簔原 豪人 内山 将伸 緒方 憲太郎 二神 幸次郎
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.37, no.11, pp.649-652, 2011 (Released:2012-11-10)

Using a formula for calculating the glomerular filtration rate (GFR) for Japanese announced in 2009, individual patients' GFRs can be predicted by inversely correcting the formula with body surface area. In this study, we investigated the influence of the dissociation between the GFR normally employed to calculate the dose and inversely corrected GFR on carboplatin (CBDCA)-related thrombocytopenia. In a group with grade 3 or higher thrombocytopenia, the dissociation between the GFRs used to calculate the dose of CBDCA was significantly greater. Also, in an analysis of thrombocytopenia-related factors, including concomitant anti-cancer agents, the only significant difference was that regarding GFR dissociation.These results suggest that the introduction of the inversely corrected GFR for accurate calculation of the GFR and setting of CBDCA doses is useful in decreasing the incidence of serious thrombocytopenia.
上岡 令奈 見元 尚 橋本 将幸 筒井 由佳 入江 博之
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.44, no.10, pp.491-495, 2018-10-10 (Released:2019-10-10)

Cardioplegia plays an important role in cardiac surgery. Various cardioplegia solutions have been utilized at different hospitals worldwide; however, Miotecter® is the only commercially available solution in Japan. The del Nido solution is a cardioplegia solution that has been applied to adult patients owing to its advantage in achieving a relatively long duration of cardiac arrest with a single dose. However, the del Nido solution is not available in Japan, and there is no report of del Nido solution use in Japan. Thus, we decided to formulate a cardioplegia solution with the function of the del Nido solution at our hospital (Chikamori Hospital, Chikamori Health Care Group). Although the available preparation equipment was limited, we successfully designed a safe formulation using a commercially available product; the preparation was conducted at a clean bench. The prepared “del Nido Chikamori Modification” extended the redosing interval from its original 20 min to the current 45 min with one administration. We expect the redosing interval to be extended even further in the future. In addition, other reasons for the preferred usage of the del Nido Chikamori are likely to include its advantages in easy blood glucose control and its inexpensiveness.
濱 宏仁 森本 茂文
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.45, no.1, pp.21-27, 2019-01-10 (Released:2020-01-10)

When microbes present on the rubber stopper in a vial or attachment part of closed system drug transfer devices (CSTD), these microbes may contaminate vials by needle puncture. We examined the preservation of sterility in vials by different vial storage conditions on the premise of divided use of single-use vials. Experiments were conducted using liquid medium filled vials under the following conditions A-D. [A: Removed rubber stoppers (open-vials) and placed in safety cabinet (BSC), B: Placed open-vials in preparation room (ISO class 8), C: Placed negative-pressured vials with rubber stopper punctured twice by needle in preparation room, D: Placed the vials connected to CSTD in preparation room.] After 24 hours and 7 days, portions of the culture medium in the vial were cultured. In conditions A, C and D, no growth of microbes was confirmed except in B. Microbial contamination didn't occur when vials were stored in BSC. When the vials were stored under the ISO Class 8 environment, it is suggested that microbes may adhere to the rubber stopper of the vial. Even if the inside of the vial after puncture was negative pressure, the rubber stopper showed a certain protective effect from microorganism adherence, and CSTD was similar. Therefore, the vial storage condition in BSC (ISO class 5) is considered preferable on the premise that a single use vial is divided. However, if the rubber stopper or CSTD is connected even in an ISO class 8 environment, the sterility is retained for 7 days.
矢野 育子
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.28, no.1, pp.1-8, 2002-02-10 (Released:2011-03-04)

Although acetazolamide, a carbonic anhydrase inhibitor, has an effect of lowering the intraocular pressure, a number of side effects have been reported with its use.We therefore investigated the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of acetazolamide in patients with an intraocular pressure (IOP) elevation. The plasma acetazolamide concentration and IOP in 17 patients with a transient IOP elevation were simultaneously measured after the last acetazolamide administration, and the findings were analyzed by nonlinear mixed effect modeling using the NONMEM software program. The plasma concentration profile of acetazolamide was characterized by a one-compartment model with first-order absorption.The apparent oral clearance (L/hr) showed a correlation with the creatinine clearance (CCR, mL/min), as estimated by the Cockcroft and Gault equation, as follows : 0.0468·CCR. The estimated apparent oral volume of the distribution, first-order absorption rate constant, and absorption lag time were 0.231 L/kg, 0.821 hr-1, and 0.497 hr, respectively. The intraocular pressure after oral acetazolamide administration was characterized by an Emax model. The maximal effect in lowering the IOP (Emax) was 7.2 mmHg, and the concentration corresponding to 50% of Emax (EC50) was 1.64 μg/mL. We next investigated the relationship between the acetazolamide concentration and its side effects in 23 glaucomatous patients who received repeated doses of oral acetazolamide for one week or more. The serum concentration of chloride ion was found to be higher than the normal range, and also showed a significant correlation with the acetazolamide concentration in the erythrocytes. The patients with an erythrocyte acetazolamide concentration of more than 20μg/mL had higher incidents of the side effects. Based on these results, the recommended dosage of acetazolamide was calculated so that the minimum plasma concentration at steady-state exceeded 4μg/ mL. The dosage regimen desired in this study is expected to contribute to the safe and effective pharmacotherapeutic use of acetazolamide.
立石 裕樹 宮津 大輔 田中 博和 平川 雅章
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.47, no.8, pp.397-404, 2021-08-10 (Released:2022-08-10)

A drug-drug interaction (DDI) caused by a drug combination may cause clinical problems. This study evaluated the frequency and details of potential DDI (pDDI) in the discharge prescription and the relationship between pDDI and number of drugs used. The study included patients who were discharged from the rehabilitation ward for a duration of two years between 2018 and 2019. Lexicomp Drug Interactions, a DDI screening program, was used to detect pDDI. Clinically important pDDI was detected in 22.8% (59/259) of patients. The DDI mechanisms were based on pharmacodynamic interactions in 63.6% of cases and on pharmacokinetic interactions in 29.9%. Central nervous system depressant related pDDI was the most frequent type of pDDI detected. Use of hypnotics, antidiabetic drugs, antidepressants and antipsychotics was significantly higher amongst patients with detected pDDI. The incidence and frequency of pDDI increased with the number of drugs used. It is necessary for pharmacists to correctly evaluate the pDDI detected by the DDI screening program and contribute to the optimization of prescriptions and patient treatment.
石川 雄大 高木 昭佳 梶浦 新也 真鍋 優希子 髙橋 則正 小野 敦央 加藤 敦
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.47, no.1, pp.1-9, 2021-01-10 (Released:2022-01-10)

Chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy (CIPN) reduces patient quality of life, but there is little evidence of preexisting supportive care drugs. Mirogabalin is a novel drug with indications for peripheral neuropathic pain, and its mechanism of action involves strong and selective binding to the voltage-gated calcium channel α2δ subunit. We examined the effects of mirogabalin on CIPN. We followed up 21 patients with CIPN caused by taxanes or platinum-based anticancer drugs who started mirogabalin. A numerical rating scale (NRS) was used for the evaluation, and pharmacists evaluated the mirogabalin dose at its initiation by creatinine clearance in all patients, and no overdoses occurred. Mirogabalin significantly reduced NRS scores from a median of 6 to 2 (P < 0.001), and the median number of days of mirogabalin administration until determination of the best effect was 29.5 days. Furthermore, the median NRS significantly decreased by administration of mirogabalin in both the taxanes-based anticancer drug group and the platinum-based anticancer drug group. In the safety investigation, a somnolence grade of 1 or 2 was observed in 4 patients, an edema grade of 1 or 2 in 4 patients, and an edema grade of 3 was observed in 1 patient. There were no serious side effects that required hospitalization. Our study suggests mirogabalin has a palliative effect on CIPN and may be an important supportive care drug for chemotherapy. Simultaneously, it’s considered that pharmacists evaluate renal function and contribute to proper use, so that patients can expect the maximum drug efficacy after the introduction of mirogabalin.
宮津 大輔 秋吉 正貴 山下 大貴 立石 裕樹 後藤 貴央 與田 賢作 安倍 ひろみ 田中 博和 平川 雅章 片岡 泰文 首藤 英樹
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.42, no.4, pp.271-277, 2016-04-10 (Released:2017-04-10)

Fosphenytoin (FOS) is a phosphate ester prodrug developed as an alternative to intravenous phenytoin for acute treatment of seizures. Although both FOS and phenobarbital (PB) are used for status epilepticus as second-line drugs, there is no data on their comparative efficacy and safety. We retrospectively analyzed data from children treated with FOS or PB for convulsive status epilepticus and acute exacerbation of seizures. Our aim was to compare the efficacy and safety of intravenous FOS with those of intravenous PB for convulsive status epilepticus and acute exacerbation of seizures. Seventy-seven children were included in the study: 54 received FOS, and 23 received PB. The primary end point was recurrence of seizures and drug-related adverse events. The response rate, defined as no recurrence of seizures within 24 hours after termination of seizure, was 92% (50/54) and 95% (22/23) in FOS group and in PB group, respectively. Adverse events occurred in 27% (15/54) of patients in FOS group and in 95% (22/23) of patients in PB group (P < 0.01). Although no serious adverse events occurred in patients in both FOS group and PB group, the incidence of both sedation and disturbance of consciousness were significantly higher in PB group than FOS group. From these results, FOS is recommended as second-line drugs for status epilepticus and acute exacerbation of seizures. However, the optimal serum concentration achievement rate was significantly lower in FOS group than PB group. To maintain optimal serum phenytoin levels (10 - 20 µg/mL), higher doses of FOS might be required.
森尾 佳代子 津金 麻実子 岡本 禎晃 糀 桂子 田墨 惠子 上島 悦子
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.39, no.6, pp.381-387, 2013-06-10 (Released:2014-06-10)
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Dacarbazine (DTIC) produces adverse reactions including local venous pain during the intravenous injection. DTIC is reported to be photolyzed to produce certain kinds of pain producing substances. 5-diazoimidazole-4-carboxamide (Diazo-IC) is considered to be a causative photolyte of venous pain. A newly designed cover shield has been used at Osaka University Hospital when DTIC is administered for the last 4 years. This shield comprises black cotton and covers both the infusion bag and route of infusion. We evaluated the effectiveness of this new shield against photodegradation of DTIC by determining the concentration of Diazo-IC. DTIC was dissolved with an injection solvent and mixed with 5% dextrose in water. Prepared samples were divided into 3 groups (without shield, infusion bag covered with shield, and infusion bag and infusion route covered with shield) and exposed under natural light conditions indoors. Prepared solutions ran down through the route and those samples were taken before and after passing the route pipe. Diazo-IC in the samples was measured by HPLC. Production of Diazo-IC in the non-covered bag was significantly increased in comparison with that in covered infusion bags. Diazo-IC production in samples after passing through the route was significantly increased compared with that in samples taken before passing through the route of the non-covered shield and covered infusion bag only. For the covered infusion bag and infusion route, the samples taken before and after passing through the route did not show significant differences. These data suggest that the new shield, which almost perfectly covers both the infusion bag and route of infusion, is effective in preventing DTIC photodegradation.
津田 壮一郎 清宮 啓介 池淵 由香 島村 奈緒美 袴田 潤 青森 達 別府 紀子 山口 雅也 望月 眞弓
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.45, no.10, pp.596-603, 2019-10-10 (Released:2020-10-10)
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Model Core Curriculum for Pharmacy Education (2013 version) presents eight disease areas as the minimum medical conditions, and it requires student trainees to be continuously engaged in pharmacotherapy for these diseases. We developed an “Individual Student Report Form” (Report Form) in order to investigate and evaluate each student trainee's engagement and continuity with the eight diseases. The Report Forms were shared between the community pharmacy, hospital, and university, and the effectiveness of collaboration among these institutions was examined.Participants were 25 student trainees who were planning to do their clinical practicums in our hospital in the second term of 2017. During the earlier pharmacy practicum, the trainees were asked to complete the Report Form regarding the diseases they handled. Trainees took notes on the Report Form during their daily reflection time in their hospital practicums about their engagement with the eight diseases. We calculated the cumulative total numbers and percentages of their engagement with the eight diseases to examine engagement rates and continuity across terms.The percentages of trainees who were engaged with all eight diseases were 36% (9/25 persons) at the pharmacy, 24% (6/25) at the hospital, and 68% (17/25) overall at the two locations. The average numbers of the eight tracked diseases that trainees were engaged with were 2.3 at the pharmacy, 3.8 at the hospital, and 4.5 in total. The findings of this study suggest that this tracking tool could help facilitate and efficiently transfer information about the disease engagement of trainees during their two pharmacy practicums.
松岡 知子 宇佐美 英績 吉村 知哲 高田 裕子 安田 忠司
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.37, no.8, pp.487-493, 2011 (Released:2012-08-30)
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Liposomal-Amphotericin B (L-AMB) may cause hypokalemia. This study was carried out to examine the occurrence of hypokalemia and its primary causes in 74 patients who were administered L-AMB. They were divided into 2 groups regarding the severity of hypokalemia that occurred: Grade 0-2 group: 35 patients (47.3%), and Grade 3-4 group: 39 patients (52.7%). The results of a comparison of the Grade 0-2 group and Grade 3-4 group showed that causes for the Grade 3-4 group were significantly different from those in the Grade 0-2 group, which were a serum albumin level of more than 2.82 mg/dL at the start of the L-AMB administration (p=0.004, OR: 8.711, 95%CI: 2.273-45.823), and a history of hypokalemia before L-AMB administration (p=0.009, OR: 7.859, 95%CI: 1.844-44.109) in the Grade 3-4 group.While combination with trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole resulted in significant avoidance of Grade 3-4 hypokalemia (p=0.019, OR: 0.233, 95%CI: 0.063-0.750), administration of potassium for preventive or maintenance purposes did not affect the occurrence of hypokalemia (p=0.137, p=0.198). However, for 20 patients with an abnormal serum potassium level (Grade 1 and more) at the start of L-AMB administration, our findings suggested that the preventive/maintenance administration of potassium was indeed effective (p=0.011).It has been proven that L-AMB causes hypokalemia frequently and the primary causes have been clarified. In this regard, it is important to regularly monitor serum potassium levels and adjust them depending on the situation of patients with hypokalemia.
大野 恵一 村田 龍宣 近藤 篤 尾上 雅英 松本 公佑 渡邊 裕之 星田 唯史 眞下 惠次 平 大樹 角本 幹夫 菅野 清彦 本多 伸二
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.46, no.7, pp.367-372, 2020-07-10 (Released:2021-07-10)

Albumin-bound paclitaxel (Abraxane®) is a lyophilized preparation that takes time to dissolve. Previously, we used a metal needle for dissolving Abraxane®. We then transitioned to a side hole-type plastic needle to prevent accidental needle-stick injuries. There is no literature regarding the ideal needle type, according to the material it is made of, for dissolving Abraxane®, and the effect on the characteristics of Abraxane® after dissolving with each needle is unknown. Therefore, we investigated the efficacy of the plastic needle for dissolving Abraxane®. The formulation was dissolved in three ways: by injecting saline for 30 s with a metal needle (M30s), injecting saline for 15 s with a plastic needle (P15s), and injecting saline for 30 s with a plastic needle (P30s). Each group was kept at rest for 5 min after saline infusion, and then the dissolution time was estimated. The median dissolution time was 82.5 (15 - 210) s for M30s, 75 (30 - 135) s for P15s, and 45 (15 - 120) s for P30s. P30s had a significantly shorter dissolution time than M30s (P < 0.01) and P15s (P < 0.05). There was no significant difference in the dissolution time between M30s and P15s; however, P15s tended to have a shorter dissolution time than M30s. We measured the diameter of Abraxane® particles after dissolving with each needle and found that the diameter was almost the same. Therefore, a side hole-type plastic needle might reduce the dissolution time compared with a metal needle without affecting the characteristics of Abraxane®.
中山 アヤコ 冨田 史子 齋木 このみ 近藤 東臣 砂田 久一 岡本 浩一
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.32, no.5, pp.375-382, 2006-05-10 (Released:2007-11-09)
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We examined various pharmacokinetic parameters of progesterone (P) after its administration in a vaginal suppository to healthy females and compared these parameters with those after injection of P at different sites, in order to evaluate the effectiveness of the P vaginal suppository. The increase in the blood P concentration after administering it in the vaginal suppository was similar to that for injecting P (25 mg) into the gluteal region. Since the P vaginal suppository is a useful P preparation and can be readily used, it can be the dosage form of first choice in P replacement therapy. In addition, since our basic experiment suggested that there was a circadian rhythm in the blood P concentration, it may be possible to determine the optimum administration time for maintaining the blood P concentration based on this rhythm.
寺澤 美穂 山折 大 勝山 善彦 二村 緑 久富 由里子 田中 章 荻原 朋美 萩原 徹也 杉山 暢宏 鷲塚 伸介 大森 栄
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.43, no.7, pp.362-372, 2017-07-10 (Released:2018-07-10)

This study analyzed factors affecting plasma lamotrigine (LTG) concentrations in patients with bipolar disorder. The mean concentration/dose (C/D) ratio of LTG was significantly higher in patients co-treated with LTG and valproic acid (VPA) [3.72 (μg/mL)/(mg/kg/day), n = 9] than in those receiving LTG monotherapy [1.76 (μg/mL)/(mg/kg/day), n = 9; P < 0.01]. LTG monotherapy patients were genotyped for UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 2B7 (UGT2B7) *1/*1 (n = 5) and *1/*2(n = 4), whereas VPA co-administration patients were genotyped for UGT2B7*1/*1 (n = 6), *1/*2 (n = 2) and *2/*2 (n = 1). *There were no significant differences in mean C/D ratios between patients carrying the UGT2B7*1/*1 genotype and the 1/*2 or *2/*2 genotype regardless of pharmacotherapy (P ≥ 0.150). In the LTG monotherapy group, the mean C/D ratio was similar in smoking patients [1.52 (μg/mL)/(mg/kg/day), n = 3] and non-smoking patients [1.88 (μg/mL)/(mg/kg/day), n = 6; P = 0.393]. In the VPA co-administration group, however, the mean C/D ratio in smoking patients [2.62 (μg/mL)/(mg/kg/day), n = 4] was significantly lower than that in non-smoking patients [4.61 (μg/mL)/(mg/kg/day), n = 5; P < 0.01]. In vitro studies with HepG2 cells indicated that benzo[a]pyrene, one of the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons contained in tobacco smoke, as well as 3-methylcholanthrene efficiently induced expression of UGT1A4 mRNA but not UGT2B7 mRNA and that VPA potently enhanced their induction. These results suggest that concomitant VPA administration and/or smoking may influence LTG concentrations in patients with bipolar disorder.
渡邉 真一 井上 直人 今井 公江 末丸 克矢 荒木 博陽 相本 太刀夫
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.32, no.3, pp.221-226, 2006-03-10 (Released:2007-11-09)
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Interest in dietary fiber has been growing due to the many benefits it has for health. It is well known that dietary fiber reduces the risk of developing health problems such as obesity, hypertension, constipation, type 2 diabetics and hyperlipidemia. However, dietary fiber is also known to reduce the bioavailability of minerals, nutrients and certain drugs, though the interaction between dietary fiber and drugs is still poorly understood. In this study, we examined the adsorption of drugs (theophylline, acetaminophen, metoprolol, chlorpromazine, imipramine, amitriptyline and diclofenac sodium) onto several types of dietary fiber (cellulose, chitosan, pectin, sodium alginate and glucomannan) at pH 3 and pH 7 in order to determine the in vitro adsorption characteristics of dietary fiber. Our findings indicated that adsorption of drugs onto dietary fiber ranged from 0 to 96%, varying with the types of dietary fiber and drugs, and pH. Chlorpromazine, imipramine and amitriptyline showed particularly marked adsorption onto sodium alginate and glucomannan. We considered that ionic bonding was one of the reasons for adsorption.These findings indicate the possibility of the bioavailability of drugs being reduced when they are taken with dietary fiber due their adsorption onto dietary fiber.
三島 江津子 岡戸 洋 加藤 さおり 櫛原 秀之 黒田 純子 榊原 隆志 首代 みどり 鈴木 厚志 松岡 加恵 宮坂 朋恵 渡辺 法男 横田 学 板倉 由縁 鈴木 照美 斉藤 寛子
医療薬学 = Japanese journal of pharmaceutical health care and sciences (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.35, no.6, pp.403-408, 2009-06-10

When pharmacists provide drug guidance to in-patients,they are often asked about health foods such patients are regularly taking in expectation of anti-cancer effects.However,pharmacists cannot always answer these questions based on scientific evidence.<br>To further evaluate the efficacy of health foods for this purpose,we did a survey of the literature concerning 5 frequently used health foods said to have anticancer effects using the PubMed and Ichushi search services,obtaining 1,300 papers from the former and 1,142 papers from the latter.However among them,we could not find any providing data from randomized controlled trials and thus there was no clear scientific evidence,though some of the papers noted an improvement in the quality of life of patients.<br>In conclusion,when pharmacists provide guidance on health foods to patients and their families,it is important for them to collect detailed information and evaluate them on a scientific basis.
植松 卓也 芹澤 健一 鈴木 富仁 松浦 亨 堀井 一輝 小池 道明
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.46, no.9, pp.531-539, 2020-09-10 (Released:2021-09-10)

Despite the bioequivalence of brand-name and generic drugs, some patients have complained about diminished efficacy after consumption. We administered brand and generic name constructs for loxoprofen sodium hydrate to patients in a variety of forms, including tablets and powder. We used the visual analog scale (VAS) to investigate and examine whether efficacy differences were attributed to the drug action or to a placebo effect. The responses of the 5 patients that entered this study showed different results when the brand-name and generic drugs were taken in a state where they could be distinguished from each other, and the VAS change when they were indistinguishable. In particular, three patients yielded large VAS differences when they consumed the brand-name and generic drugs in the form of tablets, but the VAS change was smaller when the drug was pulverized and consumed in powder form. This study suggests that there is no difference in the actual efficacy between the brand-name and the generic drug forms, and that any noted differences are likely attributed to a placebo effect. The placebo effect has positive or negative effects owing to various factors. As healthcare professionals, we must strive to maximize the therapeutic effects.
鈴木 彩夏 半谷 眞七子 亀井 浩行
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.45, no.12, pp.688-697, 2019-12-10 (Released:2020-12-11)

The medical system has been changing from medical institutions to home medical care with an increase in the number of elderly persons. Home medical care is a type of interprofessional team care, requiring pharmacists' participation. However, insufficient cooperation with other occupations makes participation difficult under some circumstances. In this study, we interviewed 5 pharmacists who had participated in home medical care in Aichi Prefecture with respect to the involvement of pharmacists in home medical care and opinions regarding multi-occupational cooperation (semi-structured interview), and qualitatively analyzed their responses using the Grounded theory approach. Concerning the involvement of pharmacists in home medical care, two characteristics were extracted: “pharmacists' viewpoint required for home medical care” and “relationship with other occupations”. In the field of home medical care, the number of requests for the management of terminal-stage patients has increased, and pharmacists must perform “viewpoint of medical staff”-based management, such as sterile preparation and emergency management. On the other hand, pharmacists' “viewpoint of living people” to support patients' feelings or lifestyle and “view of life and death” were required for the management of terminal-stage patients. With respect to the relationship with other occupations, the results showed that pharmacists' low-level recognition of the contents of home service affected cooperative work, suggesting the necessity of presenting the pharmacists' position to contribute to other occupations and establishing a face-to-face relationship.
土屋 雅美 河添 仁 江面 美緒 橋口 宏司 飯原 大稔 橋本 浩伸
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.46, no.11, pp.664-671, 2020-11-10 (Released:2021-11-10)

We developed an international journal club, using an online meeting tool, as an evidence-based medicine training program intended for healthcare professionals and students. This study aimed to evaluate the outcome of the journal club via a questionnaire survey. We administered the questionnaire to 53 healthcare professionals and students who participated in the journal club between February 2019 and April 2020. Respondents showed positive improvement scores after participating in the journal club, compared with those before, as conveyed through the use of a seven-point Likert scale. The median scores of critical thinking skills, discussion skills in English, evidence-based practice skills, and the sense of freedom to ask questions and make comments after participating in the journal club were significantly improved from 4 (interquartile range [IQR]: 2 - 5) to 5 (IQR: 4 - 6); 3 (IQR: 2 - 4) to 3 (IQR: 2 - 5); 3 (IQR: 2 - 5) to 4 (IQR: 3 - 6); and 3 (IQR: 1 - 5) to 3 (IQR: 2 - 6), respectively. Moreover, they expressed interest in the opportunity to share articles on topics of interest with other professionals from different disciplines, to exchange clinical practice ideas concerning topics of interest, and to explore differences in clinical settings between Asia and the MD Anderson Cancer Center. They also expressed great appreciation for the online meeting format, novelty, and overall qualities of the journal club. These findings suggest that an international journal club for healthcare professionals and students could be useful in an evidence-based medicine training program and communication in English.
岡田 浩司 薄井 健介 大内 竜介 金野 太亮 鈴木 裕之 西川 陽介 紫桃 裕造 布施 克浩 齋藤 裕子 星野 淳 渡辺 善照
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.46, no.12, pp.739-746, 2020-12-10 (Released:2021-12-10)
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The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly affected every aspect of social life. Even in the education field, flexible measures were required beyond conventional wisdom. We provided remote practical hospital pharmacy training (remote training) using online systems such as Zoom and Moodle. We conducted a questionnaire survey with 38 subjects and 34 respondents, who were students that underwent remote training. The students self-evaluated their achievement level regarding specific behavioral objectives (SBOs), from the 2013 revised edition of pharmaceutical clinical practice related to hospital pharmacy practical training, in four stages. In addition, we analyzed the words used in the free comments using a text mining method for their characteristics. The SBO classifications exceeding the overall average were “clinical attitude”, "acknowledgement of patient information”, “prescription and question inquiry”, and so forth. The SBO classifications falling below the overall average were “team medical care at medical institutions”, “preparation of drugs based on prescription”, “safety management”, and so forth. The analysis of the positive aspects of remote training suggest that it was useful in sharing information about Subjective, Objective, Assessment, Plan (SOAP) records in case analysis, and evaluating the effects and side effects of drug treatment. Conversely, the analysis of the required improvements in remote training showed concerns regarding the considerable amount of homework and issues within the communication environment. We consider that remote training has a certain educational effect and can be expected to complement clinical training.
髙武 嘉道 川俣 洋生 大石 裕樹 福石 和久 髙島 伸也
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.46, no.11, pp.655-663, 2020-11-10 (Released:2021-11-10)

Evaluating the awareness and experience with regard to clinical research and understanding the current challenges are important in promoting the engagement of hospital pharmacists in clinical research. Therefore, we conducted a questionnaire survey on 337 pharmacists working at 28 National Hospital Organization Kyushu Group facilities and 5 National Hansen's Sanatoriums, regarding their experience and awareness of clinical research. The survey was conducted via mail from June 2019 to July 2019. Overall, 335 (99.4%) questionnaires were collected, 280 (83.1%) of which were valid responses and could be analyzed. The survey showed that 48.2% of the responding pharmacists had delivered conference presentations and only 15.4% had published articles. The necessity for hospital pharmacists to plan and conduct clinical research was considered “necessary” or “slightly necessary” by 86.0% of the respondents; the most frequent reason was "for medical development." However, concerns about planning and conducting a clinical study were expressed by 94.6% of the pharmacists; “statistical analysis” was the most frequent issue. The results of this survey indicate that the majority of pharmacists are interested in clinical research; however, writing a dissertation was a difficult task for hospital pharmacists. Hence, we believe that it is important to include the topics of research planning and statistical analysis in the basic education of pharmacists.