土井 信幸 毎田 千恵子 高橋 恵美利 井出 美晴 宮本 悦子 秋山 滋男
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.44, no.7, pp.380-392, 2018-07-10 (Released:2019-07-10)

The characteristics of eye drop (ophthalmic solution) containers are reported to be associated with the appropriate use of eye drops. Since patients complain that AZORGA® Combination Ophthalmic Suspension (AZORGA® hereafter) requires more push-out force than other eye drops, there is a possibility that the container of AZORGA® is less usable than other commercially available eye drop containers in Japan. Therefore, we compared the Alconpharma container used for AZORGA® and 3 representative containers as controls, which are available in large quantities in Japan. In addition, a subjective usability questionnaire was performed in healthy adults, and the influences of containers on the subjective usability of high-viscosity eye drop suspensions, such as AZORGA®, were evaluated.The Alconpharma container showed a significantly higher squeeze force necessary to push out 1 drop of AZORGA® and a slightly higher variability in the squeeze force among instillations than that in the other 3 containers. In association with these characteristics of the containers, the subjective usability scores for “container's hardness during instillation” and “easiness of pushing 1 drop out” were significantly lower for the Alconpharma container than for the other 3 containers. These results suggest that not only the characteristics of the AZORGA® solution (high viscosity and suspension) but also those of its container affect the subjective usability of eye drop products.
長谷川 浩平 栗谷 良孝 足立 充司 新家 惠子 西井 諭司 藤田 芳一
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.34, no.8, pp.800-804, 2008 (Released:2010-02-07)
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In order to ensure that drug therapy is effective,it is important for patients to understand dosage regimens correctly and take drugs properly.For the purpose of enhancing compliance,we conducted a survey of the dosage forms and dosage regimens of choice for inpatients.The survey was conducted between March 1 and April 22,2005 and responses were obtained from 449 patients,aged from 3 to 92 years.Regarding number of doses,patients between 30 and 59 preferred a lower number of doses,but patients in their 70’s and older tended not to care so much about this.Patients who answered that they had missed doses accounted for 59.8 percent of the total,and missing doses tended to be more frequent after lunch when dosing regimens were three times a day,after meals.Patients desiring the Unite Dose Package (UDP) accounted for 37.9 percent,66.9 percent of whom were not receiving UDPs from the dispensing pharmacy.Informing doctors of these findings will lead to better patient compliance and raise safety for patients.
小堀 宅郎 仲田 博貴 榎本 恭子 沖津 孝幸 今井 康平 八木 誠次 荻野 勇人 若林 修
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.45, no.2, pp.106-114, 2019-02-10 (Released:2020-02-10)

To clarify the knowledge and awareness of hemorrhoids per se and the therapeutic behavior in consumers, we conducted a survey with 60,000 consumers in Japan. The survey items included demographic characteristics (age and sex), knowledge and awareness of hemorrhoids per se and the therapeutic behavior, such as ambulant treatment and over-the-counter (OTC) medicine usage.The survey result showed that the proportion of consumers having subjective hemorrhoidal symptoms is 10.0%, which consists of anal fissure (41.2%), external hemorrhoids (33.1%), internal hemorrhoids (26.8%), anal fistula (4.0%), and don't-know (18.8%) and that 25.5% has prior experience with hemorrhoids. Importantly, 19.8% possessing hemorrhoid-related symptoms in the population had no awareness of hemorrhoids. Of note, 72.6% of consumers with subjective hemorrhoidal symptoms utilized neither the ambulant treatment nor OTC medicine, because many of them had shame, anxiety, and inadequate knowledge of hemorrhoids and the applicable therapy. In fact, there were few consumers who understood the existence and characteristic symptoms of three types of hemorrhoids. These findings indicate the need to engage in educational activities on hemorrhoids and applicable therapeutic drugs by offering accurate information from the perspective of pharmaceutical companies.
村田 勇 阿部 景香 斉藤 美穂 井上 裕 金本 郁男
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.43, no.12, pp.691-700, 2017-12-10 (Released:2018-12-10)

The influenza virus causes seasonal influenza epidemics and, from time to time, worldwide pandemics. Seasonal influenza epidemics in winter cause increased morbidity because vaccination is aimed at preventing influenza. However, influenza treatment is limited because oseltamivir cannot be used in children. Recently, Kampo medicine containing maoto was reported to have anti-viral and antipyretic effects. In Japan, maoto is generally administered as concentrated extract-granules. However, children do not like to take the maoto extract-granules because of their distinctive smell and bitter taste. Therefore, masking the smell and bitter taste is necessary for administration to children who are unable to take oral medications. In this study, we developed and characterized a new chocolate formulation for masking the maoto extract, using human sensory tests.The chocolate bases A to J (10 forms) were selected from commercial products. The total evaluation score for the maoto extract-containing chocolate formulation-D (Mao/nC) was the highest of the 10 forms according to the human sensory test results. The maoto extract-containing adjusted chocolate formulation (Mao/OrC) was based on an adjusted version of the Mao/nC formulation. The Mao/OrC exhibited improved smell and sweetness and overall evaluation scores compared with the Mao/nC, according to the human sensory test results. The results of a dissolution test, drug release test, and viscosity and osmotic pressure of the Mao/OrC were improved compared with those of the Mao/nC, and those of bioequivalence were similar. These results suggest that the Mao/OrC could be used as a new masking chocolate formulation for preparation in hospitals.
上敷領 淳 竹谷 翔太 江本 基樹 杉原 成美
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.40, no.10, pp.609-617, 2014-10-10 (Released:2015-10-10)

The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of cigarette smoking on the risk of illegal drug abuse and self-medication, such as the proper use of pharmaceutical products, among high school students.An anonymous, self-administered survey was conducted before and after a lecture on the prevention of drug abuse in a high school located in eastern Hiroshima Prefecture in November 2011. The subjects were classified into three groups according to smoking behavior; non-smokers, former smokers, and current smokers. Significant differences were observed between groups.The rate of recognizing health damage caused by the abuse of stimulant drugs, narcotic drugs or solvents was significantly decreased in the cigarette smoking group. In addition, the rate of intent to use drugs that were considered to be “medications that enable them to stay up all night for days”, “medications that would allow them complete recovery from fatigue” or “medications that would improve their appearance” was significantly increased in the cigarette smoking group. The rate of prescription medication compliance, such as confirming their correct usage or following their prescribed usage was significantly decreased in the cigarette smoking group.An influence against illegal drugs and the awareness of the risks of self-medication were observed in non- and former smokers according to the questionnaire performed after the lecture, but the influence on the cigarette smoking group was minimal. Education promoting medication compliance may be necessary for high school students, especially students who abuse cigarettes.
岡井 彰男 五十崎 俊介 山口 巧 田中 守 池川 嘉郎 末丸 克矢 荒木 博陽
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.30, no.1, pp.27-30, 2004-01-10 (Released:2011-03-04)

Triclofos sodium syrup (Tricloryl® syrup) is mainly used for pretreatment in EEG examinations and sedation before CT and MRI. The unpleasant taste of the syrup, however, occasionally causes compliance problems with children. As we had also experienced difficulties in obtaining sufficient supplies of this medicine for a few months, we prepared a chloral hydrate syrup in our hospital as a substitute for triclofos sodium syrup, aiming to reduce the unpleasant taste and smell of chloral hydrate in the process. Stability and sterility were also investigated. The results of a taste test in healthy volunteers showed that the taste and smell of a 4% chloral hydrate syrup were improved by using an apple flavor, aspartame and a simple syrup base. In our stability and sterility study under the storage condition of 4°C with shading over 6 months, the potency of the syrup was maintained (95 %) and there was no bacterial contamination. These results suggest that the 4% chloral hydrate syrup prepared in our hospital as a substitute for triclofos sodium syrup could improve the compliance of children.
土井 信幸 秋山 滋男 矢野 健太郎 高橋 恵美利 小見 暁子 井戸田 陽子 荻原 琢男
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.42, no.9, pp.651-658, 2016-09-10 (Released:2017-09-10)

Many generic products of latanoprost ophthalmic solution are commercially available. For pharmacists' guidance, patients often ask questions, such as the total number of drops to be used per bottle. However, materials, including package inserts, that can be obtained from pharmaceutical companies do not provide such information, such as the total number of drops, the volume of a drop, or sense of use regarding each preparation. In this study, we compared the total number of drops, the weight of a drop, squeezing force, and sense of use using brand-name and generic products of latanoprost ophthalmic solution to establish selection criteria.The weight of a drop exceeded 25 mg in all products, but there were significant differences among the products. In generic products, the total number of drops per bottle was lower than in the brand-name product (112.6 ± 0.9 drops), showing significant differences (10 to 20 drops). The squeezing force required for dripping differed among the products (1.5 to 5-fold). The sense-of-use score regarding the rigidity of an eye drop container reduced with the increase in the squeezing force, showing a negative correlation. The utilization of this information may improve glaucoma patients' adherence and/or reduce costs, providing beneficial information for adopting pharmaceutical preparations in medical institutions.
木村 康浩 柴田 ゆうか 小豆原 結佳 土井 穂波 木平 健治
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.32, no.7, pp.667-672, 2006-07-10 (Released:2007-11-09)
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Very little information is available on the quality of generic products. In this regard, it has recently been reported that several adverse reactions, among them angialgia and phlebitis, occurred when generic versions of injectable ritodrine hydrochloride products were used in pregnant patients and that these adverse reactions subsided when the generic products were switched to the original product. This suggests that the generic products contained impurities that caused the adverse reactions. It is therefore essential to determine the constituents of generic products and compare them with those of the original product.On doing this for the original and generic ritodrine hydrochloride products using high performance liquid chromatography, we found that 4 out of the 8 generics examined contained significantly higher amounts of impurities than the original product. In addition, it seemed that the generics contained unidentified impurities that were not present in the original product. For the other four generics, there was no difference in the proportion of impurities between them and the original product. These results suggest that there can be a great difference in quality between the original product and some generics. We must therefore choose generics based on quality information to minimize unpredictable adverse reactions so that more cost effective therapy may be achieved.In the present study, we obtained information on the quality of a particular group of generic products, but we feel it is necessary to gather information on more generic products to ensure safety when using them.
向井 淳治 徳山 絵生 木本 美香 宮武 望 小野原 未由来 本荘 愛美 濱田 藍子 髙橋 直継
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.40, no.4, pp.245-251, 2014-04-10 (Released:2015-04-10)
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Izumi Municipal Hospital conducts practical hospital training for pharmacy students by dividing the training schedule into four periods according to the content of the programs offered. When we read the training diaries drawn up during that period, we found no uniformity in the description methods used by different students, and found evidence of quantitative and qualitative differences. This may indicate that there are problems with the instruction method being used. We therefore investigated the diaries' written content in order to identify the cause of differences between the descriptions therein and problems with the instruction method.A text mining technique was employed to analyze nouns used in the training diaries. Regarding the pattern of the appearance of nouns, similarities were observed among students in passive training programs, but differences were found between students in active training programs.It was suggested that the stronger the connection was between nouns appearing in the diaries within each of the scheduled training periods, the more the students associated these nouns with each other to understand the material presented during training.In light of these findings, it is suggested that (1) it is important for students to understand the material they have learned during training and make connections with each other and (2) it is necessary for instructing pharmacists to provide instructions while confirming and assessing students' training diaries. The evaluation of training diaries using the data mining technique was useful for these purposes.
砂田 結希乃 多賀 允俊 比嘉 大輔 岡田 隆史 堀内 智子 杉森 端三 西尾 浩次
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.40, no.7, pp.417-423, 2014-07-10 (Released:2015-07-10)
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Several guidelines recommend that antimicrobial prophylaxis in surgery should be administered for a duration of less than 48 hours. However, in our facility oral antimicrobial prophylaxes were used after intravenous agents for orthopedic surgery and the duration of the administration was over 48 hours. Consequently, an orthopedic ward pharmacist recommended discontinuing oral antimicrobial agents. To support this intervention, we conducted a retrospective cohort study on patients who received total hip arthroplasty, total knee arthroplasty or micro fenestration to evaluate changes in the rate of surgical site infection (SSI) and the effects on medical expenses.A total of 344 patients were enrolled as group one (before the intervention) and 343 patients as group two (after the intervention). Of these, 98 and 114 patients from each group respectively were analyzed. One patient (1.02%) was diagnosed with SSI in group one, and one patient (0.88%) was diagnosed with SSI in group two. The incidence of infection in the latter group was not inferior to that of the former group (difference -0.14%; 95% confidence interval-2.33 to 2.05%; P < 0.05). The rate of the administration of oral antimicrobial agents changed from 65.3% (64/98) to 2.6% (3/114) and was significantly lower in the latter group (P < 0.001). Furthermore, medical expenses were reduced from 134,401 yen to 12,046 yen. In conclusion, it is not recommended to administer prophylaxes for long periods, and the ward pharmacist contributed to appropriate administration of antimicrobial prophylaxis. This study reconfirmed the importance of having pharmacists in wards.
鈴木 亮二 武政 文彦
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.41, no.1, pp.37-43, 2015-01-10 (Released:2016-01-15)
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Poor medication adherence contribues to insufficient blood pressure management among hypertensive patients. This is especially the case for elderly people who, despite having control over their medicine intake, fail to take their medicine. As a solution to the problem of medication adherence, a one-dose package medication support system was devised (patent pending). This system alerts users about the time for medication intake by a chime. Further, if a patient forgets to take his or her medicine over a preset period, a voice message is automatically transmitted to his or her medication supporter via telephone. The purpose of this study was to clarify how this system improves medication adherence among elderly hypertensive patients living at home. The participants were four elderly patients and eight medication supporters (two per elderly person). During the experimental period, June to September 2013, medication adherence was investigated using the system and home blood pressure measurement. Following the experimental period, the participants and medication supporters were interviewed. Medication adherence during the monitoring period was 100%. For one participant, the role of medication management shifted from the family to the patient. The results show that this system could eliminate instances of forgetting to take medicine or inappropriate intake of medicine. They also show that the one-dose package medication support system can give an accurate understanding of a patient's medication adherence.
合田 和史 林 秀樹 加藤 優 上村 里菜 北夕 太郎 岩本 理央 近藤 剛弘 杉山 正
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.41, no.1, pp.44-49, 2015-01-10 (Released:2016-01-15)

In Japan, the online distribution of over-the-counter (OTC) drugs began in June 2014. A distributor has a duty to explain information about drugs to consumers, as well as to provide OTC drugs that have undergone quality control. In this study, we investigated the method of identifying health conditions of customers and the delivery channels of OTC drugs from the distributors to consumers, using 130 online stores as our sample. First-class OTC drugs were sold at 29 stores; pharmacists are required to explain information about these drugs to consumers. All the stores set up a column on which consumers could select their health conditions on a computer screen. However, in 25 of the stores, “no problem” had been inserted in the column beforehand. This meant that consumers could buy first-class OTC drugs without indicating their health conditions. Felbinac-containing poultices, which are contraindicated for pregnant women, were sold at 99 stores. However, consumers could buy the poultices at 91 stores without providing information about pregnancy. All the stores delivered OTC drugs through home delivery services, which did not store the drugs in cool conditions. In addition, some stores delivered suppositories by mail services in summer. These findings suggest the need for online distribution of OTC drugs to incorporate an improved method of providing drug information to consumers and ensuring quality control.
下川 健一 板橋 知子 山崎 紀子 日野 文男 石井 文由
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.35, no.9, pp.662-668, 2009 (Released:2011-01-14)
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A questionnaire survey of children and their parents visiting pharmacies dispensing medical insurance-covered drugs was conducted to gain information on medication methods.It was found that mothers played a very important role in children's drug taking and their skill in getting children to take drugs was important in achieving a high compliance rate.The dosage forms that seemed to be the most difficult to take were powders and granules,partly because of their frequent prescription,followed by liquids,solutions,and syrups.The reasons for difficulty in taking drugs were“bitterness",“smell",“coarseness",“sweetness",and“large volume" in decreasing order of frequency.To have their children take drugs,parents rarely used a commercial jelly for facilitating medication but often gave them ice cream,yogurt,in decreasing order of frequency.The infrequent use of commercial jellies for facilitating medication was despite the fact that the flavor had been changed to one liked better by children.The results of this survey suggest that jellies for facilitating medication for children may contribute more to improving compliance if the various needs of parents for improvements can be met.
内海 美保 徳永 仁 山岡 由美子 高村 徳人
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.36, no.9, pp.657-666, 2010 (Released:2012-03-15)
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In order to clarify the status of clinical skills education in the faculties of pharmaceutical sciences at pharmacy schools in Japan,we carried out a questionnaire survey of such faculties at 74 schools in Japan.The results revealed that 67.9% of the pharmacy schools were providing clinical skills education such as that regarding physical assessment and assessment of vital signs.As for the amount of time spent in education on clinical skills,the median lecture time was 225 minutes and the median practical training time was 540 minutes.The ranking of lecture content was :[1]basic knowledge related to vital signs,[2]basic knowledge related to electrocardiography,[3]basic knowledge related to clinical laboratory test results,[4]pathophysiology and symptomatology and[5]Procedures for using assessment equipment,and the ranking of practical training :[1]primary or secondary emergency medical care,[2] assessment of vital signs,[3]electrocardiography measurements and analysis,[4]auscultation,[5]nursing and patient care.The ranking for equipment available at pharmacy schools was :[1]stethoscope (availability rate 50.9%),[2]mercury sphygmomanometer (41.5%),[3]AED trainer (24.5 %),[4]electrocardiograph (22.6%),[5]pulse oxymeter (20.8%).Based on the results of our survey,it is felt that clinical skills education in pharmaceutical science courses will enhance the professional capabilities of pharmacists,and enable them to make greater contributions in various fields including emergency medical care and home medical care.
寺町 ひとみ 齊藤 康介 江﨑 宏樹 加藤 未紗 臼井 一将 野口 義紘 舘 知也 勝野 眞吾
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.41, no.12, pp.870-879, 2015-12-10 (Released:2016-12-10)
1 5

“Education for Medicines” was initiated in 2012, as part of health and physical education (HPE) classes in junior high schools, through the revision of school curriculum guidelines. We conducted a survey that aimed to clarify the status of the implementation of medical education in schools. A questionnaire survey that targeted junior high school teachers in Japan was conducted via mail.The response rate was 48.0% (524/1,091). HPE teachers, school nurses, and school pharmacists were in charge of Education of Medicines in 91.8%, 6.3%, and 8.4% of schools, respectively. The average duration of classes was 49.6 minutes, and 1.2 times (84.2%). On average, 1.1% of schools did not offer Education of Medicines classes, 1.7% held the “odd hour” of classes, and 1.3% held only “drug abuse” classes. The most commonly used educational material was the school textbook (84.9% of schools).With respect to the delivery of Education of Medicines classes, 84.0% of schools responded “yes” to the item, “lectures are delivered by outside lecturers,” and 72.1% responded “yes” to the item, “we hope to introduce workshop participation.”The results of the survey indicate that HPE teachers provided Education of Medicines classes in accordance with the revision of school curriculum guidelines at many junior high schools. However, some schools did not offer the classes. In Japan, it is necessary to enhance Education of Medicines activities in the pharmaceutical field by involving specialists from different areas.
中島 孝則 岩田 政則 縄田 修一 齋藤 博 中村 有貴 小林 靖奈 山元 俊憲 松田 佳和 木村 正幸
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.38, no.11, pp.702-707, 2012-11-10 (Released:2013-11-10)
1 3

We tried to optimize the formulation for the hospital preparation of mianserin hydrochloride (MS) suppositories. MS as the raw material for the preparation was obtained from Tetramide tablets (MS-T), which were ground. The physicopharmaceutical properties of MS suppositories with bases of Witepsol H15 (H15), Witepsol W35 (W35) and Witepsol S55 (S55) were compared to choose the optimal base for the suppositories. The preparation strength correlated negatively among the three bases. The heat of fusion of MS-H15 suppositories was significantly low relative to MS-W35 and MS-S55 suppositories. The average drug release rate of MS-H15 suppositories exhibited the highest level on moment analysis. Comprehensive evaluation of the properties of MS suppositories, including the heat of fusion due to the solubility of the preparation and the drug release rate indicated that H15 was the optimal base for MS suppositories. Additionally, we examined the optimal mixing rate of ground MS-T and H15. The preparation strength positively correlated with an increased mixing rate of ground MS-T. The mean dissolution time (MDT) of suppositories was reduced with an increased mixing rate of ground MS-T. These results suggested that 0.10 g ground MS-T combined with 0.8 g H15 as the base was the optimal formulation for the hospital preparation of MS suppositories.
鈴木 信也 佐藤 均
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.40, no.12, pp.698-715, 2014-12-10 (Released:2015-12-10)

Conventional dose estimation methods do not consider drug factors and do not allow for various pharmacokinetic factors associated with the growth of children. I have therefore established a new method based on drug elimination processes and physiological and biochemical developmental factors in order to more appropriately estimate pediatric doses (the ePPBD method). Renal excretion or hepatic metabolic clearance was calculated for each age based on physiological and biochemical developmental factors, such as the unbound fraction of the drug in plasma, glomerular filtration rate, tubular secretion, liver volume, and CYP enzyme activity. Then the pediatric dose was estimated by multiplying the adult dose by the pediatric/adult ratio of renal excretion or hepatic metabolic clearance. Accuracy of the ePPBD method was compared with conventional methods, using the population mean clearance and the doses listed in package inserts and text books as the standards to quantitate its validity. In brief, accuracy was evaluated by classifying children into the following age groups: 1) neonates in consideration of the post-conceptional age (PCA), 2) infants up to 2 years old, and 3) children over 2 years old for drugs with renal excretion, or 4) children of all ages for drugs with hepatic metabolism. The accuracy of the ePPBD method was superior to that of conventional methods both for drugs with renal excretion and those with hepatic metabolism, and therefore it should be useful for pediatric patients in whom physiological function changes remarkably as they age.
松浦 克彦 杉山 正 片桐 義博
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.31, no.10, pp.832-838, 2005-10-10 (Released:2011-03-04)
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A pharmaceutical study was carried out to evaluate the quality of five Sodium Ozagrel (OZG) injection products. The quality of these products initially and after 12 weeks and 24 weeks of accelerated stability testing was evaluated based on characteristics such as pH, foreign insoluble matter, content and impurities. One brand name injection and four generic injections were evaluated. The brand name product and one generic product were in freeze-dried form and the other three generic injections were in liquid form.The pH of one generic injection was higher than that of the others. No foreign insoluble matter was observed in any product during the period of the study. The OZG content of the freeze-dried injections was approximately equal to that indicated on the labels but that of the liquid injections was appreciably higher, one of them having at least 15 % more than the indicated content. In the accelerated stability testing, the OZG content was still around 100% of the initial content after 24 weeks, showing that it was very stable. Quaternary salts were detected in the brand name injection but the concentration was only 0.02%. The cis form of OZG was detected in one generic injection but the concentration was only 0.03%. Accelerated stability testing did not increase the quantities of these impurities. Two unknown impurities were detected in one generic injection and one of them was detected in the other three generic injections.Our study showed that there was a difference in quality between the generic injections and the brand name OZG injections in terms of pH, content and impurities, suggesting that not only cost but also quality should be considered when deciding whether to use generics or not.
田中 守 末丸 克矢 荒木 博陽
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.33, no.4, pp.318-323, 2007 (Released:2008-06-30)
3 4 2

Evidence-based medicine (EBM) is considered to be an important approach in making clinical decisions regarding the care of individual patients. We conducted a drug information training program applying EBM principles (EBM practice) as part of the hospital practical training curriculum for fourth-year undergraduates at Ehime University Medical School, and describe the EBM practice and its evaluation by students in the present report. In the EBM practice, students received two lectures and training on providing drug information using the EBM approach. We gave students a specific question, which required them to read clinical research articles (meta-analysis or randomized controlled study) in order to answer it.The training program consisted of 5 steps : STEP 1 Defining the specific question that needs to be answered ; STEP 2 Finding the best evidence to answer the question ; STEP 3 Critically evaluating the evidence to assess its validity and usefulness ; STEP 4 Applying the results of the critical evaluation in practice ; STEP 5 Presentation of drug information and discussion.After the training, we asked participating students to complete a questionnaire regarding their opinions of the training program and lectures. Almost all of the students felt satisfied with the EBM practice because it enabled them to enhance their understanding of the EBM process. Our findings suggested that the EBM practice was a useful training program for students.
櫛田 真由 小谷 悠 水野 智博 室崎 千尋 浅井 玲名 肥田 裕丈 平林 彩 鵜飼 麻由 荻野 由里恵 後藤 綾 山下 加織 松本 友里恵 毛利 彰宏 鍋島 俊隆 野田 幸裕
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.39, no.1, pp.10-17, 2013-01-10 (Released:2014-01-10)

We held classes and practice sessions on medicines for pupils and parents at elementary schools with the aim of promoting appropriate drug use. Pharmacy students participated in this project as volunteers where they taught pupils and learned and improved their communication skills at an early stage in their professional development. To evaluate whether pupils improved their medicine-related knowledge after attending these classes and practice sessions, we conducted medicine-related questionnaires (pre- and post-questionnaires) before and after the classes and practice sessions. Positive answers for the post-questionnaire were significantly higher than those for the pre-questionnaire, suggesting that the medicine-related knowledge of pupils was improved by attending the classes and practice sessions. The present results suggest that this activity benefits the education of pupils regarding appropriate drug use in Japan.