劉 暢
一般社団法人 日本体育・スポーツ・健康学会
日本体育・スポーツ・健康学会予稿集 第71回(2021) (ISSN:24367257)
pp.91, 2021 (Released:2021-12-28)

仲田 直樹 三嶋 康嗣 横山 喬之
一般社団法人 日本体育・スポーツ・健康学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.65, pp.915-928, 2020 (Released:2020-12-12)

Judo, which has become popular in more than 200 countries and regions, has developed while merging with both national and ethnic sports. Among them, chidaoba practiced in Georgia is a remarkable example of anethnic martial art. However, no literature in Japan has yet described the technical form and historical background of chidaoba in detail. Therefore, the purpose of the present study was to clarify the essence of chidaoba by considering its historical and cultural background. The author has mastered basic Russian language skills and performed a search for academic essays and websites using keywords such as chidaoba or Georgia and ethnic martial arts in Russian. To ensure accurate translation from Russian into Japanese, the text was checked by several Japanese with native-level Russian language skills. Chidaoba matches were held on Christian holidays such as Saint George’s Day and the Svetitskhoveli Cathedral Holiday. Thus, chidaoba took root in cities and rural areas as an irreplaceable festival event. Later, when the Christian church banned some forms of ethnic entertainment and physical exercise, only chidaoba was exempt. Before a match, competitors were obliged to perform the traditional dance, kartuli or palavnuri. In chidaoba, any type of grasping from the waist and upper body is allowed, while grasping below the waist is prohibited. There are a wide variety of techniques in chidaoba, such as throwing from close contact, foot throwing, foot sweeps, reaps, and hooks. Due to the diversity of Georgians, ethnic groups vary from region to region. Moreover, there are several different forms of martial arts in the mountainous areas of Georgia, which are very different from chidaoba. In 2018, chidaoba was registered as an Intangible Cultural Asset. The results of this research should serve as a basic material for clarifying the outline of the Georgian ethnic martia art chidaoba.
堀田 文郎 松尾 哲矢
一般社団法人 日本体育・スポーツ・健康学会
日本体育・スポーツ・健康学会予稿集 第71回(2021) (ISSN:24367257)
pp.246, 2021 (Released:2021-12-28)

彫刻のような肉体を作り上げ、ポーズを取って競い合う「ボディビル競技」、この競技は以前より、薬物問題等の問題を抱えてきた。例えばWADA(2020)によると、2019年のボディビル競技における陽性サンプルの割合は20%と非常に高かった。また、プロボディビルダーの間では薬物が公然の秘密とされているとの指摘もある(増田 2000)。以上を踏まえると、ボディビル競技には薬物使用までは至らずとも、競技に強くのめり込む競技者が数多く存在すると考えられる。ボディビル競技者はなぜ、多大な犠牲や健康的なリスクを負ってまで競技にのめり込むのだろうか。 国内のボディビル競技に関する先行研究は、競技方法に関する研究や生理学的な研究が主であり、社会学的な研究は竹崎(2015, 2019)の一連の研究、すなわち、男性高齢者ボディビルダーがいかにしてボディビルの価値を構築しているのかについて分析した研究と日本のボディビル文化を対象とした歴史研究に限定されている。 そこで本研究は、ボディビル競技者が競技へとのめり込む要因とその過程を明らかにすることを目的とした。また、本研究では、コンテストへの出場経験・予定のある競技者7名を対象とし、調査時期は4月~6月、調査方法は半構造化面接、主な調査項目は「競技に関する個人史」、「肉体の捉え方」、「競技実践の内容」とした。 その結果、競技者は、鍛えればその効果が必ず現れるという特性を持つ肉体に極めて高い予見可能性と成長可能性を感じ取り、その感覚を基に競技実践を漸次的に拡大させつつ徹底的なルーティン化を行っていること、また、競技者の行った競技実践は常にその意味が未来の競技実践へと外化される、いわば「意味の事後決定性」という特性を持っているために、競技者は過去の実践の意味証明と未来における成果を獲得すべく、現在の競技実践に没入せざるを得ない状況に置かれていることが明らかになった。
星野 映
一般社団法人 日本体育・スポーツ・健康学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.64, no.1, pp.187-203, 2019-06-17 (Released:2019-06-25)

From 1940 to 1944, Paris was occupied by the German army. The “Vichy” government began to reform sports activities for French citizens, and under the new Vichy policy, many sports saw an expansion of popularity. The expansion of judo in France during this period was particularly dramatic. This article examines how judo was practiced in German-occupied Paris, and how it acquired the status of a sport in France, with reference to the activities of the Jiu-Jitsu Club de France and its historical context in Paris at that time. In occupied Paris, the Jiu-Jitsu Club and its judoka, especially Paul Bonét-Maury, president of the club, and Mikinosuke Kawaishi, who provided technical guidance, promoted judo as a sport. In the first half of the Occupation, the club held low-key public demonstrations. Also, practitioners in clubs were trained on the basis of teaching methods devised by Kawaishi, which included aspects such as the color belt system, and the establishment of expensive membership fees despite the Occupation situation. As a result, many intellectual professionals and industrial capitalists with economic resources played a principal role as judoka. Furthermore, by encouraging students to open new clubs, the number of judoka practicing Kawaishi judo increased. These factors remained characteristic of French judo after the Second World War. In the latter half of the Occupation Period, the Jiu-Jitsu Club de France joined the French Wrestling Federation, so that judo became better known publicly, and in late May 1943, the First French Judo Championship was held. The Championship was held continuously in subsequent years, and received recognition of being “worthy to be aligned with other sports”. The German army was not directly involved with judo in Paris, but the fact that the Jiu-Jitsu Club de France expanded its activities while adapting to the circumstances of the Occupation encouraged the official recognition of judo in Paris.
藤田 善也 石毛 勇介 吉岡 伸輔 竹田 正樹
一般社団法人 日本体育・スポーツ・健康学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.59, no.1, pp.275-282, 2014 (Released:2014-06-13)

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the relationships between race performance and cycle characteristics in a 10-km classic-style men's cross-country ski competition. The subjects were competitors in the 89th Japan National Ski Championships. Skiing motions of the subjects on flat stretches (1.5 km and 6.5 km) and uphill slopes (1.7 km and 6.7 km) were videotaped using two high-speed cameras. Cycle characteristics were calculated based on measurement of hip displacement and cycle time. It was revealed that elite competitors (1) performed at high velocity at all measurement points, (2) reduced their velocity in the last half of the race, (3) achieved a high velocity in double poling and diagonal stride, (4) increased their cycle length and cycle rate when employing the double poling technique, and (5) increased their cycle length when employing the diagonal stride technique.
杉崎 弘周 物部 博文 上地 勝 藤原 昌太 山田 浩平 沢田 真喜子 森 良一 横嶋 剛 植田 誠治
一般社団法人 日本体育・スポーツ・健康学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.66, pp.623-630, 2021 (Released:2021-09-18)

This study aimed to clarify the problems related to students’ health and safety at school and identify teachers’ needs for learning in a teacher training course by conducting a survey for yogo teachers who were experts in school health and safety. Except for training courses for yogo teachers or health and physical education teachers, there are no compulsory subjects regarding problems related to student health and safety at school. Moreover, previous reports have indicated that general teachers found it difficult to deal with topics related to student health and safety. We surveyed 2,992 yogo teachers randomly selected from across the country and 1,196 responses were received (response rate 40. 0%). The results indicated that mental care, first aid, and developmental disabilities accounted for more than 80% of the problems experienced by yogo teachers related to student health and safety. It was also suggested that the number of years of experience was related to problem perception. Among the topics that needed to be learned at the teacher preparation stage, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, developmental disorders, mental care, allergies, heat stroke, and use of an EpiPen accounted for a high proportion, while chronic diseases, eating disorders, cooperation with other staff (for safety), and orthostatic dysregulation accounted for a low proportion. The present results need to be considered when developing training content required for incumbent teachers and novice teachers, and when discussing the subjects required for teacher training courses. This would also help teachers to respond effectively to problems related to student health and safety at school.
沼津 直樹 藤井 範久 小井土 正亮
一般社団法人 日本体育・スポーツ・健康学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.64, no.2, pp.647-664, 2019-12-16 (Released:2019-12-20)
1 1

The purpose of this study was to clarify the biomechanical characteristics of soccer goalkeepers (GKs) diving for shots placed distantly from the GK. Fifteen collegiate male GKs and 13 collegiate male outfield players acting as strikers participated. The experimental situation involved shooting from inside the penalty area. The strikers were instructed to execute an instep kick placing the ball 16.5 m away from the GK after pushing the ball forward. The GKs were instructed to dive with a preparatory motion toward the shot ball. Three-dimensional coordinate data for the strikers and GKs were captured using 2 motion capture systems – one with 16 cameras for the GKs and the other with 8 cameras for the strikers (250Hz). The systems were synchronized with an analog signal via an A/D converter (1000 Hz) and input to a computer. The shooting areas were divided into 12 (i.e. 2 shooting directions to the right and left sides of the GKs, 2 shooting distances close to and far from the GKs, and 3 shot heights, close to the ground, and also at high and medium heights). The strikers were informed of the target shooting area randomly in each trial, and 213 trials in which the GKs dived toward shots placed in the far area were selected. We calculated the velocity of the center of gravity and the joint angles of the lower limbs. The major findings were as follows. 1) Regardless of shooting height, it appeared that the GKs performed almost the same motion until landing because they began to move after determining the diving direction. 2) In order to dive to lower-placed balls, leaning the trunk towards the diving direction was necessary to allow placement of the hand in the lower position. 3) Regardless of shooting height, the side contralateral (CS) to the leg in the diving direction had the same role of achieving movement of the center of gravity in the diving direction. 4) The GKs dived toward lower-placed shots by flexing the knee joint of their CS leg and the hip and knee joints of their ball side (BS) leg before the BS leg touched the ground. 5) The GKs dived towards individual shot heights by appropriately adjusting the posture of their BS leg before the BS leg touched the ground.
木俣 健 窪田 辰政 神藤 隆志 三橋 大輔
一般社団法人 日本体育・スポーツ・健康学会
vol.71, 2021

<p>本研究の目的はテニスにおける世界の男子トッププロ選手(以下:上位群)と学生選手(以下:下位群)を対象に、サービスゲーム中のブレイクポイントをセーブした時の1stサーブの確率、ポイントの終わり方、ラリー数を比較しトッププロ選手の戦術選択を明らかにすることで、サービスゲームのキープ率向上に関する戦術指導の有益な情報を得ることであった。</p><p> 対象として、上位群をATPランキングが15位以内の選手20名が出場した男子プロテニス協会主催の大会14試合(2018年~2020年)の中から100ポイント、下位群を関東学生テニス連盟が主催する3つの主要な個人戦において本戦出場経験のない選手21名が行った学生の公式戦、対外試合や部内戦(2019年~2020年)の中から127ポイントを抽出した。さらにサーブの確率、ポイントの終わり方(Unforced Error、以下UE:自らに原因のあるエラー、Forced Error、以下FE:相手の良いショットに原因のあるエラー、Winner、以下W:ノータッチエース)、ラリー数の3項目に関して分析を行った。統計処理として、それぞれの結果についてχ<sup>2</sup>検定を行い、有意差の見られたデータは残差分析を行った。有意水準は5%未満とした。</p><p> 結果として、1stサーブの確率は上位群が有意に低かった(p<0.05)ことに加え、1stサーブが入った場合のポイントの終わり方については、上位群のFEの割合が有意に高かった(p<0.05)。これらより上位群は1stサービスにおいて、多少確率を下げてでも主導権を握り、相手からFEを引き出していることが考えられる。さらに上位群は、ポイントが終了するまでのラリー数が短い場合(5球以下)においてもFEの割合が高いことから(p<0.05)、上位群は1stサービスの確率が下がるリスクを冒してでもサーブを始めとする攻撃的な戦術選択を行っていると推察される。</p>
成瀬 九美 上田 遥菜
一般社団法人 日本体育・スポーツ・健康学会
vol.71, 2021

<p>身体部位写真によるメンタルローテーション(以下MR)では生体力学的制限(biomechanical constrain)を受けて運動制約の高い提示角度で反応時間(以下RT)が延長する。報告者らは手足写真(手掌・手背・足底・足背)を6角度(0、 60、 120、 180、 240、 300度)で提示する実験を行い、手掌写真のRTに制限による遅延が認められたのに対して、手背写真のRTは180度が最も遅く、この角度を頂点とする左右対称となった(上田・成瀬、2019)。この特徴は文字刺激を用いた場合と同様であり。部位表裏を用いたMRから視覚的イメージの使用など個人傾向を把握できる可能性がある。しかしながら、従来、MRはRTを指標とする場合が多く測定機器が必要となるため集団実施が難しい。本研究では、刺激画像の提示時間を一律にして左右同定の確信度を求め、100mmアナログスケールによる回答に上記の左右対称(手背)/非対称性(手掌)が現れるかを検証した。1000msと1500msの2種類の提示時間を用いて、待機画面(2000ms)→刺激画面(1000または1500ms)→回答画面(5000ms)で1試行を構成し、部位(手掌・手背)×左・右×6角度×2回の合計48試行を実施した。1000mm提示条件に43名、1500㎜提示条件に41名の大学生が参加した。二元配置分散分析の結果、提示時間1000mmの場合、交互作用が有意であり、下位検定の結果、手背180度と他の5角度との間に、手掌180度と60度との間に有意差がそれぞれ認められた。提示時間1500mmの場合、角度と部位の主効果が有意であり、下位検定の結果、180度と0度、60度、300度との間に有意差が認められ、手背の確信度は手掌より有意に高かった。以上の結果から、提示時間1000mmの場合に左右対称(手背)/非対称性(手掌)が明瞭に得られた。</p>
河野 洋
一般社団法人 日本体育・スポーツ・健康学会
vol.71, 2021

<p>【目的】アスリートに向けられるインターネット上のネガティブなコメント(誹謗中傷・「炎上」等)の実態を明らかにするため、実際に投稿されたコメントデータを基に調査を行った。MDS(多次元尺度構成法)によってインターネット上の議論を図示し、ネガティブなコメントの存在を示すとともにその特徴について考察をした。 【方法】2020年8月・9月に、Yahoo!ニュースに掲載された大坂なおみ選手に関する記事に投稿されたコメントデータを準備した。このデータは、BLM運動の渦中で開催されたウエスタン&サザンオープンおよび全米オープンを事例とすることを念頭に選定した。はじめにコメントデータの形態素解析を行い、コメント中に出現する語と出現回数の一覧を取得した。次に、「大坂選手」「なおみさん」「こいつ」など、文脈から大坂選手を示すと判断される21語を選定し、それらの語を含むコメントを分析用データとして抽出した。このデータについてMDSによる出現語のマッピングを行い、距離に基づいてクラスタリングを行った。 【結果】分析用データとして3,756件のコメントが抽出された。MDSで出現語を2次元上にプロットした結果、議論のまとまりを表す6つのクラスターが作成された。マップを構成する軸はそれぞれ「大坂選手に対してポジティブかどうか」「テニスに関する議論かどうか」として解釈された。大坂選手を示すポジティブな語として「なおみちゃん」、ネガティブな語として「女(『この女』『わがまま女』等)」が認められた。 【考察】大坂選手に対するネガティブなコメントはMDSで示されたマップの半分以上で存在し、それらを誘発している議論として特徴の異なる3つのパターンが認められた。特に、「スポーツ選手」としての大坂選手はBLM運動に関わって試合をボイコットしたことに対する「炎上」が認められた。</p>
岡本 直輝 伊坂 忠夫 藤田 聡
一般社団法人 日本体育・スポーツ・健康学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.57, no.1, pp.225-235, 2012 (Released:2012-06-02)
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The purpose of the study was to evaluate sprint time during zigzag running among short-distance track and field runners (n=9), long-distance track and field runners (n=10), basketball players (n=13), and soccer players (n=8), and to determine the ability of the various competitive groups to change their running direction. Zigzag running involved weaving through cones arranged along a 15-m line with 4 different intervals between the cones (i.e. 1, 1.5, 2, or 3 m). Also in a separate study, nine subjects performed zigzag running with the above four inter-cone intervals every day for 11 days to determine the interval that was most effective for improving their ability to change direction.   The results indicated that the basketball players had the best ability to change direction during zigzag running using all of the inter-cone intervals, while the short-distance track and field runners were the slowest at 1-m-width and 1.5-m-width zigzag running. Training failed to improve 1-m-width and 1.5-m-width zigzag running, but improved sprint time for the 2-m and 3-m inter-cone intervals (P<0.05).   In conclusion, zigzag running with an inter-cone interval of either 2 m or 3 m can significantly improve the ability of athletes to change direction in order to sidestep opponents, possibly due to the fact that ball game athletes are able to combine both open and closed steps in their running techniques, whereas only open steps are possible for intervals below 2 m.
阿江 数通 小池 関也 川村 卓
一般社団法人 日本体育・スポーツ・健康学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
pp.13067, (Released:2014-07-09)
16 3

The purpose of this study was to clarify the kinetic features of the upper limbs at different hitting-point heights (high, middle, and low) during baseball tee-batting. Twenty-three collegiate male baseball players (age: 19.8±1.3 yr, height: 1.74±0.04 m, weight: 74.1±6.2 kg, athletic career: 12.0±2.1 yr) participated. Three-dimensional coordinate data were captured using a VICON-MX system (12-camera, 250 Hz), and kinetic data for each hand were collected using an instrumented bat equipped with 28 strain gauges (1000 Hz). Three tee-batting heights were set for each subject based on the upper and lower limits of the strike zone according to the rules of baseball. Kinetic variables for the upper limbs, such as joint torque, joint torque power, and mechanical work, were calculated. The period of forward swing motion was divided into down-swing and level-swing phases. The results are summarized as follows: 1) The extension torque and positive torque power at each individual shoulder joint were significantly greater at the low hitting-point height than at other heights. 2) The positive torque power for extension torque at each individual elbow joint in the last half of the down-swing phase was significantly greater at the low hitting-point height than at other heights. 3) Negative power for adduction/abduction torque at each individual shoulder joint in the level-swing phase was observed at the low hitting-point height. 4) The mechanical work done by joint torque about the flexion/extension and adduction/abduction axes at the shoulder, the flexion/extension axis at the elbow, and the palmar/dorsal flexion and radial/ulnar flexion axes at the wrist showed large and positive values, and differed significantly among hitting-point heights. These results indicate that 1) the flexion/extension torque at each individual shoulder joint contributes greatly to adjustment of the translational movement of the bat in the vertical direction during the down-swing phase, 2) the adduction/abduction torque at each individual shoulder joint exerts a larger proportion of the longitudinal force of the bat to withstand centrifugal force at a low hitting-point height than at other heights in the level swing phase, and 3) consequently, it tends to be more difficult to adjust the bat to the hitting-point at a low height in comparison with other heights.