垂水 千恵
中国21 = China21 (ISSN:13428241)
no.2, pp.229-232, 1997-12-20
横山 真男
研究報告音楽情報科学(MUS) (ISSN:21888752)
vol.2015-MUS-107, no.14, pp.1-6, 2015-05-16

西洋クラシック音楽では純正律や平均律で楽器を調弦して演奏を行い,また,作曲家もこのルールで音楽を提供してきた.しかし,現代音楽においては既存の半音 12 音による音階にあてはまらない新しい音を模索してきており,たとえば半音をさらに細かくした 1/4 音や 1/6 音といった微分音や,平均律とは異なる民族的な音律を導入したりする試みがなされてきた.本発表では,黄金比により計算された音律と,その手法で調弦したヴァイオリン属による音楽の作曲手法を提案する.
上條 諒貴
北九州市立大学法政論集 (ISSN:13472631)
vol.48, no.1・2合併号, pp.1-38, 2020-12

畑 輝史 オブラン ピエールルイ 河野 健二
研究報告システムソフトウェアとオペレーティング・システム(OS) (ISSN:21888795)
vol.2020-OS-150, no.7, pp.1-8, 2020-07-23

オンラインゲームにおけるスケーラビリティ向上のため,ゲームのコア・ロジックをクライアンサイドに移譲するようになっている.クライアントサイドのコア・ロジックは原理的に覗き見・改竄が可能であり,いわゆるチート行為の防止・検出が困難となっている.本論文ではチート耐性とスケーラビリティを同時に達成するアーキテクチャを提案する.チート耐性を高めるために Trusted Execution Environment (TEE) を使用し,スケーラビリティのためにピア・ツー・ピア型を採用する.コア・ロジックを TEE 内で実行することで,悪意のあるクライアントからセンシティブなデータおよびコードを保護し,覗き見や改竄を防止する.TEE として Intel SGX を利用し,ZDoom という実際のファーストパーソン・シューティング型のゲームに適用したところ,原理的にチート耐性が向上しているにもかかわらず,チート耐性の低いアーキテクチャと同等のスケーラビリティを達成できることを示す.
鈴木 隆弘
東洋学報 = The Toyo Gakuho (ISSN:03869067)
vol.103, no.2, pp.29-59, 2021-09-16

The propaganda bureau of the Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) has the role of “induction of the public opinion,” “regulation of the public opinion,” outside the party, and “opinion agreement” to unify the opinion within the party. This paper demonstrates that the propaganda bureau of the KMT strengthened control by unifying the opinion within the party in the early days of the tutelage period. Two methods of unifying the opinion were employed. First, the KMT created a vertical leadership system for the local party propaganda bureau by the central party, and second, the party members were instructed by the content of the propaganda to homogenize political ideas. After the reorganization of the KMT in January 1924, the necessity of both methods was recognized; however, the system was not sufficiently established, and the opinion was not unified. Therefore, it was extremely vulnerable as an organization. Hence, the KMT proceeded with developing the propaganda organization in 1928. First, the organizational rules of the central-local propaganda bureau were formulated, and the hierarchical relationship between the propaganda bureau of local propaganda organization was established with the central propaganda bureau at the top. An “propaganda system” based on orders and obedience was institutionalized. In addition, in the “propaganda strategy” established by the central propaganda bureau, the propaganda was divided into “inside the party” and “outside the party.” The “inside of the party” propaganda refers to unifying the intentions of the party members. After establishing such an institutional framework, the central propaganda bureau increased its effectiveness in various ways. First, it thoroughly carried out a “propaganda work report” to the upper party bureau from the lower party bureau. The central propaganda bureau gave instructions based on these reports, rigorously assessing and evaluating the reports to control the lower party. Furthermore, to promote the unification of the content of propaganda, a national propaganda conference was held to unify the content of propaganda and to exchange people. By supplying a large amount of propaganda items throughout the region, they tried to unify the propaganda and promote the unification of the party members’ opinions.
岡﨑 滋樹
東洋学報 = The Toyo Gakuho (ISSN:03869067)
vol.103, no.2, pp.61-89, 2021-09-16

This article describes the actual circumstances surrounding the provision of live hogs to the Canton region by the Taiwan Development Company (TDC) at the early stage of the Japanese occupation of Hainan Island. In the research to date, it has been argued that the TDC’s livestock operations on Hainan Island were profitable, despite the Company falling into management difficulties under the Japanese military administration. While historians have emphasized business management difficulties within the framework of the ideals and reality of policy regarding government-sponsored colonial enterprises during the War, it has not yet been clarified how military cooperation and profit acquisition were achieved. Therefore, what actual measures were carried out on the ground to generate profits needs to be thoroughly discussed by analyzing TDC inhouse reports and other contemporary documents. The TDC showed a very positive attitude toward its livestock operations, giving the Hainan Island endeavor the leading role among a wide variety of industries, the most successful being the live hog business. Facing competition from Mitsui & Co., the TDC continued to provide a steady flow of Hainan hogs to Canton following the occupation to meet the Canton Garrison’s need for a constant source of meat. Here the TDC staff developed their operations carefully, while observing the mood of the Army, thus attaining profitability. That is to say, by raising abundant amounts of hogs on Hainan and delivering them live, it eliminated the need for meat processing plants, thus significantly reducing production costs, while at the same time targeting the popularity of pork in the Army’s mess halls. The success of the Hainan operation was largely due to the TDC’s ability to overcome fierce competition by dispatching skilled experts in livestock operations in the south at the onset of the Occupation, combined with clever strategies based on proper identification of local conditions facing customers. The benefits achieved from quickly maturing, fertile hogs indicates that by showing loyalty to the army and sacrificing its own interests, the TDC was able not only to maintain but also increase profits. The author concludes that the case of the TDC’s Hainan livestock operations surely presents an extremely important opportunity to examine Japanese enterprise management in occupied South China from a wide variety of perspectives.
安永 有希
東洋学報 = The Toyo Gakuho (ISSN:03869067)
vol.103, no.1, pp.029-057, 2021-06-30

Towards the end of the 19th century, Hindi writer Devakīnandana Khatrī (1861–1913) incorporated the two motifs of the labyrinth (tilasma) and the master of deception capable of solving it (aiyāra) into his first novel entitled Candrakāntā (first published in 1892), an epic fantasy which opened up a whole new genre of popular Hindi fiction, called “Tilasmī Aiyārī upanyāsa,” which has been widely read ever since. Despite the plethora of similar works following Khatrī’s style, none were able to eclipse Candrakāntā and its 24-part sequel, Candrakāntā Santati. After a surge of Tilasmī Aiyārī novels during Khatrī’s lifetime, the number of new works began to decline during the early 20th century as realism came to dominate Hindi fiction. The research to date on the Tilasmī Aiyārī novel has been limited to commentaries on Khatrī’s masterpieces and introductions to other authors adopting his style, while no authoritative bibliography has yet been compiled covering the whole genre. In response, this article is an attempt to clarify the history of the Tilasmī Aiyārī novel, as one breakthrough in the early stages of the development of the Hindi novel, based on the library catalogs created in the midst of British colonial censorship, which, while by no means complete, still make it possible to get some idea of circumstances surrounding Hindi publishing at that time. In addition to the available catalogs, advertisements appearing in the actual publications provide important clues to the publishing history of the Tilasmī Aiyārī genre. The author also traces the origin of the term “Tilasmī Aiyārī upanyāsa,” and its “discovery” by later literary critics, since there was no such characterization of Khatrī’s style, or its imitators, during its heyday.
佐藤 良聖
東洋学報 = The Toyo Gakuho (ISSN:03869067)
vol.103, no.1, pp.31-55, 2021-06-30

Beginning in the late 19th century, as the countries of East Asia encountered European international law, the legal issue of territorial waters, the institutional basis for any nation’s claim to maritime possessions, was approached by Japan and China in greatly differing ways as shown by a fishing dispute which occurred between Japan, China and Korea in the Bohai and the Yellow Seas between 1906 and 1912. The dispute began in Bohai between Japan and the Qing Dynasty over the extent of China’s territorial waters there. Then in 1909, it reverberated into the Yellow Sea region when the Korean Empire legally determined its territorial waters, thus shutting out Chinese fishermen. In opposition to the Japanese argument citing customs of International Law of the Sea, the Qing Dynasty reinterpreted international maritime customs to legitimize its position, thus giving rise to differing approaches, which clashed over China’s claim that the whole Bohai Sea constituted its territorial waters, in contrast to Japan’s claim that they were limited to three nautical miles. Throughout its course the dispute was further complicated by the unsolved question of whether China or Japan was authorized to administer Kwantung Leased Territory on the Liaodong Peninsula, which included the maritime ports of Dalian and Lüshun on the Bohai Sea. In order to break the deadlock Ijuin Hikokichi, the Japanese envoy to the Qing Dynasty, proposed that debate be focused on the issue of tax collection instead of territorial waters, arguing that a compromise ironed out on the local level would bring a speedy end to the controversy. Nevertheless, a solution of sorts was only reached in April 1912, when a fishing agreement was concluded between the Republic of China and Japan, which determined that customary administrative procedures would be adopted. The author argues that the dispute gave rise to a controversy over maritime sovereignty, which the three parties tried to resolve by way of the idea of territorial waters. Although that attempt was unsuccessful due to the ensuing gridlock, it enabled the Qing Dynasty to form a unique interpretation of territorial waters determined by international custom, due in part to the fact that the simple application of International Maritime Law was made impossible by the special case of foreign leased territory in the region under dispute.
李 弘喆
東洋学報 = The Toyo Gakuho (ISSN:03869067)
vol.103, no.1, pp.1-29, 2021-06-30

This article analyzes the role of the Book of Origins (Shiben 世本), a lost work, in the three of the commentary collection Correct Meaning of the Five Classics (Wujing Zhengyi 五經正義), that is to say, the Zhengyi commentaries on the Book of Changes (Zhouyi 周易), the Book of Songs (Maoshi 毛詩) and the Book of History (Shangshu 尚書), keeping in mind the influence of commentaries predating the Wujing Zhengyi and focusing on the diverse receptions of Shiben over time. Beginning with the Zhouyi Zhengyi, the author notes the absence of any Shiben citations there, due to the fact that the compilers of the 7th century Wujing Zhengyi emphasized the correspondence between the existing commentaries (zhuwen 注文) they adopted and the sub-commentaries (shuwen 疏文) they also adopted or wrote anew themselves. The Zhouyi Zhengyi accepted Wang Bi’s 王弼 commentary of the 3rd century which did not quote any of the Shiben text. Next, the author notices that since the Shiben citations in the Maoshi and Shangshu Zhengyi are limited to the content of the canon (jing 經) relevant to those works, they concentrate chronologically on the Three Dynasties Period (Sandai 三代) and before, and in the latter, Shiben information on Antiquity (Shanggu 上古) is treated as one particular hypothesis that should be refuted. In both, Shiben genealogical information about the Yin and Zhou Dynasties is used together with citations from the Shiji 史記, but is often prioritized. That is because, the author points out, it had become the general consensus at the time of the Wujing Zhengyi compilation that Sima Qian 司馬遷 did consult the Shiben during the compilation of the Shiji. The author additionally notes that from an analysis of the fragmented evidence, the cited Shiben genealogical narrative lacks regularity in form, and the so-called “unique” descriptive style of the citations is in fact no different from the general narrative style of the sub-commentaries in the Wujing Zhengyi. The views offered in this article will hopefully contribute not only to the further study of Shiben itself, but also to the research regarding the restoration and reconstruction of lost and fragmentary texts in general. Since the historiographical research to date has long been focused on the task of restoring lost fragments of texts, perceptions towards restoration have remained at the level of Qing Dynasty textual criticism (Qingchao Kaozhengxue 淸朝考證學). What scholars should be collecting in the restoration process is not fragments of the original, but rather a “consciousness” regarding the original, for it is impossible to “restore” the original text. What is possible, however, is to clarify the perceptions towards and the substance of the fragments by returning to where they have been cited. This article is an attempt to answer the fundamental historiographical question of what sources the restored text was based on and to present that how inseparable the historiographic research on restored texts is from investigating in what way the original work was received and adopted over time.
稲石 良太 Fei Zhai 北 栄輔
情報処理学会論文誌数理モデル化と応用(TOM) (ISSN:18827780)
vol.2, no.2, pp.10-21, 2009-03-27

高木 正則
vol.60, no.1, pp.62-65, 2018-12-15

田所 摂寿
作大論集 = Sakushin Gakuin University Bulletin (ISSN:21857415)
no.7, pp.67-82, 2017-03-15

要約 本論文では、“カウンセリングコンピテンス”という概念を中心として、カウンセラー教育プログラムについて検討を行った。カウンセラー教育において重要な概念となる「科学者−実践家モデル」や、心理臨床実践におけるエビデンスの扱い方についても概説した。本論文のキー概念であるカウンセリングコンプテンスの要因としては、①知識(knowledges)、②素質と経験(senses and experiences)、③人間観(哲学)と態度(veiwof human nature and attitudes)、④スキル(skills)、⑤臨床実践量(practices)の5つを取り上げ、それぞれの要因について詳細な説明を試みた。併せて、これらの要因を「カウンセリングの質」を測るための計算式に表現することも試みた。今後の課題としてはカウンセリングコンピテンスを測定する尺度を作成し、実証していくことが挙げられた。
渡辺 勇士
vol.62, no.12, pp.662-666, 2021-11-15

荻野 太司 高橋 学 Hiroshi OGINO Manabu TAKAHASHI
學苑 = GAKUEN (ISSN:13480103)
vol.892, pp.70-82, 2015-02-01

In Japan, certified social workers are obliged to keep their clients' confidentiality under provisions of the Certified Social Workers and Certified Care Workers Act. Social worker-client privilege is not, however, stipulated in any statute laws or case laws. In this first part of the study, the authors give an overview of Japanese laws regarding confidentiality and introduce some discussions concerning social worker-client privilege, pointing out issues from both social welfare and juristic standpoints. The authors suggest that in Japan social worker-client privilege will possibly be more acknowledged in civil trials than in criminal trials. USA is far more experienced and rich in judicial precedents in this field. For instance, the US Supreme Court has ruled that clinical social workers have the right to privileged communication in federal courts. Part(2)will further examine these American case laws concerning social welfare and examine the differences from Japan, which will lead to the final part(3)in which the authors will clarify in which case the social-worker-client privilege should be respected in Japan and in which case it should not.
春成 秀爾
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History (ISSN:02867400)
vol.49, pp.47-91, 1993-03-25
