真鍋 芳明 横澤 俊治 尾縣 貢
The Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.53, no.3, pp.321-336, 2004-06-01 (Released:2010-09-30)
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The purpose of this study was to compare hip and knee joint extension torque and the activity of eight muscles around the hip and knee joints during three squat exercises with different movements.Ten male athletes performed three different squats (Normal squat : NS, Knee push squat : KPS, Hip drive squat : HDS) . KPS is the type of squat which emphasizes knee joint movement without moving the hip joint position back and forth. On the other hand, HDS is the type of squat which emphasizes hip joint movement, while keeping the knee joint position fixed. Kinematic and kinetic variables such as angle, angular velocity, net torque and power of the joints of the lower extremity were calculated during the descending and ascending phase of each squat. At the same time, surface electrodes were placed on eight muscles of the lower extremity, and %iEMG was also calculated during the same phases.During the descending phase, Elector spinae muscle activity and hip joint extension torque was significantly greater for HDS than KPS. Rectus femoris and Vastus lateralis muscle activity was significantly greater for KPS than HDS. In addition, KPS showed significantly greater knee joint extension torque than HDS and NS. At the ascending phase, Elector spinae, Glueus maximus and Biceps femoris muscle activity, and hip joint extension torque was significantly greater for HDS than KPS and NS. Rectus femoris muscle activity and knee joint extension torque was significantly greater for KPS than HDS and NS.These results suggest that HDS is effective for selectively training the hip extensor, and KPS is effective for training the Rectus femoris muscle.
清野 諭 野藤 悠
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.68, no.5, pp.327-335, 2019-10-01 (Released:2019-10-01)

Although multiple disability prevention efforts and interventions for older adults have been implemented in the community, only a limited number of studies have verified whether these efforts have actually reduced the occurrence of disability or frailty. This paper reviewed evidence on the effects of community-based interventions for disability prevention on risks of disability and frailty at both the individual and population levels. Consequently, first, participation in exercise or nutrition programs based on high-risk strategies significantly reduced the risk of disability occurrence and suppressed medical and care costs for frail older adults, compared with nonparticipants. However, the participation rate for elderly populations in such programs was extremely low. Second, the creation of self-management programs based on population strategies, such as exercise groups or community salons, significantly reduced the participant’s risk for disability and frailty. The number of such “gathering places” and the participation rate in the elderly population progressively increased, suggesting it may contribute to disability prevention not only at the individual level, but also at the population level. However, previous studies have required long terms (4–5 years) to confirm significant reduction in an individual’s risk for disability and frailty. Finally, although previous studies that verified the effects of disability or frailty prevention at the population level have been extremely limited, one study demonstrated it is possible to reduce the rate of disability at the population level. Further studies are needed to verify the effects of various community-based disability prevention efforts on individual- and population-level disability and frailty for older adults.
東 亜弥子 三浦 哉 石川 みづき
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.68, no.2, pp.153-157, 2019-04-01 (Released:2019-03-16)

As well as active smoking, passive smoking is associated with a high risk of developing cardiovascular disease. The antioxidant vitamin C may inhibit the unfavorable effects of passive smoking. In this study, we investigated the effects of vitamin C ingestion on changes in the flow-mediated dilatation (FMD) at the brachial artery in patients exposed to transient passive smoking. The study participants included seven healthy adult males who were examined by high-resolution ultrasonography of the brachial artery before and after 15-minute of passive smoking. FMD was used to examine the endothelial function. Randomized crossover controlled trial, measurements were performed on two different days 120-minute after the oral administration of 1000mg of ascorbic acid (VC trial) or a placebo (P trial). Although the FMD values decreased after passive smoking in both trials, the FMD values of the VC trial were higher than those of the P trial, with significant differences between the trials observed immediately and 30-minute after passive smoking. The results of this study suggested that the ingestion of vitamin C may suppress the decrease in the vascular endothelial function caused by transient passive smoking.
石井 泰光 黒川 剛 荒木 就平 山本 正嘉
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.65, no.3, pp.327-335, 2016-06-01 (Released:2016-05-14)

The 30-seconds all-out sprint test on the cycle ergometer was performed by 10 high school and 13 college men’s cyclists. In addition, this study investigated their best time for 200 m (200mTT) and 1000 m (1000mTT) time trials in the velodrome. This study clarifies the relationship between muscle thickness of thigh, shank, and trunk and 1) the average speed for the 200mTT and 2) the 1000mTT in the field, and 3) the mean power of the 30-seconds all-out sprint cycling test. 1) The average speed for the 200mTT significantly correlated with the muscle thickness of posterior shank and front and lateral abdomen. 2) The average speed for the 1000mTT significantly correlated with the muscle thickness of posterior thigh and shank and front and lateral abdomen. 3) The mean power of the 30-seconds all-out sprint cycling test significantly correlated with the muscle thickness of anterior and posterior thigh, posterior shank, and front and lateral abdomen. Except for the average speed for the 200mTT and 1000mTT, the mean power of the 30-seconds all-out sprint cycling test was significantly related to the muscle thickness of anterior thigh. These results suggest that increasing muscle thickness of posterior thigh and shank and front and lateral abdomen is important for enhancing performance in sprint cycling.
松永 智 佐渡山 亜兵 宮田 浩文 勝田 茂
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.39, no.2, pp.99-105, 1990-04-01 (Released:2010-09-30)
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We investigated the effects of strength training a muscle fiber conduction velocity in biceps brachii of 7 male students. The subjects were trained to exhaustion by 60% of maximum isotonic voluntary contraction with 3 sets/day, 3 days/week for 16 weeks. The muscle fiber conduction velocity was measured with a surface electorode array placed along the muscle fibers, and calculated from the time delay between 2 myoelectric signals recorded during a maximal voluntary contraction. Upper arm girth significantly increased (p<0.01), from 29.2±1.4 cm (means±S. D.) to 30.6±1.5 cm. On the other hand, training induced no significant changes in upper arm skinfold. A significant difference between pre- and post-training was found in maximum isotonic strength (p<0.01) . Although maximum isometric strength showed no significant changes with training, there was a tendency for an increase in maximum isometric strength. Muscle fiber conduction velocity increased by 3.5% during training period, but this was not significant. These results suggest no effects of strength training on muscle fiber conduction velocity.
岩原 文彦 伊藤 雅充 浅見 俊雄
The Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.52, no.5, pp.499-511, 2003-10-01 (Released:2010-09-30)
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The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of active recovery between two strenuous anaerobic exercises separated by a short time interval. Eight healthy adult male volunteers (age: 24.8±1.8 yrs, height: 170.6±2.5 cm, weight : 70.1 ±2.5 kg) underwent five exercise sessions. Each session consisted of a warm-up, the first anaerobic exercise test (40 sec of exhaustive cycle ergometer exercise), a 30 min inactive (seated) or active recovery period, and a second anaerobic exercise test. During the active recovery period, subjects executed one of four different intensity pedaling tests (60, 80, 100, 120% of predetermined lactate threshold intensity) for 10 min. There were no significant differences in mean power and peak blood lactate concentration among sessions during the first anaerobic exercise test. Significant differences were found in the blood lactate concentration among sessions during the second anaerobic exercise test, and significant differences were found in mean power for the second anaerobic exercise. Optimal intensity related to the blood lactate removal rate was 83.3±7.1%LT, and that related to the working capacity recovery rate was 68.3±11.8%LT.From these results, concerning blood lactate removal rate, it was suggested that between 80%LT and 100%LT was an effective intensity. As for performance, the effective intensity was less than 100%LT.
大西 秀明 八木 了 大山 峰生 伊橋 光二 半田 康延
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.48, no.4, pp.485-492, 1999-08-01 (Released:2010-09-30)
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本研究の目的は, 等速性最大膝屈曲運動時におけるハムストリングス4筋の筋活動と膝関節角度との関係を明らかにすることであった.対象は健常男性10名であった.運動課題は角速度30度/secの等速性最大膝屈曲運動とし, 膝関節0度から120度屈曲位の範囲を行わせた.筋電図は半腱様筋, 半膜様筋, 大腿二頭筋長頭および大腿二頭筋短頭の4筋を対象として, 双極性ワイヤー電極を用いて導出し, さらに膝関節15度毎の筋電図積分値を求めた.また, 同一内容の実験を3ケ月の期間をあけて同じ被験者に再度行うことにより得られた結果の信頼性を確認した.その結果, 膝関節屈曲トルクは15度から45度屈曲位で最も大きかった.半腱様筋, 半膜様筋および大腿二頭筋短頭の筋電図積分値は, 2回の測定とも膝関節屈曲角度の増大と共に増加し, 膝関節90度から105度屈曲位で最も大きな値を示した.一方, 大腿二頭筋長頭の筋電図積分値は, 2回の測定とも膝関節15度から30度屈曲位で最も高い値を示し, その後, 膝関節屈曲角度の増大と共に減少した.これらのことは, 最大随意運動中の主動作筋の筋活動は, 関節角度に影響されて変化することを示しており, 随意運動中の発揮トルクは, たとえ最大運動時であっても筋節長やモーメントアームの影響だけでなく, 主動作筋の活動状態 (運動単位の発火および動員) , すなわち神経系の要因に影響されていることを示唆していると考えられた.
酒井 敏夫 増田 充 荒井 聡博 大野 恒男 田辺 正夫
体力科學 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.1, no.2, pp.111-116, 1951-08-01

吾々は, 徹夜時に見られる心身諸変化の消長を詳細に観察する目的を以つて, 蓮続反応時, 時間錯誤, 膝蓋腱反射閾値, 脈膊恢復曲線, 体温, 血圧, 及び尿竝びに唾液のpHを逐時的に測定した。共の結果,<BR>(1) 体温, 及び尿のpH, は, 漸次下降する傾向にある。唾液は, 尿のpHほど一定の傾向が得られなかつた。<BR>(2) 血圧は, 順時下降し, 特に最小血圧の変動は, 徹夜作業時に微妙な関係を有しているようであつた。<BR>(3) 運動負荷に対する, 脈膊数の増加は, 時間の經過につれて減少し, 又恢復時間も延長するようであつた。<BR>(4) 膝蓋健反射閾値の逐時的変化は, 從來発表されている成績と一致した。<BR>(5) 時間錯誤試験では, 午前12時を境にして正の錯誤, 負の錯誤が著明で, その移行は逐時的なものが説察された。<BR>(6) 迚続反応時より見たる徹夜時の大腦機能は午前12時頃までは本実験の如き精神負荷では漸次集中過程に入り, それ以向は, 興奮と抑制の強い混在が著明に現われて來るようであつた。翌日に於ける大腦機能では, 從來吾々が実験し得なかつた大腦皮質興奮の異常なものの存在を知つた。
堀田 昇
体力科學 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.45, no.4, pp.461-464, 1996-08-01