山下 英愛

三本松 政之 関井 友子
人間科学研究 (ISSN:03882152)
vol.16, pp.88-97, 1994

Political Correctness is a new vogue term in the U. S.. It rejects the traditions of the West and is used to refer to a correct ideological position on matters of race, gender, and sexual orientation. This paper is to describe characteristics of PC movement in the U. S.. PC movement is concerned with multiculturalism movement on campuses and a crisis in American higher education. We intend to make clear what is the PC movement, especially focussing on four aspects; language cleansing, cultural war, politicul struggle or empowerment and integrating nationalities.
三本松 政之 関井 友子
人間科学研究 = Bulletin of Human Science (ISSN:03882152)
vol.16, pp.88-97, 1994-12-01

Political Correctness is a new vogue term in the U. S.. It rejects the traditions of the West and is used to refer to a correct ideological position on matters of race, gender, and sexual orientation. This paper is to describe characteristics of PC movement in the U. S.. PC movement is concerned with multiculturalism movement on campuses and a crisis in American higher education. We intend to make clear what is the PC movement, especially focussing on four aspects; language cleansing, cultural war, politicul struggle or empowerment and integrating nationalities.
杉山 匡
生活科学研究 = Bulletin of Living Science (ISSN:02852454)
no.37, pp.77-87, 2015-03-01

坪田 典子
文教大学国際学部紀要 = Journal of the Faculty of International Studies Bunkyo University (ISSN:09173072)
vol.28, no.1, pp.67-81, 2017-07-31

This paper is a case study of Yonezawa Hiroyasu, lived during the latter half of Meiji era throughTaisho era for Showa era, who had been writing a diary since he had started at the age of 19 until 85,from 1906 to 1972.Imperialist expansion over Korea, China and Asia is a dimension of the modernizing project ofmodern Japan that begins with a semi-colonized status to the position of an imperialist power. Boththe contentious and changing relations among Japan, Korea, China and the West, and Hiroyasu’sexperience that had undergone a change are major focus of this paper.The purpose of this paper is to examine the relationship between the imperial mentality andthe national identity through an analysis of the formation of both his national identity and imperialmentality in modern Japan. This paper also considers his imperial mentality demonstrated in hisgreat interests for protest, imperialism, democracy, and the emperor, taken for a new, plus-valuedideas, views and systems that appears widely in his diary since the 1900s to 1920s.
今井 真士
文教大学国際学部紀要 (ISSN:09173072)
vol.26, no.1, pp.17-32, 2015-07

Historical Institutionalist explanations / Comparative Historical Analysis approaches are inferences about the causes of specific outcomes in particular cases. They are intended to explain outcomes that have already happened, either in the distant past or in the recent past. The goal of the analysis is precisely to explain the specific past occurrences (Mahoney, Kimball, and Koivu 2009: 116). In Historical Institutionalist explanations, political institutions are seen as the developing products of struggle among unequal actors, and are mainly focused on the long-term processes of institutional building, change and thus divergence. In Comparative Historical Analysis approaches, this view is expanded into the one focused on various events including political institutions. While these approaches are developing in comparative politics after the middle of 1990s based on the qualitative methodology, some scholars emphasized on the methodological differences between the qualitative one and the quantitative one, and thus pursued their ontological foundations of philosophy of science (especially biology and complexity science); especially, without proposing empirical and useful methods, they have seen these differences of methodologies as ones of paradigms and scientific views. Recently, however, other scholars have avoided these pedantic arguments of the philosophy of science and thus attempted to propose the logical (but not biological) foundations based on the set theory. In this article, I argue the ontological development of the literature of Historical Institutionalism / Comparative Historical Analysis and focus on the conceptual and terminological change of "contexts". Especially, I compare the usage of "contexts" in the five approaches; critical junctures, institutional evolutions, multiple contexts, critical antecedents, and permissive / productive conditions.
上谷 香陽
文教大学国際学部紀要 = Journal of the Faculty of International Studies (ISSN:09173072)
vol.23, no.1, pp.1-14, 2012-07-01

This paper considers girl zines as feminist alternative media. Girl zines were participatory media produced through grass roots feminist movement in US in 1990s. In following discussion, I review American girl’s cultural creating activities in relation to the history of modernization and industrialization in US and gender norms. In so doing I examine the difference between consumer oriented girl’s “bedroom culture” and girl zine’s culture. Through these considerations, this paper tries to understand the problematic posed by this young feminist movement in the 1990s. Following the study of Stephen Duncombe, Chapter 2 discusses the defi nition of zines, their origin and their main concerns. Chapter 3, following the study of US girl culture by Mary Celest Kearney, locates girl ziens within US history of girl’s cultural creating activities. Chapter4 and 5 analyze the relation between girl zines and feminist movement in US since 1970s. This paper suggests that girl zines don’t simply mean zines made by girls. Rather, they are alternative media for women who demonstrate the unconformity against dominant values in modern society, such as male-centrism, hetero-sexism, white-centrism and consumer capitalism. Based on punk’s DIY ethos and feminism, girl zines challenge mainstream girl culture, “bedroom culture”, which is lead by corporate culture industries. At the same time girl zines are the site where girls explore what does it mean to be an American girl or American woman.
生活科学研究 = Bulletin of Living Science (ISSN:02852454)
vol.20, pp.17-26, 1998-03-01
上谷 香陽
文教大学国際学部紀要 = Journal of the Faculty of International Studies (ISSN:09173072)
vol.25, no.2, pp.1-15, 2015-01-01

This paper reconsiders Yumiko Ehara’s examination on a series of discussions in the Japanese women’s movement since 1970s, to explore sociological implication of the issue raised by her. Through critical investigation into these discussions, Ehara articulated certain kind of diffi culty that might be found out even today in our discussions of social problems about gender inequality. In rereading Ehara’s examination, this paper suggests that change of people’s lifestyle and change of society are related to change of discourses in and through which our everyday life has been organized. In order to produce new discourses, we have to unravel the interconnection of various concepts in our everyday language use activities and reorganize them in a new way. Ehara’s concept of “Kenryoku-sayo” means regulatory power of discourses that prevents us from unraveling and reorganizing such interconnection of concepts related to gender. Based on Ehara’s examination, this paper suggests that such discoursive power not only regulates our everyday life but also is activated in and through our own everyday language use activities.
井上 清子 吉田 敦子
教育学部紀要 = Annual Report of The Faculty of Education (ISSN:03882144)
vol.42, pp.19-26, 2008-12-01

本研究では,ソーシャル・スキルという観点からの児童理解や指導のための一助とするために,児童のソーシャル・スキルの性差を中心とした発達について明らかにすることを目的とした.公立小学校2 校の小学2 年生から6 年生を対象として質問紙調査を行い,706 名(男子350 名,女子356 名)を分析対象とした.その結果,配慮のスキル・関わりのスキルとも,有意に女子の方が高かった.配慮のスキルについては,小学2 年生の時点ですでに女子の方が高く,その後も女子の方が高いスキルを持ち続けていることが示唆された.関わりのスキルについては,配慮のスキルほど,はっきりした性差はみられなかった.男子では,配慮のスキル・関わりのスキルとも,学年群があがることによる有意な変化は見られなかった.女子では,学年群があがるに従って,配慮のスキル・関わりのスキルとも下がる傾向があり,特に高学年では,低・中学年に比べて有意に低かった.
李 永寧
言語と文化 = Language and Culture (ISSN:09147977)
vol.9, pp.136-146, 1997-03-01

Taking the view that the language a person uses when he or she is angry is a key to understanding that person's value system and true character, I will examine the language of abuse available to the native speaker of Chinese and show its connection to the "Chinese spirit."
三本松 政之
人間科学研究 = Bulletin of Human Science (ISSN:03882152)
no.18, pp.13-20, 1996-12-01

The aim of this paper is to analyze of the unequal social treatment of minorities from the Multiculturalsim perspective. Multiculturalism is derived from ethnic, cultural assimilation. The concept is mainly related to ethnic minorities. It suggests the mechanism to exclude minorities and the perspective of social treatments for them. It has many positive aspects to change the position of the people in weakness. But also it is facing their limitations. We need to realize the strength of fragility to constract the new social principle of the majority and minorities.
岡田 斉 萩谷 久美子 石原 俊一 谷口 清 中島 滋
人間科学研究 (ISSN:03882152)
vol.30, pp.87-96, 2009-03-01

Many recent studies have suggested that deficits in dietary-based omega-3 poly unsaturated fatty acids may make an etiological contribution to mood disorders and that supplementation with omega-3 poly unsaturated fatty acids may provide a treatment strategy (Hagg, 2003; Parker, Gibson, Brotchie, Rees, & Handzi-Pavlovic, 2006; Vaddadi, 2006). However, a few studies did examine the relationship between daily food intake and mood disorders. Thus, we surveyed students with regard to these relationships. Two hundred and forty eight university students completed the SDS and eighty item food appetite survey. Results showed that low-depression group tended to favor fish and deep yellow vegetables more than the high-depression group. These results suggest that a preference for fish and deep yellow vegetables relates to depression. Antioxidative effects of these foodstuffs may facilitate antidepressive effects of omega-3 poly unsaturated fatty acids.
中村 博一
生活科学研究 = Bulletin of Living Science (ISSN:02852454)
vol.40, pp.33-42, 2018-03-30

For many Japanese, it seems to be difficult to assume that growing success of Nollywood would be in relation with some “SFX” techniques for mysterious teleport and magical transforming, which resonate so much with the audiences in local contexts. This article examines recent 31 Yoruba Nollywood movies which were selected randomly from the online guide of the AM Yoruba. 22 contents out of the 31 include mysterious or magical scenes and 6 are peculiarly involved with “money rituals”. 9 are without any magical setting and more than half of them focus on domestic problems which are familiar with Japanese audiences. But many contents with magical scenes, too, raise issues for family relationships. The article explores common features and differences between the two kinds of contents and suggests that those movies which contain mysterious settings would dramatize ordinary issues with very localized idioms although they reflect harsh situation or crisis of everyday life.
藤井 仁奈
文学部紀要 = Bulletin of the Faculty of Language and Literature (ISSN:09145729)
vol.26, no.1, pp.1-22, 2012-09-01

坪田 典子
文教大学国際学部紀要 (ISSN:09173072)
vol.17, no.1, pp.29-43, 2006-07

It happened at Fushun, China. After 5 year-sentence to POW Camp at Siberia, northern part of the former Soviet Union, around 1000 Japanese soldiers were sent to Fushun, China as war criminals in 1950. At that time they all stubbornly refused to admit they committed war crimes and pleaded not guilty because they were under the control of the upper command and the rule of the Emperor system of Japan. However, during their stay at Fushun, they themselves made major changes personally. They recognized their war crimes and confessed their sins to Chinese war sufferers. They sincerely apologized to the Chinese for their aggression and all war crimes that they committed. They analyzed their war acts and why they became invaders and committed crimes. They began to live the rest of their lives with a burden of responsibility for their sins, working for peace, anti-war, making better relationships between China and Japan. Using the data from the former Japanese war criminals' stories, I have discussed why they changed thoroughly at Fushun, and analyzed it using the key conception of "judgment" that Hanna Arendt discussed as the key concept in her book of EICHMANN IN JERUSALEM.
椎野 信雄
文教大学国際学部紀要 = Journal of the Faculty of International Studies Bunkyo University (ISSN:09173072)
vol.27, no.2, pp.39-47, 2017-01-31

On May 17 in 1990, WHO resolved to remove the name of homosexuality from ICD-10. In thefield of psychiatry, the recognition that homosexuality is “disease” (disorder, illness or psychosis) haschanged significantly in the past 20 years. The review (discrimination and prejudice) of regardinghomosexuality as perverted, abnormal and unhealthy, has been under review in the general societyas well. Both homosexuality and heterosexuality have been considered as one of ways of humansexuality. WHO declared in 1993 that “homosexuality is not subject to treatment in any sense”.Homosexuality has been progressively depathologized in the international community since the1990 ’s. The 21st century became an era when homosexuality is not regarded as pathological (ill orpsychotic). In this paper, we would like to clarify the location of sexuality problem in the 21st centurysociety by tracing the history of such change.
加藤 一郎
教育学部紀要 = Annual Report of The Faculty of Education (ISSN:03882144)
vol.36, pp.1-16, 2002-12-01

La Internacia Milita Tribunalo en Nurnbergo leĝe bazis sin sur "Ĉarto de la Internacia Milita Tribunalo" kompostita de la venkintaj landoj. Oni kritikis Nurnbergan Tribunalon el diversaj vidpunktoj. En tiu ĉi studo mi volas ekzameni artikolojn de "Ĉarto" kaj rekonsideri diversajn leĝajn problemojn de la Internacia Milita Tribunalo en Nurnbergo.