石黒 千晶 岡田 猛
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.88, no.5, pp.442-451, 2017 (Released:2017-12-25)

The purpose of this study is to examine whether a commitment to the study of art affects how students receive inspiration from their external environment. The frequency and intensity of external inspiration is compared in art majors versus non-art majors. In addition, we examine whether attitudes developed through the study of art are correlated with inspiration. Specifically, we focus on attitudes to art-making and art appreciation. We developed psychological scales and questionnaires to measure three parameters: (a) the frequency and intensity of inspiration from the external environment, (b) self-evaluation of art-making, and (c) attitudes toward art appreciation. We then asked 190 undergraduates who majored in the fine arts and 189 undergraduates with non-art majors to complete these questionnaires. The results show that art majors experience inspiration from their external environment more frequently and intensely than non-art majors. Attitudes toward art-making and appreciation, which differed between non-art majors and art majors, were positively correlated with externally-derived inspiration.
金児 恵
The Japanese Psychological Association
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.77, no.1, pp.1-9, 2006
1 4

A multi-method approach was used to examine whether and how companion animals (CA) affect subjective well-being and social networks of Japanese people. In Study 1, a mail survey with a probability sample of 1250 Japanese adults over 40 years old showed that (1) female owners' attachment to CA negatively correlated with subjective well-being, and (2), although younger (under 65) CA owners had more close friends than non-owners, this tendency was reversed for those over 65. In Study 2, in-depth interviews with 27 adults showed that (1) female CA owners reported lower subjective well-being than non-owners, (2) although CA owners were generally successful in interacting with strangers through CA-related behaviors such as dog-walking, those relationships were unlikely to become close, and (3) in contrast to the owners' tendency to portray themselves in positive ways, most non-owners described CA owners negatively, such as being lonely or bad-mannered. Based on the present findings, which sharply contradict those of previous studies in the western societies, future issues are discussed.
寺崎 正治 岸本 陽一 古賀 愛人
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.62, no.6, pp.350-356, 1992-02-25 (Released:2010-07-16)
74 109

A self-report instrument to measure multiple mood states was constructed. Six hundered and fortyeight Japanese affect adjectives were collected and divided into two lists. Japanese undergraduates totaling 1 254 rated each adjective in the list on a 4-point intensity scale to assess their momentary mood states. Factor analyses revealed 131 items with high loading on extracted major factors. The new list of these 131 items was rated three times by undergraduates totaling 1 768 and was factor analysed. Throughout the factor analyses, eight factors emerged with consistent reliability. Finally, 80 items highly loaded on these factors were selected to construct eight 10-item mood scales. These scales were called Depression (Anxiety), Hostility, Boredom, Liveliness, Well Being, Friendliness, Concentration and Startle. The scales were shown to be internally consistent. A comparison of these scales with the English mood scales was presented.
蒔苗 詩歌 河西 哲子
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
pp.88.16053, (Released:2017-09-30)

Body analogy is an operation that links spatial cognition with the sensorimotor systems. Previous studies on mental rotation have shown that adding a head at the top of stimulus cubes or imitating human posture improves mental rotation performance results. On the other hand, mental rotation performance tends to be better in males than females. In this study, we tested sex differences in the effects of body analogy on a mental rotation task. The task was to judge whether the stimulus from a pair of cubes was the same or not; we added faces to the cubes or imitated human posture with cubes. The results revealed that body analogy was useful for both males and females but the effect was greater for females. However, additional correlation analyses indicated that this effect was at least partly due to the differences in abilities required for mental rotation, rather than sex differences. These results suggest that body analogy can compensate for weaknesses in spatial cognition.
立脇 洋介
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.78, no.3, pp.244-251, 2007-08-25 (Released:2010-07-16)
6 4

This article develops a scale of affects in opposite-sex relationships, and investigates affects of opposite-sex love, unrequited love, and friendship. In study 1 (N=231), a factor analysis of the affect items produced four factors: passion, affiliation-dissatisfaction, respect/trust, and aggressive/refusal. All scales were shown to be reasonably reliable (α>.80) In study 2 (N=295), the test-retest reliability coefficients ranged from .59 to .67. In study 3 (N=406), confirmatory factor analysis supported the four-factor structure. The results also showed that respect/trust was important for opposite-sex friendships. Affiliation-dissatisfaction was an important factor in unrequited love. Most important for lover relationships were passionate affects, respect/trust affects, and aggressive/refusal affects.
島田 貴仁 荒井 崇史
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
pp.88.16032, (Released:2017-07-10)

A field experiment was conducted to examine the factors in threat appeal responsible for maintenance of crime-prevention behavior. At four public bicycle parking lots, 256 riders with variable receiver vulnerability characteristics were encouraged to use an extra bicycle lock. They were randomly presented with one of three threat messages featuring victims of bicycle theft (identifiable victim, statistical victim, or control), followed by either high- or low-efficacy preventative-messages. After extra locks were installed on their bicycles, participants’ use of the lock was observed five times within 28 days after the intervention. A mixed-effect generalized linear model revealed that vulnerability of the participants increased the use of the lock immediately after the intervention. Meanwhile, highly vulnerable participants who were presented with an identifiable victim and high-efficacy messages decreased their use of the lock significantly compared to low-vulnerability participants and those who were presented with the low-efficacy message. The result implies that threat appeal strategies differ depending on receiver vulnerability and the type of preventative behavior.
松本 明生 平岡 恭一
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
pp.88.16323, (Released:2017-05-10)

Impulsivity has been linked to traffic safety problems in many prior studies. However, it is not clear whether impulsivity, defined by the rate of discounting delayed monetary rewards, relates to drivers’ problematic behavior. We investigated the relationship between the discounting of hypothetical monetary outcomes and near accident (i.e. hiyari-hatto) experiences during driving among occupational drivers. A total of 189 occupational drivers (160 men) completed the delay discounting questionnaire and hiyari-hatto experiences scale. In completing the delay discounting questionnaire, participants were asked to perform the two delay-discounting tasks, in which they chose between ¥100,000 or ¥5,000 available after some delay (from 1 month to 5 years) or a lesser amount of money available immediately. Subjective equivalence points were obtained from participants’ choices on delay discounting questionnaires, from which the areas under the curve (AUC; Myerson et al., 2001) were calculated. The results indicated that the rate of discounting (AUC) was negatively correlated to near accident experiences. We discuss the need for future research on impulsivity, delay discounting, and traffic safety.
中山 真孝 齊藤 智
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.86, no.3, pp.249-257, 2015 (Released:2015-08-25)

The present study investigated principles of phonological planning, a common serial ordering mechanism for speech production and phonological short-term memory. Nakayama and Saito (2014) have investigated the principles by using a speech-error induction technique, in which participants were exposed to an auditory distractor word immediately before an utterance of a target word. They demonstrated within-word adjacent mora exchanges and serial position effects on error rates. These findings support, respectively, the temporal distance and the edge principles at a within-word level. As this previous study induced errors using word distractors created by exchanging adjacent morae in the target words, it is possible that the speech errors are expressions of lexical intrusions reflecting interactive activation of phonological and lexical/semantic representations. To eliminate this possibility, the present study used nonword distractors that had no lexical or semantic representations. This approach successfully replicated the error patterns identified in the abovementioned study, further confirming that the temporal distance and edge principles are organizing precepts in phonological planning.
橋本 泰央 小塩 真司
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.87, no.4, pp.395-404, 2016 (Released:2016-10-25)

This study was used to develop a Japanese version of the International Personality Item Pool-Interpersonal Circumplex and examined its reliability and validity. Participants included 625 Japanese university students. They completed the IPIP-IPC-J and one or two other scales: the Japanese version of Ten Item Personality Inventory (Oshio et al., 2012); a short form of the Japanese Big Five Scale (Namikawa et al., 2012); the Japanese Version of Dark Triad Dirty Dozen (Tamura et al., 2015); the Friendship scale (Okada, 1995); or the Assertion Inventory (Murayama et al., 1991). The IPIP-IPC-J was administered again to 65 participants five weeks later to determine test-retest reliability. The results generally supported the reliability and validity of the IPIP-IPC-J.
尾崎 幸謙 豊田 秀樹
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.76, no.2, pp.97-104, 2005-06-25 (Released:2010-07-16)

The purpose of this research is to provide a two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) model for a latent factor. Typical psychological studies measure mental states with questionnaires and analyze the variance of the measures into the portions attributable to various sources. This type of research, when conducted under regular ANOVA designs, uses total score as the dependent measures. However, this method is based on the unrealistic presumption that every item on the questionnaire has the same factor loading on the attribute being measured. In this research, we incorporated factor analysis model, and used a latent factor instead of total score as the dependent measure, thereby applying ANOVA under a more realistic assumption. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) was used to express statistical models. This paper also examined a relation between music and mood, which is a quite popular area of research in psychology of music. To study the possible effects of tonality and key-signature on mood, music was chosen to represent tonality and key-signature conditions.
伊藤 裕子 相良 順子
The Japanese Psychological Association
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.84, no.6, pp.612-617, 2014

This study examined gender differences for two measures of mental health as related to the quality of the marital relationship. Middle-aged respondents (221 female; 210 male) rated their marital satisfaction, affection, and communication. They also rated their psychological well-being and depression. The correlations between marital quality and mental health indicated that for males marital quality was more strongly associated with psychological well-being than with depression. Females showed no such difference, or their marital quality was associated with depression. This implies that for females, depression was a more sensitive measure of their mental health related to their husband-wife relationship. On the other hand, for males subjective well-being which was correlated with self-esteem was a more sensitive measure of their mental health.
勝又 結菜
The Japanese Psychological Association
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.86, no.4, pp.313-322, 2015

This study investigated the effects of self-anger on rumination and mental health (depression and anxiety). In study 1, a scale to measure self-anger was developed by the review of previous studies and survey interviews. Exploratory factor analysis identified one factor of self-anger. The reliability and validity of the scale were confirmed by internal consistency measures and correlations with other anger-related scales. In study 2, which used the self-anger scale developed in study 1, undergraduate and graduate students completed a set of scales to measure self-anger, rumination, depression, anxiety, and five-factor personality traits. The results of mediation analysis indicated that self-anger effects depression and anxiety directly or through mediating rumination excluding the effect of sex and neuroticism. Finally, the possibility that self-anger management leads to the reduction of rumination and improvement of mental health was discussed.
豊田 秀樹 拜殿 怜奈 久保 沙織 池原 一哉 磯部 友莉恵
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.86, no.6, pp.535-544, 2016 (Released:2016-02-25)

The purpose of this study is to propose a method of factor analysis for analyzing contingency tables developed from the data of unlimited multiple-choice questions. This method assumes that the element of each cell of the contingency table has a binominal distribution and a factor analysis model is applied to the logit of the selection probability. Scree plot and WAIC are used to decide the number of factors, and the standardized residual, the standardized difference between the sample, and the proportion ratio, is used to select items. The proposed method was applied to real product impression research data on advertised chips and energy drinks. Since the results of the analysis showed that this method could be used in conjunction with conventional factor analysis model, and extracted factors were fully interpretable, and suggests the usefulness of the proposed method in the study of psychology using unlimited multiple-choice questions.
児玉 真樹子
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
pp.86.14204, (Released:2015-03-10)
2 7

The constructs of career resilience were clarified and a scale was developed to assess them. Company employees (N = 241) participated in an online survey. The results of an exploratory factor analysis indicated a five-factor structure of career resilience with a high Cronbach’s alpha: (a) ability to cope with challenges, problem-solving, and adaptation; (b) social skills; (c) novelty and diversity of interests; (d) future orientation; and (e) helping. The results of a correlation analysis showed that all five factors of career resilience directly promoted career development. The results of a two-way analysis of variance and t-tests revealed that all factors except for novelty and diversity of interests reduced the negative effects of risk on career development. The results confirmed that career resilience consisted of four factors: (a) ability to cope with challenges, problem-solving, and adaptation; (b) socialskills; (d) futureorientation; and (e) helping.
髙本 真寛 高田 治樹
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
pp.86.14336, (Released:2015-11-10)

This study used structural equation modeling to investigate directional relationships between coping with interpersonal stress and received support. One hundred and seventy-seven undergraduates who had experienced interpersonal stress during the past month answered questions about coping with interpersonal stress and received support. Structural equation modeling based on third-order moment structures was used to examine the directionality of the relationship between these two variables. The results revealed interactive associations between distancing and emotional support. Received support affected coping with interpersonal stress in terms of active coping, planning and monitoring, and positive reappraisal. These results suggest that received support functions as a coping resource.
北梶 陽子 大沼 進
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.85, no.1, pp.9-19, 2014-04-25 (Released:2014-04-15)

This research demonstrated the negative influence of monitoring and punishing during a social dilemma game, taking the illegal dumping of industrial waste as an example. The first study manipulated three conditions: a producing-industries monitoring condition (PIM), an administrative monitoring condition (ADM), and a control condition (no monitoring). The results showed that non-cooperative behavior was more frequent in the PIM condition than in the control condition. The second study had three conditions: a punishing condition (PC), a monitoring condition (MC), and a control condition (no monitoring, no punishing). The results indicated that non-cooperative behavior was observed the most in the PC, and the least in the control condition. Furthermore, information regarding other players’ costs and benefits was shared the most in the control conditions in both studies. The results suggest that sanctions prevent people from sharing information, which decreases expectations of mutual cooperation.
磯部 綾美 久冨 哲兵 松井 豊 宇井 美代子 高橋 尚也 大庭 剛司 竹村 和久
The Japanese Psychological Association
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.79, no.5, pp.453-458, 2008
6 3

This study developed a Japanese version of the "Regret and Maximization Scale" in decision making, which was originally constructed by Schwartz, Ward, Monterosso, Lyubomirsky, White, and Lehman (2002). This scale measures assess the tendency to experience regret, and individual differences in the desire to maximize or to satisfy. In Study 1, the original version of the "Regret and Maximization Scale" was translated into Japanese and administered to 307 Japanese university students responded the scale. Factor analysis did not replicate the finding of Schwartz et al. (2002). In Study 2, we developed new items, and constructed a "Japanese Version of the Regret and Maximization Scale", based on the interpretation of the factor analysis in Study 1. This new version of the scale was administered to 163 Japanese university students. The result of factor analysis and reliability analysis indicated that this "Japanese Version of the Regret and Maximization Scale" had a considerably high Cronbach's alpha and conceptual validity.
八田 武俊 八田 武志 岩原 昭彦 八田 純子 永原 直子 伊藤 恵美 藤原 和美 堀田 千絵
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
pp.85.13040, (Released:2015-01-15)

In this study, we examined the relationships among higher brain function, trust or distrust, and gullibility in middle-aged and elderly people. It has been pointed out that the trust can be regarded the psychological frame of automatic processing in decision-making. The participants were 309 rural community dwellers (127 males and 182 females) whose mean age was 64.9 years old (SD = 9.9). The trust scale of Amagai (1997) and the Nagoya University Cognitive Assessment Battery were used to measure sense of trust and higher brain function, respectively. Gullibility was measured by self-report using two items. Correlation analyses showed that higher brain function positively correlated with degree of trust in others and negatively correlated with distrust. However, regression analysis demonstrated that only the relationship between category fluency and distrust was significant. Furthermore, the degree of distrust positively correlated with gullibility.