高橋 佳子 樋上 智子 倉本 美佳 檜垣 文子 山下 典子 合田 昌子 足立 亜紀子 濱口 常男 門林 宗男
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.30, no.7, pp.475-482, 2004-07-10 (Released:2011-03-04)
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To determine the influence of the angle of holding an eye medication container on the squeezing force needed for each drop of the medication and drop volume, we measured squeezing force and drop weight using a force gauge for 11 prod ucts commercially available in Japan, at 3 different angles to the horizontal surface-90°, 60° and 45°. At 90°, the squeezing force for each drop varied from 0.770kg (Tobracin®) to 1.575kg (Timoptol® 0.25%) and at 60° and 45°, the squeezing force decreased for all products except KetasR. Thus the squeezing force was affected by the angle of holding the container. At 90°, drop weight varied from 33mg (Ketas®) to 44mg (Tobracin®). At 60° and 45°, drop weight decreased for all products except Hyalein® 0.1, Kary Uni® and Sanpilo® 2% (tip and cap type). These results show that the angle of holding an eye medication container is an important factor because of the influence it has on drop size and squeezing force. For this reason, the optimal angle for patients to hold eye medication containers should be investigated in greater depth.
飯田 遥 男全 昭紀 井口 恵美子 猪股 克彦
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.43, no.11, pp.654-660, 2017-11-10 (Released:2018-11-10)

The clinical condition of patients in intensive care units (ICU) fluctuates significantly. The pharmaceutical-information service is provided by clinical pharmacists. However, the types of pharmaceutical information that merit intervention by clinical pharmacists in the intensive care field are unclear. In this study, we systematically constructed pharmaceutical-information services to clarify the condition in which intervention by clinical pharmacists is allowed for drug therapies in the intensive care field. We investigated clinical pharmacists' interventions in the ICU from June 2013 to December 2014 (excluding the term from February 2014 to March 2014), and constructed a categorization by referring to the pharmaceutical interview form (IF). We configured “the necessity for the drug therapy” in addition to IF categories, because there were several inquiries by the pharmacists as to whether the medication should be started or discontinued. Then we classified clinical pharmacists' interventions from February 2016 to November 2016 using that categorization. During that period, there were 840 cases, and the most common category was “the necessity for drug therapy” which numbered 191 cases. Therefore, of all the cases there were 412 cases labeled “preavoid” in which the interventions improved the safety of the medication.. In this study, it was revealed that intervention by the clinical pharmacists positively identified the necessity for drug therapy. It seems that the clinical pharmacists require the ability to comprehend clinical conditions and evaluate drug therapies. An evaluation of “preavoid” cases using the categorization suggests pharmacists contribute to improvements in the quality and the safety of medication.
今西 孝至 髙松 千世 髙山 明
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.43, no.11, pp.640-647, 2017-11-10 (Released:2018-11-10)

Pictograms can be used to transmit information to anyone all over the world. In Japan, pictograms regarding interaction, usage, and dosage are developed by the RAD-AR Council Japan; however, pictograms indicating the pharmacological effect remain to be developed. In this study, we created seven kinds of pictograms regarding pharmacological effect: antiarrhythmic drugs, hypnotics, hypoglycemic drugs, antibiotics, diuretics, antihypertensive drugs, and antidementia drugs, and researched the necessity and evaluation of the created pictograms using a questionnaire survey for pharmacists and the general public. Overall, 89.6% of the pharmacists and 86.8% of the general public answered “necessary” regarding pictograms on pharmacological effects. Regarding the usefulness of these pictograms, pharmacists responded “understanding the efficacy of medicine” and “emergencies such as natural disasters.” On the other hand, the general public responded, “distinguish the medicine by myself” and “emergencies such as natural disasters.” The pharmacists had a significantly higher rate of giving correct answers than the general public for all pictograms. In the general public, the rates of correct answers for these pictograms decreased with age. However, the rates of correct answers for pictograms on diuretics and hypotensive drugs were > 90% in the elderly aged ≥ 70 years. In conclusion, although the necessity for pictograms regarding pharmacological effects was proved, the correct answer rate differed significantly between the pharmacists and the general public. Therefore, it is necessary to improve these pictograms so that anyone can understand them more accurately, with or without medical knowledge.
阪田 安彦 岩本 康男 菅原 隆文 阿部 圭輔 赤木 恵 宮森 伸一 伊藤 充矢 大谷 彰一郎 雑賀 隆史 野間 純 檜垣 健二 二宮 基樹 開 浩一
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.38, no.12, pp.780-784, 2012-12-10 (Released:2013-12-10)

Docetaxel is used to treat various types of carcinomas. Since docetaxel is insoluble in water (solubility, 0.002 mg/mL), to improve its solubility, it is administered with alcohol. The amount of alcohol required to improve the solubility of Onetaxotere® is twice as much as that required to improve the solubility of Taxotere®.In this study, we investigated the immediate breath alcohol level of and feeling of drunkenness experienced by patients after administration of chemotherapy with Onetaxotere®. The study was performed in 50 patients, from March 2012 to June 2012. In addition, 25 patients served as controls: these patients were administered chemotherapy with paclitaxel. Breath tests revealed no alcohol in any of the patients who were administered Onetaxotere®. Furthermore, none of these patients experienced a feeling of drunkenness. In contrast, breath tests performed in the control patients revealed alcohol in 15 cases, and 4 out of the 15 patients experienced a feeling of drunkenness.Breath tests revealed alcohol in 60.0% of the patients who were administered paclitaxel. The result is similar to those reported in other studies. No alcohol was detected in any of the patients who were administered Onetaxotere®. Moreover, these patients did not experience a feeling of drunkenness. These findings suggest that the patients who received Onetaxotere® were unaffected by the alcohol used to administer the drug.

1 0 0 0 OA TDMの落とし穴

田口 和明 猿渡 淳二 平田 憲史郎 丸山 徹
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.41, no.4, pp.215-222, 2015-04-10 (Released:2016-04-10)

Therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) is an essential tool for the optimal use of drugs. Although rare, the drug concentration in blood determined by TDM can be higher or lower than that predicted from the dosage amount and patient information. In such cases, it is necessary to consider the occurrence of false positives and false negatives in the measurement process. Dose adjustment based on the measured blood drug concentration poses potential risks of underdosing and overdosing in patients suspected of false positive and false negative data, respectively. Therefore, pharmacists involved in TDM are required to become familiar with false positives and false negatives in TDM. In particular, the possibility of false positives in TDM of immunosuppressants by the affinity column-mediated immunoassay (ACMIA) method should be considered, while TDM of vancomycin or phenytoin requires attention to false negatives during measurement by the particle-enhanced turbidimetric inhibition immunoassay (PETINIA) method. Moreover, interference from IgM in the measurement process may be of concern in false-negative results; therefore, the measured blood drug concentration needs to be verified when the blood IgM level is high. This mini-review outlines false positives and false negatives that should be considered in TDM and presents a discussion of the relevant literature.
坂野 昌志 間瀬 広樹 島田 泉 伊藤 由紀 中村 卓巨 青田 真理子 中村 桂 近藤 祥子 堀端 志保 中野 良美 五家 邦子 鈴木 末廣 井端 英憲
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.33, no.11, pp.920-924, 2007 (Released:2009-09-04)
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In the treatment of cancer,radiotherapy is equally important to chemotherapy,and the pain arising from the adverse reactions of esophagitis and stomatis is treated with sodium aliginate (AL-Na).We decided to try cooling AL-Na because it was felt that doing this would enhance the analgesic effect.When cooled,the time of adhesion to the affected part was longer than that for AL-Na at room temperature and the pain relieving effect was greatly enhanced.
中島 誠 三浦 ひとみ 上野 陽子 岡 智子 奥 麻理 福島 綾子 寺師 守彦 大迫 政彦 林 秀樹 杉山 正
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.41, no.11, pp.799-810, 2015-11-10 (Released:2016-11-10)

The package insert of notandum, a narcotic drug, states that patients who take this drug must not drive a car, or should drive a car carefully. Many drugs used in supportive cancer chemotherapy and palliative therapy contain warnings regarding driving a car. Twenty-one of 127 outpatients in our hospital who received cancer chemotherapy were prescribed drugs that affect car driving. Sixteen patients drove a car on a daily basis. Although patients would receive a warning from their physician or pharmacist regarding driving when prescribed narcotic drugs, repeated warnings should be given, and driving status should be checked. Fourteen patients stated that refraining from driving was difficult. Therefore, pharmacists proposed prescribing drugs that do not affect driving to these patients. By changing their therapeutics to anti-emetics and supplementary analgesics, the patients could drive without worsening their condition. When selecting drugs, the necessity of driving should be checked to maintain quality-of-life. Nevertheless, as all patients who take opioid analgesics in palliative therapy must refrain from driving, and as opioid analgesics cannot be replaced with other drugs, it is necessary to check the validity of the descriptions in the package insert in future.
佐治 守 薄木 玲子 茨木 信博 葉山 修陽 大薗 英一 大國 寿士
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.29, no.3, pp.341-345, 2003-06-10 (Released:2011-03-04)
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Benzalkonium chloride is most commonly used as a preservative for ophthalmic solutions at a dosage of 50 μg/mL. In this study, we evaluated the antibacterial activity of this preservative against 16 species and64 clinically isolated strains. Benzalkonium chloride demonstrated a good effect on gram-positive cocci, the minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs) of benzalkonium chloride to Staphylococcus epidermidis and Staphylococcus aureus including MRSA were less than 12.5μg/mL. On the other hand, benzalkonium chloride was not effective against gram-negative rods ; 95% (42/44) of gram-negative rods strains were not susceptible after treatment with 50μg/mL of benzalkonium chloride. Especially, the MICs of benzalkonium chloride to clinically isolated pseudomonas aeruginosa were over 200μg/mL. These results suggest that benzalkonium chloride as preservative for ophthalmic solutions in effective on gram-positive cocci even when used in concentrationsonly one fourth times as much as those commercially available and to gram-negative rods when used in concentrations which may cause damage to the comeas. The use of lower concentration of benzalkonium chloride may therefore make it possible to reduce the degree of damage to the cellular components of the cornea.
下村 斉 青山 隆夫
vol.42, no.12, pp.781-794, 2016

<p>The incidence of pulmonary <i>Mycobacterium avium</i> complex (MAC) disease is increasing worldwide. Currently, clarithromycin is the key drug for treatment of pulmonary MAC disease, and multidrug therapy with rifampicin and ethambutol is recommended. However, the efficacy of this therapy is reported to be approximately 60-80%. Therefore, this disease is often difficult to treat, and there are some problems concerning this form of chemotherapy. Firstly, rifampicin decreases the serum clarithromycin concentration owing to CYP3A4-related interactions. Although this therapy needs to be administered for more than one year, to our knowledge, no study has investigated the long-term relationship between serum clarithromycin and rifampicin concentrations and CYP3A4 activity, together with treatment efficacy. Secondly, an alternative treatment to the recommended therapy of clarithromycin, rifampicin, and ethambutol has not been established. Therefore, fluoroquinolones are often used when the clinical efficacy of the recommended regimen is insufficient. However, very few previous studies have investigated the clinical efficacy of the combination of clarithromycin and fluoroquinolones, especially levofloxacin.</p><p>Our recent study demonstrated that serum clarithromycin concentrations in patients with pulmonary MAC disease were continuously low because of rifampicin-mediated CYP3A4 induction, which may be responsible for the unsatisfactory clinical outcomes observed. We also investigated the clinical outcomes achieved with the currently recommended dose of clarithromycin and levofloxacin, and suggested the possibility that combined administration of clarithromycin and levofloxacin did not improve clinical outcomes for the treatment of pulmonary MAC disease. In this mini-review, we summarize the findings of our clinical studies concerning chemotherapy for pulmonary MAC disease.</p>
飯原 なおみ 吉田 知司 岡田 岳人 中妻 章 桐野 豊
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.40, no.2, pp.67-77, 2014

There is no report to date regarding the usage status of medications with driving with prohibitions or cautions in Japan. Upon sampling the national health insurance claims database (covering 1% of outpatients), we surveyed the prescriptions and use of medications in outpatient settings for patients aged 25 years and older, with the goal of encouraging the proper use of medications.We analyzed the ratio of outpatients who were administered medications with prohibitions or cautions on driving to total outpatients who were administered medications (prescribed and/or provided to them at the time of examination). We also examined daily dosages and deviations from specified dose-limits for their prescribed oral medications.Of 566,968 outpatients aged 25 years and older who were administered medications, 413,940 (73%) outpatients were given the medications with cautions or prohibitions on driving and 243,405 (43%) outpatients were administered the medications with a prohibition on driving.Daily dosages of many medications were reduced with the increase in age of the patient. The degree of dosage reduction varied widely, with some medications whose dosages were hardly adjusted with age. With some medications with dose-limitations or contraindications for the elderly, prescriptions were found with dosages that often exceeded the recommended limits.We conclude that outpatients given medications and/or prescriptions must exercise appropriate caution when driving and that the dosage of these medications should be adjusted especially in the elderly.
木村 公美 三橋 真由美 奈良輪 知也 尾鳥 勝也 矢後 和夫 伊藤 智夫
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.38, no.12, pp.751-756, 2012-12-10 (Released:2013-12-10)
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The simple suspension method has been developed for performing tubal administration by placing tablets or capsules in hot water (55 °C) and serially decaying/suspending them without crushing/opening them. However, the stability of a cardinal drug against the pH of the suspension and heat remains unclear. In this study, we examined the stability of an oral anti-tumor preparation, capecitabine tablets, against the pH of the suspension and heat. Initially, we assessed the stability of capecitabine tablets suspended in phosphate-buffered saline at various pHs. Subsequently, we investigated the stability of capecitabine tablets suspended in phosphate-buffered saline heated at 25 or 55 °C. In addition, we evaluated the stability of this preparation heated at 55 or 80 °C for 30 minutes after being suspended in phosphate-buffered saline heated at 25 °C. When capecitabine suspension was heated at 80 °C for 30 minutes under acidic conditions, the residual capecitabine rate was approximately 50%. Then, a tube passage test of capecitabine was conducted. Passage was favorable. There was no decrease in the content after passage in comparison with the pre-passage value. Based on these results, the tubal administration of capecitabine should be performed considering both the drug suspension pH and temperature.
斎藤 百枝美 佐藤 充子 菅原 由香 佐藤 早織 山本 佳子 井手 基文 丹羽 真一 江戸 清人
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.31, no.3, pp.194-202, 2005-03-10 (Released:2011-03-04)
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We introduced a medication management module (MMM) for the education of psychiatric inpatients that uses a video (FMV) produced by Fukushima Medical University. We then asked 32 staff members to evaluate the usefulness of FMV by filling out a questionnaire. Nine of the staff (28 %) responded that it greatly improved the patients' comprehension level, 19 (59 %) felt that it had improved, and 4 (13 %) thought that there had been no change. We estimated that the workload of staff had decreased from 10 to 3.7 points. Further, by testing the 37 participants in MMM on their comprehension level before and after it with the same questions, the mean score was significantly higher after MMM (21.4 ± 0.9 points) than before (18.3 ± 3.5 points) (p< 0.001).To assess the effect of MMM on post-hospital self-medication behavior, we mailed another questionnaire to patients who had participated in MMM and those who had not. The sixty-three respondents (34 men and 29 women, aged from 15 to 78 years) consisted of 43 schizophrenia patients and 20 manic-depressive psychosis patients, of whom 33 had participated in MMM and 30 had not. The percentage of MMM-participants who were taking medication regularly was not significantly different from that of non-participants. However, the percentages of MMM participants who understood the necessity of medication and knew how to cope with side effects were significantly higher (p< 0.05 and p< 0.001, respectively).These results indicate that MMM is useful in raising patients' level of comprehension of medication and helping them acquire the proper post-hospital self- medication behavior.
泉 伯枝 豊田 太一 青木 光夫 大和 孝江
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.41, no.7, pp.455-462, 2015-07-10 (Released:2016-07-10)

We investigated the relation between the pH value of an infusion solution and the decrease of liquid level in a drip chamber in an infusion set. In the study, an infusion solution (not TPN solution) was admixed with sodium bicarbonate solution (Meylon® Injection) and dripped into an infusion set. It was found that the liquid level in the drip chamber was decreased sharply when the pH value of the infusion solution became smaller than 7. Furthermore, with regard to infusion solutions that showed a large decrease of liquid level, the concentration of CO2 in the drip chamber at the start of drip infusion was approximately 2 v/v% in the conventional procedure where no preventive measures were attempted for such decrease, while its concentration was as high as 15 v/v% when preventive measures were attempted for such decrease. As compared with the conventional procedure, there was no difference in the CO2 concentration at 2 hours of drip infusion. These results indicate that the effect of prevention of decreasing the liquid level in the drip chamber was confirmed by changes in the CO2 concentrations in a drip chamber. The concentration of H2CO3 involved in the decrease of liquid level in the drip chamber was approximately 10% of the total concentration of H2CO3, which was confirmed by measuring H2CO3 concentrations at the end of an infusion set when the infusion solution admixed with Meylon Injection, which showed the largest decrease of liquid level in the drip chamber, was dripped into an infusion set.
武市 佳己 末丸 克矢 井門 敬子 山下 梨沙子 天野 学 町田 仁 宮岡 弘明 池田 富士子 大澤 春彦 牧野 英一 荒木 博陽
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.35, no.9, pp.629-635, 2009

It has been reported that earthquakes tend to aggravate the physical and mental conditions of diabetic patients in particular due to interruption of their medication and perhaps tremendous deterioration in their living conditions as well.In this study,we conducted a survey of diabetic patients concerning their preparedness for earthquakes at three hospitals in Ehime Prefecture.The results indicated that many diabetic patients did not have a sufficient supply of emergency medicines in the event of such a disaster.In addition,many seemed to be unaware of the names of the medicines that they were taking.Based on these results and previous findings,we prepared"The Disaster Preparedness Guide for Patients with Diabetes" which includes information on medication,food,and ways of monitoring their health.The printed manual was distributed to hospitals in Ehime Prefecture and the PDF file of it was uploaded to the website of Ehime University Hospital.Afterwards,we conducted an anonymous survey of diabetic patients and medical staff concerning this material.Most respondents considered our guide to be useful for learning about disaster preparations.These findings suggest that it is necessary for medical staff to educate diabetic patients adequately concerning disaster preparations.
山本 佳久 鈴木 豊史 深水 啓朗 鎌野 衛 伴野 和夫
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.34, no.7, pp.691-698, 2008 (Released:2010-02-07)
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We determined the adhesion loss in a metering glass for 9 types of syrup for infants,and investigated the relationship between the adhesion loss and the rheological properties of the syrups.There was a good correlation (r2=0.981)between the viscosity of the syrups and percentage syrup residues on the metering glass.Further,from the viewpoints of accuracy and efficiency in dispensing,our finding that percentage residues for a dispenser were much lower (<0.15%) than for the metering glass suggested that it was better to use a dispenser for dispensing viscous syrups with a viscosity of at least 50-60 mPa·s.The results of our examination of syrup viscosities in the present study are expected to be useful information for their administration,and to contribute to the establishment of dispensing procedures based on scientific evidence.
清水 久範 池田 俊也 坂巻 弘之 矢島 秀一 池上 直己 村山 純一郎
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.41, no.3, pp.153-162, 2015-03-10 (Released:2016-03-10)
1 1

To evaluate the economic impact of regimens including the oral anticancer drug S-1 (a combination of tegafur, gimeracil, and oteracil), we performed cost-minimization analysis to compare the medical costs of S-1 plus irinotecan (IRIS) with those of conventional intravenous treatment with oxaliplatin or irinotecan plus fluorouracil and folinic acid (mFOLFOX6/FOLFIRI) in patients with advanced colorectal cancer. Patients with advanced colorectal cancer were extracted from the ordering system database for outpatients in Showa University Hospital. Direct medical costs and patients' time-related costs were calculated from the hospital billing data and the average Japanese labor wage, respectively. The results were analyzed from a limited societal perspective. Twenty-nine patients with advanced colorectal cancer were identified, and 25 IRIS regimens, 11 mFOLFOX6 regimens, and 5 FOLFIRI regimens were registered. Mean (± SE) monthly costs of treatment were 183,682 (± 4,767) yen for IRIS regimens and 279,077(± 13,345) yen for mFOLFOX6/FOLFIRI regimens. The monthly cost of IRIS regimens was significantly lower than that of mFOLFOX6/FOLFIRI regimens (P < 0.0001). IRIS regimens are cost-saving compared to mFOLFOX6 or FOLFIRI regimens for the management of advanced colorectal cancer.
永田 将司 岩切 智美 奥村 学 有森 和彦
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.37, no.5, pp.289-295, 2011 (Released:2012-08-02)

Pharmacists can play a significant role in medical care by helping to ensure the proper use of drugs, and a knowledge of pharmacokinetics is indispensable for this. Therapeutic Drug Monitoring (TDM) is a pharmacy practice that involves the full use of such knowledge. Practical training in TDM in pharmacist education should thus be an optimal way acquiring skill in applying pharmacokinetics knowledge in the clinical setting. However, in the Model Core Curriculum for practical training at hospitals implemented in 2010, there is only 1 specific behavioral objective (SBO) concerning TDM, and only 1 day is given to training on TDM. With this in mind, we developed an original experience-based TDM curriculum that includes 5-days of practical training. The curriculum was introduced for students in the 2010 pharmaceutical internship to evaluate its components.All students who took our curriculum considered that the 1-day of TDM training stipulated in the Model Core Curriculum was not sufficient, and that around 5 days of training, the period we have set, would be necessary. They also indicated a high level of satisfaction with it, viewing the training components as appropriate. These findings suggest that our curriculum would be effective.
矢野 育子 井関 健 東海林 徹 青山 隆夫 木津 純子 中村 均 藤井 俊志 渡邊 美智留 野田 幸裕 脇屋 義文 森田 邦彦 手嶋 大輔 二神 幸次郎
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.35, no.1, pp.43-49, 2009 (Released:2010-02-07)
1 1

With the introduction of 6-year pharmacy educational program in 2006,a provision was made to assign pharmacist faculties having working experience as pharmacists in pharmacy schools.In October 2007,we conducted a survey to investigate the situation of pharmacist faculties.We sent a questionnaire to 247 pharmacist faculties in 66 pharmacy schools and the response rate was 84.9%.The faculties consisted of professors (43%),associate professors (23%) and lecturers (23%),and 77% of them had a Ph.D.degree.In a typical week,the major activities they engaged in were educational activities (20.6 hrs),research (12.2 hrs) and management (9.6 hrs).While the average time they were occupied by clinical practice was 3.5 hrs,67% of them did not do any.Half of the faculties did not conduct any research with students or graduate students in their own schools,and in 2007 only 55% applied for Grant-in-aid for Scientific Research from the Ministry of Education,Culture,Sports,Science and Technology of Japan.Twenty-six percent said they were very satisfied or satisfied with their work on a five-point scale,and 44% rated their degree of satisfaction as fair.In conclusion,our survey showed that most pharmacy faculties are not sufficiently engaged in clinical practice and do not spend much time in clinical research.We hope that its results will promote discussions among pharmacy personnel concerning the role of pharmacist faculties so that even better clinical pharmacy education may be provided to students in pharmacy schools.
和田 恭一 保田 智恵子 花房 小百合 高田 充隆 柴川 雅彦
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.28, no.5, pp.468-472, 2002-10-10 (Released:2011-03-04)

Fluvoxamine, a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI), is widely used in the treatment of patients with depression. It is known that fluvoxamine inhibits the activity of human cytochrome P450 enzymes (CYP) responsible for the oxidative metabolism of many drugs. Inhibition of CYP results in a number of clinically important pharmacokinetic drug interactions.Therefore, the interaction between warfarin and fluvoxamine was evaluated. The patients treated with fluvoxamine were selected from the prescription database file made for the prescriptions order entry system, which contains all the prescriptions filled for the inpatients and outpatients. There were 106 patients treated with fluvoxamine between July 2000 and June 2001. Of 106 patients, 20 used warfarin concomitantly during the study period. Increased INR/Dose values were observed in all patients after the initiation of fluvoxamine therapy. Subsequently, the high INR/Dose values were observed during the concomitant use of warfarin and fluvoxamine (P<0.01). It is suggested that the increase in the anticoagulant activity of warfarin occurred when fluvoxamine is used concomitantly. Therefore, frequent coagulation tests are required in patients treated with warfarin after the initiation or discontinuation of fluvoxamine therapy. In conclusion, warfarin should be used with worry when fluvoxamine is used concomitantly.
上野 雅代 前原 加奈子 吉住 亜紀子 池内 忠宏 真島 宏太 山本 知佳 DennisM. Williams 二神 幸次郎
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.34, no.9, pp.882-890, 2008 (Released:2010-02-07)

Smoking is a risk factor for pulmonary diseases,cardiovascular diseases and many other morbid conditions but it is difficult to get patients to cease smoking due to the strength of nicotine dependence.As one of our pharmaceutical management and counseling services,we conducted a smoking cessation intervention program for inpatients in which we counseled them on the proper use of nicotine replacement products using a smoking cessation guidebook,and evaluated the usefulness of such counseling.We interviewed 228 patients and from among them enrolled 18 current smokers and 11 people who had stopped smoking during the past 30 days as subjects.The content of the program was evaluated through a questionnaire survey of patients and the success of the counseling by pharmacists was evaluated by smoking cessation status at discharge.Immediately after the program,44.4% of the smokers had ceased smoking and this figure had increased to 83.3% at the time of discharge.All subjects who had stopped smoking during the past 30 days continued to refrain from smoking until discharge.The results of the questionnaire survey showed that the use of a smoking cessation guidebook in the intervention enhanced awareness of the importance of ceasing smoking in 89.7% of the subjects.Though they were frequently made aware of nicotine replacement products,only about 10% had wished to use them.The findings of the questionnaire survey suggest that our smoking cessation intervention program for inpatients involving counseling on the proper use of nicotine replacement products improved patients’awareness of the importance of smoking cessation and reduced the smoking rate.