岩谷 昌樹

パリやニューヨークへの海外調査を踏まえて、図書を刊行した。日本企業および海外企業のデザインマネジメントに関する歴史や最新事例に触れるとともに、それらの理論化までを試みた『グローバル企業のデザインマネジメント』(学文社)である。また、パリ在住のブリジット・ボージャ・ド・モゾタ教授の著したDesign Managementの日本版(翻訳に日本企業の事例や図表を新たに加えたもの)として『戦略的デザインマネジメント』(同友館)を出版した。他に、図書2件、雑誌論文3件、学会報告3件という研究成果があった。
辻 智子

河野 裕美 依田 憲

観察が難しい環境下における野生動物の採餌行動や社会的相互作用を記録するため、小型の映像記録装置の開発と海鳥への適用を行った。カツオドリの幼鳥にビデオカメラを装着することによって、社会的な情報を用いて採餌をおこなっていることが明らかになった。また、小型GPS を併用することにより、行動圏の拡大や採餌技術の発達に伴って、他個体との社会的接触が変化することが示された。
藍檀 オメル Kumsar Halil Toprak Selcuk
東海大学紀要. 海洋学部 (ISSN:13487620)
vol.7, pp.23-51, 2010-01-30

The 2009 L'Aquila earthquake with moment magnitude Mw 6.3 occurred in the Abruzzi Region in Central Italy. The earthquake caused the loss of 294 lives and the casualties were particularly heavy in the old city of L'Aquila. The authors have readily investigated the damages due to this earthquake, which was caused by a normal fault with the heavily damaged part being on the hanging-wall side of the causative fault. Approximately 2 weeks before the earthquake, a technician involved with radon monitoring warned that an earthquake will strike the region and this claim was dismissed by the authorities who were heavily questioned by the Italian and International mass media.This article describes the scientific and engineering aspects of the earthquake with emphasis on earthquake prediction and geotechnical damage. Furthermore, the main causes of the heavy structural damage as well as the prediction of the earthquake are discussed. The close inspection of prediction claims indicated that prediction did not really satisfy the requirements for earthquake prediction. The causes of the heavy damage were low seismic resistance of structures and lack of implementation of modern seismic design codes.2009年4月6日午前3時32分頃 (現地時間) にイタリア中部ラクイラ (L'Aquila) においてML=5.8,MW=6.3の地震が発生し, 多数の犠牲者を出すなど, 大きな被害が生じた.この地震による犠牲者は294名 (4月12日現在), 負傷者は1,000人以上であった.著者らは(社)土木学会, (社)地盤工学会, (社)日本建築学会および日本地震工学会は, 4学会協同による合同調査団のメンバーとして2009年4月18日~23日にかけて, ラクイラ及び周辺地域の現地調査を実施した.本論文でこの地震の特徴, 施設の被害とその評価について報告した.本論文の主な結論は下記の通りである.1) 今回の地震で見られた前震活動は地震予知の観点から大変興味深いものであった.しかし, 前震活動とラドンガスの異状を元にGran Sasso核物理実験所の技術者が地震予知をしたとの報告は地震予知の基礎的条件を満足しなかったため, 正しいものでない.この例から地震予知を行う上で多重パラメータ総合システムが重要であることが明らかになった.2) イタリアはヨーロッパ諸国のなかでは最も地震活動の活発な国の一つであり, 現在までにも繰り返し地震被害を受け, 耐震設計法の充実を図ってきた国であるが, この地震で大きな被害を受けた.3) 交通系施設としては, 交通量の少ない小規模橋梁が落橋したが, 全般的には被害を受けるような構造物は少なかったため被害は限定されたものであった.4) 特異な地盤構成を有するラクイラ市とAterno川沿いの沖積軟弱地盤上に散在する中小の村落において被害が著しい.ラクイラ旧市街では, 地下空洞の崩壊に伴う路面陥没が生じた.5) ラクイラ市で観測された強震記録により, 加速度応答スペクトルは周期0.1~0.5秒で1g を上回る箇所があり, 断層近傍の強震動はかなり強いものであった.6) Aterno川沿いでは, 地盤の滑り, 液状化,流動化が, また, 周辺の山岳地では落石等が発生した.
今西 規 木村 亮介 瀧 靖之 安藤 寿康 中川 草

鈴木 孝典
東海大学紀要. 開発工学部 (ISSN:09177612)
pp.27-44, 1992-03-30

The present paper contains the Japanese translation of Ibn al-Haytham's "Maqala fi al-athar alldhi fi wajh al-qamar," based on the Arabic text edited by A. Sabra in "Maqalat al-Hasan b. al-Hasan b. al-Haytham fi al-athar al-zahir fi wajh al-qamar", Journal for the History of Arabic Science, vol.1 (1977) pp.166-181. Ibn al-Haytham, who flourished in Cairo in the 10th-11th centuries, is one of the representative figures of Arabic science. He is best-known as a physicist who made a great contribution in optics. The treatise on the marks on the surface of the moon in one of his works in this field, written after the great Optics (Kitab al-manazir). As in former treatises "The Light of the Stars" (Maqala fi adwa' al-kawakib) and "The Light of the Moon" (Maqala fi. daw' al-qamar) which are cited in this treatise, he tries here to apply the new methods and theories which he founded in Optics to the heavenly phenomena. There are some new aspects which are not found in Optics concerning radiated bodies and the relation between light and color.
本名 靖
東海大学健康科学部紀要 (ISSN:13474162)
vol.1, pp.107-115, 1995

菟原 卓
東海大学紀要. 文学部 (ISSN:05636760)
vol.78, pp.250-240, 2002

This paper is intended as a supplement to my three articles hitherto published on the administrative offices and the civil servants under the Fatimids. The purpose here is twofold : to give a clearer understanding of the categories of civil servants by collating the information that I have so far acquired ; and to consider the meanings and usages of "Tawqi" as an administrative term in order to complement the explanation of the functions of civil servants, which I have previously published.
三佐川 亮宏
東海大学紀要. 文学部 (ISSN:05636760)
vol.75, pp.1-28, 2001

"Der Begriff eines deutschen Reiches hat sich wohl am fruhesten in Italien ausgebildet ; im Beginne des 11. Jahrhunderts begegnet er zuerst. Mehr als in Italien ist in Deutschland der Ausdruck ublich, und noch in der Zeit Heinrichs IV....ist er in allen deutschen Gebieten heimisch geworden, wie ja gerade der Reichsgedanke, das Bewuβtsein der politischen Zusammenfassung, der staatlichen Einigung der deutschen Stamme vor allem lebendig war"(Vigener). Gegenuber diesem ublichen Erklarungsversuch, der das Aufkommen des Begriffes regnum Teutonicum unter der Regierung Heinrichs IV.(1056-1106) in Zusammenhang mit der allmahlichen Ausbreitung des deutschen Volksbewuβtseins bzw. Nationalgefuhls bringt, hat E.Muller-Mertens im zweiten Teil seines Buches "Regnum Teutonicum. Aufkommen und Verbreitung der deutschen Reichs - und Konigsaufassung im fruheren Mittelalter"(1970) ein ganz anderes Bild dargestellt : Derjenige, der fur die Verbreitung der Terminologie in Deutschland eine ganz entscheidende Rolle spielte, sei niemand anders als Papst Gregor VII.(1073-1085) gewesen. Er habe den Begriff bewuβt als politischen "Kampfbegriff" benutzt, um den imperial-hegemonialen Herrschaftsanspruch des ottonisch-salischen Konigtums prinzipiell in Frage zu stellen, d.h. mit der Absicht, die Herrschaft des salischen Konigs, des rex Teutonicorum-nicht rex Romanorum, wie der Konig sich selbst nannte-, auf das Reich nordlich der Alpen, das regnum Teutonicum, zu beschranken. Im ersten Teil dieses Aufsatzes wurde es versucht, die uberrraschenden und anregenden Thesen von Muller-Mertens in wichtigen Punkten zu referieren, daneben aber auch seine Ergebinisse, unter Heranziehung der anderen neueren Literatur, z.T. zu revidieren, vor allem fur die Bewertung der politischen Dimensionen des Begriffs "deutsch" bei Lamperts von Hersfeld (†1081/82).
今橋 理子
東海大学紀要. 文学部 (ISSN:05636760)
vol.66, pp.35-49, 1996

Among the paintings left by Sakai Hoitsu (1760-1828), a late-Edo-period painter known for reviving the Rinpa (or Korin) school of painting in the city of Edo, is a singular work entitled Kannon (i.e., the bodhisattva Avalokitesvara). This work differs from the usual Oriental "white-robed Avalokitesvara" paintings in that Kannon is not shown holding in her hand either the standard lotus flower, or sprig of willow in a water jar. Rather, in front of her and to the viewer's right there appears a porcelain celadon vase in which five summer flowers - hollyhocks, pinks, lychnises, hydrangeas, and lilies - have been arranged. In contrast to india ink paintings of Kannon, the flowers in Hoitsu's work are richly colored, attracting and holding the viewer's gaze. It is known that the creation of Kannon was connected to the hundredth anniversary of the death of Ogata Korin (1658-1716). Korin was the prime mover behind the earlier flourishing of the Rinpa school and the painter most highly regarded by Hoitsu, who donated the work to Korin's family temple, Myoken-ji, in Kyoto, where it remains today. It has therefore traditionally been inferred that Hoitsu "arranged" the flowers in the vase in commemoration of Korin's death anniversary and that he used summer flowers because Korin died in June. What has never been clear, however, is why the five flowers noted above were chosen ; indeed, Hoitsu's Flowers in a Vase, painted for the same anniversary, contains the identical five kinds of flowers arranged in a water jar. Hoitsu obviously had a reason for selecting them. In my paper, I will attempt to discern what Hoitsu's intended meaning may have been. The particular flower or bird, or the particular combination of flowers and birds, found in an Oriental flower-and-bird painting ordinarily has an auspicious meaning associated with it, one that the members of the painter's audience will usually be able to identify owing to their shared cultural experience. No traditional, specific meaning, however, can be discerned in the combination of the five summer flowers in Hoitsu's two paintings. To unlock the meaning, I have investigated how the five flowers have been used in classical tanka and haiku poetry - in which Hoitsu himself was unusually well versed - beginning with the eighth-century Man'yoshu. For example, the combination of hollyhocks and lilies has traditionally meant, "We will meet in the next world" when it appears in classical poetry. I found other meanings for other groupings of the five flowers in question. In the course of my research it became clear that Hoitsu clearly did not use the five flowers merely to commemorate Korin's death in the summer ; being familliar with Japanese history and literature, Hoitsu put together his combination with scruplous care in order to express the meaning he desired. Another point of interest is that Korin was particularly fond of the hollyhock and, in fact, replaced his family crest with one depicting a stylized version of this flower. This helps explain why, in Hoitsu's two paintings, the hollyhock is placed highest in the shin position, the all-important central position in traditional flower arrangement. Modern critics tend to view the beautiful flower arrangements in the paintings of the Rinpa school, including the two works discussed here, as random combinations. This evaluation focuses on the beauty of the paintings' form, but essentially denies their interpretive value. However, I believe that the surprising hidden meanings woven into the paintings of the Rinpa school are one of the greatest sources of the paintings' appeal.