林 洋輔
一般社団法人 日本体育・スポーツ・健康学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.58, no.2, pp.617-635, 2013 (Released:2013-12-07)

In the present study, an attempt was made to clarify a process of improving bodily movements in the context of physical education, centering on René Descartes' (1596-1650) theory of the passions of the soul. In the study of physical education philosophy, some attempts have been made to reconsider the mind-body relationship proposed by Descartes. To date, however, there has been little discussion about the passion of the soul theory from the viewpoint of an individual's bodily movements. Accordingly, it seems informative to examine a process of changing bodily movements from the philosophical perspective of Descartes.  The passion of desire and wonder, according to Descartes, has a profound influence on bodily movements, because, according to him, if the soul desires anything, the whole body becomes more agile and ready to move than without such desire. Curbing our desire for wonder disposes us to acquire scientific knowledge, thus leading us to achieve a specific aim. So we humans strive to control passion, desire and wonder through reason. Descartes also indicated the effect of habit, which leads us to change our bodily movements. Habits are applied not only in animals, but also humans. Therefore, these should be utilized for changing or improving our bodily movements. In addition, forethought can make our bodily movements more appropriate, because if we take care to be aware of our desire, which is dependent only on us, and seek to gain a goal as a result for it, we can enjoy the passion of joy, which brings pleasant emotion recognized by the soul. Bodily movements can thus change in a series of processes.  More enlightened discussion can ensue by elaborating on Descartes' mind-body theory and the passions of the soul.
久保 正秋
一般社団法人 日本体育・スポーツ・健康学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
pp.17075, (Released:2017-12-08)

This study examined the possibility of regarding Physical Education as “Semantic Generation”. First, the educational theory of Yano was examined, in order to consider the concept of the body. And this study considers the advisable body in the Physical Education as “Semantic Generation”. Second, the special experience of the general physical movement (i.e. “melting into the world”: yokai taiken) was examined. It was argued that the sympathetic and interconnected relationship between one’s own body and that of another (intecorporéité) can give rise to a special experience (yokai taiken). The results of this examination were as follows: 1)Yano claimed that Physical Education was not a means of treating the activity of the body as an educational subject. The body is not a physiological or corporeal object. He considered the living body to have existential identity and that it interacted with the world, and that this type of existence was an essential experience for humans. The body that takes place the special peak experience is hoped in the Physical Education as “Semantic Generation”. 2) The general physical movement of the same body creates a special experience (“melting into the world”: yokai taiken). In the practice of general physical movements, the body schema synchronizes with the movements of others’ bodies. This body schema synchronization represents resonance, sympathy and interaction with the bodies of others: in other words, special experience. 3)The resonant and interactive relationship between an individual body and the bodies of others is known as “intecorporéité”. Behavior matching and interactional synchrony appear in this relationship. This matching and synchrony of bodies deepen interactive mutual understanding. The resonant and interactive movement of the body, for example, creates “the experience of connection by the body”, and this represents the special experience (yokai taiken). 4) Physical Education as “Semantic Generation” can aid in development of educational potential through nurture of the body that creates a special peak experience and resonance, as well as sympathy and interaction with the bodies of others. That is to say, Education in bodily experience of relations between a subject and an object (i.e. “intecorporéité”) is important.
大峰 光博
一般社団法人 日本体育・スポーツ・健康学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.60, no.2, pp.489-495, 2015 (Released:2015-12-18)
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This study investigated trash talk among soccer players, focusing on whether it actually disturbed playing performance and whether the ability to ignore such trash talk was an asset to the game. The “Laws of the Game” of soccer stipulate that any player who uses “offensive, insulting or abusive language and/or gestures” should be dismissed from the field. Therefore, any penalty imposed on players for such behavior can be interpreted as sanctions for prohibited act.   Furthermore, any game in which offensive or insulting remark are used was considered by reference to Kawatani's opinion about excellence and “failed athletic contest”. When a referee penalizes a player appropriately for such behavior, it is suggested that the game has not “failed”. On the other hand, as such behavior is often difficult for a referee to notice, an appropriate penalty is sometimes not administered. Therefore, it is suggested that an offensive or insulting remark is an act that indirectly destroys the ethos of a game. I conclude that the ability to ignore trash talk is not an asset to the game in principle, but that such ability is practically necessary.
船渡 裕太 桜井 伸二
一般社団法人 日本体育・スポーツ・健康学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
pp.16085, (Released:2017-11-02)

The purpose of this study was to identify the relationship between take-off motion and jump distance in medium-hill ski jumping. The subjects were 21 ski jumpers (16 males and 5 females, height: 1.65±0.09 m, weight: 54.6±8.9 kg, age: 19.2±6.8 yr) whose take-off phase on a medium-hill (hill size: 68 m) was filmed with two synchronized high-speed video cameras (200 Hz). The take-off motion was analyzed two-dimensionally in the sagittal plane. The results were as follows:  1) The approach velocity and vertical velocity of the jumper's center of gravity at the instant of release were found to be significantly correlated with jump distance (r=0.768, p<0.01; r=0.775, p<0.01), suggesting that these two parameters are as important for medium-hill as for normal-hill ski jumping.  2) Ski jumpers increased their jump distance by moving their trunk forward with knee joint extension during take-off and by reducing the trunk angle at the instant of release from an initial position in which the lower limb joints were deeply flexed.  3) Stepwise multiple regression analysis showed that (1) the hip angle at the initial position, (2) the knee joint angular velocity at the instant of release, and (3) the horizontal velocity of the trunk relative to the feet at the instant of release were the three significant factors, accounting for 82.3% of the jump distance. The importance of knee joint angular velocity at the instant of release has increased following the recent changes in ski jumping technique and regulations.
中山 紗織 會田 宏
一般社団法人 日本体育・スポーツ・健康学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.64, no.1, pp.285-301, 2019-06-17 (Released:2019-06-25)

This study aimed to clarify the philosophy of children’s handball coaches in Japan and Germany in terms of individual player development, content and methods of training, and game performance. In addition, we compared player development and enhancement between top children’s handball teams from Japan (“Hokuden”: coach, Mr. Tanaka) and Germany (“Leipzig”: coach, Mr. Andrä) by interviewing the coaches and analyzing the teams’ game performances. The main results were as follows: 1) While the philosophy of “individual player development” was to let young players acquire basic skills in handball for both Hokuden and Leipzig, differences were found between Mr. Tanaka’s and Mr. Andrä’s approaches, in that mastering skills was important for Mr. Tanaka, whereas gaining a variety of experiences was important for Mr. Andrä. 2) No significant differences were found in the effectiveness of positional attacks (total goals divided by the total number of attacks in a match), effectiveness of shots (total goals divided by the total number of shots in a match), and percentage of technical errors (total technical errors divided by the total number of attacks in a match), suggesting that there are no characteristic outcomes, even though they play under different rules. 3) In Hokuden, individual roles were divided according to each phase of organized attack and defense, and each player tried to fulfill a role as a part the team, whereas in Leipzig, players tried to solve issues in order to score a goal through the entire phase of organized attack and defense by themselves, suggesting that both coaches focused on “individual player development” but with different target images.
谷川 聡 島田 一志 岩井 浩一 尾縣 貢
一般社団法人 日本体育・スポーツ・健康学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.53, no.1, pp.75-85, 2008-06-30 (Released:2008-09-13)
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Walking, jogging and sprinting occur repeatedly in daily life and also many sports events. The present study was undertaken to clarify whether the different kinematic characteristics of sprinting movements between sprint-skilled athletes and non-athletes are common to the those of walking and running movements. Nine male athletes and eleven untrained male students were asked to perform walking, fast-walking and jogging at set speeds (walking: 1.5 m/s; fast-walking, jogging: 2.4 m/s), and sprinting at maximal speed. Walking, fast-walking and jogging movements were recorded by digital video camera and sprinting movement by high-speed video camera. Kinematic variables obtained from video analysis were compared between two groups and within each group. Double support time of fast-walking and contact time of jogging and sprinting were significantly shorter in athletes. Minimal knee angles in jogging and sprinting were significantly larger, and knee angular displacements and hip angle at left foot contact in fast-walking, jogging and sprinting were significantly smaller in athletes. Touch down distances were significantly shorter in all movements and right hip joint angle was small at right foot contact in fast walking, jogging and sprinting. Leg scissors movement was a characteristic of athletes. During the support phase, non-athletes tended to flex not only the knee joint but also the hip joint at foot contact, while athletes tended to keep on extending hip and knee joints. These results suggest that differences exist between two groups and that there are common characteristics of the movements in each group, which could be technically significant from a coaching viewpoint.
村田 優太郎 竹田 唯史 近藤 雄一郎
一般社団法人 日本体育・スポーツ・健康学会
vol.71, 2021

<p>モーグルスキーとは、2つのジャンプとコブの滑走において、ターン点、エアー点、スピード点の合計点数を競う競技である。モーグル競技に関する研究は少なく、竹田ら(2011)は、バンクーパーオリンピック女子モーグル決勝におけるタイム分析を報告している。そこで、本研究では、日本で開催されたワールドカップにおける決勝出場者のタイム・技術分析を行うことを目的とする。</p><p> 研究方法は、1)FISフリースタイルスキーワールドカップ秋田たざわ湖大会男子モーグル第1戦(2020年2月22日、たざわ湖スキー場)を対象とし、1〜6位までをスーパーファイナル群、7〜16位までを決勝群として、二群における滑走タイム、スピード点、エアー点、ターン点、合計点の平均値と標準偏差を求め比較した。平均値の差の検定には、対応のないt検定によって行い、有意水準は5%未満とした。また、当該大会に出場し27位となった筆者の各得点との比較を行った。2)1〜3位の選手、および筆者のビデオ映像を用いて各セッションにおける滑走タイムを算出した。各セクションの区分は、「トップセクション」、「第1エアー」、「ミドルセクション」、「第2エアー」、「ボトムセクション」とした。3)1〜3位の選手と筆者の滑りのビデオ映像に基づき、技術分析を行い、これらによって筆者の技術的課題を明らかにした。</p><p> 分析の結果、スーパーファイナル群と決勝群のエアー点、ターン点、総合得点において有意な差がみられた(p<0.01)。このことから、決勝群がスーパーファイナルに進出するためには、エアー点とターン点の向上が重要であることが示唆された。タイム分析の結果、筆者は、上位3選手を比較すると、主に第一セクションのタイムが遅いということが明らかになった。また、エアーの選択、ミドルセクションにおける後傾姿勢によるターンの乱れなどの技術的課題も明らかになった。</p>
曽我 芳枝
一般社団法人 日本体育・スポーツ・健康学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.67, pp.67-78, 2022 (Released:2022-02-05)

The present study, based on a literature review, was conducted to clarify the role of music in the development of modern physical education in Japan by focusing on the relationship between physical education and musical accompaniment, as exemplified by light gymnastics at the Taiso Denshu Jo (National School of Gymnastics), which were introduced with the aim of establishing modern school physical education. The results obtained were as follows. 1. G.A. Leland and gymnastics instructors believed that performing gymnastics with musical accompaniment would be very effective, based on the gymnastics books “Shinsentaisousyo” and “Shinseitaisouhou”. 2. It appears that Clara Matsuno was actually hired as a part-time employee specializing in gymnastics accompaniment until the Taiso Denshu Jo became attached to the Tokyo Normal School. 3. From the records of the “Ongaku Torishirabe Gakari Jidai Bunshotsuzuri” (Documentary Files on the Research and Musical Educational Institution) held by Tokyo University of the Arts, it seems that Watson's gymnastics book was used at the Taiso Denshu Jo. 4. From the above records, it became clear that G.A. Leland recommended that Japanese samurai descendants should sing exercises songs from an early age in order to strengthen their bodies because of their weak lungs. 5. The above records revealed that tuning repair and rental of gymnastics pianos were often carried out. This suggests that a lot of gymnastics practice was performed with piano accompaniment at the Taiso Denshu Jo.
永見 智行 木村 康宏 彼末 一之 矢内 利政
一般社団法人 日本体育・スポーツ・健康学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
pp.16021, (Released:2016-08-29)
4 5

In this study, we analyzed the kinematic characteristics of various types of baseball pitches by elite baseball pitchers, and tested a null hypothesis that “no type of pitch has the same kinematic characteristics as another.”  A high-speed video camera was used to record the initial trajectory of the pitched ball thrown by 84 skilled baseball pitchers. Each pitcher was asked to throw all the different types of pitch he would use in competition and practice, and to self-declare the type of pitch used for each throw. The kinematic characteristics of each pitched ball were analyzed as ball speed, the direction of the spin axis, and the spin rate. A custom-made device was used to analyze the direction of the spin axis and the spin rate, and the ball speed was measured with a radar gun. One-way ANOVA with the Games-Howell post hoc test was used to test the hypothesis.  The total of 364 pitches were categorized into 11 self-declared pitch types. Four of 10 pitch types thrown by more than one pitcher - the four-seam fastball, slider, curveball and cutter - had unique kinematic characteristic distinct from all of the other pitch types. No significant differences were found in any of the kinematic parameters between 1) changeup and sinker, 2) forkball and split-fingered fastball, and 3) two-seam fastball and shoot ball. Therefore, the hypothesis was retained for these three pairs of pitch types: although they were kinematically similar, the pitchers categorized them as different types.  When the breaking ball was compared with the four-seam fastball, they were classifiable into three types: 1) pitches with a slower ball speed and lower spin rate with a different direction of spin axis (changeup, sinker, forkball and split-fingered fastball), 2) pitches with a slower ball speed, different direction of the spin axis and a spin rate comparable to the four-seam fastball (slider, curveball and cutter), and 3) pitches with a comparable ball speed, similar spin axis direction, and lower spin rate (two-seam fastball and shoot ball). These data revealed that the kinematic characteristics of some pitch types are quite different from those described in baseball coaching handbooks.
内藤 景 苅山 靖 宮代 賢治 山元 康平 尾縣 貢 谷川 聡
一般社団法人 日本体育・スポーツ・健康学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
pp.13012, (Released:2013-08-27)

The purpose of this study was to clarify the step characteristics during the acceleration phase (0-30 m) of a 100-m sprint with reference to the step-type of sprinters. Fifty-nine male collegiate sprinters (season best time: 10.68±0.22 s) were recorded running in 100-m races using 10 high-speed video cameras (300 fps). The step variables, such as step-frequency (SF), step-length (SL), contact time, and flight time of each step in the acceleration phase (0-30 m) and maximum speed phase (30-60 m) were calculated. Cluster analysis was used to classify the subjects according to step-type as indicators for the ratio of SF and SL in the 30-60 m section. In addition, each of the step-type groups was divided into two sub-groups (good and poor sprinters) according to the mean speed in the 30-60 m section. The main results were as follows: (1) Sprinters were classifiable into three step-type groups; SL-type (n=22), SF-type (n=24), and Mid-type (n=13). (2) Among these groups, there were no differences in the 100-m race times and mean speeds during the 0-30, 30-60, and 60-100 m sections, although SL-type sprinters were taller and had a higher SLindex than SF-type sprinters. SF-type sprinters took a larger numbers of steps over the 100-m distance and showed a higher SFindex than SL-type and Mid-type sprinters. (3) In the 0-30 m and 30-60 m sections, the contact and flight times of SL-type sprinters were longer than those of SF-type sprinters. (4) In SL-type sprinters, the SF of good sprinters was higher than that of poor sprinters at the 5th step, and the SL of good sprinters was longer than that of poor sprinters from the 7th to 15th steps, and in the 30-60 m section. (5) SF-type sprinters showed no significant differences in the SL, but the SF of good sprinters was higher than that of poor sprinters from the 7th to 16th steps and in the 30-60 m section. These results indicate that there are differences in step characteristics during the acceleration phase according to step-type, and that the step characteristics during the acceleration phase may affect the acceleration ability needed to develop a maximum sprint speed. These findings could be useful for devising training methods for improvement of 100-m sprint performance according to step-type.
崎田 嘉寛 寳學 淳郎 藤坂 由美子 近藤 剛 田邊 圭子 津内 香
一般社団法人 日本体育・スポーツ・健康学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.66, pp.311-326, 2021 (Released:2021-05-20)

The purpose of this study was to acquire historical insights into women’s football in prewar Japan. The study had 2 specific aims: 1) to analyze the origin and development of women’s football in Japan through information gathered at higher educational institutions for women (The Girls’ Higher Normal School, Nara Women’s Higher Normal School, Japan Women’s College, Tokyo Women’s School of Gymnastics and Music) and 2) to analyze the growth of women’s football using information collected at public high schools for girls. To achieve this, the historical records of 422 school were reviewed. To address the first question, it was investigated whether instruction and guidance were available at higher educational institutions for women, and whether football was an extra-curricular activity. The data suggested that while football might have been taught both as part of the regular curriculum and as an extra-curricular activity, none of the institutions played a key role in the shift from casual to competitive play or in the growth of football throughout Japan. Analysis of the expansion of football revealed that, of the 286 girls’ public high schools surveyed, 53 offered football; these institutions were broadly distributed from Kyushu to Hokkaido. Evidence of women’s football was confirmed from 1902 to 1940, most instances being in the Taisho era (1912–26), followed by the Meiji era (1868–1912) and the Showa era up to 1945 (1926–45). Football was played mostly during free time and athletic meetings, but it was also sometimes played during class, as a club activity, and during excursions. In some cases, football was played regularly and school competitions were held; however, there were no confirmed examples of inter-school competitions. The involvement of instructors, uniforms, equipment, and rules at the 53 schools was established. The data suggest that instructors, including principals, were involved to some extent, and that football was made more accessible by the provision of appropriate uniforms and equipment. There were mixed results for rules; in some cases, football was played casually with relaxed rules, while in other cases, female students played more competitively and organized association football like their male counterparts. This study is significant in being the first attempt to empirically examine the history of women’s football in Japan.
山口 裕士 笠次 良爾 仲井 志文 立 正伸
一般社団法人 日本体育・スポーツ・健康学会
日本体育・スポーツ・健康学会予稿集 第71回(2021) (ISSN:24367257)
pp.321, 2021 (Released:2021-12-28)

【目的】投球動作の反復による、後期コッキング期から加速期における骨盤回旋運動の変化を明らかにすることを目的とした。【対象と方法】大学生野球投手6名(右投手3名、左投手3名)を対象とした。対象の年齢は 21.2±1.6 歳、身長は171.3±6.3cm、体重は 67.2±5.1kgである。10球10セット(計100 球)の投球を投球間隔15秒、セット間に3分間の休憩を取り行わせた。光学式三次元動作解析システム(Mac3D、Motion Analysis 社製)を用いて、1セット目(1~10球目の平均値)と10セット目(91~100球目の平均値)の投球動作の変化を検討した。【結果】後期コッキング期から加速期においての骨盤の回旋角度は、1セット目79.7±8.4(°)、10セット目72.9±11.6(°)であり、有意に低下した(p< 0.05)。また、骨盤の回旋角速度は、1セット目585.4±52.4(°/s)、10セット目530.1±60.1(°/s)であり、有意に低下した(p< 0.01)。球速と上胴の回旋運動に有意な変化は無かった。【考察】1 セット目と 10 セット目で骨盤の回旋運動が有意に低下したことから、投球動作の反復によって、安定した骨盤の回旋運動を行うために必要な筋力や可動域が低下した可能性が考えられる。また、骨盤の回旋運動の低下は、運動連鎖の破綻に繋がり、代償的に体幹回旋運動や肩関節水平屈曲運動を強めて、肩関節外旋運動を誘発することが報告されている(宮下.2012)。本研究では、骨盤の回旋運動が低下したにも関わらず、上胴の回旋運動と球速に有意な変化が認められなかったことから、骨盤の回旋運動低下を胸椎の回旋で代償したと考えられる。【結論】投球動作の反復により、後期コッキング期から加速期においての骨盤の回旋角度と回旋角速度が有意に低下した。
中川 宏 橋本 不二雄 岡本 昌夫 八木田 恭輔 西河 光雄
一般社団法人 日本体育・スポーツ・健康学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.22, no.3, pp.153-160, 1977-09-25 (Released:2017-09-27)

The training effects of bench press on the arm and shoulder muscles were electromyographically examined. The subjects used in the experiment were six helthy young males and the muscles examined were the lateral and long heads of m. triceps brachii, the sternocostal portion of m. pectoralis major and the anterior portion of m. deltoideus. The EMG recordings were made with a 4 channel electroencephalograph (Nihon-Koden Inst. Co., Ltd.) utilizing surface electrodes, 10 mm in diameter. The training was performed twice a week and continued for six months. During the training period, the electromyographic recordings and the measurements of the extension strength at the elbow joint and the flexion strength at the shoulder joint were taken once a month. The results obtained were summarized as follows: 1)All subjects showed no visible changes in the discharge patterns of the lateral head of m. triceps brachii and the sternocostal portion of m. pectralis major throughout the training period. 2)The discharge patterns of the long head of m. triceps brachii and the anterior portion of m. deltoideus varied among the six subjects and were classified into three different types. Type A: The first two subjects showed the co-active discharges in the long head of m. triceps brachii and the anterior portion of m. deltoideus. Type B: In the next subjects, the discharge of the long head of m. triceps brachii appeared at the latter half period of the bench press motion. Type C: The discharge patterns of the last two subjects shifted from type A to type B during the training. When the maximum weight was loaded, however, the subjects in type C showed the similar discharge pattern to that of type A. 3)In type A and type C, the extension strength at the elbow joint, the flexion strengh at the shoulder joint and the maximum weight of the barbell for one-bout lift increased up to 132%-165%, 150%-184% and 147%-173% of the control, respectively. 4)In spite of little or no increase in the extension strength at the elbow joint and only 2 to 16% increase in the flexion strength at the shoulder joint. the subjects in type B showed 33 to 48% increase in the maximum weight of barbell for one-bout lift. 5)The decrease in the electrical discharges of the muscles at the minimum (16kg) and the light (31 or 36kg) loads observed during the training period might be due to the increase in the contractile force of the muscles at the level of individual motor unit.
江藤 真生子
一般社団法人 日本体育・スポーツ・健康学会
vol.71, 2021

<p>本研究の目的は、ICTを活用したマイクロティーチングの実践における小学校教員志望学生の授業力量(教授技術・TPACK:Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge)を事例的に明らかにすることである。</p><p>調査は、国立教員養成系大学教育学部の教科の指導法に関する科目を受講した学生(22名)を対象とした。当該科目におけるICTを活用したマイクロティーチングの実践を分析した。学生は、運動領域ごとにグループを編成し、各グループでICTを用いる場面の設定や使用する動画の作成などの準備を経て、ICTを活用したマイクロティーチングを行った。マイクロティーチングの実践をVTR撮影し、教師役の学生(各グループ代表1名)の教授技術をテクスト化した。テクスト化した学生の教授技術を、体育授業における教師行動(高橋ら、1991)に分類した。また、マイクロティーチングの実践に対して、理解度と適切性の観点から児童役の学生による評価を行った。さらに、学習指導案と授業後の省察の記述の記録から、TPACK(Koehler and Mishra,2009)に相当する内容を抽出した。</p><p>実践されたマイクロティーチングは、以下の通りとなった。すべてのマイクロティーチングの場面は、鈴木(2019)が示す活動提示場面であった。活動提示場面は、手本の動きの動画を見たり、学習者の動きのイメージをつかませたりすることをねらいとした場面であった。学生が活用した機器は、PC(パワーポイント)、タブレット端末(iPad)、大型提示装置であった。それぞれの機器の操作と共に、分析的発問、説明、励ましといった教授技術がみられた。また、TPACKに関する領域の知識が抽出された。なお、詳細は当日に発表する。</p>
野口 亜弥
一般社団法人 日本体育・スポーツ・健康学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.66, pp.809-825, 2021 (Released:2021-11-27)

“Sport for Development and Peace” (SDP) is a concept that has become widespread in the 21st century. In 2014, the Japanese government started the “Sport for Tomorrow” project as an international contribution and strengthened its cooperation with the ASEAN region. However, SDP has received many criticisms regarding “recolonization”. When tackling gender issues, there is a contradiction in promoting sports that embody male superiority and heterosexism (Saavedra, 2009). Thailand is both a collective society and a feminine society (Hofstead et al., 2010). Traditionally, women and men have been treated equally, but motherhood is a valued role of women, and various forms of sexual expression have become socially acceptable (Hanami, 1995; Sinnot, 2004; Thawaeesit, 2004). Gender norms that differ from the West have been observed in Thai society. Although the Thai government has integrated sports as a national strategy, its understanding of sports as a tool for fostering gender equality remains unclear. Therefore, this research was conducted to investigate the gender norms observed in sports by sports-related policymakers in Thailand, and the way in which sports-related policymakers perceive the role of sports in achieving gender equality in Thailand? Applying phenomenological and case study approaches, data were collected via government-published documents and semi-structured interviews with 5 policymakers. The data were analyzed using phenomenological coding. Although sports policymakers recognized fundamental gender equality, they tended to assume male superiority in sports, and strong heterosexism was observed. Female athletes were still expected to be good wives and mothers in order to maintain Thai femininity. Girls’ participation in sports was affected by parental attitudes because of Thailand’s strong seniority culture. Sports policymakers recognized that sports could expand women’s education opportunities because athletes gain advantages in entering a university and even in obtaining scholarships. The present findings suggest that sports policymakers in Thailand fail to recognize structural gender inequality in sports. In Thailand’s collective and feminine culture, reconsideration of expected roles in the family could fully liberate women, allowing them access to sports as an entry point for social inclusion. Additionally, if the only gender equality role of sport is seen as expanding education opportunities, then this suggests that sports policymakers may lack a comprehensive grasp of gender issues.
瀧川 寛子 田内 健二
一般社団法人 日本体育・スポーツ・健康学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.65, pp.595-606, 2020 (Released:2020-10-13)

The purpose of this study was to investigate whether gender differences in motion factors affect throwing record in the javelin throw. Data on javelin throwing motion were collected from 91 male and 81 female right-handed javelin throwers covering a wide range of levels during several competitions (including the gold medalist at the 2007 IAAF World Championships in Osaka). The throwers and javelin movements were recorded with 2 cameras at 60 fps, and three-dimensional coordinates were calculated using Direct Linear Transformation (DLT). The throwing motion timing points examined were the final right foot contact (R-on), the left foot contact (L-on), and the release of the javelin (REL). Moreover, the period between R-on and L-on was considered the preparatory phase, and that between L-on and REL the throwing phase. The main results were as follows: (1) Females showed a slower center of gravity velocity than males at all time points. (2) At L-on, females showed greater left rotation of the shoulder and hip angle (in the trunk open state). (3) The shoulder rotation angle of females at L-on showed a significant positive correlation with the throwing record. These results suggest that the characteristics of throwing motion in females differ from those of males. The torso of female javelin throwers showed greater left rotation than that of males in the preparatory phase, suggesting that there are gender differences of motion factors in the javelin throw. These may be attributable to gender differences in physique, muscle strength, and joint laxity.
荒井 弘和 中村 友浩
一般社団法人 日本体育・スポーツ・健康学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.54, no.1, pp.213-219, 2009-06-30 (Released:2009-11-05)
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The present study was aimed at exploring the barriers and facilitators of physical activity and exercise among the parents of children with intellectual disabilities. A qualitative study related to barriers and facilitators was conducted on 42 parents of children with intellectual disabilities through an open-ended questionnaire. Content analysis was performed by the KJ method (Kawakita, 1970), i.e., the barriers and facilitators of physical activity and exercise, by eight members. Consequently, 58 responses as barriers and 46 responses as facilitators were reported. Through the KJ method, nine items were categorized as barriers, and 10 as facilitators. In specific terms, the following items were categorized as barriers: “Too busy,” “Bad physical condition,” “To have to care for one's family,” “Not enough psychological status,” “Bad weather,” “Insufficient information,” “Not economically viable,” “Nowhere to exercise and conduct physical activity,” and “Nobody to do it with.” The following items were categorized as facilitators: “To have people to do it with,” “A good environment and weather,” “Time,” “To enhance one's athletic performance,” “To be fun,” “To have a goal,” “To feel good,” “Not to have care-giving obligations,” and “To have already paid for membership fees.” The results of our study show that the parents of children with intellectual disability should utilize their family members not as a barrier but as a facilitator. The results of this study are expected to be used as basic data to support parents' physical activity and exercise behavior.