伊藤 章
vol.50, pp.61-78, 2006-03

The central subject of American drama is the American family. From Royall Tyler’s colonial comedy The Contrast (1787) to August Wilson’s King Hedley II (2000), relationships between husbands, wives, and their children have consistently been used by American playwrights to explore and illuminate the American experience. American drama, especially in the twentieth century has been strikingly preoccupied with problems of family life. Its most characteristic moments are realistic scenes of family strife and squabble and bliss. This article firstly addresses the questions of why American drama is so overwhelmingly concerned with families, why American playwrights have been zealously devoted to the problems of family life, why American drama is, in a fundamental way, domestic drama, and why best American playwrights are best remembered for their family-centered plays. After that, I will analyze the two plays representing modern American drama, Edward Albee’s Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? (1962) and Sam Shepard’s Buried Child (1978), by focusing on the American family, and will explore how the American family is portrayed in each play, what significance these portraits of families have on us, and what kind of differences in the family images there are between these plays. The reason why I have chosen these two plays as my medium for analysis is not simply because there appears a child in each play (a son who seems to be real but proves to be imaginary in the former; a son who seems to be imaginary but proves to be real in the latter), but because both of them represent the American family. By looking at how the family is portrayed in each play, perhaps we can look into the ways in which the American dream associated with the American family is disintegrated, deteriorated, and decayed, and we can also probe deeply into the meaning of family itself.
久保田 信 山田 守彦 築地新 光子 峯水 亮 多留 聖典 奥田 和美
Kuroshio Biosphere (ISSN:13492705)
vol.9, pp.35-39, 2013-03

Lobatolampea tetragona Horita, 2000 (Ctenophora) was found recently in various localities in Japan after previous record made in 2008, extending both northwards (Odaiba, Tokyo Bay) and southwards (Ishigaki Island, Okinawa Prefecture). All these observation records of this species, particularly of the largest individual in each locality, up to ca 50 mm in width, is summarized. Geographic distribution is mapped for this endemic species
山中 伸弥
vol.42, pp.8-11, 2015-01
松谷 実のり
京都社会学年報 : KJS = Kyoto journal of sociology
vol.22, pp.49-68, 2014-12-25

The aim of this paper is to demonstrate the academic significance of studies on the new migration of young Japanese workers and propose a plausible approach to study of such migration. Migrants moving through various channels, having different motivations or lifestyles have emerged under the impact of globalization. This paper focuses on a new type of "locally employed" Japanese workers that are usually hired as local staff by overseas Japanese companies. In order to map this emerging migration in the context of migration studies, I introduce the concept of "middle class migrants." The prevailing image of migrants has been polarized to lower class and vulnerable labor migrants and privileged and freemoving elite migrants. Using the term of middle class migrants, I refer to various types of migrants of relatively affluent background yet not limited to the small number of mobile elites. The middle class migrants are relatively privileged in comparison to the lower migrants. Nevertheless, at the same time, we need to consider the systematic and institutional restrains they have to face as migrants and thus their vulnerability in some aspects as well. Increasing presence of middle class migrants brought by the advancing globalization calls for more empirical studies. Locally employed workers are an adequate example of middle class migrants with double aspects. We can address the lacuna in previous studies on middle class migrants through the empirical research on locally employed workers as both privileged and vulnerable migrants. However, existing literature on middle class migrants prefer to emphasize social or cultural factors rather than testing political or economic frameworks, mainly because of the assumption that they face less problems in political, economic, and institutional spheres. In order to acknowledge and scrutinize both the privileged and vulnerable aspects of their existence, we need to apply a system approach to the migration process.
原 洋之介
東南アジア研究 (ISSN:05638682)
vol.54, no.1, pp.93-116, 2016-07-31

Shinichi Ichimura. Japan and Asia: Economic Development and Nation Building. Singapore: World Scientific Publishing Company, 2015, xxv+438p.
髙橋 慧

学位の種別: 課程博士
菅瀬 晶子 Akiko Sugase
国立民族学博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Ethnology (ISSN:0385180X)
vol.40, no.4, pp.619-652, 2016-03-31

歴史的にパレスチナと呼ばれてきた地域に建国されたユダヤ人国家イスラエルには,2 割程度のアラブ人市民が居住し,そのうち約8%をキリスト教徒が占めている。ユダヤ教徒やムスリムとは異なり,食の禁忌を持たない彼らは豚肉を食し,この地における豚肉生産・消費・流通をほぼ独占している。そのいっぽうで,豚肉食に嫌悪感を示すキリスト教徒もすくなくはない。聞き取り調査の内容からは,彼らの豚肉食嫌悪は比較的最近生じた傾向であることがわかる。そこにはムスリムやユダヤ教徒の価値観の影響もみられるが,もっとも大きな影響をおよぼしたのはイスラエルによるアラブ人市民に対する政策である。本来豚肉食は,キリスト教徒の主たる生業である農業と密接にかかわっていたが,軍政による農業の衰退や,豚肉食と密接にかかわっていた野豚猟の事実上の非合法化により,キリスト教徒の豚肉食観は大きく変化した。宗教的アイデンティティの根幹に深いかかわりを持っていた豚肉食への嫌悪感の増大は,キリスト教徒としての宗教的アイデンティティの損失をあらわしているといえる。
那須 耕介

鈴木 修吾
筑波フォーラム (ISSN:03851850)
no.67, pp.127-130, 2004-06

私は工学基礎学類を担当している。いまから5年近く前にさかのぼるが、2年生の量子力学序論を担当することになった。講義を持つようになってすぐのことである。私は理論物理が専門なので、自分でも楽しみながらこの講義を受け持った。他にもう一つ、同じく ...
蔡 熙鏡
北海道大学大学院文学研究科北方研究教育センター = Center for Northern Humanities, Graduate School of Letters, Hokkaido University
北方人文研究 = Journal of the Center for Northern Humanities (ISSN:1882773X)
vol.6, pp.129-135, 2013-03-31

This folktale was told by Mrs. Valentina Nikolaevna Sachgun who was born in the village Ygbo (Nogliki District) in 1935. The folktale was recorded in February 27, 2011 during my fieldwork in the village of Nogliki. Then I transcribed the folktale with the help of Mrs. Galina Ivanova Paklina, another speaker of the East-Sakhalin Dialect of Nivkh, in September 14, 2012. Caror and Rabbit In the old days, People took some of rabbit skins and brought it with them when they go to Pot for hunting. When they were in Pot, ducks appeared at night and were fluttering over them and making noise while crying. They made a fire, when my friend had been making a fire they (the ducks) were fluttering over them. The ducks came down with the wings and hit on the ice of the ground and then they changed into a person. They (the ducks) changed into a person, the Caror. Then those people who are the people of water said. It is said that they have long legs and the body is short. Then, asked to my friend. “What kinds of flesh of animals do you eat in your village?” My friend answered. “We eat only the animals bouncing far away”. (and then) he took the rabbit skin on the hand and showed it to them. At the sight of the skin of a rabbit, all of the Caror jumped on the water and changed into the birds, and they flew away. In the old days, Caror is said to have lived in the water but in the land. When they killed the rabbits and were eating them, other rabbits gathered and drove out Caror. The rabbits drove out Caror into the water. That’s why Caror hate rabbits. It is said that they fear even rabbit skins because they fear rabbits. The end, the end
才記 駿平 西本 一志
情報処理学会研究報告. HCI, ヒューマンコンピュータインタラクション研究会報告 (ISSN:09196072)
vol.2016-HCI-167, no.1, pp.1-8, 2016-03-01

プレゼンテーションを行う上で重要な要素として,聴衆の興味を引くプレゼンテーションスライドを作成する,というものがある.近年ではスライド中に面白い画像を配置しておくことによって,聴衆の笑いを誘う方法が使用される.しかし,プレゼンテーションに関係のある面白い画像を探す際には,様々なキーワードを用いて,試行錯誤しながら画像検索を行わなければならず,非常に手間がかかる.本研究では,スライド作成者が手軽に面白い画像を探し出せるようにするため,画像検索を行う際のキーワードの発想支援として 「謎かけ」 をもとにした多段階単語連想法を検討し,これを用いたプレゼンテーション用おもしろ画像検索支援システムを提案する.評価実験の結果,謎かけを元にした単語連想を用いることで,通常スライド作成者が行うキーワードの変換を支援することができる可能性が示唆された.また,プレゼンテーション用おもしろ画像検索支援システムによって,通常の画像検索ではすぐに得られないような画像をユーザーに提示することが可能となった.この結果,システム使用者がプレゼンテーション用の画像を検索する手間を減らすことができる可能性が示唆された.: Making catchy presentation slides is one of the important points of giving a presentation. Recently people often use funny images in presentation slides for this purpose. However, it is very complicated to find suitable funny images because it requires a lot of try-and-errors using various keywords. In this paper, we propose a “Nazokake” based multistage word association tool that supports generating keywords to retrieve suitable funny images. We conducted user studies and obtained possibilities that the proposed tool is effective to retrieve funny images.