杉山 康司 青木 純一郎
The Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.39, no.3, pp.173-180, 1990-06-01 (Released:2010-09-30)

本研究の目的は高酸素気吸入トレーニングが平地での全身持久力に及ぼす効果を明らかにすることであった.日常規則的な持久性のトレーニングを行っていない男子体育学部生12名を被験者とし, 正常気吸入トレーニング群 (正常気群) および高酸素気吸入トレーニング群 (高酸素気群) に2分した.高酸素気群のトレーニング強度は高酸素 (60%酸素) 吸入時に得られたVo2maxの85%, 正常気トレーニング群の強度は空気吸入時に得られたVo2maxの85%とした.トレーニング時間は高酸素気群を10分とし, 両群の仕事量を等しくするために, 正常気群は10分22秒から11分30秒とした.また, トレーニングの頻度および期間は両群とも週3日および4週間であった.この結果, 正常気群ではオールアウトタイムが17分18秒±1分37秒から19分7秒±1分53秒および乳酸閾値が19.6±4.3ml/kg・分から23.0±4.5ml/kg・分にそれぞれ有意に向上した.Vo2max, 最大換気量およびトレーニング中の心拍数には変化は認められなかった.一方, 高酸素気群ではオールアウトタイムが17分56秒±1分24秒から19分33秒±1分41秒および乳酸閾値が19.7±3.0ml/kg・分から24.9±4.0ml/kg・分に有意な向上を示したことに加え, Vo2mmxおよび最大換気量にそれぞれ46.1±4.6ml/kg・分から51.0±4.3ml/kg・分および117.3±13.8l/分から135.1±18.4l/分の有意な増加が認められた.さらに, トレーニング中の心拍数については有意な減少が認められた.以上の結果から, 高酸素気吸入トレーニングは全身持久力のうちVo2maxを指標とする呼吸循環機能を改善させるのに正常気吸入トレーニングよりも効果的であると結論された.
山本 正嘉 山本 利春
The Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.42, no.1, pp.82-92, 1993-02-01 (Released:2010-09-30)
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自転車エルゴメーターを用い, 5秒間の全力駆動を8セット反復するという激運動を行い, 33分間の休憩後に同じ運動を繰り返した.休憩中10分間にわたり, ストレッチング, スポーツマッサージ, 軽運動 (被検者の無酸素性作業閾値の80%相当の強度) , ホットパックの4種類の回復手段を実施し, これを実施しないで安静にして回復した場合と比較検討した.疲労回復の指標として作業能力および血中乳酸濃度 (La) の回復をみた.被検者は各回復手段について12名ずつとした.結果は以下のとおりである.1.ストレッチングとスポーツマッサージは, Laの回復には有意な効果をもたらさなかったが, 作業能力の回復には有意な効果をもたらした.2.軽運動は, Laの回復には有意な効果をもたらしたが, 作業能力の回復には有意な効果をもたらさなかった.しかし, 作業能力の回復が悪かった被検者の多くは, 軽運動の運動強度が強すぎたと訴えていたことから, これらの被検者には運動強度をさらに低く設定することによって作業能力の回復にも有意な効果がもたらされる可能性がある.3.ホットパックは, Laの回復にも, 作業能力の回復にも有意な効果をもたらさなかった.4.1~3の結果から, 激運動後に作業能力の回復を促進する手段として, ストレッチングとスポーツマッサージは有効であると考えられる.軽運動については, 運動強度が適切に処方されるならば有効と考えられるが, さもないと逆効果となる可能性もある.5.Laの回復率と作業能力の回復率との間には, 有意な相関関係は認められなかった.したがって, 作業能力の回復を規定するのはLa以外の要因であることが示唆された.また, Laを作業能力の回復を表す指標とすることには問題があることが示唆された.
春日井 淳夫 小笠原 正志 伊藤 朗
The Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.41, no.5, pp.530-539, 1992-10-01 (Released:2010-09-30)

In order to evaluate iron balance in the human body, we studied the effects of exercise on iron excretion in urine, sweat and feces. The subjects were five healthy male, college athletes. The daily intake of nutrients by the subjects was regulated by a prescribed diet (Calorie Mate, Ohtsuka), and the control measurements and the exercise measurements were performed within seven days. Excretion of iron in the urine during the exercise period was significantly higher than in the control period. The excretion of iron in the sweat was 1.076±0.118 mg, i. e, , about 70% of total iron physiologically excreted from the human body. The excretion of iron in the feces during the exercise period was significantly lower than during control period. Feces volume was positively correlated with energy expenditure and negatively correlated with the excretion of iron in the feces. Iron absorption during the exercise period was significantly higher than during the control period. These findings suggest that exercise stimulates not only iron excretion via urine and sweat, but iron absorption, and that iron balance remains positive in healthy male subjects who have normal iron status.
小林 好信 水上 勝義
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.70, no.6, pp.373-382, 2021-12-01 (Released:2021-11-18)

The purpose of this study is to clarify psychological factors related to recovery from sports injuries in judo and track and field. A questionnaire survey was conducted with male and female university judo players (n=944) and track and field athletes (n=645), who were identified using the snowball sampling. The questionnaire included the following items; the state of sports injuries, individual traits, coping resources, health related issues, stress responses and emotional supports. The questionnaire was conducted twice within a one year interval. Responses of participants with sports injuries were analyzed in the first survey (judo: n=190, track and field: n=111). Psychological factors in the recovery group and the non-recovery group were compared between the first and second survey and between groups by a two-way repeated measures ANOVA. In judo, there was a main effect between the groups of interpersonal dependency, stress responses “irritability-anger” and health management confidence (p< .05). In addition, there was an interaction effect between acquired resilience and emotional support from coaches (p< .05). In track and field, there was a main effect between the groups of stress responses “depression-anxiety” and “helplessness”, and between the time point of interpersonal dependency (p< .05). The results of this study suggested that while there were similarities in psychological factors between judo and track and field, the effects differed based on the type of sport, and that measures appropriate to the type of sport were required for psychological support when returning to the sport.
呉 堅 山川 純 田畑 泉 吉武 裕 樋口 満
The Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.49, no.5, pp.543-548, 2000-10-01 (Released:2010-09-30)
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本研究では閉経後女性を対象にして, 2年間の水泳運動が骨量減少に対し抑制効果をもつか否かを調査した.本研究には22名の水泳実施者 (平均年齢59.5歳) と19名の対照者 (平均年齢59.3歳) が参加した.水泳群は1回1時間の水泳運動を週平均1.5回行った.骨密度は腰椎 (第2~第4椎骨) と大腿骨頸部近位部 (大腿骨頸部, 大転子部とワーズ三角部) を二重エネルギーX線吸収法 (DXA) により測定した.また脚伸展パワーは脚伸展パワー測定装置を用いて評価した.測定はベースライン, 1年と2年後に行った.身長, 体重, カルシウム摂取量および日常の身体活動状況はベースラインにおいて二群間に差がなく, 2年間における変化も小さかった.脚伸展パワーにおいては, 水泳群にのみ1年と2年後に有意な増加があった.水泳群では2年間で大腿骨頸部, 大転子部とワーズ三角部の骨密度にそれぞれ4.4%, 5.7%と3.4%の増加がみられた.これに対して, 対照群では三ヶ所の骨密度の変化はそれぞれ-0.2%, 1.0%と-1.4%であった.これら3部位の骨密度の変化率を2群間で比較すると有意差が認められた.しかし, 水泳群の腰椎の骨密度は対照群と同様に減少を示し, 変化率に関して対照群と差がなかった.これらの結果は, 閉経後女性において2年間の水泳運動が大腿骨近位部の骨密度および脚伸展パワーに有益な影響を及ぼすことを示唆している.

3 0 0 0 OA 筋疲労

片山 憲史 田中 忠蔵 西川 弘恭 平澤 泰介
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.43, no.4, pp.309-317, 1994-08-01 (Released:2010-09-30)
八田 早那子 藤江 衣織 東郷 将成 柴田 啓介 木村 宣哉 瀧澤 一騎 神林 勲 山口 太一
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.70, no.4, pp.247-256, 2021-08-01 (Released:2021-07-15)

The purpose of this study was to compare effects of different amounts of carbohydrate (CHO) in beverage on plasma glucose (GLU) concentration during exercise after feeding breakfast. Seven healthy Japanese male subjects performed 30-min cycling at an intensity on the 75% of maximal load at 3-h after feeding breakfast under 3 types of CHO (0 g, 30 g and 150 g) beverage conditions. The subjects ingested 500 mL of beverage dissolved each amount of glucose at 30-min before the exercise. The GLU concentrations were measured at 35- and 10-min before the exercise and every 5-min during the exercise. The minimum GLU concentrations under the 30 g condition for all subjects were lower than a criterion for hypoglycemic (72 mg / dL). The mean value also fell below the criterion at from 10- to 20-min during exercise. The minimum GLU concentration under the 150 g condition of only one subject was lower than the criterion, but the mean value did not fall below the criterion. Significant negative correlations were found between the subjects’ maximum oxygen uptake (VO2max) and the decreases in GLU concentration from maximum to minimum under both the 30 g (r = -0.947, p < 0.01) and 150 g conditions (r = -0.884, p < 0.01). This study clarified that feeding breakfast at 3-h before the exercise followed by the 30 g CHO beverage ingestion at 30 min before the exercise induced exercise-induced hypoglycemia, and that the subjects with higher VO2max had the greater decreases in GLU concentration.
西井 匠 鋤柄 悦子 阿部 竜二 高石 鉄雄
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.61, no.2, pp.251-258, 2012 (Released:2012-04-28)
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The purpose of this study was to reveal physiological conditions of commuter cyclist from the standpoint of multiple approaches. Ten male employees (37 ± 9 yr) who usually commute by bicycle participated in this study. Global Positioning System (GPS) was used to analyze their commuting route three-dimensionally. And heart rate was recorded simultaneously to determine their exercise intensity. Blood test, oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT), and maximal aerobic test was conducted in our laboratory. Semantic differential method (SD) questionnaire was conducted to clarify their feelings during and after their commute. The results of blood test and OGTT showed that all of determined values were good and no one exceeded the standard value. GPS log showed that subjects covered 13.3 ± 7.2 km and 40 ± 20 minute with integrating 201 ± 114 meter altitude gain per commute. Heart rate data showed 129 ± 12 bpm per commute. However, subjects demonstrated higher peak heart rate during their commute ranged between 157 and 181 bpm, we determined details by frequency distribution method. The data revealed that commuter cycling was consisted by aerobic exercise with intermittent vigorous intensity exercise. Despite of such a hard exercise cycling to work, the result of SD questionnaire indicated that subjects felt briskness with less tiredness when they commute. Commuter cycling with a higher than moderate exercise intensity, could have good physical and mental effects for employees.
斉藤 太一 福 典之 三上 恵里 川原 貴 田中 宏暁 樋口 満 田中 雅嗣
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.60, no.4, pp.443-451, 2011 (Released:2011-08-30)
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Background: Although previous reports have shown a lower proportion of the ACTN3 XX genotype (R577X nonsense polymorphism) in sprint/power athletes compared with controls, possibly attributed to the importance of skeletal muscle function associated with alpha-actinin-3 deficiency, the findings on association between endurance athlete status and R577X genotype are equivocal. Purpose: The present study was undertaken to examine association of ACTN3 R577X genotype with elite Japanese endurance athlete status. Subjects and Methods: Subjects comprised 79 elite Japanese endurance runners (E) who participated in competition at national level and 96 Japanese controls (C). We divided endurance runners into two groups, i.e., 42 national level runners (E-N) and 37 international level runners (E-I) who had represented Japan in international competition. R577X genotype (rs1815739) was analyzed by direct sequencing. Frequency differences of polymorphisms between athletes and controls were examined by Chi-square tests. Result: The R allele frequency tended to be higher in E group than in C group (P=0.066). When we divided E into two groups, the R allele frequency in E-I group was significantly higher than that in C group (P=0.046); whereas there were no significant differences between E-N and C groups (p=0.316). Then, the three genetic models were tested. In the additive genetic model (RR>RX>XX), there were significantly differences between E-I and C (P=0.038), but not the dominant (RR vs. RX+XX) and the recessive (RR+RX vs. XX) genetic models. Conclusion: R allele of the R577X genotype in the ACTN3 gene was associated with elite Japanese endurance athlete status.
田中 喜代次 中田 由夫
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.66, no.3, pp.209-212, 2017

<p>Most people who go to fitness clubs or sports gyms for weight control, and many co-medicals and physicians believe that an increase in muscle mass and/or basal metabolic rate (BMR) is possible through a combination of regular exercise and optimal protein intake during weight loss. This seems a myth, and the reasons are discussed in this article. First, muscle mass is quite difficult to quantify. The limitations of body composition measurement should be well understood. Second, increasing muscle mass during weight loss is difficult. This might be attained through strict implementation of a protein-rich, low-carbohydrate diet; high-intensity resistance training; and aerobic exercise for a long duration. However, such a strict regimen is not feasible for most people. Finally, a 1-kg increase in muscle mass corresponds to an increase of only 13 kcal of BMR per day. Thus, an increase in muscle mass of 1 kg is difficult to achieve, while the gained BMR is approximately equivalent to a decrease of 13.5 kcal of BMR according to a 3-kg decrease of adipose tissue. Weight loss, unless through an extremely sophisticated weight control program, contributes to a decrease in BMR. However, it is an accomplished fact that women with significantly less muscle mass and lower BMR live longer than men with more muscle mass and higher BMR, regardless of ethnicity. Maintaining activities of daily living and daily activity function might be more essential.</p>
湯浅 景元 福永 哲夫
The Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.36, no.1, pp.36-41, 1987-02-01 (Released:2010-09-30)

全身にわたる皮下脂肪厚を測定し, その分布パターンを明らかにした研究は今のところみられていない.本研究では, 2名の成人男子を対象にして, 超音波診断装置 (Bモードlinearタイプ) を用いてほぼ全身の皮下脂肪厚を測定し, その分布パターンを明らかにすることにした.本研究によって得られた結果は次のようであった.1) 体幹で皮下脂肪が厚い箇所は, 臍を中心とした腹部中央と側腹から腰部外側にかけての部分であった.2) 体幹で皮下脂肪が薄い箇所は, 胸部上方の部分であった.3) 体肢では大腿や上腕のように中枢に近いところにある体節で, かつ中枢に近づくほど皮下脂肪は厚かった.4) 以上のことから, 体幹では皮下脂肪厚が幅広く分布しているのに対して, 体肢ではほぼ均一に分布する傾向のみられることが示唆できた.
寺田 新 大森 一伸 中村 好男 村岡 功
The Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.48, no.3, pp.343-352, 1999-06-01 (Released:2010-09-30)
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The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of fructose ingestion on maximal exercise performance capacity following prolonged steady-state exercise compared with glucose or placebo ingestion, in 7 male college students (age 23.3±0.7 yr, height 171.3±1.9 cm, weight 68.4±1.4 kg, Vo2max 3.5±0.2 L/min, mean ± SEM) . The subjects cycled constantly on an ergometer at 59± 2 % Vo2max for 100 min divided in the middle by a 5-min rest, and then performed 10 min of all-out self-paced cycling. They ingested either 8 % fructose solution (F), 8 % glucose solution (G) or artifi-cially sweetened placebo (P) before and during exercise (at 20, 40, 65, 85 mm) . Before exercise and at 50 and 100 min of exercise and 5 min after the performance ride, blood samples were collected for determination of the concentrations of blood lactate, serum glucose and serum FFA. In the G trial, the serum FFA level was significantly lower than in the P and F trials at any of the time points dur-ing and after exercise (vs. P ; p<0.01, vs. F ; p<0.05) . However, glucose ingestion maintained serum glucose at a significantly higher level during and after exercise than placebo ingestion (p< 0.01) and improved the total work output in the 10-min performance ride (G vs. P ; 135± 8 KJ vs. 128± 8 KJ, p<0.05) . Although in the F trial, the serum FFA level was elevated during exercise compared to that in the G trial and the serum glucose level was significantly higher than in the P trial (vs. P ; p<0.01), the blood lactate level after exercise was lower than in the G trial and total work output was similar to that in the P trial (123± 8 KJ, vs. G ; p<0.01) . These results indicate that fructose ingestion before and during exercise cannot improve the ability to perform high-intensity exercise late in prolonged exercise despite maintaining the serum glucose level.
池野 祐太郎 福田 航 片岡 悠介 濱野 由夏 竹内 謙太 川上 翔平 二宮 太志 五味 徳之
The Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.63, no.3, pp.343-348, 2014-06-01 (Released:2014-05-24)

In this study, we examined the relationship between physical function and muscle strain of hamstrings in junior high school soccer players. The subjects were 29 junior high school soccer players. The muscle strength of knee flexors and extensors relative to body weight and the hamstrings/quadriceps muscle strength ratio (H/Q ratio) were measured, and a tightness test, general joint looseness test and the New Physical Fitness Test of Japanese Ministry of Education and science were performed. We contacted the trainer to confirm occurrence of hamstrings strain, and we compared the above measurement and test results in subjects with and those without hamstring strain. Differences were analyzed by the unpaired t-test. There were significant differences between the two groups in muscle strength of knee extensors, H/Q ratio and tightness of hamstrings (p<0.05). The results suggest that increasing the H/Q ratio and stretching hamstrings are important for preventing hamstrings strain in junior high school soccer players.
尹 智暎 大藏 倫博 角田 憲治 辻 大士 鴻田 良枝 三ッ石 泰大 長谷川 千紗 金 勳
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.59, no.3, pp.313-322, 2010 (Released:2010-07-15)
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The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between cognitive function and physical performance in Japanese older adults. Ninety four older adults, aged 65 to 87 years (mean age 71.9±5.3 years), were recruited as participants. Cognitive function was evaluated by Five-cognitive Function Test (FCFT). The FCFT, which was developed specially for Japanese older adults, consists of 5 subscale elements: attention, verbal memory, visuospatial cognition, word fluency, and associate learning. Hand dexterity (3 items), muscle strength (2 items), balance (3 items), flexibility (2 items), walking ability (2 items) and reaction ability (2 items) were defined as lifestyle-related physical performances. After adjusting for age, educational level and systolic blood pressure the FCFT score was significantly correlated with observed data of hand dexterity (hand working with a peg board, r=0.485, p<0.001), lower-extremity muscle strength (5-repetition sit-to-stand, r=-0.231, p<0.05), walking ability (5-m habitual walk, r=-0.225, p<0.05; timed up and go r=-0.304, p<0.01), and reaction ability (simple reaction time, r=-0.415, p<0.001; 4-way choice reaction time, r=-0.401, p<0.001). Multiple regression analysis revealed that the FCFT score was explained by the hand working with a peg board (F=42.36, p<0.001) and 4-way choice reaction time (F=29.62, p<0.01). The contribution rate on this model was 42%. These results suggest that cognitive functions were associated with some physical performance. Especially, hand dexterity (hand working with a peg board) and reaction ability (4-way choice reaction time) may be the useful synthetic indicators of cognitive functions in Japanese older adults.
中村 雅俊 池添 冬芽 西下 智 梅原 潤 市橋 則明
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.66, no.2, pp.163-168, 2017-04-01 (Released:2017-03-19)
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Many previous studies have reported that static stretching (SS) may decrease muscle stiffness and compromise muscles’ ability to produce maximal strength. However, the effects of SS at different repetition durations and numbers within a constant total time remain unclear. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to examine whether SS for a constant total time (2 min) with different repetition durations and numbers (e.g., 60 s × 2 times, 30 s × 4 times, and 10 s × 12 times) produces different changes in muscle stiffness and strength. Fifteen healthy males (mean age: 23.3 ± 1.0 years) participated in this study. Muscle stiffness was measured during passive ankle dorsiflexion using dynamometer and ultrasonography. In addition, muscle strength of the plantar flexors was measured using a dynamometer at 0° of plantarflexion with the hip and knee joints fully extended. Muscle stiffness and strength were measured before and immediately after SS. Each experimental protocol was conducted in random order with at least a 1-week interval but no longer than a 2-week interval between testing sessions. The results showed that there were no significant interaction effects on muscle stiffness and strength. However, in all experimental protocols, muscle stiffness and strength immediately decreased after SS. In conclusion, SS for a constant total of 2 min decreases muscle stiffness and strength regardless of repetition durations and numbers of each individual SS.