田路 秀樹 末井 健作 金子 公宥
The Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.44, no.4, pp.439-446, 1995-08-01 (Released:2010-09-30)
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肘屈筋群の力-速度関係とパワーに及ぼす複合トレーニングの効果を知るため, 一般男子大学生18名を次の3群に分け, 週3日, 11週間のトレーニングを行った.すなわちトレーニング群は, 1) 最大筋力の30%負荷 (30%P0) で最大パワーを発揮する単一トレーニング群 (G30群) , 2) 最大パワーの発揮に加え, 無負荷 (0%P0) で最大速度を発揮する複合トレーニング群 (G30+0群) , 3) 最大パワーの発揮に加え, 最大筋力 (100%P0) を発揮する複合トレーニング群 (G30+100群) の3群とし, 次の結果を得た.1.最大パワーの増加はG30+100群で最も著しく, 次いでG30+0群, G30群の順となり, それらすべてが統計的に有意な増加であった.また, G30+100群とG30+0群の増加量間に有意差が認められた.2.最大筋力の増加はG30+100群で最も著しく, 次いでG30群, G30+0群の順で, 上位2群の増加に有意性が見られた.またG30+100群とG30群の増加量間に有意差が認められた.3.最大速度はすべての群で有意に増加したが, 各群の増加量間には有意差が認められなかった.以上の結果から, パワー・トレーニングにおいて, 筋力強化を加えた複合トレーニングは, 単一負荷のトレーニングと同様に優れた効果を発揮するとともに, スピードを重視した複合トレーニングよりも効果的であることが示唆された.
小林 薰 柊 幸伸
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.72, no.2, pp.183-187, 2023-04-01 (Released:2023-03-13)

Women who suffer out-of-hospital cardiac arrest receive cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and automated external defibrillator (AED) less frequently than that of men. Understanding the public perception on the necessity of the occurrence of life-saving disparities for fair intervention application to individuals with injuries and sickness is needed. The participants were undergraduate students of the university. Anxiety and irritability towards bystander CPR and AED operations were investigated. The participants of the analysis were 368 individuals (153 men and 215 women), of which 80.4% of men and 95.8% of women had anxiety about life-saving procedures. Regarding AED operation, 90 (58.8%) men and 74 (34.4%) women hesitated on removing clothing from a woman with injury or sickness. The reasons on women with injury and illness were less likely to be suitable with AEDs involved anxiety about life-saving procedures, litigation issues, and posting and spreading on social networking sites (SNS). Particularly, if men intervened with women with wounds, the main limitations were the risk of the act developing into a lawsuit and gaze of others, namely SNS. Bystander anxiety towards life-saving procedures was found to be strongly expressed by women. It also became evident that early recognition of cardiac arrest was not performed for patients with injuries 20–30% of the time. Training specifically for women with wounds and sickness may reduce sex differences in bystander CPR and AED application.
西村 里奈 三浦 哉 羅 成圭 田村 靖明 中村 みづき 久我 浩正 出口 純次
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.72, no.6, pp.371-380, 2023-12-01 (Released:2023-11-14)

Endurance exercises, such as cycling or running, are useful for reducing arterial stiffness. However, individuals with a low physical fitness level, or patients suffering from leg diseases with pain, are unable to perform such moderate-intensity lower-limb exercises for long periods of time. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of acute cycling with Electrical muscle stimulation (EMS) on the brachial to ankle pulse wave velocity (ba-PWV). Ten healthy adult men performed 3 sessions, as follows of 20 min: cycling at 50% VO2max (C), cycling at an intensity of 50%VO2max subtracted from VO2 during EMS (LC), and cycling at the intensity of the LC trial while also being combined with EMS (LC+E). The ba-PWV was measured before and after each exercise. In addition, the femoral artery blood flow (BF) was measured in eight healthy adult men before and after exercise using an ultrasound imaging system. In the C and LC+E trials, the ba-PWV significantly decreased immediately after the exercise session, whereas the ba-PWV did not significantly change following the LC trial in any session. Compared with the baseline, the femoral artery BF values significantly increased after all trials. In the C and LC+E trials, the femoral artery BF was significantly greater than that in the LC trial. Acute endurance low-intensity cycling with EMS results in a reduction in the arterial stiffness which is similar to that with moderate-intensity exercise.
永見 邦篤 中野 昭一
The Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.28, no.2, pp.112-121, 1979-06-01 (Released:2010-09-30)

本研究は, ヒトの動作にみられる筋弛緩現象のうち, 拮抗筋の収縮によって主働筋活動を抑制する場合 (PR) と, 収縮している筋のみを弛緩させる (AR) , いわゆる脱力時にみられるものの2つの弛緩動作について, 筋弛緩時間を指標として, その遅速を生じる要因, ならびに生理的意義を検討したものである。動作は, 左右の上肢とも前腕部を回内および回外位とし, 肘関節を90°に固定して, 最大屈腕力の10, 30, 50%の筋力を発揮した後, 筋弛緩を行う方法であった。また, 筋力発揮条件は, 低周波発生装置によってブラウン管面上に示された鋸歯状波および矩形波に追随させる場合と, 検者の合図に従わせるものの3つである。筋電図は, 上腕二頭筋と上腕三頭筋から表面誘導法によって記録した。筋弛緩時間は, 実験装置の一部に取りつけた高感度の歪計で張力減少時を決定し, この時点と上腕二頭筋の棘波状放電の消失時点との差から計測した。その結果1) 筋弛緩時間は, ARよりPRの方が速かった。いずれの動作でも負荷の増加に従って, その時間は遅延した。また, 1例を除いて, 左右, 回内回外位それぞれで有意差が認められなかった。筋力発揮条件による差異は, ARの場合にみられ, 矩形波に追随したときにおいて速くなる傾向を示した。2) 被検者間で比較すると, ARで弛緩時間の速いものは, 弛緩動作後, いずれの筋放電も完全に消失していた。遅いものでは, 微弱な放電が続く傾向にあった。PRの場合, 上腕二頭筋放電の消失から上腕二頭筋放電の開始までの時間の短いものほど, 筋弛緩時間が速い成績を示した。3) AR, PRともに弛緩動作時に, 張力が一過性に増加する現象が認められた。この張力増加の勾配は, 負荷の増加に従って大きくなり, また, PRにおいて大であった。被検者間でみると, 筋弛緩時間の遅いものほど, この勾配が大きくなる傾向にあった。以上の結果から, ARの筋弛緩時間の遅速は, PRに比べて, より上位の中枢に想定される抑制系の疎通ならびに活動の強弱を反映するものと推察された。そして, 拮抗筋の性質およびその活動に関連する神経系の抑制作用に強く依存するPRとは, その抑制機構を異にすることも示唆された。
筒井 俊春 坂槙 航 前道 俊宏 坂田 淳 鳥居 俊
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.72, no.3, pp.253-259, 2023-06-01 (Released:2023-05-10)

The purpose of this study was to determine the developmental pattern of swing speed in youth baseball players between 6 and 14 years old. A total of 1213 baseball players performed toss batting. Swing speed was measured with a specialized accelerometer. In addition, 618 of the 1213 players were measured for total fat free mass by using Inbody770. In study1, Regression analysis was performed on the relationship between chronological age or height and swing speed, and the extreme values were calculated. Then, an allometric equation based on height was also used to estimate the relative growth of swing speed and total fat free mass and to compare the difference of relative growth patterns between swing speed and total fat free mass in study2. Swing speed was strongly related to both chronological age and height, with cubic regression for the relationship with chronological age and linear for the relationship with height. The regression equation obtained for chronological age was solved and found that developmental rate was maximal at approximately 10.25 years old. Allometric analysis showed that the developmental pattern of swing speed differed from that of fat free mass, with a temporary decline in developmental rate from 153.6 cm to 160.9 cm. Based on the results of this study, further research in youth baseball players would be expected to identify the factors causing sluggish development of swing speed as well as to develop an exercise program for improving batting ability.
山田 洋 小河原 慶太 内山 秀一 伊藤 栄治 宮崎 康文 宮崎 誠司
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.72, no.3, pp.201-213, 2023-06-01 (Released:2023-05-10)

This study aimed to examine the effects of college baseball pitching on movement, performance, physical strength, and physiological and psychological functions of pitchers. The participants were 10 right-handed male pitchers from the University baseball team. The number of pitches were 15 per inning and 135 per nine innings. Ball speed and accuracy were measured for each pitching. The grip strength, back muscle strength, and standing long jump were measured before and after all pitches. Blood lactate levels were measured before pitching, at the end of the 5th and 7th innings, and at 3rd, 6th, and 9th minutes after pitching. The participant’s heart rate and subjective exercise intensity were measured at the beginning and end of each inning using the Borg scale measurement. Five high-speed cameras were used to capture the pitching motions. The displacement of the center of gravity, lower and upper limb joint angles, and the speed of each segment were calculated. The baseball speed and accuracy did not change with the increased number of pitches. However, the grip strength decreased. Although blood lactate and heart rate were not altered, subjective exercise intensity was increased. The lower limb kinematics remained unchanged; however, elbow height was reduced in the upper limb. These results suggest that highly competitive pitchers experience subjective fatigue with the increased number of pitches, however, they maintain pitch performance, speed, and accuracy without altering whole-body physiology and lower-body function and form.
渡邊 將司 〓井 省三
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.54, no.5, pp.353-361, 2005 (Released:2006-12-01)
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本研究の目的はジュニア競泳選手の短距離泳パフォーマンスに影響を及ぼす要因を分析するとともに, それらが年齢に伴ってどのように変化するかを明らかにすることである. 被験者は8~10歳, 11~12歳, 13~14歳, 15~18歳の4グループに区分された8~18歳の男子114名, 女子130名である. パフォーマンス (個人の50m泳のベストタイム) には体格, 筋力, 柔軟性, ストローク効率が強く影響していると仮定した. 11項目の測定値に因子分析を実施し, 体格因子, 筋力因子, そして柔軟性因子を抽出した. 因子分析から抽出された3因子とストローク効率で構成される重回帰モデルに多母集団の同時分析を性別, 年齢群別に実施した. 男女とも14歳以下では, ストローク効率のパフォーマンスへの影響が最も強かった. 15歳以上では, 男子は筋力因子のパフォーマンスへの影響が最も強くなり, 女子では体格因子が最も強くなった. 競技歴がストローク効率に及ぼす影響は小さかった. この結果, ストローク効率のパフォーマンスへの影響は低年齢で強く, 年齢とともに弱まるが, 反面, 体格因子と筋力因子は低年齢で影響が弱く, 年齢とともに強まることを示唆している.
大野 政人 野坂 和則
The Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.53, no.1, pp.131-139, 2004-02-01 (Released:2010-09-30)
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運動誘発性筋痙攣の要因として, 筋疲労や脱水などが挙げられているが, その発現メカニズムの詳細は明らかでない.そこで本研究では, 筋痙攣の生じやすさを調べる「筋痙攣テスト」を考案し, その妥当性について検証すると共に, それらを用いて, 筋痙攣に対する筋疲労および脱水の影響を明らかにする事を目的とした.20名に対して筋痙攣テストを行った結果, 普段, 筋痙攣が起こりやすい全員に筋痙攣が誘発され, 筋痙攣の経験がほとんど無い者には誘発されなかった.よって, 筋痙攣テストにより筋痙攣の起こりやすさをスクリーニングできると考えられる.100回の膝関節屈曲運動後に, 主働筋である運動肢のハムストリングスで筋痙攣は誘発されにくくなり, 運動肢の足底の筋群では筋痙攣が生じやすくなった.従って, 運動によって筋痙攣の誘発率は高まるが, 筋疲労がその要因である可能性は低いと考えられる.また, 体重の3%に相当する脱水によって, 足底の筋群で筋痙攣が生じやすくなった.脱水が筋痙攣の要因である可能性は高いと考えられるが, その詳細なメカニズムは今後の検討課題である.
青山 敏之 阿江 数通 相馬 寛人 宮田 一弘 梶田 和宏 奈良 隆章 川村 卓
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.70, no.1, pp.91-100, 2021-02-01 (Released:2021-01-13)
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The yips represent a disorder that makes it challenging for an individual to perform automatic and coordinated movements in sports activities. The cause of the yips is not sufficiently clarified, and limited information is available regarding throwing yips in baseball. Therefore, this study was designed to clarify the incidence and characteristics of the throwing yips among college baseball players. Total 107 players of the college baseball team participated in the study and completed the questionnaire by answering questions about their experience of the yips (loss of control to throw the ball accurately for more than 1 month), the symptom intensity, and changes observed in the symptoms in different situations. The 47.1% of players met the definition of throwing yips. The symptoms of the yips were more pronounced with short-distances and low intensity of throwing. Moreover, there were various subjective symptoms, such as the issue about co-contraction of the upper limb, sensory function, body ownership, and movement planning. Various physical symptoms associated with throwing yips suggest that the yips are not only a disorder of motor skills, but result from movement disorders. The present results show that the occurrence of the yips depends on the throwing condition; this finding provides useful insights into the mechanism and the treatment of the yips. Interdisciplinary studies that aim to elucidate the cause of the yips and develop effective intervention are necessary.
小山 浩司 古島 弘三 菅野 好規 新津 あずさ 小太刀 友夏 新納 宗輔 上野 真由美 高橋 英司 足立 和隆
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.71, no.5, pp.443-453, 2022-10-01 (Released:2022-09-13)

Previous studies have reported that poor posture can induce various musculoskeletal disorders. Recently, poor posture in children has become a problem. This study aimed to determine the characteristics of sagittal spinal alignment in standing and sitting positions in elementary school students and how spinal alignment changes from standing to sitting position. Moreover, it clarifies how poor posture (hyperkyphosis) in the standing position affects sitting posture. This study was conducted among 83 elementary school students. The Spinal-Mouse® System was used to measure the thoracic kyphosis angle (TKA), upper thoracic angle (UTA), lower thoracic angle (LTA), lumbar lordosis angle (LLA), and sacral anteversion angle (SAA) in the standing and sitting positions. Hyperkyphosis was defined as a thoracic kyphosis angle of >40°. Participants were assigned to two groups: hyperkyphosis and non-hyperkyphosis. Significant differences were noted in all spinal alignment characteristics in both the positions. When spinal alignment was changed from standing to sitting, ΔUTA and ΔLTA correlated with ΔLLA and ΔSAA, respectively. A strong negative correlation was noted between ΔLLA and ΔSAA. In the sitting position, TKA, UTA, and LLA were significantly higher in the hyperkyphosis group than in the non-hyperkyphosis group. ΔUTA was significantly higher in the hyperkyphosis group than in the non-hyperkyphosis group when spinal alignment was changed from standing to sitting. The characteristics of sagittal spinal alignment in the sitting position were significantly different from those in the standing position. The study findings suggest that poor posture (hyperkyphosis) in the standing position affects the sitting posture.
長久 広 宮田 浩文
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.68, no.6, pp.357-367, 2019-12-01 (Released:2019-12-03)

Hypoxic condition of skeletal muscle is caused not only by hypoxia exposure but also by exercise and disease etc. It is thought that clarifying a mechanism of response to hypoxia in vivo is useful for developing better training methods and treatment strategies. However, at present, research dealing with the effects of hypoxic exposure on skeletal muscle have not shown consistent results. Hypoxic exposure results in angiogenesis or muscle atrophy as morphological changes in skeletal muscle. Applications of hypoxic exposure include intermittent hypoxic exposure and hypoxic training, both of which may lead to angiogenesis in a mechanism different from normal hypoxic exposure. In this review, we present some findings on the effects of hypoxia exposure on skeletal muscle and discuss whether satellite cells are involved in promoting angiogenesis by hypoxia.
The Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.55, no.Supplement, pp.S209-S212, 2006-10-01 (Released:2012-09-27)
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15 healthy elderly adults (68.6±4.5 years old) participated in this study and were chosen at random for either super low-velocity repetition training (SLT : n=7) or general low-velocity repetition training (GLT : n=8). All subjects performed machine training leg work twice a week for 6 months. Training contents of SLT and GLT were programmed as follows : SLT (Method : 4 seconds of lifting and 6 sec of lowering) and GLT (Method : 2 sec of lifting and 2 sec of lowering). Muscular strength testing was adopted during isometric knee extension using Cybex6000, and body composition was measured by DXA method. As a result, increases in peak torque values and 5 sec average torques value were significantly different in both groups, pre- and post-training (p<0.05). However, there was no significant difference between the two groups. Fat mass significantly decreased during post-training in both groups (p<0.05); however, there was no significant difference between the groups. SLT showed that increases in maximum muscular strength and endurance were similar to GLT. Thus, low-intensity and low-velocity repetition training is suggested as an effective method for elderly adults to increase lower limb muscular strength.
大野 誠 池田 義雄
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.42, no.3, pp.317-325, 1993-06-01 (Released:2010-09-30)
根本 裕太 菊賀 信雅 澤田 亨 松下 宗洋 丸藤 祐子 渡邊 夏海 橋本 有子 中田 由夫 福島 教照 井上 茂
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.71, no.5, pp.431-441, 2022-10-01 (Released:2022-09-13)

Approximately 40%–65% of new fitness club (FC) members cancel their membership within 6 months. To prevent such cancellations, it is essential to identify members at high risk of doing so. This study developed a model to predict the probability of discontinuing FC membership among new members. We conducted a cohort study and enrolled participants from 17 FCs in Japan. We asked 5,421 individuals who became members from March 29, 2015 to April 5, 2016 to participate in the study; 2,934 completed the baseline survey, which was conducted when the participants became FC members. We followed up the participants until September 30, 2016. We excluded 883 participants with missing values and 69 participants under aged 18 years; thus, our analysis covered 1,982 individuals. We conducted the random survival forest to develop the prediction model. The mean follow-up period was 296.3 (standard deviation, 127.3) days; 488 participants (24.6%) cancelled their membership during the follow-up. The prediction model comprised 8 predictors: age; month of joining FC; years of education; being under medical follow-up; reasons for joining FC (health improvement, relaxation); and perceived benefits from exercise (maintaining good body weight, recognition of one’s ability by other). The discrimination and calibration were acceptable (C statistic: 0.692, continuous ranked probability score: 0.134). Our findings suggest that the prediction model could assess the valid probability for early FC cancellation among new members; however, a validation study will be needed.