがある。さらにSpielberger, Gorsuch and Lushene8)は諸種の不安尺度を検討して,既存のどの尺度も状態としての不安と性格としての不安を区別せずに測定しており,不安に関するこれまでの全ての質問票テストはA-Traitを測定していると指摘し,最終的にこのA-StateとA-Traitを測定する尺度として1970年に状態-特性不安尺度State-Trait Anxiety Inventory(略してSTAIと呼ばれる)を発表した。本研究の目的は,若年者および高齢者,また各種状態におけるSTAIの検査結果から,この尺度の妥当性,信頼性を検討することである。さらに衛生学分野において,環境の変化特に騒音が人に対して精神的ストレス因子となって負荷したときのSTAIの応用の良否を検討することをも目的とするものである。
三好 保 藤井 正信 今木 雅英 吉村 武 山田 勇樹 中村 武夫 山崎 亮二 松本 和興
The Japanese Society for Hygiene
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.43, no.5, pp.1013-1018, 1988-12-15 (Released:2009-02-17)

Four young male adults were fed a semisynthetic diet including rice and chicken as protein for seven days (Basal diet period), and in the following seven days 30g of corn oil and then for seven days 30g of lard were added at the expense of part of the corn starch and sugar in the basal diet (Test diets period). Urine and feces were collected completely throughout the periods and the contents of fat and energy in these excreta were determined. The results obtained were follows:1) Digestibility of fat was 98.8% (corn oil) and 100.0% (lard).2) The ratio of the total available energy to intake energy (Net Energy Avaiability) was 98.8% (corn oil) and 98.0% (lard).
大平 雅子 戸田 雅裕 田 麗 森本 兼曩
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.65, no.4, pp.500-505, 2010 (Released:2010-09-25)
1 2

Recently, Tai Chi, which is one of the Chinese traditional martial arts, has been receiving attention. The main feature of Tai Chi is its flowing movements including loosening up, relaxing, and practicing meditation with slow abdominal respiration. Tai Chi is widely taken as part of health-promotion activities or rehabilitation training, and significant mental and physical effects have been reported so far. In this review report, Tai Chi was confirmed to be beneficial not only as a rehabilitation training for old people or patients with various diseases but also as an exercise for healthy people. These findings suggest the potential of Tai Chi as a complementary and alternative therapy.
大西 一成
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.72, no.1, pp.43-48, 2017 (Released:2017-02-02)
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The health effects of Asian dust (mineral dust) originating from dry lands such as the Gobi Desert and Taklamakan Desert have recently been a concern. In addition to Asian dust, transboundary airborne microparticles that reach Japan include various types of aerosol, such as artificial air pollutants and smoke from combustion. They originate from densely populated areas and are transported along the same route as Asian dust. We analyzed environmental factors and subjective symptoms involving the respiratory organ, nose, eyes, and skin using a conventional equation for estimation, and found that symptoms with a significant risk of worsening varied according to the type of pollutants reaching Japan. We also analyzed the synergistic effects of Asian dust and pollens on nasal symptoms using a two-pollutant model. The odds ratio for symptoms at the time of arrival of a high concentration of Asian dust was 1.37 (95% confidence interval: 1.19–1.58), but the odds ratio adjusted for pollens was 1.18 (95% confidence interval: 1.04–1.34). Although the influence on nasal symptoms overlapped somewhat between Asian dust and pollens, that of Asian dust remained significant. Regarding preventive measures against symptoms, we examined the rate of particle leakage into masks. We found that it is important to wear a mask that fits an individual’s facial features and has no gap between the face and the mask. In addition, we report our attempt to construct models for predicting aerosol arrival and forecasting health to establish preventive measures against aerosols.
北野 尚美 李 錦純 中村 安秀
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.74, pp.18032, 2019 (Released:2019-04-19)

In this study, we examined the changes in the demographic characteristics of foreign residents in Japan (FRJ) and the current status of FRJ from a global health perspective. We also considered child maltreatment that occurred in FRJ families and language problems in child welfare. Japan’s official statistics in the end of 2017 indicated that there were more than 2.56 million FRJ from over 190 countries. This population was diverse with heterogeneous characteristics, such as age structure, dwelling place, marital status, and childbirth. At the end of 2017, there were 219,982 FRJ children aged 0–14 of various nationalities, including Chinese, Brazilian, South Korean, North Korean, Filipino, Vietnamese, Peruvian, Nepalese, and Indian. In 2010, we conducted our first survey of child maltreatment in FRJ families, targeting 219 child protection centers across Japan. Between April 2007 and August 2010, 1,639 child maltreatment cases were reported from 56% of these centers. Details of 1,111 cases were collected and descriptive analyses were conducted. The male-to-female ratio was 0.88 and the median age was 8 years: however, the age distribution showed that females were significantly older than males (P < 0.01). The proportions of physical abuse, child neglect, emotional abuse, and sexual abuse were 38%, 33%, 21%, and 7%, respectively. Native language problems created numerous challenges and required a large amount of effort from child welfare practitioners. However, most solutions to identified problems were still at the beginning stage and some were found to be ineffective. More interdisciplinary and integrated researches are needed targeting child welfare of FRJ. An ethical framework for good counseling practices should be developed.
皆本 景子
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.65, no.1, pp.20-29, 2010 (Released:2010-02-05)
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Cosmetics are defined as “articles with mild action on the human body, which are intended to be applied to the human body through rubbing, sprinkling or other methods, aiming to clean, beautify and increase the attractiveness, alter the appearance or to keep the skin or hair in good condition (The Pharmaceutical Affairs Law: Article 2).” Consequently, they include personal hygiene products such as shampoos, soaps and toothpaste. In Europe, 1% of the population is estimated to be allergic to fragrances and 2–3% to ingredients of cosmetics; 10% of outpatients patch-tested for cosmetics allergy were found to be positive. Allergenic ingredients of cosmetics can be fragrances, hair dye, preservatives, antioxidants, emollients, surfactants, UV absorbers, pigments or resins used in nail cosmetics. Among standard allergen series, eight substances are related to cosmetics; in Japan in 2003, p-phenylenediamine (hair dyes) induced allergic reactions with the highest rate of 7.9% in outpatients patch-tested (n=805), followed by fragrance mix No. 1 (4.0%, mixture of eight fragrances frequently used), colophony (3.2%, main contents of pine resin), lanolin alcohol (2.7%,emollients), and formaldehyde, parabens, Kathon CG (2.7% ,1.9% and 1.0%, respectively; preservatives). Cosmetic allergy symptoms tend to be mild except those caused by hair dye. However, the population exposed to cosmetics is huge and the number of ingredients used in cosmetics increased up to more than 6000. Here, major cosmetic ingredient allergens, mainly reported in Japan, are reviewed and discussed.
高西 敏正 木村 直人 伊藤 孝 諸富 嘉男 井谷 徹
The Japanese Society for Hygiene
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.53, no.2, pp.463-469, 1998-07-15 (Released:2009-02-17)

The purpose of this study was to analyze the effects of fluid ingestion and its composition on uric acid metabolism after exercise. Six healthy males volunteered for the study which was comprised of three different experiments; Exp. 1, Exp. 2, and Exp. 3. In all the experiments, subjects performed treadmill exercise (70% VO2max) for 70 minutes respectively. For seven hours after exercise, subjects ingested mineral water at 10°C ad-lib in Exp. 1, 1.5 times the volume of mineral water consumed in the first experiment in Exp. 2, and the same volume of sports drink as in the first experiment in Exp. 3. No significant differences were observed in oxygen uptake and heart rate during exercise among the three experiments, so it was considered that the produced serum uric acid (SUA) levels in the three experiments were about the same level. However, the decrease in SUA, urinary uric acid excretion (UUA), clearance of uric acid (CUA) and fractional excretion of uric acid (FEUA) in Exp. 3, in which the sports drink was consumed instead of mineral water were higher than in Exp. 1 and Exp. 2. On the other hand, no significant differences were found in Exp. 2 and Exp. 3. A significant relationship between UUA and FEUA was found among the three experiments, while there was no correlation between UUA and urine volume.These results show that; 1) the sports drink ingestion can increase the efficiency of recovery from high serum uric acid after exercise, 2) the increase in uric volume due to high mineral water intake does not elevate UUA, and 3) the increase in UUA due to sports drink ingestion was associated with the increase of FEUA.
宮下 道夫
The Japanese Society for Hygiene
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.9, no.3, pp.153-157, 1955-01-01 (Released:2009-02-17)
入鹿山 且朗 田島 静子 藤木 素士
The Japanese Society for Hygiene
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.22, no.2, pp.392-400, 1967-06-10 (Released:2009-02-17)
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(1) 酸化第二水銀または塩基性硫酸第二水銀とアセトアルデハイドとの反応により, 薄層クロマトグラフィでCH3HgOHと同一Rf値をもつ有機水銀が生成した。この反応液に塩化物を加えるとCH3HgClと同一Rf値をもつ有機水銀が証明された。(2) 酸化第二水銀とアセトアルデハイドより2種の水銀物質を得た。その一つは酢酸第二水銀と同定された。酢酸第二水銀と食塩の混合物を加温してCH3HgClの結晶を得た。
近藤 喜代太郎
The Japanese Society for Hygiene
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.51, no.2, pp.599-611, 1996-07-15 (Released:2009-02-17)
5 8

Data obtained from all residents, who lived in the Agano river villages where Minamata disease occurred as of June 1965, were used to analyze its incidence patterns and to evaluate validity of the official recognition of the disease. The residents totaled 18, 253 (8, 911 males and 9, 342 females), including 262 (151 males and 111 females) recognized patients and 378 (186 males and 192 females) rejected applicants.Consumption of the contaminated river fish was associated with hair Hg measurements (ppm), but there were few residents who denied the consumption but showed elevated Hg values, probably due to false-negative answers in the census survey in 1965.Incidence rates of the recognized patients increased with the upgrading codes for fish ingestion, but analysis of the association of fish ingestion among the recognized applicants indicated that there were ca. 50% false-positive diagnosis. This analysis showed that The Government made best efforts to help very mild cases despite the fact that such a generous attitude inevitably causes overdiagnosis.Incidence rates of the rejected applicants also showed a dose-response. This is extremely important because a rejection meant that compensation was refused by the polluting company. Protest groups insisted the existence of Minamata disease showing only sensony symptoms. but this concept has not been accepted by the Government and the polluters. The present study disclosed a doseresponse relationship in the rejected cases giving positive ground for the opinions proposed by protest groups.Proportions of such “Hg-associated sensory disorders” (cases with unexplained sensory disorders which are associated with river fish ingestion) were 15-30% among the exposed applicants, 6.6-15% among the all rejected applicants, and 3.9-10% among the unexplained sensory disorders in the regional population.Owing to the river pollution, there was 5-11% increase of the unexplained sensory disorders among the local residents, in addition to recognizable Minamata disease.
伊藤 耕三
The Japanese Society for Hygiene
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.26, no.3, pp.304-314, 1971-08-28 (Released:2009-02-17)
8 16

Nitrogen dioxide is one of the main atmospheric pollutants in many communities. It is emitted in large quantities in the exhaust of automotive engines and is formed when atmospheric nitrogen and oxygen are heated to a high temperature in a flame.Experiments were made to ascertain possible synergistic effects of nitrogen dioxide and influenza virus infection in mice. Young female dd strain mice weighing 15 to 17g were challenged with mouse-adapted type A influenza virus, strain PR 8, two hours after acute and intermittent exposure to 10ppm nitrogen dioxide for two hours daily for one, three and five days. Female I.C.R. strain mice weighing 22 to 25g were also challenged with type A influenza virus after continuous exposure to 0.5 to 1.0ppm nitrogen dioxide for 39 days.Results were as follows;1) Acute and intermittent exposure to 10ppm nitrogen dioxide for two hours daily for five days significantly increased the susceptibility of mice to influenza virus infection as demonstrated by enhanced mortality.2) Extent of interstitial pneumonia was higher in the mice challenged with influenza virus after chronic and continuous exposure and acute and intermittent exposure to nitrogen dioxide than in the infected controls.3) Adenomatous proliferations of bronchial and bronchiolar epithelium were marked in the mice challenged with influenza virus after continuous exposure to low levels of nitrogen dioxide.

2 0 0 0 OA 睡眠と健康

高田 真澄
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.73, no.1, pp.22-26, 2018 (Released:2018-01-31)

Since World War II, Japan has achieved remarkable economic development and has become an advanced country. Particularly in the industrial field, a production system has been developed to reduce the loss of machining time by adopting a shiftwork in factories operating 24 hours a day, which contributes to the improvement of productivity. Nowadays, this shiftwork practice has spread from the industrial field to other businesses such as 24-hour entertainment facilities and convenience stores, which lead to sleep deprivation in Japanese society. Even at home, certain conditions adversely affect sleeping habits. We are concerned about the risks of physical and mental health, impairments posed by the use of tablets, PCs, smartphones, and other devices so popular in today’s Japan, as they delay sleep. It is urgent to improve poor sleeping habits because their outcomes such as sleep disorders and deprivation may also lead to traffic and industrial accidents.