西澤 由隆 河野 勝 荒井 紀一郎 中條 美和 村上 剛 金 慧 広瀬 健太郎

山口 勧 村上 史朗 森尾 博昭

杉浦 崇夫 的場 秀樹 村上 悳
The Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.32, no.1, pp.17-24, 1983-02-01 (Released:2010-12-10)

Sex difference in enzyme activities of the skeletal muscle were examined in rats aged 10 and 35 weeks. At 10 and 35 weeks of age, animals were anesthetized with ether and weighed. M, gastrocnemius, m.extensor digitorum longus and m.soleus were removed from both legs under pentobarbital anethesia and weighed. These muscles were used for the determination of myosin ATPase activity, phosphofruktokinase (PFK) activity, succinate dehydrogenase (SDH) activity and non-collagenous protein (NCP) content.The results were summarized as follows:1) Thirty-five week-old rats had heavier body and muscle weights than 10-weekold rats in both sexes and males had significantly heavier body and muscle weights than females at both 10 and 35 weeks of age.2) Similar tendency was observed with regard to total NCP content. Furthermore, it was found that total NCP content was positively correrated to muscle weight (r=0.871, r=0.909 and r=0.871 in m. gastrocnemius, m.extensor digitorum longus and m.soleus, respectively) . However, no significant difference in NCP content per wet weight was found between both sexes and between different age groups.3) Myosin ATPase activity tended to be lower at 35 weeks of age than at 10 weeks of age, the tendency being the most prominent in the gastrocnemius muscle of male rat (p<0.05) . However, no significant sex difference in myosin ATPase activity was observed in three muscle examined in both age groups.4) Although not statistically significant, mean PFK activity was slightly lower in 35-week-old rats than in 10-week-old rats, and there was no sex difference in PFK activity at both weeks of age.5) SDH activity was significantly lower in 35-week-old rats than in 10-week-old rats except that there was no significant age difference in the gastrocnemius muscle of males. There was no significant sex difference in SDH activity in both age groups with an exception of the extensor digitorum longus muscle from 35-week-old rats, where males had significantly higher SDH activity than females.
村上 好彦
vol.1988, no.14(1987-ARC-049), pp.1-9, 1988-02-23

米国デジタル・リサーチ社で開発された、主にインテル80286/386MPU用の汎用OSであるFlexOSについて、機能概要と日本語化方法について説明する。更にデジタル・リサーチ・ジャパンによって過去CP/Mの時代より米国DRIオリジナルOSに対応して拡張/付加してきた日本語処理システム(FSX : Foreign Language System extension)について総合的に説明する。
vol.65, no.2, 1956-02-15

The author tried to breed a Japanese house centipede, Thereuonema hilgendorfi Verhoeff and examined its postembryonic development on the basis of the passed number of molting. 1. The eggs are creamy yellow, subspherical, and covered with microscopic hairs which are helpful to moisten rapidly the surface of eggs by a little water in the soil. Each egg has a diameter of 1mm and the length of 1.2mm, its shell being about 40μ tick. All eggs are not laid in masses. The embryos bear four pairs of legs, four tergits and two zonular tergits of maxillary segments and prehensors. Their eyes are pigmented compound. 2. The six larval stadia, as summarized in Table 1, can be distinguished by differences in pairs of legs. Larvae of each stadium bear the embryonic tergits, sternits and limb buds on the mesodermic somite. After the sixth molting, larvae come into Agenitalis-stadium. 3. The epimorphic developmental period is divided into six stadia and these have the relation to the passed number of molting as follows: No. of molting Body size Agenitalis I: 6 7.5-9.0mm. length Agenitalis II: 7 8.5-10.5mm. length Immaturus: 8 10.5-13mm. length Praematurus: 9 11.5-14.5mm. length Pseudomaturus: from 10 to 12 12-20mm. length Maturus: from 13 to 17 19-28mm. length 4. The Hemianamorphic development of T. hilgendorfi is divided into twelve stadia. Of those stadia, Pseudomaturus and Maturus pass through three and five times moltings respectively, while the others one molting.
vol.68, no.9, 1959-09-15

1) The hemianamorphic development of the Japanese house centipide, Thereuopoda ferox VERH., is divided into eleven or twelve growing stadia which have the morphological characters as are shown in Table 1. 2) Adult bears numerous spines on each segment of legs and on the flagellum primum of antennae. Growth of spines has relations to growing stadia as shown in Table 2.
vol.68, no.5, 1959-05-15

Several reports concerning the tergite of Scutigeridae have already been published since the old study of Latzel (1880). This paper gives a new aspect on the tergite. The materials used for the observation are the two following species, Thereuonema hilgendorfi Verhoeff and Thereuopoda ferox Verh. The results obtained are as follows: 1.Scutigeridae has a small covered tergite between any comsecutive two of eight main tergites. If these seven small tergites are regarded to be the modification of the main tergites, the tergites of the family are fifteen in number and this number coincides with that of the pairs of legs. (see Figs. 1-4) 2.The earlier workers except Verhoeff made a common error which denied the presence of a small covered tergite between the seventh and the eighth main tergite because of seeing Scutigefidae in a relation to Lithobiidae. Attems ('30) has mistaken a pretergite as a small covered tergite. 3.The anamorphic development of leg-bearing segments is summarized in the Table 1. So far as the present writer has observed, there is found no foundation of Verhoeff's theory that the main tergite of Scutigeridae is a diplotergite. It is considered that the eight main tergites belong to the odd leg-bearing segments, and that each of the even segments has a small covered tergite. These small tergites appear at the epimorphic development period. 4.In the Table 1, doubly marked tergites have the following characteristic: each of them is a normally complished tergite at the earlier stage of the stadium, but at the later stage it turns into a cuticula by partial moulting which occurs before the change of larval stadia. This is thought to be an organic phenomenon for the formation of the two new pairs of legs in the embryonic somite. As compared with each other between Verhoeff's Table and the present writer's, it is likely that the former has considered this characteristic process as a change of teloptergite into diplotergite. 5.The "Telotergite" called by Verhoeff means the embryonic tergite at the first and the second larval stadium and also means the complished tergite, which turns into cuticula as mentioned above, at the other stadia. Thus, it must be said that he put heterogenous tergites in the same category.
村上 遥
大学図書館研究 (ISSN:03860507)
vol.101, pp.53-60, 2014-12-26 (Released:2017-10-31)

小松 文彦 田中 学 村上 朝之 奥野 喜裕
一般社団法人 電気学会
電気学会論文誌B(電力・エネルギー部門誌) (ISSN:03854213)
vol.134, no.7, pp.620-625, 2014 (Released:2014-07-01)
5 5

High temperature inert gas (argon) plasma MHD electrical power generation using a linear shaped channel with Hall and diagonal connections has been conducted. It is revealed from the observation by using a high-speed camera that the MHD power-generating plasma is almost stable regardless of the connection type. Enthalpy extraction ratios of 5.6% for the Hall connection, 6.7% for the diagonal connection (diagonal angle 53∼66 degree), and 10.1% for the diagonal connection (diagonal angle 36∼48 degree) have been achieved under the operating conditions of an inlet total temperature of 9000K, an inlet total pressure of 0.105MPa, and a magnetic flux density of 4.0T. The output power can suffer from a low electric field in the upstream region in a Hall connection, and is improved for no Hall current condition in a diagonal connection.
田中 学 村上 朝之 奥野 喜裕
一般社団法人 電気学会
電気学会論文誌B(電力・エネルギー部門誌) (ISSN:03854213)
vol.134, no.7, pp.614-619, 2014 (Released:2014-07-01)

MHD power generation experiments have been conducted by using a single-pulsed shock-tunnel facility, where the high temperature inert gas (pure argon) at a fixed total temperature of 9000K is introduced into a linear shaped Faraday type generator without any seeding. The fluctuations in the output power and the light emission from the plasma are found to be small, and the pure inert gas plasma seems to be rather stable free from the ionization instability. The output power is improved with increasing the magnetic flux density in almost quadric way and the enthalpy extraction ratio does not depend on the inlet total pressure (11.2%-12.9% for 0.063MPa-0.105MPa). The generator performance obtained here is surely competitive or superior to that of conventional seed plasma MHD generators in the past.