1 0 0 0 OA 大惣本の落書

ミギー ディラン McGEE Dylan
言語文化論集 (ISSN:03886824)
vol.35, no.1, pp.43-61, 2013-10-28 (Released:2013-11-18)
槇平 龍宏
フロンティア農業経済研究 (ISSN:21851220)
vol.15, no.2, pp.19-32, 2010-12-27

The substantial agricultural entry by the enterprises other than the agricultural production legal person had been done before nationwide development of the designated "structural reform district (Kozo-Kaikaku Tokubetsu Kuiki)" of 2005. It is divided into two routes of "Entry into the facilities type agriculture that doesn't use the farmland" and "Entry (The agricultural production legal person's establishment by support from the enterprise to the farmer institution etc. is included) by the contract cultivation method". The enterprise acquired directly of the farmland and was able to borrow neither by two routes. The introduction of the lease method from 2005 and the revision Agricultural Land Law enforcement in 2009 that succeeds it do not pass the agricultural production legal person's establishment in addition to two the above-mentioned routes and enable the farm management by the farmland borrowing. As a result, the technique of the agricultural entry by a general enterprise changed greatly. The construction industry and the food business are occupying many to the type of business of the enterprise that enters agriculture. And there is a regionality in the region where the enterprise enters agriculture, and the construction industry enters the region for which the regional economy depends on the investment in public works. A lot when industry related to food enters an active region of agriculture, such as Hokkaido and Tohoku, on the other hand. Food companies often enter agriculture for a stable securing of the ingredient and process materials used by itself, and execute the production method with sticking to of organic farming etc. In this text, the feature with a general not only the its company production of farm products but also connection of the farmer in the region to the production contract dealings of food companies to enter agriculture in addition for securing a stable product was extracted.
Zainal Andi' Abidin
東南アジア研究 (ISSN:05638682)
vol.20, no.4, pp.455-491, 1983-03

江口 豊
北海道大学大学院メディア・コミュニケーション研究院 = Research Faculty of Media and Communication, Hokkaido University
メディア・コミュニケーション研究 (ISSN:18825303)
vol.68, pp.57-77, 2015-03-20

Though Gutenberg had invented printing already in the middle of the 15th century,we had to wait another 150 years, until the first newspaper was published in Strasbourg. The reason for this delay is discussed and clarified by Behringer (2003). He argues, that the official post system of the Holy Roman Empire,which started in 1490 but really stabilized and expanded after the 1590s, made a vital impact on the realization of newspapers. The simple reason, that a newspaper needs information for articles, at first weekly then later daily, seems to be plausible. According to some sources such as Dallmeyer (1977), Münzberg (1994)and other scholars it could be posited,that whole information systems at that time began to cooperate and offered an indispensable condition for the founding of the epoch-making news media. In this way the second newspaper the“Aviso”in Wolfenbüttel in North Germany was made possible because of cooperation of the Reichspost and the Nürnberger city courier-system. Behringer (2003)points out another important fact, namely some similarities between the “Meßrelation”of Michael von Aitzing and the first weekly newspaper “Relation”of Johann Carolus in Strasbourg: the titles and the styles. But also Behringer assumes a mutual ideological background of both authors,a supposition which requires further subtle consideration. While this article discusses promoting factors for the emergence of newspapers, it is still indispensable to consider hindering factors such as censorship, because we must be able to explain why England or France with their functioning post systems could publish a newspaper only later than the German speaking areas.
宮本 謙介
經濟學研究 (ISSN:04516265)
vol.40, no.1, pp.1-25, 1990-06
栗山 喬行 関口 洋美 大竹 洋平 茶山 秀一
科学技術政策研究所 第2調査研究グループ
2011-03 (Released:2012-03-14)

2009 年3 月に日・米・英の3 カ国で、インターネット調査会社の登録モニターを対象に科学技術に関する意識調査を実施したところ、日本は、科学的な課題に対する関心度が米・英両国より低く、特に、20 代~30 代の若年層が低いという結果が得られた。科学技術の各種分野に対するイメージでは、日本人は米国・英国人よりも、「素晴らしく進んだもの」といったプラスのイメージと、「近寄り難い」といったマイナスのイメージを有していることが把握された。今後、我が国では、多くの人にとって科学技術がもっと身近な存在として感じられるようにするため、科学技術の様々な成果や情報を、分かりやすく、かつ、魅力的な内容となるようにして発信するとともに、様々な人が科学について語り合うことができる「科学コミュニケーションの場」を充実していくことが重要となる。

1 0 0 0 OA Ghost Chimneys

Charlton David Demaine Erik D. Demaine Martin L. Dujmovic Vida Morin Pat Uehara Ryuhei
World Scientific Publishing
International Journal of Computational Geometry and Applications (ISSN:02181959)
vol.22, no.3, pp.207-214, 2012

A planar point set S is an (i, t) set of ghost chimneys if there exist lines H_0, H_1,…,H_<t-1> such that the orthogonal projection of S onto H_j consists of exactly i + j distinct points. We give upper and lower bounds on the maximum value of t in an (i, t) set of ghost chimneys, showing that it is linear in i.