勝野 頼彦

伊藤 知義
中央ロー・ジャーナル (ISSN:13496239)
vol.17, no.1, pp.3-27, 2020-06-30

Croatia enacted a law on same-sex life partnership in 2014. It affords same-sex couples almost the same rights as those of married or extramarital heterosexual couples with the exception of the right of adoption. Croatia was part of the former Yugoslavia for about seven decades. Among the ex-constituent members, Slovenia and Croatia recognize same sex partnerships. Serbia,Montenegro, Bosnia-Herzegovina, and (Northern) Macedonia do not. All of the six countries reject same sex marriage. This paper discusses the lawmaking process in Croatia and what makes the difference between these two groups. It gives particular attention to why Serbia and Croatia, which belonged to one state for such a long time, have take different paths. Four factors are possible causes: history, religion, international circumstances, and domestic politics. Pre-modern era Croatia belonged to the central European legal tradition as part of Hungary or Austria, that is—the Hapsburg monarchy. Serbia, on the other hand, was part of the Ottoman Empire. Those different experiences affected their reception of modern law. Croatia always identified with the Hapsburg monarchy—a part of the West. Serbia began efforts to catch up with the West in the beginning of the 19th century, when the Ottoman Empire retreated. The two nations are also different religiously. Croatians believe in the Catholic Church. Serbians are aligned with the Orthodox Church. Modernism arose out of Protestantism—a variation of Catholicism, the origin of which was the Western Roman Empire. The Orthodox Church, by contrast, traced its roots to the Byzantine Empire. So, it remained reluctant to embrance modernism. For Croatians, modernism is theirs. For Serbians, it is not. Since the collapse of Socialism, Serbia has been embroiled in conflict. It waged civil wars against Croatia, Bosnia, and Kosovo. Serbia’s actions were labeled “ethnic cleansing,” and the country faced economic sanctions by the West and bombing by NATO. Serbian people felt they had been excluded from Europe, though the country had continuously sought EU membership. It was and still is difficult for them to become completely westernized. Croatia, however, had already been accepted by the West, to which it returned. It enjoyed peacetime after the end of the civil war and had enough time and space to think about issues such as protection of LGBT human rights, as did, Hungary and Austria. These factors explain to some extent the divergent Croatian and Serbian attitudes toward legal recognition of same-sex partnerships.
田村 紀之
no.26, pp.57-86, 2020-03-27

戦後から現在までの男女共同参画の歴史に触れられる電子版のすごろくゲームです。試作版につき、改善点などお気づきの点は国立女性教育会館情報課(infodiv[at]nwec.jp([at]を@に変更))までご連絡ください。 無断でコンテンツを改変することは固くお断りします。<使い方>■Windowsの場合・zipファイルをデスクトップにダウンロードししてください。zipファイルを右クリックして「すべて展開(T)...」を選択します。・zipフォルダが解凍され、デスクトップに同じ名前のフォルダがあらわれます。新しいフォルダ内のindex.htmlを右クリック→「プログラムから開く(H)」を選択→インターネットを使用するブラウザ(Chromeかインターネットエクスプローラー推奨)を選択するとすごろくが開きます。■Macの場合zipファイルをダブルクリックし、フォルダ内にあるindex.htmlを右クリック→「プログラムから開く(H)」を選択→インターネットを使用するブラウザ(Safariなど)を選択するとすごろくが開きます。解凍の必要はありません。
神谷 茂保 カミヤ シゲヤス Shigeyasu Kamiya
岡山理科大学紀要. A, 自然科学
vol.28, pp.309-318, 1992

この小論の目的は, 日本の代表的な19の河川(図1に位置を示す)の実験的フラクタル次元, 分岐比を求め河川の様相などとの関連についての調査の結果を報告することである。本調査のためには, 昭文社発行の全日本道路地図を用いた。また私たちが直接得たデータ以外は, 理科年表(1987年版)及び文献中のデータを使用した。
土屋 佑介 辺見 英貴
vol.21, no.2・3, pp.1-14, 2020-06-30

The purpose of this research is to clarify the Gioia Methodology(Gioia, Corley, & Hamilton, 2012), which has attracted attention as a qualitative method. Through a comparative analysis with the Eisenhardt(1989)template, we divided it into five items; epistemological foundations and research orientation, the need for prior research, data collection, logic of the analysis, and rhetoric of the writing. As a result, we proposed a taxonomy that organized the commonalities and differences between the two templates, and introduced a method to increase the rigor of case studies. Finally, we discussed three limitations in Gioia et al.(2012).
秋田 修 大城 衣賀 伏木 愛香 境野 佑 阿部 真紀
実践女子大学生活科学部紀要 = Bulletin of Jissen Women's University Faculty of Human Life Sciences (ISSN:13413244)
vol.54, pp.37-44, 2017-03-10

Aspergillus luchuensis and A.luchuensis mut. kawachii (=A.kawachii) are used for koji-making in Japanese distilled liquor “awamori” and “shochu” production. The origin of these domesticated strains is thought to be a contaminant of wild black-Aspergillus from natural environment. We isolated black-Aspergillus from a fields. Isolated strains were identified as A.tubingensis (=A.saitoi) by the genomic structure analysis. Thai rice koji was prepared using two isolates and four commercial strains. The characteristics such as acidity, citric acid content, amount of myceliums of koji made by isolates were not remarkable different compared with that of A.luchuensis and A.kawachii. The activities of enzymes (α-amylase, acid tolerant α-amylase, glucoamylase, neutral protease, acid protease and acid carboxypeptidase) in koji of isolates were slightly lower than that of commercial strains. From these results, it is estimated that the present commercial A.luchuensis strains originated from black-Aspergillus living in the natural environment.