若松 美智子 Michiko Wakamatsu 東京農業大学生物産業学部教養分野所属英米(アイルランド)文学 Field of Humanities Faculty of Bio-Industry Tokyo University of Agriculture
東京農業大学農学集報 (ISSN:03759202)
vol.48, no.2, pp.35-40,

『海に駆け行く者』(1902)はシングが最初に手がけた「農民劇」であり,アラン島体験の直接の成果であると同時に,アラン島を舞台とした彼の唯一の劇である。彼は劇の言語として島民の方言を用い,又彼の心を掴んだ島民のいきいきとした言い回しをせりふに取り入れている。さらに彼はプロットの中心に妖精信仰を組み入れている。劇は人物描写,舞台セット,演劇言語等,現実を再現するリアリズムの手法で進行して行く。しかし劇の筋書き,プロットは馬に乗った妖精達が人間を海の下の妖精の国に連れて行くという民衆の想像的世界に依拠している。自然と超自然が絡み合い,人と妖精が作用しあう民衆の物語的想像力の世界に惹き付けられたシングはまた,島の葬儀の独特の儀式に人間的悲惨を超克するための理想的表現形式への洞察を得た。彼は巧みに劇的山場を組み立てることによって,女主人公が,すべての息子を飲み込んでしまった海との生涯にわたっての闘いの人生を語ることによって,徐々に精神の平安を得てゆく様を描く。『海に駆け行く者』は自然と人間の根源的関係,自然の中の死すべき人間の原型的闘いを描いている。女主人公は海に囲まれた小さな島に生きる貧しい老女である。しかし彼女は悲劇的体験を生き抜くことによって女司祭の風格をもつ。すべてを失い,もう失う物が何もなくなった時,彼女は自我としての存在から解放され,偉大な敵であった海そのものの一部となり,彼女の魂は海と融合する。シングは普通の女性の苦しみを通して,悲劇的美の世界を創り上げた。そのことによって彼は,自然の中のすべての生き物が威厳をもつこと,そしてそれは愛の喜びと死の悲しみの激しい感情を生き抜くことから由来するということを示唆したのである。Riders to the Sea (1902), Synge's first peasant drama, proceeds in the manner of realism, yet its story and plot are based on the folk imagination that fairy riders come to take humans to their country under the sea. Riders to the Sea deals with the fundamental relations of man and nature, an archetypical struggle of the mortal living in nature. The heroine is a poor old woman who lost all of her six sons devoured by the sea, but through her life-long tragic experiences she attains the stature of priestess. When she finds herself with nothing to lose any more, she frees herself from being as the ego to become a part of the sea herself ; her mind unites with her great opponent, the sea, finally. SYNGE created a world of tragic beauty through ordinary woman's suffering, and in so doing he suggested that every life in nature has moments of dignity that stem from intense feelings of love and death.
Japanese Society of Physical Therapy
Physical Therapy Research (ISSN:21898448)
vol.24, no.3, pp.295-303, 2021-12-20 (Released:2021-12-20)

Post-polio syndrome refers to the physical and psychological sequelae caused by poliovirus infection. For this reason, according to which the emotional and sensorimotor sphere is affected, we consider a biobehavioural approach based on education and therapeutic exercise to be necessary. The aim of this case report is to evaluate the effect of a biobehavioural approach in a patient with post-polio syndrome and low back pain. We describe a 57-year-old man with post-polio syndrome and low back pain following a fall at the end of February 2020. The pain, disability and lack of functionality caused by both processes led him to contact a physiotherapy service. A therapeutic planning was carried out for 3 months, where a biobehavioural approach based on therapeutic exercise and education, with an assessment and three face-to-face sessions which were complemented by online follow-up and finalised due to the Sars-Cov-2 pandemic in a telerehabilitation approach. It was organised in two phases; the initial phase lasted 2 weeks with the aim of reducing the symptoms of the lumbar region, and the advanced phase in which the aim was to improve his physical condition. During the three-month intervention, four assessments were conducted (Pre, at 4 weeks, at 8 weeks and at 12 weeks). At follow-up, improvements in functional and psychological variables were obtained. This case suggests that a biobehavioural approach through telerehabilitation was a useful option in this reported case and could be an option of treatment to improve psychological, physical and functional variables in this patient.
Yuhji Taquahashi Shuji Tsuruoka Koichi Morita Masaki Tsuji Kousuke Suga Ken-ich Aisaki Satoshi Kitajima
The Japanese Society of Toxicology
Fundamental Toxicological Sciences (ISSN:2189115X)
vol.9, no.1, pp.17-21, 2022 (Released:2022-01-18)

Carbon-nanotube yarn (CNT-Y) made from high-purity, highly crystalized, double-walled carbon nanotubes is an advanced material with excellent electrical conductivity and flexibility; hence, it could potentially be used as a novel electrode for biopotential measurements. To our knowledge, the present study is the first in which CNT-Y electrodes were used to conduct electrocardiography (ECG) and electroencephalography (EEG) on experimental animals. All procedures and biopotential measurements were performed under isoflurane anesthesia. The CNT-Y electrodes were attached to the animals by creating a single interrupting suture on the skin. The lead II electrode configuration was used for ECG recording, i.e., the positive, negative, and body-earth electrodes were placed on the left apex of the auricular surface, the interscapular region, and the cervical region, respectively. The bipolar lead was used for EEG recording, with the exploring and reference electrodes on the bregma and base of the right auricular surface, respectively. Using CNT-Y electrodes, we obtained a clear ECG waveform from rats and a guinea pig; the QRS amplitude was ~1.4 mV. In rats, we obtained an EEG waveform with an amplitude of ~150 µV; the peak frequency was 0.8 Hz and the range was ~3 Hz according to power spectral density analysis. In the guinea pig, we obtained an EEG waveform with an amplitude of ~500 µV; the first peak was 0.1 Hz, the second peak was 1 Hz, and the range was ~3 Hz. These results show that CNT-Y could be used in toxicology studies to easily and inexpensively obtain high-resolution biological signals.
Jiaqi Li Yoshihiro Kokubo Ahmed Arafa Haytham A. Sheerah Makoto Watanabe Yoko M. Nakao Kyoko Honda-Kohmo Rena Kashima Yukie Sakai Emi Watanabe Masayuki Teramoto Tomoharu Dohi Masatoshi Koga
Japan Atherosclerosis Society
Journal of Atherosclerosis and Thrombosis (ISSN:13403478)
pp.63317, (Released:2022-01-15)

Aims: This study aimed to investigate the association of mild hypertensive retinopathy with cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk. Methods: A total of 7,027 residents aged 30–79 years without a history of CVD participated in the annual health checkups and retinal photography assessments. Retinal microvascular abnormalities were graded using the standard protocols and classified according to the Keith–Wagener–Barker classification. Mild hypertensive retinopathy was defined as grades 1 and 2. Cox proportional hazard model was used to calculate hazard ratios (HRs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) for total CVD and its subtypes according to the presence and absence of mild hypertensive retinopathy. Results: During a median follow-up of 17 years, 351 incident stroke and 247 coronary heart disease (CHD) cases were diagnosed. After adjustment for traditional cardiovascular risk factors, mild hypertensive retinopathy was positively associated with risk of CVD (multivariable HR=1.24; 95% CI, 1.04–1.49) and stroke (1.28; 1.01–1.62) but not with risk of CHD (1.19; 0.89–1.58). Generalized arteriolar narrowing and enhanced arteriolar wall reflex were positively associated with CVD risk, the multivariable HR (95% CI) was 1.24 (1.00– 1.54)and 1.33 (1.02–1.74), respectively. Moreover, mild hypertensive retinopathy was positively associated with stroke risk in normotensive participants. Conclusion: Mild hypertensive retinopathy was positively associated with CVD and stroke risk in the urban Japanese population. Especially, generalized arteriolar narrowing and enhanced arteriolar wall reflex were positively associated with CVD risk. These findings suggested that retinal photography could be helpful for cardiovascular risk stratification in the primary cardiovascular prevention.
BMFH Press
Bioscience of Microbiota, Food and Health (ISSN:21863342)
pp.2021-056, (Released:2021-12-07)

Imbalance of the gut microbiota plays an important role in the pathogenesis of various diseases. Although many clinical studies have analyzed the gut microbiota, the definition of normal gut microbiota remains unclear. In this study, we aim to establish the average gut microbiota in the healthy Japanese population. Using 16S ribosomal RNA gene sequencing, we analyzed gut microbial data from fecal samples obtained from 6,101 healthy Japanese individuals. Based on their ages, the individuals were divided into three groups: young, middle-age, and old. Individuals were further categorized according to body mass index (BMI) into lean, normal, and obese groups. The α and β diversities in the old group were significantly higher than those in the young and middle-age groups. The Firmicutes/Bacteroidetes ratio of subjects in the obese category was significantly lower compared with those of subjects in the lean and normal categories in the young and middle-age groups. Genus Bacteroides was the dominant gut microbiota across all the BMI categories in all the age groups. Among the top ten genera, the abundances of Bacteroides, Bifidobacterium, Anaerostipes, Blautia, Dorea, Fusicatenibacter, Lachnoclostridium, and Parabacteroides were significantly lower in the old group than in the young and middle-age groups. The correlation network at the genus level revealed different microbe-microbe interactions associated with age and BMI. We determined the average Japanese gut microbiota, and this information could be used as a reference. The gut microbiota greatly differs based on the life stage and metabolic status of the host, and this gives rise to a variety of host–gut microbe interactions that can lead to an increased susceptibility to disease.
YANG Wen-Ting FU Shen-Ming SUN Jian-Hua ZHENG Fei WEI Jie MA Zheng
Meteorological Society of Japan
気象集誌. 第2輯 (ISSN:00261165)
pp.2021-074, (Released:2021-09-09)

At present, satellite-derived precipitation estimates have been widely used as a supplement for the real precipitation observation. Detailed evaluations of a satellite precipitation estimate are the prerequisite for using it effectively. Based on the daily precipitation observation from 91 rain gauges throughout Thailand during a 15-yr period, this study evaluated the performances of daily precipitation data of CMORPH and TRMM (3B42 version 7) in an interpolating-grid-points-into-stations manner. This filled in the deficiencies of the current evaluations of TRMM-3B42v7's performances over Thailand, made the first evaluation of CMORPH in this region, and showed the first report of relative performances of two datasets. For the entire Thailand, a total of 35 factors (including precipitation intensity, spatial distribution pattern, duration/interval) was used in the evaluation. It is found that only 12 of them (including annual and monthly variations of precipitation, conditional rain rate in rainy season, rainfall interval in entire year, non-precipitation days, etc.) were reproduced credibly (i.e., relative error was less than 20 %) by the two datasets. Both TRMM-3B42v7 and CMORPH displayed similarly poor performances in representing intensity and spatial distribution of extreme precipitation. Comparisons based on the 35 factors indicate that TRMM-3B42v7 displayed a better overall performance than CMORPH for the entire Thailand.  For each region of Thailand, CMORPH/TRMM-3B42v7 showed different performances in different regions (a total of 19 factors was used). The CMORPH/TRMM-3B42v7 data made credible estimates over all five regions of Thailand in terms of daily precipitation intensity and monthly variation of precipitation, whereas, in terms of precipitation day fraction, conditional rain rate during dry season, and interval/duration of rainfall events during the rainy season, it showed notable errors in all regions. Overall, TRMM-3B42v7 exhibited superior performances to CMORPH for the North, Northeast, East, and South of Thailand, whereas, CMORPH and TRMM-3B42v7 displayed similar performances for the Central Thailand.
Li Min-Yi Zhang Jing Feng Gang Satyanandamurty Tirumani Wu Jun
日本農薬学会誌(Journal of Pesticide Science) (ISSN:1348589X)
vol.36, no.1, pp.22-26, 2011

熱帯地域において,Brontispa longissima(Gestro)はヤシの木に重大な被害をもたらす害虫である。我々は,熱帯マングローブの潜在的殺虫剤リード化合物探索研究において,インドマングローブXylocarpus moluccensisの種子からΔ8,14二重結合をもつメキシカノライドであるカヤシンと2'S-メチルブタノイルプロセラノリドを単離した。これらの化合物の構造は文献データと比較して同定した。50μg/mlの濃度では,カヤシンはB. longissimaの2齢から5齢幼虫に対して強い殺虫効果を示し,2'S-メチルブタノイルプロセラノリドは5齢幼虫に対して顕著な殺虫効果を示した。B. longissimaの5齢幼虫に対する24時間と48時間暴露のLC50(半数致死濃度)は,カヤシンは7.27と3.39μg/ml,2'S-メチルブタノイルプロセラノリドは10.57と4.03μg/mlであった。2種の化合物のB. longissimaの5齢幼虫に対する殺虫活性は,アザジラクチンとトオセンダニンよりも強く,ロテノンと同程度であった。しかし,Prodenia litura(Fabricius)の3齢幼虫に対しては,これらの化合物は中程度の摂食阻害活性しか示さなかった。以上の結果は,カヤシンと2'S-メチルブタノイルプロセラノリドは,B. longissimaの幼虫に対して選択的な殺虫活性を持っていることを示唆しており,B. longissima防除用の有力な殺虫剤候補になると思われる。
Takuya KATO Yayoi ICHIDA Kazumi TEI Makoto ASANO Shin-ichi HAYAMA
Journal of Veterinary Medical Science (ISSN:09167250)
vol.71, no.11, pp.1473-1478, 2009 (Released:2009-12-04)
5 5

In order to examine reproductive characteristics of feral raccoons in Kamakura, 335 raccoons were collected from March 2005 to March 2007. Raccoons were classified into five age classes: Class I, less than 5 months old; Class II, 5-11 months; Class III, 12-17 months; Class IV, 18-23 months; and Class V, over 23 months old. Females were examined for their age specific pregnancy rate and litter size. To determine when raccoon births occur in the region, birth months of fetuses were estimated by the fetal growth rate, and birth months of Class I individuals were examined by tooth eruption. From fetuses of 18 pregnant females and 47 Class I individuals, it was found that the raccoon births occur from February to October. Of 163 females examined, all of Class I-II females were nulliparous. Pregnancy rate was 47.6% in Class III females, which was significantly lower than 75.0% in Class IV and 78.1% in Class V. The litter size of fetuses ranged from 2 to 5, and 3.9 on average; and that of placental scars ranged from 1 to 7, 3.8 on average. Our findings suggest that parturition of raccoons is a bimodal distribution and age at first parturition may occur between 12 and 17 months old. In order to reduce the raccoon population successfully, females of all ages should be captured throughout the year.
Noriko Kondo Shigeru Watanabe Ei-Ichi Izawa
The Ornithological Society of Japan
vol.9, no.1, pp.83-91, 2010-06-25 (Released:2010-07-10)

We investigated whether vocal communication in wild Large-billed Crows (Corvus macrorhynchos) is governed by a temporal rule as an evidence for vocal exchange. In order to examine this potential temporal rule, we analyzed the intervals between two single-note ka calls produced sequentially by two crows in gregarious situations. Two different individuals sequentially uttered ka calls at approximately 0.2–0.8-sec intervals. Such a specific time window was not observed in a simulation of ‘imaginary’ flocks, in which multiple crows independently emitted ka calls at their own pace, similar to the calls of solitary crows in the wild. These results suggest that the specific time window of inter-call intervals between different crows is not an incidental phenomenon in a crowded situation, but rather a specific event that follows a temporal rule organizing vocal communication of two crows. Our findings provide the first evidence of vocal exchange using ka calls that are organized following a precise temporal pattern in Large-billed Crows.
The Society for Reproduction and Development
Journal of Reproduction and Development (ISSN:09168818)
pp.2021-119, (Released:2021-12-30)

Prostaglandin F2α (PGF2α) and its analogs are used to induce luteolysis in estrus synchronization programs to terminate unwanted pregnancies or to promote ovulation in certain cow subpopulations. In the past few decades, the luteolytic dose of PGF2α has remained unchanged. This review explores the clinical implications of increasing the standard dose for these applications in high-producing dairy cows. Ultrasonography may assist in selecting the most appropriate PGF2α dose and improve the results. A reference has been used for PGF2α for promoting ovulation in herds showing poor reproductive performance.
Rand Al-Obaidi Hamideh Salehi Alban Desoutter Hervé Tassery Frédéric Cuisinier
Nihon University School of Dentistry
Journal of Oral Science (ISSN:13434934)
vol.61, no.3, pp.454-458, 2019 (Released:2019-08-28)

The present study compared two pH-cycling models designed to induce subsurface lesions (SLs) with a less demineralized surface layer on teeth, with the aim of developing new technologies for assessment of such lesions by examining the performance of confocal Raman microscopy for detection of white spot lesions (WSLs). Twelve sound premolars were exposed to two sets of model conditions (A, B) designed to induce SLs. Teeth on which white lesions had formed in vivo were used as positive controls. All specimens were inspected using an intraoral camera and Raman microscopy to detect small changes in the appearance and structure of the enamel. Changes in the natural color of the teeth during the treatment were recorded via the camera. Phosphate maps with their spectra were constructed from the phosphate peak at 960 cm−1. The depth of lesions was measured on the basis of variations in phosphate peak intensity. Protocol B was reliable for reproducing SLs in a relatively short period. Both protocols had intrinsic limitations in not completely simulating the complex intraoral conditions leading to WSL formation with respect to lesion depth and preservation of an intact surface layer. Raman microscopy can be considered the gold standard for analysis of hard tissue mineralization.
Shin-Ichiro Hayashi Keiji Wada
The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan
IEEJ Journal of Industry Applications (ISSN:21871094)
vol.11, no.1, pp.108-116, 2022-01-01 (Released:2022-01-01)

This study presents a design method for the continuous switching test circuits of power devices. Depending on the relationship between the rated voltage of a DC voltage source and device under test (DUT), two types of test circuits are proposed. These test circuits comprise a cascaded buck-boost (or boost-buck) converter to achieve power regeneration. Based on analysis of the test circuits, a design method is proposed to ensure that any failure does not spread to the test circuit even when the DUT fails during the continuous switching tests. A test circuit is designed according to the proposed method, and its experimental results demonstrate the validity of the proposed design.