服部 美奈
岐阜聖徳学園大学紀要. 教育学部編 = The annals of Gifu Shotoku Gakuen University. Faculty of Education (ISSN:13460889)
vol.40, pp.77-90, 2001

The purpose of this paper is to analyse the "Development and Women" policy and Islam in Indonesia. Since 1978,the "Development and Women" policy has been begun by Indonesian government, and women's organizations have been organized by the government directly to integrate women into the development policy. On the other hand, the NGOs based on Islam also have coped with the women's program from the Islamic point of view. They have put into practice various activities to encourage women in the social sphere. The Islamic point of view from the NGOs is partly similer to the viewpoint of policy, but is delicately different from that.
服部 美奈 Mina Hattori
岐阜聖徳学園大学紀要. 教育学部外国語学部 = The annals of Gifu Shotoku Gakuen University. Faculty of Education Faculty of Foreign Languages (ISSN:09160175)
vol.38, pp.51-66, 1999-09-30

The purpose of this paper is to analyse the Islamic view on newborn infants in relation to the concept of fitrah. In Islam, all newborn infants are born with a fitrah, which means one's possibilities and basi abilities. In particular, the fitrah of faith and that of God's nature are emphasezed. Newborn infants are considered to have a fitrah of faith in Allah and to be pure in nature, because every human being makes a promise to Allah before their birth Allah breathes His spirit into them. Additionally, some rituals--for example, Adzan and Qamat, and 'Aqiqah--are carried out to develop fitrah.
服部 美奈
岐阜聖徳学園大学紀要 教育学部・外国語学部 (ISSN:13456989)
no.38, pp.51-66, 1999

The purpose of this paper is to analyse the Islamic view on newborn infants in relation to the concept of fitrah. In Islam, all newborn infants are born with a fitrah, which means one's possibilities and basi abilities. In particular, the fitrah of faith and that of God's nature are emphasezed. Newborn infants are considered to have a fitrah of faith in Allah and to be pure in nature, because every human being makes a promise to Allah before their birth Allah breathes His spirit into them. Additionally, some rituals--for example, Adzan and Qamat, and 'Aqiqah--are carried out to develop fitrah.
服部 美奈 神内 陽子 HATTORI Mina JINNAI Yoko
名古屋大学大学院教育発達科学研究科紀要. 教育科学 (ISSN:13460307)
vol.66, no.2, pp.173-198, 2020-03-31

This study describes the characteristics of legal education in Indonesian higher education, and examines the position and role of higher education towards the training of professionals for the legal field. Two types of universities are analyzed; one a national general university operated by the Ministry of Higher Education and the other a national Islamic university operated by the Ministry of Religion Affairs. A historical overview of these institutions is followed by an explanation of the current Indonesian situation for legal education. Next an analysis is offered of the legal education performed at Diponegoro University (Central Java,) an example of a national general university, and at Sunan Kalijaga Islamic University (Yogyakarta) a national Islamic university. Finally, a conclusion summarizes the characteristics important to Indonesian modern legal education, with an attempt to clarify and discern the differences between the legal education and training of legal professionals training at these two types of universities within the country. For this research, various documents were analyzed, informants at each university interviewed, and classes at both universities observed. The field research conducted by Y. Jinnai occurred from March 14–22, 2017 and by M. Hattori, from February 26–27, 2018. In conclusion, the following three points were made: First, as Kadota (2011) has pointed out, there still exists no national common bar examination for legal professionals. The Supreme Court, the Prosecutor's Office, and the association of lawyers conduct each examination independently, including assessment and final certification. Students cannot obtain this certificate, even if they have successfully completed university studies. It is mandatory to first obtain a bachelor's degree as a basic qualification. In other words, "the education offered at universities is the first and indispensable part of legal training" [Kadota 2011]. This also means that law education at universities has become more academic and theoretical-oriented than a vocation-oriented, practical pedagogy. Secondly, at the higher education level, the characteristics for legal education show the same tendencies in both systems; both place emphasis on academic, theoretical knowledge. At Diponegoro University, it is not possible for students to deepen a particular field of specialization, although the course is organized so that it can be studied more broadly. Therefore, students can obtain opportunities that enable easier access to a wide spectrum of careers after graduation. At Sunan Kalijaga National Islamic University, the curriculum of the faculty of Shari'a and Law is designed for students to obtain a bachelor's degree in law, although not a bachelor's degree in Islamic law. Students are thus able to gain access to occupations other than that of a religious court civil servant, or a position within the Ministry of Religion Affairs; they may also train for the legal profession in general. In this regard, it can be said that the initial purpose for the establishment of the National Islamic University to provide Muslims with a bachelor's degree in general law has been achieved to some extent. Finally, this study illustrates that Islamic institutions of higher education that appeared before independence as institutions with different missions than the traditional the educational institution, Pesantren, have been successful in integrating Islamic studies in general. Despite this progress, it must be mentioned that the trend towards integration represent more a concern towards the transition from a National Islamic College (PTAIN) to a National Islamic Institute (IAIN,) and then to a National Islamic University (UIN), and as such, true integration is still incomplete, and rather remains a compromise.本研究は,科学研究費補助金基盤研究(B)「法整備支援重点支援対象国における法学教育」(研究代表者:四本健二,研究課題番号15H05176,平成27年度~30年度)の研究成果の一部である。
所澤 潤 中田 敏夫 入澤 充 小川 早百合 古屋 健 江原 裕美 澤野 由紀子 志賀 幹郎 山口 陽弘 田中 麻里 YOFFE LEONID G 服部 美奈 山崎 瑞紀 日暮 トモ子 猪股 剛 小池 亜子 小室 広佐子 近藤 孝弘 三輪 千明 市川 誠 音山 若穂 前田 亜紀子 徳江 基行 モラレス松原 礼子 佐藤 久恵 林 恵 清水 真紀 福田 えり (石司 えり) 白石 淳子

奥島 美夏 池田 光穂 石川 陽子 鈴木 伸枝 永井 史男 高畑 幸 服部 美奈

服部 美奈 西野 節男

研究成果を以下の4点に要約する。第一に、インドネシア・マレーシアのイスラーム高等教育機関では近年、イスラーム法学やイスラーム教育などのイスラーム諸学に、非宗教的な学問諸学である法学や教育学を統合する試みが進められている。さらに、イスラーム高等教育機関は様々な価値が混在する多元化社会に対応し、同時に非宗教系高等教育機関とは異なる人材の輩出、つまり宗教と非宗教といった二元的な学問類型を越えたイスラーム指導者を養成しようとしている。一方、マレーシアのイスラーム高等教育機関は1980年代からアラビア語と英語を教授用語とするマレーシア国際イスラーム大学の設立など、グローバル化に対応した教育改革を行い、国内外のイスラーム指導者を養成している。また各州における独自の取り組みも注目される。第二に、イスラーム高等教育機関における研究の進展は顕著である。多くのイスラーム高等教育機関には女性研究センターPusat Studi Wanita、イスラーム研究センターが設けられ、イスラーム諸学の研究が進められていると同時に、現代の諸問題に照らした教義の再解釈や社会科学の手法にもとづく実証研究が推進されている。この意味で、各国のイスラーム高等教育機関における研究の蓄積と発信が今後のイスラーム研究の重要なリソースとなりつつある。第三に、しかしながら異宗教間対話という観点からインドネシア・マレーシアのイスラーム高等教育機関をみると、イスラーム諸学と非イスラーム諸学との学問的統合あるいはより広い分野での就職・活動の機会を学生に提供しているという点において、価値多元化社会への対応は確実に進んでいるといえるものの、諸宗教間の対話を現在のイスラーム高等教育機関が積極的に提供していると結論づけることはできない。第四に、2011年に開催した国際シンポジウムにおいて、各国(インドネシア、マレーシア、ブルネイ、オランダ、ヨルダン)のイスラーム高等教育機関に所属する研究者を招聘し、東南アジア、ヨーロッパ、中東地域におけるイスラーム高等教育機関の価値多元化社会への対応を直接議論することにより、国際的な研究交流を促進した。また、この国際シンポジウムの開催により、東南アジア地域のみならず、ムスリムがマイノリティとして居住するヨーロッパにおけるイスラーム高等教育機関の現状と課題を共有し、より普遍的な課題の検討と問題提起が可能となった。
山田 肖子 森下 稔 服部 美奈 黒田 一雄 日下部 達哉 大塚 豊 北村 友人 西村 幹子 小松 太郎 乾 美紀 鴨川 明子 澤村 信英
