高橋 正人
The Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.45, no.1, pp.237-243, 1996-02-01 (Released:2010-09-30)
1 1

Unfortunately, anabolic androgenic steroid (AAS) abuse is prevalent in Japan. Most steroid abusers are amateur bodybuilders, powerlifters, wrestlers, and “fitness enthusiasists.” The case presented is of a young amateur bodybuilder, who suffered gynecomastia, whose only significant risk factor was his nonmedical use of an AAS.A 27-yr-old male was admitted to our hospital in December 1992 with gynecomastia. He reported starting to use an AAS, oxymetolone (Anadrol®) 30 mg daily, at the age of 23 yrs in 1987. He had developed bilateral painful gynecomastia, impotence and decreased sex drive within 3 months of starting AAS use. He stopped using it, and was admitted to another clinic in 1991. He took testosterone propionate (Testinon®) 25 mg weekly, but, as he was anxious about the long-term use or this medication, he was adimitted to our clinic.On physical examination his gynecomastia had diminished slightly, but he still had breast tenderness. All his laboratory examination results were almost within the normal ranges. Neverthless his serum free testosterone level was slightly low, so he took tamoxifen (Nolvadex®) and Chinese medicines. Consequently, his gynecomastia improved after treatment, for 5 months.Gynecomastia develops when an AAS is converted to estrogen. In conclusion, tamoxifen administration may be useful to reverse gynecomastia caused by AAS doping in sportsmen.
河野 俊彦 高橋 正人 立木 幸敏

高橋 正人
The Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.43, no.1, pp.66-74, 1994-02-01 (Released:2010-09-30)
1 1

I report a case of scalp hair loss and nail destruction as possible side effects of anabolic androgenic steroid (AAS) doping in a Japanese athlete. The patiet, a 27-year-old man, was an amateur bodybuilder who won the championship in a bodybuilding contest. However, he tested positive in a doping test for drostanolone and stanozolol, and was deprived of his championship.In Japan, positive results in doping tests are very rare. The patient suffered from loss of scalp hair and destruction of the nails before the contest. In addition, he presented with hoarseness and soft tumors of the lower extremities. Laboratory data showed hypotestos-onemia caused by AAS doping. However, a hCG test revealed that he still had positive of sex function capacity. Therefore the patients natural course was observed without medical treatment, and the symptoms were resolved within four months after the contest. This is considered to be the first case of nail destruction caused by AAS doping reported in the world.
高橋 正人 原沢 延幸 吉田 博久
公益社団法人 高分子学会
高分子論文集 (ISSN:03862186)
vol.47, no.5, pp.455-458, 1990-05-25 (Released:2010-03-15)
1 1

ポリエチレンオキシド (PEO) /ポリメタクリル酸メチル (PMMA) ブレンド中でのPEOの等温結晶化過程に及ぼすPMMAのタクチシチーならびに分子量の影響を検討した. 結晶化速度はPMMAの組成と分子量の増加に伴い遅くなる. ブレンド試料の融解熱はPMMA分子量には依存せず, PMMA組成が増加すると小さくなる. また, 融解熱はPMMAタクチシチーに依存しアイソタクチック, シンジオタクチック, アタクチックの順に小さくなる. 結晶化の活性化エネルギーはPMMA組成と分子量には依存せず, PMMAタクチシチーに依存し, アイソタクチック, シンジオタクチック, アタクチックの順に小さくなる.
武井 秀仁 齋竹 隆貴 高橋 正人
日本感性工学会論文誌 (ISSN:18845258)
vol.21, no.2, pp.215-223, 2022 (Released:2022-04-28)

When performing sensory evaluation, it is necessary to consider not only using a lot of time and cost but also human factors such as stress of subjects. This study focused on solution viscoelasticity and peel force. In order to link above properties with sensory values, we performed sensory evaluation for subjects to various samples with different properties. The obtained sensory values were averaged to exclude influences of individual differences, and the correlation between the obtained sensory values and measured properties was investigated. As the results, high correlation was obtained between sensory properties about “moist”, “refresh”, “smooth”, and “sticky”. Also, high correlation was obtained between sensory properties about “sticky” and “skin familiarity” and the maximum value of peel force measured during 50 cycles of measurements. Therefore, when evaluating skin feeling of skin toner, it may be possible to substitute skin feelings to the evaluation of solution viscoelasticity and maximum peel force.
高橋 正人 大谷 毅
Japan Society of Kansei Engineering
日本感性工学会論文誌 (ISSN:18845258)
vol.16, no.5, pp.497-502, 2017 (Released:2017-12-26)

In fashion Business, turnover of stores is decided by the product appeals of fashion apparels and selling capacity of the fashion apparel store. In order to increase the turnover, the selection of apparel goods which are preferred by consumers of the shop is most important. Next, the selling capacity is important. In previous papers, we discussed about the relation between apparel goods and consumers. Fashion apparel is thought to be a carrier of the information which is proposed by the fashion designer. On this account, we assumed the purchase and sale of fashion apparels are the diffusion phenomena of the information in the behavioral space. From the point of view, we propose a mathematical model describing the purchase and sale of the fashion apparels.
高橋 尚志 礒田 誠 大浦 みゆき 西原 浩 高木 由美子 佐々木 信行 藤原 佳代子 高橋 智香 金子 之史 末廣 喜代一 松本 一範 稗田 美嘉 森 征洋 松村 雅文 寺尾 徹 川勝 博 北林 雅洋 笠 潤平 福家 弘康 西川 健男 高橋 正人 久利 知光 林 雄二 東条 直樹 横川 勝正 上村 和則 武藤 成継 石川 恭広 長谷川 忍
香川大学教育実践総合研究 (ISSN:1345708X)
vol.16, pp.35-43, 2008

どど 孝介 高橋 正人 山田 雄次 杉本 芳一 橋本 祐一 白井 隆一
天然有機化合物討論会講演要旨集 42 (ISSN:24331856)
pp.667-672, 2000-10-01 (Released:2017-08-18)

Dysidiolide (1), a novel sesterterpene from the Caribbean marine sponge Dysidea etheria de Laubenfels, inhibits the protein phophatase cdc25A (IC_<50>=9.4μM) that promotes the Gl/S transition of the cell cycle by dephosphorylation of the cyclin/CDK complex. Cdc25A is known to be oncogenic and overexpressed in a number of tumor cell lines. Therefore, cdc25A inhibitor dysidiolide is regarded as a novel candidate agent for the treatment of cancer and other proliferative diseases. Although some groups accomplished total synthesis of dysidiolide, a synthetic approach to its struture-activity relationship has not been reported yet. We developed an efficient synthetic route to dysidiolide and its analogs in order to investigate the structure-activity relationship. The retrosynthetic analysis is shown in scheme 1. The octalin framework was constructed by intermolecular Diels-Alder reaction of the chiral triene (5) with crotonaldehyde (scheme 3). Subsequently, the quaternary center at C6 was created by methylation of the exocyclic enolate (scheme 4). Finally, the γ-hydroxybutenolide residue was introduced by addition of 3-furyllithium to the aldehyde (2) and successive photochemical oxidation of the furan ring. A series of dysidiolide analogs were synthesized according to the same procedures. To investigate the structure-activity relationship of dysidiolide, dysidiolide and its analogs were examined for cdc25A/B inhibitory activity and antiproliferative activity (table1). Searching for simple and strong cdc25A inhibitors, we designed and synthesized novel cdc25A inhibitors using Windaus-Grundmann ketone derived from Vitamin D3 (figure 1, table 2). Finally, to comfirm the effect of cdc25A inhibitors on cell cycle progression, cell cycle analysis was performed (figure 2).
大谷 毅 KIM KyoungOk 高橋 正人 乾 滋 森川 英明 高寺 政行
Japan Society of Kansei Engineering
日本感性工学会論文誌 (ISSN:18840833)
vol.13, no.5, pp.629-668, 2014 (Released:2015-01-30)
1 12

In “Cool Japan,” the government has been trying to promote the internationalization of the fashion business by Japanese companies as a national policy since 2005. The aim has mostly failed, and only partially completed efforts have been confirmed. Consequently, the presence of the Japanese fashion business remains weak in the global fashion market. The purpose of this paper is to explain the cause. While the domestic fashion market has experienced rapid growth over the 50 years following World War II, fashion companies have not shown an interest in foreign markets. Designers of ready-to-wear apparel have followed the fashion styles of Paris and Milan. As long as fashion companies were realizing growing revenues, top management of large-scale fashion companies supported these trends. Top management did not delegate significant discretion for designs to the chief of design, and chief or creative directors had uncertain roles.As a result, designers may have lost their creativity in a commercial sense, and the chief of design is no longer responsible for sales. Top management has given more priority to modelisme than stylisme. Much interest was focused on mistakes in the product details rather than customer profiles. Senior management understood that we had efficiently conducted our fashion business in this manner.It became impossible to assume the risk associated with international market expansion. In the 1990s, the price of the property price in Tokyo decreased after collapse of the bubble economy. It attracted the famous fashion houses of Europe to the burgeoning commercial areas of Tokyo. On the other hand, Japanese entrepreneurs were unable to recover markets lost to the Europeans, even by expanding into foreign markets. Despotic leadership is necessary for the success of the fashion business. As for the company form, possession and management should be the same one. The entrepreneur should delegate the necessary discretion to the chief of design. The chief's discretion will depend on the decision premise, which precedes the first stage of fashion design. The design of fashion clothing will be added according to going through the manufacturing process. The virtual “design chain” is determined by the chief of design.The manufacturer of ready-to-wear is to “make to stock.” If nobody buy it, ready-to-wear would not exist, and the values are not found. The defects are caused at the design of the first stage. The cheif should owe its responsibility.This business depends on the sensibility or affection of humans, which is difficult to understand. However, the design chiefs of the textile manufacturers have promoted abduction about the decision premise of the chief designer at Maison. Therefore, marketing activities are being conducted aggressively. The role of a fashion designer of ready-to-wear clothing is different from that of an artist. From a large chaotic space, a “subset” is extracted. Subset is action space that is shared by certain people. It is assumed that a subset of these is represented by several people, model. Therefore, the task of the chief gives silhouette in this model. If we assume that the silhouette is supported by action space, sellable products can be designed. Action space may exist globally across the border. In many cases, global properties for global markets are lurking among these.
高寺 政行 大谷 毅 森川 英明 乾 滋 南澤 孝太 佐藤 哲也 鋤柄 佐千子 大塚 美智子 金 キョンオク 宮武 恵子 松村 嘉之 鈴木 明 韓 載香 柳田 佳子 古川 貴雄 石川 智治 西松 豊典 矢野 海児 松本 陽一 徃住 彰文 濱田 州博 上條 正義 金井 博幸 坂口 明男 森川 陽 池田 和子 鈴木 美和子 北折 貴子 鄭 永娥 藤本 隆宏 正田 康博 山村 貴敬 高橋 正人 中嶋 正之 太田 健一 堀場 洋輔

大谷 毅 高寺 政行 森川 英明 乾 滋 徃住 彰文 柳田 佳子 宮武 恵子 矢野 海児 濱田 州博 池田 和子 鈴木 美和子 鈴木 明 正田 康博 上條 正義 松村 嘉之 菅原 正博 藤本 隆宏 肖 文陵 高橋 正人 韓 載香 金 キョンオク 李 宏偉 佐野 希美子 NAKANISHI-DERAT Emi 雑賀 静

南條 博 小林実 貴夫 高橋 正人 増田 弘毅 川村 公一 高橋 正人
