菊池 邦雄
The Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.16, no.2, pp.38-44, 1967-06-01 (Released:2010-09-30)

The purpose of this study is to inquire histologically when red muscle fibers and white muscle fibers are differenciated and how they develope, considering from sex difference.Wistar-strain rats of the same venter were used in this experiment. The animals of both sexes were killed at the interval of five days, from birth to 25 days. Two groups of male and female rats of 70 days old after birth were used as control groups.M. tibialis ant. was removed and then fixed in 10% formalin for approximately two weeks. As staining, alchohol solution of Sudan black B was used.The results are as follows :1) Sex difference in rats' body weight was started to appear about 15 days after birth.2) Differentiation of red muscle fibers and white muscle fibers in M. tibialis ant. was recognized about 15 days after birth in male and female rats.3) The entire area of cross section of M. tibialis ant. is increasing during the development of rats' body as a whole. No apparent tendency on sex difference was found till 25 days after birth. On 70 days after birth the entire area of cross section in male has about 1.5 times the size of female.4) No increase of number in M. tibialis ant. was recognized during the development of rats' body as a whole and no sex difference in number of muscle fibers.5) The area of cross section per fiber and the average diameter of fibers are increasing during the growth of rats' body. No sex difference of those in red and white muscle fibers was found till 25 days after birth but, on 70 days after birth, it became clear. The rate of hypertrophy of white muscle fibers is greater than that of red muscle fibers.6) Ratio of the entire area of muscle fibers to the intercelluler space in M. tibi-alis ant. is increasing during the development of rats' body.7) No difference of area of cross section per fiber in peripheral and innermost regions was found till about 15 days after birth. On 70 days after birth the red muscle fibers in peripheral have 1.4 times the size of those in innermost, and the white muscle fibers 1.3 times.
水野 康 国井 実 清田 隆毅 小野 茂之 駒田 陽子 白川 修一郎
The Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.53, no.5, pp.527-536, 2004-10-01 (Released:2010-09-30)
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The present study performed a cross-sectional survey to investigate sleep habits and sleep health in Japanese women aged 40 to 69 years with and without a habit of exercise. A standardized questionnaire evaluating sleep was administered to two subject groups. One was the “exercise group” who habitually performed aerobic exercise at mild to moderate intensity with a frequency of ≥2 times/week and duration of ≥30 minutes/one session (n=207) . The other was the age-matched “non-exercise group” who had no exercise habit (n=567) . Two-way ANOVA was employed for com paring the two subject groups and examining the effects of exercise on aging. Regarding sleep habits, as bed time significantly advanced with advancing age, sleep habits (bed time, waking time and sleep duration) were significantly more regular in the exercise group than in the non-exercise group. Concerning independent sleep health risk factors consisting of sleep initiation, sleep maintenance, sleep apnea, parasomnia, and waking-up, the factor score for sleep maintenance significantly deteriorated with advancing age; and was significantly better in the exercise group than in the non-exercise group. These results suggest that an exercise habit may improve sleep health in middle-aged and older Japanese women among which a higher prevalence of sleep problems has been reported.
鈴木 克彦 町田 和彦 刈屋 美枝子 有倉 恵子 稲 恭宏 塚本 和正
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.42, no.2, pp.145-154, 1993
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A study was conducted to evaluate the chronic effects of regular physical activity on nonspecific and specific immune responses. Male Fischer rats (SPF) exercised voluntarily on running wheels for 4 months, and were then injected intraperitoneally with sheep red blood cells (SRBC), followed by measurement of the host defense functions at -2 d, 3h, 24h and 4 d of antigen stimulation. The following results were obtained:<BR>1) The ability of circulating neutrophils to produce superoxide measured by the spontaneous NBT test showed an earlier and higher (p<0.05) rise after SRBC injection in the exercise group, suggesting that neutrophils were activated <I>in vivo</I> more promptly against foreign-body invasion. This might reflect a priming response of neutrophils at the early phase of SRBC-induced host defense reactions modulated by the previous regular exercise.<BR>2) The ability of neutrophils to produce superoxide in response to <I>in vitro</I> stimulation with <I>Staphylococcus aureus</I> 209 P was markedly reduced during inflammatory response in the sedentary group, whereas that in the exercise group was maintained at a constant level. The value at 4 d after SRBC injection in the sedentary group was decreased to more than 20% below the baseline (p<0.02) . In addition, a significantly (p<0.02) lower value than that in the exercise group was shown, although phagocytic activity was similar in the two groups. This suggested that neutrophil bactericidal activity was decreased in the sedentary group.<BR>3) Plasma IgG levels in the exercise group were consistently and significantly (p<0.0001) higher by about 30% than those in the sedentary group, regardless of SRBC injection. This suggested an enhanced host defense status by regular exercise.<BR>4) The specific humoral immune response to SRBC injection was assessed in terms of hemagglutination and plasma IgM levels, but no significant differences were shown between the groups.
森 健一 吉岡 利貢 白松 宏輔 苅山 靖 尾縣 貢
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.60, no.5, pp.503-510, 2011 (Released:2011-11-15)

The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of physiological factors which effect oxygen kinetics and energy system contribution on the power of Wingate test (WT), with focusing on the difference of aerobic capacity. Twenty three male track and field athletes (sprinters, long distance runners and decathletes) performed the WT on electromagnetic-braked cycle ergometer. The applied resistance was 7.5% of body weight, and the duration was 60 seconds. Moreover, aerobic capacity (maximal oxygen uptake [VO2max]) was determined by an incremental test, and anaerobic capacity (maximal accumulated oxygen deficit [MAOD]) was determined by a supramaximal constant load test. The oxygen uptake during each test was recorded by a breath-by-breath method. The participants were divided into two group which was high VO2max group (High group; n = 11) and low VO2max group (Low group; n = 12). In the results, although the VO2max was significantly higher in the High group, the MAOD was not significantly different between two groups. The oxygen uptake during WT was significantly higher in the High group, and the accumulated oxygen deficit during WT was significantly higher in the Low group. The aerobic contribution was significantly higher in the High group than in the Low group. In contrast, the anaerobic contribution was significantly higher in the Low group than in the High group. These results suggest that by the difference of aerobic capacity, aerobic and anaerobic energy supply contribution was different in WT.
森丘 保典 伊藤 静夫 大庭 恵一 原 孝子 内丸 仁 青野 博 雨宮 輝也
The Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.52, no.3, pp.285-294, 2003-06-01 (Released:2010-09-30)
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本研究の目的は, 中距離走者を対象に間欠的な漸増負荷走行テスト (MART) を行い, La動態から推定されるパワーと中距離走能力との関係を検討することであった.結果の要約を以下に示す.(1) V800m, V1500mと実験時の走力を表す最大パワー (Pmax) との間に有意な相関関係が認められた.(2) V800mとピークLa (PBLa) の60%値 (60%PBLa) を基準に算出したパワー (P60%La) , V1500mとPBLaの40%値 (40%PBLa) を基準に算出したパワー (P40%La) およびP60%Laとの間に有意な相関関係が認められた.以上のことから, MARTが中距離走能力を反映するテストとして有用であること, また, P60%Laが800m走能力, P40%LaおよびP60%Laが1500m走能力を反映する評価指標の一つとして利用可能であることなどが示された.
林 直亨 中村 好男 村岡 功
The Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.44, no.2, pp.279-286, 1995-04-01 (Released:2010-09-30)
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A study was conducted to investigate the effect of exercise intensity on the recovery of autonomic nervous activity after exercise. Ten subjects performed four kinds of 10-min cycle exercise with target heart rates of 100, 120, 140, and 160 beats/min (THR 100, THR 120, THR 140 and THR 160, respectively) following 5 min of exercise to increase the heart rate to the target level. The beat-by-beat variability of the R-R interval was recorded throughout the experiment including the 5-min pre-exercise control period and the 30-min recovery period. Spectral analysis (fast Fourier transform) was applied to every 5-min R-R interval data set before, during ( 5-10 min) and after exercise at the target heart rate. The low- (0.05-0, 15 Hz : P1) and high- (0, 15-1.0 Hz : Ph) frequency areas were calculated to evaluate sympathetic (SNS) and parasympathetic (PNS) nervous activities as P1/Phand Ph, respectively. During exercise, SNS of THR 160 was significantly higher, and PNS of THR 140 and THR 160 was significantly lower than the respective pre-exercise values (p<0.05) . Althouglt all indicators recovered to, or overshot the pre-exercise values at 20-30 min after THR 100 and THR 120, heart rate and SNS were still higher and PNS was still lower than the pre-exercise value after THR 160. These results suggest that the recovery of cardiac autonomic nervous activity is slower after high-intensity exercise than after low-intensity exercise, and that the recovery of autonomic nervous activity after acute exercise does not always corrrespond linearly on the exercise intensity.
原村 未来 高井 洋平 山本 正嘉 金久 博昭
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.66, no.1, pp.101-110, 2017-02-01 (Released:2017-01-21)

This study aimed to clarify the differences in cardiorespiratory and metabolic responses to body mass-based front lunge and squat exercises with relation to muscular activity. Seven healthy adult males performed 200 times body mass-based squat and front lunge exercises. During the exercises, oxygen uptake, heart rate (HR), blood lactate concentration (La), ground reaction force were measured. Oxygen uptake was divided by body mass (VO2). VO2 and HR was normalized to maximal VO2 (%VO2max) and maximal HR (%HRmax) obtained from an incremental load test. Electromyograms (EMGs) during the two exercises were recorded from the vastus lateralis (VL), rectus femoris, vastus medialis (VM), biceps femoris, gluteus maximus (GM). EMG amplitudes during both exercises were normalized to those during maximal voluntary contraction, and expressed as relative value (%EMGMVC). Time that cardiorespiratory parameters became stable was 4-6 min in both exercises. VO2, %VO2max, metabolic equivalent, were higher in the front lunge than the squat. No significant differences in HR, %HRmax and La were found between both tasks. %EMGMVC in VL, VM and GM were higher in the front lunge than the squat. These current findings indicate that 1) body mass-based squat and front lunge exercises are physiologically of more than moderate intensity, and 2) the cardiorespiratory responses to body mass-based front lunge are greater than those to body mass-based squat. This may be due to the difference in muscular activities of VL, VM and GM during the tasks.
森本 武利
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.56, no.1, pp.9-10, 2007-02-01 (Released:2007-05-15)
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藤瀬 武彦 長崎 浩爾
The Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.48, no.5, pp.631-640, 1999-10-01 (Released:2010-09-30)
4 6

本研究では, 男子学生1278名及び女子学生707名を対象に形態及び体力測定を行い, 青年男女における隠れ肥満者の頻度を明確にするとともに形態的及び体力的特徴について検討した.1) 男性及び女性における隠れ肥満者の頻度はそれぞれ5.4%及び13.6%, また肥満者における隠れ肥満者の頻度は30.4%および66.2%であった.女性は男性の約2.5倍の隠れ肥満者が存在し, 肥満者における隠れ肥満者の頻度も女性の方が約2.2倍多かった.2) 男性の形態は, 対照群と隠れ肥満群の間に一定の傾向が認められなかった.しかし, 女性ではBMIが21以上23未満の隠れ肥満群で胴囲及びWHRが対照群より有意に高値を示した.3) 男性の体力は, BMI20群の背筋力及び握力, BMI22群の垂直跳び, BMI23群の背筋力, 及び立位体前屈で隠れ肥満群が対照群よりも有意に低値を示したが, 女性ではBMI22群の反復横跳び以外に有意差が認められなかった.4) 男性の運動能力は, BMI20群の50m走, 走幅跳び, 及び立ち幅跳び, BMI21群の50m走と走幅跳び, BMI22群の走幅跳び, BMI23群の50m走と立幅跳びで隠れ肥満群が対照群よりも有意に低値を示したが, 女性ではBMI22群の走幅跳び及びBMI23群の50m走以外に有意差が認められなかった.
佐藤 菜穂子
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.67, no.6, pp.431-437, 2018-12-01 (Released:2018-11-21)

Although street dance quickly became popular in Japan, and the population of street dancers is increasing, there is limited information on injuries sustained during street dance in Japan. The purpose of this study was to investigate the epidemiology of injuries in street dancers in Japan. One hundred and ninety-five Japanese street dancers (92 intermediate, 35 advanced, and 68 expert dancers) participated in this study. A questionnaire survey concerning the injuries sustained during dancing was conducted over a 3-month period. The main results were: (1) Sixty-one dancers reported a total of 72 injuries, and injury rate was 0.56 per 1000 players-hours; (2) Ankle injuries accounted for 45.8% of the reported injuries; (3) Dancing proficiency level was related to the occurrence of injury, and the occurrence was significantly higher for the expert dancers; (4) The duration of warm-up was related to the occurrence of pains. These findings provide fundamental information that may contribute to the development of injury prevention in street dance.
岩山 海渡
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.67, no.5, pp.351-356, 2018-10-01 (Released:2018-09-25)

This review aimed to verify the effect of exercise and meal timing on energy metabolism. Many people are exercising and playing sports in their own spare time. Although guidelines for daily exercise for healthy life suggest indications of intensity and frequency, there is no instruction about when exercise should be performed. However, there are some diurnal variations in energy metabolism responses to exercise and food intake. In addition, exercise performed before meals and vice versa are different stimuli to whole body energy metabolism, respectively. Further research is required to optimize that translating the results in laboratory to real life, because with growing diversity in lifestyle.
上野 薫 前濱 良太 国正 陽子 牧野 晃宗 佐野 加奈絵 貴嶋 孝太 Komi Paavo V 石川 昌紀
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.67, no.6, pp.383-391, 2018-12-01 (Released:2018-11-21)

The purpose of the present study was to examine characteristics of muscle anatomical cross-sectional area (CSA) for different regions from proximal to distal parts of each muscle of the hamstring muscles in high-level sprinters, and to examine the relationship with those and the sprint performance. The CSA of the semitendinosus (ST), semimembranosus (SM), biceps femoris long head (BFL) and biceps femoris short head (BFS) at the four different region of hamstring muscles for twenty sprinters (SPRINT) and twenty healthy male control subjects (CTRL) were measured by using B-mode ultrasonography. The measured regions were divided into four parts from proximal to distal parts (PRO1, PRO2, DIS2, DIS1). The results clearly showed that absolute CSA values in distal parts for all muscles together with PRO2 in ST were greater in SPRINT than in CTRL. When relative CSA values to the entire hamstrings muscles in each region were compared, only relative CSA at PRO1 in ST was greater in SPRINT than in CTRL, conversely, that at proximal regions in BFL and distal regions in BFS were smaller in SPRINT. In the relationships with sprint performance, the CSAs at PRO1 and PRO2 in ST and at PRO1 in SM were only related negatively. These results suggest that distal parts of hamstring muscles for SPRINT may be characteristics for sprint runners. However, the movements related to the specific hypertrophy (PRO1 and PRO2 in ST, PRO1in SM) may play important roles of the improvement of their sprint performance.

1 0 0 0 OA 運動と免疫

河野 一郎
The Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.41, no.2, pp.139-146, 1992-04-01 (Released:2010-09-30)
1 1
安 栽漢 桜井 伸二 金 興烈
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.56, no.1, pp.167-178, 2007-02-01 (Released:2007-05-15)
1 2

The purpose of this study was to compare muscle activity of the lower limb during treadmill running under five different gradient conditions (level, left and right inclines, downward and upward). All inclines were of 14% grade and tilted toward the left, the right, downward and upward directions of the runner. Twelve young healthy males ran at 2.8 m/s. Electromyographic activities of the following seven muscles-gluteus maximus, biceps femoris, rectus femoris, vastus lateralis, tibialis anterior, medial gastrocnemius, and solues-were measured using bipolar surface electrodes during treadmill running under five different conditions. Results showed that left and right inclined surfaces had only little influence on muscular activity. However, for all of the muscles measured, the activity of the lower-positioned leg was greater than that of the higher-positioned leg. During the upward incline trial, all the muscles showed greater activity than for the other trials. The downward slope tended to give the anterior muscles greater activity, and the posterior muscles less activity, compared to level running.