鈴木 忠敏
pp.1-98, 2014-03-25

1. Purpose of Study Since the mid 1970s, the market showed tones of oversupply in milk and dairy products. Production adjustment, consumption rise, qualitative changeover and enhancement of competitiveness have become a critical issue. Conditions of operation in dairy farming are especially severe and managerial response is needed in a various way. One of such responses is a milk plant business. In this paper, firstly the nation-wide viable structure of milk plant and milk plants owned by farmers will be highlighted. Secondly, the importance of milk plants owned by farmers will be clarified using empirical analysis from a viewpoint of management economics as a managerial strategy of future milk plants. 2. Research Approach To clarify the critical issue of this research, three approaches were taken: the results of previous studies on milk plant were validated using statistical analysis at first. In the second place, nationwide existence of milk plants especially those owned by farmers were identified and analyzed through a quantitative study using questionnaire survey. In the third place, the milk plants owned by farmers were studied on managerial strategy by qualitative analysis or empirical analysis. 3. Research Results This research showed the following new findings: Firstly, based on the statistics and questionnaire survey, products of milk plants are drinking milk, milk beverage, fermented milk, butter, cheese, and ice cream including gelato. Concerning the structure of existence of milk plant owned by farmers, those in Hokkaido investigated by this research are in operation, while many other plants in Honshu suspended or closed their business. Secondly, from a detailed survey of actual conditions, it became clear that two types of management strategy: One is the milk plants owned by farmers producing raw milk in-house (a type to assist farmers) and the other is the milk plants owned by farmers purchasing raw milk from the outside (a type to contribute to the local industries). One example of the type to assist farmers is Ikeda Bokujo, a private limited company in Shiga Prefecture. Ikeda Bokujo is a diversified company running the following four businesses: a raw milk production, a gelatos shop “Kousou” at a municipal camping ground called “Aikyo-no-mori”, a farmer’s restaurant called “Kousouan”, and a camping ground. In view of their development stage, they started their business from feeding two cows for milking. The first stage of development was a scale expansion of feeding cows in 1970s. The second stage was an opening of Italian gelato shop processing and selling gelato in 1997 after they experienced excess production in 1980s. The third stage was after openings of the gelato shop and the farmer’s restaurant in 2003. In this process, diversifying business required business management skills and marketing ability, without which they cannot become what they are today. They have been expanding their business from the primary industry to the secondary, and the tertiary based on their safe products and local production for local consumption with credibility from consumers including property management service. In particular, (1) reasonable and flexible use of family labor, (2) private financing using their own funds and low-interest financing, and unsecured loan, (3) a year-round processing cycle using their in-house raw milk and locally-produced fruits to produce various Italian gelato, (4) a multi-channel distribution route with the farmer’s restaurant and mail order business, and (5) management of camping ground. A basic factor in sustaining their business is that they implemented high-value added business by diversifying their in-house raw milk. Among their activities, the farmer’s restaurant business was highly acclaimed and won the Minister’s Prize from the Minitry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries at the Contest of “Shoku (food) and Amenity” in 2012. The other example of the type to contribute to the local industries is Itoshima Milk Plant, a private limited company in Fukuoka Prefecture. This company is a milk and dairy products sales company jointly established by farmers and a dairy cooperative. The excess supply of raw milk brought by an increase of milking cows led them to tackle with the issue by expanding consumption by their independent activity to process milk by themselves and by dealing with consumers directly. Characteristics of their management are (1) a product concept and branding of their milk “Ito Monogatari”, (2) a system of one-day collecting, processing, and selling milk, (3) setting market price high by farmers, (4) promotional activities such as farmers’ receiving pre-orders, distribution of leaflets in papers, tasting events, hand milking experience for children held by major supermarkets, (6) response in case of food poisoning at outsourcing milk plants, (7) construction of milk plant by the dairy cooperative and an implementation of business to process yogurt using the plant under a lease, (8) vending machine sales of milk, (9) strengthening sales network for gift like fruit jams produced locally around Itoshima with mass merchandise outlets by crossing prefectural borders, farm stands, and roadside stations, (10) Internet shopping, (11) challenge in sales network for Asian market as export of yogurt to Hong Kong, (12) promotion of aggressive linkage of farming, industry, and trade initiatives locally to produce raw milk soaps and shochu (distilled spirit). Because of import liberalization for beef in April, 1991 and Uruguay Round commitments in 1995, dairy management became severer. It is on the discussion table how to handle milk and dairy products in the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) negotiation recently. In the future, farmers owning milk plants should share time for conversation on “shoku (food)” and agriculture with consumers communicating their aspiration and philosophy. However, it is not so easy to become a successful milk plant by utilizing the two types of management strategy written in this paper. For successful dairy management, it is important to distribute products produced by themselves directly to consumers and farmers need to continue to be creative to sell their products at first. Second, even with their new initiatives farmers should keep in mind that they are dairy farmers. Third, producing good things is not enough. Farmers should communicate good points directly to consumers and make them regular customers. Forth, it is significant for farmers to change in the way of thinking on milk plant management such as new business and product development.
市川 治 淵野 雄二郎 秋山 邦裕 吉岡 徹 菅原 優 田野 光彦 仁平 恒夫 發地 喜久治 中村 稔 村田 まり子

荒木 和秋 小糸 健太郎 清水池 義冶 井上 誠司 杉村 泰彦 淡路 和則 吉岡 徹 森 久綱

遠藤 大二 及川 伸 泉 賢一
酪農学園大学紀要 自然科学編 (ISSN:0388001X)
vol.31, no.1, pp.41-49, 2006-10

寺岡 宏樹 上野 直人 遠藤 大二

1)ツメガエルの約4万クローンのcDNAについてマクロアレイを行った。2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p- dioxin(TCDD)は受精後27時間胚で1クローンの増加、5クローンの減少、7日胚で41クローンの増加、12日胚で14クローンの増加、42クローンの減少を起こした。しかし、cytochrome P450 1A(CYP1A6,7)を除いて、ノーザンブロット法で増減が一致したクローンを見つけることができなかった。2)ノーザンブロット法により、Ah受容体は受精後初日から既に弱いが発現し、7日で顕著な増加がみられた。AHRの発現はTCDD暴露で影響されなかったが、CYP1A6,7の他、CYP1Bでは顕著な誘導が受精後2日からTCDD濃度依存性に観察された。この他、Arntやグルタチオン転移酵素の発現はTCDDに影響されなかった。3)以上の結果から、初期発生においてTCDDであきらかな誘導を受けるCYP1AについてTCDD感受性の高いゼブラフィッシュで役割を検討した。モルフォリノアンチセンスオリゴヌクレオチド(AHR2-MO)を用いて、ゼブラフィッシュで報告される二種のAh受容体の一つ(AHR2)の翻訳を阻止したところ、体幹の血流遅延・浮腫、下顎の成長阻害および中脳背側部の局所循環障害とアポトーシスなどこれまで知られている主なTCDD毒性が顕著に阻害された。AHR2-MOは毒性とともに、CYP1A誘導を阻害したので、CYP1Aに対するモルフォリノアンチセンスオリゴヌクレオチド(CYP1A-MO)を処置したところ、上述のTCDDによる毒性が抑制された。4)最近、TCDDがヒト由来培養肝細胞で、炎症や各病態で誘導されるプロスタグランジン合成酵素であるシクロオキシゲナーゼ2(COX2)が誘導されることが報告された。COX2阻害剤は同時暴露した場合TCDDによる中脳静脈の血流遅延とアポトーシスを顕著に回復させた。COX2に対するモルフォリノアンチセンスオリゴ処置は低濃度TCDDによる血流遅延とアポトーシスをほぼ完全に消失させた。48〜50hpf胚の頚動脈と思われる部分にCOX2 mRNAの強い発現が観察できた。TCDD処置はCOX2発現に全く影響しなかった。5)我々はこれまで、ソニックヘッジホッグ(shh)が下顎にも発現し、TCDD暴露により顕著に減少した。AHR2-MOはTCDDによるshh発現の低下と下顎の低形成を阻止した。TCDDは下顎原基のptc1と2の発現には影響を与えなかった。以上より、TCDDによる毒性発現機構にAHR2、CYP1A、COX2、Shhの各分子が関与することが示唆された。
鮫島 邦彦 NEUPANEY Dhanapati

ネパールの高山地帯でヤクのバターは、古くから打ち身、切り傷、腹痛、火傷、頭痛、日焼け、高山病などの緩和や防止に利用されているが、その根拠についてはほとんど知られていない。本研究はヤクバターの成分を分析してこれらの機能特性について明らかにすることを目的として実施した。ヤクバターは、ウシバターに比較して特有の風味を持っている。これは、ヤクバター中に含まれる多くの短鎖飽和脂肪酸によるものであること、またヤクバターはα-トコフェロール含量が多く酸化安定性に優れていることが明らかになった。さらに、ヤクバターには抗動脈効果、抗癌効果が示されている共役リノール酸が多いことも明らかとなった。また、チロシナーゼ活性の強いこと、不飽和脂肪酸を多く含有する植物油脂の酸化を抑制する効果のあることも明かとなり、これらの結果は、Milk ScienceとAnimal Science Journalの2誌にすでに公表されている。ヤクバターのこれらの特徴を決定する遺伝情報を調査するために、生体内の脂肪酸代謝の鍵となっている膜たんぱく質(CD36)の遺伝子分析も実施した。ヤクCD36は分子量86kDaで472個のアミノ酸残基からなり、cDNAのスタートコドンは390(ATG)で、終了は1808(TAA)であった。ヤクのcDNA遺伝子は、ホルスタインのそれと比較すると98%であった。CD36のアミノ酸組成はホルスタインの96.2%が類似していたが、ヤクCD36ではセリン、アラニン、ロイシンが多く、ホルスタインCD36ではイソロイシン、スレオニンが多いことが明らかになった。現在これらの特徴と薬効特性との関連について検討を加えているところであるが。これらの内容については、Animal Science Journal誌に投稿中である。