近藤 亮太 上田 祥代 杉本 麻樹 南澤 孝太 稲見 昌彦 北崎 充晃
特定非営利活動法人 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会
日本バーチャルリアリティ学会論文誌 (ISSN:1344011X)
vol.24, no.4, pp.351-360, 2019 (Released:2019-12-31)

We feel as if a fake body is our own body by synchronicity between the fake body and the real body (illusory body ownership). The illusory body ownership can be induced to an invisible full body via the synchronous movement of only the hands and feet. We aimed to investigate whether the illusory ownership occurs to a virtual body with an elongated arm by changing position of the one of the hands, and it changes reaching behavior and/or postural stability. We found that the illusory body ownership was induced to the transformed body by synchronous movement of the hands and feet. Participants’ reaching behavior gradually changed to use the longer arm more than the normal arm during learning of the transformed body within 10 min. Postural stability did not change. These results suggest that we can have illusory ownership of the transformed body with the elongated arm, and our behavior adaptively changes to utilize the new body.
花光 宣尚 田井 秀昭 元木 龍也 佐藤 文彦 清水 啓太郎 神山 洋一 南澤 孝太 evala 水口 哲也
特定非営利活動法人 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会
日本バーチャルリアリティ学会論文誌 (ISSN:1344011X)
vol.27, no.1, pp.51-64, 2022-03-31 (Released:2022-04-23)

This paper proposes a chair-based synesthetic experience device, Synesthesia X1-2.44, which utilizes auditory, haptic, and visual sensations. In order to realize a synesthetic experience, we designed the chair that includes 44 haptic actuators, two speakers and 5 stage lights, and exhibited it at Media Ambition Tokyo 2019. When discussing this work, we observed “sense of stretching and contracting of the body”, “sense of floating/sinking”, and “sense of disappearance of the body”. In addition, the combination of whole-body haptic sensation and spatial acoustics with sounds felt from inside/outside the body affects the autonomic nervous system and induces a pleasant state, and create a representation different from the usual auditory and haptic experiences.
稲見 昌彦 南澤 孝太 杉本 麻樹 北崎 充晃

KevinFan 杉浦裕太 神山洋一 南澤孝太 稲見昌彦
vol.2014, pp.266-269, 2014-09-12

We present "Dokodemo Door", a system which brings the users to alternate realities by a simple interaction of opening the door. In our system, a door, which is usually a bridge between physical mediums, acts as an interface for seamless transitioning between alternate realities. Alternate realities could be from a remote venue, which brings about the experience of
吉田 匠 城 堅誠 南澤 孝太 新居 英明 川上 直樹 舘 [ススム]
The Institute of Image Information and Television Engineers
映像情報メディア学会誌 : 映像情報メディア = The journal of the Institute of Image Information and Television Engineers (ISSN:13426907)
vol.63, no.6, pp.801-809, 2009-06-01

A wide field of vision is important for driver safety and vehicle operability. However, the window area of vehicles is limited. Therefore, we developed head-tracked retro-reflective projection technology that displays vehicle blind spot information. The system enables the driver to observe the surroundings in the blind spot as if seeing through the inner wall of the vehicle. The system uses a head-mounted projector and multiple cameras. We describe the system design, the implementation of a prototype, and performance evaluation experiments. Early experiments showed that the system effectively displayed the blind spot information corresponding to the operator's looking around motion.
王 七音 花光 宣尚 脇坂 崇平 水口 哲也 南澤 孝太
特定非営利活動法人 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会
日本バーチャルリアリティ学会論文誌 (ISSN:1344011X)
vol.28, no.4, pp.339-348, 2023 (Released:2023-12-27)

In the fields of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) and Virtual Reality (VR), there is an increasing focus on well-being. While research has underscored the potential of multimodal technologies to foster mental tranquility, the integration of scene imagery linked to nostalgic emotions remains under-investigated. In our research, we developed an immersive whole-body haptic experience, guiding participants through scene imagery supplemented by Pseudo-action stimuli, including actions like walking and opening a door, as well as Ambient stimuli, such as wind and everyday sounds. The results confirmed that participants effectively reminisced about serene and comforting places. Pseudo-action stimuli bolstered sensory ownership sensations, whereas Ambient stimuli provided a platform for open interpretation. In conclusion, our study suggests that whole-body haptic technologies in Virtual Reality can offer a nuanced approach to creating scene representations, potentially enhancing user immersion.
近藤 亮太 上田 祥代 杉本 麻樹 南澤 孝太 稲見 昌彦 北崎 充晃
特定非営利活動法人 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会
日本バーチャルリアリティ学会論文誌 (ISSN:1344011X)
vol.24, no.4, pp.351-360, 2019

<p>We feel as if a fake body is our own body by synchronicity between the fake body and the real body (illusory body ownership). The illusory body ownership can be induced to an invisible full body via the synchronous movement of only the hands and feet. We aimed to investigate whether the illusory ownership occurs to a virtual body with an elongated arm by changing position of the one of the hands, and it changes reaching behavior and/or postural stability. We found that the illusory body ownership was induced to the transformed body by synchronous movement of the hands and feet. Participants' reaching behavior gradually changed to use the longer arm more than the normal arm during learning of the transformed body within 10 min. Postural stability did not change. These results suggest that we can have illusory ownership of the transformed body with the elongated arm, and our behavior adaptively changes to utilize the new body.</p>
早川 裕彦 大脇 理智 石川 琢也 南澤 孝太 田中 由浩 駒﨑 掲 鎌本 優 渡邊 淳司
特定非営利活動法人 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会
日本バーチャルリアリティ学会論文誌 (ISSN:1344011X)
vol.25, no.4, pp.412-421, 2020-12-25 (Released:2020-12-25)

This paper presents “Public Booth for Vibrotactile Communication”, an interactive audio-visual-haptic media that allows us to feel the vibrations of the other people who share the same desk and face each other. The purpose of this research is to observe what kind of behavior people take when a higher presence is presented by tactile sensation in telecommunication. As the interface, we designed a pair of frames consisting of a curved screen to show the upper body and the hand of a life-size person, a haptic system to share tactile sensation, and a sound system. By installing the frames in multiple remote places and transmitting audio-visual-tactile sensation interactively, we observed what kind of behavior faced people do and what kind of communication was created between them. As a result, various haptic plays were created. Since the tendency in the development of haptic communication observed in the developmental phase of infants was also observed through this approach, it was clarified that the heightened presence provided by haptics for telecommunication contributes to the promotion of friendship.
徳久 悟 吉野 弘一 小幡 光一 遠藤 志津子 岩崎 花梨 武田 港 柴崎 美奈 神山 洋一 南澤 孝太
特定非営利活動法人 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会
日本バーチャルリアリティ学会論文誌 (ISSN:1344011X)
vol.20, no.1, pp.3-14, 2015

Not only in Japan but also in other countries, there are some case studies in the museum using virtual reality and augmented reality technologies. Based on this trend, Toppan Printing Co., Ltd. developed Toppan VR which a method to show digital archive data, and have organized the Museum Theater with Tokyo National Museum (Tohaku). This research designed a service on The Great Map of Japan (Inouzu) in order to expand the user experience in the museum as well as to solve some issues extracted through operational experiences. This service designed 4 touch points on Inouzu, an interactive map viewer, a VR movie "Map of Japan created by Ino Tadataka" at Museum Theater, a workshop on pace countings, Special exhibition "Map of Japan created by Ino Tadataka" at Heiseikan Thematic Exhibition Room, and aligned them. As a result of the evaluation tests, this service changed passive experiences on the Museum Theater to more subjective experiences, and achieved more effective linkage between the Museum Theater and the exhibition.
柴﨑 美奈 神山 洋一 南澤 孝太
特定非営利活動法人 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会
日本バーチャルリアリティ学会論文誌 (ISSN:1344011X)
vol.21, no.3, pp.537-540, 2016

<p>To make it possible for the deaf and hard of hearing to enjoy to appreciate the performance of tap dancers, we developed a system called "Karada Tap", which transfers the haptic sensation of Tap Dance from the stage to the audience seats in collaboration with a tap dance unit and a science museum. This system was used in a public performance and we confirmed that the system could provide the sense of rhythm to the deaf and hard-of-hearing audience so that we could help the tap dancers to share the fun of dance to the audience with disabilities.</p>
高寺 政行 大谷 毅 森川 英明 乾 滋 南澤 孝太 佐藤 哲也 鋤柄 佐千子 大塚 美智子 金 キョンオク 宮武 恵子 松村 嘉之 鈴木 明 韓 載香 柳田 佳子 古川 貴雄 石川 智治 西松 豊典 矢野 海児 松本 陽一 徃住 彰文 濱田 州博 上條 正義 金井 博幸 坂口 明男 森川 陽 池田 和子 鈴木 美和子 北折 貴子 鄭 永娥 藤本 隆宏 正田 康博 山村 貴敬 高橋 正人 中嶋 正之 太田 健一 堀場 洋輔

南澤 孝太 深町 聡一郎 梶本 裕之 川上 直樹 舘 〓
特定非営利活動法人 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会
日本バーチャルリアリティ学会論文誌 (ISSN:1344011X)
vol.13, no.1, pp.15-23, 2008
17 9

We propose a wearable haptic display to present the sensation of weight and inertial force of virtual objects, which is based on our novel insight that the deformation on fingerpads makes a reliable sensation of weight even when the proprioceptive sensations on wrist and arm are absent. The goal of this project is to meet the increasing demand for realistic haptic feedback with a simple haptic display that delivers realistic existence of virtual objects in entertainment, augmented reality or telexistence systems.
山本 翼 杉浦 裕太 南澤 孝太 杉本 麻樹 稲見 昌彦
特定非営利活動法人 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会
日本バーチャルリアリティ学会論文誌 (ISSN:1344011X)
vol.18, no.3, pp.371-381, 2013

PukaPuCam is an application service that utilizes a camera attached to balloons, to capture users' photo continuously as a third person's view. Later on, users can glance through their photos using PukaPuCam Viewer. PukaPuCam records interactions between users and surrounding objects or people they meet. One of its features is that as balloon experience air resistance, it can change its inclination according to the user's speed. This promotes users' experience of recollecting records not normally taken. Unlike other similar devices, PukaPuCam uses one of the common design people are familiar with - a balloon; make it an interesting application at tourist spot. Since balloons are cute, we aim to give users more enjoyable, delightful experiences.
南澤 孝太

当該年度は,入の力触覚知覚に関する基礎的研究,および力触覚インタラクションシステムの実装という両側面からの研究を行い,本研究のテーマである人の知覚特性を活用した力触覚ディスプレイの設計論を構築した.(1)指の皮膚感覚と腕の固有受容感覚の役割分担の検証と,両者を統合した力触覚提示手法の構築人間の力触覚の知覚において,指先から手首にかけての自己受容感覚を欠如しても,肘から肩にかけての4自由度の力覚提示のみでも十分な重量感の伝達が行えることを確認した.これにより簡易な装置による高品位な触覚情報提示が実現可能となる.また重量の知覚における皮膚感覚と固有受容感覚の役割分担および統合の効果について検証し,皮膚感覚は小さい力で優位に働き,固有受容感覚は大きい力で優位に働くという,相補関係にある役割分担が存在することを確認し,皮膚感覚と固有受容感覚が統合されることで,知覚域全体でのフラットなパフォーマンスが達成されていることを,心理物理実験を通じて検証した.この結果から,皮膚感覚は知覚範囲が狭いが分解能は高く,自己受容感覚は分解能が低いが知覚範囲は高い,という相補関係にある役割分担が存在することが示唆された.本研究成果はROBOMEC 2009およびIEEE Haptics Symposium 2010において発表を行った.(2)空中に浮かぶ三次元映像の把持操作が可能な,ハプティックインタラクションシステムの構築身体性を有する触覚情報の提示技術を開発するため,これまで設計した指先装着型ハプティックディスプレイと手掌部装着型ハプティックディスプレイを統合し,手袋型のハプティックディスプレイを実装したまた.物理シミュレーション空間において手のモデルを構築し,バーチャルな手と物体との接触における手の各部位での垂直力と剪断力の実時間計算を行った.さらに立体映像の提示を導入し,視覚情報と触覚情報の位置の一致により実在感の向上が行えることを心理物理実験により検証した.最後に,これうの知見を統合し,全周囲立体映像提示装置TWISTERにおいて手袋型ハプティックディスプレイを用いた,3次元視触覚情報提示システムを構築し,身体性を有する触覚コミュニケーションメディアの有効性を確認した.本研究成果は,東京ゲームショウ2009において技術展示を行い,ハプティックインタラクションの可能性を提示することができた.
廣瀬 雅治 杉浦 裕太 南澤 孝太 稲見 昌彦
vol.2014, pp.142-145, 2014-09-12
