佐藤 創
vol.76, pp.37-52, 2011-06-30

QR コード(Quick Response code)は部品管理のための2次元バーコードとして開発され, カメラ付き携帯電話と結合したことによって急速に普及しました。QR コードには短縮リード・ソロモン符号による誤り訂正機能が活用されています。自らプログラムを書けるほどにその符号化・復号アルゴリズムを理解するためには, 符号理論の本を読むのが常道ですが, それはなかなか難しいことです。ここではベクトルや行列などを学習した学生が読解できるような自己完結的な解説を試み,「なぜ未知の誤りの訂正ができるのか」という基本的な問いに丁寧に答えることにしました。このテーマは「線形代数」の格好の教材であると思っています。
竹内 聖悟 林 芳樹 金子 知適 山口 和紀 川合 慧
情報処理学会論文誌 (ISSN:18827764)
vol.48, no.11, pp.3446-3454, 2007-11-15

矢後 和彦
成城大學經濟研究 (ISSN:03874753)
no.230, pp.9-27, 2020-12-21

宗藤 大貴 長尾 智晴
vol.2019, pp.1-6, 2019-11-01

人工知能の発展により,様々な論理パズル問題を人間の事前知識なしで解く能力は年々向上している.しかし,パズル問題の創作に関しては,解が一つでないことや生成された問題の評価が難しいことから解答に比べ困難なタスクである.本稿では,パズル問題の中でも,持ち駒があるなどの性質から創作が難しいと考えられる詰将棋を題材とする.エキスパートによる詰将棋創作では,短手数の詰将棋や長手数の余詰めのある詰む局面の情報を利用する.この考え方に基づき,進化計算法の 1 つである遺伝的アルゴリズムによって,局面の変換を最適化することで長手数の詰将棋を生成する手法を提案する.実験の結果,最長で 31 手詰めの詰将棋が生成できることが確認できた.
清水 美知子
研究紀要 (ISSN:13455311)
no.16, pp.61-73, 2015-03-31

This paper examines the home life of an urban middle-class household at the end of the Meiji Period as seen in Natsume Soseki’s full-length novel The Gate (1910). The character Sosuke, who resides in a three-person household with his wife and a gejo (maidservant) in a humble rented house nearly 20 minutes on foot from the final station of a rail line, lives in straitened circumstances. Despite his gloomy thoughts on a rainy day with a hole in the sole of his shoe, he cannot afford to buy new shoes.But why does this household, which is not particularly wealthy, have a live-in maidservant? This was because housework in a middle-class household at the end of theMeiji Period took so much time and effort that a full-time housewife could not complete the task herself. Gas lamps were the source of light, and meals were cooked using a shichirin, a small charcoal stove of clay or earthenware. The novel The Gate answers our question persuasively by depicting household articles and the living space in detail.
澤田 英三 Hidemi Sawada
安田女子大学大学院紀要 = The journal of the Graduate School, Yasuda Women's University (ISSN:24323772)
no.24, pp.29-43, 2019-03-31

The present study considered the following aspects of young people’s relationships: vertical dyadic ‘Tate’ relationships between the young person and his/her parents or homeroom teacher, diagonal dyadic ‘Naname’ relationships between the young person and other adults, and horizontal dyadic ‘Yoko’ relationships among his/her peers. Recently, diagonal dyadic relationships between the young people and other adults have undergone a reduction in intimacy. Firstly, for young people, the roles of the diagonal dyadic partners were defined as follows: (1) a conversation partner or a playmate, (2) a mentor, (3) a translator, (4) a mediator, (5) a purveyor of other views, lifestyles, or values, and (6) a role model. Secondly, we note that various teachers other than the homeroom teacher were able to develop a diagonal dyadic relationship with the student at school, and that these relationships were worked out during student guidance and career guidance. Finally, we find a need to develop systems in which busy teachers can exchange various kinds of information about their students with each other.
誉田 実希子 久保 孝富 森村 成樹 池田 和司
研究報告数理モデル化と問題解決(MPS) (ISSN:21888833)
vol.2019-MPS-122, no.12, pp.1-5, 2019-02-21

スナメリ (Neophocaena asiaeorintalis) は通常,比較的少数の群れをつくる.採餌行動においても一つの魚群に対して複数のスナメリが採餌を行うが,そこでは一部のイルカで見られるような明示的な役割分担は見られない.しかし,それぞれの個体が他個体を無視し,完全に単独で採餌しているかどうかは明らかではない.本研究ではドローンによるスナメリの採餌行動の動画を用い,スナメリの採餌行動に集団性が見られるかどうかを検討した.
水野 裕史
美術研究 = The bijutsu kenkiu : the journal of art studies
no.428, pp.1-18, 2019-09-10

This article considers the previously only partially deciphered biography of Sesson Shûkei (16th century) through historical materials related to two Rinzai sect Genjû school priests with whom Sesson interacted. The Rinzai sect Genjû school is theologically descended from Zhongfeng Mingben of the Chinese Linji (Rinzai) sect Yangqi (Yôgi) school. The Genjû school developed throughout the Kantô region during Japan's late medieval period and is known to have been highly influential at the time. And indeed, the development of the Genjû school was not unrelated to ink painting in the Kantô region. In particular, Barbara Ford has offered the interpretation that Sesson Shûkei modeled himself after Fukuan Sôki (1280-1358) and in effect followed in his footsteps. Evidence supporting this can be found in the Sesson works remaining at Jisôji in Aizu and Fukujûji in Miharu, both temples founded by Sôki. Sôki was born in Hitachi province, and like Sesson, came from the powerful Satake clan. Ford has indicated that Sesson's reverence for Sôki led him to Aizu. After these insightful beginnings research has not advanced on the connection between Sesson and the Genjû school. This article reexamines Sesson's interactions with the Genjû school as seen in the records of two Zen priests, Keishô Shûzui and Daichû Sôshin, both of whom were based at Hôunji (present-day Tsuchiura, Ibaraki prefecture), a temple founded by Sôki that was the base of the Genjû school. The Hôunji zakki binran (Hôunji) records compilation, bearing a colophon dated 1722 (Kyôhô 7), was assembled by Shirin Oku, the 17th abbot of Hôunji who feared the dispersal of the Hôunji documents. This compilation includes a record of Keishô Shûzui's visit to Hôunji and his recitation of poems in Hôunji's abbot's residence Eikôin. The connection between Keishô Shûzui and Sesson is known from Shûzui's 1555 (Tenbun 24) inscription on Sesson's Myna Bird and other materials, but the nature of their connection had not yet been determined. Ninsai rakusui dôjin kôgô, today in the Ishikawa Takeyoshi Memorial Library, Tokyo, is the only known collection of sayings by Keishô Shûzui. This volume records that he visited Shôjôji around the early Tenbun era. Shôjôji is the same temple that Sesson entered as a child. And while previously it had been thought that Sesson's interactions with Keishô Shûzui were in the Kamakura area from 1550 (Tenbun 19) onwards, we can now indicate that these interactions began in the early Tenbun era at Shôjôji in Hitachi province. In 1512 (Eishô 9) Daichû Sôshin, who was born in the domain of the Hitachi province Oda family, entered the Sôgetsuin (a sub-temple of Hôunji), and was named head priest of Kôtokuji in Aizu in the first month of 1567 (Eiroku 10). Daichû Sôshin's book of aphorisms, the Daichû washô goroku (Dairyûji, Chiba) states that a painter named Sôkansai (相鑑斎) visited Daichû in Aizu in the 12th month of 1567, and that this Sôkansai had also been born in Hitachi province. According to Ogawa Tomoji's research, around 1567 Sesson was going back and forth between Miharu and Aizu. From these factors we could suggest the possibility that Sesson interacted with Daichû, whose circle of connections included Sôkansai and the Genjû school lineage. Previous research on Sesson's biography had found it difficult to connect the dots of his known interactions. The records of these two Zen priests allow us to surmise Sesson's interactions with painters Baiinsai, Senka and Sôkansai and indicate that their connections were based on the Genjû school network.
木村 晶子
人文研紀要 (ISSN:02873877)
vol.92, pp.369-401, 2019-09-30

初期中世アイルランドの修道院はcivitas とされた。修道院すなわちcivitas は様々な罪を犯した者をそのコントロール下に置いた聖域を含む周縁地に保護した。聖域は3つに分かれ,俗人が立ち入れる区域は限定的であり,またその周りに周縁地が広がり,そこでは農業的活動が行われた。さらに修道院の周辺には寄進を行う俗人や施しを得る貧者が集まった。修道院は社会的核となり農村地域の中心地となった。また聖人の祝日を祝う集会が行われ多くの人が集まった。そこでは,交換取引を手工業者と農業従事者が行い,契約の締結なども行われた。この時代のアイルランドの修道院は社会的中心となる空間を提供し,犯罪者や貧者を含む様々な階層の俗人が集まる場であった。