西脇 雅人 松本 直幸
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.67, no.3, pp.237-243, 2018-06-01 (Released:2018-05-16)

This retrospective observational study aimed to examine the effects of playing Pokémon GO on daily steps of male college students. Twenty-five Japanese male college students (20 ± 1 years) were assigned to Control group (C, n = 11) or Pokémon GO group (P, n = 14) based on their playing Pokémon GO or not. Daily step levels were obtained from the health care app of Apple iPhone from September 2016 to October 2016. In P group, the data for the 4 weeks to determine baseline values and for the 4 weeks of playing Pokémon GO were analyzed. The steps data of C group were also analyzed in the same period of the total 8 weeks. There were no significant differences in steps at baseline level between both groups. In addition, no significant time-course changes in steps were observed in C group. In contrast, steps in P group significantly increased from baseline 8,368 ± 544 steps/day to week 1 10,028 ± 617 steps/day (P < 0.01). The changes in steps from baseline to week 1 were significantly greater in P group than in C group (1,671 ± 345 vs. -81 ± 582, P < 0.01). However, the increased steps returned to baseline level by week 2, and the values did not increase again. Therefore, our findings indicate that playing Pokémon GO increases daily steps only during one week in Japanese male college students.
宮下 浩二 小林 寛和 越田 専太郎 浦辺 幸夫
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.58, no.3, pp.379-386, 2009-06-01 (Released:2009-07-28)
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The purpose of this study was to identify the angles of the shoulder complex which consist of glenohumeral joint, scapulothracic joint, and thoracic joint at the maximum external rotation (MER) of the shoulder complex during throwing in baseball players, and to analyze the correlation of each angle.The subjects were 19 collegiate baseball players. Throwing motion data was collected by three high-speed cameras and the three-dimensional (3D) coordinates of the shoulder complex were established by direct leaner translation method for the MER calculation. A 3D analysis was performed to obtain the external rotation (ER) angle of the glenohumeral joint, the posterior tilt angle of the scapula, and the extension angles of thoracic at MER of shoulder complex. The mean (±SD) value of the MER was 145.5±10.3°. The mean (±SD) values of the glenohumeral ER, the scapula posterior tilt angle and the thoracic extension angle at MER were 105.3±16.0°, 24.3±15.0°, and 9.1±7.2°respectively. Multiple linear regression analysis was used to relate the MER angle to each joint angle. The final linear regression model included the posterior tilting angle of scapula ( r=0.56, p<0.05), and external rotation of the glenohumeral joint ( r=0.40, p<0.05). Significant negative correlation was observed between the posterior tilting angle of the scapula and external rotation of the glenohumeral joint ( r=-0.52, p<0.05). This finding suggested that scapula motion could be very important for the prevention of throwing injuries.
佐藤 厚子 李 相潤 畠山 愛子 石田 和雄 面澤 和子 永富 良一
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.60, no.5, pp.483-492, 2011 (Released:2011-11-15)

Measuring the bioelectrical impedance (BI) is a simple and non-invasive method for estimating body fat or muscle mass. However, body impedance is affected by variations in the distribution of body fluid without reference to actual body fat or muscle mass. Twenty healthy college students (10 males, 10 females; mean age 21.0±2.3 years) participated in the study. Their mean body mass index was 20.7±2.6 kg/m2. Bipolar electrodes were place on all extremities, and InBody 3.0TM (Biospace Co., Ltd., Seoul, Korea) was used to measure bioelectrical impedance. Each subject remained in a supine position on a comfortable bed between 07:00 and 12:00 except for excretion and measurement of BI. BI was measured hourly using frequencies ranging from 5 to 500 kHz. The subjects refrained from eating, drinking and exercising between 07:00 and 12:00 during the first week of measurements, and drank 6.7 ml/kg of water at 07:00 after the first measurement of BI during a subsequent week of measurements. Bioelectrical impedance was higher in female subjects in all body segments and conditions (p<0.01). BI in the right arm was lower than that in the left in all participants (p<0.001). The difference between the highest and lowest BI among six measurements was largest in the upper extremities, followed by the lower extremities. Differences in the coefficient of variation CV values of the right arm of both females and males at 50, 250, and 500 kHz during fasting were significantly smaller than after drinking water. Hydration had no effect on the differences in the CV values of the body trunk and lower extremity BI or BI at lower frequencies. BI indicates the possibility of remarkable decrease in variation in the upper extremity BI at higher frequencies by taking 6.7 ml/kg of water at get up and enables minimizing the estimate error of body fat percentage.
水田 拓道 植屋 清見 日丸 哲也 永田 晟 山本 高司
体力科學 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.24, no.3, pp.100-107, 1975-09-01

目的に応じたサウナ入浴をするための一つの条件として,サウナ入浴時間が生体におよぼす影響というかたちで,主に運動機能的な面からサウナ入浴前後,および入浴中の変化について比較検討した。本実験の結果からサウナの効果的利用法について次のような示唆が得られた。1. アンケート調査の結果,サウナ入浴時間においては5分単位の入浴を繰返している者が最とも多く60%余りをしめていた。また,95%の者がなんらかの形で冷水浴を併用していた。2. 全身反応時問,膝蓋腱反射閾値,垂直跳ぴにおけるジャンプパワー等,筋神経系の関係する機能においては,5分入浴,1分冷水浴で3回繰返し入浴法が,入浴前に比べてよい成緒を示し効果的であることがわかった。このことから,経験的に得た5分単位の入浴法が,疲労回復,気分転換等に効果的であることが裏付けられた。3. 血圧,心拍数,皮膚温の変化には設定パターンによる著明な差異は認められなかった。しかし,いずれのパターンにおいても循環機能への有効な刺激として考察され,長期にわたる利用によって環境温の変化に対する適応能を高める効果が期待される。4. サウナ入浴中の酸素摂取量は安静時に比して,パターン(1)が23.2%,パターン(2)が31.6%それぞれ増加した。エネルギー代謝促進の面からは少し長い入浴時間が必要と考えられる。

12 0 0 0 OA 熱中症の疫学

中井 誠一
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.64, no.1, pp.77, 2015 (Released:2015-01-25)
菊地 潤 中村 泉 樫村 修生
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.58, no.3, pp.353-364, 2009-06-01 (Released:2009-07-28)

The present study examined the relationship between rate of abnormal menstrual cycles in women who participated in competitive sports and long-term fertility. Longitudinal menstrual data were collected over 25 years from 33 women who graduated from physical education collegesThe results were as follows:1)Among the 33 women surveyed, the number of pregnancies for each woman ranged from zero to eight; the total number of pregnancies was 85 (mean 2.6). Sixty-five (76.5%) of the 85 pregnancies were carried out to delivery times.2)The rate of spontaneous abortion was 15.3%. Four (12.1%) of the 33 women were infertile.3)In women with fertility-related problems such as infertility, spontaneous abortion, premature delivery, and stillbirth, the rate of abnormal menstrual cycles tended to be higher with increase of the fertility-related problems.4)In women with a high rate of abnormal menstrual cycles during college, the rate continued to be high after graduation.5)In women without fertility-related problems, the rate of abnormal menstrual cycles during college varied widely. Also, the rate of abnormal menstruation decreased less than 30% after graduation, excluding one woman. Conversely, in women with fertility-related problems, the rate of abnormal menstrual cycles was higher than in women without fertility problems both during college and after graduation.6)Changes in menstrual cycle length with age were more different than an individual. In women with fertility-related problems, abnormal menstrual cycles were observed between the ages of 18 and 42, and abnormal cycles were both longer and shorter than normal cycles.The results indicated that, in women who participated in competitive sports during their youth, abnormal menstrual cycles may remain long after retirement from sports. In addition, problems such as infertility and spontaneous abortion were observed to be associated with higher rates of abnormal menstrual cycles.
小﨑 恵生 前田 清司 岡 浩一朗
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.71, no.1, pp.147-155, 2022-02-01 (Released:2022-01-14)

Sedentary behavior is ubiquitous in modern lifestyles and defined as any waking behavior with an energy expenditure of ≤ 1.5 metabolic equivalents while sitting, reclining, or lying. Epidemiological evidence suggests that high volumes of sedentary behavior are independently associated with an elevated risk of cardiometabolic disease and all-cause mortality. By contrast, a growing body of experimental evidence showing the potential benefits for cardiometabolic risks of reducing and breaking up sedentary time. Therefore, recent physical activity guidelines indicate the importance of reducing and regularly interrupting prolonged sitting. In this narrative review, we summarize the findings from experimental studies that investigated the acute impacts of prolonged, uninterrupted sitting and interrupting sitting on several cardiometabolic risk factors, including vascular function, blood pressure, and glucose metabolism. Here, we highlight experimental evidence from controlled laboratory trials that may lead to a better understanding of biological plausibility, the causal structure of relationships, and potential mechanistic insight on linking sedentary behavior with adverse cardiometabolic outcomes. Our literature review collectively suggests that in addition to increasing moderate- to vigorous-intensity physical activity, reducing sedentary time may contribute to cardiometabolic health. However, the recent evidence remains limited and inconclusive, thus future studies are needed to develop a deeper causal and mechanistic understanding of the biological pathways through which prolonged sitting can adversely influence cardiometabolic health outcomes.
坂木 佳壽美
The Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.50, no.1, pp.105-118, 2001-02-01 (Released:2010-09-30)

腹式呼吸は健康法として, またストレスを緩和させる方法としてその有効性が実証されつつあるが, ヒトには個体差がありストレスに対する反応の現われ方は様々である.そこで, 心拍変動 (RR間隔変動) から求める自律神経機能評価三指標1) %RR50, 2) CVRR, 3) E/Iratioの臥位における平均値を基準値と定義して, 三指標全てが平均値以下のG1 (交感神経活動亢進傾向群) , 平均値以上のG3 (副交感神経活動亢進傾向群) , 三指標の内いずれかが平均値以下, または平均値以上のG2 (中間群) の3群に分別し, 各群の自律神経機能と呼吸循環機能の特徴と腹式呼吸の有効性の違いを検討した.本研究の対象は女性20名 (48.4±5.5歳) で, 安静臥位 (20分) , 安静坐位 (20分) , 腹式呼吸 (20分: 呼気と吸気の時間の比が2: 1になるように指示した) , 回復 (30分) の計90分間のRR間隔変動 (100個/回) を経時的に測定し (計16回) 、前述の三指標の他にスペクトル解析による四指標 (HF, LF, LF/HF, HF/SUM) とHRを算出, それに対応して血圧値, f, PtcO2とPtcCO2を測定し, 以下のような結果を得た.1.安静時臥位において, 自律神経機能評価三指標 (%RR50, CVRR, E/Iratio) とHF (高周波成分) はそれぞれ高い正相関 (各P<0.01) を示し, 安静臥位では副交感神経活動が亢進状態にあった事が確認された.2.群別した3群の特徴と腹式呼吸の影響を以下に示した.1) G1は群内の個体差が大きく, 特に坐位より臥位において交感神経が緊張傾向を示した.しかし回復では坐位より副交感神経機能優位を示し, その状態が回復30分後まで持続した腹式呼吸の持続効果がみられた.呼吸循環機能は平均値と近似していた.2) G2は全測定を通してfと血圧は3群中で高値を示した.そして臥位のPtcO2値は平均値より低値, PtcCO2は高値, HRとfの高値傾向から, 呼吸が浅く速いことが判明した.しかし回復ではHRとfは坐位より低下し, 副交感神経機能は優位になり腹式呼吸の影響が大きく示された.3) G3は, 臥位において副交感神経が緊張傾向にあり, fと血圧は常時平均値より低く, 血圧とHRとの間に極めて強い関連性がみられた.回復では腹式呼吸後20分以降に副交感神経活動が亢進状態になっている事が認められた.そして他の2群と異なる点は, 回復時のPtcO2が腹式呼吸より高く, PtcCOvは逆に低値を示し, より深いG3の腹式呼吸の影響が血液ガスに現われていた.以上の測定結果から, 安静臥位における自律神経機能三指標の平均値を基準に分別した3群は, それぞれの自律神経機能ならびに呼吸循環機能の基礎レベル, またその両者の関連性にも特徴がみられ, 体位変換や腹式呼吸による反応も各群で異なり, 安静臥位における自律神経の緊張の違いが刺激応答にも反映している事が明示された.しかし, その個体差を前提にしても, 意識的腹式呼吸 (呼気と吸気の時間の比が2: 1) は, 呼吸循環機能を経時的に坐位より緩徐にさせ, 副交感神経活動を亢進状態に導き, その状態を持続させる事は可能であり, その効果が交感神経緊張傾向の人 (G1, G2) に大きく現われたことは特筆すべき事である.従って, 意識的腹式呼吸は日常生活で生じるストレスを, 自分自身で処理して行くストレス・マネジメントの一方法として活用できる事を確認した.
小川 新吉 古田 善伯 山本 恵三 永井 信雄
The Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.22, no.2, pp.45-55, 1973-06-01 (Released:2010-09-30)
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巨大な体格, 豪力の持ち主であると考えられている現役上位力士) (関取) の形態, 機能の測定および調査を行ない, 種々なる検討を試みた。形態的な測定1.関取の平均身長は180.2cmと, 日本人としてはずばぬけて大柄な集団であるが, スポーツ選手の大型化を考えるとき, 特筆すべき特徴とは考えられない。2.体重は平均122.2kgと超重量級で, ローレル指数も平均210.5と異常に近い充実度を示し, この超肥満体に力士の特徴がみられる。身体の軟組織に富む周囲径, 特に腰囲は, 114.9cm, 臀囲は115.7cmと著しく大きく, 皮脂厚 (3部位の合計) も109.9mmと驚くべき肥厚を示し, 力士の体型の特徴は皮脂厚の異常なまでの発達にあることがわかる。機能の測定3.背筋力の平均は181kg, 握力左右平均47.9kgと予想したほど大きくなく, オリンピックの重量挙や投擲選手以下である。筋力の測定方法等に問題があるにしても, 筋力は形態に比べ予想外に発達していないと考えられる。5.垂直とび47.9cm, サイド・ステップ35.1回, 腕立屈伸21.4回と, 体重が負荷となるテストでは体重の影響が問題となり, スポーツ選手としては著しく小さい。6.しかし, 身体の柔軟性や全身反応時間等は肥満体にもかかわらず, さして劣っていない。7.被検力士の平均肺活量は4918.6mlで, 巨体の割には小さい。8.ステップ・テストの評点は平均49.4, 体重増が負担となり, 同年令成人より著しく劣っている。総体して, 形態の発達に比べて, 呼吸循環器系機能の発達が明らかにアンバランスになっていると考えられる。力士の発育・発連9.一部関取の形態につき, 過去4年間の測定結果を追跡調査した結果では, 身長の伸びはほとんどみられないが, 体重, 胸囲の発達は著しく, 特に体重では6~29kgの著明な増大がみられた。10.上位と下位の力士を比較すると, 上位力士は形態, 特に体重, 周囲径が優れており, 機能面では上位と下位の間にそれほど著明な差違は認められない。したがって, 相撲競技では, 形態の大小が勝負に大きく関与していると考えられる。11.以上の結果を総括してみると, 力士は形態の発達には著しい特徴が認められるが, 機能面では, 他種目の一流スポーツ選手と比較し, 伸びが著しく劣っている。これらについては, 伝統的な練習方法や稽古, 生活様式等に考慮すべき問題があると考えられる。謝辞: 本研究は文部省の特定科学研究費, IBP.HA班の研究助成金をえて実施されたことを銘記しておく。なお, 本研究について, 多大の理解と好意を賜った日本相撲協会の武蔵川理事長, 故秀の山監事, さらに直接御協力を願った各部屋の親方, 責任者, 関取衆に感謝の意を表するものである。
八十島 崇 木塚 朝博 埜口 博司 白木 仁 向井 直樹 下條 仁士 宮永 豊
The Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.52, no.1, pp.43-50, 2003-02-01 (Released:2010-09-30)
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Electromyographic activity of the shoulder muscle at 20 and 90°abduction (20 Abd, 90 Abd) during external rotation was investigated in seven healthy men with no history of injury or instability of the shoulder joint.Electromyography (EMG) was recorded using intramuscular fine-wire electrodes inserted into the M. Supraspinatus, M. Infraspinatus and M. Teres minor, and with bipolar surface electrodes on the middle and posterior parts of M. Deltoid anti the upper and middle parts of M. Trapezius. To compare activity in different muscles, the integrated EMG (iEMG ) activity of each muscle was normalized.M. Infraspinatus and M. Teres minor showed significantly higher activity at both the 20 Abd and 90Abd compared with the middle and posterior parts of M. Deltoid and upper parts of M. Trapezius. M. Supraspinatus, the middle and posterior parts of M. Deltoid, and upper and middle parts of M. Trapezius all showed a difference in activity level between the two positions.These findings suggest that when M. Infraspinatus and M. Teres minor contribute to external rotation as a stabilizer and prime mover, consecutively, M. Supraspinatus, the middle and posterior parts of M. Deltoid, and upper and middle parts of M. Trapezius function according to the positions. Moreover, the activity of the upper and middle parts of M. Trapezius in 90Abd should influence stabilization, adduction and upward rotation of the scapula. Therefore, we conclude that the external rotation position is closely related to shoulder muscle activity and coordination.
臼井 直人 山代 幸哉 小島 将 佐藤 大輔
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.69, no.5, pp.361-370, 2020-10-01 (Released:2020-09-16)

Soccer is the most popular sport worldwide, with over 265 million participants. Soccer is unique in that the ball can be directed deliberately and purposefully with the head, an act referred to as ‘heading’. In recent years, there has been concern about the association between repetitive subconcussive head impacts associated with heading and chronic traumatic encephalopathy. Heading causes immediate changes in biochemical and electrophysiological markers of traumatic brain injury, and some studies have reported brain structural changes and dysfunction in former soccer players. In 2019, it was reported that the mortality associated with neurodegenerative diseases was about 3.5 times higher among former professional soccer players. Following that, in early 2020, the guidance have been published to limit heading by age in some regions including England and Scotland. In this review, we will expound the immediate and long-term effects of heading associated with chronic traumatic encephalopathy and the measures that should be taken into consideration in the practice of soccer instruction, based on the latest findings.