宮内 昭 工藤 工 都島 由希子 宮 章博 小林 薫 伊藤 康弘 高村 勇貴 木原 実 東山 卓也 福島 光浩 藪田 智範 舛岡 裕雄 進藤 久和 山田 理 中山 彩子
日本内分泌・甲状腺外科学会雑誌 (ISSN:21869545)
vol.30, no.1, pp.13-17, 2013 (Released:2013-05-31)

平林 由果 片瀬 眞由美 渡辺 澄子 栗林 薫
The Japan Society of Home Economics
pp.93, 2003 (Released:2004-05-25)

【目 的】制服にローファーを履いて通学する女子高校生の姿をよく目にする。ローファーは歩行に適した靴とは言えない。それにも拘わらず、ローファーを履いている高校生が多いのはなぜだろうか。そこで、高等学校における通学靴の現状を把握するため、生徒指導教諭と女子高校生を対象にアンケート調査を実施した。【方 法】調査1:愛知県下の全高等学校(男子校を除く)218校に調査用紙を送付し(郵送調査法)、通学靴に関する規定の有無とそれに関連する着衣や持ち物などに関しての規定について調査した。調査は2002年7月に実施し、127校(58.3%)から回答を得た。調査2:調査1の結果から、通学靴を指定している高等学校に対し、指定されていることに対する女子高校生の意識を尋ねる調査を実施した(自記式集合調査法)。調査時期は2002年12月、有効回答数は759であった。【結果および考察】調査1:通学靴を「指定している」高校は13%であり、すべてがローファーを指定していた。「規定を設けている」は61%であった。指定や規定を設けている理由としては、「制服との調和」、「高校生らしさ」などが多く挙げられていた。調査2:回答した高校生の67%が指定されているローファーを気に入っていた。指定靴に関して「制服との調和」、「色」は、ほぼ80%が満足していると回答したが、「価格」、「個性の表現」では、50~60%が不満足と回答した。指定靴がない場合でもローファーを履きたいというものは64%を占めており、靴を選ぶ第1の基準が「色・デザイン」であるという高校生の実態と関連していると思われる。
久保 晃 石坂 正大 貞清 香織 小野田 公 屋嘉比 章紘 原 毅 伊藤 晃洋 小林 薫 沢谷 洋平
理学療法科学 (ISSN:13411667)
vol.34, no.5, pp.719-722, 2019 (Released:2019-10-28)

小林 薫 丸山 仁司 柊 幸伸
理学療法科学 (ISSN:13411667)
vol.26, no.3, pp.401-404, 2011 (Released:2011-07-21)

磯部 裕 小林 薫 柴山 健爾 石井 幹十
一般社団法人 映像情報メディア学会
テレビジョン学会技術報告 (ISSN:03864227)
vol.18, no.20, pp.19-24, 1994-03-18 (Released:2017-10-13)

W-VHS VCR has been developed as a next generation consumer VCR in response to Hi-Vision and NTSC signals. This VCR has a high picture quality using new video signal processing technologies by new Metal-coated tapes, TCI signal processing and Temporal Emphasis. It has an excellent cost/performance ratio as a Hi-Vision VCR developed on the basis of the VHS system.
小林 薫
西洋古典学研究 (ISSN:04479114)
vol.49, pp.62-73, 2001-03-05 (Released:2017-05-23)

It is generally agreed that the agon scene between Teucer and the Atreidai over the burial of Ajax in the latter half of Sophocles' Ajax ruins the tragic pathos which is subtly developed in the course of the dramatic action up to the point of the suicide scene Among three topics disputed in the debate-evaluation of Ajax' conduct, legitimacy of the Atreidai's generalship, and Teucer's birth (status)-the last is most frequently alleged to be responsible for the drama's incongruity as having no relevance at all to the question of burial Reexammation of this controversy, however, reveals that it not only holds an appropriate place in the debate but also relates the agon scene to the earlier part of the drama First, the issue of birth is effectively introduced in the agon to highlight the fundamental difference of the opponents of the debate in the moral principles, thus aptly pertaining to the dramatic context The dispute over evaluation of Teucer's birth makes strikingly clear the contrast between the two sides, the Atreidai demanding that all Greeks should be under their supreme authority and no hubris should ever be tolerated, and Teucer, on the other hand, claiming that every warrior is equal and is subject to none but himself Secondly, the dispute over Teucer's birth relates the latter half of the drama to the first by calling into question the objective clarity of 'nobility of birth' To the scornful reproach of his antagonists that he is a barbaros, a slave born of a captive, a non-hoplite, thus having no claim to privileges of free men, Teucer makes strong objections insisting that he prides himself upon his nobility originating from royal-both Greek and Trojan-parents as well as in outstanding performance as an archer, and that the Atreidai too have barbaric elements in their allegedly noble birth This argument of Teucer seriously undermines the Atreidai's assumptions concerning nobility of birth by posing two questions first, by what standard is nobility evaluated, and second, to what extent is nobility of character determined by nobility of birth ? Furthermore, Teucer's protest against the Atreidai's abusive attack on his birth reveals, in spite of himself, the problematic nature of his brother's belief in nobility, which is thoroughly presented in his discourses in the earlier part of the drama Ajax's obsessive preoccupation with his noble birth, inherited from Telamon and to be inherited by Eurysakes, as well as self-chosen death as its proof is put into question ironically in attempt to redeem the honor of his brother Understanding the agon scene in this manner allows us to interpret the scenes to follow as well Odysseus' intervention as an arbiter can be seen as an enactment of possible alternative to nobility by which Ajax abides determinedly to the death, Eurysakes' participation in the rite of burial as problematic presentation of consanguinity of the father and the son It is incontestable, therefore, that the issue of Teucer's birth plays an indispensable role to grant coherent unity to the drama
林 薫 三舟 求真人 七条 明久 鈴木 博 松尾 幸子 牧野 芳大 明石 光伸 和田 義人 小田 力 茂木 幹義 森 章夫
熱帯医学 (ISSN:03855643)
vol.17, no.3, pp.p129-142, 1975-12

1973年2月3日から18日の間,新生成虫が検出されない時期に野外で捕集した冬期のコガタアカイエカ1083個体,8プールから4株のウイルスを分離し,日本脳炎(日脳)ウイルスと同定された.この事実は,越年蚊体内でウイルスが持ち越されたものと考えられる.そして1973年には年間を通じて,蚊一豚の感染環が証明され,奄美大島,瀬戸内地域における日脳ウイルスの特異な撒布状況が観察された.この所見は我国で初めてのことである.しかしながら,1974年では,コガタアカイエカから7月上旬にはじめてウイルスが分離されると共に,これと平行して豚の新感染も同時に証明された.この事は蚊一豚の感染環,特に蚊によるウイルスの越年が中絶したことを意味すると共に,奄美大島の調査地域へのウイルスの持込みがあったに違いないことを物語るものであろう.換言すれば,奄美大島の調査地域では環境条件さえよければウイルスの土着が可能であるが,条件が悪いと蚊によるウイルスの越年は中絶し,流行期に再びウイルスの持込みが行われるであろうことを推定してよいと思われる.1973年7月24日夜半から25日未明にかけて奄美大島名瀬港及び鹿児島港の中間の海上で,船のマスト上にとりつけられたライトトラップ採集でコガタアカイエカ数個体を捕集した.この事実はコガタアカイエカが洋上を移動していることを意味しているものと考えられる.1975年7月下旬,奄美大島から鹿児島(九州南域)に向け,標色コガタアカイエカの分散実験を試みたが,遇然に実験地域を通過した台風2号で阻止され不成功に終った.しかし,分散実験日の約10日前にフイリッピンからの迷蝶が鹿児島南端に到達していることから気流によるコガタアカイエカの移動は決して否定出来ない.Characteristics of the ecology of Japanese encephalitis (JE) virus dissemination were investigated in Amami island located between the southern part of Kyushu and the main island of Okinawa. Four strains identified as JE virus were isolated from 8 pools of 1083 hibernated female mosquitoes of Culex tritaeniorhynchus caught in the field from 3rd to 18th February, 1973, before the appearance of newly emerged vector mosquitoes. This finding suggested the overwintering of the virus in the vector mosquitoes in survey areas. The virus dissemination in the survey area in 1973 was observed through the year in connection with the cycle of vector mosquitoes and pigs infection. In 1974, however, the virus isolation from vector mosquitoes was performed in July. This evidence indicated the interruption of the persistence of the virus in vector mosquitoes and the virus might be carried into the survey area in Amami island. These findings were of great significance in connection with the problems on the overwintering of JE virus in Japan. In the midnight on 24th to the very early morning on 25th July, 1973, mosquitoes of Culex tritaeniorhynchus were captured with the light traps set up on the ship sailing between the south part of Kyushu (Kagoshima) and Amami island. This finding suggest that vector mosquitoes might be transported with the wind over the ocean. In accordance with these evidence, the attempt to disperse mosquitoes of Culex tritaeniorhynchus experimentally labeled with dyes from Amami island to the southern part of Kyushu (Kagoshima) was made under the selected condition of the weather in the end part of July, 1975. It was, however, unsuccessful with hindering of occassionally happened typhoon.
佐藤 陽治 梅林 薫
学習院大学計算機センター年報 (ISSN:09134514)
vol.24, pp.28-63, 2003

現在のテニス競技においては、ラリーの高速化に伴い、選手のムーブメント能力は高度化を余儀なくされている。本研究では、テニスのみならず多くのスポーツで共通に必要な敏捷性、俊発性の種目特性の検証と、その妥当な測定方法の開発、現在脚光を浴びつつあるスピード(Speed)、巧緻性(AgHity)及び敏捷性(Quickness>(以下SAQと表記する)の反応動作改善への効果を検証することを目的とした。 日本のテニス選手のSAQにおける体力的実態を把握し、 AIS(Australian Institute ofSports)が年齢別に指定している強化選手に実施している、テニス競技における各種SAQテストの結果と比較すること、及び各被験者にSAQ能力向上のためのトレーニングを定期に実施してSAQ能力の向上が縦断的に認あられるかの検証をするたあに、体育大学テニス部男女各10名、一般大学女子テニス選手14名、名古屋地区のジュニア・テニス選手男子15名、女子4名に「Acceleration forward agility test (Right side / Left side)」、 「Acceleration backward」、on sideways(Right side/Left side)」、 「505Agility Test」の各種SAQ Testを適宜付加して実施した。 また基礎的研究として、一般大学体育授業受講生80名に3パターンの「Box step test」を測定したものコントロール群とし、週1回の授業で、縄跳び、及び4方向シャッフルパターンの「Box step test」を3ヶ月間実施した後の3種のパターンのrbox step」の変化を観測した。結果は、以下の通りである。一般学生を対象としたボックス・ステップ・テストでは、トレーニング種目とした一周ステップ(round steps)は有意な増加を示した。また、他の2種のステップパターンも、有意な増加を示した。ジュニアを対象としたrAcceleration sideways(forehand/backhand)」の結果は、男子では、フォアハンド2,43s(n:23、 s. d.:0.102、 range:2.18-2.72)、バックハンド2.50 s (n:23、s。d.:0.177、 range:2.20-2.84)、女子はフォアハンド2.71 s(n:5、 s. d.:0.115、 range:2.64-2.91)、バックハンド2.75s(n:5、 s. d.:0.215、 range:2.47-2.96)であり、オーストラリアの同年代のジュニアと比較して男子は有意差がなく、女子はやや劣るという傾向であった。 大学テニス選手は、オーストラリアのトップの選手に比べ、男女ともにやや劣る傾向があったが、SAQ向上の各種トレーニングを実施して縦断的に観察すると有意に向上する傾向が確認された。 SAQ能力に関しては、一般女子より男子が有意に上回ること、また、テニス競技能力に比してSAQ能力が優れている傾向があること、またSAQ向上のための各種トレーニングを付加することによりSAQ能力は改善されることが確認された。
大西 範和 斎藤 真 平林 由果 片瀬 眞由美 栗林 薫 塩之谷 香
Japan Ergonomics Society
人間工学 (ISSN:05494974)
vol.41, no.2, pp.51-56, 2005-04-15 (Released:2010-03-15)

本研究の目的は, 筋電図の解析によりミュールを履いて歩行する際の身体的ストレスを評価することである. 被験者は11名の若年女性で, 50m/minの速度でトレッドミル上を, 裸足, スニーカーおよびヒール高9cmの3種類のミュールを履いて2分間歩行した. それぞれの歩行において後半1分間の上下肢の筋電図および心電図を記録した. 心拍数および歩調は, ミュールを履いて歩行した場合に, 裸足およびスニーカーと比べ統計的に有意 (p<0.05) に増加した. 股関節の屈曲, 膝関節の伸展および足関節の背屈に関係する筋において, 筋電積分値は, 裸足およびスニーカーを履いた歩行に対し, ミュールを履いた歩行の際に増加した. これらの筋活動の増加は, 爪先を上げてミュールの脱落を防止することや, 爪先と踵を同時に接地させて歩行の安定を図るための努力に関係すると推察される. ミュールを履いて歩行した際の前脛骨筋の活動増加は, 甲ストラップの装着により消失した. 歩行時にミュールを履くことで増加する身体的ストレスは, 構造を工夫することで低減され得ることが示唆された.
佐藤 陽治 岩本 淳 久保田 秀明 道上 静香 梅林 薫
学習院大学スポーツ・健康科学センター紀要 (ISSN:13447521)
vol.8, pp.25-34, 2000-02

Tennis used to be estimated that the exercise intencity was within the AT (Anaerobic Threshold) level formerly according to the preceding studies. There were, however, some reports which indicated that the playing load of modern tennis often overpassed the onset of blood lactate accumulation(OBLA). One of the possible explanations for exceeding the AT level in modern tennis is that the tempo of modern tennis may be rapider than before. Therfore, the present study was desighned to measure and compare the time between one ground stroke and next one in the tennis games respectively at 80's and the present, 1998-1999. The following results, statistically significant at 5% level, were obtained. 1)The rally (ground stroke) tempo at the present, 1998-1999 was rapider than 80's. without distinction of sex, 0.30(sec) in female, 0.14(sec) in male. 2)The rally (ground stroke) tempo of the net player was rapider than baseliner without distinction of sex, 0.20〜0.30(sec) in female at 80's, 0.18〜0.24(sec) in male at 80's, 0.06(sec) in male at 1999. 3)The rally (ground stroke) tempo in female at 80's was approximately 1.61 (sec) and it was 0.16(sec) slower than the tempo in male. The rally (ground stroke) tempo in female at the present, 1999 was equal to the tempo in male. The general conclusions drawn from these data is that the rally (ground stroke) tempo accelerating in modern tennis reinforces the intencity of exercise in tennis.
今西 平 梅林 薫
大阪体育大学紀要 (ISSN:02891190)
vol.39, pp.27-35, 2008-03

佐藤 陽治 江口 淳一 岩嶋 孝夫 久保田 秀明 岩本 淳 梅林 薫
学習院大学スポーツ・健康科学センター紀要 (ISSN:13447521)
vol.11, pp.1-26, 2003-03-31

According as the rally tempo is accelerated remarkablely in recent tennis the service stroke that carrys out a preemptive oppotunity to attack takes on acqire importance more than ever. The tactics on a conbination of the service in tennis consisites of two factors controling the ball that are the speed (pace) and the course (placement or direction) in order to attack and make the open court (space). The present study was designed to investigate the actual conditions of a conbination on the service speed by the male professional tennis players and to throw some light on the tactical effect of a conbination of the service speed. The service speed indicated with the apparatus set up in a corner of the court was taken note. The service speed of the all points for 6 to 9 consecutive service games by six players in three singles matches was recorded. The numerical value of service speed indicated the initial speed. Those three matches were played at the first and second round in Australia Open taken place in 2001. The courts of these three games were the center court (Rod Laver Arena) and the first court (Vodafone Arena). The numbers 8 (ATP ranking is 23 rd.), 9. (ditto 2 nd.) and 28 (ditto 6 th.) seed players were included in these three matches. The investigations yielded the following results. a) There is a significant correlationsip between the first service speed and the height of the players. b) Winners' ratio for gaining point started from the first service ratio are higher than losers. c) The maximum or mean first service speed of winners was rapider than one of lossers. d) The number 28 (ATP ranking is 6 th.)seed player (G. Rusedoski : GBR) who had a rapid first service of prominence among the players participating in the championships did not make frequent use of high speed first services, and made freely use of slow speed first services. e) The player who competed with the number 28 seed player also had high speed first services, maximum and mean speed of his firstservice were respectively 214 (km/h) and 192. 7 (km/h), he made however few use of slow first service, so that his services showed no combination and monotony of first services f) The number 8 seed and 23 rd. ATP ranking player (P. Sampras) had the rapidest mean 2 nd. service speed of significance and the amplitude of speed was also largest. g) A decline in successful ratio of first service developed a tendency to lead the game of confusion, strain and loss. h) There was no common trend in the first service speed of all six players under any point situations. Three players that had the high speed service showed however respective peculiarities of significance under some point situations. From these results mentioned above, following tactical knowledges were noted. As the point percentage from the first service is ordinarily higher than from the 2 nd. service, it is important to raise the ratio of first service for average players in first service speed, and especialy for smaller players. And it is more effectual to use a change-up first service and to make a show of the combination with various service speeds in oder to keep the service game for the players who can hit even high speed first services over 200 (km/h).
鷲見 昭典 奥山 孝三 小林 薫 大谷 渡 大村 孝男
日本PDA学術誌 GMPとバリデーション (ISSN:13444891)
vol.2, no.1, pp.28-33, 2000 (Released:2006-08-01)

Two major problems are expected to arise in the future in connection with plasma proteins. The first problem is the lack of source materials. The second problem is the risk of transmission of viral disease such as hepatitis, HIV or other yet-to-be identified viruses. Genetic engineering is the best approach to solve these problems. Plasma derived human serum albumin (pHSA) is one of the most useful plasma proteins. However, producing recombinant human serum albumin (rHSA) commercially via genetic engineering is not entirely straightforward. Two hurdles must be cleared in order to develop rHSA. One is cost and the other is quality. Albumin is typically administered in tens of gram quantities. At a purity level of 99.999% (a level considered sufficient for other recombinant protein preparations such as vaccine and cytokine), rHSA impurities on the order of one mg will still be injected into patients. So impurities from the host organism, in this case yeast, must be reduced to a minimum. Furthermore, purified rHSA must be identical to pHSA. Despite these stringent requirements, cost must be kept in check. One gram of pHSA costs a few dollars. Our goal is to produce rHSA at least as economically as pHSA. Thus to rein in rHSA costs, maximum quantities of albumin must be produced from minimum volumes of culture, and highly efficient, high-yield purification methods are required. Because of these special issues about rHSA development, purification methods were designed under conception described below. 1. Easy automatic control, 2. Easy scale up, 3. Use of no special materials, 4. Use of no complicated methods. The item No.1 is necessary for cost cutting and uniformity of quality. The item No. 2 is essential by the reason mentioned below. In the first stage of rHSA development, we examined purification methods based on 3 to 10 l fermentation scale. In the next stage of rHSA development, we confirmed and optimized purification methods established at the first stage using 1000 l fermentation scale. The final stage of rHSA development is commercial scale. We have the plan of fermentation scale being 50 m3. The purification methods of rHSA must be identical throughout these three stages. Easy scale up is a very important factor for process development. Column chromatography is the best approach to solve these problems. So we used a lot of column chromatography techniques in rHSA purification. The items No.3 and No.4 are necessary for the reason mentioned below. Affinity chromatography is usually a very efficient method. But in the case of rHSA, affinity chromatography is not efficient considering cost and capacity. Furthermore, gradient elution is a very efficient method for small size chromatography, but in rHSA purification, chromatography column is very large. Gel packing into large columns is much more difficult than in small ones, and also, chromatography patterns in large columns are often different from those of small ones. In other words, though impurities can be separated in small scale, separation efficiency becomes very low in large scale and thus the results of chromatography is different between large and small scales. Because of the reasons mentioned above, the media used in our process are very popular ones such as ion exchange, hydrophobic and gel filtration. The methods of chromatography we used are very simple, i.e., rHSA is adsorbed on the media, impurities are washed out, and then rHSA is eluted at a stretch. Or contrariwise, rHSA is flowed through the media while the impurities are adsorbed. In this way, scale up of chromatography is very simple. Same bed height and same linear flow give same results independent of gel volume.