岡田 精一
vol.14, pp.85-106, 1990
徐 賢燮 徐 賢燮
研究紀要 (ISSN:18838111)
no.13, pp.241-253, 2012

吉田 政幸 小笠原 悦子
研究紀要 (ISSN:13489399)
vol.8, pp.67-77, 2011

The issue of a sport team's promotion to a higher league has been investigated primarilyfrom the spectator's perspective. Although recent few studies highlight the importance of localresidents on this topic, the effects of various moderating variables on local residents' decisionmaking processes still remain unexplored. The current study is one of the first attempts to( 1)develop measures for capturing three dimensions( cognitive, affective, and conative aspects) oflocal residents' attitudes toward a professional sport team promoted to a higher league and( 2)examine the effects of significant moderating variables (i.e., gender, age, and willingness tosupport the home team) on the cognitive attitudes-behavioral intentions chain and on theaffective attitudes-behavioral intentions chain. Data were collected from local residents (n =180) at two large shopping malls located in the franchise area of a professional soccer teamthat was promoted to the J-League Division Ⅱ in the 2009 season. The results indicate that theeffect of cognitive attitudes on behavioral intentions was stronger for older people than foryounger people. The research findings, managerial implications, limitations, and directions forfuture research are discussed.
中村 妙子 奥田 眞紀子 松本 しのぶ 栗林 千幸
研究紀要 (ISSN:13485911)
vol.14, pp.35-43, 2006

自然や季節感を大切にしてきた高齢者は,生活空間の中で季節感を感じることでイメージが広がり,より心地よさを感じると思われる.その季節感は,季節の物だけでなく,色によっても演出することができるのではないかと考え,季節感と色の関係を系統的な色票を用いて検討した.カラーサンプルとして,日本色彩研究所の新配色カード 199cを使用し,ランダムに並べ替えた色票を光源ボックスの中に入れ,20歳前後の学生20名に,"春","夏","秋","冬","感じない"のいずれかに評価してもらった.その結果,春はピンク系が,夏は青系が,秋は茶系が,冬は,彩度の低い色が上位を占めた.季節のイメージを調べると,春は桜,夏は海,秋は紅葉,冬は雪が,突出して選ばれ,季節に代表される自然が,季節の色に最も大きな影響力を及ぼしていた.逆に言えば,季節の色からそれらの事がイメージできると考えられるその結果,季節に代表される自然が,季節の色に最も大きな影響力を及ぼしていた.季節の色を,色相,トーン別に分析すると,以下のように季節ごとに明らかな傾向が見られた.春・・・色相:ピンク系,黄緑系,緑系,トーン:light,bright,pale夏・・・色相:青,青紫系,トーン:vivid, bright秋・・・色相:暖色系,トーンは,dark,deep, dul, soft冬・・・色相:青紫系,紫系,トーン:dark grayish,grayish, light grayish施設内で,季節ごとに季節感のある色彩を用いることにより,色から自然へのイメージが広がり,心地よい空間が演出でき,利用者への心理的効果は大きいものと考える.
加藤 知子 Kato Tomoko
vol.15, pp.13-28, 2015-03-27

Women’s Active Museum on War and Peace (wam) is a Christian-affiliated institute, which is situated on the second floor of the AVACO (Audio Visual Activities Commission) Building in Tokyo. On the 6th of July, 2014, AVACO Building was targeted by conservative, nationalistic Japanese demonstrators, who most likely confused Women’s Active Museum on War and Peace with the AVACO Building. Such a demonstration has served as an opportunity for people, however, to think anew of what kind of institution wam is, what activities they are actually doing, and what sort of idea is behind them and their daily activities. The Asahi Shimbun, in its issues of the fifth and sixth of August, 2014, finally admitted that they had spread some misinformation about so-called Comfort Women who had allegedly been taken by force to offer sexual pleasure to Japanese Imperial Military officers and soldiers. Even after these articles were published, however, certain Christian-affiliated organizations, including wam, instead of rethinking their unique historical perspective on the Modern History of Japan, continued criticizing the country for her treatment of the so-called Comfort Women during the first half of the 20th century. The historical perspective on Modern Japan, like the one adopted by wam, has dominated the Japanese Christian circles since the end of the Second World War. In this paper, I will argue that such a historical perspective may drive Japan into havoc by showing that the wam’s endeavors (largely determined by their unique historical perspective) and the Chinese Communist Party’s military strategic zones somehow overlap. Finally, in Chapter Ⅴ of this paper, I will ask Japanese Christian priests and pastors to work on ways to interpret the passages in the Bible that include not only pacifist messages but also apparently militaristic ones. I will close this paper with a humble request that Christians in Japan should first seek for the Holy Spirit (ruach ha-kodesh, in Hebrew), who believers hold will guide them to the true knowledge including secular interpretations of the historical facts as well as religious understanding of Bible passages themselves.
鈴木 信吾
研究紀要 (ISSN:02861518)
vol.25, pp.103-117, 2001-12-20

On considere generalement, du point de vue de la typologie linguistique, que les langues romanes appartiennent au type SVO. Mais recemment, quelques romanistes ont essaye de demontrer, avec des preuves assez convaincantes, que le roumain est du type VSO. Dans le present article nous nous proposons de reexaminer l'ordre des mots dans la proposition principale des deux langues, en nous basant sur des phenomenes observes dans une perspective pragmatique. Pour effectuer ce reexamen, nous analyserons d'abord l'ordre utilise pour indiquer la relation grammaticale entre le S (ujet) et l'O(bjet direct) dans les deux langues. Ensuite nous essaierons d'etablir l'ordre des mots non marque dans chaque langue conformement au principe selon lequel on peut considerer une phrase comme pragmatiquement non marquee lorsqu'elle peut etre employee dans un nombre plus eleve (theoriquement infini) de contextes. Et a la fin nous confronterons notre resultat avec celui obtenu syntaxiquement dans le cadre de la typologie linguistique. Pour conclure, nous poserons que, aussi bien en italien qu'en roumain, l'ordre des mots non marque verifie sous l'angle pragmatique est SVO. Si le roumain appartient typologiquement aux langues VSO, nous supposons que c'est a partir de cette construction qu'on en edifie une autre en thematisant le S : cet ordre SVO reconstruit avec S ayant une valeur thematique devrait etre, dans la proposition principale roumaine, non marque pragmatiquement.
千代原 亮一
研究紀要 (ISSN:13489208)
vol.3, no.1, pp.213-223, 2006-03-25
