小倉佑太 佐藤未来子 並木美太郎
vol.2013-ARC-205, no.7, pp.1-8, 2013-04-18

マルチコアプロセッサを用いた組込み向けハードウェアの性能向上において,リアルタイム処理と IT システムを並列動作させる要求が高まっている.本発表では,マルチコアプロセッサ上の VMM である Optimus Virtual Machine (OVM) を提案する.OVM では,リアルタイム制約のない汎用 OS,ソフトリアルタイムの OS,ハードリアルタイムの OS ないし OS のないハードウェアを直接制御するプログラムの三種類のパラダイムに対して,EDF によるデッドラインスケジューリングによる VM,またはコア固定による最高優先度の VM などを VMM で管理することにより,異種のリアルタイムに対する要求を適切に調停する.本 VMM を ARM マルチコアプロセッサをハードコアとして有する Xilinx 社の Zynq 上に実装し,遅延やオーバーヘッドを抑えつつ動作することを検証できた.今後の課題として,VM のメモリ管理が挙げられる.
岐阜藥科大學紀要 = The annual proceedings of Gifu College of Pharmacy
vol.49, pp.45-52, 2000-06-30

MET-88,an inhibitor of γ-butyrobetaine hydroxylase, can be characterized as a unique cardioprotective agent for the treatment of congestive heart failure (CHF) with an ability to regulate the activity of SR Ca^<2+>-ATPase. MET-88 protected the hypoxic and ischemic myocardium due to the modulation of myocardial metabolism and improved cardiac remodeling and hypertrophy as effectively as captopril. MET-88 also increased the failed Ca^<2+>-ATPase activity in the Sarcoplastic reticulum (SR), which increase might have resulted from ATP synthesis through glycolysis. These effects of MET-88 may be expected to improve mortality, prognosis, and exercise intolerance in CHF patients. In summary, MET-88 may be a useful drug for the treatment of CHF.
Shigeki Akiyama Kenjiro Taura
情報処理学会論文誌コンピューティングシステム(ACS) (ISSN:18827829)
vol.9, no.1, 2016-03-08

Task parallelism on large-scale distributed memory environments is still a challenging problem. The focuses of our work are flexibility of task model and scalability of inter-node load balancing. General task models provide functionalities for suspending and resuming tasks at any program point, and such a model enables us flexible task scheduling to achieve higher processor utilization, locality-aware task placement, etc. To realize such a task model, we have to employ a thread―an execution context containing register values and stack frames―as a representation of a task, and implement thread migration for inter-node load balancing. However, an existing thread migration scheme, iso-address, has a scalability limitation: it requires virtual memory proportional to the number of processors in each node. In large-scale distributed memory environments, this results in a huge virtual memory usage beyond the virtual address space limit of current 64bit CPUs. Furthermore, this huge virtual memory consumption makes it impossible to implement one-sided work stealing with Remote Direct Memory Access (RDMA) operations. One-sided work stealing is a popular approach to achieving high efficiency of load balancing; therefore this also limits scalability of distributed memory task parallelism. In prior work, we propose uni-address, a new thread migration scheme which significantly reduces virtual memory usage for thread stacks and enables RDMA-based work stealing, and implements a lightweight multithread library supporting RDMA-based work stealing on top of Fujitsu FX10 system. In this paper, we port the library to an x86-64 Infiniband cluster with GASNet communication library. We develop one-sided and non one-sided implementations of inter-node work stealing, and evaluate the performance and efficiency of the work stealing implementations.\n------------------------------This is a preprint of an article intended for publication Journal ofInformation Processing(JIP). This preprint should not be cited. Thisarticle should be cited as: Journal of Information Processing Vol.24(2016) No.3(online)------------------------------
細谷 昌之 喜納 淳 ホソヤ マサユキ キノウ アツシ Masayuki HOSOYA Atsushi KINOU
vol.37, pp.65-75, 1970-03

From September 1968 to February 1969, the 9th JARE (Japanese Antarctic Research Expedition) traveled to the South Pole with the aid of snow vehicles and sledges. In order to ensure the mobility of the travel, the tractive effort of the snow vehicles on the crust surface of snow in Antarctica and the running resistance of the composed sledges were tested. The results of the tests revealed that the maximum tractive force of one vehicle on crusted surface in Antarctica is 15.4 tons, the static frictional resistance coefficient μ_s is 0.68, and the dynamic frictional resistance coefficient μ_d is 0.51 at 3 km/h vehicle speed. When the snow vehicle towed five composed sledges, or was loaded with 15.4 tons, behavior of the vehicle was considerably hampered, especially in the motions of turning or crossing a drift of snow. Therefore, 15.4 tons may be a critical value of load. Paying attention to this point, the movement of the traverse party became considerably easy.
片岡哲也 猪口 明博 Kataoka Tetsuya Inokuchi Akihiro
vol.9, no.1, pp.1-7, 2015-02-27

In this paper, we propose a novel graph kernel based on Hadamard cords. Our idea is based on the Walsh-Hadamard matrix and uneven division of xed-length bit string that expresses each vertex label. By updating all vertex labels in graphs iteratively with their adjacent vertices, each vertex is expressed as the bit string including features of its vertex label and vertex labels within h steps from the vertex. The time complexity of the proposed graph kernel is linear in the number of vertices of graphs and the length of the bit string. According to experiments we have conducted, our kernel outperforms state-of-the-art graph kernels with respect to both scalability and expressiveness.
水落 円香 小林 信輔 比留間 雄大 加藤 直樹
研究報告コンピュータと教育(CE) (ISSN:21888930)
vol.2016-CE-134, no.11, pp.1-8, 2016-02-27

松浦 知史 森 健人 金 勇 友石 正彦
研究報告インターネットと運用技術(IOT) (ISSN:21888787)
vol.2016-IOT-32, no.27, pp.1-8, 2016-02-25

大学内のログ情報を扱う組織において構築した小規模な仮想化基盤について紹介する.少額の投資から始められ,段階的に機器を導入する事が可能な構成を目指した.ベースはHP ProliantおよびHDDエンクロージャとし,その他に実験用マシン(Mac mini)を組み合わせて初期段階の構成とした.現段階ではvSphere 5.5および仮想マシンのバージョン10という組み合わせが安定運用に適していることが分かった.環境構築に当たってはソフトウェアのバージョンの組み合わせで不具合が発生することも多く,その様な失敗談も踏まえて環境構築の過程を記す.
松田規 伊藤隆 柴田秀哉 服部充洋 平野貴人
vol.2013, pp.2067-2074, 2013-07-03

Bonehらによって公開鍵暗号に基づく検索可能暗号が提案されて以来,AND/OR検索や範囲検索などの高機能化を図った成果が提案されている.しかし,検索時に,暗号化した文書に添付された検索用のタグを順次チェックする必要があるため,検索時間が文書数に比例するという欠点がある.一方,Bellareらによって提案された確定的暗号に基づく方式は,検索時間は文書数のlogオーダに抑えられるが,キーワードのエントロピーがBrute Force攻撃に対して安全であるほど大きくなければならないという制約があり実用的ではない.本論文では,はじめに安全性と高速性のバランスを調整可能な検索可能暗号方式を提案する.本方式は,タグから数ビットの情報漏れを許容することで,サーバ側で索引生成が可能となり,検索の高速化が可能となる.次に,提案方式をWebアプリケーションに適用する方式を提案する.本方式では,データベースのユーザ定義関数として検索可能暗号を実装し,またブラウザにて暗号・復号を行う構成をとることで,Webアプリケーションで復号のための秘密鍵を一切管理する必要がなくなり,利用者自身が機密情報のセキュリティをコントロールすることが可能となる.
Dick Martinez Calderon Yukinobu Miyamoto Hidenari Kiyomitsu Kazuhiro Ohtsuki
vol.2015-CE-129, no.11, pp.1-8, 2015-03-14

The main objective of this research is to look for a difference on programming understanding between Graphic Designers, Game Designers and Programmers. We propose a method whereby comparing 2 displayed images and interactive animations produced by programming samples (problems) a subject decides which one of the programs is more difficult to build with programming than the other, or, if the difficulty is similar; to solve this problems, two types of understanding are needed: one regarding the visual processing of the two pictures, and the second regarding the program making those images. The problems of this method were built considering those two types of understanding. We built a testing system based on this method and performed an experiment using this system with three groups of students: Game Software (GS), Graphic Design (GD) and IT.
甲村 弘子 コウムラ ヒロコ Hiroko KOUMURA
vol.1, pp.223, 2011-01-31

月経前症候群(PMS)は月経周期の黄体期、すなわち月経前に起こる様々な身体的、精神的症状をあらわす疾患であり、軽度のものを含めると多くの女性が経験する。PMSは疾患として名前が広く知られているにもかかわらず、その原因はまだ明らかにされておらず、確立された判定基準はない。本症の頻度に関しては、諸外国では報告がなされているが本邦ではほとんど認めない。若い女性での報告もみられない。本研究では、日本における女子大学生のPMSとPMDD の頻度を、"The Premenstrual Symptoms Screening Tool (PSST)"を用いて明らかにしようとした。対象は18歳から22歳の554名である。身体症状は約80%にみられ、中等症から重症のPMS群は20.4%、PMDD群は4.0%であった。この頻度は諸外国の報告とほぼ一致する。少なからず存在する本疾患に対して適切な対応が行われ、女性の生活の質(QOL)の向上に貢献することが期待される。
渡辺 将尚 西平 直史
山形大学紀要. 教育科学 = Bulletin of Yamagata University. Educational Science
vol.13, no.3, pp.13(205)-22(214), 2004-02-16

We developed a computer aided instruction (CAI)system that can show how much the students understand. We made out the effect of this system by the experiment with 12 students. At first, they answered 5 questions about the German definite articles that we had prepared on a Web page in advance. They sent their answers via Internet to the server and the teacher obtained them from the server. If they had some questions, they were able to send them with the answers. We confirmed that this system has the following 3 advantages :1. We can grasp in every question, how many students understand the question. 2. We can make the explanation more efficient, because we can also know, which mistakes the students make. The teachers can spare more time to explain the points which the students do not understand. 3. The students can ask questions more easily than before, since they need to make themselves know neither to the teacher nor the other students.
桑村 昭
山形大学紀要. 教育科学 = Bulletin of Yamagata University. Educational Science
vol.14, no.3, pp.153(325)-186(358), 2008-02-15

Summary : Since their deregulation in 2004, more and more Japanese national universities have been dynamically restructuring their international functions by incorporating their international linkages and student exchange components into international student services and Japanese language education functions in order to provide a more comprehensive service. This paper attempts to show how effectively they have been able to accomplish that and what major issues and challenges Japanese national universities now face. The author especially focuses on whether Japanese national universities have been successful in setting up an international office as a single, independent entity by taking in all key functions in the field of international education effectively and making it visible within the university. The author begins his argument by bringing up several key issues as to how the aforementioned functions are performed in the international program offices of Japanese national universities: office structure, management, personnel issues, and so on. He then uses three questionnaires, including his own targeted at Japanese national universities, to support his arguments and investigate whether or not there are similar issues are prevalent at other Japanese national universities. Examples of how international offices are structured and how their functions are performed at three foreign universities are also introduced and compared to their Japanese counterparts to seek possible models. In the final chapter, the author makes suggestions for better ways to run an international office, what roles faculty and staff could play and how they could collaborate in performing their duties in each functional area within the field of international education. He also proposes structural models that may be suitable for international offices at Japanese national universities.
園田 博文 全 成燁 国実 久美子 百留 康晴 百留 恵美子
山形大学紀要. 人文科学 = Bulletin of Yamagata University. Humanities
vol.16, no.3, pp.81(38)-94(25), 2008-02-15

This article addresses the misunderstandings and problems that can be caused by the use of similar Chinese characters standing for such things as positional titles, and the names of organizational subdivisions. The countries involved were Japan, Korea China and Taiwan. We attempt to compare these academic terms from the four countries by dividing them into three sub-groups: Terms related with classes and administration; terms related with academic department structure and curriculum; and terms between related with status and position. International academic exchanges make it necessary that the discrepancies in terminology be mapped. We suggest further study in this direction. This article discusses the current situation, including the difficulties facing international academic exchanges from the point of view of Inje University, a sister university of Yamagata University. Even though it is a long process to become a sister university, there are additional practical problems in performing the administrative work of exchanging students. For example, the transfer of credits or grades between universities is made difficult by the differences in academic terms. It also requires the adoption of new guidelines in considering each university’ s grading policies. In addition, this article examines the programs and activities related to international student exchanges and reports on the instruction of student theatrical activities and speech contests performed in the Japanese language. We conclude that it is necessary to collect practical case studies and analyze the causes of misunderstandings in order to determine proper solutions and better facilitate international relations. Furthermore, it is necessary to increase and continue additional academic research in this area. 【キーワード】大学用語、日韓中台語彙対照研究、大学間協定校、国際交流、日本語教育
小島光晴 土永将慶 山本貴史 矢口裕明 稲葉雅幸
vol.2013, no.1, pp.63-64, 2013-03-06
