安永 明智 谷口 幸一 徳永 幹雄
一般社団法人 日本体育・スポーツ・健康学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.47, no.2, pp.173-183, 2002-03-10 (Released:2017-09-27)
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鈴木 秀人
一般社団法人 日本体育・スポーツ・健康学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.66, pp.409-427, 2021

Hirobumi Daimatsu was a legendary sports coach in Japan, especially after coaching the Japanese women's national volleyball team ("the Oriental Witches") that won the World Championship in 1962 and the gold medal in the 1964 Tokyo Olympic Games.<br> He was famous for his extreme training methods and had a great influence on coaching methodologies for Japanese sports as a whole. Although many studies have examined his way of thinking from various perspectives, the relationship between his war experiences and his approach to coaching has not been analyzed sufficiently. The present study aimed to examine how Daimatsu's first-hand war experiences ("keiken") developed into his coaching beliefs ("taiken"), focusing specifically on a theory created by Yoshida that war veterans' understanding of their experiences had been changing over time from when they re-entered society and grew older. Yoshida made this transformation clear by referring to 5 periods since the end of the Second World War in 1945.<br> Firstly, many demobilized soldiers including Daimatsu had to face civilians who hated the Japanese military just after defeat. They lost their morale, from 1945 to around 1950 could not talk about the military or the War. Secondly, even after former professional officers and wartime politicians had been rehabilitated, the veterans themselves still found it difficult to positively address some topics related to the War in the 1950s.<br> Thirdly, the generation that had experienced the War who shouldered the responsibility of reconstruction from the destruction and devastation gradually gained confidence and became able to talk about their wartime experiences. Some of them discovered a positive meaning in their own experiences on the battlefield from the late 1950s to the late 1960s. Daimatsu was a typical example of the third period because he spoke clearly about the positive meaning of his war experiences.<br> Penultimately, in the 1970s and 1980s, that generation of Japanese became able to accept the responsibility for the War, especially in Asia, and to gradually acknowledge the negative aspects of their experiences. Finally, in the 1990s, a small number of survivors chose to disclose tragic stories that had not come to light previously.<br> Thus, Daimatsu was only one of a generation that had experienced the War and who became recognized as a spokesman for many of that generation who held common feelings.
秋山 央 中川 昭 都澤 凡夫
一般社団法人 日本体育・スポーツ・健康学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.54, no.2, pp.381-398, 2009-12-10 (Released:2010-02-13)

The aim of this study was to enhance the game performance of player S, the setter for the Ts University men's volleyball team, who was having problems with respect to “using combination attacks purposefully to limit the number of blocks by the opposition”-which is one of the main responsibilities of the setter-by using the “Performance Evaluation Criteria for Setters”. In order to achieve this aim, we analyzed the game performance of player S for the fall season. Based on this analysis, we derived some goals for improvement that were required for combination attack setting.Next, we worked on theoretical issues in player S's game in the light of what we had clarified. This corrected combination attack setting method was then put into practice in the fall season league games. We then examined the game performance of player S in the fall and spring seasons, and compared the results. This analysis showed that, when setting for combination attacks, those in which the hitters do not cross paths and where the setter was in the front row with only two front row hitters had a significantly higher rate of compliance with the evaluation criteria in the fall season than in the spring season. It therefore followed that there was a significant increase in the rate of compliance with the evaluation criteria for all combination attacks. As a result, it can be concluded that this study's aim of improving the game performance of player S with respect to “using combination attacks purposefully to limit the number of blocks by the opposition,” using the “Performance Evaluation Criteria for Setters”, was successful.
坂本 将基 高柳 暁斗 安東 大輔
一般社団法人 日本体育・スポーツ・健康学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.69, pp.1-16, 2024 (Released:2024-02-06)

This study investigated the characteristics of visual behavior in skilled kendoists while judging the validity of strikes. A total of 19 expert and 19 novice kendoists were asked to judge the validity of strikes for men (head armor), do (side trunk covered by a stomach and chest protector), or kote (lower forearm covered by a gauntlet). Simultaneously, the participants' eye movements were recorded at 30 Hz, and the location at which their gaze was directed was identified. Additionally, the pupil area was calculated for each frame. Both expert and novice kendoists focused on the striker's shinai (bamboo sword) during the phase from 900 ms to 600 ms before striking, and on the site struck during the phase from the moment of striking to 300 ms after striking. However, during the phase from 600 ms before the strike to just before the strike, the experts tended to switch their gaze from the strikefur's shinai to the striking site earlier than the novices. Furthermore, the pupil areas of the experts were correlated with their years of experience in judging the validity of a strike to the men. The gaze behavior specific to expert kendoists, such as observing the striking area during the phase just before striking while exhibiting intense scrutiny, may be related to their superior ability to judge the validity of strikes.
角田 憲治 永田 康喜 神藤 隆志 北濃 成樹 大藏 倫博
一般社団法人 日本体育・スポーツ・健康学会
日本体育・スポーツ・健康学会予稿集 第73回(2023) (ISSN:24367257)
pp.240, 2023 (Released:2023-12-01)

加齢に伴い、歩行や自転車による活動的移動が特異的に減少することが知られている。自転車は、歩行よりも広範囲の移動を可能とし、膝等の関節への負担も少ない。本邦は、高齢者であっても、そのほとんどが自転車の乗車技術を持っている希少な国であり、交通網が脆弱な中山間地域では、自転車は高齢者の生活を支える移動手段となっている。本研究では、中山間地域在住高齢者を対象に、二時点の郵送調査と、市データベースに基づく追跡調査により、自転車の継続的利用の重要性を要介護化および死亡リスクの低減という観点から検証する。茨城県笠間市における二時点の郵送調査(2013年と2017年)の両方で、自転車利用について回答が得られた3633名の高齢者を対象に、市データベースを用いて要介護1以上の認定と死亡の状況を2021年まで追跡した。Cox回帰分析を用い、年齢、性、学歴、経済状況、同居有無、BMI、各種既往、ストレス度、外出頻度、主移動手段としての車利用有無、中高強度活動量を調整した。欠損値は多重代入法により補完した。追跡の結果、二時点における継続的な自転車利用者は、一貫した未利用者に比べて、有意に低い要介護化リスク(HR=0.75, 95% CI=0.58―0.98)および死亡リスク(HR=0.57, 95% CI=0.40―0.81)を示した。一方、自転車利用の中止、開始については、リスク低減と有意な関連を認めなかった。また、補足として行った一時点(2013年)の自転車利用量(分/週)に基づく分析では、両アウトカムと有意な関連を認めなかった。高齢者における継続的な自転車利用は、要介護化および死亡のリスク低減と関連するが、利用中止や開始ではこのような関連は認められないことがわかった。また、一時的な利用状況の評価では、このような関連性は検出できないため、複数回にわたって行動を評価することの重要性が確認された。
山際 大雅 村山 敏夫 栗原 裕佳 西田 唯人
一般社団法人 日本体育・スポーツ・健康学会
日本体育・スポーツ・健康学会予稿集 第73回(2023) (ISSN:24367257)
pp.473, 2023 (Released:2023-12-01)

久保 正秋
一般社団法人 日本体育・スポーツ・健康学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.58, no.1, pp.243-256, 2013 (Released:2013-06-08)
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This study examines the temporality of the experience of sports movements. First, it makes a quantitative comparison of sports based on Nakai's argument, and discusses how qualitative objects of sports movements are transformed into quantitative objects through quantitative comparison. Second, this study considers the objective and quantitative time in sports and argues the relationship between the means and the end. Finally, this study discusses the subjective and qualitative recognition of time in sports and the experience of sports movements as “semantic generation.”The results of this examination were as follows: 1)  Sports are indicated as quantitative concepts such as scores and records. These quantitative aspects of sports are compared quantitatively according to the elements of competition in sports. Sports movements are also measured and analyzed quantitatively based on quantitative comparisons. Even qualitative aspects of sports movements such as kinesthesises of players can be transformed into quantitative data. 2)  The tendency for quantitative transformation reflects the recognition of time in sports. Both objective and quantitative time are important. Time proceed continuously in a straight line from the present to the future. The present time becomes the means to an end (the future). Similarly, sports movements become a means to an end. The results of sports movements (i.e. the future) such as scores, records and winning, or health and socialization, are more important than practice of sports movements (the present). 3)  Differences in time recognition exist in sports. The subjective and qualitative recognition of time is called vertical time. For vertical time, the moment of practicing sport (the present) is essential and is not a means to an end (the future). In the moment of sports movements, physical experience as “semantic generation” arises.This study concludes that the physical experience as “semantic generation” in the moment of sports movements (the present) is the essence of sports. However, this qualitative experience of sports movements is likely to be a means to an end (the future). Because qualitative aspects of sports movements are transformed into quantitative aspects, they are at all times dependent on the element of competition in sports.
山田 理恵
一般社団法人 日本体育・スポーツ・健康学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.34, no.1, pp.15-30, 1989-06-01 (Released:2017-09-27)

The purpose of this paper was to clarify the influnce of the activities of German war-prisoners in the Bando P.O.W. (prisoner of war) Camp on the development of sport and physical education in Tokushima where the Camp was located. The historical materials used for this paper were collected mainly from newspapers and "Keibi-Keisatsukan-Hokokusho" which was a report on the German prisoners' life in the Bando P.O.W. Camp written by Japanese police sergeants. The findings of this study were summarized as follows: Students and teachers of some elementary and secondary schools went to see German prisoners, activities such as Turnen, football, tennis, and hockey. And several prisoners visited schools to coach them for Turnen. In "German war-prisoners' variety show", German prisoners introduced their Turnen and sport activities such as gymnastics, wrestling, boxing, weight lifting and dance to students and people in Tokushima. "Japan Martial Arts Association Tokushima Branch" set up "Meeting for the Study of German Martial Arts" and invited eleven German prisoners to perform wrestling, boxing and fencing matches. Then the Association sent two Japanese members to the Camp to do further study of those activities. This friendly communications with people of Tokushima which was brought from the German war-prisoners' Turnen and sport activities gave a significant influence on sports in Tokushima, and this fact should not be neglected in the consideration of the history of sport and physical education in Japan.
比留間 浩介 尾縣 貢
一般社団法人 日本体育・スポーツ・健康学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.56, no.1, pp.201-213, 2011 (Released:2011-07-08)
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The purpose of this study was to investigate the characteristics of physical fitness in baseball pitchers and infielders focusing on variations in power output ability and stretch-shortening cycle (SSC) ability in field tests. Twenty-five male university pitchers and 22 university infielders participated. They performed five kinds of jumping (Standing triple jump (STJ), Standing double leg triple jump (SDTJ), Standing long jump (SLJ), Counter movement jump (CMJ), 5 rebound jumps (RJ)), and five kinds of medicine ball throw (Overhead throw (OT), Back throw (BT), Push of upper limb (Push), Shoulder horizontal adduction (SHA) and Twist of trunk throw (Twist)). Push, SHA and Twist were performed purely concentrically (concentric throw: CT) and with SSC movement (rebound throw: RT). These powers were assessed using the Throw index (Tauchi et al., 2006), and pre-stretch augmentations (Walshe et al., 1996) were calculated. It was found that: 1) OT, BT and SDTJ in pitchers were significantly higher than in infielders, and that there were significant correlations between pitched ball speed and OT, BT, and SDTJ. 2) Push RT-index and Push CT-index in infielders were significant higher than in pitchers, and significant correlations were found between thrown ball speed, batted ball speed and Push RT-index and Push CT-index in infielders. 3) SHA augmentation in infielders was significantly higher than in pitchers, and there was a significant correlation between thrown ball speed and SHA augmentation in infielders. 4) Twist of trunk power did not differ between pitchers and fielders. These results indicate that baseball pitchers and infielders obtain different physical fitness characteristics through the differences in their movement forms and required abilities.
宮地 美帆 山崎 朱音 片岡 千恵
一般社団法人 日本体育・スポーツ・健康学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.66, pp.551-559, 2021 (Released:2021-08-18)

In recent years, a number of health issues among adolescents in Japan have become highlighted. One of the major issues in school health is thinness among high school girls. Thinness is closely related to low energy intake, which can lead to menstrual dysfunction and low bone density. It is important to acknowledge these issues as health disorders that are specific to girls, and to consider measures for their prevention. The purpose of this study was to clarify the current situation of health disorders specific to high school girls, and to examine their level of awareness about them. Between March 2018 and February 2019, we conducted a self-administered questionnaire survey targeting 1,551 high school girls from 10th to 12th grade in 32 schools across 7 prefectures. This revealed that 18.7% of the girls were classified as “thin” based on Body Mass Index. In addition, many girls (more than half) had one or more signs of low energy intake, menstrual dysfunction, and history of stress fracture. The survey indicated signs of health disorders specific female high school students, suggesting that this is an important issue that needs to be addressed. The results also indicated that knowledge regarding health disorders was insufficient, as the overall correct answer rate was 50% or less. This was partly related to the presence or absence of health disorders specific to girls. In the future, it will be necessary to clarify the relevant factors that ought to be considered for comprehensive education designed to prevent health disorders specific to girls.
久保 正秋
一般社団法人 日本体育・スポーツ・健康学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.54, no.1, pp.183-196, 2009-06-30 (Released:2009-11-05)
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This study examined the value of experience of sports movements. First, it examined the social significance of sports movements based on Lenk's argument, as well as that of sports movements themselves on the basis of Yano's article. Second, we considered the practice of sports movements as a physical experience from the viewpoint of “semantic generation.” Finally, we argued the value of sports movements as a physical experience.The conclusions of the study were as follows:1) Sports movements are “integrated into socially institutionalized and restricted frameworks” (Lenk) and “interpreted as an expression of one's own accomplishment within a conventionalized framework” (Lenk) so that sports movements have value in terms of socialization.2) However, based on Bateson's theory of cybernetics-which suggests that the world consists of three parts: the individual system, the social system, and the ecosystem-sports movements also have intrinsic value as a physical experience. Humans are confined to the individual and social systems every day, but can become part of the ecosystem through the physical experience associated with sports movements.3) Sports movements are rule-bound, physical, and burdened by goal orientation. Being limited by rules disrupts everyday movement (thanatos), while goal orientation brings the resolution into the ecosystem at the instant of achievement (which is experienced as eros). Thus, the values of sports movements can be explained.This study concluded that the value of experiencing sports movements is to bring individuals into connection with the world (ecosystem). However, experience of sports movements is likely to result in transformation from the hyper-social experience into the social experience, as sports movements are integrated into the socially institutionalized setting.
鈴木 健介 浅井 武 平嶋 裕輔 中山 雅雄
一般社団法人 日本体育・スポーツ・健康学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.66, pp.261-275, 2021 (Released:2021-04-29)

In soccer, as the number of goals determines victory or defeat, the top priority of soccer attacks is to score goals. In many competitions, more than 70% of goals are scored by shooting from within the penalty area (PA). Thus, entering the PA is an important factor in scoring goals to win games and advance in a tournament. However, as no previous research has analyzed in detail attacking play involving entry into the PA, players are unable to receive effective coaching. Focusing on the group stage of the 2014 FIFA World Cup, the present study compared attacking play into the PA between top-ranked teams that advanced (top teams) and lower-ranked teams that were defeated and did not advance (lower teams) in order to identify the characteristics and differences of the two groups. Samples were obtained from all 48 games played in the tournament at this stage. For statistical analysis, the unpaired t test and c2 test were used. No significant inter-group differences were found in the number of attacks or entering the PA and the number of shots, but the top teams had higher success rates in shooting and attacking, suggesting that they had excellent finishers or created better shooting situations. With regard to movements for receiving passes by players who entered the PA, the top teams showed a higher frequency of moving from the outside to the inside of the PA and receiving passes there, suggesting that their players received the ball as they moved toward the PA. Moreover, compared to the players of lower teams, they received passes inside the PA when no opposition defenders were in the attacking direction. These findings suggest that players of top teams evaded marking by opponents by receiving the ball while moving toward the PA. Furthermore, since top teams had higher scoring rates when their players dribbled into the PA, they likely had players more highly skilled in dribbling, thus resulting in goals.
佐々木 万丈 青柳 佳奈
一般社団法人 日本体育・スポーツ・健康学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.67, pp.463-477, 2022 (Released:2022-06-15)

The purpose of this study was to investigate how female high school tennis players recognized their opponents' physical features and outfit, whether or not those features affected player performance, and the extent to which this recognition was related to the level of sports competition trait anxiety and competitive psychological ability. The study subjects were 64 female students (mean age 16.9±.72 yr) who belonged to a high school tennis club. We created 15 questions relating to the physical features and outfit of their opponents and asked the subjects to what extent they were concerned about each feature, and whether each feature had a negative, positive, or zero effect on their performance. In addition, for each subject, we applied the trait anxiety inventory for sports and the diagnostic inventory of competitive psychological ability for athletes. The results revealed that players with fewer years of competitive experience and those with less competitiveness tended to be more concerned about their opponent's physical features, such as their height, physique, and skin tan, as well as the characteristics of their outfit, such as the color and design of their uniform and their racket brand. They also considered whether such features had a negative effect on their performance. Players who showed high trait anxiety, as well as those who had lower psychological competitive ability, were particularly concerned about features of their opponent's outfit. It appeared that their impression of the opponent's physical ability and expertise was significantly affected by the opponent's outfit. Finally, we investigated the psychological skills required to avoid being negatively affected by the features of opponents, and defined a number of issues for future study.
井上 裕美子 平 勝斗
一般社団法人 日本体育・スポーツ・健康学会
日本体育・スポーツ・健康学会予稿集 第71回(2021) (ISSN:24367257)
pp.269, 2021 (Released:2021-12-28)

継続的にトレーニングを行うためには、仲間と行ったり、応援があったりした方が続きやすいと考えられる。しかし、昨今のコロナ禍の影響で、なかなかジム等で仲間とトレーニングする機会が少なくなっている。この状況下では、1人でも手軽に家庭内でできるトレーニング環境が必要と考えられる。そこで、本研究では、家庭内で手軽にできるアバターの応援を付加したトレーニングシステムの開発を行った。また、アバターの応援効果を効率的に引き出すには、どのタイミングからアバターの応援が付加されると良いかについても検討した。 開発したシステムは、筋力トレーニングとして3分間のカーフレイズを行うシステムとした。アバターの応援効果を検討するため、アバターありとなしのコンテンツを作成し、アバターありでは、アバターの表示時間として3パターン(3分表示、1分経過後表示、2分経過後表示)を作成した。システム構成は、シングルボードコンピュータと制御用PC、ディスプレイとし、家庭内で簡単に利用できる構成とした。シングルボードコンピュータでは、ヒラメ筋から筋電図を測定し、その筋電図波形からカーフレイズの回数を算出した。トレーニング中の画面には、アバター、トレーニング回数、時間表示等を体験者に示した。 評価実験として、9人の大学生に開発したシステムを利用して貰った。その結果、アバター表示がある方が、継続できそうというアンケート回答が56%であった。また、表示時間としては、アバターを途中から表示させる1分経過後、2分経過後条件で9名中7名から良い変化があると回答を得ることができ、途中から、アバター表示をさせると応援効果が高くなる傾向が示された。今後の展望としては、さらに長期的な利用を考え、ゲーム性やアバターの応援のバリエーションを増す、トレーニングの種類を増やすなどの改良を行う必要があると考えられた。
菊地 邦雄
一般社団法人 日本体育・スポーツ・健康学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.16, no.2, pp.67-74, 1971-10-01 (Released:2017-09-27)

筋トレーニングの方法を分類すると,等尺性筋収縮を主とする静的筋トレーニングと等張性筋収縮を主とする動的筋トレーニングに大別されるが,各々のトレーニングを行つた際の筋肥大の現象を赤筋線維,白筋線維に分けて組織学的に検討することを目的とする.静的筋トレーニングは, ラットを木につかまらせて体重を支えさせる方法,動的筋トレーニングは, トレツドミル走を行わせた.実験結果は次の通りである.(1) ラット下肢筋の各筋重量は,静的筋トレーニング及び動的筋トレーニングにおいて増加する.(2) M.tibialis ant.の全横断面積の増加率は,静的筋トレーニングでは,赤筋線維15.0%,白筋線維11.1%であり,動的筋トレーニングでは,赤筋線維13.2%,白筋線維19.4%であつた.(3) 筋線維一本当りの平均横断面積に及ぼすトレーニングの影響は,全横断面積の場合と同じ傾向を示した.
中須賀 巧 阪田 俊輔 杉山 佳生
一般社団法人 日本体育・スポーツ・健康学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.63, no.2, pp.623-639, 2018-12-10 (Released:2018-12-20)
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Causal relationships among perceived motivational climates in physical education classes, goal orientations, and “Zest for Living” were investigated reciprocally in junior high school students. This longitudinal study involved 1045 junior high school students (mean age = 13.9±0.8 years) who completed questionnaires on 5 occasions at 2-month intervals throughout the academic year. The measures used included a questionnaire on motivational climates in physical education (mastery climate, cooperative climate, and performance climate), a scale assessing goal orientations (student task orientation and student ego orientation), and a scale assessing Zest for Living. The validity of the 5-wave cross-lagged effect model was verified using structural equation modeling. The results of the study suggested the following processes: (1) The mastery climate and cooperative climate had positive causal effects on Zest for Living. (2) The mastery climate and cooperative climate had positive causal effects on Zest for Living through mediation of task orientation, and exhibited a positive cycle. (3) The performance climate had positive causal effects on ego orientation, but negative causal effects on task orientation. In conclusion, to enhance Zest for Living in junior high school students, it is important for teachers to cultivate a mastery climate and cooperation climate in physical education classes. In addition, the performance climate in physical education classes has an indirect negative impact on Zest for Living.