春田 晴郎

船水 浩行
東海大学健康科学部紀要 (ISSN:13474162)
vol.5, pp.31-42, 1999

小柴 はるみ 松本 奈穂子
東海大学紀要. 教養学部 (ISSN:03892018)
vol.36, pp.37-70, 2006-03-30

Topkapi Palace Museum in Istanbul has 45 Albums (muraqqa'), a sort of book-style collections, pasted the excellent fragments and examples for the calligraphies and paintings. In these collections, especially four Albums, called Saray Album or Istanbul Album (the registration numbers; H. 2152, H. 2153, H. 2154 and H. 2160), are oldest and characteristic, including more than 1000 paintings and a large number of calligraphies in Islamic world from 14^<th> to 16^<th> century. Although there is no clear evidence, it is supposed that Saray Albums were the dedications from Safavids, when Sultan Serim I (1512-20) of Ottoman Empire conquered Tabriz region (now Iran) in the campaign of Chaldiran at 1514. Many fragments of the paintings and calligraphies are disorderly pasted on both sides of the page. And most of the paintings and drawings might have been executed originally for different kinds of manuscripts and sketchbooks (SUGIMURA 1986: 5). For example, a few illustrated pages of the famous manuscripts Shah-nama (Book of Kings), written by Firdawsi (934-1025), were separated from the original book and mounted to different pages. And in these two Albums, there is a group of very unique paintings with the inscription; "Kari Ustad Mahmmud Siyah Kalem (the work of Master Siyah Kalem (=black pen)". The motifs of those paintings are various demonical creatures and the nomad's daily life. Those pictures might be the precious examples of the tradition that belongs to the Turkmen's culture in Central Asia. This paper is one of the reports of our collaborated research with the art historians, taking two volumes (H. 2153 and H. 2160) as the object of study. In this paper we deal with the musical instruments and dance scenes, based on the pictures of these two Albums. There are 84 pictures of music and dance, included 30 pictures of musical instruments, 5 of dance scenes with music, 13 of dancers, and 36 of only the bells. Various musical instruments, such as the chordophones (harp and lute families), the aerophones (flute and trumpet), the membranophones (drums), the idiophones (clappers and bells), are drawn in different pictures. Dancing postures and accompaning materials such as the waving scarves and cloths are analized from magical/spiritual point of view. In brief, we take focus on the pictorial materials with musical instruments and dances, especially from Shah-nama and Siyah Kalem in the Saray Albums, and consider them in the cultural contexts.
西原 留美子 佐久間 志保子
東海大学健康科学部紀要 (ISSN:13474162)
vol.13, pp.9-18, 2007

吉野 誠
東海大学紀要. 文学部 (ISSN:05636760)
vol.73, pp.1-18, 2000

In 1871 departure of the Iwakura mission afroad left Saigoo Takamori at the head of a caretaker government. In 1873 an argument erupted over how to deal with foreign affairs toward Korea. Saigoo obtained government aproval for a personal diplomatic mission to Korea. But when the Iwakura mission returned, the decision was reversed. This paper examines this argument.
速水 侑 ネビン パトリック
東海大学紀要. 文学部 (ISSN:05636760)
vol.81, pp.156-130, 2004-09-30

This article presents the results from a questionnaire survey conducted in order to determine the effects of population influx on traditional Shinto behavior as performed by residents in two regional cities. This study focuses mainly upon New Years' shrine visits (hatsumode) and festival participation (matsuri), both considered to be traditional Shinto behavior, while treating shrine visits as individualistic behavior and festival participation as collectivistic behavior. The goal was to show how population influx affects the choice of shrine or festival and the reasons for performing that behavior. Factors considered include length of residence, parishioner relationship, frequency of behavior and age; survey format and hypothesis was inspired by Morioka (1968). The results for shrine visits show that while there is a relationship between length of residence and the "delocalization" of behavior, hatsumode continues to have strong social importance as a traditional custom, whereas in the results for festival participation there is an increasing shift from shrine festivals to secular municipal festivals, with the most popular reasons for going to festivals ("festivals are popular and fun" and "to ensure good childhood memories for one's children") reflecting this shift.
菟原 卓
東海大学紀要. 文学部 (ISSN:05636760)
vol.69, pp.94-104, 1998

It is well known that Islam favors commerce. Especially in the medieval period, trade was regarded as an honorable occupation, and prosperous merchants were highly esteemed in social life. Merchants were active not only in the field of economy, but also in the development of Islamic culture, and sometimes in politics. People of high standing were also sometimes involved in commerce. In the present article, I would like to show that the Fatimid ruling circles were also engaged in trade during the early period of their dynasty. According to the primary sources, the Isma'ili imams, including the first Fatimid caliph al-Mahdi, disguised themselves as affluent merchants until the establishment of their dynasty. It is very likely that they were actually operating a kind of trading firm. After the establishment of their state in North Africa, the caliphs ceased to engage themselves personally in commercial activities. However, a crown prince was active in business before his accession to the throne, and other members of the royal household were associated with merchants in the market. As for courtiers of the dynasty, a prominent major-domo owned one or more commercial ships, and his profit from trade was so enormous that he could even support the expansion of the Fatimid state financially.
中川 久嗣
東海大学紀要. 文学部 (ISSN:05636760)
vol.67, pp.56-78, 1997

Dans son premier livre, Histoire de la folie, Michel Foucault a propose d'analyser le phenomene de la folie elle-meme et presente une these sur l'exclusion de la folie par Descartes dans sa Premiere Meditation. C'est L'Ecriture et la Difference de Jacques Derrida qui a severement critique tous les projets de Foucault en les declarant trompeurs, impossibles et fous. D'apres Derrida, nous ne pouvons accuser notre raison qu'en elle, et le doute methodique de Descartes qui arrive a son comble par la convocation du Malin Genie, n'est pas un exemple d'exclusion de la folie, mais simplement celui de la possibilite de penser a la folie. Dans ce traite, j'ai essaye d'eclaircir le pouvoir du sujet doutant de Descartes qui fait resolument avancer sa meditation metaphysique en separant le reve de la folie. Pour Foucault qui veut eviter la pensee cartesienne, penser a la folie, c'est d'introduire l'Autre a la raison sans aucune transformation et aucune exclusion. On pourrait appeler cette maniere de penser une "interiorisation du dehors". C'est bien la nouvelle possibilite et moralite de notre raison.
井上 薫 山崎 正之
東海大学紀要. 工学部 (ISSN:05636787)
vol.45, no.2, pp.19-22, 2006-03-31

Some students in their study of wave motion have asked us "could you explain the contradiction that exists between the principles of superposition of waves and the energy conservation law?" We will answer the question in this paper. This question arises from their focusing only on either the constructive or destructive aspect of superposition of waves. They must pay attention to both aspects of superposition.
北條 芳隆 後藤 明 関口 和寛 細井 浩志 瀬川 拓郎 吉田 二美 辻田 淳一郎 高田 裕行 石村 智 田中 禎昭

北條 芳隆 河野 裕美

大崎 栄 新居 利広 山村 雅一 岩垣 丞恒
東海大学スポーツ医科学雑誌 (ISSN:09153659)
vol.18, pp.7-17, 2006-03-31

Performance times of distance runners were predicted bassed on the 16-km time differential trail (2004) and 20-km grouped trial (2005) runs on the same training course before Hakone-Ekiden event. From these data, predicted and target performance times were estimated by using changes in split time (min/5km) and surplus performance for each distance runner after the trials. After the Hakone-Ekiden event, actual performance time for each distance runner was obtained and the errors (predicted performance time-actual performance time, and target performance time-actual performance time) were calculated. Errors were indices of accurate estimation of each performance time in Hakone-Ekiden event. The split time (min/5km) in 16-km time differential trial run showed large individual difference at the end of the trail. However, the 20-km grouped trial run exhibited small individual difference at 15-km and at even 20-km the deviation was relatively small. Predicted performance times were more accurate for the 20-km grouped trial run than for 16-km time differential trial run. Based on these results, 20-km grouped trial run was more suitable for to the prediction of actual performance times for distance runners in the Hakone-Ekiden event.
イザンベール 真美
東海大学紀要. 文学部 (ISSN:05636760)
vol.73, pp.54-68, 2000

This study is aimed at studying revolutions and rebellions in the light of the modern world-system perspective. This first article tries to demonstrate the link between world rebellions and the Kondrarieff's long wave. Many scholars have studied international war data in relation with the long cycle but there are such a small number of works which spotlight and examin deeply rebellions i.e., internal wars with a world-systemic view. The basic source of data is the Small and Singer's famous list of wars since 1816. The author presents a working hypothesis, the magnitude (number of killed by day) of rebellions is stronger during the A2 periods = hegemonic matuarity periods of the modern world-system. This hypothesis is explained by the relative deprivation theory as James Davies or Ted Gurr showed and is also tested statistically. Further reflexion about rebellions and revolutions in the modern world-system is needed then will be done in following articles of this series.
吉野 誠
東海大学紀要. 文学部 (ISSN:05636760)
vol.72, pp.1-18, 1999

This parer examines the foreign policy of the Japanese ministry of foreign affairs toward Korea in 1870-1872. They did so while continuing to emphasize the humiliating situation in which they had been placed at the same time as they denied the relationship of equality with Korea under samurai rule. The fundamental idea was that Korea should submit to the Emperor as had occurred in the past since the Emperor was now, again, the ruler of Japan. The realization of the transition to imperial rule was the core of the problems with Korea during the Meiji Restoration. The letter from Tsushima to Korea which included the Chinese characters for "emperor" and "imperial decree" was an expression of this type of idea and met with rejection by Korea, which warned against such wording. The focus of the letter issue truly was in the "acceptance or refusal of the transition to the imperial court." The theory of direct transfer to the imperial court, which recognized the ancient subordination of Korea from the beginning accompanied the "dispatch of the Emperor's envoy" and the insistence upon a military attack of Korea. Seikanron was an argument for the invasion of Korea that was linked to the idea of the revival of imperial governance, and its promotion during the early years of the Meiji Restoration may be said to have been inevitable.