松本 克彦
衛生動物 (ISSN:04247086)
vol.12, no.4, pp.262-271, 1961
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ケナガコナダニの繁殖条件のうち, 温度と栄養をほぼ至適条件として, 環境湿度ないし食物中の水分含量と繁殖状況の関係について検討した.1.粉末飼料(水分含量6.6%), 七味とうがらし(水分含量8.8%)のような粉末状の試料で, 水分含量を一定にし, 環境湿度を変えて, ケナガコナダニの繁殖状況について調べた.実験開始後48日または53日では環境湿度95%RHにおいた試料のコナダニ繁殖状況が最良であつた.同じように粉末状態の試料(粉末飼料および乾燥酵母剤)で環境湿度を一定にして試料の水分含量を変えてコナダニの繁殖状況を観察した.コナダニ繁殖の至適水分含量は各々17.7%, 16.6%であつた.2.環境湿度に影響され易いけずりぶしの場合, コナダニの繁殖の至適環境湿度は高湿度から経時的に移動して, 85-75%RHに定まつた.このさいのけずりぶしの水分含量は何れも20〜30%以内であつた.8.米の場合に水分含量が外部の湿度に影響されにく, 15.0%付近にあるので, コナダニ繁殖の至適環境湿度は85-75%に落着いた.八分搗き米, 五分搗き米のコナダニ繁殖状況は良好であつたが, 白米および玄米では不良であつた.4.乾燥酵母剤, コナミルク, スキムミルクの最初の水分含量を変えて, 各々を環境湿度別におき, それのケナガコナダニの繁殖状況を観察した.実験初期には水分含量が低くて環境湿度の高い試料と, 水分含量18.8%, 環境湿度75%RHの試料のコナダニ繁殖状況が良好であつた.時間の経過と共に最初の水分含量に関係なく, 環境湿度75%RHの試料のコナダニ繁殖が盛んになつた.以上の結果を総合すると, 水分含量の少い粉末状の試料では最初コナダニ繁殖に高湿度を要求するが, 次第に試料の水分含量は環境湿度に影響されて, 水分含量が高くなると, 至適環境湿度は85-75%RHとなり, このさいの至適水分含量は15-20%であることが分つた.すなわち, ケナガコナダニの各食品における繁殖には食品自身の水分含量と環境湿度の両者が著しく影響することが判明した.
梁瀬 徹
衛生動物 (ISSN:04247086)
vol.60, no.3, pp.195-212, 2009

Arboviruses transmitted by Culicoides biting midges cause domestic animal diseases such as congenital abnormalities and acute febrile illnesses in ruminants. Epidemics of these arboviruses, Akabane, Aino, Chuzan and Ibaraki viruses, have been frequently reported in the western part of Japan and have brought great economical damage to the livestock industry. These arboviruses are most frequently isolated from Culicoides oxystoma Kieffer in the southern part of Japan, indicating that this species acts an important vector for transmission of these viruses. However, several outbreaks have occurred in the northern regions where C. oxystoma has not been previously observed, suggesting the existence of other vector species. Recently, several arboviruses distributed in tropical and sub-tropical regions such as the Peaton, Sathuperi and Shamonda viruses were newly isolated in Japan. Several clinical cases imply these viruses are related to congenital abnormalities in cattle. Global warming is expected to expand the range of arboviruses to higher latitudes because of the brisk activities of the vectors. Therefore, we should provide integrated surveillance systems, sophisticated diagnostic measures and effective prevention strategies to combat the threats of arbovirus infections.
倉橋 弘 末永 斂
衛生動物 (ISSN:04247086)
vol.48, no.1, pp.55-58, 1997-03-15 (Released:2016-08-20)
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In the autumn of 1995,we had an opportunity to witness and evaluate the importance of the mass, probably transoceanic, migratory flight and landing of Calliphora nigribarbis Vollenhoven in the campus of Institute of Tropical Medicine, Nagasaki University, Nagasaki, Kyushu, western Japan. On October 25 (14 : 30 to 17 : 30,fine) and 26 (10 : 30 to 17 : 40,fine), they were seen flying in large numbers from the northwest to southeast across the top of the laboratory building (about 10m in height). They flew continuously in the direction of the wind and we caught some of them at the top of the building. They flew vigorously, with many flying well beyond the reach of our insect nets and without changing course. Some flies reaching the building in the evening landed on the concrete wall of the building. The migratory flights were simultaneously observed in Fukuoka where the flies were seen flying from the north across Tsushima-Kaikyo Strait. Fukuoka and Nagasaki are situated about 250 to 300km southeast of the Korean Penninsula. It could be inferred that these flies migrate across from the Asian continent to the main island Kyushu. C. nigribarbis has been considered to migrate altitudinally in the mainland Japan. However, the number of flies found in autumn (November) in Kyushu appears to be also increased by the transoceanic migration.
津田 良夫 金 京純
衛生動物 (ISSN:04247086)
vol.74, no.3, pp.113-118, 2023-09-25 (Released:2023-10-18)

Mosquito collections using dry-ice traps were conducted at Izumo, Shimane, Japan, from May to October 2008. Trap sites with different surrounding environments (reservoir, riverside vegetation, a shrine in rice fields) and a breeding colony of heron were selected. A total of 4,890 mosquitoes of 16 species in 6 genera were collected by dry-ice traps. Among them Culex tritaeniorhynchus, Cx. pipiens pallens, Aedes albopictus, and Cx. bitaeniorhynchus were the dominant species. The species composition of Cx. tritaeniorhynchus was the highest in riverside vegetation, and Cx. pipiens pallens showed a high species composition at the shrine surrounded by rice fields. The species diversity was compared using the Shannon–Weaner Index. The species diversity was the highest at the breeding colony of heron and lowest in riverside vegetation. A total of 312 females were collected by a sweep net at the breeding colony of heron and 21.5% of them had fed on a blood meal. The proportion of fed females was the highest in Cx. pipiens pallens (80.8%) and next was Uranotaenia novobscura (61.5%) and then Cx. bitaeniorhynchus (30.0%). The breeding colony of heron was found to be an excellent entomological study site to investigate ecological interactions between vector mosquitoes and wild birds.
島田 瑞穂 土井 寛大 川端 寛樹 山内 健生 安藤 秀二 小林 由美江 廣瀬 芳江 周藤 史憲 藤原 由佳子 齊藤 美穂 菊池 広子 小松本 悟 室久 俊光 島野 智之
衛生動物 (ISSN:04247086)
vol.74, no.2, pp.53-56, 2023-06-25 (Released:2023-06-30)

During the 3-year period (2020–2022), 49 cases of tick bites were presented to the Japanese Red Cross Ashikaga Hospital in Tochigi Prefecture, Japan. More than 60% of all tick bites between March and September occurred within two months (May and June). Amblyomma testudinarium was responsible for 40 cases among all the tick bite cases. Specifically, 41 individuals of this species (39 nymphs/2 adult females) were linked (The point estimate was 0.79 with a 95% confidence interval of 0.67–1.00). There were 38 cases of tick bites in Ashikaga City, and 23 of which occurred in the vicinity of the patients’ houses (gardens and fields). Suspected cases of Tick-associated rash illness (TARI) were first recorded in the Japanese Red Cross Ashikaga Hospital in May 2020, in a total of five cases ( i.e., the patients were aged 50 years or older). TARI is indicative of repeated tick bites, which points to the permanent settlement of the A. testudinarium in and around Ashikaga City. Therefore, we believe that greater efforts should be implemented towards the detection of tick-associated infections in this area, including Severe fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome virus for which A. testudinarium is considered as a major vector.
矢口 昇 葛西 真治
The Japan Society of Medical Entomology and Zoology
衛生動物 (ISSN:04247086)
vol.61, no.3, pp.231-237, 2010-09-15 (Released:2011-03-15)
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We introduce, from public health officer's angle, the current situation of bedbug occurrence and discuss the factors which complicate bedbug problem in recent Japan. Countrywide, bedbug infestation is found at relatively cheap hotels where foreign travelers tend to use. In urban area of Japan, however, bedbugs are appearing frequently at cheap accommodation facilities where only Japanese people stay. Most residents in such facilities are live on welfare benefits and are unemployed. They frequently move among different facilities with bedbugs on their baggage and/or clothes, and bedbugs easily spread their distribution. Also, bedbugs can be distributed by dropping at libraries, transport facilities, movie theaters, fast food stores, medical institutions, etc. We also experienced difficulties of bedbug control with pyrethroid insecticides. It is necessary to survey the level of insecticide resistance for bedbug colonies in Japan. As in other developed countries, hereafter, bedbug problem will be magnified countrywide. It is essential to address this problem in collaboration across medical institutions, health authorities (public health offices) and welfare agencies. Provision of such information to general public is also necessary.
緒方 一喜
衛生動物 (ISSN:04247086)
vol.9, no.3, pp.116-129, 1958-08-10 (Released:2016-09-04)
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ドクガEuproctis flava Bremerの各期の形態, 特に幼虫と, その毒針毛についての形態を報告した.(1)卵は淡緑色.みかん形をしていて, 背腹に扁平, 底面はやゝ凹陥する.長径平均0.63±0.008mm, 短径平均0.46±0.013mm.卵殼は白色で, 表面には紋理, 凹凸はない.卵は卵塊として産みつけられ, 卵塊の表面は雌の尾房毛で厚くおおわれる.(2)幼虫の経過令数は, 各種環境要因に影響されて個体により群体により一定しない.このために, 令毎の特徴は一定しないで, あらゆる場合の個体に共通の令の特徴というものは, 1令を除いて見出す事はむつかしい事が分つた.幼虫は, 全期間を通じて, 形態的に5つの型に分ける事が出来る. A型は1令に相当し, 全く毒針毛を有しない. B型は2令以後10令まで.但し5令頃からC型がまざつてくる. B型は第1腹節亜背線部に1対の毒針毛叢生部をもつ型である. C型は, 更に第2腹節亜背線部に1対の毒針毛叢生部をもつ型で, (n-2)令までに相当する. D型は, 更に第8腹節亜背線部に毒針毛叢生部をもつ型で, (n-1)令に相当する.E型は終令で, 第1腹節亜背線に2対, 第2〜8腹節亜背線, 第1〜8腹節気門上線, 第1〜6腹節(時に1, 5, 6節を欠く)気門下線に各1対の毒針毛叢生部をもつ型である.(3)幼虫では, 普通体毛及び毒針毛は, 何れも各節の瘤起上に束生している.普通体毛には, 微毛と長短毛がある.微毛には, 瘤起上, 腹脚上, 普通微毛の3種がみられる.長短毛には, 普通毛, 側枝毛, 細毛, 単純毛などの区別がみられる.(4)毒針毛は, 平均約0.118mm, 最小0.053mm, 最大0.227mmの釘型をした毛で, 内部は中空, 表面には小さい棘状突起がならんでいる.ドクガの各stageを通じて, この毒針毛だけが, 有毒性をもつている.毒針毛長の最大値は, 令の増加に伴つて大きくなるが, 全毒針毛の平均値では, その増加は著しくない.毒針毛は, (n-1)令までは, 平均約7.5, 終令では平均約12.1本の1束となつて, 盃状体上の毛窩より生ずる.盃状体が集合して, 毒針毛叢生部を形成している.幼虫の令とともに, 一頭当りの毒針毛数は増加する.或飼育個体群のものを概算した結果では, 2令で約740本, 5令で約3, 300本, 8令で約8, 000本, 11令で約14, 500本, 14令(n-1令)で約88, 000本, 15令(終令)で6, 525, 000本にのぼつた.(5)サナギの形態を記載したが, 雌雄の区別は, 触角鞘が雌では細く, 隆起が小さいのに対し, 雄では逆である.また, 雌では, 第7〜10腹節の各関節は融合し, 腹面の境は正中線上に集つているが, この位置に生殖口がある.雄では, 第9と10腹節の境界線上に生殖口がある.雌は, 雄に比べて体長, 体重とも大きい.(6)成虫は, 体翅とも全体黄色で, 黄毛におおわれている.前翅先端の2黒点と, 中央附近の紫褐色黄帯が特徴的である.雌では, 腹部が太く, 尾端には多くの尾房毛が束生している.雄では腹部が細く, 尾端の尾房毛は甚だ貧弱である.
高木 佑基 浅川 満彦
衛生動物 (ISSN:04247086)
vol.67, no.1, pp.35-36, 2016-03-25 (Released:2016-09-25)
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Pentastomid parasites belonging to the genus Raillietiella were obtained from the captive reptiles Gekko gecko and Trachydosaurus rugosus at a zoo in northern Japan in April 2013. This was the first locality record of Raillietiella gehyrae and R. scincoides in Japan.
石島 英郎
衛生動物 (ISSN:04247086)
vol.18, no.2, pp.47-100, 1967

筆者は日本産のハナバエ科, イエバエ科, クロバエ科およびニクバエ科に属する33属70種の3令幼虫について, その咽頭板, 前方気門, 後方気門, 肉質突起, および体表面の棘分布を調べ.それらの形態的特徴を記載し, 科および種の検索表を作り, 顕微鏡写真を付した.
末吉 昌宏
The Japan Society of Medical Entomology and Zoology
衛生動物 (ISSN:04247086)
vol.66, no.3, pp.91-120, 2015-09-25 (Released:2016-03-25)
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Myiasis in Japan was reviewed based on the case reports published until 2014. A total of 209 cases of facultative myiases were reported and these involved more than 32 species from 11 dipteran families. Boettcherisca peregrina, Lucilia sericata, and Parasarcophaga similis were responsible for 74 of all the cases. Four foreign dipteran species were involved in 50 cases of obligatory myiasis. Dermatobia hominis imported from Central and South America dominated with 41 of these cases. Four cases of wound myiases were caused by L. sericata and L. ampullacea, and one case of ophthalmomyiasis by B. peregrina was acquired in forests or similar environments. Among the flies known as forest-dwelling species, L. ampullacea, Chrysomya pinguis, and B. septentrionalis are found to be dominant in forests. It is recommended that people visiting forests stay together and avoid exposing their skin to prevent infections from myiasis-producing flies. For development of control measures to reduce infections, it is essential to accumulate knowledge on the abundance of myiasis-producing flies in different forest environments and on smaller islands, and to collect case reports of human myiasis with reliable identifications of the fly species involved.
篠永 哲
The Japan Society of Medical Entomology and Zoology
衛生動物 (ISSN:04247086)
vol.16, no.4, pp.263-269, 1965-12-30 (Released:2016-09-05)
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富士山において, 夏季のハエの垂直分布を調査した.調査は, 天候の最も安定している7月下旬を選び, 高度計を用いて海岸より標高500mごと, 3500mまでの間に8地点を選び, 各地点で馬肉を餌としたハエトリカゴを設置し, ハエを採集した.得られたハエは研究室で種類を同定し, 個体数を数えた結果, 4科, 19属, 35種, 2371個体であつた.その大多数はクロバエ科に属し, 約75%を占め, 調査地点では1500mが最も多く, それは, ホホグロオビキンバエの出現によるものである.2000m以上の高山地帯では, クロバエ科の3種, オオクロバエ, ミヤマクロバエ, ケブカクロバエが優位種で, 海岸(0m)では, 人家附近で発生するキンバエ族とニクバエ科のハエが多くみられた.これらのハエは, それぞれの種ごとに特有の分布域を有し, それは, 気温, 湿度などの気候条件と植物相, 発生源の有無など有機的, 無機的な環境条件に左右されると考えられる.しかし, 最大の条件は気温であるように思われる.採集されたハエの種および個体数などから見ると, 夏季のハエの垂直分布は, 次のごとく大体4つの分布帯が考えられる.1)0〜500m.2)500〜1500m.3)1500〜2500m.4)2500m以上.
渡辺 護 渡辺 はるな 米島 万有子 沢辺 京子
衛生動物 (ISSN:04247086)
vol.70, no.1, pp.25-32, 2019

<p>We investigated the occurrence of mosquitoes in both disaster areas of the 2011 Great East Japan earthquake and tsunami and the 2016 Kumamoto earthquake in the summers after the disasters respectively. In the former area, <i>Culex pipiens</i> group was the most common taxa in adult stage (157.01 individuals per trap per day; 82.55%). In larval stage, <i>Cx. pipiens</i> gr., <i>Cx. tritaeniorhynchus</i> and <i>Anopheles sinensis</i> were collected. While in the latter area, <i>Aedes albopictus</i> (19.29; 62.21%), <i>Cx. pipiens</i> gr. (5.23; 16.87%) and <i>Armigeres subalbatus</i> (4.34; 14.0%) were common in adult catch. The larvae of the three species were also commonly collected in the larval sampling. We compared the mosquito's occurrence between the two areas to find that abundance and species composition were completely different. In the 2011 Japan earthquake and tsunami area, a great number of comparatively large sized water bodies were made by the tsunami, and they became good habitats for <i>Cx. pipiens</i> gr. In contrast in the Kumamoto earthquake area, there were collapsed houses and a large number of small artificial containers left there as well as the tarpaulins used to cover damaged property, all of which served as good breeding sites for <i>Ae. albopictus</i>.</p>
佐々木 均
衛生動物 (ISSN:04247086)
vol.67, no.4, pp.205-218, 2016-12-25 (Released:2017-10-12)
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Tabanids (Diptera: Tabanidae) is one of the most serious pest insect group against both humans and livestock. Tabanids' effects to livestock are transmission of some serious diseases such as bovine leukemia, surra and equine infectious anemia, irritation breeding daily gain and milk secretion loss. Tabanids also transmit Loa loa (Cobbold) to humans. Source control by chemical and mechanical methods has no effect due to the larvae of tabanids living under the soil sparsely. At the present, only trapping of adults is effective for controlling tabanids. Traps for capturing tabanids have been developed in two different ways. Some tabanid traps are diverted from tsetse fly traps in Africa such as Nzi trap, and others are developed for exclusive use in North America, Europe and Japan. The early traps attracted tabanids by their shapes and the visual and olfactory factors as attractant were added to the later traps to capture more flies. I reviewed the history of development on traps for capturing tabanids, visual and olfactory attractants for capturing tabanids and next generations of traps for capturing tabanids in this paper.
三島 章義
衛生動物 (ISSN:04247086)
vol.18, no.1, pp.27-31, 1967

1) 名瀬保健所の野外飼育場にハブ30匹を放ち, 時刻別の出現状況を定量的に観察した.1964年4月19日から4月24日の6夜にわたつて観察した結果, ハブの活動は日暮から日の出に行なわれ, 午前1時に活動の頂点のある一峯性の活動消長を示した.活動の消長は, 温度, 湿度とも相関関係が認められた.ハブの日周期はハブ咬傷の時刻消長とは全く平行しておらず, 咬傷発生の要因としては, 人間の活動が重要な因子であることを推定した.2) 野外飼育場でハブ捕獲箱の捕獲率を比較した.捕獲率は箱の形で著しく異なつたが, 誘引のために生きたネズミを入れることは効果のないことを認めた.本研究に際し, 多大の御援助を賜わつた鹿児島県名瀬保健所職員の各位に厚く感謝の意を表する.特に小野継男技師には格別の御協力を得ており, 深く感謝の意を表したい.
辻 英明 水野 隆夫
The Japan Society of Medical Entomology and Zoology
衛生動物 (ISSN:04247086)
vol.23, no.3, pp.185-194, 1973 (Released:2016-09-05)
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本邦中部で越冬する能力を調べるために, 27℃または20℃で飼育したチャバネ, ワモン, クロ, ヤマトの4種のゴキブリを, 冬の平均気温に類似させた5.5℃条件下で長期間冷蔵する実験を行なった。またあらかじめ15℃に保ちその後5.5℃に移すことも試みた。チャバネゴキブリとワモンゴキブリの卵鞘は20日間の冷蔵で死亡し, 40日の15℃予備飼育さえも有害であった。幼虫や成虫では15℃予備飼育は冷蔵に対する耐性を高めた。しかし最も耐性のある終令幼虫と成虫に予備飼育期間28日を与えても30日間の冷蔵で死亡し, 予備飼育100日間でも40日間の冷蔵に耐えられなかった。また20℃で増殖を阻止されているチャバネゴキブリ成虫および発育の遅延しているワモンゴキブリの終令幼虫は, 共に40日間の冷蔵によって死亡した。したがって, これらの種が本邦中部の戸外や無加温の建物の中で3カ月にわたる冬を越えることはきわめて困難と思われる。クロゴキブリでは, 一定期間の予備飼育がすべてのステージの冷蔵に対する耐性を高めた。すなわち, 予備飼育28日間でかなりの老令幼虫が90日間の冷蔵に耐え, 約半数の卵鞘が予備飼育40日間で冷蔵80日間に耐えた。しかし成虫と若令幼虫は60日以下しか耐えられなかった。同様にヤマトゴキブリでは, 予備飼育28日間ですべての令期のほとんどすべての幼虫が120日間の冷蔵に耐え, 成虫でも90日の冷蔵に耐えた。卵鞘は予備飼育40日間のあとでも冷蔵40日で死亡した。この種では老令幼虫と成虫は予備飼育なしでも90日間の冷蔵に耐えた。ゴキブリのひそむ場所の冬の最高最低温度は平均温度とそれほどかけはなれたものとは考えられないので, これらの結果はクロゴキブリとヤマトゴキブリが本邦中部の戸外および無加温の建物の中で越冬できることを示しているといえよう。ヤマトゴキブリの2令と終令にみられる特異的な発育遅延は冷蔵によって消去され, 休眠の特性を示した。クロゴキブリの2令でも20℃で休眠様の発育遅延があるが, その幼虫を直接冷蔵した場合60日間で全部死亡した。しかし予備飼育を経過させた場合については未調査である。
大利 昌久
衛生動物 (ISSN:04247086)
vol.26, no.4, pp.225-229, 1975-12-15 (Released:2016-09-05)
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The spider, Chiracanthium japonicum, has been well recognized as poisonous by common people in Japan. Especially in Tohoku, North Japan, this species has been most feared of toxic spiders and named "Kuchiguro" because of having black jaws for killing or paralyzing their prey. Eleven cases of arachnidism caused by this species were recorded during the periods from 1973 to July 1975. In the present paper, an analysis was made on total nineteen cases of arachnidism including the eight cases which had already been reported since 1956 in Japan. Results were as follows : 1. Arachnidism caused by Chiracanthium japonicum occurred from May to August with a marked peak in June. 2. Arachnidism in males was more frequent than in females and most frequent bites occurred in teenagers. 3. It was remarkable that many cases of arachnidism occurred during sleep at night by male spiders which were infesting houses. 4. The site of bites was most frequently observed in upper extremities. 5. The symptoms of arachnidism were characterized by local skin legion as continuous sharp pain, erythema, swelling, petechiae and pigmentation, and frequently combined with generalized signs of nausea, vomiting, loss of appettite, headache and shock. 6. In treating the arachnidism, it was a serious problem to relieve continuous sharp pain of biting area. The use of central analgesic such as narcotic drugs seemed to be effective.
松岡 裕之 緒方 規男
衛生動物 (ISSN:04247086)
vol.64, no.4, pp.203-207, 2013

マウスを麻酔して2群に分け,一群には二酸化塩素のスプレーを他の一群には水のスプレーを噴霧したのち,マラリア感染蚊自由に吸血させた.二酸化塩素をスプレーしたマウスに対しては101匹の蚊のうち6匹が吸血した (5.9%) だけで、マウスの感染は13頭中1頭のみ (7.7%) であった.水をスプレーしたマウスに対しては蚊88匹のうち42匹が吸血し (47.7%), マラリア感染は11頭中6頭 (54.5%) であった.二酸化塩素スプレー群は有意差をもって吸血率 (<i>p</i><0.01)・マラリア感染率 (<i>p</i><0.05) の低下が見られた.次に両端をメッシュで覆ったチューブの中に蚊を入れ,チューブの片方は空気のみを含むケージに,反対側は二酸化塩素を含むケージに差し込んで,蚊がどちらの側に偏在するか調べた.<i>Anopheles stephensi</i>, <i>Aedes albopictus</i>および<i>Culex pipiens pallens</i>の3種蚊とも0.03 ppm以上の二酸化塩素濃度において反対側(空気側)に偏在した.二酸化塩素は蚊に対する忌避作用があるといえた.