松元 和伸 小林 薫 森井 俊広 中房 悟
公益社団法人 地盤工学会
地盤工学ジャーナル (ISSN:18806341)
vol.11, no.2, pp.139-148, 2016

和田 義人 茂木 幹義 小田 力 森 章夫 鈴木 博 林 薫 宮城 一郎
熱帯医学 Tropical medicine (ISSN:03855643)
vol.17, no.4, pp.187-199, 1976-02-28

奄美大島において1972-1975年に蚊の調査を行なった.成虫は畜舎にかけたライトトラップ及び野外でのドライアイストラップにより,幼虫はその発生場所において,1年を通じて採集を行なった.その結果31種の蚊が得られた.上記の方法による採集の記録と,野外で採集した幼虫の飼育の記録とから,各々の種の,特に冬季における,生態について記載した.また,奄美大島での日本脳炎ウイルスの越冬について,伝搬蚊コガタアカイエカの生態の面から考察を加え,ウイルスの越冬が可能なのは,冬の気温が高く,蚊-豚の感染サイクルが持続する場合においてのみであると結論した.Mosquitoes were investigated on Amami-Oshima Island in 1972-1975. Adults were collected by light traps at animal shelters and by dry ice traps in the field, and larvae at their breeding sites in the whole year. In total, 31 species of mosquitoes were found. From the mosquito catches by the above methods together with the rearing records of some larvae collected in the field, the biology of each mosquito particularly in the winter time was reported. Also, the possibility of the overwintering of Japanese encephalitis virus on Amami-Oshima was discussed on the basis of the biology of the vector mosquito, Culex tritaeniorhynchus. It was considered that the successful overwintering of the virus is attained only by the succession of the pig-mosquito cycle maintained by the continuous feeding activity of the vector mosquitoes in warm winter.
津金澤 洋平 小林 薫 弓削 康平
日本計算工学会論文集 (ISSN:13478826)
vol.2007, pp.20070010-20070010, 2007 (Released:2007-03-26)

小林 薫 熊谷 幸樹 藤間 律子 近久 博志
公益社団法人 日本地下水学会
地下水学会誌 (ISSN:09134182)
vol.51, no.4, pp.349-360, 2009 (Released:2012-02-01)

林 薫
文教大学国際学部紀要 (ISSN:09173072)
vol.18, no.1, pp.49-64, 2007-07

The Japan's experiences in regional development as represented by "Michinoeki (roadside stations)" and One Village One Product Movement (OVOP)" have been widely recognized as Japanese models of indigenous development and incorporated into aid programs to developing countries by the Government of Japan, Japan International Cooperation Agency and Japan Bank for International Cooperation. The international organizations such as the World Bank which introduced the "Guidelines for the Roadside Stations" in 2004, are showing strong interest to the Japanese models. This article argues that the essence of Japan's experience in this field is not the particular patters or frameworks but the process of agglomeration and innovation. The process is observed in many traditional agro and manufacturing industries some from several hundreds years ago. The key message for the developing countries are; (1) The maximization of the utilization of local resources is quite important but should not exclude the possibility of building interregional production linkage, (2) The benefit from agglomeration should be fully captured, and(3) The globalization of the market will be the source of innovation and strengthening of competitiveness, therefore openness of the regional development is prerequisite.
横沢 保 深田 修司 宮内 昭 松塚 文夫 小林 薫 隈 寛二
一般社団法人 日本内科学会
日本内科学会雑誌 (ISSN:00215384)
vol.86, no.7, pp.1117-1125, 1997-07-10 (Released:2008-06-12)

日常臨床で,超音波(以下エコー)が,甲状腺疾患に役立つと実感できるのは,触診で迷ったときすぐに,びまん性か,結節性かの鑑別や,嚢胞性か充実性かなどをチェックできることである.更に,習熟すると,以下のような使い方がある. 1.結節性疾患;結節性疾患では, a.嚢胞性か充実性か, b.結節の局在・サイズ・数, c.石灰化の種類(砂粒小体など), d.良性か悪性か, e.癌の甲状腺外浸潤, f.転移リンパ節腫大の有無などが,ある程度診断可能である.しかし,癌の診断と治療方針の決定に対しては,細胞診またはエコーガイド下穿刺吸引細胞診(UG-FNAB)の併用が必要になる. 2. UG-FNAB;エコーガイド下細胞診すると,従来診断が困難で診断がつかないまま外科に送られていた症例を減少させることができる.その主な適応は, (1)触診困難な微小病変, (2)腺内転移(多発癌), (3)嚢胞変性腫瘤, (4)慢性甲状腺炎やバセドウ病に合併した腫瘤, 5.触診細胞診で充分細胞が採れない再検例(石灰化例等), 6.大きな良性結節に合併した小さな癌, 7.甲状腺癌術後の局所リンパ節腫大の診断,などである.当院にUG-FNABが導入されてから5年が経過したが,症例数は年々増加し, 1996年現在,総細胞診例の約8割の症例がUG-FNABを行っている.ただ,新技術の導入によって起こった最大の問題は,微小癌をどうするかということであった.現在,我々は,独自の微小癌への対策基準を設置して実際に行っている. 3.びまん性疾患;びまん性疾患では, 1.バセドウ病や慢性甲状腺炎の結節合併の有無, 2.体積測定, 3.亜急性甲状腺炎の診断と治療効果判定,などに有用である.
鈴木 久美 小松 浩子 林 直子 片岡 弥恵子 樺澤 三奈子 大坂 和可子 大畑 美里 池口 佳子 大林 薫

舘野 義男 山崎 正明 小林 薫(深海 薫) 猪子 英俊

小林 薫
西洋古典學研究 (ISSN:04479114)
vol.49, pp.62-73, 2001-03-05

It is generally agreed that the agon scene between Teucer and the Atreidai over the burial of Ajax in the latter half of Sophocles' Ajax ruins the tragic pathos which is subtly developed in the course of the dramatic action up to the point of the suicide scene Among three topics disputed in the debate-evaluation of Ajax' conduct, legitimacy of the Atreidai's generalship, and Teucer's birth (status)-the last is most frequently alleged to be responsible for the drama's incongruity as having no relevance at all to the question of burial Reexammation of this controversy, however, reveals that it not only holds an appropriate place in the debate but also relates the agon scene to the earlier part of the drama First, the issue of birth is effectively introduced in the agon to highlight the fundamental difference of the opponents of the debate in the moral principles, thus aptly pertaining to the dramatic context The dispute over evaluation of Teucer's birth makes strikingly clear the contrast between the two sides, the Atreidai demanding that all Greeks should be under their supreme authority and no hubris should ever be tolerated, and Teucer, on the other hand, claiming that every warrior is equal and is subject to none but himself Secondly, the dispute over Teucer's birth relates the latter half of the drama to the first by calling into question the objective clarity of 'nobility of birth' To the scornful reproach of his antagonists that he is a barbaros, a slave born of a captive, a non-hoplite, thus having no claim to privileges of free men, Teucer makes strong objections insisting that he prides himself upon his nobility originating from royal-both Greek and Trojan-parents as well as in outstanding performance as an archer, and that the Atreidai too have barbaric elements in their allegedly noble birth This argument of Teucer seriously undermines the Atreidai's assumptions concerning nobility of birth by posing two questions first, by what standard is nobility evaluated, and second, to what extent is nobility of character determined by nobility of birth ? Furthermore, Teucer's protest against the Atreidai's abusive attack on his birth reveals, in spite of himself, the problematic nature of his brother's belief in nobility, which is thoroughly presented in his discourses in the earlier part of the drama Ajax's obsessive preoccupation with his noble birth, inherited from Telamon and to be inherited by Eurysakes, as well as self-chosen death as its proof is put into question ironically in attempt to redeem the honor of his brother Understanding the agon scene in this manner allows us to interpret the scenes to follow as well Odysseus' intervention as an arbiter can be seen as an enactment of possible alternative to nobility by which Ajax abides determinedly to the death, Eurysakes' participation in the rite of burial as problematic presentation of consanguinity of the father and the son It is incontestable, therefore, that the issue of Teucer's birth plays an indispensable role to grant coherent unity to the drama
林 薫平

末永 斂 宮城 一郎 氏家 淳雄 林 薫 三舟 求真人 二ッ木 浩一
熱帯医学 (ISSN:03855643)
vol.9, no.3, pp.136-142, 1967-12

アーボウイルスの分離と関連してTanzania国のMwanza地方で1966年8月から1967年2月まで蚊の調査を行なった,蚊からのウイルス分離成績については別報でのべられるので,本報では採集された蚊の種類とそれらの生態についてのべる.この地方は海抜1000米以上の高地で比較的涼しく,6月頃から10月頃迄の乾期と11月頃から5月頃迄の雨期とに区別される.Mwanza及びその周辺における蚊の発生可能水域としてはVictoria湖岸の大小の湿地帯,一部破損した古い水洗便所の浄化槽,流れのとまった小さな河川の水たまり,及びその河口附近の岸辺等がある.成虫の採集は湿地帯の附近,市街地の人家内,森林地帯など9カ所(第2表)で実施し,この中3ケ所では二重蚊帳による夜間吸血活動の時間的消長についても調べた.9地点で採集された蚊は9属約38種,雌25185個体,雄2264個体で,この中,Bukobaの森林地帯で採れたHodogesia sanguinae, Eretmapodites grahamiの2種はTanzania国から初めての採集記録であると思われる.恒久的湿地帯の近くではMansonia africanaとMansonia uniformisが圧倒的に多く,市街地の屋内ではCulex pipiens fatigansのみが採集されるが湖に近い人家の附近ではこれらの3種が共にかなり採集される.H356ウイルスが分離されたCulex decensは比較的大きな恒久的湿地帯の近くでかなり採集された.湿地帯を内部にもったBukobaの閉鎖的森林地帯ではMansonia, Aedes, Orthopodomyia, Culex等に属する18種の蚊が採集された.Anopheles gambiae, An. funestus, Aedesaegypti等は少数採集されたにすぎない.Mansonia africana, M. uniformis及びCulex decensの3種は日没と共に飛来し始め,真夜中にピークを示し,日の出前迄吸血活動をつゞける.Culex pipiens fatigansは日没と同時に飛来し,午後8時頃ピークに達し,一且減少するが,早朝にもう一度ピークを示し,日の出前迄活動するように思われる.Mosquito survey in the highland district of the Republic of Tanzania,mainly in Mwanza region situated at south lake-side of Lake Victoria,Were carried out from August 1986 to February 1967. Over twenty seven thousand mosquitoes representing about 38 species of 9 genera were collected mainly by using human baited traps at nine different sites. Four mosquito species, Mansonia africana, M. uniformis, Culex pipiens fatigans and C. decens, were in about 91 per cent of all mosquitoes obtained in the survey. These Mansonia species and Culex decens seemed to breed in the open-permanent swamps near Lake Victoria, and Culex pipiens fatigans was breeding in cesspools and gutters around dwelling houses. Hodogesia sanguinae and Eretmapodites grahami which had not been found in Tanzania were collected at Munene and Ruasina forests in Bukoba area, and Anopheline mosquitoes, though very small in number, were collected in 10 species. The majority of mosquitoes collected were used for the isolation of arboviruses, however out of them only one strain (H336) was isolated from a pool of Culex decens collected nearby a open-permanent swamp, Mwanza. We wish to express our sincere thanks to all staffs of East African Institute for Medical Research, Mwanza for their kindness to accomplishment of our survey and to staffs of East African Virus Research Institute, Entebbe, Uganda for their kind advices, and also to officers of Mwanza Regional Forest Office and its branches for their kind help to collect mosquitoes in forests.
林 薫 Shichijo Akehisa Mifune Kumato Matsuo Sachiko Wada Yoshito Mogi Motoyoshi Itch Tatsuya
熱帯医学 (ISSN:03855643)
vol.15, no.4, pp.214-224, 1973-12

Serial surveys on the ecology of Japanese encephalitis virus in Nagasaki area were made during from 1969 to 1971. In total, 11,229 hibernated female mosquitoes of Culex tritaeniorhynchus were caught in early spring every year for virus isolation, however it was unsuccessful. The significant increase of hemagglutination inhibition antibody possessing rate in the sera of slaughtered pigs in early spring was not found in these three years. Virus isolations from the vector mosquitoes in epidemic season were made from 1st to 26th of August in 1969, from 19th of July to 16th of August in 1970 and from 13th to 27th of July in 1971, respectively. Although the isolation efficiencies were not remarkably different at the highest level in a certain limited period in epidemic season during the years 1964 to 1971, the periods for JE virus isolation from the vector mosquitoes became shorter in the years from 1968 to 1971 than from 1964 to 1967. It was considered as one of the reasons that the number of the vector mosquitoes was smaller during the epizootic from 1968 to 1971 than from 1964 to 1967. Subsequently, it was noted that the encephalitis case sbecame to decrease in number in recent years.1969年,1970年及び1971年の3年間に越年コガタアカイエカ11,229個体,65プールについて哺乳マウス脳内接種法でウイルスの分離を試みたが,成績は陰性であった.流行期における蚊からのウイルスの分離は1969年は,8月1日から8月26日まで,1970年は,7月19日から8月6日まで,1971年は7月13日から7月27日までの期間であった.各年の捕集蚊からの日脳ウイルスの分離効率は最も高いときは1969年3.6,1970年4.8,1971年4.4であって,1968年以前の流行盛期のそれと大差がない.以上の事実は,最近3年間の野外でのコガタアカイエカのウイルス汚染が流行期の或る一時期には1968年以前と同じくらいに行われていることを示している.これに反して,蚊からのウイルスの分離期間が異常に短かくなっていることは,コガタアカイエカの発生,消長が最近3年間では著しく減少していることに,その一つの要因を求めることが出来る.これと平行して.患者数も減少し,1969年19名,1970年17名,1971年3名の届出患者があったにすぎない.
林 薫 三舟 求真人 田口 厚
長崎大学風土病紀要 (ISSN:00413267)
vol.4, no.2, pp.87-95, 1962-06

1961年6月採用した長崎及び佐世保市内の幼稚園児及び小学児童791名の血清についてpolio中和抗体の分布を調査し,長崎市では地区によって各型抗体の獲得状態に著明な差が認められたが,佐世保市ではこのような地域差を認めなかった.長崎市でpolio中和抗体獲得の最も低い幼稚園児60名,小学児童60名,合計120名についてSabin型弱毒polio生ワクチンの服用前及び50日後の中和抗体を同一人について比較し,I型及びIII型抗体獲得よりII型抗体のそれが優勢であることが判かった. Polio中和抗体を証明しなかった生後2乃至7ケ月の乳幼児18名に弱毒生ワクチンを服用せしめ,35日後に中和抗体を測定したところ,なお18名中11名は抗体を保有していなかったが,6ケ月後の検査では殆んどすべての幼児が2種以上の抗体を保有していて,僅かに2名が抗体を有していなかった.そして抗体獲得は幼稚園児及び小学児童の場合と同じくII型が優勢であった.1961年7月以前まで長崎県下でpolio患児が散発し,そのうち教室へ送付をうけた検体からI型virus 5株,III型virus4株を分離したが,後者は離島に発生した患者から分離されたものであった.また,1961年8月6日発熟し,一時的下肢脱力症を伴なった1熱性疾患児の糞便から一定のMS細胞変性virusを分離し,未だ確実な同定には至っていないが,この種のvirusの侵淫を調査し,病原的意義の検討が必要と思われた.擱筆に当り恩師登倉教授の御鞭達と御校閲に深謝し,また実験に協力した山口泰世嬢に謝意を表します。Neutralizing antibodies against polioviruses of 471 sera collected from children from 5 to 8 years of age, were examined in Nagasaki city in June 1961, and incidence was found at 71.5% in type I, at 55.7% and 64.4% in type II and III on the average, showi
林 薫 Mifune Kumato Shichijo Akehisa Wada Yoshito Nishigaki Jojiro Omori Nanzaburo
熱帯医学 (ISSN:03855643)
vol.11, no.4, pp.212-220, 1970-02

A serial survey on the ecology of Japanese encephalitis (JE) virus was made in 1968. Virus isolation was negative from 848 hibernated females of Culex tritaeniorhynchus collected in March to early May. In mid May, when newly emerged females appeared, and thereafter, attempts to isolate the virus were continued, but it was July 23 that the first isolation was made. A strain of JE virus was isolated each from C. pseudovishnui in early August and from Aedes vexans nipponii in late July. Eight other species of mosquitoes were negative for JE virus throughout the year. The pigs susceptible to JE virus were exposed in nature to mosquitoes including hibernated females of C. tritaeniorhynchus in spring without detecting the rise in hemagglutination inhibition (HI) antibody in their sera. Continuing the exposure to mosquitoes, the HI antibody was detected only after early August. The number of human cases was smaller than in any of the previous three years. One of the reasons is considered to be that the number of vector mosquitoes was smaller at the time of the epizootic in pigs.前年までに引き続き,1968年に日本脳炎ウイルスの生態学的調査を行なった.3月-5月上旬に採集したコガタアカイエカ越冬雌成虫848個体からはウイルスは分離されなかった.新生雌成虫が出現し始めた5月中旬及びそれ以後も分離を試みたが,始めて日本脳炎ウイルスが分離できたのは7月23日であった.シロハシイエカからは8月上旬に,キンイロヤプカからは7月下旬に,各々1株の日本脳炎ウイルスが分離された.感受性の豚を各々1頭ずつ2月下旬に3部落の豚舎に配って,自然に蚊から吸血されるままにして飼育し続けて,HI抗体が出現する時期を調べたが,抗体が検出されたのは8月上旬以降であった.発生患者数は,過去3年の何れにおけるよりも少なかった.その理由の1つは,豚で日本脳炎の流行が起っている時期のコガタアカイエカの数が少なかったことであると考えられる.