小野 三嗣 宮崎 義憲 渡辺 雅之 原 英喜 湊 久美子
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.30, no.2, pp.114-121, 1981-04-01 (Released:2010-09-30)
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保健体育科男女大学生, 大学における運動部員, 中年までの肉体労働者及び事務職員, ウェイトリフターに反復握力の計測を行った結果, 概ね次のような成績を得た。1) 女子は男子より握力反復計測による維推率が小さいが, 両性とも朝・夕での差はなかった。2) 大学運動部員の場合, 野球部員の維推率は大きく, 柔道部員がこれに次ぎ, バレーボール, テニス部員などはそれが小さかった。3) 中年までの男子の場合, 肉体労働者の維推率は大きく, 事務職者の場合は小さかった。4) ウェイトリフターは経験の少ない若い選手の方が, 鍛練度の進んだ選手よりも握力反復による維推率が小さかった。5) 右手と左手の反復握力による維推率には, スポーツ種目により若干の傾向差が見られるものもあるが, 他種目との比較の場合より少なかった。ただし個人では左右で大差の認められるものもあった。6) 最大握力と反復測定による維推率との間には有意の相関が認められなかった。
宮崎 義憲
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.56, no.4, pp.401-408, 2007-08-01 (Released:2007-09-14)

The purpose of this study was to investigate the landing impacts of falls from short heights with body weight increment. Eight male college students participated as subjects. The body weight increments were gradually increased by 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 kg by attaching 500 gram iron bars in the pocket of vests that students wore. The subjects performed the landing by falling from a height of 2.7 m above and they landed on the surface of a force plate as softly as possible. The landing impacts, muscular activities, and joint movements of lower limbs during landing were analyzed by a force plate using EMG and VTR programs.The results indicated that there were no significant increments found in maximal landing impact even though the body weight was increased from 2 to 10 kg. The flexion of ankle, knee and hip joints started immediately before landing and increased after landing with the body weight increments. The activity of plantar and dorsi flexor muscles after landing were increased intensively with the body weight increments. Although the body weight increased from 2 to 10 kg gradually, landing impact at fall did not increase. It may be controlled by fast and deep flexing movements of lower limb joints during landing.
栗山 進一 辻 一郎
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.52, no.2, pp.199-205, 2003-04-01 (Released:2010-09-30)
重松 良祐 田中 喜代次 大島 秀武 三村 寛一
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.45, no.1, pp.179-187, 1996-02-01 (Released:2010-09-30)
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This study was conducted to determine the effect of exercise training in water (water exercise) in sedentary obese women. Twenty-three women, aged 23-58 years (mean±SD 41.7±11.7), partici pated in this study. Any volunteer with diagnosed disease or taking prescribed medication that might influence the outcome of this study was excluded from participation. The women were allocated either to the exercise group (n =15, weight =65.2±12.3 kg, %body fat=39.2±7.0%) or the control group (n = 8, 62.4±8.3 kg, 34.0±2.4%), respectively. The exercise program consisted of dynamic movements for 60 minutes per session, three days per week for 16 weeks. The exercise intensity was set at approximately 65% of the age-related maximal heart rate. The attendance rate on the program was 89.2±3.0%. The body mass and %body fat of the exercise group decreased significantly by 4.7±1.9 kg (P<0.05) and 3.6±2.4% (P<0.01), respectively, compared with the preexercise values. Significant improvements in their aerobic capacity, trunk flexibility and vertical jump (P<0.05) were also observed. Their energy intake and the amount of other daily physical activity remained essentially unchanged throughout the study. No significant changes in any of the parameters measured occurred, in the control group. These findings indicate that water exercise improved the body composition and physical fitness of obese women.
山口(渡辺) 彩子 綾部 誠也 千葉 仁志 小林 範子 佐久間 一郎 石井 好二郎
The Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.63, no.3, pp.305-312, 2014

The purpose of the present investigation was to examine the relationships between the exercise history and the bone mineral density (BMD) and bone mineral content (BMC) in female Japanese young adults using dual X-ray absorptiometry (DXA). One-hundred twenty females, aged between 18 to 28 years, participated in the present investigation. The BMD at the lumbar spine (L-BMD), whole body BMD and BMC (WB-BMD and WB-BMC), lean body mass (LBM) and fat mass (FM) were measured by DXA. Using a self-administrered questionnaire, the exercise habits during preschool (4-6 years), primary school (7-12 years), junior high school (13-15 years), high school (16-18 years), and the current habits (>18 years) were eveluated. The L-BMD, WB-BMD and WB-BMC were significantly higher in the subjects with exercise habits during both the period of <18 years and >18 years compared with those in the subjects without an exercise history during all periods (p<0.05). In a separate analysis with the data stratified by the school age, the subjects with an exercise history during primary school, junior high school, or high school had significantly higher BMD and BMC values compared with the non-exercisers (each, p<0.05). In contrast, the BMD and BMC did not differ significantly according to either the exercise history during pre-school nor the current exercise status. A multiple stepwise regression analysis revealed that the body weight, LBM, FM, age of menarche, and exercise habits during high school were significant determinants of the L-BMD, WB-BMD and WB-BMC (p<0.001). The results of the present investigation show that both the exercise history during school age and the current exercise habits affect the BMD and BMC in young adults. In particular, high school females should be encouraged to participate in the regular exercise to increase their bone health. Future studies will be needed to confirm the targeted age-group(s) for participation in sports/exercise for the improvement of bone health, including an analysis of the type and intensity of exercise/sports.
木内 敦詞 七五三木 聡 天貝 均 大野 敦也 勝田 茂
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.46, no.1, pp.77-85, 1997-02-01 (Released:2010-09-30)
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本研究は, 閉経後骨粗鬆症の実験モデルとしてOVXラットを用い, OVX後の骨の変化を皮質骨と海綿骨の量的変化および組織学的特徴から検討し, これらが運動負荷によりいかなる影響を受けるかを調べたものである.実験にはWistar系雌性ラットを用い, 偽手術・コントロール群 (Sham-C群) , 偽手術・トレーニング群 (Sham-T群) , 卵巣摘出・コントロール群 (OVX-C群) , 卵巣摘出・トレーニング群 (OVX-T群) の計4群を設けた.卵巣摘出および偽手術は14週齢時に行い, トレーニングは17週齢より10週間のトレッドミル走とした.トレーニング期間終了時に, 脛骨を摘出後, 脱脂乾燥骨重量, 骨塩量を測定し, さらに海綿骨の組織形態計測を行った.得られた結果は以下のとおりである.1.脱脂乾燥骨重量および骨幹部骨塩量において, OVX-C群とSham-C群の有意な差異は認められなかった.しかし体重あたりの骨塩量ではOVX-C群がSham-C群に対し有意な低値を示した.また, 海綿骨の単位骨量ではOVX-C群がSham-C群よりも有意な低値を, LS/BSをはじめとする骨形成パラメータでは逆に有意な高値を示した.2.海綿骨単位骨量および体重あたりの骨塩量は, OVX-T群がOVX-C群に対し有意な高値を示した.骨形成パラメータでは両群に有意な差は認められなかった.3.上記のすべての測定パラメータで, Sham-C群とSham-T群の間に有意な差異は観察されなかった.以上の結果から, 運動は卵巣摘出による骨量の減少に対し抑制的に作用することが示された.また, これは骨形成の促進よりはむしろ骨吸収の抑制に起因する可能性が示唆された.
永松 俊哉 荒尾 孝
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.46, no.1, pp.39-47, 1997-02-01 (Released:2010-09-30)

運動前多食型 (BE) および運動後多食型 (AE) の食物摂取パターンが持久性の向上に有効か否かを明らかにすることを目的に, ラットを用いて低強度および高強度の急性運動を負荷した際の糖脂質代謝について検討した.(1) 運動前安静および対照安静のいずれの時点でも, 血漿FFAは自由摂食 (AD) 群に比較しBE群およびAE群で有意な低値を示し, 肝臓グリコーゲンはAD群およびBE群に比べてAE群で有意な高値を示した.(2) 低強度運動時には, 血漿FFAおよびグリセロールがAD群において運動前安静群に比較して運動群で有意な高値を示した.肝臓グリコーゲンは, AD群では運動前安静群に比較して運動群で有意な低値を示し, BE群では運動前安静群に比べて運動群で有意な高値を示した.一方, 肝臓グリコーゲンは運動後, AD群に比較してBE群およびAE群で有意な高値を示し, BE群に比較してAE群で有意な高値を示した.腓腹筋グリコーゲンは, AD群では運動前安静群に比較して運動群で有意な低値を示し, 運動後には, AD群およびBE群に比較してAE群で有意な高値を示した.(3) 高強度運動時には, AD群, BE群, およびAE群のいずれも血漿FFAおよびグリセロールが運動前安静群に比較して運動群で有意な高値を示した.運動負荷後の血漿FFAにおいては, AD群に比較してBE群およびAE群で有意な低値を示した.肝臓グリコーゲンは, AD群では運動前安静群に比較して運動群で有意な低値を示した.運動負荷後は, AD群に比較してBE群で有意な高値を示し, BE群に比較してAE群で有意な高値を示した.腓腹筋グリコーゲンに関しては, AD群, BE群, およびAE群のいずれも運動前安静群に比較して運動群で有意な低値を示した.以上より, 運動後多食型は, 運動開始時には自由摂食および運動前多食型に比較して, 肝臓グリコーゲン含量を高めることに極めて有効であるので持久的運動時の肝臓グリコーゲン消費節約が可能であり, 持久性の向上に有効であるものと推察された.
三ツ石 泰大 角田 憲治 甲斐 裕子 北濃 成樹 辻 大士 尹 之恩 尹 智暎 金 泰浩 大藏 倫博
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.62, no.1, pp.79-86, 2013-02-01 (Released:2013-02-14)
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The purpose of this study was to examine whether volunteering as exercise instructors over a continuous period of time affected the physical and cognitive functions of community-dwelling, elderly women. Longitudinal analysis was conducted on data from 18 volunteer leaders (Leader group) aged 65-79 years (69.6 ± 3.9 years) and 18 age-matched survey participants (Control group). We evaluated physical function using 8 physical performance tests along with their standardized total score, and we evaluated cognitive function using the Five Cognitive Function Test. We used two-way ANOVA to examine the effectiveness of engaging in a yearlong volunteer activity and Cohen's d for effect size. There were significant interactions in timed up and go, hand working with pegboard, standardized score of performance tests and the Five Cognitive Function Test score (P < 0.05). The Leader group improved significantly in sit and reach (d = 0.55), 5-repetition sit-to-stand (d = 0.77), timed up and go (d = 0.77), 5-m habitual walk (d = 0.88), 4-way choice reaction time (d = 0.86), standardized score of performance tests (d = 0.96) and the Five Cognitive Function Test score (d = 0.93). Although the Control group also improved significantly in some tests, the effect size tended to be lower: sit and reach (d = 0.49), hand working with pegboard (d = 0.57), standardized score of performance tests (d = 0.38) and the Five Cognitive Function Test score (d = 0.54). These results suggest that volunteering as an exercise instructor improves volunteers' physical and cognitive functions.
勝村 龍一 中本 哲 中西 光雄 池田 並子 三宅 紀子 平岡 亮
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.35, no.1, pp.1-10, 1986-02-01 (Released:2010-12-10)

In order to find the characteristics of physique and physical fitness of the field hockey players, the data were collected from the Japanese Men's Team members in anthropometric measurements and physical fitness test during the last six years since 1978.From the data collected for this study the following observation were made :1. The Japanese National Men's Field Hockey players had superior measurements in agility, especially, Side-Step-Test and cardiorespiratory function but inferior measurements in muscular strength and flexibility than players in other activities17) ; their physique were smaller than others.2. When compared with Tokyo Olympic Field Hockey players of twenty years ago, some increments in measurements were recognized in weight, circumferences, muscular strength and cardiorespiratory function; but not too much differences were observed in various longitudinal measurements, jumping reaction time, simple reaction time and flexibility.3. When individual measurements of three years span were compared longitudinally, circumferences like chest girth and upper arm girth, Vertical jump and Side-Step-Test were increased but cardiorespiratory function declined with the age. The rest of the items did not change much during the span of three years.
林 陵平 苅山 靖 図子 浩二
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.65, no.2, pp.243-254, 2016-04-01 (Released:2016-03-18)

The purpose of this study was to identify the ground reaction force and lower extremity joint kinetics during clean exercises performed with light and heavy loads. Thirteen male track and field athletes performed the clean exercises from 20 kg to one repetition maximum (1RM). Kinetic data were collected from recorded data using a Vicon motion system (250 Hz) and force platforms (1,000 Hz). The results of the analyses were as follows: (1) Ground reaction force and joint kinetics of hip and ankle were increased by increasing loads in clean exercises. (2) From light to heavy loads, we found relationships between ground reaction force and joint torque of hip in clean exercises. (3) In progressing from light to heavy loads, some subjects continued to involve the muscle group controlling the hip joint as the main power source, while others did not. The results indicate that clean exercises yield different individual characteristics for training. These results suggest that the clean exercise is effective for selectively the hip extensor in all loads.
高野 純平 藤井 範久 向井 直樹 劉 莉荊 林 和彦 白崎 芳夫 斉藤 慎一 徳山 薫平
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.53, no.1, pp.123-130, 2004-02-01 (Released:2010-09-30)

Side to side difference in tennis players' mid-radius and cross-sectional study on mid-tibia of jumpers and sedentary controls suggest that the improvement of mechanical properties of cortical bone in response to long-term exercise is related to geometric adaptation and not to volumetric bone mineral density. In the present study, geometric and mechanical properties of right tibia were estimated along 64 directions centering center of gravity of the bone on cross-sectional peripheral quantitative computed tomography (pQCT) images. The tibias of 17 jumpers (7 females, 10 males) and 15 controls (8 females, 7males), aged 18-23, were scanned at mid site using pQCT. Periosteal and endocortical radius were larger, cortical thickness was thicker, and mechanical properties (moment of inertia of area and strength strain index) were greater in jumpers compared to those of controls. The differences in cortical thickness between the two groups were dependent on direction of measurement. Defined a direction from tibia's center of gravity to fibula's as 0°, difference in the cortical thickness between jumpers and controls was the greatest at around 240°. Along this direction, differences in mechanical properties were also the most significant, suggesting that the site-specific adaptation of bone to long-term exercise is due to geographical relation of bone to muscle.
服部 聡士 秋本 崇之
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.64, no.4, pp.389-396, 2015-08-01 (Released:2015-07-27)

Mitochondria play a central role in energy production but also are the main cellular source of reactive oxygen species (ROS). It is widely believed that aging is related to the accumulation of oxidative molecular damage due to ROS. Aging also induces a decrease in muscle function. Recent studies indicate that caloric restriction and physical exercise suppress the decrease in muscle function though the maintaining quality of mitochondria. This review provides the current understanding of the influence of caloric restriction and exercise on mitochondrial quality control in skeletal muscle.
渡辺 美智子 北 博正 万木 良平 向笠 由美 鈴木 久乃 金子 佳代子 小池 五郎 桜間 幸次 藤本 英男 井川 正治 笹渕 五夫
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.33, no.1, pp.40-51, 1984

体重階級制スポーツ選手の試合前の急速減量は, 体力・生理学的および栄養学的に適正な方法によって生体の諸機能の低下を防ぎながら行われるべきであり, 同時に試合後の回復期においても適正な方法によって回復させることが大切であると思われる。<BR>これらの方法を見出すことを目的として, レスリングの新人選手を対象とし, 急速減量における体重調整期, 試合期および回復期の各期間にわたり, 諸調査を実施した。その結果は次のとおりであった。<BR>各栄養素の平均摂取量の概量は, 体重調整2期では, エネルギーが20kcal/kg, たんぱく質1.7g/kg, 水分20g/kg, ナトリウム2g/日, カリウム1g/日であったが, 回復期に入ると急増し, エネルギーは60kcal/kg, たんぱく質2g/kg, 水分46~73g/kg, ナトリウム5g/日, カリウム3g/日となった。<BR>試合直前に体重の10%前後を減少させた各選手は, 試合終了から翌日までにほとんど平常体重の水準まで回復したが, その後増加しすぎるものもあり, 平常体重におちつくまでに約7日間を要した。<BR>この減量に伴って, 体内窒素代謝の亢進と, それに伴う筋力などの若干の低下, 体水分脱出による血液濃縮の影響と考えられる血液性状の変化が認められた。<BR>回復期には, 体重は速やかに平常時に復したが, 窒素, カリウムの摂取量が増加したにも拘らず尿中排泄量は増加せず, 出納はかなり大幅な正に転じた。またナトリウムは, 回復期に塩分の摂取量が多くなるに伴い尿中排泄量も増加したが, 出納は正であった。しかし, 回復期1週間後においても血液性状の一部などに充分に平常値までもどっていないのではないかと思われる徴候もあった。<BR>同復期に摂った飲食物の食品構成と各栄養素の平均摂取量については大きな欠陥は見当らなかったが, 偏差が大きく, 各個人の摂り方の内容は必ずしも充分ではなかった。<BR>被検者となった選手たちは新人ではあるがいずれもかなり高い体力水準を有していることを考え合わせると, これらの結果から, 今後スポーツ選手の急速減量にあたって, 単に減量方法だけでなく, 試合終了後における体力回復の適正な方法についても検討の余地が残されているものと考える。
髙石 鉄雄 對馬 明 児玉 泰 西井 匠 小林 培男 渡邊 航平 秋間 広
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.62, no.4, pp.331-341, 2013-08-01 (Released:2013-08-29)

This study evaluated the exercise profile (heart rate, cycling speed and pedal cadence) during 25-30 km cycling and fitness and health level for adults (11 males: 69.6 ± 4.7 yrs; 6 females: 66.3 ± 4.9 yrs) with a recreational cycling habit (27.6 ± 14.8 km/week). Exercise intensity at a constant speed on a flat road during male and female cycling was 71.2 ± 11.5 and 66.8 ± 11.4% heart rate reserved (HRR), respectively. Exercise intensity over 60% HRR occupied 72% of cycling time. Peak intensity during male and female cycling was 89.2 ± 8.9 and 93.1 ± 6.1% HRR, respectively. VO2max and CS (chair stand)-30 test for male and female were 40.3 ± 4.3 and 37.7 ± 2.4 ml/kg/min, and 30.8 ± 3.1 and 30.1 ± 3.2 times, respectively. The muscle cross-sectional area of thigh extensor and flexor measured by MRI were 55.4 ± 6.5 and 58.3 ± 13.3 cm2 for male, and 45.5 ± 6.4 and 50.2 ± 5.7 cm2 for female, respectively. Blood profile for HDL-C (cholesterol), LDL-C and HbA1c (JDS) for male and female were 65.9 ± 8.2 and 67.9 ± 10.6 mg/dl, 112.3 ± 32.0 and 130.6 ± 12.3 mg/dl, and 4.8 ± 0.4 and 4.7 ± 0.1%, respectively. Fitness level and blood profile results were superior to those of the same aged adults. We concluded that the exercise intensity of cycling by middle and older adults with a recreational cycling habit is high and their fitness and health level are higher than average adults.
岩佐 翼 高宮 朋子 大谷 由美子 小田切 優子 菊池 宏幸 福島 教照 岡 浩一朗 北畠 義典 下光 輝一 井上 茂
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.64, no.1, pp.145-154, 2015-02-01 (Released:2015-01-25)
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The purpose of this cross-sectional study is to investigate the difference in physical activity among elderly living in different areas in Japan (“Bunkyo Ward in Tokyo” (Bunkyo) and “Fuchu City in Tokyo” (Fuchu) as urban areas, and “Oyama Town in Shizuoka” (Oyama) as a non-urban area). Participants were 1859 community-dwelling residents aged 65-74 years, randomly selected from the residential registry (response rate: 68.9%). A mail survey using self-administered questionnaires was conducted. Multivariate logistic regression analyses were used to calculate the adjusted odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals (95% CI) of various types of physical activity (eg, walking (Walking), going out (Going-out), bicycling (Bicycling), exercise habits (Exercise)), according to residential areas (reference category: Fuchu), stratified by gender, adjusting for socio-demographic variables. There was a significant difference in Going-out (ORs = 0.61 (95% CI: 0.44-0.86) for men, 0.48 (0.33-0.69) for women)), and Bicycling (0.04 (0.03-0.07) for men, 0.04 (0.02-0.07) for women) in Oyama compared to Fuchu. Furthermore, for women, there was a significant difference in Walking (0.56 (0.38-0.81)) and Exercise (0.59 (0.41-0.85)) in Oyama compared to Fuchu. There was a significant difference in Bicycling and Going-out for men in Bunkyo compared to Fuchu, but there was not a significant difference in other items. Low physical activity levels were observed in the elderly in the non-urban area compared to urban areas. The association was stronger in women. Regional difference might need to be taken into account for an effective physical activity intervention.
木村 みさか 岡山 寧子 田中 靖人 金子 公宥
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.47, no.4, pp.401-410, 1998-08-01
7 4 3

安全かつ簡便にフィールドでも測定可能な高齢者の持久性評価法の開発を目的として, シャトル・スタミナテスト (SST; 10m折り返し3分間走) の「走り」を「歩き」に応用したシャトル・スタミナ・ウオークテスト (SSTw) の信頼性・妥当性を検討した.<BR>1) SSTwの成績はVo<SUB>2</SUB>maxとr=0.827の相関を示し, 2) 初回時テストと再テストの間にはr=0.853の相関が認められ, 3) 推定最大心拍数に対するテスト中のピーク心拍数の割合は平均86.3%で, 男女差, 年齢差がなく, 4) 運動中の主観的身体負担度は, 全体の73.7%が「普通fairy light」または「ややきついsomewhat hard」と回答し, 5) SSTwの成績は運動能 (持久性) の自己評価を反映していた.また, 6) SSTwの加齢に伴う低下率は, 40歳以上においてVo<SUB>2</SUB>maxで報告されている低下率と同程度の値を示した.<BR>以上より, SSTwは, 40歳以後の中高齢者, 特に後期高齢者や低体力者を含む広範囲な高齢者にとって安全で, 屋内で多人数を同時に短時間に測定できる簡便な持久性評価法として信頼性, 妥当性に優れるテストであることが示唆された.