平山 大作 藤井 範久 阿江 通良 小池 関也
バイオメカニズム (ISSN:13487116)
vol.19, pp.91-102, 2008

<p>本研究は, 大学野球投手を対象とし, 投球数の増加にともなうキネティクスの変化について検討することを目的とした. 実験試技は, 2台のフォースプラットフォームを埋設した簡易マウンドからストレートを投球するものであった. 被験者には, 10秒間隔で15球投げることを1イニングとし, イニング間に6分の休息をはさみながら9イニング, 計135球の投球を行わせた. 投球数とそれぞれのパラメータから単回帰分析を行い, 回帰係数の有意性について検定を行った (p<0.05). その結果, 投球数の増加にともない, ①踏込脚の股関節伸展の正仕事, 負仕事, 絶対仕事が減少する傾向がみられた. ②投球腕の肩関節内旋の正仕事が減少する傾向がみられた. ③投球腕への関節力による力学的エネルギーの流れの減少がみられた. ④投球腕の肩関節水平内転の正仕事および絶対仕事が増加する傾向がみられた. 以上のことから, 踏込脚の股関節伸展の仕事の減少は, 下肢のトレーニングの重要性を示唆するものであり, 投球腕の肩関節水平内転の仕事の増加は, "上肢動作に頼った投球動作" を示すものであると考えられる.</p>
小林 育斗 阿江 通良 加藤 謙一
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
vol.68, pp.158_2, 2017

<p> 本研究では、小学生の投動作をクラスター分析によって類型化するとともに、標準動作モデルを用いた投動作の練習を実施し、その効果を投動作の類型別に検討して、指導のための知見を得ることを目的とした。投動作の類型化では、6年生女子40名のソフトボール投げを3次元動作分析し、投球腕の関節角度などについて標準動作モデルからの動作逸脱度の指標(zスコア)を求め、これを変数としてクラスター分析を行った。投動作の練習では、6年生女子15名に対し、投動作の標準動作モデルの提示や画像遅延表示システムを用いた小学生自身の動作の観察を含む投練習を計4回(各40分)行わせた。練習期間の前後において投動作を3次元動作分析した。投練習によって、女子全体では投距離とボール初速度は有意に増加した。標準動作モデルからの逸脱が大きい類型では、体幹の側屈や前方回転が改善され、肩関節まわりの力学的仕事が増大し、投距離とボール初速度が増加した。このことから、本研究で用いた方法(目標とすべき動作との比較や修正)は、特に標準動作モデルからの逸脱が大きい小学生に投動作の改善と投能力の向上をもたらすと言える。</p>
宮西 智久 宮永 豊 福林 徹 馬見塚 尚孝 藤井 範久 阿江 通良 功力 靖雄 岡田 守彦
The Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.48, no.5, pp.583-595, 1999-10-01 (Released:2010-09-30)
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This study was designed to clarify the causes of throwing injuries of the elbow and shoulder joints in baseball. Five varsity-skilled baseball players without pain in the elbow and shoulder joints were subjects for this study. They were fixed to a chair and asked to throw a baseball using three different throwing arm movements (T0, T45, and T90) . These movements were filmed using three-dimensional DLT videography. Linked rigid-body segment inverse dynamics were then employed to determine resultant joint force and torque at the elbow and shoulder joints. Peak varus torque at the elbow joint for T90 was less than for the other movements during the acceleration phase. In the follow-through phase, however, a large anterior shear force (70 N) at the elbow, for elbow extension, was present for T90. These results indicate that T90 was a high risk movement which leads to extension injuries rather than medial tension injuries. After the ball release, a large superior shear force (118 N) at the shoulder joint was present in all movements. This superior force may result from the subacromial impingement syndrome, except for critical zones of impingement caused by the different throwing arm movements. These findings suggest that the mechanisms of throwing arm injuries are closely related to differences in throwing arm movements.
小林 育斗 加藤 謙一 阿江 通良
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
vol.70, pp.216_1, 2019

<p> 本研究では小学生男子の投動作をクラスター分析によってパターン分けし、そのバイオメカニクス的特徴を明らかにして、指導のための基礎的知見を得ることを目的とした。対象者は国公立小学校2校の男子とし、1年生18名、2年生13名、3年生16名、4年生13名、5年生18名、6年生16名、計94名のソフトボール投げを3次元動作分析し、投球腕の関節角度、体幹の部分角度などを算出した。さらに、関節角度および部分角度を変数としてクラスター分析をおこない、各群の平均的な動作を構築した。各学年の投距離では、1年生は7.4±2.6m、2年生は13.0±6.6m、3年生は14.6±3.9m、4年生は18.9±7.4m、5年生は17.2±4.5m、6年生は28.3±7.7mであった。動作パターンに分けられた各群をみると、平均投距離が大きい群ほど高学年児が多く存在する傾向にあり、平均投距離が小さい群では体幹の水平回転の動作範囲が小さい、リリース直前での肩の水平内転が大きいなどの特徴がみられた。また、平均投距離が小さい群には、低学年児だけでなく高学年児も存在した。このことから、小学生の投動作を指導する際には、児童の学年とともに動きのパターンも考慮する必要がある。</p>
阿江 通良
バイオメカニズム学会誌 (ISSN:02850885)
vol.30, no.4, pp.238-241, 2006 (Released:2008-06-10)

体育専攻学生には,量的動作分析よりも質的分析が重要である.しかし,VTR動作分析実習において量的分析を経験させる意義は,時間はかかるが,(1)じっくりと動きを見ることができる,(2)それにより動きの細部を頭に描くことができるようになる(mental imageが描ける),(3)動きとデータの対応ができるようになることにある.最近では,自動動作分析装置により3次元データが比較的容易に収集できるようになっている.しかし,じっくりと動きを観察しながらVTR画像をマニュアルでデジタイズしてデータを収集させ,時系列データやスティックピクチャーと実際の動きをつき合わせて考えさせることも重要であり,これがバイオメカニクスデータを正しく解釈することにつながる.
佐久間 亨 阿江 通良
バイオメカニズム学会誌 = Journal of the Society of Biomechanisms (ISSN:02850885)
vol.34, no.4, pp.325-332, 2010-11-01
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本研究の目的は,体幹の傾斜が歩行動作に及ぼす影響をバイオメカニクス的に分析することである.健常成人に異なる体幹の傾斜(固有,体幹前傾10°,体幹後傾10°)で歩行させ,3 次元自動動作分析装置を用いて動作を計測するとともに,フォースプラットフォームを用いて地面反力を計測した.体幹前傾および後傾歩行では,姿勢変化による身体重心位置の変化に対応するための下肢の代償運動が見られた.また,固有歩行に比べると,体幹前傾歩行では立脚期前半で体幹の前傾姿勢を保持しながら支持脚を後方へスイングするため,股関節伸展トルクが大きく,体幹後傾歩行では立脚期後半で体幹の後傾姿勢を保持するため,股関節屈曲トルクが大きくなっていた.
藤井 範久 小山 陽平 阿江 通良
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.55, no.1, pp.17-32, 2010 (Released:2010-07-20)

The purpose of this study was to investigate techniques for accelerating the hammer head in the turn phase of the hammer throw by comparing the motions of hammer throwers. Ten male throwers (PB: 43.15-68.21 m) participated in the study. The hammer motions were videotaped on high-speed VTR cameras (250 or 200 fps), and three-dimensional coordinates were calculated using a DLT method. Various kinematic parameters were calculated, including the hammer head speed, the increase in hammer head speed at each turn phase, the leading distance of the handle (hand), the horizontal abduction/adduction angle of the left arm (shoulder), the twist angle of the trunk, the rotation angle of the pelvis, and the horizontal abduction/adduction angle of the left hip. The fundamental factors and techniques responsible for accelerating the hammer head were as follows: (1) Increasing the acceleration and decreasing the deceleration of the hammer head in the turn phase increased the release speed of the hammer head. (2) A longer positive leading distance of the handle (hand), defined as the distance from the handle to the line connecting the hammer head and the instantaneous center of rotation of the hammer head, had a larger effect on the acceleration of the hammer head in the turn phase. (3) The horizontal abduction of the leading arm (shoulder), the negative trunk twist (recoiling motion), and the sway motion at the midpoint between the two shoulder joints toward the rear and trailing-arm side of the body increased the positive leading distance of the handle by generating the power of the legs and trunk simultaneously.
湯 海鵬 阿江 通良 横井 孝志 渋川 侃二
バイオメカニズム (ISSN:13487116)
vol.10, pp.107-118, 1990-09-10 (Released:2016-12-05)

Twisting from a somersault is one of the most used techniques in sports with airborne components such as diving, gymnastics, and so on. The purposes of this study were to investigate the effect of arm swing on the production of aerial twist during somersault and to identify factors affecting the production of the twist. By using a model composed of three rigid bodies, the mechanism of the production of twist from a somersault was confirmed theoretically. Then, quantitative calculation was done based on the model. In the calculation a performer was assumed to swing one arm downward from the symmetrical position with both arms above the head. To validate the model, twisting somersaults of two male skilled gymnasts were filmed and analyzed with 3-dimensional cinematography (DLT method) to compare with the model. The performances were forward twist-somersaults of 1/2, 1 and 3/2 revolutions from a vaulting horse. The factors affecting the generation of twist are discussed based on the results of computer simulation and film data. The results are summarized as follows: 1) An asymmetrical arm swing could generate a twist about the longitudinal axis of the body from a somersault. This arm swing tilted the principal axes of the body away from their original positions. The axis of the angular momentum that was initially established did not change in the airborne phase, but the momentum resolved into two perpendicular components, one about the body's principal longitudinal axis and the another about the body's frontal axis (principal axis). Thus, the somersaulting motion around the frontal axis will continue even though the frontal axis is now tilted from its original position, and in addition the body will begin to twist about its longitudinal axis. 2) The direction of the twist depended upon the initial directions of the somersault and/or arm swing. 3) Large angular velocity of the somersault before the change in the posture and large swing angle of the arm were effective for the generation of twisting. The smaller the moment of inertia about body's longitudinal axis, the larger the twisting that was produced.
阿江 通良 村木 征人 宮下 憲 伊藤 信之 森田 正利
pp.37-45, 1989

柴山 一仁 藤井 範久 阿江 通良
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.56, no.1, pp.75-88, 2011 (Released:2011-07-08)
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The purpose of this study was to investigate the kinematic characteristics of World and Japanese elite 110-m hurdlers during 1-cycle motion in relation to running velocity and leg length. Twenty-nine male hurdlers (SB: 12.92-14.37 s) participated. The motions from touchdown of the lead leg at the 6th hurdle (1st step) to touchdown of the takeoff leg at the 7th hurdle (4th step) were videotaped using a digital VTR camera (60 Hz), and two-dimensional coordinates were calculated based on calibration marks. The motions from touchdown of the takeoff leg at the 7th hurdle to touchdown of the lead leg at the 7th hurdle (1st step) were videotaped using two high-speed VTR cameras (200-300 Hz), and converted to two-dimensional coordinates after calculation of the three-dimensional coordinates using a DLT method. Kinematic parameters were calculated, including step length, step frequency, angles and angular velocities of the shank and thigh, and durations of the support and airborne phases. Stepwise multiple regression analysis was conducted with kinematic parameters as dependent variables, and with running velocity and leg length as independent variables at p<.05. The results were as follows: (1) Faster hurdlers achieved a higher step frequency with less range of thigh motion of the takeoff leg during the 2nd step. (2) The 3rd step played a role in adjusting the step length and preparing for hurdling, especially in hurdlers with a shorter leg length when preparing to increase the vertical GRF in the 4th step. (3) The allocation of time from takeoff at the 4th step to touchdown at the 2nd step was dependent on leg length. (4) Faster hurdlers achieved smaller vertical displacement of CG during the 1st step by shortening the support time to keep the position of the thigh perpendicular at the 2nd step. These results show that faster hurdlers achieved shorter durations of 1-cycle motion because of the increasing in horizontal CG velocity during the shorter support time at the 2nd step.
森丘 保典 杉田 正明 松尾 彰文 岡田 英孝 阿江 通良 小林 寛道
体育學研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.45, no.3, pp.414-421, 2000-05-10

This study was conducted to clarify the relationship between features of change in velocity and performance of world class athletes in the men's 400-m hurdle race(400mH).Nine final races of 400mH were videotaped with several video cameras panning from the start to the finish at 60 fields/s.After the time indication had been superimposed on each field of the VTR images, the time at touchdown immediately after hurdling was obtained.Using the flash of the starter's gun recorded on the VTR image, each hurdle touchdown time from the start, and each section thme(from each hurdle to the next)was obtained.The results of regression analysis showed a significantly high correlation (r=0.90, p<0.001)between 400mH performance and mean section velocity from the 5th to the 8th hurdle(H5-8), and a significant correlation(r=-0.61, p<0.05)between 400mH performance and te rate of deceleration in H5-8.These results indicate that in 400mH it is important to avoid decreasing velocity and to maintain a high velocity in H5-8 of the race in order to attain a high performance.
阿江 通良
