内田 正剛 河添 竜志郎 鈴木 圭 竹内 久美 田尻 美穂
九州理学療法士・作業療法士合同学会誌 (ISSN:09152032)
vol.2007, pp.109, 2007

【はじめに】<BR> 当事業所は独立型の訪問看護ステーションであり、訪問を通して生活支援のための福祉用具の導入に関わることも多い。今回我々は、身体機能の変化等によりリフト移乗を中止していた症例に対し、吊り具の調整とリフト操作方法の再検討により再導入に至る経験ができた。経緯や吊り具の調整方法などについて若干の知見を得たので報告する。<BR>【症例紹介】<BR> N.O氏、33歳男性診断名:筋萎縮性側索硬化症(H16.6診断)。現病歴:H2歩行困難、筋力低下が徐々に進行、H12呼吸不全となり気管切開、H15人工呼吸器開始、同年呼吸停止し低酸素脳症発症し意識レベルJCS300の寝たきり状態。H17.10.14より全身状態の維持管理を目的に当ステーションの訪問看護・訪問リハビリテーションが開始となった。<BR>【経過】<BR> 訪問開始時の家族の希望として、ベッドからのリフト移乗の再開と訪問入浴時の安全性の確保、介護者の負担軽減のためのリフト使用があった。しかし、リフト使用を中止するまでの吊り下げられた姿勢は座位姿勢に近く、著しい低血圧と頚部のコントロール不良によりそのままでは再開は困難であった。主治医や家族と共に現状でリフト移乗が可能な姿勢の確認をおこなった結果、仰臥位で水平に近く、頭頸部に無理な屈曲を強いらない姿勢であれば可能との結論となった。直接本人で試行ができなことから、事業所内スタッフ間で吊り具の調整方法や手順の確立を図った。結果として脚分離フルサイズ吊り具で水平位に近づくよう長さを調整し、ネックサポートの使用で頸部への負担軽減を図った。また、リフトで吊り上げた際の吊り具の張力が足側へ偏重することを防止するために、両膝窩部にクッションを入れ屈曲位保持させた。H18.1から母親とともに症例への試行を実施し良好な結果となった。その後、訪問時に母親への吊り具装着、操作方法の指導を継続し、H18.3には母親一人でも操作可能となり、ストレッチャーへの移乗や訪問入浴へのリフト使用など生活内へ導入となった。<BR>【考察】<BR> リフトや吊り具等の福祉用具は、対象者の身体機能や用途に合わせ選定、調整、適応する段階付けが必要である。これらは症例の状態変化においても検討調整が繰り返し求められる。生活支援とはその対象者と福祉用具と環境を組み合せてプランニングすることであり、訪問リハビリテーションにおいて我々セラピストは生活の可能性を見出し、実現する役割が求められると考える。
山田 朋弘 森 悦秀 南 克浩 三島 克章 内田 浩 塚本 雄一 宮島 貴博 松本 憲
社団法人 日本口腔外科学会
日本口腔外科学会雑誌 (ISSN:00215163)
vol.45, no.7, pp.427-434, 1999-07-20
3 1

Nineteen cases of unilateral cleft lip and nose were measured and evaluated before and after open rhinoplasty with the use of facial plaster models and a high-accuracy threedimensional digitizer (TRISTATION400CNC, Nikon, Tokyo). Surgery was performed from 1990 through 1994. The mean age of the subjects was 18.6 years.<BR>Three-dimensional wire-frame models were obtained from facial plaster models, and nasal landmarks were extracted automatically by an original program. The landmarks were evaluated and compared according to three operation techniques:(1) Flying bird group: A flying bird incision was made across the columella, and a tornado incision was made in the nostril. After cartilage reconstruction, complex tissue was transplanted into the nostril. Furthermore, Z-plasty was done across the white lip and the alar base of the affected side.(2) Col. base-graft group: An incision was made in the columella base and nostril rim. After cartilage reconstruction, ear cartilage was transplanted onto the nasal tip, alar, or both (3) Col. base-non-graft group: An incision was made in the columella base and nostril rim. The nasal cartilage was reconstructed without a graft.<BR>The nasal tips deviated about 5 mm to the normal side before operation and were corrected after operation in all groups. In the flying bird and col. base-graft groups, the nasal tips moved about 3 mm anteriorly. The difference in the distance between the columelia base and the alar base decreased markedly in the flying bird group. The columella base deviated about 3mm to the normal side before surgery and was corrected after surgery in all groups. In the Col. base-graft group, the columella base protruded inferiorly after operation. No remarkable change was observed in the alar dip in any group.<BR>The procedure used in the flying bird group was suggested to result in a better morphological outcome than the procedures used in the col. base with/without graft groups.
御興 久美子 赤松 万里 内田 由理子 土家 琢磨 吉野 太郎

内田 金生
経営史学 (ISSN:03869113)
vol.29, no.4, pp.26-57, 1995-01-30 (Released:2010-11-18)

It goes without saying that economic and industrial growth of prewar Japan had much relied on the development of silk industry. Nevertheless, the previous studies have concentrated upon the research of the growth of export market and business of export products from the view of trade balance of prewar Japan, and unreasonably ignored the importance of domestic market.This paper attempts to clarify the increasing domestic market and consumption of raw silk during the period from 1870s to 1920s by closely examining the various kinds of statistical data including cocoon production as original material. This also tries to analyze a secular trend of the domestic demand, as well as production and distribution process of raw silk in prewar Japan. One of the most important findings in this research is the larger scale of domestic silk market than the estimated figure of the previous researches. The other significant point this paper has made is to show the evidence that the variety and requirement of the domestic market had distinctively differed from export products, accordingly the repeated increase of export had not always induced the decrease of the importance of the domestic market of raw silk in the period.
内田 星美
経営史学 (ISSN:03869113)
vol.23, no.1, pp.1-27, 1988-04-30 (Released:2009-11-06)

According to a statistical survey of graduate engineers from universities and technical colleges, the total number of engineers in Japan in 1920 was 1, 400, 2.8 times as many as ten years earlier; of these 73% were employed in private industry. Employment in metal, electrical, chemical and engineering industries marked 5-13 times increases in ten years, indicating the rise of heavy and chemical industries during the First World War.Seventy firms, of which 20 were founded between 1910 and 1920, employed more than 20 engineers, against 20 firms in total in 1910; and 11 firms employed more than 100. Increasing the number of engineers within a firm would naturally lead to the ordering of engineers by age.Thirty-six large firms hired engineers in specific subjects who had graduated almost every year from 1905 until 1919, suggesting the origin of the “Japanese management” practice of employing freshmen each year and letting them climb up the ladder of positions.More than 100 firms had several engineers in top management with the title “manager” or “chief engineer”; most of them had graduated during the 1890's, although few of them had seats on the board with their capitalist employers.Recently established steelmaking or shipbuilding companies had recruited veteran engineers through transfer from related Zaibatsu firms or through head-hunting from public or private concerns.For the first time in Japanese business history, several firms erected laboratries during the war. These firms were employing young physicists and chemists who had graduated from science faculties of the universities in addition to engineering faculty graduates.
内田 星美
経営史学 (ISSN:03869113)
vol.14, no.2, pp.1-30, 1979-10-10 (Released:2009-11-06)

Increasing employment of engineers who had graduated universities or technical colleges founded since 1880's meant for the private firms in the early phase of industrialization organizational growth, from relying upon a single all-round engineer through diversification of jobs to the hierarchy of engineers. Examining the statistical data concerning the distribution of engineers among industries as well as companies for the year 1900 and 1910, those three stages of organization are discernible in the firms which belonged to such industries as railroad, mining, cotton and electricity supply.
内科系学会の男女共同参画に関する連絡協議会 橋本 悦子 瀧原 圭子 鈴木 眞理 成瀬 桂子 内田 啓子 金子 猛 三谷 絹子 村田 美穂 相良 博典 駒瀬 裕子 名越 澄子 村島 温子 吉田 正樹 安藤 富士子 梶波 康二 西川 典子 檜山 桂子 別役 智子 正木 崇生 山内 高弘 白鳥 敬子
一般社団法人 日本内科学会
日本内科学会雑誌 (ISSN:00215384)
vol.107, no.5, pp.894-899, 2018

<p> 2012年度及び2016年度に行われた日本内科学会と内科系13学会における男女共同参画の実態調査結果を比較した.女性理事のいる学会が5学会から9学会に増加し,女性評議員数も全学会で増加,男女共同参画推進組織のある学会は10学会から13学会となった.評議員,委員会委員,司会・座長の女性の比率がいずれも会員比と同等の学会は2016年度で1学会のみであったのに対し,専門医の女性比率は13学会で会員比とほぼ同等であった.</p>
奥田 大樹 田中 大介 美濃部 亮太 内田 欣吾 清水 洋
一般社団法人 日本液晶学会
日本液晶学会討論会講演予稿集 (ISSN:18803490)
vol.2013, pp._PA45-1_-_PA45-2, 2013

The alkyl homologues of azobenzene-triphenylene mesogen (1C-n: n=11-16) exhibit both thermal and photo-induced phase transitions among calamitic smectic and discotic columnar mesophases with the change of molecular anisotropy. However, one can see the difference in phase transition parameters between the shorter (1C-11 and 12) and longer (1C-13〜16) homologues. The optical texture observations of these homologues on a glass and polyimide-coated substrates indicated that the molecular conformation (relative positioning) of the azobenzene moieties and the central triphenylene differs with a critical point of the alkyl chain length between 1C-12 and 13.
内田 明日香 尾崎 靖
社団法人 日本印刷学会
日本印刷学会誌 (ISSN:09143319)
vol.57, no.3, pp.141-145, 2020 (Released:2020-07-15)

In order to maintain stable printing and avoid printing troubles during UV (Ultra-Violet) curable printing, it is important to understand the curing reaction both on the surface and within the ink films. In this study, the depth profile of offset printing ink films (with a thickness of a few micrometers) on coated paper was analyzed non-destructively from the surface side using confocal Raman microscopy (CRM). Spatial resolution of 0.2 um was obtainable using an oil lens. As a result, the structure of offset ink layers could be evaluated in detail. In addition, the UV curing reaction of overlapping multicolor offset inks could be estimated using CRM techniques. Moreover, the three-dimensional distribution of ink components in multicolor offset printing could be also visualized.
内田隆三 [著]