山田 一太
Bird Research (ISSN:18801587)
vol.7, pp.A57-A60, 2011

春の渡り時期にハヤブサ <i>Falco peregrinus</i> の捕食成功率を明らかにする目的で広島県大竹市の海岸で調査を行なった.調査は1991-2011年まで,2000年と2005年を除く,のべ19年間に146日行ない,ハヤブサの捕食行動は115日観察した.ハヤブサの狩りはヒヨドリ <i>Hypsipetes amaurotis</i> を狙った攻撃が多かった.記録の多い海上における成鳥雌雄のヒヨドリに対する捕獲成功率は,雌は68%,雄は89%と雄の捕獲成功率が有意に高かった.ヒヨドリに対する捕獲成功率の違いに影響する要因としては,平均攻撃回数が雌が6.2回だったのに対して雄は2.8回と少なく,体の小さい雄の方が小回りがきき,退避行動をとるヒヨドリにうまく追従して攻撃したことが考えられた.
大森 史隆 飯干 紀代子 山田 弘幸 オオモリ フミタカ イイボシ キヨコ ヤマダ ヒロユキ Fumitaka OHMORI Kiyoko IIBOSHI Hiroyuki YAMADA
九州保健福祉大学研究紀要 = Journal of Kyushu University of Health and Welfare
vol.14, pp.129-133, 2013-03

We created a modified version of the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) for persons with hearing loss (HL) and tested its reliability, validity and effectiveness among 40 elderly participants. We extracted the MMSE items `registration', `recall', `repetition' and `comprehension' and in the HL condition, these four items were only presented with simultaneous spoken and written instructions. The results were as follows: (1) The HL test-retest coefficient of correlation was r = 0.74; Cronbach's α was 0.64. (2) In the non-hearing loss group, the HL test results showed a correlation with the MMSE, the Oldest-Old version of the Cognitive Assessment Questionnaire and the Clinical Dementia Rating(CDR-J). (3) A 2-way ANOVA was conducted with cognitive function as the within-subjects factor and hearing loss as the between-subjects factor; for total score, `registration' and `repetition', the effect of cognitive function test was significant only in the hearing loss group. The retest reliability of HL, its concurrent validity and its effectiveness were confirmed. It is desirable to administer the standard MMSE to persons with hearing loss if they can use hearing aids or adjustments can be made to the volume. However, if such modifications are not possible, HL may be useful in cases where it is necessary to repeat questions.
山田 雄久
経営史学 (ISSN:03869113)
vol.30, no.4, pp.32-58, 1996-01-30 (Released:2010-11-18)

Since the Hizen Porcelain Industry had started selling to European, American and Chinese merchants in 1860s, the Arita merchants conceived brands and selected designs to be reflected in the products made by manufacturers. In 1870s, Hizen Porcelain Industry sold on World Exhibitions and exported many products directly to European countries and America. The porcelain companies exported also directly while selling to foreign merchants in Nagasaki and Yokohama. Such strategies were adopted according to the changing conditions in internal and external markets.Around 1890, the Japanese merchants who lost their share in foreign markets gradually shifted to sales of both traditional and modern porcelain products in various national districts. Under unfavorable exporting conditions, Arita merchants united with manufacturers in their production and export activities. This reaction resulted in an integrated brand of Hizen Porcelain Industry which in turn, implied higher competition within the Japanese porcelain market itself.
山田 徹雄
経営史学 (ISSN:03869113)
vol.16, no.1, pp.1-28, 1981-04-30 (Released:2009-11-06)

This paper will make clear how and in what extent the railway policy of the Prussian government exercised its influence on private railways in Rhine-Westphalia. The Berg-Mark Railway with some local lines, founded by bankers and manufacturers in Wuppertal, expanded its network of lines to be one of the greatest railways in Germany within a half century. It was so closely linked with the State that the Minister of Commerce, August v.d. Heydt, initiating the policy of railway nationalization, had been a main member of the board of directors. In 1850 when the Berg-Mark Railway could not raise the capital to build a new line, the State made a financial support with a conditional contract that the former should hand its administration over to the latter. Though this measure robbed private shareholders of control over the running of the company, they were rather willing to accept it, because they were of opinion that skillfull managers and engineers were merely obtainable under the name of officials.This type of railway enterprise, owned by shareholders and managed by the State, might be, in a sense, a suitable form in Germany. The State intervention was made, in some extent, by military needs to facilitate the defence of the west but also in view of the economic significance of the Ruhr with coal fields and the Western industries. Both the State and the Western had the common interest that their economic activities were hampered by economic-geographic standing-points of the Rhine-Westphalia, which was in closer touch with Holland and Belgium than Berlin.
山田 正喜子
経営史学 (ISSN:03869113)
vol.11, no.2, pp.49-69, 1976-10-15 (Released:2009-11-06)

In U. S. A., the big business organization is the most prominent and powerful institution. In fact, big business is so strong that every American feels its influence in everyday life. Also big business itself knows quite well its behavior is observed by public. Accordingly, it has become fashionable for many business leaders to advocate “the social responsibility of business”. However, there is no agreement on a definition or concept of corporate social responsibilities. No one argues that management does not have a direct responsibility to stockholders, or that the corporation is not interested in profits. Debate arises over priorities of obligation to stockholders, workers, and consumers. Should a corporation concern itself with things such as racial porblems, unemployment, city problems (slum or urban ugliness), pollution of water and air, cultural deserts, political life and so on ?For example, Milton Freedman argues that the single task of managers is to employ the capital of their stockholders in the most profitable manner for the benefit of stockholders and not in the service of some public interest ; his main point of view is based on the classical allocation theory that price and marginal cost will tend to be roughly equal, rewards to the factors of production will relate to their respective marginal contribution to production, and resources will be used in the most efficient manner. For him, retaining the competitive market system. insisting on the importance of the profit motive, and giving the generous rein to supply and demand mean greater production.On the other hand, G. K. Galbraith points out that the assumption of classical price theory has lost most of its validity in mid-twentieth century since the modern American capitalist system depends on and revolves around the operations of a relatively few large corporations. That is to say, competition within the system of corporate concentrates produces results quite different from the balanced economy expounded by Adam Smith.However, if we look at historical movements of corporate social responsibilities in U. S. A., we will realize that there has been a great diversity of reactions from business toward them. Eventually, we recognize that any of these arguments on the above discusses only about one aspect of the corporate social responsibility and gives us no definite answer. But if we consider the corporate organization as an open system and also the society as a total open system including a production subsystem, political subsystem, and so on, we will possibly get better explanations on the debate and why American corporations have been extending their range of social responsibilities in a historical process of the growth of the American industry.In this paper, I will discuss why using the open system theory approach can be useful for analysing historical movements of the corporate social responsibility and show an applicability of the theory by analysing three cases in each different phase of the American business history.
鈴木 光明 山田 道夫 前田 優 永瀬 茂 赤阪 健
日本結晶学会誌 (ISSN:03694585)
vol.58, no.2, pp.73-78, 2016-04-30 (Released:2016-04-30)

For the structure determination of endohedral metallofullerenes (EMFs), X-ray crystallographic study is very powerful because it provides detailed information of the positions of encapsulated species as well as the cage structures. We have reported a number of X-ray crystal structures of EMFs and their derivatives, which are in good agreement with those suggested by theoretical calculations as well as NMR analyses. Herein we show the importance of interplay between experiments and theoretical calculations for the structure determination of EMFs by taking up La@C82, Gd@C82, and Sc2@C66 as the representative examples.
小松﨑 記妃子 山田 真実子 福宮 智子 佐藤 陽子 山﨑 あや 渡辺 純子 福地本 晴美
昭和学士会雑誌 (ISSN:2187719X)
vol.80, no.6, pp.499-507, 2020 (Released:2021-01-28)

看護学生による臨地実習に関する評価尺度の動向を明らかにする.本研究は,臨地実習での教授者の教育能力および学生の看護実践能力の両側面の能力を評価するための資料とする.医中誌Web Ver.  5を用いて,検索対象年は2005年1月〜2015年9月,検索式は「臨地実習」and「看護学生」and「評価」とし原著論文に限定した.その中から看護学実習に関して尺度を用いた評価を行っている文献(独自質問紙のみを使用した文献は除外)を分析対象とした.検索の結果,1,132件が抽出された.このうち本研究の条件に該当する文献は73文献あった.使用されている評価尺度は55種類あり,1文献に対し1〜11の尺度を用いるなど多岐にわたっていた.評価者は,教員,指導者,学生の3つに分類でき,評価対象は,教員,指導者,学生,実習過程(実習全般),実習環境の5種類に分類できた.人を評価対象とした文献のなかで,教員を評価した文献は4件で最も少なく全て2011年以降に確認された.指導者を評価した文献は20件,学生を評価した文献は45件あり,2005年から確認できた.教員を評価対象とした文献のうち,その評価者は,学生3件,教員(自己評価)1件であり,評価尺度は,前者は全て日本語版Effective Clinical Teaching Behaviors(以下ECTB),後者は教授活動自己評価尺度―看護学実習用―が用いられていた.指導者を評価対象とした文献における評価者は,学生14件,指導者(自己評価)6件であった.評価尺度は,前者のうち11件がECTB,3件が授業過程評価スケール―看護学実習用―であり,後者は全てECTBが用いられていた.近年の看護学実習における教育評価に関する研究では,教授者の教育実践能力を評価する尺度には,授業過程評価スケール―看護学実習用―やECTBの共通性が確認されたが,教員を評価対象とした研究は僅かであった.また,評価の時期は,基礎実習後と領域実習の前後などで2時点から3時点で実施されており,基礎看護実習から全ての実習終了後までなど一連の過程を通じた学生の評価に関する研究は見当たらなかった.看護実践能力における要素別の評価尺度を組み合わせて実習を評価していることが明らかになった.
佐々木 優 高木 正則 山田 敬三 佐々木 淳
vol.2018, no.1, pp.745-746, 2018-03-13

山田 仁
no.5, pp.85-107, 2007

北川 清隆 柳沢 秀一郎 山田 哲也 三原 美晴
富山大学医学会誌 (ISSN:18832067)
vol.17, no.1, pp.27-29, 2006

両眼瞼下垂を訴えた59歳,女性に対し,alpha adrenergic agonistである5%フェニレフリン及び1%アプラクロニジンの点眼試験を行ったところ,眼瞼下垂は改善した。alpha adrenergic agonistである0.1%ジピベフリンの点眼で加療したところ両眼瞼下垂は改善した。眼瞼下垂を来たす症例において,alpha adrenergic agonistである0.1%ジピベフリンの点眼が有効な場合があると思われた。
山田 啓二
一般社団法人 日本時計学会
日本時計学会誌 (ISSN:00290416)
vol.123, pp.3-13, 1987-12-20 (Released:2017-11-09)

To express the condition of putting watch on the wrist, it seems that a phrase "this watch fits on wrist" is sometimes used among Japanese people. The present research started to survey the practical meaning of this common phrase. First of all, we observed one by one the wrist of one hundred males and females passing through a ticket gate of the station Tachikawa to survey the watch position put on theit wrists. According to this observation, the position "C" sa mentioned in Figure 1 of this text was determined as the representative position. Second, we selected at random fifty male and female employees of the Orient Watch Company to examine their wrist size and shape. As the result, we found out that there is a close mutual relation between the wrist size and shape, and body weight. Finally, we arrived at a following conclusion that we can make a proper presumption of general size and shape of wrist about the average people by examining their body weight.
山田 佳代子 園田 茂
pp.329, 2011-04-15

●概要 ミラーセラピー(mirror therapy)とは,鏡を使用して運動の視覚フィードバックを与える治療法である.ほぼ矢状面で両肢間に鏡を設置し,鏡に映された一側肢が鏡に隠れた反対側肢の位置と重なるようにする(図).切断や麻痺などの患側肢の遠位部に健側肢の映った鏡像がつながって見えることで,患側肢が健常な実像であるかのように感じさせながら運動を行う.1995年にRamachandran1)が上肢切断者の幻肢痛の軽減に有効であると初めて報告した.その後,脳卒中患者の麻痺改善や下肢幻肢痛,複合性局所性疼痛症候群,腕神経叢引き抜き損傷患者の疼痛軽減効果などが報告されている2).